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Personal Health Assessment & Health Promotion Plan

Melanie Underwood

Ferris State University

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The purpose of this paper is to assess and reflect upon the author’s current eating habits, and how

they impact her and her family. She will address the transtheoretical model as she leads you

through her current nutritional and exercise history. Emphasis will also be given to the food

journals, body mass index (BMI) calculator and nutritional pyramid to show that the Health

assessment survey she completed corresponds to her belief’s that she is in control of her own

health and responsible for its outcome. As a parent the author believes this assessment isn’t just

about her, she has committed herself to her family they are a unit, what effect’s one effects the


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Personal Health Assessment & Health Promotion Plan

Assessing the importance and improvement of nutrition will be the basis for around this

assignment for the benefit of the author as well as family involved. The definition of nutrition is

the process by which living organisms obtain food and use it for growth, metabolism, and repair.

It would also include ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, assimilation, and excretion. (The

Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2012) Good nutrition can also help to prevent disease and promote

health. There are 6 categories of nutrients that the body needs to benefit from food, which

include: protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibers, vitamins and minerals, and water. (The Free

Dictionary by Farlex, 2012) Good nutrition is one of the primary components to good health.

An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity can be two key risk factors that have been linked

with the increase of obesity as well as other non-communicable diseases. (Pender, Murdaugh, &

Parsons, 2011). Unhealthy eating habits have also been associated with chronic diseases such as

coronary artery disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Although there

may be few people who rely on food through hunting or gardening, the author’s past experiences

as a child growing up allows personal experience that relates to this. The author’s husband often

teases her about my family hunting for food, having different eating habits than the main stream,

but my reply is always, “we just ate organic”. Growing up in Northern Michigan there were

many things to choose from, deer, bear, fish, rabbits garden canned vegetables just to name a few

things. Reflecting on past experiences my relatives have lived long healthy lives, this may be

evidence that good nutrition and activity pays off. Times since have changed, family dynamics

are different making it more challenging to make healthy choices. It’s common to eat on the run;

society appears to be in a big hurry so we resort to fast food. With this we must face the

consequences of these diseases that could be avoided if people would just become more aware of

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what they are putting into their mouths and what affect it’s having on their bodies. There is no

easy fix to this problem of how different food affects our bodies. How do we limit not only the

perceived foods that are bad? For example, greasy fast food versus organic versus non-organic.

How do you know the organic food is really organic? The increase in pricing for organic food is

also a problem. What road do you travel down, and how do you know what’s best for your


The author’s problem has been identified. A recent article suggested doing a 3 days food

journal and then evaluating what you ate. (Appendix B) The conclusion of the evaluation

showed current eating habits are not up to par and need improvement. A healthy future for all

involved is the main result that needs to be corrected. There are numerous articles out providing

information on healthy eating habits which can be time consuming and confusing to pick the

right one. Recently her research lead her to reading an article that listed “10 Tips to Healthy

Eating”. 1.) Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Each day we need 40 different nutrients for

good health and not one food supplies them all. The author is going to use a Food Pyramid to

help ensure that these food groups are served daily. 2.) Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and

vegetables. This is an area that many people do not get enough of on a daily basis. The author

and her family really enjoy fruits and vegetables so this area can be achieved. Recently, the kids

have been craving apples eating several a day it’s nonstop peeling and cutting 4-6 apples a day

providing lots of apple for 4 kids. Grains on the other hand may become difficult as her family

likes white bread, rice they won’t eat brown bread, except from Outback Steak House. We call it

the brown bread place and usually have 3-4 loafs of bread along with the yummy whipped butter.

3.) Maintain a healthy weight. The author and her husband are struggling in this area, but since

doing this study and research we are hoping that this will have made a positive change. The

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children are all at a healthy weight as reflected in their yearly evaluation done by a pediatrician.

4.) Eat moderate portions. Simply stop eating when you are full, don’t overindulge. 5.) Eat

regular meals. This is something the author does not frequently do, at times skipping meals only

to then feel starved by the next meal resulting in overeating. This is where eating at regular

times and in moderation can overlap. 6.) Reduce, don’t eliminate certain foods. It’s important

to try not to eat foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt every day. If the author and family try to

eliminate them totally that’s all they want and think about. It will drive you crazy, she knows

from experience if she tries to stop all “bad foods” the more she craves them. So just having a

little taste from time to time has kept her satisfied in the past. 7.) Balance your food choices

over time. If you don’t get it one day make it up the next we just need to try and have a balance.

8.) Know your diet pitfalls. Evaluate eating habits you have to know what is wrong in order to

change them. The Author kept a food journal for three days and evaluated the different types of

foods and what groups they fit into and then adjusted it the following week hoping to make some

positive changes (Appendix B). Although the second week seemed to be very boring and strict,

making it challenging to follow (Appendix C). 9). Make changes gradually. The author realizes

that you cannot lose weight nor change your diet overnight and expect to have a positive

outcome. So she is going to slowly introduce this for herself and family. 10.) Remember, foods

are not good or bad. Eat in moderation and try to have a balance. A food pyramid will be used

so that the author can plan and use it as a guide to ensure proper nutrition with the right foods

and quantity of each level (Appendix E). The author found this article to be very helpful and to

put things into perspective, she hope that she can continue so that there will be a positive

outcome for all (10 Tips to Healthy Eating, 1994).

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Transtheoretical Model

The purpose of the transtheoretical model is to show health-related behaviors and how

they progress through five different stages. The first stage is pre-contemplation, “An individual

is not thinking about quitting or adopting a particular behavior, at least not within the next six

months has no intention to take action” (Pender et al, 2011). Contemplation, “An individual is

seriously thinking about quitting or adopting a particular behavior in the next six months, intends

to change” (Pender et al, 2011). Contemplation is an area that the author finds herself stuck in,

many times wanting to change and have good intentions but tends to procrastinate. Many times

we need someone to encourage or to push us, because it’s easier just to do nothing. The authors

attitude became that of “I’m just going to have another baby why should I do all that work to get

back in shape just to get out again”. Her studies have made her aware that poor nutrition and

poor eating habits can lead to obesity and other health problems, it is important to be a positive

role model for her family. Educating the family on proper food choices will prepare them for

when they become adults. Physical activity is also very important aspect to maintaining a

healthy life style. As one gets older weight is harder to maintain or lose, especially if you are

not physically active. Planning or Preparation, “An individual is seriously thinking about

engaging in the contemplated change within the next month and has taken some steps in this

direction, making small or sporadic changes”(Pender et al, 2011). The author has had her fifth

and final child who is eleven months old; it’s time for a plan, no more excuses. Planning will

consist of putting together a schedule of physical exercises as well as a diet that consists of

healthy foods and portion control. Portion control can have an effect on diet and exercise. It is

important not to over eat even the good foods, if your full stop eating. Don’t think just because

it’s a salad you should finish it all. A behavior she learned as a child was, if it’s on your plate

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you finished it. The learned behavior was not to waste any food. Action,” The individual has

made the behavior change and it has persisted for less than six months, is actively engaged in

behavior change” (Pender et al, 2011). This stage at times can be hard to stay in as so many

unforeseen things in life come up. With five children, working thirty plus hours a week, and is

taking two on-line nursing courses, you can imagine there is not a lot of alone time. Finding

time to exercise can be a problem and preparing special healthy meals can be time consuming.

The challenge is trying to be diligent in making healthy meals for her family, making sure all the

food groups are covered. Children are enrolled in multiply physical activities to keep them

active so they can maintain a healthy weight. The author’s goal will be to exercise on her days

off. Recent, motivation from her husband has helped her to realize the importance of proper

nutrition and exercise. We are working together as a family to reach our goals. Maintenance,

“The change has been in place for at least six months and is continuing to sustain the change

over time” (Pender et al, 2011). This is ultimately my goal, but the maintenance phase is not an

end all it is ongoing. These goals can be achieved as things change in her life; children getting

older and becoming more self- sufficient, completion of her Bachelors of Science in Nursing

(BSN), and above all lose the fifteen pounds that just won’t seem to go away. There is light at

the end of the tunnel you just need a plan, have attainable goals and someone to provide you


Health Assessment Survey Results

Results from this survey and studies show that the author is in control over her health, it

has been determined by her actions and ultimately what is put into it on a personal level.

(Appendix A) Although this survey states not to take much time in answering the questions and

not to over analyze, Makes her wondering if the results would be different if she had taken the

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survey several different times and on different days. After looking at different sites on the

internet there are also different types of health assessment survey. Many of which consist of an

extensive questionnaire, that then calculate your risk score and provides feedback. From these

more extensive survey’s people can visually see their high risk areas and make the appropriate

changes in their life. If you could also incorporate the use of the trans-theoretical model it may

motivate individuals to take the next step. All of these assessment tools come with limitations,

realizing that my involvement and willingness to participate and educate myself in order for

them to make a positive change is paramount. The author’s assessment is that my family will be

subject to these risks, if my lifestyle changes are not made.


Tools use where the Health Assessment Survey to evaluate what your role is in regards to

how you perceived who was in control of your health. It is our responsibility to take care of

ourselves and we are in control. Food journal were also used which painted a very clear picture,

writing everything down that you put in your mouth; you will become truly amazed at all the

things we eat. It’s not only what we eat that’s important as how much we eat. Although the

author hasn’t documented portions, this may be my next evaluation process if results are not

seen. BMI was also calculated which showed that her weight was within normal limits, but to

who’s standards? (Appendix D) This is just a number at this point, feeling that her body is in

need of serious exercise and toning up. All of these tools working together provided a big

picture so that her goals can be obtained.

Wellness Diagnosis

The author would like to reflect and use the Wellness Diagnosis of Readiness for

enhanced Decision Making. Which is defined as “A patter of choosing courses of action that’s

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sufficient for meeting short- and long-term health related goals and that can be strengthened”

(Ursuy, 2011). The author has assessed her ability to make decisions, and has made them based

on personal values and goals. After completions of the health survey concluded that she is in

control of her health. She has relied upon valuable information learned from this exercise to aid

her in the decision to change. Outcome expected is that the author and her family will make

positive strides toward change. The author feels that this assessment is not only about her but

her family, she made a commitment to them to keep them happy and health.

Personal Goals

The author’s personal goal is to make a schedule which would include nutritious food and

balance it out with exercise. With the continued support of her husband, both working at a

steady pace toward a common goal this will help their children adjust. Keeping in mind the

phases of the trans-theoretical model as a guide to help them reach their goal. A main goal

would include losing 15 pounds and maintain a healthy active lifestyle, where she can still get

out and run and play with her young children. As well as being a positive role model for her



Prior to this assignment the author was unaware of the bad food choices she was making

for herself and her family. We can always learn for our mistakes and grow from them. Which is

what the author plans to add to her lifestyle, better late than never. The author has learned a

great amount of valuable information from this assignment, what a wonderful opportunity to


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BMI Calculator for Women. (2011). Retrieved from  http://bmicalc.org/bmi-calculator-for-


International Food Information Council Foundation. (1994). 10 Tips to Healthy Eating.

Retrieved from http://www.realtime.net/anr/10eattip.html

Nutrition. (2010). In Nutrition. doi: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/nutrition

The Healthy Eating Food Pyramid. (2008). Retrieved from www.THE NUTRITION


Pender, N. J., Murdaugh, C. L. & Parsons, M. A. (2011). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice

(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Ursuy, P. (2011). NURS 310 Class Syllabus.

Zehr, M. (2012). Health. Health Risk Assessment Survey Scoring. Retrieved from


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Appendix A

Health Beliefs Survey

The questionnaire is designed to determine the way in which different people view certain important health-related issues. Each item is a belief statement, with which you may agree or disagree. Beside each statement is a scale that ranges from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (6). For each item, choose the number that represents the extent to which you disagree or agree. This is a measure of your personal beliefs; obviously, there are no right or wrong answers.

Please answer these items carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one item. As much as you can, try to respond to each item independently. When making your choice, do not be influenced by your previous choices. It is important that you respond according to your actual beliefs and not according to how you feel you should believe or how you think we want you to believe.

1 - Strongly Disagree; 2 - Moderately Disagree; 3 - Slightly Disagree; 4 - Slightly Agree; 5 - Moderately Agree; 6 - Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5 61. If I get sick, it is my own behavior that determines how soon I

will get well again. X

2. No matter what I do, if I am going to get sick, I'll get sick.  X

3. Having regular contact with my physician is the best way for me avoid illness.


4. Most things that affect my health happen to me by accident.  X

5. Whenever I don't feel well, I should consult a medically trained professional.


6. I am in control of my health. X

7. My family has a lot to do with my becoming sick or staying healthy.


8. When I get sick, I am to blame.  X

9. Luck plays a big part in determining how soon I will recover from an illness.


10. Health professionals control my health. X

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11. My good health is largely a matter of good fortune.  X

12. The main thing that affects my health is what I myself do. X

13. If I take care of myself, I can avoid illness. X

14. When I recover from illness, it's usually because other people have been taking good care of me. (doctor, nurses, family)


15. No matter what I do, I'm likely to get sick. X

16. If it's meant to be, I will stay healthy. X

17. If I take the right actions, I can stay healthy. X

18.  Regarding my health, I can only do what my doctor tells me to do.


 These three subscales, and the items included in each, are as follows:

Internal Items: 1, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17 Chance Items: 2, 4, 9, 11, 15, 16 Powerful-others items: 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 18

 The score on each subscale is the sum of the values for each item in that subscale multiplied by 2. Scores within each subscale can range from 12 to 72. The higher the score on the internal subscale, the more personal control clients believe that they exercise over their own health. The higher the scores on the chance subscale and power-others subscale, the higher the beliefs in the importance of chance and others respectively in controlling personal health. Normative means for adults on each subscale are as follows: (Ursuy, 2011).


Internal, 56

Chance, 40

Powerful-others, 54

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Appendix B

Three Day Food Journal

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Monday No breakfast Salad with chicken, yeast roll, diet soda

Pizza, salad, soda Peanut butter crackers

Tuesday Banana, granola bar

Soup, turkey sandwich, soda

Steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, soda

Popcorn, ice cream cone

Wednesday No breakfast Baked fish, oriental rice, yeast roll, soda

Spaghetti, bread, soda

Dorito’s, soda

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Appendix C

Seven Day Food Journal

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Monday Yogurt, banana Salad with chicken, ranch dressing

Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli

100 calorie snack

Tuesday Yogurt, banana Baked fish, rice Pork chop, steamed rice, green beans

Peanut butter crackers

Wednesday Carrot muffin Salad with chicken, ranch dressing

Steak, mashed potatoes

100 calorie snack

Thursday Carrot muffin, banana

Salad with chicken, ranch dressing

Chicken noodle soup, with carrots

Peanut butter crackers

Friday Fruit smoothie Soup, ½ turkey sandwich

Shrimp, baked potato

100 calorie snack

Saturday Fruit smoothie Caesar Salad with grilled chicken breast

Yogurt, fruit, granola

100 calorie snack

Sunday Fruit smoothie, banana

Soup, ½ ham sandwich, chips

Salad with grilled chicken, roll

Peanut butter crackers

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Appendix D

BMI Calculator for Females Only

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Appendix E

Nutritional Pyramid

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