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Personal "Nuclear" Radiation Detector

"As long as there is breath in my body I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth."

“We can’t escape pain; we can’t escape the essential nature of our lives. But

we do have a choice. We can give in and relent, or we can fight, persevere,

and crete a life worth living, a noble life. Pain is a fact; our evaluation of it is

a choice.” ~ Jacob Held

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Personal "Nuclear" Radiation Detector

Page 2: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

“ BREAKING NEWS – Scientists detect Fukushima radiation on

North American shores” — Coastal communities ‘concerned’ —

Over 7 Bq/m3 of cesium from dock in Pacific Northwest —

Professor: It indicates arrival of other radioactive substances —

“Represents potential radiological health risk”

Published: April 6th, 2015 at 10:26 am ET

By ENENews

Radiation From Fukushima Has Reached The British Columbia Coast

Some History from then till now

Is The situation at Fukushima expected to improve any time soon. Radioactive emissions

will continue to accumulate in Japan, North America, the Pacific Ocean and throughout

the Northern Hemisphere for the foreseeable future, We have waited to bring you these

tools not wanting to become part of the global panic and normal scaremongering, and in

the hope that the situation would improve, It now seems the situation has continued to

deteriorate and some form of personal monitoring would be prudent

The decision to raise the alert level to 7 amounts to an admission that the accident is likely to have substantial and long-lasting consequences for health and for the environment.

Page 3: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear


“Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all,

radiation continues to leak,” says Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the

City University of New York and top graduate of Harvard. “We are looking at a ticking

timebomb. It appears stable but the slightest disturbance, a secondary earthquake, a pipe

break, evacuation of the crew at Fukishima could set off a full scale melt down at three

nuclear power stations–far beyond what we saw at Chernobyl.”

Page 4: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Radiation map chernobyl disaster

At least 14 US cities reported unsafe radiation

amounts in drinking water. However, EPA is only

testing for Iodine-131, not Cesium, Uranium or

Plutonium, all emitted from Fukushima. Several

radiation monitoring stations throughout Spain have

recorded increases in the concentration of iodine and

cesium in the air coming from Japan. Same goes for


Aftershocks rattling Japan after the nation’s record quake on March 11 may continue for at

least six months, increasing the risk of damage to a crippled nuclear plant at the center of

the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. “Aftershocks as big as magnitude-7 are likely to

continue hitting in eastern and northern Japan for at least six months,” said Teruyuki Kato,

a professor at the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Institute.

This is the main scientist to listen to and it’s worthwhile to watch his most recent

statements on the video. Radioactive contamination from the Fukushima power plant has

been carried around the world and far out to sea and if current estimates and the situation

do not worsen we already will have 10 percent of Chernobyl’s radiation spreading around

the globe and it looks like each and every month we will see another 10 percent of another

Chernobyl’s worth of radiation released to contaminate the world further. Dr. Kaku says

his family is already leaving Tokyo because they don’t believe the statements of the

Japanese utility because they have consistently low-balled the dangers, as has everyone


Page 5: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Full meltdown in full swing? Japan maximum nuclear alert

Dr. Chris Busby, another physicist says there is a rage in the people in Tokyo and he now

predicts based on his calculations that 800,000 people out of about 8 million who live

within 200 kilomters of the plant will contract cancer if they are not moved out. Dr. Kaku

still advises entombment in a giant slab of concrete, with 5000 tons of cement, sand and

boric acid but if that ever happens it will be months away and take a huge effort that would

take many more months

Radioactive Iodine -131

China’s Ministry of Health said today April 13, that radioactive isotope

iodine-131 had been detected in various kinds of vegetables in 12 provincial

regions. The radioactive isotope was found in spinach, asparagus, lettuce,

cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other vegetables in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei,

Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Henan, Hunan, Guangdong,

Guangxi and Hainan, according to a statement from the ministry.

The risks associated with iodine-131 contamination in Europe are no

longer “negligible,” according to CRIIRAD, a French research body on

radioactivity. The NGO is advising pregnant women and infants against

“risky behavior,” such as consuming fresh milk or vegetables with large

leaves. In response to thousands of inquiries from citizens concerned about

fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Europe, CRIIRAD has

compiled an information package on the risks of radioactive iodine-131

contamination in Europe.

After the radioactive cloud emanating from Japan’s stricken Fukushima

nuclear power plant reached Europe in late March, CRIIRAD, a French

research body on radioactivity, an NGO, said it had detected radioactive

iodine-131 in rainwater in south-eastern France. In parallel testing, the

French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the

national public institution monitoring nuclear and radiological risks, found

iodine 131 in milk. In normal times, no trace of iodine-131 should be

detectable in rainwater or milk. Radiation monitors in Canada, in Ontario,

New Brunswick and British Columbia have also detected radioactive


Page 6: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

These two physicists are the men to monitor if you want a real assesment of the level

seven nuclear disaster. With each passing week the words “safe”, “low levels”, “not

harmful” will all lose their meaning as the more massive amounts of radiation are released.

Products to Measure from Japan Cars



Food Pruductsetc etc

US Lax Regulations On Japan Food Imports Raise More Concerns

This accident has already released something on the order of 50,000 trillion becquerels of

radiation. You do the math. That puts it right smack in the middle of a level 7 nuclear

accident,” said Kaku. NISA and Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) estimate that

370,000 – 630,000 terabecquerels of radioactive materials have been released from Units

1, 2 and 3. One terabecquerel equals one trillion becquerels.

Br. Busby, who is Scientific Secretary of the European

Committee on Radiation Risk, calculated two weeks ago

radiation levels two weeks ago. “Since the official

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) figures for

the Fukushima contamination are from 200 to 900kBq.sq

meter out to 78km from the site, we can expect between

22% and 90% increases in cancer in people living in

these places in the next 10 years. The UN definition of

radioactively contaminated land is 37kBq/sq metre.

Page 7: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Since the IAEA data show that these levels of

contamination, from 200,000 to 900,000 disintegrations

per second per square meter, exist up to 78km from

Fukushima, we can already calculate that the

contamination is actually worse than Chernobyl, not 1%

of Chernobyl. For the area defined by a 78km radius is

19113 sq km compared to the Chernobyl exclusion zone

of 2827 sq km. About seven times greater.”

In the next month we will see a repeat or perhaps an intensification of the radiation being

put out into the environment—as the melting nuclear materials continue to break through

barriers. Radiation emitted will continue for an indeterminate period – at least months,

maybe years—many many years

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Are personal Radiation Detectors effective?

Illinois will donate 2,000 personal radiation detectors

to Japan for use by emergency workers as they search

through debris and start cleanup operations,

according to a report of Chicago Tribune Friday. The

pager-sized detectors will alert workers when

radiation levels spike and help limit the danger of

radiation exposure. Source

Radiation sickness

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Sunday said the U.S. faced little threat from

radiation released in Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

"Given the thousands of miles between the two countries, Hawaii, Alaska, the U.S.

Territories and the U.S. West Coast are not expected to experience any harmful levels of

radioactivity," the agency said on its website.

Page 8: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

But not everyone is feeling so reassured.

If fuel at a nuclear reactor melts down completely and breaches the reactor's containment

vessel, it could cause a gigantic explosion as superheated fuel comes into contact with the

water coolant. That's the word from Dr. Ira Helfand, a Massachusetts-based nuclear safety

expert and past-president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. He said it's not clear just

how far such radiation from such an accident would spread - and what the health

consequences would be.

Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking

Time Bomb"

Radiation sickness results when humans (or other animals) are exposed to very large doses

of ionizing radiation. Radiation exposure can occur as a single large exposure (acute), or a

series of small exposures spread over time (chronic).

Page 9: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Radiation sickness is generally associated with acute exposure and has a characteristic set

of symptoms that appear in an orderly fashion. Chronic exposure is usually associated with

delayed medical problems such as cancer and premature aging, which may happen over a

long period of time.

"At Chernobyl, it spread over large areas of Europe, and

significant areas up to 100 miles downwind needed to be

abandoned," he said, referring to the notorious 1986

nuclear accident. "But the conditions were somewhat

different, and we aren't sure how far the radiation will be

distributed this time."

The risk of cancer depends on the dose and begins to build up even with very low doses.

There is no "minimum threshhold."

Page 10: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Should we be worried

Expected health effects for an adult assuming the cumulative total radiation exposure

Causes: The causes include:

• Accidental exposure to high doses of radiation such as a nuclear power plant accidents

• Exposure to excessive radiation for medical treatments

What if you think you've been exposed to radiation? The

Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends

immediately changing your clothes and shoes, putting the

exposed clothing in a sealed plastic bag, and then

showering thoroughly.

If told to evacuate, the agency says, keep car windows

and vents closed, and use recirculating air. If told to stay

indoors, turn off the air conditioner and other air intakes

and go to a basement.

10 Symptoms Of Radiation Sickness

There is lots of information from Russia about the use of

iodine to protect the thyroid. In Poland the use of iodine

dosages was found to highly protect children’s thyroids

from cancer. The risk for cancer of the thyroid is much

greater in children requiring much lower exposure to I-

131 than it does for adults. Same goes for pregnant

women or lactating women.

Potassium iodide supplements can help curb the risk of

cancer if taken just before or shortly after exposure, Dr.

Helfand says, but should taken only with medical


The specific causes of potential life-threatening nuclear radiation emergencies include...

Nuclear power plant accidents here or abroad (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl)

Nuclear materials processing plant accidents (Tokaimura, Japan)Nuclear waste storage

or processing facilities mishaps (radioactive waste from hospitals, spent fuel and

radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, radioactive contaminated materials, etc.)

Nuclear waste transport truck or train accidents

Page 11: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Accidents involving non-waste, but normal daily nuclear materials transport (trucks,

planes, trains, couriers) One out every 50 HazMat shipments contain radioactive materials.

Approximately three million packages of radioactive material are shipped in the United

States each year.

Improper storage of radioactive materials (non-waste) at any point during their normal

material life cycle. (Power plants, Medical, Industrial, Academic, etc.)

Lost or stolen radioactive sources "Based on information available to the NRC, an

average of approximately 375 sources or devices of all kinds are reported lost or stolen

each year in the U.S. -- that is, roughly one per day."NRC

Click on picture to enlarge

What can i monitor ?

Imports from Japan and other affected countries

Your Food

Your enviroment

A Canada Border Services Agency official has refused to

handle packages coming from Japan after he was denied the

use of a radioactive screening device, a union official says.

The anxiety comes a month after a devastating 9.0.-magnitude

earthquake and tsunami hit the coast of Japan, crippling the

Page 12: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.The complaint was initially

voiced a week-and-a-half ago when a worker at the Gateway

postal facility in Mississauga asked to use a radiation detector

to screen mail that was arriving from Japan. “His request was

denied by the CBSA,” said Jason McMichael, national vice-

president of the Customs and Immigration Union. Source

The Associated

Press has

reported that


monitors are

being deployed

in the western

United States

and Pacific

territories in an

effort to allay

concerns about

the danger of

exposure to

radiation from

the nuclear

plants. In

addition to Guam

and CNMI,

Hawaii and

Alaska also are

setting up


stations which

will send real-

time data via

satellite to EPA

officials, who

will make the

data available to

the public online,

Page 13: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

the AP reported.

And the beat

goes on :(

Do I need a Radiation Detector?

The reasons for acquiring a radiation detecting dosimeter are as varied as are peoples

perceptions of the most likey threats. Radiation threats are unique in that you can't see,

smell, taste, hear or feel them, until it's already done its damage and you are suffering the

effects. Without a radiation detector you would have to depend solely on the limited

resources of the authorities to monitor your location, then determine your risk level, decide

the best protective action and then to 'get the word out'. Exclusively depending on others to

monitor, evaluate, warn and advise you, in a rapidly developing nuclear radiation

problems, would surely not be anywhere near as quick or accurate in revealing your

current risk as when you are capable of taking your own independent radiation readings.

Bottom Line: Having on-hand an inexpensive radiation detector in this day and age is a low cost family warning system.

Portable Industrial Radiation Dosimeter


large liquid crystal display, simple operation, convenient.

Page 14: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

High sensitivity , can measure the environment background

Cumulative does and dose rate at the same time measurement and display, but also can

measure CPM

Automatic switching unit of measurement, the measurement datae

Automatically save the cumulative dose and cumulative start date

The cumulative dose, dose rate and places of detection time alarm function

Dose rate alarm can be preset and cumulative dose alarm threshold

Sound , vibration , light , silent alarm or either combination

Low power consumption, battery status indicator

With real-time clock function,

data, can be stored date alarm and alarm value

Built-in fault detection, dose rate overload alarm and protection function,

Main technical indicators

Measuring range: dos rate:0.01 µ Sv/h ~ 150mSv/h

The cumulative dose: 0 µ Sv ~ 999.99 mSv

The energy range:40Kev ~ 1.5 Mev

Energy response error: ± 30% (relative to 137Cs)

The relative basic error: ± 10%

The measurement of time: the measurement time automatically selected according to

Xray intensity, faster response speed

Alarm threshold :0.5 ,1.0 ,2.5 ,10 ,30 ,50 ,100.......5000 µ Sv/h

Protection alarm response time:1-2 seconds ( the most fast )

Display units: dose rate ( Sv/h or mSv/h or Sv/h ) and cumulative dose ( SV )

Power supply :battery,

Shape size: 90×60×17mm

Weight : 66 g

Ever wondered how much radiation you are exposed to daily,,well now you can find out

Page 15: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Portable Pocket

Radiation Meter


At last an Industrial

quality Meter at an

Affordable Price

NZ$ 734.27

(approx USA$ 566.16)

Infantile Nuclear Peekaboo Game

19SundayApr 2015

Posted by miningawareness in Uncategorized

≈ Leave a comment


Baroness Verma, cancer, clean air, clean water, DECC, dry cask storage, dumping of nuclear

waste, Ed Davey, EDF, General Elections, Green Party, Holtec, India, materials testing, nuclear

crimes, nuclear industry, nuclear power, nuclear reactors, nuclear waste, object permanence,

Peekaboo, sadomasochism, Sandip Verma, UK, UK Parliament, US, US NRC, Verma

Page 16: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Unlike traditional peekaboo, nuclear peekaboo is a most deadly game.

The nuclear industry, and those who are pro-nuclear, seem to not have evolved out of the infant

stage where there is no understanding of object permanence, which is why peekaboo works:

“Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be

observed (seen, heard, touched, smelled or sensed in any way).”


The nuclear industry is constantly adding dangerous radionuclides into the environment. Even

relatively short-lived radionuclides like tritium will be in the environment for well over a 100

years. Others will be in the environment for hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years.

The nuclear industry legally flushes radionuclides into air and water. Whether it stays nearby or

goes someplace else, it is ever building up in the environment. For instance, if 1 mSv is allowed

into an individual’s environment each year and goes nowhere, then by year 14 the person would

have been exposed to 100 mSv, giving a one in one-hundred, or greater, chance of developing

cancer or leukemia, according to the US National Academy of Sciences BEIR report. These

numbers assume that there was zero radiation in the environment in year one, which is false.

Radionuclides have been churned out by the nuclear industry in the form of weapons testing and

nuclear reactors for 70 years, and actually longer, in some places, due to commercial use of

radium and uranium.

That people accept this as ok means that either

1) they do not know that the nuclear industry is legally leaking radionuclides into air and water;

2) that they have not exited the infantile stage; or

3) that they are sado-masochists, who enjoy inflicting misery and death upon themselves and


The UK DECC is making a formal policy of allowing the dumping to landfill of highly

radioactive nuclear waste, calling it very low level waste, when it far exceeds the already high

amounts allowed in food and water.

Page 17: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

The US NRC is passing out seemingly endless exemptions to dry-cask maker Holtec, letting

them forego material testing, presumably because they know that if the cask leaks or explodes,

no one can see the radiation and they need only lie and say that [fill in the blank] is causing the

cancers, infertility, deformations, and human and animal deaths. The US NRC seem to be hiding

at least some of the comments, as well. They also have not implemented Fukushima lessons

learned and appear engaged in an endless chain of environmental crimes, such as actively

encouraging the nuclear industry to dilute radionuclides into air and water, which does not

change the amount emitted, in order to better to deceive, etc., ad nauseam).

The UK is better off in that they have a strong Green Party, along with the SNP, officially

opposed to nuclear. Nonetheless, it is important to carefully examine the candidates on a case by

case basis on the nuclear issue, because there is at least one anti-nuclear Conservative, and at

least one Green who has ties to a pro-nuclear union, which may or may not impact their position.

Registration deadline is 20th April for the 7th May General Election.

Because UKIP is running on the right, there is no problem of a split vote in the UK. By May the

UK can peacefully get shot of infantile sado-masochists like Lib Dem MP Ed Davey and Sandip

Verma, who are spear-heading this UK policy.

It is more difficult to find any hope for the US, but people need to start looking for it, in the run-

up to the next election. There has to be a crack in the wall someplace or North America faces

extermination, as a major accident may impact Canada and Mexico, along with the US.

“Peekaboo (also spelled peek-a-boo) is a game played primarily with babies. In the game, one

player hides his or her face, pops back into the view of the other, and says Peekaboo!, sometimes

followed by I see you! There are many variations: for example, where trees are involved,

“Hiding behind that tree!” is sometimes added.

Peekaboo is thought by developmental psychologists to demonstrate an infant’s inability to

understand object permanence.[1] Object permanence is an important stage of cognitive

development for infants… Psychologist Jean Piaget conducted experiments with infants which

led him to conclude that this awareness was typically achieved at eight to nine months of age.

Infants before this age are too young to understand object permanence. A lack of Object

Permanence can lead to A-not-B errors, where children reach for a thing at a place where it

should not be.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peekaboo

“Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot

be observed (seen, heard, touched, smelled or sensed in any way). This is a fundamental

concept studied in the field of developmental psychology, the subfield of psychology that addresses the development of infants’ and children’s social and mental capacities. There is not

yet scientific consensus on when the understanding of object permanence emerges in human


Jean Piaget, the Swiss psychologist who first studied object permanence in infants, argued that

object permanence is one of an infant’s most important accomplishments, as without this

concept, objects would have no separate, permanent existence. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive

Page 18: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

development infants develop this understanding by the end of the “sensorimotor stage,” which lasts from birth to about two years of age.[1] Piaget thought that an infant’s perception and

understanding of the world depended on their motor development, which was required for the

infant to link visual, tactile and motor representations of objects. According to this view, it is

through touching and handling objects that infants develop object permanence.[2]”


Any comments sent in to the US NRC and the DECC should be copied to as many parties as possible. We have reason to believe that the US NRC is hiding comments and it is doubtful that the UK DECC is better.

In the US the comments should be copied to Senator Barbara Boxer and to Friends of the Earth for starters. Comments can be anonymously faxed or sent by email:


In the UK copying comments to the Green Party is a good start.

Page 19: Personal Nuclear Radiation Detector

Painting Credit: Kou-kou, 1895 by

Georgios Jakobides (1853–1932)

Alternative names Γεώργιος Ιακωβίδης

Description Greek painter

Date of birth/death 1853 1932

Location of birth/death Lesbos Athens

(Public Domain, Via Wikipedia)


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