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Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission

National Rurban Mission


Phase I

Integrated Cluster Action Plan


Gogunda Cluster

Gogunda Sub-district Udaipur District State: Rajasthan

Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Department

Government of Rajasthan

Submitted by

School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

An institution of National Importance Under an Act of Parliament

Ministry of Human Resources Development Government of India, New Delhi

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Contents Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... 1

1 Setting the context ........................................................................................................... 2

2 Selection of Cluster .......................................................................................................... 4

3 Field Visit and Stakeholders’ Consultation ...................................................................... 7

4 Cluster Profiling ................................................................................................................ 9

4.1 General Profile: ........................................................................................................... 9

4.1.1 Demography ......................................................................................................... 9

4.1.2 Socio Economic & Cultural: ................................................................................ 10

4.1.3 Administrative Profile ........................................................................................ 12

4.2 Component Profiling ................................................................................................. 12

4.2.1 Skill development training linked to Economic Activities .................................. 14

4.2.2 Agro- services and Processing ............................................................................ 14

4.2.3 Digital Literacy.................................................................................................... 15

4.2.4 24 x7 Piped Water Supply .................................................................................. 15

4.2.5 Sanitation ........................................................................................................... 16

4.2.6 Solid and Liquid Waste Management ................................................................ 17

4.2.7 Access to village streets with drains .................................................................. 18

4.2.8 Access to village with Street Lights .................................................................... 18

4.2.9 Health ................................................................................................................. 19

4.2.10 Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools ................. 19

4.2.11 Inter Village road connectivity ........................................................................... 20

4.2.12 Citizen Service Centers ....................................................................................... 20

4.2.13 Public transport .................................................................................................. 21

4.2.14 LPG Gas Connections ......................................................................................... 21

5 Deficiency Analysis ......................................................................................................... 23

6 SWOT Analysis and Vision Statement ............................................................................ 28

7 Scheme Convergence ..................................................................................................... 30

8 Total project cost and Capital Gap Funding ................................................................... 31

9. Investment Phasing for the Gogunda Cluster ................................................................ 36

10. Details of Project Gram Panchayat wise for each Component ..................................... 38

Annexure ..................................................................................................................................... 44

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List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Step by Step Process for ICAP preparation............................................................... 3

Figure 2-1 Map showing delineated Gogunda Cluster .............................................................. 5

Figure 3-1 Meetings organized with Stakeholders and local residents ..................................... 7

Figure 4-1 Administrative Divisions of Udaipur district, Rajasthan ........................................... 9

Figure 4-2 Vegetable market at Gogunda bus stand ............................................................... 14

Figure 4-3 Water truck feeding the water tank in the residential area of Gogunda CT .......... 16

Figure 4-4 Lone source of water for ST community in Gogunda CT ........................................ 16

Figure 4-5 SBM (G) toilet ......................................................................................................... 17

Figure 4-6 Wetland at Gogunda used as dumping site............................................................ 17

Figure 4-7 Village streets in Gogunda CT ................................................................................. 18

Figure 4-8 Community Health centre, Gogunda ...................................................................... 19

Figure 4-9 SPA, Delhi SPMRM team visit to School (social infrastructure), Gogunda ............. 20

List of Tables

Table 2-1 List of Selected Tribal Clusters ................................................................................... 4

Table 4-1 Demographic Profile of the Cluster ......................................................................... 10

Table 4-2 Social Profile of the Cluster ...................................................................................... 10

Table 4-3 Economic Profile of the Cluster ............................................................................... 11

Table 4.4: Cultural Profile of the Cluster ................................................................................. 11

Table 4-5 Administrative profile of Gogunda cluster .............................................................. 12

Table 4-6 Components listed under ICAP ................................................................................ 13

Table 5.1: Deficiency Analysis .................................................................................................. 23

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School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Ministry of Human Resources Development,

Government of India, New Delhi, wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to all those who

have, directly or indirectly contributed to the preparation of Integrated Cluster Action Plan

for Gogunda Cluster of Udaipur district. School is highly indebted to Shri Rajiv Singh Thakur,

Secretary, IAS, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, Government of

Rajasthan for his helpful advice and suggestions for the improvement of the report of the

cluster. School is also thankful to Shr. C.L Verma, Project Director cum Deputy Secretary

(M&E), Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department and Shri. K.C. Kalakar, Assistant

Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department for their assistance in

providing requisite information and facilitation of field work in districts where this cluster is

located. Mr. Sh. Birbal Singh Janu, B.D.O. Gogunda and Gogunda Panchayat Samiti,

deserves thanks for their co-operation with the researchers and devoting their time and

knowledge towards this project.

Last but not the least, the Institute would like to extend our gratitude to all the stake

holders (Gram Sarpanch and his colleagues, villagers of various focused groups) whose

contribution in highlighting issues and focus areas and stimulating suggestions helped the

Institute in successful completion of the project.

School of Planning and Architecture An institution of National Importance

Under an Act of Parliament Ministry of Human Resources Development

Government of India, New Delhi

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Selection of Cluster


Delineation & Notification

of Planning Area

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan

Cluster: Gogunda

Sub District: Gogunda

District: Udaipur

1 Setting the context

Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM), a Government of India initiative, aims at addressing the advantages of prospective clusters from both economic as well as infrastructure development point of view by providing economic, social and physical infrastructure facilities to these clusters so that a new socio-economic system is developed for sustainable and inclusive growth resulting in a nucleus of a vibrant and pulsating growth center. The Rurban Mission follows the vision of “Development of a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture the essence of rural community life with focus on equity and inclusiveness without compromising with the facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature, thus creating a cluster of “Rurban villages”.

For each of the identified and selected cluster, Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) is prepared by Rajasthan government with inputs from School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, designated as State Technical Support Agency. The document so prepared covers baseline studies that define the requirements of the cluster and interventions that are necessary to address those needs and potential. The ICAP for Gogunda has two components viz.

A. Socio-Economic and Infrastructure Planning Component

B. Initiation of Spatial Planning

Both the components form an integral part of the ICAP, has been undertaken in parallel mode. The Socio Economic and Infrastructure Planning component identifies the socio-economic and infrastructure requirements of the cluster, convergence of various government programmes /schemes and implement the project level interventions in the cluster as per the process indicated in this framework. On the other hand, the Spatial Planning component has resulted in spatially locating the problem areas and proposing plan to minimize duplication in costs.

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Figure 1-1 Step by Step Process for ICAP preparation

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2 Selection of Cluster

The cluster selection process followed the process delineated in section 12.0 in the Framework for Implementation of the Government of India. The relevant details about the clusters as defined in the framework of implementation are given below:

A ‘Rurban cluster’, is defined as a cluster of geographically contiguous villages with a

population of about 25,000 to 50,000 in plain and coastal areas and a population of

5000 to 15000 in desert, hilly or tribal areas. As far as practicable, clusters of village

would follow administrative convergence units of Gram Panchayats and shall be

within a single block/ tehsil for administrative convenience.

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) and Rajasthan Government’s Department of Rural Development together identified the clusters based on the criteria given in the framework. The State Government identified a set of contiguous villages within the sub district to form a Rurban cluster and prioritized these clusters for funding.

There are two categories of clusters under SPMRM, namely, Non-Tribal and Tribal and the process of selection varied for each of these categories. Gogunda Cluster falls under tribal category, selection of which is based on the following parameters.

For identification of the tribal clusters, the Ministry selected the leading sub districts of the State falling within the top 100 tribal districts of the country, based on the Scheduled Tribes population. The selection of these sub districts was based on parameters such as (i) Decadal growth in Tribal Population (ii) Current Tribal Literacy Rate (iii) Decadal growth in Non- Farm Work force participation (iv) Decadal growth in Rural Population and (v) Presence of Economic Clusters. Appropriate weightages were suggested for each of these parameters while selecting the sub districts.

Thereafter, within these sub districts, Rajasthan Government selected the clusters based on the following performance parameters:

(i) Decadal growth in Tribal Population (ii) Growth in Tribal Literacy rates: (iii) Decadal growth in Non- Farm Work force participation

Due weightages of 35% each for the first 2 parameters and 30 % for the third parameter were given while selecting the clusters. The State has selected following Tribal Clusters:

Table 2-1 List of Selected Tribal Clusters

Sno. District Sub District Cluster GP List of Villages

1 Udaipur Gogunda Gogunda Gogunda Gogunda (CT)

Dadiya Dadiya, Seewariya, Kalji ka Gurha, Motawida, Behra, Undri

Delineation and Notification of Planning Area is the first and foremost step taken forward while preparing any spatial planning exercise. Rajasthan has, Rajasthan Urban Improvement Act 1956, Rajasthan Industrial Area Development Authority Act, 1995, which can play a very important role in delineation of the cluster as a special area. However, these Acts do not

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contain provision of declaration of Rural Areas as Planning Areas. In order to notify this cluster of five panchayats as planning area, an inclusion of a Rule under the State Panchayati Raj Act would be required.

Notification of planning area may be done under the 73rd CAA and 74th CAA, Article 243 ZD. Another alternative is to use RUIT Act to declare the area as Improvement Trust Area by making small amendment in the existing Act.

Figure 2-1 Map showing delineated Gogunda Cluster

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Field Visit and Stakeholders’ Consultation

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3 Field Visit and Stakeholders’ Consultation

The entire cluster plan is divided into five stages.. First stage sets the context by explaining the need of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission and preparation of Integrated Cluster Action Plan for identified and selected Rurban Clusters. It also explains the mechanism that can be adopted for delineating and notifying the planning area. At stage two, checklists and base maps were prepared which facilitated in data collection during field visit from 21st June, 2016 to 24th June, 2016. Stakeholder meetings were held at three levels. The State level meetings Chaired by Shri Rajiv Singh Thakur, IAS, Secretary of Rural Development, Rajasthan, Shri. C.L Verma, Project Director cum Deputy Secretary (M&E) Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department and Shri K.C.Kalakar, Assistant Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department were also present. In addition to the Department Officials from the Headquarters representing the State, Block Development Officer and Gram Panchayat President were also present in the meeting. SPA was represented by Ptof. Dr. N.Sridharan, Dr.Mahipal and the other team members.

A two-way process of dialogue was organized at block level in Makrana Panchayat Samiti which was attended by 28 members in addition eight members from School of Planning and Architecture. Since participants were the representatives of different Gram Panchayat (GP) representatives and departments, efforts were made to conduct the session in such a way that their problems, probable solutions and vision for perspective year were evolved. Additionally, local consultation was also achieved by discussion with villagers and local knowledgeable residents along with a separate meeting held with the MLA. This exercise ensured prioritization of issues, identifying target groups as well as target areas and framing project proposals spatially in an integrated manner both in terms of sectorally and spatially.

Figure 3-1 Meetings organized with Stakeholders and local residents

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Cluster Profiling

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4 Cluster Profiling

Indian state of Rajasthan is divided into 33 districts, of which Gogunda Cluster forms a part of Udaipur district. For the purpose of implementation of rural development projects / schemes under PRI, Udaipur district is divided into 17 panchayat samitis. Gogunda Cluster is a part of Gogunda sub-district, which has two gram panchayats, namely, Gogunda and Dadiya and seven villages i.e. Gogunda, Dadiya, Motawida, Seewariya, Behra, Kalji ka Gurha and Undri (refer figure 4.1).

Figure 4-1 Administrative Divisions of Udaipur district, Rajasthan

The existing profile of the cluster has been detailed out at two levels (1) General Profile which includes Demography, Socio-Economic, Administrative Profiling (2) Component Profiling.

4.1 General Profile:

Under General Profiling, demographic details of the GPs within the cluster, the socio-economic, cultural and administrative profiling of the GPs have been done. Each of these are elaborated below:

4.1.1 Demography

Gogunda Cluster had 12,280 population in 2011, which was 0.5 percent to the district’s population (Census of India, 2011). Dadiya Gram Panchayat contributes approximately, 66 percent of the cluster’s population. The Scheduled Tribe population comprises 33.5 percent of the cluster’s population where almost 71 percent of the cluster’s ST population resides in

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Dadiya Gram Panchayat and 29 percent in Gogunda Gram Panchayat. The literacy rate (66 %) at cluster level is less than the district as well as state. Total workers’ participation rate in Gogunda Cluster was 41.5 percent. In Gogunda cluster, the ratio of farm to non-farm workforce is 7:93. The demographic profile of the Gram Panchayats is detailed below:

Table 4-1 Demographic Profile of the Cluster Details Gogunda

(CT) Dadiya Seewariya Kalji ka

Gurha Behra Motavida Undri Total

1 Total Population (as per census 2011)

8751 1489 1224 139 254 653 310 12,820

2 Decadal Growth in Rural Population (%) (2001-2011)

14.43 24.97 10.6 -9.74 17.59 - 40.3 14

3 Household size 4.69 4.74 4.83 4.48 4.79 5.26 4.55 4.76

4 Sex ratio 952 964 880 1106 822 961 913 882

5 Age Profile (Age bracket with the largest % of population)- Age (18 -60) in %

No record available

6 Total Land area (Ha)

763.46 3898.1 4661.56

Under agriculture (Ha)

518 344 862

Under forests 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 Rural Population 13,000 2500 1500 250 300 750 700 19000

Source: Village and town wise, Primary Census Abstract (PCA), District Census Handbook, Udaipur, Directorate of Census Operations, Rajasthan

4.1.2 Socio Economic & Cultural:

Socio-economic and cultural profile largely depends on a combination of factors, which include occupation, education, income and place of residence as well as place of work. Cluster’s economy is largely depends on non-farm activities as 81 percent of the workforce is engaged in non-farm activities and only 18 percent of the total area of the cluster is marked for agricultural use. Though literacy rate in Gogunda CT is 66 percent, the work opportunity in secondary activities is low.

Population achieving higher secondary education is observed to be only 9.5 percent. Cluster as a whole has been lagging behind in terms of education as well as health. Basic social infrastructure and enabling infrastructure like roads, water supply, etc. need attention so that the cluster can revive itself from low levels of development. Detailed social profile of seven villages is presented in the Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Social Profile of the Cluster

Details Gogunda ( CT )

Dadiya Seewariya Kalji ka Gurha

Behra Motawida Undri

1 Literacy Rate 66 % 52.7 %

24.8 % 61 % 22 % 32.9 % 14.5 %

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2 SC-Population 1709 167 0 0 1 0 0

3 ST- Population 1259 594 1223 44 251 622 310

4 Education Levels

% with Higher Secondary and above

9.5 %

.83 % 0

8.6 % 0

2.26 % 0

% with Senior Secondary and above

13.3 % 5.1 % 0 32.7 % 15.2 %

4.8 % 6.5 %

% with Primary education and above

22.4 % 42 % 0 46.5 % 63 % 4.8 % 6.5 %

5 % of Population – disabled

1 % 1 % 0 0 0 .3 % 0

6 % of Single women 46 % 1410 1153 125 221 408 251 Source: Socio-Economic & Caste Census (SECC), Rajasthan (2011); Census of India, 2011

Table 4-3 Economic Profile of the Cluster

Details Gogunda ( CT )

Dadiya Seewariya Kalji ka Gurha

Behra Motawida Undri

1 Occupational Structure

(i) Farm: Non-Farm

work force

(Census 2011)

19 : 81 7 : 93 8 : 92 11 :




4 : 96 0:100

(ii) Women as a % of

Work Force

30 % 39 % 50 % 44 % 47 % 55 % 49 %

(ii) Occupation by

Industry ( Industry in

which majority of the

work force is

engaged in )

No industry in the cluster as per MSME report.



Average distance to

work place for

majority of the work

force in the GP.

3 Km

(iv) Any home based or

traditional industry

Pottery - - - - - -

Source: SECC/ Census of India or State Government statistical reference/other reliable secondary source

Table 4.4: Cultural Profile of the Cluster Details Gogunda ( CT ) Dadiya Seewariya Kalji ka

Gurha Behra Motawadi Undri

1 Languages


Hindi, Mewadi Hindi, Mewadi

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2. Religion (% of


under each


H - 83 %

M -6%

J -6 %

O - 5 %

H- 100 %

3. Type of Tribes Bheel Bheel

4. Pilgrimage


- - - - - - -

5. Tourist Centre Rana Pratap

Singh Raj

Tilak, Oldest

Shiv temple

- - - - - -

6. Monuments/Pl

aces of


- - - - - - -

Source: Census of India, State Government statistical reference, Primary survey

More than 80 percent of the population in Gogunda cluster is Hindus followed by 5 to 6 percent Muslims and remaining population constitutes Jain and others. Hindi and Mewadi are the two commonly used languages in the cluster. Also, there are Hindu and Jain temples that are worshipped by people of the cluster. In terms of tribes, Gogunda cluster has only ‘Bheel’ tribe that constitutes a population of 1,259 person.

4.1.3 Administrative Profile

Table 4-5 Administrative profile of Gogunda cluster


1 No. of Gram Panchayats in the cluster Gogunda and Dadiya

2 Name of Block Head Quarters Makrana Panchayat Samiti

3 Name of BDO Sh. Birbal Singh Janu

4 Distance of the Block Headquarters from the largest settlement in the cluster. ( in km)


5 Agencies providing key services

Water Supply and sanitation

Village streets and drains

Village Roads


4.2 Component Profiling

Fourteen desirable components have been listed out as ideal components for the cluster. The components envisaged as desirable are (i) Skill development training linked to economic activities (ii) Agro Processing, Agro Services, Storage and Warehousing. (iii) Fully equipped

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mobile health unit. (iv) Upgrading school /higher education facilities. (v) Sanitation. (vi) Provision of piped water supply. (vii) Solid and liquid waste management. (viii) Village streets and drains. (ix) Street lights (x) Inter-village road connectivity. (xi) Public transport. (xii) LPG gas connections (xiii) Digital Literacy. (xiv) Citizen Service Centers- for electronic delivery of citizen centric services/e-gram connectivity

In order to arrive at the most desirable components amongst the 14 listed components, it is important to understand the existing/current situation in the cluster w.r.t each of the components. The profiling has been done as per the template given below:

Table 4-6 Components listed under ICAP Desirable Component Existing Situation

1 Skill Development training

Linked to Economic


-Existing skills in the GP

(Handicraft/Handloom/Industrial etc.)

- Skilled members at the household level

2 Agro-services and


Detail the existing Agro services and processing

industries present in the cluster.

3 Digital Literacy Detail the existing levels in terms of core IT

infrastructure as well as general digital literacy

levels at the HH and Village level.

4 24x7 Piped Water Supply

Existing levels of water supply at the household


5 Sanitation Coverage of Individual Toilets in the GP at the

household level

6 Solid and Liquid Waste


Existing arrangement for solid and liquid waste

management at the Household/Village and Cluster


7 Access to Village Streets

with Drains

- Existing coverage of village streets and drains.

8 Village Street Lights

Coverage of existing GP streets with street lights

9 Health -Access to clinics and health centers at the

household and village level.

10 Up gradation of primary,

secondary and higher

secondary schools.

- Existing nos. of primary, secondary and higher

secondary schools in the cluster and existing


11 Inter village roads


- Connectivity between GPs within the cluster with

roads and public transport

12 Citizen Service Centers - Existing numbers of citizen service centers at the

GP level

13 Public transport - Existing levels of availability w.r.t Public Transport

facilities both intra and inter GP

14 LPG Gas Connections

Access to LPG connections at the household level

(No of household with LPG connections)

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4.2.1 Skill development training linked to Economic Activities

Gogunda being a census town, is well developed as compared to Dadiya as there is a variety of work that people from Gogunda gram panchayat undertake in different destinations. Some of the major occupation includes work in the construction industry, sculpture making, retail and as drivers. Moreover, RSETI by ICICI provides training in dress designing, beauty parlor management, multi phone servicing and two wheeler servicing. In the year 2015-16, as on 23rd June 2016, 90 residents from Gogunda GP and 7 Residents from Dadiya GP were trained and are now self- employed as per the ICICI report. As the tribal people of Dadiya are mainly involved in agricultural activities, they are not exposed to such skill development training programmes. Cluster has a potential tourism related activities such as identification of a trekking route, hospitality, driving, tailoring, plumbing, computer training and electricity. Implementation of skill development programmes, namely, Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gramin Kaushal Yojna (DDU-GKY), Employment Linked Skill Training Programmes (ELSTP), Vocational Training Programmes (VTP) and Regular Skill Training Programmes (RSTP) running under Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Mission can be considered as a positive step for providing skilled employment, hence, in a way it contributes to social welfare and well-being of rural masses.

Based on current demand – supply trends and support mechanism available, vocational and skill development and training infrastructure can be planned and implemented. This will help them in enhancing the workforce scenario as well as improve the current and future profile of industries.

4.2.2 Agro- services and Processing

With only 7 percent of cluster’s population dependent on agriculture for livelihood, limited water resources, uneven and unstable agriculture production and diverse agro- climatic conditions, shift in the occupation pattern from primary to secondary sector can be witnessed. Major crops produced in Gogunda are wheat, mustard. There is provision of a vegetable market which is maintained by Panchayat Samiti. This lone market not only caters to the Gogunda tehsil but also nearby villages from other tehsils. Moreover, surplus produce is taken to Udaipur market which is 39 km away from Gogunda CT.

Figure 4-2 Vegetable market at Gogunda bus stand

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Gogunda has a potential for expanding the agro-based industries but this can only be possible when there would be a provision for desired irrigation facility for enhanced production, Agro-Service Center, Agro-Support infrastructure such as storage, weather forecasting unit, transportation facility and marketing centers. Such measures had also been emerged while interaction with the local people from various GPs during the consultation. It is, thus, imperative to focus on providing facilities and infrastructure that would help in increasing the crop production as well as the marketing of produced crops.

4.2.3 Digital Literacy

The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate and analyze information using digital technology hugely depends on the availability of cell phones, internet as well as telecom networks. Through field visits and interactions, it was found out that though people are having access to telephones and possess mobiles, access to broadband and internet connection is a major issue that needs attention.

The current scenario of digital literacy presents that both the gram panchayats in the cluster have low access to internet facility. However, an e- governance initiative of state government has resulted in providing IT infrastructure at village level. Initiatives such as E-Mitra and Atal Sewa Kendra ease the governance process in both the panchayats. A single window 'no queue' integrated remittance centre, known as Atal Seva Kendra, is where citizens have the opportunity to pay dues to the Government, under one roof at no extra cost.

4.2.4 24 x7 Piped Water Supply

The distribution of water in Gogunda cluster is uneven as the existing supply of water is

dependent on the water trucks. As per the Census (2011) records, nearly 57 percent

households in Gogunda cluster have access to tap water, 37 percent have access to hand

pumps and remaining 6 percent are dependent on wells to fulfill their water requirements.

There is an OHSR of 750 KL with a total connection of 1750 through which water is supplied

for one hour at each connection.

It is found that within the cluster, the Scheduled Tribe mohalla in Gogunda CT don’t have access to tap water supply, therefore they are dependent on a single community tap. Besides this, hilly terrain in Dadiya gram panchayat hampers the water supply due to gravity issues. Dadiya don’t have tap water source and hence, it is dependent on hand pumps and surface water sources such as river and its tributaries, wells etc. This indicates that due to lack of tap water supply in Dadiya, residents have already shifted from ground water sources to surface water sources. This study requires comprehensive learning of various parameters like quantity of water available, quality of water available, distance of the source from the cluster and elevation of the source of supply.

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Figure 4-3 Water truck feeding the water tank in the residential area of Gogunda CT

Figure 4-4 Lone source of water for ST community in Gogunda CT

4.2.5 Sanitation

Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human waste. The word 'sanitation' also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal. Improving sanitation is of paramount importance to reduce risks of disease transmission in and around the home and to improve the quality of the environment beyond the household level. The overall purposes of sanitation are to provide a healthy living environment for everyone, to protect the natural resources (such as surface water, groundwater, soil), and to provide safety, security and dignity for people when they defecate or urinate. Effective sanitation systems provide barriers between excreta and humans in such a way as to break the disease transmission cycle.

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The percentage of households having individual toilets within their premises is nearly 50 percent in Goguda, 3 percent in Dadiya, 5 percent in Motiwada and 9 percent in Kalji ka Gurha. There are 1600 households, not having toilet facilities. Besides this, there are pit latrines and absence of sewer system. Toilets have been built in Dadiya gram panchayat under SDM (G) but they are not in use due to non-availability of water (refer Figure 4-5).

Figure 4-5 SBM (G) toilet

4.2.6 Solid and Liquid Waste Management

Solid and liquid waste management involves effective handling, collection, transportation and disposal of waste generated from various sources. Inadequate collection, recycling or treatment and uncontrolled disposal of waste in dumps can lead to severe hazards, such as health risks and environmental pollution.

Figure 4-6 Wetland at Gogunda used as dumping site

In Gogunda cluster, the main composition of waste is biodegradable generated from domestic and agricultural sources. This waste is then converted to manure in composting

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pits. There is no formal system of collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste at Panchayat or even at village level. The waste is generally disposed by the people themselves, either on the streets or in the nearby vacant plots. Wetlands are used as dumping sites in Gogunda CT.

The availability of toilets within premises is low due to which households not having individual toilets defecate in open. Also, there is lack of sewer system, consequently, the sewage and sullage discharged from individual households is transported through open drains. With the objective to ensure that sewage or excreta and sullage discharged from community is properly discharged, collected, transported and treated, assessment for number of sewer connections, sewer lines and treatment capacity needs to be done. Special emphasis has to be given to the fact that there is no sewage treatment plant even when open drains are present to collect and transport sewage.

4.2.7 Access to village streets with drains

Indian Roads Congress defines all weather roads as negotiable road during all weathers. Road surface is required to be drained effectively by cross drainage structures. Village streets ought to be all weather roads as they provide basic access for rural population to economic and social services.

It is observed that in Gogunda cluster, drains are made in isolation and are not connected to village approach roads. Drains, which form part of road cross-sections are surface drains that collect and transport grey as well as black water flowing out from houses. People throw garbage in these open drains resulting in blockages. Roads without drains pose maintenance challenges, as they often make them unhygienic and unusable. Therefore, in order to maintain the hygiene, it becomes necessary to construct a drainage system that would separate drainage and sewage water system.

Figure 4-7 Village streets in Gogunda CT

4.2.8 Access to village with Street Lights

Street lighting is a basic need in remote villages. It helps to promote social development in villages by increasing efficiency and providing social security. Due to the lack of availability

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of adequate resources and power in villages, provision of street-lights is almost neglected. As the hierarchy of road affects the status of lighting and its efficiency, Gogunda GP is estimated to have 2,7251 streetlights. Solar street lighting can be adopted for the cluster as it will result in optimizing energy cost, consumption and maintenance.

4.2.9 Health

Better health care facilities lead to healthy community life. Health facilities provided by government include Primary Health Centres, Community Health Centres and Sub-Centres. In the cluster, there is only one CHC at Gogunda which is equipped with 30 beds with a3 doctors in position as against the total strength of 8 doctors. The total built-up area of CHC is 300 x 150 ft. with an attavhed Dharamshala having capacity of 40 beds. Apart from this, there is a hospital i.e. Dr. Ambedkar Hospital which is run by a private body and it not only caters the population of Gogunda CT but also to the nearby villages.

Moreover, Dadiya gram panchayat has a Sub-Center though it is not functional due to unavailability of staff. As per the interaction with locals, it is reported that there is only one ANM that visits only once a month. Therefore, residents of Dadiya commute all the way from the uphill to Gogunda to avail medical treatment.

Facilities like Mobile Health Unit along with CHC and ANM centre for every village and a PHC for every panchayat can help in improving the situation. This would not only improve the access of people to health infrastructure but will also help in improving the quality of life (refer annexures).

Figure 4-8 Community Health centre, Gogunda

4.2.10 Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools

There are insufficient teaching facilities at primary and secondary educational levels. Due to absence of toilet facilities, lack of water, non-availability of furniture, school dropout rate is high particularly in the case of girls. The drop-out rate in Gogunda gram panchayat iis 1.6

1 As per IRC Codes, standard spacing of 30 meters between two streetlights

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than that of Dadiya gram panchayat which is less than 1 (0.88). In Dadiya Senior Secondary School, there is a single classroom and a single teacher to teach children from 1st to 5th standard. Apart from this, the average enrolment in Primary schools is 35 as against the preferred norm of 1:30 as per the Right to Education Act. Dadiya gram panchayat has 7 primary schools, 2 Upper Primary schools and a Senior Secondary school.

Other factors that are adversely affecting the same include location, access to schools and low community support. High percentage of students is required to travel more than two-kilometer distance to attain education. Schools like that in Gogunda gram panchayat have poor classrooms and lack drinking water and toilet facilities. Due to safety concerns, Parents do not support the education of girl child.

Figure 4-9 SPA, Delhi SPMRM team visit to School (social infrastructure), Gogunda

4.2.11 Inter Village road connectivity

Connectivity and mobility is the key to reaching out and opening up new opportunities. Rural road connectivity either by link routes that connect habitation or a group of habitations or through routes which collect traffic from several link roads and lead it to marketing centers or other economic centers play a vital role in enhancing the economic as well social wellbeing of the cluster.

Distances between GPs are illustrated in the road map (refer annexures). It is found that Seewariya is the most inaccessible village in Gogunda cluster. Seewariya village is sub-divided into many hamlets and each of them is located on different hillock and a total of 253 households (1 to 15 household on each hill) reside in this village. The village is accessible through crossing the river and trekking the mounts. During the months of July to January, the accessibility becomes worse due rise in flow of water in Shivdia Nadi. In the field, it was observed that there is a need of an approach road to Behra village, inter linked roads and spatial proposal after detailed analysis.

4.2.12 Citizen Service Centers

Citizen Service Centers also known as E-Mitra provide services related to various departments in an integrated and easily accessible manner to people residing in rural areas.

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The project has been operational since 2005. Initially, it was functioning through a Client Server based Application Software developed by Department of IT&C. There are two Citizen Service Centers, one in each of the gram panchayats identified in a cluster. These centers are facilitated with kiosks that provide application and delivery of "Digitally Signed Certificates" such as Bonafide, Caste, Income, Solvency, etc. Besides this, there are private centers also that provide services such as assistance in Ration Card Application, Birth and Death Certificate, Caste Certificate, electricity bill payment, water bill payment and registration of Bhamashah scheme for pension. The villagers across the cluster revealed a preference of mobile-based application for accessing some of the Panchayat information and grievances system.

4.2.13 Public transport

Provision of public transport is directly related to the accessibility and mobility level of rural households. It is also concerned with the distances of travel from a settlement. The travel time reduces with better provision of transport infrastructure. Gogunda CT acts as an economic center within the cluster and is only 39 km away from Udaipur city. There are only private modes of transport available in the cluster operating from Gogunda bus stand and is run by panchayat. Journeys can be classified based on travel needs which mainly comprise of travel to market place, education and health centers. These journeys are either within rural areas or include rural to urban area travel. With the detailed study of mobility and accessibility, major travel routes and modes can be identified based on which efficient and sustainable public transport model can be proposed. This will act as a catalyst and efficient instrument for accelerating rural development and bridging rural and urban divide. Village interaction revealed that connectivity among the GPs within the cluster and outside the cluster is restricted due to non-availability of easy mode of transport.

4.2.14 LPG Gas Connections

Type of cooking fuel used in the cluster can be classified as Firewood, cowdung cake and LPG. The percentage share of LPG is 38.5 percent in Gogunda gram panchayat and 4.1 percent in Dadiya gram panchayat. There are several factors that explain the low percentage in using cleaner fuels. Affordability is the major factor as households using fuel other than LPG i.e. firewood or cowdung cakes are mainly schedule castes and schedule tribes. Unavailability of LPG gas dealer in the cluster can also be attributed as a reason. Households with gas connections have to travel to Gogunda CT. Reaching the town does not assure a cylinder as the distributor complains of the irregular LPG supply.

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Deficiency Analysis

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5 Deficiency Analysis

Table 5.1: Deficiency Analysis

A B C D= C-B



Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

1 Skill Development

training Linked to

Economic Activities

RSETI by ICICI provides training on

dress designing, beauty parlor

management, multi phone servicing

and two wheeler servicing.

In the year 2015-16, as on 23rd June 2016, 90 residents from Gogunda GP and 7 Residents from Dadiya GP were trained and are now self- employed as per the ICICI report

Tribals were not aware of the training institutes.

At-least 70 percent household

with one beneficiary in each


Desired Skills Identified:

Tailoring, plumbing, electrician,

hospitality etc.

Number of people identified for

training: 7980

- Awareness campaign for greater outreach is suggested.

2 Agri-services and


No agri services and processing

industries No storage center, ware house

required, due to less productivity.

3 Digital Literacy E- Mitra at Atal Seva Kendra serving

the citizens

Every HH has mobile phones but not e-


At least one e-literate person in

every household.

Making Computer classes

mandatory in schools would help

improve the sorry state of digital

literacy. As of 2011, Dadiya GP has

zero digital literacy

4 24x7 Piped Water Gogunda CT- 56.6 % HH has tap water, 70 liters per capita per day Identified at panchayat level.

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Supply 6 % HH has well and 37 % HH has

access to handpumps. OHSR of 750 KL

with a total connection of 1750

providing 1 hour water supply at each


Dadiya GP- No tap water source. Fully

dependent on river Sabarmati and its

tributaries, wells, and handpumps.

(lpcd) of safe drinking water for

every households throughout

the year

Rain water harvesting system

would work best for the mohallas

since they stand on hilly terrain in

a scattered pattern

5 Sanitation Gogunda- 49.9 % HH , Dadiya 3.2 %

HH, Motiwada 5 % HH, Seewariya 0 %

HH, Undri 0 % HH, Dadiya- 47.5 % HH,

Kalji ka gurha 8.6 % HH

In Dadiya GP, excepting Dadiya village

and Kalji ka Gurha Vilage, toilets have

been built under SBM (G) but are not

in use because of non- availability of


100% HH with Individual

Household Latrines

- 1600 HHs need to connect with

individual toilets.

6 Solid and Liquid

Waste Management

Gogunda Panchayat manages solid

waste within its jurisdiction not at HH

level but major public places. Dadiya

GP does not perform its function of

waste management.

Zero coverage of sewer lines in the


Collection at HH level

Treatment at Cluster Level

- 1 Bio – Gas plant required in Gogunda cluster.

- 1 vermi – compost pit in Ddadiya GP.

7 Access to Village

Streets with Drains

Excepting Gogunda CT and Kalji ka Gurha

, other 5 villages due to their hilly terrain

All village streets to be covered

with drains

- Identified at panchayat level and

included in investment plan

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and mal-governance do not have intra-

village access roads

8 Village Street Lights No street lights in both the GPs All village streets to be covered

with street lights as per norms

- 2725 required as per IRC norms.

Quantity Identified at panchayat

level and included in proposal.

(Quantity and unit cost not

provided by Panchayat Samiti).

9 Health Gogunda has a 30 beded CHC and the

surrounding villages within 35 Km

radius are dependent on it.

Dadiya village has a health sub-centre

but is non- functional due to non-

availability of staffs

Access to Health infrastructure

as per norms

- Equipment’s required in CHC.

- Health centre and maternity home required.

10 Up gradation of

primary, secondary

and higher

secondary schools

Senior Sec- Dadiya, Gogunda ( 2 nos.)

Middle School- Motavida ( 4 teachers )

Primary – Seewariya, Behra ( 2

teachers, 2 classrooms )

In all the schools, there are insufficient

number of classrooms as well as

teachers. In Dadiya Senior sec. School,

students from class 1-5 share one

classroom and one teacher.

Ensuring primary and secondary

school within a reasonable

distance from all households

along with facilities of Drinking

water provisions, Toilet blocks

(separate for boys and girls) and

adequate classrooms.

- All the schools need expansion of infrastructure, particularly classrooms.

- Better O&M on the staffs

- Crucial need to fill up the vacant posts

(deficiency identified at panchayat level and included in investment plan)

11 Inter village roads


NH- 27 touches Gogunda GP boundary.

Other villages are connected to NH-27 by

PMGSY roads excepting Behra which is

Ensure connectivity between all


- Approach road to Behra Village be metalled.

- All the unconnected Mohallas to

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connected by a kutcha village road. be connected to the link roads.

- Detailed spatial proposal will

follow up after detailed analysis

12 Citizen Service


One E- Mitra each at both the GPs One ICT enabled front end

Common Service Centre (CSC)

per 2 to 3 villages

- Since the settlement is scattered

across mountains in Dadiya GP

where the people do not have any

means of transport, one CSCs is

preferred for every village. The

same can also be a part of

computer training instituite.

-Digitization of records and internet

connectivity required.

13 Public transport only Private modes

One bus stop at Gogunda

Public transport to block from

each village

- Need for inter- village as well as

intra- village Road to facilitate

public transport

14 LPG Gas Connections Gogunda- 38.5 % HH

Dadiya- 4.1 % HH

Kalji Ka Gurha- 5.7 % HH

Other villages use firewood as cooking


Gogunda has an LPG godown which

caters to the surrounding villages

One LPG retail outlet per village

or per 1800 households

Need for 1 additional retail outlet in

the cluster.

1482 HH need to connect.

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SWOT Analysis


Vision Statement

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6 SWOT Analysis and Vision Statement

Existing situation of the cluster has been analyzed with respect to the components and their desired levels, in the previous section of the report. Grounded on the comparative study of the same, deficit for corresponding components is calculated. On the basis on this deficiency analysis, major observations and outcomes are recognized as the cluster’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints. Strengths are those factors that are acting as an advantage for the cluster, be it for economic or for socio-cultural sphere. Weaknesses are, on the other hand, such observations, that pose as a disadvantage but if addressed properly, can prove beneficial for the cluster as a whole. External factors are categorized as opportunities and threats, where former category includes those interpretations that can be explored for the betterment of the cluster and latter outlines such facts that require immediate attention. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats pertaining to Gogunda cluster are explained in the following figure.

Vision Statement:

“To reduce the spatial inequality within the cluster by promoting tourism infrastructure and skill development.”


Gogunda GP Acting as an economic center due to the presence of commercial area


- No sewer line

-Electricity and water supply insufficient

-Lack of infrastructure in schools

-No awareness about RCT. Large chunk of youngsters are unemployed.

-no special market for branded commodities


- Place can be developed to generate revenue by popularizing the renowned Shiv Mandir famous as the Rajtilak Sthal of Great king Maharana Pratap.

- Cultural activities common in tribals - need to be exhibited

- Dadiya has a potential of being developed as an adventurous tourist spot.


- Quantity and quality of water

- No nagar palika

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Scheme Convergence


Assessment of CGF

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7 Scheme Convergence

Apart from tapping Central, State and other funds such as CSS, SFC funds, etc, innovative schemes were also incorporated so as to stimulate the local economy. Spatial and social targeting of investments were suggested, which depends purely on convergence. To effectively address the said issues, there is a need to optimize efforts through inter-sectoral convergence. The convergence of different programmes like: NRLM, Watershed Programmes, National Agriculture Development Programme (Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana), National Horticulture Mission, Scheme of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water through Dug well, DDU-GKY, MGNREGA, etc will enable better planning and effective investments in rural areas. This convergence will bring in synergies between different government programmes/schemes in terms of planning, process and implementation. This will also facilitate sustainable development. Convergence of funds from other sources can help in creation of durable assets. For instance, funds available with PRIs from other sources such as the National Finance Commission, State Finance Commission, State Departments and other Central or Centrally Sponsored Schemes can be dovetailed with other rural development funds for the construction of durable community assets, employment generation and institutional buildings at decentralized level.

Central, State and Panchayati Raj Institutions Schemes/programmes are being converged. It is suggested that the State should also try to get the extra funding from CFC based on performance of Panchayats with respect to maintenance of records and mobilization of their own additional resources. The key players in this regard are line departments, Panchayats, society, agencies and experts would be essential to achieve convergence at micro, meso and macro levels for optimum utilization of scarce resources in sustainable mode.

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8 Total project cost and Capital Gap Funding

S.No Description In Lakhs In Crore

A Total Project Cost 11361.16 113.61

B Funds available 8069.13 80.691

C CGF (A-B) 3292.03 32.920

INVESTMENT AND CGF PHASING SUMMARY - GOGUNDA CLUSTER Note: Preparation of investment plan for Gogunda cluster, Udaipur includes projects (with cost, availability of funds and convergence of schemes) identified by Panchayat Samiti and during field visit projects identified by SPA, Delhi (projects identified by Panchayat Samiti highlighted in blue color).

Calculation of Critical Gap Funding for Gogunda Cluster


Project Component

Description of Work

Name of the

Scheme Converged

Investment Required

Fund Through


Schemes (CSS +sss)

CGF (In lakhs)

Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

Project sub-Component

Identified for gap Funding

A B A - B 2016-2017



1 Skill Development training Linked to

Economic Activities

Skills dealing with Computer, hospitality,

driving, vehicle repairing, machine repairing,



150.03 130.00 20.03 1 75.02 45.01 30.01

Skills related to Hopitality, Vehile

Repairing, and Computer

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Project Component

Description of Work

Name of the

Scheme Converged

Investment Required

Fund Through


Schemes (CSS +sss)

CGF (In lakhs)

Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

Project sub-Component

Identified for gap Funding

activities and tailoring.(@ 9000

per person)

2 Agri-services and


Solar pump set, Farm pond, and Construction of

farmer rest house (Refer appendix - 9)


CGF 1431.00 1270.50 160.50 2 572.40 429.30 429.30 Solar Pump set

3 Digital Literacy

Smart office at Panchayat Samiti.

Digitization of Records (refer appendix - 5)


103.00 80.00 23.00 3 36.05 36.05 30.90 smart class rooms

4 24x7 Piped Water


Proposal for augmentation of Regional water


RWSS 731.00 50.00 681.00 1 365.50 219.30 146.20 Augmentation of

regional water schemes

5 Sanitation

Construction of personal toilets as per base line

survey (Appendix - 1), ODF


SBM (Rural),

MGNREGA 232.00 232.00 0.00 1 116.00 69.60 46.40

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Project Component

Description of Work

Name of the

Scheme Converged

Investment Required

Fund Through


Schemes (CSS +sss)

CGF (In lakhs)

Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

Project sub-Component

Identified for gap Funding

6 Solid and Liquid

waste management

Bio-gas Plant, Vermi Compost

Unit and Sewage Line


134.50 0.00 134.50 2 53.80 40.35 40.35 Bio Gas Plant and Vermi Compost


8 Access to Village

Streets with drains

Construction of Gravel and CC

roads (refer - 7)



835.00 439.50 395.50 1 417.50 250.50 167.00 CC roads

9 Village Street


Installation and construction of solar street/LED light poles and wiring ( Refer Appendix-8)

CGF 80.00 0.00 80.00 1 40.00 24.00 16.00 Solar street lights

10 Health

Construction of ICU, MTU,

Sonography, and Blood Bank.

Renovation work and upgradation

of SHC to PHC (refer Appendix)

NRHM, CGF 235.00 20.00 215.00 1 117.50 70.50 47.00 ICU, MTY,

Upgradation of SHC to PHC


Up gradation of primary, secondary

and higher secondary schools

Construction of Eklavya Model

School , Playgrounds,

upgradation of halls, taking

reference from appendix - 4

RMSA, SSA, Untied,

SFC, Tada and


3287.00 3151.00 136.00 1 1643.50 986.10 657.40 Upgradation of halls

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Project Component

Description of Work

Name of the

Scheme Converged

Investment Required

Fund Through


Schemes (CSS +sss)

CGF (In lakhs)

Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

Project sub-Component

Identified for gap Funding

12 Inter village roads


Connecting road from National

Highway to Bye pass


834.71 578.71 256.00 1 417.36 250.41 166.94 Construciton of

Roads connecting to Dadiya GP

13 Citizen Service


Internet connectivity to all GPs, digitization

of records, maps, developing an

app and linking services to



90.50 10.50 80.00 2 36.20 27.15 27.15 Developing an app and digitization of


14 Public transport

Solar E- Ricksahw and Mini van. To

improve the public transport (refer Appendix -


CGF 30.50 0.00 30.50 2 12.20 9.15 9.15 Solar E - Rikshaw

15 LPG Gas

Connections 1482 HH need to

connect PMUY 23.71 23.71 0.00 2 9.48 7.11 7.11

household connections

16 Employment Generation

SHG, village organization,

cluster federation, producer

organizations, production and

marketing support services.



200.00 0.00 200.00 1 100.00 60.00 40.00

SHG, village organization,

cluster federation, producer

organizations, production and

marketing support services.

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Project Component

Description of Work

Name of the

Scheme Converged

Investment Required

Fund Through


Schemes (CSS +sss)

CGF (In lakhs)

Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

Project sub-Component

Identified for gap Funding

17 Tourism

In Dadiya GP, Cosntruction of

trekking route in continuation of existing trekking route present in

the near by Gram Panchayat,

development of village hatts with

cultural programmes. In

Gogunda development of existing tourist

spots (refer appendix-11)


834.00 254.00 580.00 1 417.00 250.20 166.80

Trekking Route, Village Hatts and develppment of

tourist spots.

18 water conservation

and ponds

Pasture Development, Nirmal Ghat

Development and Plantation.


CGF 745.00 670.00 75.00 2 298.00 223.50 223.50 Ghat Development

19 Other facilities

Construction of Bus stand, community

center hatt bazar, etc. (Refer

Appendix 10)


CGF 1384.21 1159.21 225.00 2 553.68 415.26 415.26

Community Centre, Hatt Bazar

Grand Total

11361.16 8069.13 3292.03

5281.19 3413.50 2666.47

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9. Investment Phasing for the Gogunda Cluster

S.NO Project Component Name of the Scheme


Investment Required

Fund Through Government Schemes (CSS


CGF (In lakhs) Priority for


Investment Phasing over the Construction Period

A B A - B 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019

1 Skill Development training Linked to

Economic Activities CGF, DDUGKY 150.03 130.00 20.03 1 75.02 45.01 30.01

2 Agri-services and

Processing IRDF, RKVY, MGNREGA, CGF 1431.00 1270.50 160.50 2 572.40 429.30 429.30

3 Digital Literacy DDUGKY, CGF 103.00 80.00 23.00 3 36.05 36.05 30.90

4 24x7 Piped Water Supply RWSS 731.00 50.00 681.00 1 365.50 219.30 146.20

5 Sanitation SBM (Rural), MGNREGA 232.00 232.00 0.00 1 116.00 69.60 46.40

6 Solid and Liquid waste

management CGF, MGNREGA 134.50 0.00 134.50 2 53.80 40.35 40.35

8 Access to Village

Streets with drains MGNREGA, SFC, FFC,

MLALAD, CGF 835.00 439.50 395.50 1 417.50 250.50 167.00

9 Village Street Lights CGF 80.00 0.00 80.00 1 40.00 24.00 16.00

10 Health NRHM, CGF 235.00 20.00 215.00 1 117.50 70.50 47.00

11 Up gradation of primary,

secondary and higher secondary schools

RMSA, SSA, Untied, SFC, Tada and MGNREGA, CGF

3287.00 3151.00 136.00 1 1643.50 986.10 657.40

12 Inter village roads

connectivity PMGSY, CGF 834.71 578.71 256.00 1 417.36 250.41 166.94

13 Citizen Service Centres CGF, RAJNET 90.50 10.50 80.00 2 36.20 27.15 27.15

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14 Public transport CGF 30.50 0.00 30.50 2 12.20 9.15 9.15

15 LPG Gas Connections PMUY 23.71 23.71 0.00 2 9.48 7.11 7.11

16 Employment Generation RSETI, RSLDC, NRLM and CGF 200.00 0.00 200.00 1 100.00 60.00 40.00

17 Tourism MGNREGA, RTDC, CGF 834.00 254.00 580.00 1 417.00 250.20 166.80

18 water conservation and

ponds MGNREGA, FFC, UTF, CGF 745.00 670.00 75.00 2 298.00 223.50 223.50

19 Other facilities MGNREGA, FFC, UTF, CGF 1384.21 1159.21 225.00 2 553.68 415.26 415.26

Grand Total

11361.16 8069.13 3292.03

5281.19 3413.50 2666.47

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10. Details of Project Gram Panchayat wise for each Component







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Sanitation + SWM

Gogunda Construction of personal toilets as per base line survey (Taken

from projects identified by Panchayat Samiti), ODF


0.12 500 Nos. 60.00



232.00 0.00 SBM (Rural), MGNREGA

Dadiya 0.12 1100 Nos. 132.00 132.00


Taking reference from Appendix – 6

20.00 20.00

Dadiya Nos. 20.00 20

24 x 7 piped water supply


Proposal for conversion of HP Scheme into Regional Scheme

and Provision of Drinking water, taking referecne from appendix –


345 1 Nos. 345.00



50.00 681.00 RWSS


Proposal for augmentation of Regional Water Supply Scheme,

taking referecne from appendix - 1

386 1 Nos. 386 0.00

Inter village road Gogunda connecting roads from National

391.65 834.71 191.65 578.71 256.00 PMGSY, CGF

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connectivity Highways to bye pass (Refer Appendix 2)

Dadiya 443.06 387.06



Construction of ICU (Refer Appendix 3)

235 235.00


20.00 215.00 NRHM, CGF

Construction of MTC Ward (Refer Appendix 3)

Sonography ward (Refer Appendix 3)

Blood Bank (Refer Appendix 3)

Repairing of OT, Boundary wall, Parking, Rennovation, Visiting

chairs, Generator, water cooler, etc.

Renovation and upgradation of meeting hall, residential house

taking reference from appendix – 3

Dadiya Upgradation of Sub Health

centre to Primary Health centre (Refer appendix 3)


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Up-Gradation of school


Construction of Eklavya Model School, smart class room ,

Playgrounds, upgradation of halls, taking reference from

appendix - 4




3151.00 136.00 RMSA, SSA, Untied,


Dadiya 3192 3136

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Skill Development

Gogunda Skills dealing with Computer, hospitality, driving, vehicle

repairing, machine repairing, electriciang, activities and

tailoring.(@ 9000 per person)

0.09 790 Nos. 71.10



130.00 20.03 CGF, DDUGKY

Dadiya 0.09 877 Nos. 78.93 65.00

Employment Generation

All Gram Panchayats

SHG, village organization, cluster federation, producer

organizations, production and marketing support services.

100.00 2 nos 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 RSETI, RSLDC, NRLM

and CGF

LPG Gas Connection


LPG Gas connections (Refer Appendix 5)

0.016 482



23.71 23.71 23.71 0.00 PMUY

Dadiya 0.016 1000 16.00

Digital Literacy


Digitalization of data entry (Refer Appendix 5)

0.05 660



103.00 80.00 80.00 23.00 DDUGKY, CGF Smart office at Panchayat Samiti

+ Gram Panchayat level. 20.00 1 20.00

Dadiya Digitalization of data entry (Refer

Appendix 5) 0.05 1000 50

Citizen Service Centre

For all Gram


100 Mbps Internet connectivity to all villages HQ and

installations of computers. 1.5 7.00





10.50 80.00 CGF, RAJNET Digitization of Maps, Records, Developing app and linking all

services to mobile. (in Each Panhayat HQ)

40 2.00 80.00 0.00

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Public Transport


public transport (Refer Appendix 5)


30.50 0.00 0.00 30.50 CGF Solar E- Rikshaw 1.5 10 Nos. 15.00

Dadiya Mini Van to connect villages to

GP HQ. 5.5 1.00 Nos. 5.50

Solid and Waste management


Sewrage line 50 1.75 Km 87.50

134.50 0.00 0.00 134.50 CGF, MGNREGA

70 cu.m per day capacity Bio-gas Plant for bio-degradable wastes

37 1.00 Nos 37.00

Dadiya Vermi Compost Unit of .5 Acre

with O&M 10 1.00 Nos 10.00

Access to village roads with street



Installation and construction of solar street/LED light poles and

wiring ( Refer Appendix 8)




0.00 80.00 CGF


20 0.00

Access to village Roads with



Construction of Gravel and CC roads (Refer Appendix 7)




439.50 395.50 MGNREGA, SFC, FFC,

MLALAD, CGF Dadiya 449 224.5

Tourism Gogunda Taking reference from Appendix -

11 634 834.00 154 254.00 580.00 MGNREGA, RTDC, CGF

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To link with trekking route present in the near by Gram Panchayat. Development of

village hatts with cultural programmes.


water conservation

and ponds


Pasture development, Nirmal Ghat, plantation (Refer Appendix





670.00 75.00 MGNREGA, FFC, UTF,

CGF Dadiya 398 398

Other Facilities.

Gogunda Construction of Bus stand,

community center hatt bazar, etc. (Refer Appendix 10)

1384.21 1384.21

1159.21 225.00 MGNREGA, FFC, UTF,

CGF Dadiya

Agro services and industry


Solar pump set, Farm pond, and Construction of farmer rest house (Refer appendix 9)




1270.50 160.50 IRDF, RKVY,


Dadiya 1201 1098


8069.13 3292.03

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Annexure – 1

Gogunda Gram Panchayat

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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Annexure – 2

Dadiya Gram Panchayat

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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Annexure – 2A

Dadiya and Motvida Village

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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Annexure – 2B

Shividiya Village

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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Annexure – 2C

Behra Village

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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Annexure – 2D

Kel Ji ka Guda Village

Location of Infrastructure facilities

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