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  • Personal Effectiveness

  • Internal Success Factors1. Knowledge (What to do)2. Skills & Abilities 20 - 30 % (Actions - How to do)3. Paradigms (Mental Habits) Perspectives (How we see things)70 - 80 % Attitude Desire (Why to do) 100 %

  • Its All InventedWe rarely acknowledge that we are projecting our own preferences or importing understanding! We call our perception, reality!!

    There is a famous marketing story of two representatives sent to a rural part of a developing country to assess the market for shoes. The first one writes back, No potential, no one here wears shoes at all. The second one writes back, Limitless opportunities, no one wears shoes at all!

  • *How You View thingsProblems/Dangers OROpportunitiesFailuresORSuccessesWeaknessesORStrengthsSetbacksORBreakthroughsObstaclesOR InnovationsWe CantORWhat Can I Do?The cup is half emptyOR How can we fill the cup?DespairOR HopePast experiencesOR PossibilitiesClose mindedOROpen minded

  • *Efficient & Effective Differences Efficientdoing things rightTime drivenResource focusedActivity based Effectivedoing the right thingsCompass drivenGoal focusedPeople & activity based

  • Effectiveness DefinedP - Production (Getting what we want)

    PC - Production Capability (taking care of the assets)

  • Production CapabilityEffectivenessP/PC BalanceProductionDesired ResultsAssets

  • *Personal EffectivenessDirectionMapExecution30%30%40%

  • Personal EffectivenessDirectionValues / Life Roles / Personal Mission / Goals / Work Accountabilities for WorkMapWhat is the Plan or Action Steps needed / Priority ActivitiesExecutionPersonal Organization + Action + Keeping on Course

  • *Roles & Priority ActivitiesWhat are the important end results of your job?What are (should be) your priority activities?What are the activities you are doing now?What is the ideal percentage of time that goes with each activity?

  • *Because we dont know what is really important to us everything seems important

    Because everything seems important we have to do everything

    Other people, unfortunately, see us doing everything, so they expect us to do everything

    Doing everything keeps us so busy we dont have time to think about what is really important to us

  • Time/Life Matrix & MindsetNOT URGENTURGENTIIIIIVIIDeceptionLeadershipNecessityWasteBusynessThings WorkOn You!!!You Must Work On!

  • * Your Paradigms?Do you focus on efficiency before effectiveness?Are you driven by the clock or compass?Do you have a good balance between busyness & taking care of the assets important to you?

  • 6Steps toSixPersonal Effectiveness Weekly Planning Process Step 6Step 5Step 4 Step 3Step 2Step 1QuestionsCheck Progress Daily (5 MIN)SCHEDULE your priorities for the week (10 MIN)Set weekly GOALS (from steps 1 - 3) (5 MIN)Review roles - priority activities & monthly Goals (2 MIN)Evaluate last week - accomplishments (10 MIN)Review company & personal vision, values & annual goals (2 MIN)What goals did I achieve? What challenges did I encounter? What decisions did I make? What did I learn?

  • *Daily Planning - Step #6Take 5 - 10 minutes at the start of the day (in a quiet place, if you can find one) - review yesterday and your results week to date & PLAN what you want to accomplish for the day

    When things happen, first THINK what is most important and ACT in the most important area

    **Paradigms drive our thought process / emotions and the choices we make, resulting in our behaviour.

    What are the dominant mental habits that drive me daily?**********26Things we do in:Quadrant I:

    Quadrant III:

    Quadrant II:**How can the 6 steps or a variation of this, help me?

    What do I need to do differently to improve my effectiveness?

    How can we use this process with our team?

    Mental creation precedes physical creation!!You are what you do!*BOTH OF THESE ACTIVITIES ARE PART OF STEP 6

    Participants Workbook Page

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