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Perovskite Solar Cells

Juvinch R. Vicente and Jixin ChenDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, U.S.A.

AbstractSolar energy is projected to be one of the ultimate sustainable energy resources. Solar cells are devices that directly convert photon energy into electricity. One of the emerging techniques is per-ovskite solar cells (PSCs), which have already shown a great promise in its infancy stage. This entry discusses a brief overview of PSCs, including operation and critical material properties, the general fabrication methods employed in laboratory scale, the feasible upscaling fabrication methods currently being investigated, and finally, the existing challenges and opportunities of this technology.

KeywordsSolar energyOrganic-inorganic hybrid perovskiteThin-film photovoltaic devicesPower conversion efficiency


Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is considered as a promising candidate for future cost-effective photovoltaics. The key component in a PSC is a thin-layer of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (OHP), which has excellent properties in optical absorption and charge transport, and is compatible with low-cost solution-based processing. OHPs were ini-tially demonstrated in 2009 by Miyasaka as the sensi-tizers for a mesoporous photoelectrode in dye- sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), with a minimal power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.8%, and a poor stability due to the liquid-based electrolytes. In 2012, all-solid-state PSC with much improved stability and PCE was introduced by Park and Graetzel. In 2013, Snaith further demonstrated that OHPs can be operated as an efficient absorber layer in planar architectures. Since then, rapid progress has been achieved for PSCs with PCE now reaching over 22% in the middle of 2017, and more than one-year stability with over 11.2% PCE for 100 cm2 modules in the early 2017.


Solar cells are devices that facilitate the conversion of sun-light directly into electrical energy. The main processes involved in solar cell operations generally include (with an example of PSC given in Fig. 1):[1]

1. Generation of free-charge carriers (electrons and holes) in the absorber layer after light absorption.

2. Transportation of the free-charge carriers to their respective electrodes through selective interfaces for either electrons or holes.

3. Collection of the free-charge carriers in the electrodes, which provides power to an external load.

The energy generated from solar cells are derived from the photons coming from the sun. According to the Planck-Einstein relation, the energy of a single photon is expressed as:

λ=E hc


Where: h is the Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, λ is the wavelength of photons.

In most cases, Eph

is expressed in terms of elec-tron-volts (eV) since the values in joules are too small (1 eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J). The energy of the majority of photons coming from the sun ranges from 0.5 to 4 eV originated from the black-body radiation of a solar sur-face temperature of ~5800 K.[2] The actual distribution is dependent on variables such as time of the day, altitude, and atmospheric conditions due to the absorption and scat-tering of the atmosphere. In testing solar cells, AM1.5G spectrum is often used as a standard, which integrates to 1000 W/m2 of total energy flux.[3]

DOI: 10.1081/E-ECHP-140000328

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2 Perovskite Solar Cells

The number of free-charge carriers or photocurrent generated within the absorber layer depends mainly on its bandgap (E

g), that is the energy difference between

its ground (valence band of a semiconductor) and excited (conduction band) states. Ideally, only photons with energies equal or higher than the bandgap get absorbed (E

ph ≥ E

g) to produce free-charge carriers, while photons

with lower energies are transmitted. In principle, the lower the bandgap, the higher the photocurrent. However, band-gap also restricts the energy of each free-charge carrier or its photovoltage, and the higher the bandgap, the higher is the photovoltage.[4] The electrical energy per unit solar cell area is the product of the photocurrent and the photovolt-age, E

e = IV/area (W/m2).[2] The solar efficiency is defined

the electrical energy over the total solar energy received by the solar cell: PCE ≡ E

e/1000 for the AM1.5G spectrum.

The PCE limit of a single p-n junction under AM1.5G has been calculated to be the Shockley–Queisser limit, 33.7% with a bandgap of 1.34 eV.[2] Thus, the optimum bandgap of absorber materials used in solar cells ranges between 1 and 1.5 eV to approach the best condition of this limit. Table 1 summarizes the bandgap of photovoltaic materials including perovskites used in existing PV technologies and their reference record PCE.

To generate photocurrent, the free electrons and holes have to be transported and collected through their respec-tive electrodes, otherwise, they will eventually recombine in the absorber layer, in which case the energy they carry is lost into heat and/or emission.[10] In PSCs, charge transports are achieved by electron transport layer (ETL) and hole transport layer (HTL) (Fig. 1). ETL is made of n-type semiconductor materials that has high conductivity towards electrons, allowing electrons to flow to the cathode while effectively blocking holes. On the other side of the device, HTL is made of p-type semiconductor, allowing the holes

to flow to the anode while effectively blocking the flow of electrons, due to its high conductivity towards holes.[11]


Perovskite solar cell (PSC) was initially developed based on dye-sensitized solar cell architecture; then planar thin film device architecture was later adapted. Until now, meso-scopic scaffolds and planar heterojunctions are still the two major architectures (Fig. 2). In mesoscopic architectures, the scaffold can be active in electron transport (in sensitized mesoporous structure, Fig. 2A), or completely insulating (in meso-superstructured solar cells, Fig. 2B) that are not involved in charge transport. Planar architecture can be either conventional or inverted depending on the relative positions of the component layers (Fig. 2C and D).

Sensitized Mesoporous-TiO2 Structure

OHPs were initially incorporated as a sensitizer in dye-sensitized solar cells (Fig. 2A).[12] In this architecture, nanoparticles of MAPbI

3 and MAPbBr

3 were infiltrated

into the mesoporous TiO2, with a liquid electrolyte hole

transport layer, achieving a champion PCE of 3.8% with high optical absorption.[12] One of the major drawbacks of this architecture is the associated poor stability, due to the dissolution of perovskite layer to the liquid electrolyte.[13] To address this issue, the liquid electrolyte was replaced with solid-state hole transport material, 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis (N,N′-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-OMeTAD), which greatly improved the PCE to 9%, and more importantly the stability of the device.[14] To this date, this solid-state hole transport material is still exceptional in achieving high performance PSCs.

Meso-superstructured Solar Cells (MSSCs)

In 2012, Snaith et al. replaced the mesoporous TiO2 (m-TiO


from DSSC with a wide bandgap and insulating mesoporous alumina (m-Al


3) that is deposited onto a thin compact TiO


Fig. 1 Basic processes involved in the photovoltaic conversion of solar energy (hν) to electrical energy in a PSC. TCS, transpar-ent conductive substrates; ETL, electron transport layer; HTL, hole transport layer; CB, conduction band; VB, valence band.

Table 1 Photovoltaic semiconductors employed in various single-junction PV technologies with their typical bandgaps and the PCE records for a 1-cm2 cell

Material Bandgap (eV) Efficiency (%)

Silicon 1.12[5] 26.7[6]

GaAs 1.42[5] 28.8[6]

CIGS 1.0–2.4[5] 21.7[6]

CdTe 1.43[5] 21.0[6]

CZTS 1.0–1.6[5] 10.0[6]

Organic 1.0–2.1[7] 11.2[6]

DSSC 1.50–2.5 11.9[6]

Perovskite 1.25–2.23[8,9] 19.7[6]

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Perovskite Solar Cells 3

film on FTO substrate. This new architecture was referred to as meso-superstructured solar cells (MSSCs) (Fig. 2B). Their measurements revealed that the charge transport using m-Al


3 structure was faster by a factor >101 compared to

the m-TiO2 based devices. In this report, they concluded that

the mesoporous structure does not serve a significant role for charge transport in the device. Rather, it simply acts as a scaffold in which the perovskite is structured.[15]

Planar Heterojunction

By completely removing the mesoporous scaffold, it was demonstrated that OHP can be incorporated to a much simpler planar architecture (Fig. 2C). Before optimization, this architecture initially delivered a PCE of ~5%.[16] The planar architecture was further improved by fabricating the perovskite material via vapor-deposition methods, as a means of creating uniform flat films of the mixed halide perovskite CH




x.[17] By obtaining a highly uni-

form compact perovskite layer, the PCE of planar architec-ture PSCs was raised to over 15%. The planar architecture gets rid of the infiltration problems of the perovskite and

hole transport material in the mesoporous scaffold, which improves the device reproducibility.[18] Early reports in planar PSCs emphasize a uniform and compact perovskite layer for high device PCE, which triggered the development of various deposition techniques.[18,19]

MATERIALSPerovskite Absorber Layer

General structure, ABX3

Perovskite is the crystal structure name of a calcium titanium oxide mineral composed of calcium titanate (CaTiO

3).[21] This name is adapted by the solar cell com-

munity to specify a group of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites (OHPs). They have a general formula of ABX

3 with the organic component (A = CH


3+) in the

cuboctahedral site (the center of Fig. 3) and inorganic components (B = Pb2+, X = I−, Br−, Cl−) in the octahedral structure, with metal center and halide corners (Fig. 3).[20] The chemistry of the organic and inorganic components can be altered to allow tuning of its crystal, optical, and electronic properties.[9]

Fig. 2 Schematic diagrams of architectures employed in PSCs. (A) Sensitized-mesoporous scaffold, (B) meso-superstructured architecture, (C) conventional planar architecture, (D) inverted planar architecture.

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4 Perovskite Solar Cells

Mixed-metal hybrid perovskites, AB(1-n)MnX3

Due to ecotoxicity associated to lead (Pb) metal, several efforts have been focused to reduce or completely remove the Pb2+ cation. Partially replacing lead (B) with another metal (M) gives a metal cation hybrid-perovskite AB(1-n)

MnX3. One of the mostly studied alternative to lead is tin(II) cation (Sn2+). An interesting effect of substituting Pb2+ with Sn2+ is the lowering of the material bandgap (from ~1.7 to ~1.25 eV).[22,23] This makes it possible to design a tandem solar cell where the low-bandgap perovskite based solar cells are the bottom cells, and a wide-bandgap cell is placed on top to further improve the overall PCE.[22] Despite showing comparable PCEs to traditional purely lead-based perovskites, tin-based perovskite suffers from poorer stability because Sn2+ is readily oxidized to the more stable Sn4+.

Mixed-halide hybrid perovskites, ABI(3-n)Yn

Substitution of the iodine in ABI3 to ABI


n (doping or

replacing), where Y is a chlorine or a bromine, changes the properties of the materials and thus the PCE of the PSCs. Earlier studies have shown that introduction of chloride results in an increase in the PCE of PSCs. First-principle calculations initially suggested that the beneficial effect of chloride doping is from the substitution of iodide at the api-cal positions of the octahedral with chloride.[24] However, the actual concentration and position of the chloride ion in the perovskite structure are still not fully understood.[25] More recently, it has been shown that small amounts of chloride doping (n = 0.05, 5% of total halide) result in a

slight bandgap broadening, promotes grain-size growth, and ultimately enhancing the PCE.[26] At larger amounts, the addition of chloride results in the formation of per-ovskite phase with a wider bandgap that inhibits electron transfer, leading to lowering of the device PCE.[26] Substi-tution of iodide in ABI

3 crystals with bromide causes the

optical bandgap of OHPs to blue shift (larger bandgap) and yields a more cubic perovskite structure.[9] By gradually substituting I− with Br− ions, the optical bandgap of OHPs can be continuously tuned from 1.48 to 2.23 eV.[9]

Mixed-cation hybrid perovskites, A(1-n)CnBX3

Substitution of the organic cation (A) with another cation (C) gives a mixed-cation hybrid perovskites A




The most commonly used organic cation in OHPs for solar cell application is methylammonium (CH


3+, MA+),

and several other organic cations have been already used to prepare OHPs.[27] The suitable sizes of the cation are limited by the rigid and small cuboctahedral cavity formed by the inorganic cage (Fig. 3).[28] Early ab initio theoretical calculations have shown that optical bandgap of OHPs is influenced by the size of the organic cation. Substitution of MA+ with larger organic cations such as formamidinium (HN = CHNH

3+, FA+) tends to lower the optical bandgap

of perovskite relative to its MA+ counterpart.[8] By grad-ually substituting MA+ with FA+, the optical bandgap of perovskite could be tuned towards lower values.[27] Pure inorganic-halide perovskites have been prepared by substi-tuting all MA+ with smaller inorganic cesium cation (Cs+), resulting in perovskite materials with a larger optical bandgap.[8]

Charge Transport Layers

Elecrtron transport layer (ETL)

In conventional PSCs (Fig. 2C), this layer has to be trans-parent over the solar spectrum. As such, the most common ETL is a thin compact layer of anatase-TiO

2, mainly due to

its wide bandgap of 3.2 eV.[29,30] It is typically deposited on the TCS by spin-coating, dip-coating, and spray pyrolysis of a TiO

2 precursor solution, followed by thermal annealing

at high temperatures (450°C–550°C). For inverted PSCs (Fig. 2D), organic ETLs such as [6,6]-phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) are usually used since they do not need to be annealed at very high temperatures, which would otherwise destroy the perovskite layer. Although, recent studies have reported inorganic ETLs prepared at low-temperatures using metal oxide nanoparticles.[31]

Hole transport layer (HTL)

HTL facilitates selective transport of holes from the active layer to the anode, while effectively blocking elec-trons. The most commonly used HTL in PSCs in normal

Fig. 3 Crystal structure of a CH3NH


3 perovskites (X = I,

Br and/or Cl) unit. Eight PbX6 octahedra trap the methylammo-

nium cation (CH3NH

3+) in the center.

Source: From Eames et al.[20]

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Perovskite Solar Cells 5

architecture (Fig. 2A–C) is a p-type organic molecule, 2,2ʹ,7,7ʹ-Tetrakis-(N,N-di-4-methoxyphenylamino)- 9,9ʹ-spirobifluorene (spiro-MeOTAD).[32] Spiro-MeOTAD is doped with lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide (Li-TFSI) to enhance hole mobility and conductivity. It is normally coated onto the active layer by spin-coating its solution (using chlorobenzene as solvent) and allowed to oxidize in dry air or oxygen. In inverted architecture (Fig. 2D), PEDOT:PSS is often used, as well as thin films of amorphous nickel oxide (NiO



Transparent conductive substrates (TCS)

The main purpose of transparent conductive substrates (TCS) is to serve as one of the electrode contacts of the device. In most cases, light enters the solar cell through the supporting substrate. For this reason, the substrate must be transparent over the solar spectrum to minimize the loss of photons before reaching the absorber layer. Typical examples used in PSCs are fluorine-doped tin(II) oxide (FTO) and indium-doped tin(II) oxide (ITO) coated substrates. The substrates could be made of rigid material like glass or flexible like polymer-based materials.[33–35]

Counter electrode

Most commonly used counter metal electrode in PSCs are gold (Au), silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), and platinum (Pt), because of their excellent electrical conductivity. The choice for appropriate counter electrodes is usually based on the alignment of its work function with the valence band of the HTL (or conduction band of ETL for inverted PSCs). With this consideration, Au is usually used for normal PSCs with spiro-MeOTAD as HTL. Recently, more cost- effective alternative counter electrodes based on non-precious metals and carbon materials have also been explored.[36,37]


To this date, fabrication of PSCs is still mainly done in the laboratory scale using solution-based processes and vapor-deposition techniques.[17,38–40] The goal mainly is to obtain homogeneous and dense layers of perovskite films that cover the substrate completely. Although not all laboratory scale processes can be translated directly to commercially viable methods, they paved the way to the understanding of the perovskite formation and the mate-rials’ critical properties.[41] This served as the basis for the development of feasible upscaling techniques, which are discussed later in this section. In this section, the most commonly used perovskite material, CH



3, will be

used as an example to describe the techniques. However, the techniques described could be optimized to facilitate

fabrication of perovskites with varying compositions as described in earlier sections.

Solution-Based Processes

One of the main advantages of PSCs is their compatibility to solution-based fabrication, which generally translates to cost-effective upscaling methods. Solution-based fabrication of hybrid perovskite can be done by single step deposition or sequential coating of the precursor materials (Fig. 4).[42]

In a single deposition method, equivalent amounts of both precursors (i.e., CH


3I and PbI

2) are dissolved in

a suitable organic solvent, like N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), or γ-butyrolactone. This precursor solution is then spin-coated onto an elec-trode followed by thermal annealing at about 100°C to evaporate excess solvent and by-products. By convective self-assembly, a dense layer of well-crystallized perovskite material is formed on the substrate.[43] The composition of the precursor solution, the solvent used, the spin-coating parameters, and the thermal annealing conditions are var-ied to optimize the film properties.[44–46] In two-step solu-tion process, a hot solution of PbI

2 in an organic solvent

is spin-coated on the substrate first, followed by thermal annealing to form a uniform PbI

2 thin film layer. Subse-

quently, the resulting PbI2 film is exposed to the CH



solution, by dipping or by spin-coating, which leads to the rapid formation of the perovskite film.[38–40]

Vapor-Based Processes

In the earlier stages of solution-based processes, partic-ularly one-step coating methods, perovskite materials

Fig. 4 One-step (A) and two-step (B) sequential deposition of CH



3 perovskite. In single step coating, CH


3I and

PbI2 were mixed in N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) and spin-

coated on FTO/TiO2 substrate followed by thermal annealing.

In sequential method, a solution of PbI2 was first coated on the

substrate followed by spin-coating of the CH3NH

3I solution and

final annealing treatment.Source: From Im et al.[38]

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6 Perovskite Solar Cells

deposited on substrates suffered from uncontrolled per-ovskite formation and large morphological variations between devices.[47] Vapor deposition techniques were later introduced to address this problem.[17] The most commonly used vapor-deposition technique is by co-evaporation. In this method, a clean electrode substrate is placed inside a vacuum chamber at a fixed distance above both precursors (PbI

2 and CH


3I) that are contained in separate cruci-

bles (Fig. 5).[17] The typical pressure during deposition is about 10−5 to 10−6 Torr.[48] The precursors are then heated until they evaporate or sublimate. The vapors from both precursors condense on the substrate forming smooth and compact CH



3 perovskite layers. The thickness

of the forming perovskite film is monitored typically by a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) mounted inside the vacuum chamber close to the substrate.[48]


Feasible upscaling methods for PSCs fabrication are mainly based on solution processes described in the pre-vious section, mainly due to its superior practicability and simplicity over vapor-deposition based processes. Exam-ples of these solution-compatible methods include electro-deposition, spray-coating, inkjet printing, screen printing, and blade coating. Spin-coating, the most commonly used technique at laboratory scale, can be hardly translated to large-scale fabrication because extreme motion is difficult to control and a large amount of material is wasted.[41]

Blade coating

Blade coating refers to a family of coating processes where a liquid layer comes from the shallow channel formed between a stationary blade and moving substrate, or a moving blade and stationary substrate. The well- defined thickness of the resulting film is mainly controlled by the gap between the blade and the substrate.[49] Blade- coating techniques have been widely used in the fabri-cation of organic solar cells, due to the simplicity of the process and low-cost.[50] In PSCs, blade-coating is based on single-deposition solution process. Several groups have already demonstrated the PSCs with PCE as high as 18.0% using the blade-coating method.[50–52] Blade-coating is not limited to the fabrication of perovskite layer but can be also used to fabricate the ETL and HTL layers.[50,53,54]

Spray coating

Spray coating is an excellent method to obtain large area perovskite thin films at a relatively fast rate. Another advantage of spray coating is that it has been shown to be compatible with the fabrication of charge transport layers (i.e., ETL and HTL) as well.[35,55] The critical parameters for optimizing spray-coating method are the viscosity of the precursor solution, the surface tension, as well as the contact angle of the solution on the substrates, which are dependent on the precursor solution concentration and substrate temperature.[56] The major drawback of spray- coating is the material loss during fabrication.[57] Recently, devices prepared using this technique have been shown to have PCE over 12%.[55]

Screen printing

Screen printing is a technique that deposits a precursor paste/emulsion through a porous printing plate made from woven mesh of synthetic fiber or metal.[58] The applica-tion of screen printing on PSC fabrication was mainly an adaptation from DSSCs, where its mainly used to deposit mesoporous TiO

2 layer.[59] In PSCs, mesoporous

TiO2, a mesoporous insulating spacer (typically Al



or ZrO2), and carbon counter electrode are sequentially

screen printed and baked before the deposition of the next layer.[60–63] Then, the perovskite precursor solution ( single-step deposition or sequential deposition) is infil-trated into the multi-layered mesoporous scaffold followed by thermal annealing at ~100°C.[60–63] Devices based on this technique and architecture have been shown to obtain PCE as high as 15% and stabilities for more than one year under simulated conditions.[63,64]


Electrochemical deposition has been used as a versatile technique to produce surface coatings, with the advantages

Fig. 5 A schematic diagram of a typical set-up for dual-source co-evaporation of both PbX

2 (inorganic) and CH


3I (organic)

precursor materials.Source: From Liu et al.[17]

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Perovskite Solar Cells 7

of precise controllability, low temperature operation, and large-scale production compatibility. Another benefit from electrodeposition is its compatibility to deposit metal oxide charge transport layers such as TiO

2 (n-type) and NiO


(p-type).[65,66] In its application to PSCs, PbO thin film is first electrodeposited on the FTO/TiO

2 substrate from an

aqueous solution of lead salt (typically lead(II) acetate or nitrate). The resulting PbO thin film is then spin-coated with a layer of the CH


3I (MAI) solution and heated to

allow the formation of the perovskite layer.[67–69] The cor-responding overall chemical reaction is shown in Eqs. 1–3. Using this technique, an overall PCE of more than 14% has been already achieved.[68]

↔ +CH NH I CH NH HI3 3 3 2


+ → +PbO HI PbI H O2 2


+ →PbI CH NH I CH NH PbI2 3 3 3 3 3


Inkjet printing

Inkjet printing refers to the techniques in which drop-lets of inks are ejected on a printing substrate to form a pattern.[70] These techniques have the advantage of being material-conserving, especially compared to spin-coating and spray-coating techniques. Inkjet printing is already a commonly used technique in solution- processable organic electronics, making the technique compatible with PSC fabrication.[71,72] In PSCs, reports on inkjet printing are mainly limited to the fabrication of the perovskite layer only, and other layers are prepared using other methods.[73–76] By optimizing the solvents and printing table temperature, Li et al. were able to fabricate PSCs with PCE over 12% using inkjet printing based on single deposition technique.[73] Other inkjet printing techniques based on two-step deposition have been demonstrated as well. For instance, reactive inkjet method (RIJ) was devel-oped where multichannel inkjet printer was used to sepa-rately deposit lead salt and organic precursor on the same spot of solid substrates. However, the resulting device had a low PCE of only 0.94%.[74]


Despite the promising performance efficiencies, PSCs suf-fer from rapid undesirable degradation that limits its prac-tical application. These degradation processes are caused by the prolonged exposure to humidity, air, light, and ele-vated temperatures, which have been shown to undermine chemical structures, optical properties, and ultimately the PCE. Very recently, large area stable perovskite devices have been reported by engineering an ultra-stable 2D/3D (HOOC(CH







3 perovskite junction

(100 cm2) without any performance loss for more than one-year under AM1.5G at 55°C.[64] In addition to these major issues, inconsistencies in current-voltage behavior in PSCs, referred to as hysteresis, creates a problem in accurately measuring the PCE. Finally, lead (Pb2+) in the absorber layer of PSCs have raised environmental and public health concerns due to the associated cytotoxicity.

Long Term Stability


Earlier studies suggest that prolonged exposure to humid-ity and air irreversibly reverts CH



3 perovskite to

PbI2 and other Pb2+ derivatives (e.g., PbCO

3 and PbO).[77,78]

Other studies have also shown that water from ambient air (R.H. ≥ 50%) complexes with CH



3 perovskite to

form hydrated products that reduce the absorption cross section of perovskite in the visible region.[79,80] An evalua-tion of the effect of ambient air (R.H. = 50–60%) on bro-mide-substituted CH



3 perovskite suggests that

it does not cause significant chemical changes within the material, however, it facilitates crystal growth over time resulting to increase trap-states and detrimental effect on photoluminescence of the material.[81] Great efforts have been made to protect PSC from ambient air through encapsulation and use of metal oxide transport layers.[32,82] However, long-term stability comparable to current com-mercial photovoltaic devices has not been achieved via encapsulation.

Thermal stability

Thermal instability of PSCs is considered to be a more challenging problem since it is difficult to avoid tempera-ture increase during solar cell operation.[83] Thermal insta-bility of organo-lead halide perovskites originates from phase transition and its organic-inorganic material hybrid nature, where its organic component, methylammonium cation (CH


3+, MA+), undergo decomposition leaving

behind PbX2.[83–86] Recent papers have shown that the ther-

mal degradation of MAPbI3 perovskite thin films could

occur at temperatures above 85°C,[87] although mixed- halide perovskites have been shown to be more thermally stable.[88] Improvement of thermal stability was also found by replacing MA+ with a more thermally stable formami-dinium cation (HC(NH


2+, FA+).[9] Another approach is

to mix FA+ with a smaller inorganic cation, cesium (Cs+), which resulted in more stable perovskite thin films at temperatures above 100°C.[89]


Another key challenge to PSCs is their lack of stability over prolonged exposure to solar light. It was earlier showed that prolonged exposure of PSCs to solar irradiation results

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8 Perovskite Solar Cells

to the UV-assisted reduction of photocurrent.[90] Recently, Nie et al. have unveiled that the slow photocurrent degra-dation of the PSCs is primarily due to the accumulation of light-activated deep-level trap states upon prolonged expo-sure to solar irradiation, without associated degradation of the perovskite layer.[91] In contrast, Ahn et al. showed that an irreversible photochemical degradation of perovskite is observed when soaked in solar irradiation under humidi-fied air, and suggested that the effect is driven by charges along the perovskite grain boundaries.[92] It is important to note that this detrimental effect is more pronounced on devices using TiO

2 as ETL.[90,92] Recently, it is rationalized

that the long-term stability issue is caused by the interfa-cial degradation because perovskite itself is known to have a good photostability.[93] In mesoporous architectures, this issue was addressed by meso-superstructured devices by replacing the mesoporous TiO

2 with inert mesoporous


3.[90] In planar heterojunction devices, this problem

could be circumvented by modifying the TiO2/perovskite

interface with fullerene derivatives.[94–96]

Current-Voltage Hysteresis

In solar cells, hysteresis is the change in the current-voltage behavior of a device when measured by forward (negative to positive bias) and reverse (positive to negative bias). This behavior presents a problem in determining the accu-rate PCE of PSCs. It is proposed that hysteresis emanates from ion-migration within the perovskite layer, as well as interfacial charge recombination, although its exact origin is still being debated.[97–101] Nonetheless, several approaches have already been demonstrated to minimize the hysteretic behavior or PSCs. One approach is to mod-ify the interfaces between the perovskite layer and charge transport layers.[93] A more recent approach by altering the halide composition of the perovskite layer has also shown reduced hysteresis in I-Br mixed-halide perovskite compared to pure-I perovskite.[102]

Environmental Impacts

An environmental benefit of solar cells is the reduced car-bon emission compared to traditional fossil fuels. How-ever, the inclusion of lead, which is a water-soluble toxic metal, in PSCs poses potential ecological and public health risks. For this reason, tin-based perovskite materials, as discussed earlier, have been developed. However, life cycle assessments (LCA), accounting processes from raw mate-rial extraction to end-of-life of PSCs (PSCs), showed that gold production accounts for the largest environmental impact from PSCs.[103,104] Thus, substitution of gold with silver, aluminum, and carbon-based back electrodes could help mitigate the issue. Nonetheless, among PSC devices considered, the tin-based PSCs showed to have larger envi-ronmental impacts compared to lead-based PSC devices due to its lower efficiency and larger amount of materials

used (6.4% in this report).[104] Recently, more efficient tin-based devices have been developed with PCE of 17.6%.[22] Due to rapid development in PSCs, updated and more com-prehensive LCAs must be done. Moreover, specific archi-tecture, materials used, fabrication method, and overall PCEs must also be carefully considered in designing LCA studies to capture a more consistent and precise evaluation of PSCs environmental impact.


We have briefly reviewed the PSCs, including the struc-tures of the photovoltaic devices, the materials, and the fabrication methods. Very fast progress has been observed in the past decade in materials screening and modification, architecture design, and fabrication method development. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of these devices has been improved from <4% to >22% in just several years of development. One-year stable 100 cm2 modules with >11% PCE have been recently achieved. The research focus moves to extending the lifetime of the high PCE devices or improving the PCE of the stable devices, discovering efficient scaling-up methods, increasing environmental compatibilities, and reducing overall costs.


The authors thank the Ohio University faculty startup fund.


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