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Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument



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• Interpersonal communication at work and at home• Better appreciation of diverse thinking styles• Discovering your strengths and how to maximize them• Enhanced effectiveness as a teacher or presenter• Making better career decisions• Facilitated learning of new material• Solving problems more efficiently• Engaging your creativity for productive innovation• Embarking on a new career or project

So what’s in it for me?

Depending on the goals you set, you can expect to see dramatic results in a number of areas:



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Ned Herrmann was a physicist by profession; as well as an accomplished musician, sculptor and artist.

In the 1970s, his work as Corporate Manager of Management Education at General Electric offered an opportunity for intensive study of individual and group preferences for certain styles of thinking.

A desire to improve the effectiveness of management training led to his creation of a powerful thinking style assessment tool--the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI).

Starting his research with large groups within GE, he expanded it over 20 years through tens of thousands of surveys.

So who is this Homer, I mean, Herrmann guy anyway?

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Each quadrant of the brain is responsible for highly specialized functions and thought processes.

Ned Herrmann's Whole Brain model is a metaphor that demonstrated the preferred modes of each quadrant.

The HBDI thinking styles assessment is a 120-question survey that provides a visual picture of an individual, team or group's mental preferences.

The HBDI is based on an understanding of the four-quadrant nature of the human brain. The brain is comprised of left and right hemispheres, but there are also two parts of our thinking brain: the limbic and the cerebral.

It illustrates the "lens" through which we view life and helps provide a better understanding of how we process information, work, learn and relate to other people in our daily lives.

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Don’t think with half a brain!

Things we do well are often naturally whole-brained.The purpose of whole brain training is to increase the number of things we do well by consciously applying techniques that support

the whole brain approach to work and life.

Be “whole brained”: incorporate both the analytical/sequential thinking of

the left brain and the kinesthetic/holistic thinking of the right

brain.Whole brain activities are both intellectual and emotional, cognitive as

well as experiential.

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WHO? – Feeling SelfIs sensitive to others

Likes to teachTouches a lotIs supportiveIs expressiveIs emotional

Talks a lotFeels

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfTakes preventive actionEstablishes proceduresGets things doneIs reliableOrganizesIs neatTimelyPlans

WHAT? – Rational SelfAnalizesQualifiesIs logicalIs criticalIs realisticLike numbersKnow about $$$Knows how things work

WHY? – Experimental SelfInfers

ImaginesSpeculatesTakes risks

Is impetuousBrakes rules

Likes surprisesIs curious / Plays

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WHO? – Feeling SelfRecognizing interpersonal

difficultiesUnderstanding how others feel /

emotionPicking up the non-verbal cues

Engendering enthusiasmPersuading and conciliating

Teaching and sharing

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfApproaches problems

practicallyOrganizing and keeping trackArticulating plans in an orderly wayMaintain a standard of consistencyDeveloping detailed plans/ policies

WHAT? – Rational SelfGathering FactsAnalyzing issuesMeasuring preciselyLogical problem solvingUnderstanding technical

elementsCritical analysisWorking with #’s, data

WHY? – Experimental SelfTolerating ambiguity

Seeing the big pictureIntuitive problem solving

Recognizing new possiblitiesIntegrating ideas / concepts

Challenging established policiesInventing innovative

solutions to problems


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WHO? – Feeling SelfLack of participaton / sharing

No eye contactImpersonal approach or examples

Dry, unenthusiastic interactionNo team or paired exercises

Lack of hands-on learningFew opp. for social interaction

Low recognition of praise

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfAbsence of a clear agendaDisorganizedPoor sequencing, hopping aroundEnding lateChanging the agenda mid-routeNot practical, unpredictableUnclear instructions / Lack of closureToo many ideas at once

WHAT? – Rational SelfExcessive “chatter” Appearing illogical contentLack of proofLoack of facts or data to substantiateOvert sharing of personal feelingsNot knowing the answerLack of opport. to challengeTouchy feely approaches

WHY? – Experimental SelfRepetition

Overly structured, predictable eventsPlaying it by the book

Narrow focusLack of lexibility/ Rigid

Lack of conceptual frameworkToo much detail

No connect. to other approaches


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WHO? – Feeling Self



Keep their eye on satisfaction

HOW? – Selfkeeping Self

PracticalPlanfulProvenClose on the next stepsKeep their eye on the details

WHAT? – Rational Self

RationalFactualAnalyticalConvinceKeep their eye on the bottom line

WHY? – Experimental Self



Keep their eye on the long term


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WHO? – Feeling SelfBo not be direct

Establish rapportApply the personal touch

Consider other peopleShare/ Respect feelings

Pay attention to non verbalsSocialize before business

Be people focused

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfMap ideas step by stepBe consistentStay on trackExplain in detailBe practicalAnswer “how”Plan the processShow reduced risk

WHAT? – Rational SelfBe brief, clear, conciseUse direct language; to the pointAriculate in a logical formatUse data and fact based chartsBe accurate and specificSubstantiate / prove positionKnow your #’s wellPlan for challenge or debate

WHY? – Experimental SelfThink big picture

Cluster thinking into chunksAllow for ambiguity

Use your imaginationThink about future implications

Use metaphors and picturesAllow for other perspectives

Let people know where headed


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WHO? – Feeling SelfAnimated/ contact-oriented

Asks who is using itAskes from a pt perspectiveShares feelings/ Tells stories

Respects your opinionsFriendly office environment

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfPrefers appts, punctualAsks safety questionsLikes algorithmsLate adopter / first do no harmFollows routinesPredictable

WHAT? – Rational SelfLoves to test youPrefers clinicals/ data/ evidenceDoes not share personal informationDoes not care what other docs useDirect speaking style/ less inflectionLess gestures

WHY? – Experimental SelfNew techn/future goals

Early adopter / first on blockWhere else can I use it?

Modern waiting roomMinimal details / digresses

Flexible time perspective


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WHO? – Feeling SelfEXPECTS:

Personal intros, conversationsEngaging, passionate detail, trust

Knowing how people feelAPPRECIATES:

Expressive body language & voiceRespect opinions; no hidden agendas

Hearing & understanding everyone

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfEXPECTS:Week by week drug expect.Track record of safety, ref. & detailsAlignment with algorithmsAPPRECIATES:Well prepared rep; organized detailProof of thoroughnessNo digressing

WHAT? – Rational SelfEXPECTS:Purpose, logic; brief, clear, precise Data, charts, PI / tech. accurate dataSticking to the businessAPPRECIATES:Critical analysis of clinicalsGood debate, facts no fluffWell designed study

WHY? – Experimental SelfEXPECTS:

Overview & “big picture”, ex./visualsConceptual framework, freedom to rx

Connection to office strategyAPPRECIATES:

Rep going out of way; styleConnectn to other approaches

Minimal details


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WHO? – Feeling SelfGreat to see you

The effect on your pt isFirst, let me cover some business

Other doctors have statedPatients will feel

Patients will be sayingI have informed your staff

HOW? – Selfkeeping SelfS/E to expect during week 1The reference isHere is how to avoid any surprisesHow to titrate isFurther info is availableI have 3 main points to discussA reliable, steady, predictable

WHAT? – Rational SelfBottom line/ cut to the chaseWill be brief, clear & preciseThe following data stateThe validity of the study showsThe pros & the cons areThis is the logical choice b/cExact cost is/ cost benefit isThe outcomes / results are

WHY? – Experimental SelfHere is an overview / big picture

Visually, let me show youIn terms o fyour long term mgmntConnections to other approaches

New way of looking at thisWon’t bog you down

with the detailsEasily understandable


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Using HBDI in 4S-ing

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