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Personalized Career Report

5 Years

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro

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Dear XYZ Please find our analysis for your Personalized Career Report – 5 Years. We thank you for giving us this opportunity to analyse your birth chart. The accuracy of the predictions depends on the accuracy of the time of birth given to us by you. Kindly note that as per Vedic Astrology the stars will control only 75% of your life and the critical 25% will be your own efforts. We wish you luck and pray to God that you overcome all obstacles in your life. With Warm Regards Mr. B. B. Sorcer Astrologer Team Cyber Astro

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Table of Content Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos. 1. Your Personal Birth Detail. 5 2. Highlights of your Vedic Birth Chart; 5 to 7

Your Vedic Birth Chart. Brief Description of your Birth Chart. Planet Strength at a Glance.

3. Your natal affinity to choice, motivation & preference of career path; 8 to 13

Choice of career as per your “Varna”. Choice of career as per the sign elements and sign types. Career preference as per 10th house of your birth chart. Career preference & motivation as per Sun Nakshatra. Your career connection with 6th house & 10th house. Astrologer’s comments on choice of your present career. Astrologer’s recommendation for alternative career choices.

4. Competence and career highlights as per your birth chart; 14 to 15

Your competence with Self-Employment/Business or Job. Astrological potential for professional recognition & Success. Astrological potential for Financial success. Astrological indication for frequent or minimum change in career. Level of efforts/slogging and responsibilities as per birth chart. Your relationship and emotional quotient with people in interaction.

5. Overall career prediction for Next Five Years; 16 to 17

Karma Index Table. Table’s of Planetary Dasha period.

6. Year wise detailed prediction for upcoming Five Years; 18 to 19

1st Year Career Prediction. 2nd Year Career Prediction.

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3rd Year Career Prediction. 4th Year Career Prediction. 5th Year Career Prediction.

7. Career Highlights for Next Five Years; 20 to 21

Possibility for change in present job or location, will be it be good or bad?

Time period to expect promotion or reward with present job/career. Is there setback in present career? If yes, when? Is there short term or long term foreign assignment? If yes, when?

8. Karmic introspection with respect to your career. 22 9. Astrological Remedies to enhance your professional potentials. 23

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Your Personal Birth Details

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth DD/MM/YYYY

Time Of Birth HH:MM:SS

Place of Birth City, State, Country

Highlights of your Vedic Birth Chart

Your Vedic Birth Chart

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Brief Description of your Birth Chart

Ascendant (Lagna) Aquarius Ascendant Lord: Saturn Sun Sign (Rashi): Gemini Moon Sign (Rashi): Virgo Birth Star (Nakshatra): Uttara Phalg. Partnership Lord: Sun Strong Planets: Venus Weak Planets: None Exalted Planet(s): None Debilitated Planet(s): None Own House Planet(s): Venus Mooltrikon Planet(s): Rahu, Ketu Combust Planet(s): None

Career Lord: Mars Luck Lord: Venus

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Planet Strength at a Glance

Planet Dignity (Based on Sign location)

Lordship Functional Status Auspicious /Inauspicious

House Location

Planet Natal Strengths Final Judgement by Astrologer

Sadbal Vimsopakabal Ashtakavarga Natal Strength

Sun Friend VII Inauspicious V 1.31 14 5 Mixed Moon Neutral VI Inauspicious VIII 1.28 11 3 Challenging Mars Grt.Enemy III & X Inauspicious VIII 1.33 10 4 Challenging Mercury Neutral V & VIII Auspicious IV 1.13 12 7 Good Jupiter Grt.Enemy II & XI Inauspicious IX 1.07 14 6 Mixed Venus Own IV & IX Most

Auspicious IV 1.52 13 7 Very Good

Saturn Neutral I & XII Auspicious VIII 1.30 9 2 Good Rahu Mooltrikon --- V 14 Mixed Ketu Mooltrikon --- XI 12 Mixed

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Your natal affinity to choice, motivation & preference of career path

Choice of career as per your “Varna”.

From our natal chart, our Varna is calculated based on the Nakhatra location of Moon in our natal chart.

The original Varnashram was created to assign the division of labor in the production and distribution system of the economy. A person’s Varna indicated his core competence based on his personality and intrinsic nature to be best suited for a particular function in the society. It was not a hereditary system.

We give below the different functions associated with each of the 4 Varna classifications.

In Bhagavat Gita, Lord Sree Krishna had mentioned about 4 Gunas, based on which 4 Varnas were created according to the kind of work (Karma), a person is supposed to perform in his/her life as per the qualities the person has inherited based on environment and circumstances and past Karma. These 4 kinds of works are necessary to maintain the smooth functioning of the society. These qualities were purely based on the person’s natural talents and skill. This was an unique system but later on it got degenerated into the evils of Cast system which was purely based on heredity. Man is essentially a social animal. For his survival and prosperity, he has to interact with other people also. He has clear cut duties and responsibilities towards performing special functions which help the society to sustain and to grow and make progress.

These 4 Varnas are as follows:

People who by choice and independently, are involved in production and distribution of goods and services belong to “Vaishya Varna”.

People who by choice offer their services to others in the society based on their special skill and strength belong to “Kshatriya Varna”.

People who by choice offers their labour and skill completely to and individual or to an organization against fixed wages belong to “Shudra Varna”.

People who are not directly involved in any production or distribution of goods and services but have special skill and wisdom for which the society collectively recognizes and rewards or compensates them materially belong to “Brahman Varna”.

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In today’s global economy, the choices of professions or the different kinds of work that people perform are vast than what they were in ancient times, and every day new profession or new areas of work are emerging, but at fundamental level this classification into 4 Varnas are still very much valid.

As per your horoscope, Vedic astrology can decide you belong to which of the 4 Varnas. This is strictly based on your chart and has nothing to do with your hereditary status. A brahman’s child can be shudra or vice versa.

You belong to Vaishya Varna. Due to their enhanced analytical and business skills, Vaishyas make excellent business-men. They are involved in large or small business ventures and trading. Stock trading, speculative trades and export-import are most suitable. They become successful venture capitalist, accountants and chartered accountants also. Entrepreneurs and startup heads belong to Vaishya Varna. They excel in marketing and sales job as well.

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Choice of career as per the sign elements and sign types.

Table of planets sign type and sign elements

Type of Sign/Elements of Sign Fire Earth Air Water

Cardinal -- -- Ju --

Fixed -- Ve, Me -- --

Mutable Ke Sa, Ma,

Mo Su, Ra --

10th House

Your 10th house from Ascendant is “Scorpio” sign. This is “Fixed” sign type with “Water” element.

Your 10th house lord is located in “Virgo” sign. This is “Mutable” sign type with “Earth” element.

Career Choice as per sign type

Majority of Planets in your chart are located in Mutable signs and in Earth Element.

Mutable signs fit the native to become a better servant than master; an agent, messenger, clerk, traveller, teacher, editor, speaker: but unless the nativity shows exceptional success he would do best in the employ of others. It sometimes denotes occupations in which uniform is worn, or work in institutions and public companies or where public commodities are dealt with.

Career Choice as per sign element

Earthy signs give employment in connection with buildings, mining, and all laborious, heavy and slow work in which time, labour and perseverance are required. Virgo inclines to chemistry, Taurus to agriculture or finance, Capricorn to administrative or political positions.

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Career preference as per 10th house of your birth chart.

Mars as lord of the tenth house denotes an ambitious and masterful spirit. It is favourable for success in business or profession, since the energy of the native is able to carry him through the turbulent and stormy periods he will experience in the business world. The native does not prosper when in business for himself, unless in an occupation of the nature of Mars, and this planet well aspected. The animal and passionate side of the nature is likely to override the intellectual and impulse or feeling to be much more prominent than reason. The native will not escape scandal or ill repute, whether deserved in the present life or not. If afflicted by Uranus, the native either becomes immoral or is carried away by impulse and commits some rash act. If afflicted by Saturn, the native is vindictive, resentful, and unforgiving, or overcritical and sceptical. If afflicted by Jupiter, improvident and wasteful, or over-enthusiastic and self-deceptive. If well aspected, the native is courageous and brave, but acts more from impulse and instinct than reason. Mars connects with employments and professions in which muscular energy is necessary, hazardous and skilful occupations in which there is always an element of risk and danger; such as soldier, surgeon, dentist, worker in metals, chemist, engineer, sailor, agitator, etc.

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Career preference & motivation as per Sun Nakshatra.

Sun is located in Gemini in Ardra Nakshatra in your chart whose lord is Rahu You will enjoy such jobs where you have to constantly interact with different people to effect transaction or sign contracts. It could be involved in education, academic, agency work, in writing and in journalistic profession. You will enjoy such areas where you must receive, distribute , retrieve information. You will have natural talent to communicate through print and digital media. You will also enjoy short travels in connection with your career. You will prefer such work which will involve secrecy and diplomacy. Such work which you can do all by yourself without interacting with many people. You are not averse to constant hard work, but it must be done as per your fixed process. You will hate such work environment which is haphazard and disorganized. In artistic work, you will prefer such craft which does not involve fine detail work. You will always prefer a fixed return for your efforts or value for your work.

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Your career connection with 6th house & 10th house.

In your horoscope, 6th lord of employment Moon is placed in the 8th house of misfortune with Saturn and Mars. 6th house is unaspected. 10th house of career Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house with inimical Saturn and Moon. Saturn, Venus and Mercury have aspect on the 10th house of career. 9th house of destiny is occupied by Jupiter and 9th house Lord Venus is well-placed in the 4th house in its own sign or house with friendly Mercury. You are self-reliant and independent with good organizing ability. Success for you comes slowly, through perseverance and hard work. You will get better success if you station away from your native or birth place. You would get slight late success especially period after 36 years of age will give you good and very auspicious career growth. 40 years to 60 years shall go down as most productive and positive phase in your career journey although there will be phases of challenges and struggle. Period till 30 years will give you good and solid foundation to push yourself in the professional sphere however the period will remain mostly trial and error period.

Astrologer’s comments on choice of your present career.

Career related to finance, IT, computers, journalism, PR, mass communication, telecommunication, banking, content writing, logistics, finance and administration will remain good for you. Technical line or field will also remain good and auspicious for your career. Saturn is an Atmakaraka planet whereas Mercury is an Amatyakaraka planet in your horoscope.

Astrologer’s recommendation for alternative career choices.

Alternatively career in travelling, publishing, finance, sales and marketing, retail and hotel management would remain good for your career in the long run.

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Competence and career highlights as per your birth chart

Your competence with Self-Employment/Business or Job.

Your 7th Lord Sun is placed in the 5th house with inimical Rahu. 7th house is unaspected; however your natal Sun is aspected by inimical Saturn in your horoscope. 10th house of career and business Lord Saturn is afflicted and ill-placed in the 8th house of misfortune. There is no powerful and auspicious Yoga for giving you stupendous success in business. Hence, service or job will remain best form of career for you in the long run.

Astrological potential for professional recognition & Success.

In your horoscope, 6th lord of employment Moon is placed in the 8th house of misfortune with Saturn and Mars. 6th house is unaspected. 10th house of career Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house with inimical Saturn and Moon. Saturn, Venus and Mercury have aspect on the 10th house of career. 9th house of destiny is occupied by Jupiter and 9th house Lord Venus is well-placed in the 4th house in its own sign or house with friendly Mercury. You possess a good grasping power and a keen sense of participation and responsibility. You are very sharp in your understanding and like to be reasonable with good logical skills. You are sincere at your work. Major part of your learning would be in your working zone. You have potential to achieve high position after much struggle and difficult periods. You are independent in your mind hence you like to create your own zone and space. You may change your perspective quite often in early years in life. You have always been progressive and ambitious. You aspire for the highest in your field through honest means. Your honesty and sense of righteousness may not be easy to deal with. You are as much a struggler as you are an achiever. You believe in hard work and that there is no short-cut to success. Your work would make you prominent in your industry / fraternity. You do not compromise in your principles and discipline. You would attain decent recognition and appreciation in the professional sphere late in your life as you would experience good surge and good prosperity in your career.

Astrological potential for financial success.

2nd house of income Lord Jupiter is placed in the 9th house of destiny and 2nd house is aspected by Saturn, Mars and Moon which guarantees good strong success in finance and stability in financial life. Jupiter is retrograde and Jupiter is also the 11th house of gains Lord in your horoscope. You will be able to accumulate decent pelf and mammon in your life. You will be self-made individual and you will be able to create your own space and carve a niche of yourself. You will gradually do well in career and there consolidate your financial position on firm footing. Your earnings will show good rise and you will have strong potential to earn decent money. You do not have to

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struggle much to amass good fortune or wealth. Your overall financial status in life shall remain very good and there are chances of accumulation of decent pelf and mammon. You will be secured well in your finances as you invest well in areas that give you good returns in due time. Property or landed assets are good investments for you. It may not be wise for you to invest in stocks and shares market. Avoid taking loans unless it is helpful for you in saving money. You may have to be careful from higher expenses especially during Mars, Moon, Rahu and Ketu main and sub periods. Starting from 36 years onwards will remain most productive and rosy phase in your financial and professional life.

Astrological indication for frequent or minimum change in career.

Lion’s share planets are placed in the Earthy sign hence there will be average changes in career vis-à-vis job.

Level of efforts/slogging and responsibilities as per birth chart.

There are 3 kinds of people in this world. The first group is very lucky that whatever efforts they make they actually get greater rewards and recognition for their efforts compared to other people. This means they are lucky to reap more than what they sow. There are second group of people, they reap in exact proportion to what they sow. Finally the third group is somewhat unlucky , in spite of best efforts, the reward and recognition they get are not commensurate with their efforts. They reap less than what they sow. We call this reward to effort ratio in the chart and is computed by dividing the 11th house ashtakbarga strength with the ashtakbarga strength of 10th house.

Your 10th House Score is: 26 Your 11th House Score is: 28 Reward to Effort ratio in your chart is: 1.07

Therefore, the Karmic indication in your chart is such that you will always get higher reward than what you deserve. But this does not mean that you will receive reward without any efforts. Hence, you should be consistent in your efforts and it will definitely help you to gain great success in life.

Your relationship and emotional quotient with people in interaction.

You are ambitious, self-controlled and you have organizing ability. You can be a disciplined, patient, hard worker who eventually receives the deserved rewards. There is a tendency to take life very seriously and duty and responsibility are very important to you. You understand that time and suffering serve a purpose and that happiness is not the final goal of existence. You may find it difficult to divide your energies between work and play. You have the ability to translate abstract concepts into concrete terms. You may experience feelings of loneliness and inadequacy and that could be one reason why you tend to work so long and hard. You are also honest, congenial, gregarious and friendly nature.

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Overall career prediction for Next 5 Years (Based on Karma Index & Planetary Dasha System)

Karma Index Table

From Date To Date Soul Wealth Efforts Happiness Creativity Disease Spouse Windfall Destiny Vocation Desire Detachment Karma

01-Jul-2019 31-Dec-2019 -109 -252 -221 564 -46 -37 -17 20 -31 217 -147 -184 187

01-Jan-2020 30-Jun-2020 238 162 -121 1340 411 67 229 24 579 597 243 19 736

01-Jul-2020 31-Dec-2020 278 699 1165 719 493 175 154 1030 359 886 597 248 1019

01-Jan-2021 30-Jun-2021 273 149 -246 988 456 136 204 61 400 529 160 138 653

01-Jul-2021 31-Dec-2021 135 99 -173 668 420 72 127 157 246 389 103 16 504

01-Jan-2022 30-Jun-2022 595 821 402 1013 1020 228 420 463 837 800 737 350 1128

01-Jul-2022 31-Dec-2022 384 617 -275 664 1060 -58 526 -331 1068 45 741 -285 589

01-Jan-2023 30-Jun-2023 773 823 -391 1157 1347 310 533 -20 1096 638 660 480 1095

01-Jul-2023 31-Dec-2023 262 13 -427 467 142 366 -58 173 -100 449 -285 640 369

01-Jan-2024 30-Jun-2024 343 274 190 907 419 331 77 655 109 904 92 532 897

Best >= 600 Mixed < 600 And >= 200 Average < 200 And >= 30 Worst < 30

Table’s of Planetary Dasha period. Main Period / Sub period / Sub-Sub Period Table

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Year wise detailed prediction for upcoming Five Years

During the next five years, you will be undergoing Jupiter major period and sub periods of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury respectively. You may begin the year with a positive outlook and gung-ho about the professional scopes and responsibilities. Your rapport with colleagues and peers will remain reciprocative. You will also remain proactive on many issues and this may fetch you instant recognition in the professional field. Some of the work which will come in your way shall remain most demanding for you as you will be given stipulated time frame for the execution of the work. You will feel obliged to carry out more responsible tasks at the working front. Professional life shall gain momentum and pace and you will have to gear up yourself to take on the increased work pressure. You will try to hog the limelight in your professional life by delivering upto your fullest capacity. You would want to take up multiple tasks and give it a best shot. Due to taking up multiple tasks you may face mental stress during this period, hence keep digging to achieve desires with positive enthusiasm. But, in this enthusiasm, do not lose focus from the fundamental areas and try to maintain a rock solid stance. This may prove to be a highly active and busy phase for your education and a plethora of experiences await you.

1st Year Career Prediction.

In this phase, your luck would strongly support you and you will be able to make the most of the opportunities that come your way. You may be able to delivery things successfully. Some function or major event seems to be in the offing, and this may prove to be a good platform to display your skills and talent. If you are able to make the optimum use of the opportunities that come your way, then rich gains are guaranteed. You may come across some interesting people in this duration, and you may benefit from their influence and contacts. During this period, there would be a strong urge within you to perform more efficiently and excel creatively. With great spontaneity and enthusiasm as the propelling factors, you do not hesitate in taking risks. The time would be favourable for you to exhibit your talents and skills, and your overall performance may drastically improve.

2nd Year Career Prediction.

During this phase, you may go through some experiences which may change your overall perspectives about certain things. This would be the ideal time to explore your strengths and abilities and to discover the untapped potential within you. It would be better to let go off the methods or concepts which may not be yielding the desired results and to come up with new ideas instead. You may want to focus more on self-growth rather than involving in too many activities. Plans that may not have worked well in the recent past may now start clicking in your favour. Ambition, perseverance and self-expression are some of the aspects that will now take centre-stage

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at the work-front. You would be able to push yourself out of the comfort zone and put in the hard work to achieve results.

3rd Year Career Prediction.

You may also be willing to compromise on other areas of life, to achieve more stability and satisfaction in your professional sphere. If you feel that there's too much on your platter, and it's becoming difficult to deal with the pressure, then you will have to manage your time well. This will be the period to reap the benefits for the efforts that you may have put in the past. There would be a lot of opportunities for socializing and you would be able to form new contacts. This would be a favourable period as regards your finances and there may be sudden gains. Relations with people at the workplace would be very amicable. Your popularity may get a major boost in this period and you may get a lot of appreciation for your innovative concepts and ideas. You will be doing your work with great discipline and concentration, as you will be having clear idea of your actions through good intellect. This year seems more beneficial as far as career growth and progression is concerned. You will be working harder in this particular period.

4th Year Career Prediction.

You may remain positive and confident. Now you will be able to put up more organized efforts. This in turn is likely to have positive impact on your profession. You need to act carefully as the period may bring sudden developments at your work place. There can be expansion of work and you will find yourself overloaded. In the present assignment you may be under pressure. You may be dissatisfied with performance of persons working with you. A close interaction with them will help you to sort out problems. Now you will be open to new ideas and try to break the shackles. This period will bring in some opportunities for growth and better position. You may also have a twist and brainstorm idea on how to expand your horizon. It will also provide you more opportunities for progress and support from many sources. All you need is to make use of this and build on what you have already achieved.

5th Year Career Prediction. During this period of time, you will experience or have change of job after putting up much efforts and organized show. You should have an open and flexible mind for future success at the new professional front. You will find yourself in a comfortable position. Summarily, this is a time of planning and preparation for achieving your desires and goals. You desire changes and constant inspiration to perform well. Most of the time, you are self inspired. It would be important to stay focussed and work on your priorities on your professional area. Correct and appropriate attitude will be the most important deciding factor now and thus you must lie as low as possible and do this totally sincerely. It will be better to be in touch with your social circle, seniors and influential authorities. However, now most of the success will depend on how you alter your attitude and how consistently you work for your goal. You will have to work very hard to achieve what you want. Act with caution is the advice for you.

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Career Highlights for Next Five Years

Possibility for change in present job or location, will be it be good or bad?

Change of position or lateral change is indicated. The change will be mixed for you. The change may take place during next couple of years. Demanding situation at the professional front shall keep you on tenterhooks. At work, you shall try to chalk out a better schedule in order to improve your productivity and efficiency. You will also do well in your endeavour and there will be gradual improvement. You have to be prudent and minimize your financial and emotional losses. Prepare yourself for change or transition. You may have to move for some reason. The following period will be challenging for you pertaining to the vocational matter. June 2020 to July 2020 December 2020 to April 2021 May 2021 to August 2021 January 2023 to October 2023 July 2024 to August 2024

Time period to expect promotion or reward with present job/career.

You may have to work hard to make things happen. Harmonizing things effectively may become difficult at times. Although transit of Jupiter shall remain favourable for you however because of the planetary movement and effects of Rahu and Ketu transit, the overall results will be mediocre not very promising or harmonizing. Your area of focus will be your profession. You should try to think positively and avoid any kind of negative thoughts. There will be times when you may not get the desired results of your efforts but there may also be times when little efforts put in by you might surprise you by their positive outcome. If you live up to your responsibilities, define clearly what you want to achieve, and work hard to attain your goals, you can deal with the problems effectively and with time may be able to achieve some positive results of your hard work. The following periods or phases will remain important for you to implement new plan and strategies and look out for new career scopes and opportunities. There may be change of job or else profile during the next five years down the line. The following phases will remain good for implementing new and novel ideas into work and modus-operandi. During these periods, you may expect something worthwhile happening in your career journey.

July 2019 to October 2019 November 2019 to May 2020

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August 2020 to November 2020 September 2021 to May 2022 August 2022 to December 2022 November 2023 to June 2024

Is there setback in present career? If yes, when?

The following periods or phases may cause some consternation pertaining to the career and professional matters. You may have to face demanding and daunting situation in the professional sphere or else encounter professional volatility or even lull period. Some constraints may continue to hamper your working. You would want to cultivate more options in order to increase your productivity. You will try to augment your morale and take bull by its horns. Your overall work pressure may increase and you may have to handle different domain. Your performance will be noteworthy however some amount of mental pressure will be created and pressure to perform well may increase. Subordinates will be slightly difficult to handle. Hence you need to employ tactfulness and diplomacy in your dealing with others especially with peers and junior colleagues.

June 2020 to July 2020 December 2020 to April 2021 May 2021 to August 2021 January 2023 to October 2023 July 2024 to August 2024

Is there short term or long term foreign assignment? If yes, when?

This section is not applicable, as you are already in abroad or overseas.

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Karmic introspection with respect to your career

Seed/trigger/result table for Pursuit of Vocation and pursuit of Wealth

Pursuits Seed stage Trigger stage Result stage

Pursuits for 'Dharma' (Vocation) 9th house 1st house 5th house Pursuits for 'Artha' (wealth) 6th house 10th house 2nd house

Pursuits Seed Trigger/span Results

Pursuits for 'Dharma' (Vocation) 26 30 24 Pursuits for 'Artha' (wealth) 41 26 34

You will observe that Pursuit of Vocation matrix is higher when we go from seed to trigger stage. But then at results stage, it dips down in comparison to trigger stage.

This indicates that you can do well in your professional life, but at times, you may have to put in sufficient efforts to derive full satisfaction from your profession.

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Astrological Remedies to enhance your professional potentials You should wear the gemstone WHITE SAPPHIRE of about 5 carats in potency/weight studded in a silver ring, the index finger of your right hand. The gemstone should be worn regularly but first put it on a Friday morning, after bath & prayers. It will boost up the auspicious power of your natal Venus positively. This will positively and propitious energize your natal Venus, favourable and auspicious Yogakaraka planet in your horoscope vis-à-vis ascendant. In order to have an idea about this remedy, please click on following link:

WHITE SAPPHIRE: https://www.cyberastro.com/remedies/gems_whitesapphire.asp With Warm Regards Mr. B. B. Sorcer Astrologer Please read https://www.cyberastro.com/asp/disclaimer.asp

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