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Page 1: Perpetual & Financial I nventory visibility. accuracy. flexibility. A Foundation To Build On Retek Merchandizing System Introduction.

Perpetual &FinancialInventory

visibility. accuracy. flexibility.A Foundation To Build On

Retek Merchandizing SystemIntroduction

Page 2: Perpetual & Financial I nventory visibility. accuracy. flexibility. A Foundation To Build On Retek Merchandizing System Introduction.

visibility. accuracy. flexibility.pg. 2

PFI Welcome

Introduction to theRetek Merchandizing System


Page 3: Perpetual & Financial I nventory visibility. accuracy. flexibility. A Foundation To Build On Retek Merchandizing System Introduction.

visibility. accuracy. flexibility.pg. 3

PFI Today’s Class at a Glance…

• ~ 1 Hour• Mixture of

demonstrations and hands-on practice

When you complete this course you will be able to:

• Log on and off RMS• Use the Start window to search for and

launch data forms• Customize the Start window with

buttons and user folders containing access to other Web applications

• Use online help• Use search forms to locate information• Use all types of data entry controls• Customize multi-form tables to display

the specific data you are interested in

Course scheduleCourse objectives

Page 4: Perpetual & Financial I nventory visibility. accuracy. flexibility. A Foundation To Build On Retek Merchandizing System Introduction.

visibility. accuracy. flexibility.pg. 4

PFI RMS Defined RMS is the online application that allows

you to: … research, view and edit inventory information

… Schedule and track inventory-related events

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PFI Current vs. Future and Benefits

Separate perpetual and financial inventory systems require frequent and costly synchronization.

One system manages both the quantity and its value simultaneously providing more accurate and timely information.



Key Ingredient: More accurate information provides for better management and reporting of inventory.

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PFI RMS Window Layout

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PFI Start windowThe Start window acts like Windows


Folder structure here

Folder contents


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Activity 1 – Logging in & Start window navigation

Time: 15 minGoal: Log in to RMS; familiarize yourself with the Start

window navigation, search and customization functionsReference:

Activity 1 HandoutActivity:

Follow the instructions in the handout to log in and then explore the navigation and search functions in the Start window, create a button to launch a form and create and populate a user folder.

Debrief: Go over Questions in Activity 1.

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PFI Two windows

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PFI Application overviewSearch formsResults formsData entry forms

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PFI Application overview

Text entry fieldsList of ValuesCalenda


Drop-down lists

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visibility. accuracy. flexibility.pg. 12

PFI Activity 2 – Exploring data windows Time: 15 minGoal: Search for, view, enter information and customize

data tables in form windows.Reference:

Activity 2 HandoutActivity:

Follow the instructions in the handout to practice searching, viewing, entering information in form windows, as well as customizing a multi-form window.

Answer some questions concerning the operation of RMS.

Debrief: Go over questions concerning Activity 2.

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PFI Three ways to get online help1. From the

application Help menu

2. From the button on the active data window

3. From an explanatory text box in some data windows

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PFI Help window

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PFI Questions???

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PFI What We’ve Accomplished

Now that you have completed this lesson, you should be able to: Log on and off RMS Use the Start window to search for

and launch data forms Customize the Start window with

buttons and user folders containing access to other Web applications

Use online help Use search forms to locate

information Use all types of data entry controls Customize multi-form tables to

display the specific data you are interested in

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PFI Conclusion: Thanks for coming!

Course close Complete the course evaluation

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