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  • 7/27/2019 Personality 111003113859 Phpapp02



  • 7/27/2019 Personality 111003113859 Phpapp02



    Personality is a continuous concept. Itcan be reflected in a persons

    temperament and is a key factor

    influencing individual behavior inorganizations.

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    Personality can be defined as the sum totalof ways in which an individual interacts

    with people and reacts to situations.

    It can be defined as traits exhibited by aperson during interaction with others.

    According to Fred Luthans, Personality

    means how a person affects others and

    how he understands and views himself as

    well as the pattern of inner and outer

    measureable traits, & the personality


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    Characteristics of Personality

    It accounts for consistent patterns of

    behaviour and their relative stability is sought.

    It induces the commonalities and differencesin the behaviour of people as compared to


    The ability to behave in the manner asrequired by social pressures or biological


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    Personality Determinants

    1. Biological Factors

    2. Family and Social factors

    3. Situational Factors

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    Types of Personality

    Type A

    Type B



    Authoritative Manipulative(Machiavellianism)

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    1. Type A Personality



    Desire for quick achievement and


    2. Type B Personality

    Easy going

    Relaxed Less competitive

    Have balanced outlook towards life

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    Prefer to be Alone


    Well ordered

    Emotionally unexpressive Prefer small groups

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    Emotionally expressive

    Seeking novelty

    Sociable Carefree

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    Respect for authority

    Endorse strong parental control

    Close minded

    Adhere to conventional values Make good followers

    Work better under directive supervision

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    Manipulate others

    Work for personal gains

    Have high self confidence

    High self esteem

    Calculative Do not feel guilt in using unethical means

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    Personality attributes

    influencing OB Locus of control

    Self esteem

    Self monitoring

    Risk taking

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    Locus of Control

    It refers to an individuals perception of what

    controls his or her fate.

    1. Internal:- Individuals who believe that

    they control what happens to them.

    2. External:- Individuals who believe that

    what happens to them is controlled byoutside forces such as luck or chance.

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    Self Esteem

    Refers to the degree of respect a person hasfor himself

    Measure of self confidence and respect for

    ones ability and motivation

    Related to assertiveness, independence and


    People with high self esteem take upchallenging jobs and people with low self

    esteem lack confidence and look for

    approval from others

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    Self Monitoring

    Individuals ability to adjust his or herbehavior to external factors

    Pays closer attention to behavior of others

    More successful in managerial positions High self monitors can play multiple and

    even contradictory roles

    Low self monitors find it difficult todisguise their true feelings, emotions and

    reactions and cannot adapt quickly to


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    Risk Taking

    Refer to the extent to which an individualis prepared to take risks

    People differ in their willingness to take

    chances High risk taking people make decision

    quickly without searching for much

    information Research has indicated that the accuracy of

    decisions made by both risk taking and risk

    averse people is almost the same

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    High Risk-taking Managers

    Make quicker decisions

    Use less information to make decisions

    Operate in smaller and more entrepreneurial


    Low Risk-taking Managers

    Are slower to make decisions

    Require more information before making


    Exist in larger organizations with stable


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    Theories Of personality

    Psychoanalytical Theory

    Trait Theory

    Self concept Theory

    Social Learning Theory

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    Psychoanalytical Theory

    Freudian Stage Theory

    Freudian believed that the personality structure isprimarily founded on unconscious framework

    and human behavior and motivation is the

    outcome of 3 concepts i.e. id, ego & super ego

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    Id:-The id is the only component of personality

    that is present from birth. This aspect of

    personality is entirely unconscious and includes

    of the instinctive and primitive behaviors.

    According to Freud, the id is the source of all

    psychic energy, making it the primary componentof personality.

    The id is driven by thepleasure principle, which

    strives for immediate gratification of all desires,

    wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfiedimmediately, the result is a state anxiety or


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    Ego:- It is conscious in nature and is a

    mechanism to relate our conscious urges to

    the outside real world. It keeps id in check

    through the realities of the external

    environment. Id demands immediategratification, whatever the cost, ego

    controls it so that these gratification are

    granted at an appropriate time and in anacceptable manner.

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    Super Ego:- ego is supported by super ego

    to control id. It is the higher levelrestraining force and can be described as

    conscience of person. The conscience

    creates standards of what is right or what iswrong and is generally developed by the

    absorption of cultural and ethical values of

    social environment.

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    Trait Theory It is understood as being an enduring attribute of a person

    that appears consistently in a variety of situations

    A trait of an individual is abstracted from his behavior,

    and serves as an useful unit of analysis to understand


    A personality can be described by its position on anumber of continuous dimensions or scales, each of

    which represent a trait

    The individuals can be described by using trait terms as

    friendly, cautious, excitable, intelligent, etc. Chances are that you would list a number of traits, such

    as outgoing, kindand even-tempered. A trait can be

    thought of as a relatively stable characteristic that causes

    individuals to behave in certain ways.

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    Self concept theory

    Carl Rogers is associated with this theory

    This is organized around the concept that

    personality and behavior are largely determinedby the individual himself

    We tend to act in ways that are consistent with

    our own image of who we are

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    The best vantage point of understanding

    behavior is from the internal frame o

    reference of individual himself It is a result of persons interaction with his

    environment. This interaction in the form

    of learning experience helps us to develop ,grow and mature, and we modify our self-

    concept as a result of these experiences.

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    Social Learning Theory

    Personality is more a result of social

    variables than biological drives

    Motives can be traced to known andconscious needs and wants rather than

    unconscious and latent desires

    The sum total of what a person has learned

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    The Big Five Model

    Extroversion:- outgoing, talkative, sociable,


    Agreeableness:- trusting, good natured, co-

    operative, soft- hearted

    Conscientiousness:- dependable, responsible,achievement- oriented, persistent

    Emotional stability:- relaxed, secure,

    unworried Openness to experience:- sensitive,

    intellectual, imaginative, curious,


    M hi P li i i h

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    Matching Personalities with


    John Holland proposed the personality job-

    fit theory

    This theory establishes relationship

    between personality characteristics, the

    requirements of a job and job performance

    Acc. to John Holland, the job satisfaction

    of an individual and his tendency to quit a

    job are determined by the extent to which

    his personality matches with the work

    environment and requirements of the job

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    Hollands Typology of Personality

    and congruent Occupation Realistic:- Prefers physical activities that

    require skill, strength and coordination.

    This kind of people are shy, genuine,persistent, stable, confirming and practical.

    They are generally mechanic, operators,

    assembly line workers, farmer, etc.

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    Investigative:- Prefers activities that

    involve thinking, organizing and

    understanding. People with such type ofpersonality are analytical, original, curious

    and independent. They are in the job of

    economist, news reporter, mathematician. Social:- Prefers activities that involve

    helping and developing others. They are

    sociable, friendly, co-operative and

    understanding. They prefer to be social

    worker, counselor, psychologist

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    Conventional:- Prefers rule- regulated,

    orderly and unambiguous activities. They

    are efficient, practical, unimaginative and

    inflexible. They are generally accountant,

    corporate manager, bank teller and file


    Enterprising:- Prefers verbal activities

    where there are opportunities to influence

    others and attain power. Such people are

    self- confident, ambitious, energetic anddomineering. They should ideally be

    lawyer, real estate agent, PR specialist.

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    Artistic:- Prefers ambiguous and

    unsystematic activities that allow creative

    expression. They are imaginative,emotional and impractical. Such people are

    painter, musician, writer, interior decorator

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    Attitude and consistency

    Research by Behavioural theorists has

    shown not only do people try to achieve

    consistency among their various attitudesbut also try to behave in a manner that is

    consistent with their attitudes

    Eg. Sales Representative who has topromote their product

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