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  • 8/8/2019 Pf Europe Newsletter December 2010


    November - December 2010


    Dear European colleagues in Prison Fellowship,2010 is about to end and we are grateful to the Lord for all the developments that occurred in the

    region throughout the year in your ministries. In May we gathered in Cluj for the fruitful trainingson Aftercare, Restorative Justice and Ministry Development. In November the RLT met inWashington where we have planned actions for next year. The highlight of the year will be theninth PFI World Convocation please register online as soon as possible!- and dont forget that weare here to serve you in all possible ways. Lets give thanks to the Lord for our big family and asChristmas is reminding us the unfailing love of Jesus, we would like to intensify our prayers. Wesuggest creating a prayer poster with the pictures of every NM ED and Chairperson (to be releasednext year). Please send pictures to Dominique. We also would like to encourage leaders to have a

    prayer support group and in 2011 we will present a new leader in each newsletter, asking to prayfor them. All your inputs are welcome!

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you, your team, your family and all those we serve!

    Constantin, Hans, Tobias and Dominique

    Bringing Christ to Prison in Scotland

    Among its programmes in prisons, PF Scotland has justspent a week running a Christianity Exploredprogramme in Barlinnie Prison, Glasgow, with DerekWatt and Billy Paul, members of PF Scotland. It has thesame goals as Alpha course but the method is different.4 men completed the course. One of the men said at theend its like my eyes have been opened!. The groupgrew in their understanding of what the Bible tells usabout Jesus. According to Billy, the sign of effectiveness

    Billy, Steve, Gillian, Derek is the way that it has affected the prisoners who attendedit. The course is allowing the Gospel to tell the Gospel, in a prison-friendly way.The group regularly meets groups of prisoners in Barlinnie, Kilmarnock and Greenockprisons, to pray and discuss the Bible. Steve (a co-presenter of the course) shared his

    testimony of becoming a Christian while in prison in order to encourage the groups thatJesus can, and does, change lives.

    More news about PF Scotland: http://www.prisonfellowshipscotland.com/4-page.html

  • 8/8/2019 Pf Europe Newsletter December 2010


    Annual Conference of Volunteers in Portugal

    PF Portugal (FIAR) convenes itsannual conference every year in adifferent city of the country. In

    November this year Fiar volunteerswere less numerous than last year because the meeting was in Lisbon,and people from the north ofPortugal, did not attend. Despite this,it was a time of strengthening thegroup motivation, testimony, spiritualguidance, and .. good food! To see thephotos of the day, go to :http://www.flickr.com/photos/fiar/

    Restorative Justice awareness in Switzerland

    Luzia Zuber, Chairperson of PF Switzerland, has followed a very fruitful training led byComPax, a Swiss Christian NGO, with Howard Zehr , one of the pioneers of theRestorative Justice, as guest speaker. Zehrs visit to Switzerland corresponded with thepublication of the German language edition of the "Little Book of Restorative Justice".Also, Luzia reports having met with one of the participants of the seminar, a faithfulChristian attorney working in prison for youth delinquency. He has written a book whosetitle in German is Restorative Justice und integrative Symbolik and he lives next door to

    Luzias! As Tobias, in his capacity of RLT member, met with the Board on December 11th,Luzia took the decision to organise a meeting in 2011 between PF Switzerlands Board andComPax in order to introduce PFI RJ programmes and hopefully start a collaboration!

    Inviting a famous film Director to speak toSpanish Prisoners

    One of the outcome of the Week of Prayer is that PF Spain hashad very good contacts with the movie Director Juan ManuelCotelo who visited the military prison of Madrid and togetherwith PF Spain, led a debate with prisoners:On December 17 the film ''La Ultima Cima'' (the UltimateSummit) has been shown to 30 people in the prison. It is aboutthe life of a joyful and humble priest surrendering his life toChrist- who died in 2009. The director has then spoken to theprisoners who were much moved. PF Spain would like to show

    this documentary in other prisons of the country.

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    Bible Competition 2010 in Hungary

    The Bible competition initiative began three years ago in a prisoners mind. PF Hungarynow convenes a yearly national Bible competition for prisoners during the second Sunday

    of Advent December 5th-. The number of participants has doubled in 2 years. In 2010, 1194prisoners from 30 prisons from all over Hungary filled the workbook designed by MartonPF Hungary ED, which has 40 questions to be answered in 80 minutes with the possibility touse their own Bible. This year the Gospel of Matthew and the Book of Psalms have beenstudied. 5 "students" have been rewarded in prison by the national commander of the PrisonService, and the reward was an extra package, extra visit from the family, and extra talktime for the prisoners. For PF Hungary volunteers this is a wonderful occasion to spread thegospel.The chaplains were very pleased with this initiative; two of them designed the questions.All prisoners who participated received a PF Hungary written certificate about the workcompleted. Marton said, I really hope that many prisoners found the answer for their ownlife with the help of the Bible .

    Writing a first Christmas letter ever - Theatrein Targu Mures Prison -Romania

    As part of the work with juveniles from this prison, PF Romania has presented the "AtRubbish Carts drama at Christmas. The actors are 15 juveniles out of the 46 who recentlycompleted 6 months training on how to write and read. Constantin considers it as thehighlight blessing of the year for PF Romania. Cornelia, his wife, is the team leader in allpreparations. Since October, 3 times per week her team has travelled to the prison located120 km far from Cluj Napoca, in order to lead the rehearsals. For the first time the juveniles

    are capable of writing letters home to their parents and wives for Christmas!

    The happiness of these young people is the best reward: "One year ago we have beenforgotten, despised, neglected. Now we can read and write and do drama. What a change inour life for Christmas!" said one of the juveniles.

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    New focus on Angel Tree in NorwayUnder the leadership of PF Norways new board member Elisabeth Vinje-Andersen aproject group has been formed to plan introducing Angel Tree as a sizable service to themost vulnerable victims of crime, the children of the imprisoned. The Angel Tree activity inMoss prison is no longer active, since this small prison has been closed down. But that did

    not end the service. A few days ago two small children here in Norway received asurprising visit from Tove in Moss, handing out Christmas gifts on behalf of a close relativein Australia who no longer could reach them due to incarceration in Australia. Goodinternational networking and a wonderful hand of love. Ingvald Viken.The Newsletter of PF Norway has just been released and focuses on Angel Tree. Availableupon request at the European Secretariat of PFI. If youre interested to look what PF

    Norway website look like, go towww.oneweb.no/pfn:

    1000th Sycamore Tree programme completed in

    England and Wales !PF E&W is publicizing how they see lives transformed: PFsrestorative justice programme Sycamore Tree achieved a milestoneon December the 14th when the 1000th programme was completed.PF EW appeals to prisoners to sign up for STP and also for victimsand volunteers to join the team in order to develop the programmeeven more: It is already in 30 prisons, for 2000 inmates per year, with300 trained volunteers involved yearly.Have a look on how PF E&W publicizes STP in order to attract new

    volunteers: http://www.prisonfellowship.org.uk/sycamore-tree2.html

    Learners during a final session of a STP course in England

    1st Sycamore Tree programme in Italy !

    PF Italy started in November a first STP programme in Milan-Opera Prison, one of thehighest security standard prison. 7 life-sentenced prisoners, all of them belonging to Mafiawith several murderers each, are participating in the programme that will end January 29.These prisoners already went through some interior critical and spiritual path but the task isstill very tough and challenging. Carlo Paris said: God decided to support us and the HolySpirit inspired some words and concepts that along with STP discussion material made uscried a lot, not for laughing but for pain . Slightly the victims participating in theprogramme are being touched too.

    Estonian prisoners preparingthe gifts for their children!Avo Uprus daughter has started leading a version of theAngel Tree programme for a small number of children. Onthe photo included you may see small souvenirs that theinmates learnt to create, especially hand painted /sculptedfor their children.

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    Pray for Prison FellowshipItaly as they will close the STP programme in January, ask blessingsupon the volunteers Carlo, Marcela, Daniela and the inmates, and the victims. Pray that PF Italyleaders obtain a meeting with the chaplain general of Italian prisons too.

    Pray for PF Poland in their efforts to attract younger volunteers.

    Pray for the full recovery of Billy Gilvear the PF Guernsey Chairman and the dedicated teamwhich is increasing the activities and visits in prisons.

    Pray for abundant blessings in families of prisoners ofNorthern Ireland as they are running the

    Christmas Hope programme (local version of Angel tree)

    Pray for PF Malta so that they may touch a growing number of prisoners and attract newvolunteers.

    Give thanks for PF Iceland and the new Board full of enthusiasm (see Octobers issue of theNewsletter)

    Give thanks with a grateful heart: PF Germany will open a new juvenile centre soon! (more newsin Februarys issue! Dont miss it!)


    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,Blessings to you all, to your families, and to your ministries in this joyful days of Christmas !!!

    May the programs you have prepared and delivered in the prisons, your visits to families ofprisoners, or victims of crime, have warmed the hearts with Gods love for all people. Please send us

    brief report on the Christmas program of your ministry ! Be sure to add some photos, that would begreat !Looking to 2011 we would like to assure you, that PFI Secretariat will do its best to assist instrengthening of PFI ministries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Your servant will do his bestto visit all the national ministries in the region, participate in Board meetings, consult and assistwith launching of new PFI programmes, and helping to promote strategically important projects

    for the future development of the ministries.

    Lets remember the major event of the year to come: PFI World Convocation in Toronto ! Please besure to arrange your registration, so that you could be considered for a scholarship, meant to assist

    your participation. PFI Secretariat has launched the registration process early, so that the visa andother travel arrangements could be arranged on time. If you have any questions, or need help with

    the registration please contact the European Secretariat in Vevey, Switzerland.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS ! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!In Christ name, Ivan Sotirov

  • 8/8/2019 Pf Europe Newsletter December 2010


    Angel Tree in Kazakhstan

    PF Kazakhstan leadership team has been successful in reaching out to many localchurches in an effort to attract them to an expanded Angel Tree programme. The total

    number of children to be reached is over 1,500. There are 45 volunteers who will beinvolved in delivering packages from the parent in prison. The Christmas programme ofPF Kazakhstan includes a concert in the juvenile prison in Ust Kamenogorsk, while theregional office in Chimkent plans Christmas visits and concerts in 9 prisons in the south ofthe vast country.

    PFK leaders

    Good news from Bulgaria

    Several good news from the ministry: The participants in PF Bulgaria Community Of Restoration (COR) have just finished

    different courses in vocational training 5 construction industry specializations, aswell as a course in landscaping and gardening. They will receive their diplomas aspart of PF Bulgaria Christmas programme in the prison of Vratza. Elena Yoncheva, EDof PF Bulgaria and the team of volunteers, working in the different ministryprogrammes in the prison are finishing the year with a feeling of joy in their servinghearts to the glory of our Lord.

    PF Bulgaria marked the secondanniversary of its Visitors centres run by ministry volunteers in two major

    prisons (the pics of the projectvolunteers)

    Start of a pre-release program on basicpersonal financing skills, led byprisoners, taking part in the COR of PFBulgaria.

    HIV/AIDS awareness in Belarus

    PF Belarus is starting a HIV/AIDS awareness programme in the prisons of the countryusing PFI manuals. The 17 sessions course, issued also in Russian translation by PFISecretariat is much appreciated by the ministry. The prison chaplains, priests of theOrthodox church, will be the facilitators of the courses.

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    A fruitful visit to PF Albania

    The Chairman of the Regional Leadership Team (RLT) in Europe Constantin Assavoaieand Elena Yoncheva, RLT member, visited PF Albania Dec. 1-4, 2010. The goals of the visitwas to assist in the renewal of PF Albania Board in making it truly multi-confessional andrepresentative. The visit was successful and the new Board, chaired by Mrs. Sonila Dedjaincludes representatives of the Orhodox and Catholic prison ministry, as well as theProtestant prison ministry Sh.K.B.Sh, whose leader Fred Westerink assumes the positionof Executive Director of PF Albania. All the prison ministries involve will guard theirautonomy while working together to develop and apply PFI programmes.

    PF Armenia developing projects

    The ministry has prepared a plan for Christmas celebration in 4 large prisons in thecountry. The program includes church services and concerts, visits by personalities ofcultural world and public life. The programme in the juvenile prison includes showing amorally uplifting film with a discussion with the film director after the showing of themovie. PF Armenia is planning as well an expanded Angel Tree project with the aim ofremaining in touch round the year with about 20 children of prisoners. The programmewill include a summer camp, visits to churches, theatres, and museums, assistance withschool and social integration, etc. Another idea of the ministry is publication in a DVDform of examples of prison folklore. PF Armenia is seeking contributions and prayerstowards the three projects.


    Please pray for PFAlbania restructuring and leadership change, so that the ministry may bereinvigorated.

    Pray for the ambitious Angel Tree program of PF Russia led by Yan Volkov. More than12,000 children of prisoners will be reached, so the ministry still needs to print 6,500 childrenBibles on top of the 3,500 they have already printed.

    Pray for PF Lithuania new programs Angel Tree and Eyeglasses for prisoners.

    Pray for the Christmas program of PFMoldova in the women prison and the high securitymens prison, as well as the volunteers Christmas visits to all the prisons in the country.

    Praise the Lord for the successful development of PF Ukraine project Reconciliation.

    Pray for PF Slovakia efforts to build relations of partnership with the new leadership of theprison administration and the national volunteers conference in April 2011.

    Pray for Syrga Sarukieva, leader of prison ministry in the women prison, and Board memberof PFKyrgyzstan. Her husband a supporter of the ministry died suddenly.and volunteers,which will discuss programs for ministering to elderly and disabled prisoners and former


    ResourcesThe PFI Washington Secretariat recently emailed PF World Convocation video

    invitations to all national ministries. You can also view these videos on You Tube,see links below. Feel free to send these invites out to those you think would benefitfrom this special world conference.

    English Invitation: http://tinyurl.com/34h4cqpFrench Invitation: http://tinyurl.com/3xvlb5k

    Russian Invitation: http://tinyurl.com/32xsttw

  • 8/8/2019 Pf Europe Newsletter December 2010




    Here isHere isHere isHere is Merry ChristmasMerry ChristmasMerry ChristmasMerry Christmas in all ourin all ourin all ourin all our

    European languages represented atEuropean languages represented atEuropean languages represented atEuropean languages represented at

    PFI !PFI !PFI !PFI ! Vroolijk Kerfeest ! Kellemes karacsonyi unnepeket ! Nodlaig mhaithchugnat ! Gleileg Jl ! Buone Feste Natalizie, Buon Natale ! PriecigusZiemassvetkus ! Linksmu Kaledu, su Kaledoms ! Joyeux Nol ! Il Milied it-tajjeb !Gledelig Jul ! Wesolych Swiat ! Boas Festas Feliz Natal ! Sarbatori vesele, un Crciunfericit ! Vesel Vianoce ! Frhlichi Wiehnacht ! Chestita Koleda ! Nollaig Chridheil !Feliz Navidad ! Roomsaid Joulu Puhi ! Iloista Joulua ou Huyv Joulua ! FroehlicheWeihnachten! ! ! Gilocavtkhriste shobas ! Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand ! ! Schaslyvoho Rizdva Khrystovoho


    Please send them to [email protected] (Western Europe) or [email protected] (for Eastern Europeand Central Asia)

    PFI Europe News is brought to you by Prison Fellowship International. Compiled and edited every othermonth by Dominique Alexandre and Ivan Sotirov - PFI Europe Secretariat, Rue du Panorama 4, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland

    2010 by Prison Fellowship International - All rights reserved - Reprints permitted with acknowledgement

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