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Personality Profiling - SHL’s OPQ32r September 2009

If you use psychometric tests or personality measures at work there's no doubt that you're familiar with Saville and Holdsworth (SHL)'s OPQ32 personality measure, which has been around since 1984. It measures 32 different behavioural preferences and can be delivered on or off-line and in numerous languages. It’s a tool that we at Creative Leadership have provided extensively for various clients in recruitment and outplacement and recommend for it's robustness in validity and reliability. Yesterday SHL launched their new version - the OPQ32r. They claim it "significantly improves the OPQ32 and revolutionises workplace personality assessment by using the very latest techniques to make it faster, easier to use, more powerful and more precise" In conjunction with SHL we've taken a quick peek and can elaborate on some of the key areas you might find of interest: Time to complete: The test is less time consuming to complete - rather than taking 40 – 45 minutes to complete it should now only take candidates 20 – 25 minutes. Outputs: Remain the same and indeed there’s some discussion by SHL that the validity is in fact more rigorous! The proof will be in the pudding we suppose. Simplification of Candidate Interface: Interesting to note that this is a generic change to all SHL tests (their MQ/CCSQ etc, and they purport the interface for candidates is easier to use and more intuitive. Dyslexia-friendly: There is a function to allow more time for those people who suffer with dyslexia. Price: Remains the same. There are of course many other products which assess personality, behaviour, motivation, judgement etc etc in the marketplace (we also work with Disc, Myers Briggs, Thinking Styles, The Judgement Index, Factor 5 to name a few...!) What you use all depends on what you need.

www.creative-leadership.co.uk 01202 853647

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In our view this latest move by SHL to focus on the candidate experience is a big step forward in the psychometrics world, and we're looking forward to watching how things progress. Your Invitation If you'd like us to help you figure out which psychometric test would work best for you and how, then we invite you to a FREE CONSULTATION. Simply get in touch today on 01202 853647 or email [email protected].

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