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Page 1: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

Philosophy of EducationEDU 242

Page 2: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

Flagler College Education Department

The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences in which students develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for pursuing professional careers in Education. The Department acknowledges that the Education profession is becoming an increasingly challenging one, demanding greater competence, wider versatility, and broader values of its practitioners. Prospective teachers must expand their knowledge of the human experience. They must acquire a comprehensive body of subject area knowledge and an extensive repertoire of instructional strategies. They must also develop a set of professional attitudes which will enhance educational practice in a culturally diverse and technologically advancing society. Furthermore, students are expected to demonstrate

• critical thinking skills in response to problem solving situations • positive response to criticism from students, parents, peers, and administrators • team work and positive interpersonal relationship skills • ethical standards of behaviors that are appropriate models for students • To these ends, the Education Department maintains high academic, ethical, and

performance standards, encourages creativity and inquiry, and ensures that students acquire a solid base of academic content and pedagogic theory and skills.

Page 3: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

GUIDELINES In this section you have the opportunity to articulate your beliefs about education, the role of

the teacher and the purpose of schooling. There are several areas you may wish to consider. First, think about your beliefs about learning and their theoretical underpinnings. Consider your role as a teacher. What specifically do you believe are the duties of the teacher? Think of your students. How does your philosophy reflect what you know of their learning behaviors and dispositions? What learning theorists or teaching/learning evidence (research) can you cite to support your beliefs?

In the formatting of this page, are there pictures or graphics you can use to emphasize your beliefs? Will you include a picture of yourself teaching? A video clip? A comment from an instructor? A quote? Will you create a video tape? A narrated slideshow? Be creative to "show what you know.“

This should be presented in a narrative format (first person) with support provided in APA format and should be limited to no more than 600 words. Support may be found in projects you created throughout your schooling, abstracts, articles or books you have read, researchers you have studied and/or journals, texts, and even interviews. Although you may "tweak" this philosophy during your internship, this page is part of your pre-internship submission.

A teacher's personal philosophy of education is a critical element in his or her approach to guiding children along the path of enlightenment.  (Barbara Wilt)

Page 4: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

TIPS FROM DR. DAVIS1. Most philosophy of teaching statements are brief, one or two pages long at most. Do not include every single aspect of your philosophy of teaching but instead focus on those core elements that are most important to you as a teacher.2. Avoid overly technical terms. The statement should be written with the audience in mind. 3. A philosophy of teaching statement is narrative, written in the first-person, and may include your conception of teaching and learning, a description of how you teach and what your role of the teacher is, a discussion of the methods you will use, and how progress will be evaluated. 4. The statement should be reflective and personal. Make it memorable and unique. What is going to set you apart from the other candidates? What about you are they going to remember?5. The philosophy section should complement the introductory (bio) section, and should share similar beliefs as those of the Flagler College Education Department.

Page 5: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.


Every child needs someone to support them and to push them when needed. A metaphor I like to think of is a mother bird pushing her baby birds out of the nest when they are ready to fly. The baby birds may be scared at first to be falling through the air, but soon they find themselves flying. I will be a mother bird for my students. I will push them to do their best and to take risks and they may be afraid at first, but soon enough they will find themselves flying and succeeding. I will be with my students every step of the way. I will encourage them to be independent and self sufficient, but will always be there for them when they need me. Christopher Logue says it best in this quotation: "Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! COME TO THE EDGE! And they came, and he pushed, and they flew." ~ Bailey Norris (EDU 241 C, Fall 09)

Page 6: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

GRABBER: SCENARIO"Bye... Three letters, three simple sounds put together and a smile was across my face. I turned towards

the dark-skinned, four year old little boy that was standing by the door waving and couldn’t help but just

let my happiness shine. After all, he had said bye. You see, the dark-skinned, four year old little boy, Gary,

had never spoken before. Just like most other autistic children, his social skills were far behind par and the

teachers had spent hours trying to prompt a response from him. In the end, all it took was a simple routine

good bye to get him to speak. Two days later after Gary’s progress, three year old Madison, in the same

ESE Summer School Autistic Class, started to drink from a cup on her own. Unlike Gary’s accomplishment,

Madison’s happened during prompting. Either way, the adults in the classroom gleamed with joy. During

that particular week in the classroom, I think I learned more passion and excitement for my future career

than I ever had in the five other summers that I have helped out in the summer ESE classrooms. True, I was

thirteen at the time, but I gained a purpose for my future. I wanted that, I wanted what the teachers had

experienced from those two separate milestones. It may not have been wealth, or even remotely close to

tangible, but it was real. It was the chance to “experience your own child’s first steps all over again,” at

least that is how one of the teachers described it." ~Nicole Gauthier (EDU 241 A, Fall 09)

Page 7: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

GRABBER: SCENARIOIt’s time for my favorite activity, story time. As I get the book out all the children find a spot on the story time rug. All eyes are on me in anticipation. The children just sit back, listen, and play the story in their minds. I watch the children as they follow along in the book, knowing the level of imagination going on inside their minds. One child is the princess who is looking out over the lands as she is waiting for her prince to come. Another is the mighty prince who is battling the dragon that is guarding the castle with a sword and shield. Knowing that the students are in the world of imagination makes me realize that they will be ready for everything else, because imagination is the foundation of everything.

Independent practice

 Multicultural education

 Authentic relationships

Grading on criterion

 Intrinsic motivation

Nature vs. Nurture



Observational learning


Imagination will be encouraged and incorporated in each subject---, math, science, English and social studies. I will model creativity and imagination for my students, and provide opportunities for the students think at a higher and creative level. ~ Kayla Sharpless (EDU 241 A, Fall 09)

Page 8: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.


~Priscilla Perry

Page 9: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

PHILOSOPHY: ANALOGYTo me, being an educator is much more than just a 9-5 career. It is much more complex than the word teacher by itself

-- because this career involves shaping the lives of our young, extraordinary children. It is more than getting students to the next grade, or meeting the standards given to us by the state. As I move into this livelihood, I have the yearning-- a responsibility to our future generation of students, as well as to myself, to be everything that makes an educator, an educator. I read a great philosophy by Dr. Colleen Finegan-Stoll, of Wright State University that viewed teaching as being a travel agent as well as the travel guide. I believe this is very true in a myriad of ways. As teachers we are there to help our students figure out which direction is best to go, which destination they would most enjoy and to assist them in reaching it. Some only need a point in the right direction, while others need you to walk them through the terminal, all the way up to the gate called “life after this.” As a teacher, I am able to watch my students as they take their chosen path towards the person they want to be. I travel along side of them as a partly invisible guide, watching as they make both simple and difficult decisions that may shape who they become. In a classroom, I see the struggles children encounter everyday. Whether it is socially, academically or both, it is my responsibility to make sure they are on the way to overcome it. I am there to help them learn how to think, problem solve and create on their own. With elementary students, teaching them to problem solve is a major focus. When their pencil is broken, when a classmate is “ mean", when they can’t read a word—problem solving skills are a essential tool to independence. When the road becomes rough, hopefully they will feel that they can turn to me, or remember a bit of something I have taught that helps them make it over the bumps. Equal to the core educational subjects, I also hope to teach my students skills and small lessons that mesh together to create another magnificent mind. I believe that I am a guardian to keep each child as happy and healthy as possible to the best of my ability. I am there to help them discover just how exciting it is to learn something new, something they may find themselves to be passionate about. I am also there to spark the imaginative and creative talent in each of them and help them use it for something wonderful. I will create an environment that is positive, nurturing and accommodating, to each individuals needs. I will provide my students with opportunities to express their thoughts, do projects that promote growth and teamwork, and teach in a way that can be modified and expanded with each lesson. I understand how my attitude and routine reflect the class. I will be present to build a strong foundation for my students to build on throughout their educational lives. I will push them, believe in them and create intelligent, independent young adults.

The teachers I had as a child brought such a positive and influential experience to me, and I am determined to do the same for the students

Page 10: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

PHILOSOPHY: ROLES OF A TEACHER An education empowers us to be the best version of ourselves. It takes who we are as eager young children and molds us into the adults we have always dreamt of becoming. I believe whole heartedly that every individual is deserving of an excellent education regardless of race, gender, or social status, and I hope to have a part in enabling these bright minds to flourish. Some children may feel as if their success is limited because of a speech disability, but I intend to work to the best of my ability to instill confidence in these children in hopes that they may overcome any stumbling blocks and continue on a path to success and, most of all, happiness.     It is imperative for teachers to play an extremely active role in their students’ lives. Being a teacher covers a multitude of jobs all in one.  From parent, protector, friend, role model, and much more, teachers are trusted to guide young minds through the next year of their lives. I will not take this task lightly. I have made the decision to be a speech teacher in a school setting because I value children and realize how their success starts at a young age and can be hindered if they are not supplied with enough support, encouragement, and valuable learning experiences. Just as Green (2000) explains Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, I believe that children must feel safe and secure in the classroom with their teacher before they can undergo other critical development such as belongingness, self esteem, and self actualization (pg 371). I want to give all of these things to my students. My style of teaching cannot be pin pointed because it is extremely diverse. I am aware that a classroom of students involves visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners, all whose styles of learning must be implemented. As a speech teacher, I plan to implement a multitude of teaching styles, such as problem-based learning, direct instruction, and presentation. Using various different techniques allows for all students to grasp concepts, rather than only the ones that learn well in a direct instruction environment. In my opinion, aside from the teacher, a student’s best aid is their neighbor. Sometimes students can convey information in a way that is easier to understand. This helps communication skills and also makes students feel confident that they can help one another. During class time, I have found it extremely beneficial to teach problem-based lessons to the class. Although they can find them frustrating at first, I believe that it is important for students to understand that they have all of the necessary prior knowledge off of which who build. Rather than telling students how to solve a problem, with problem-based learning, they are given the opportunity to think outside of the box and use their own intelligence and unique ideas to find an answer. Allowing students to do this gives them confidence that they can be successful students on their own. It is very important for teachers to step back and allow students to think on their own; this way they are using higher-order thinking skills that will help them in their future. Often times, children are not given enough support at home. As a speech teacher, I will support my students and always let them know that they are capable of anything that they set their minds to. My goal is that all students in my classroom will feel comfortable and safe, where no question is considered stupid and all answers are valued. I hope to instill a love for reading, writing, and mathematics in children, no matter how difficult the content. To the best of my abilities, I will use my compassion and my outgoing personality to give these children confidence in who they are. With confidence, they can overcome their speech disabilities and continue in their schooling as successful and intellectual students. Each child has the right to a prosperous future that comes from an excellent education, and I look forward to playing even a small part in many children's’ success. ~ Mandy Runk Green, C. D. (2000). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 370-396. Retrieved from: http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Maslow/motivation.htm

Page 11: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

PHILOSOPHY: UNDERSTANDING OF BEST PRACTICES“Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.”  ~Anonymous   As a teacher  … I will understand that the face of the American classroom is ever changing and I will have the privilege of instructing a diverse group of students each year. Thus, it will be my goal to personally educate myself as to the different cultures, languages, and needs of each of these students, so I am fully prepared to provide a rich and meaningful learning experience for them. As a teacher I will care. I will care enough to take the time to work individually with students, to recognize the uniqueness of each child and discover what will motivate them; I will care enough to do whatever is necessary to see each child reach his or her full potential. Most importantly, I will hold myself to the highest of ethical and moral standards and I will teach by example the lessons of honesty, respect, trustworthiness, responsibility and kindness toward others.  My students  … will be instructed through a balanced approach, which will incorporate the core body of subject matter evident in the essentialism philosophies (Null, 2007). In addition to the core subject matter, the philosophies of progressivism will be integrated, which will give each core experience a worthwhile meaning (Rowley, 1998). I will strive to give my students a strong foundation in the essential core curriculum and the opportunity to see how these skills apply in real world situations. Howard Gardner, whose work produced the theory of Multiple Intelligences, stated “Everyone has a degree of competency in each of the intelligences. How much and what the combination of intelligences is within an individual will dictate his or her approach to learning” (Christodoulou, 2009).Because of Gardner’s insights my students will be taught these core curriculum skills and real world applications through a variety of diverse materials and teaching strategies to ensure each child’s approach to learning is fostered and encouraged.  My classroom  … will be a place where students are welcomed and appreciated; a classroom where students are taught tolerance and acceptance, and each child’s unique differences are highlighted and embraced. We will explore the different cultures represented in the classroom and students will be encouraged to look at these differences as opportunities to learn about others and appreciate the special characteristics each student brings to the classroom. My classroom will be structured and organized, which will provide the framework for maximum learning and growth. There will be a set of agreed upon rules, which will be posted and enforced consistently and fairly so students understand the expectations and can enjoy a secure and peaceful classroom environment. Students will be included in appropriate decision making opportunities through classroom meetings and encouraged input. The result of this collaborative agreement will foster a sense of community and mutual respect My philosophy of education is to incorporate all aspects of myself as the teacher, my students, my classroom into a balanced package, which will prepare students to move forward, equipped with the skills and understanding necessary to be successful and enjoy all that awaits them in life. ~Angela Rossi WORKS CITED Christodoulou, J. (2009). Applying multiple intelligences. School Administrator , 66(2), 22-6. Retrieved from Educational Full text database Null, J. (2007). William C. Bagley and the founding of essentialism: an untold story in American educational history. Teachers College Record , 109(4), 1013-55. Retrieved from Education Full Text database

Rowley, C., & Toye, N. (1998). Whose agenda? An investigation of philosophy for children and the new progressivism. Thinking , 14(1), 13-16. Retrieved from Educational Full Text database

Page 12: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

PHILOSOPHY---PERSONAL/HONEST When we stop learning new things, we stagnate and close ourselves off to endless possibilities in an ever changing world. I decided to return to college at the age of 45, and am amazed at how it has altered and enriched my life. My previous educational experiences focused on the visual arts and later, holistic arts, leaving an imbalance in my academic knowledge.     It was a constant source of frustration and embarrassment to me to fall short in my math classes in high school. Most of my math classes were taught with a singular method, and it just didn’t work for me I structured my first college experience around the avoidance of math. When I got into the “real world”, I found myself using math everyday and realized its importance. Math started to make sense to me. I wanted to go back to school, but I wondered if I had the ability to meet the math requirements.      When I came to Flagler College, I faced my math fears head on, embarking upon three successful semesters of math. Through perseverance and the guidance of teachers who believed in me, I was able to turn my “I can’t” attitude into an “I can” attitude. I hope to share that kind of positive experience with my students. It is important to me to make a personal connection with each one of my students and to let them know that I believe in them. As Deepak Chopra says, “Giving connects two people, the giver and the receiver and this connection gives birth to a new sense of belonging.” (Chopra, 2010) Flexibility is the key to reaching my students and building their confidence. While I will always have a plan for teaching, I know the importance of being able to improvise if it is not working. Based on my own experiences I know the importance of working with groups, but I also know the importance of understanding the individuals within the group. As a teacher of Viniyoga I look at the needs of the group and vary the postures for the individual. Everyone can be working on the same posture, but there are many possible variations for different body types and abilities. I will work with my elementary students in a similar way; allowing everyone the opportunity to be successful and confident. I will provide my students with clear rules, procedures and behavioral expectations, to create a feeling of safety in the classroom. That safety allows them to explore problem solving individually and collaboratively. It is my belief that mistakes are an integral part of learning, personal growth and exploration. My students will be nestled in a classroom environment of safety and tolerance, where mistakes as well as successes are an expected part of the learning process. Every child has the ability to learn and it is my job as a teacher to understand my students’ learning style and apply the best strategies for comprehension. (Continued on next page)

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Working together in a friendly, orderly environment allows the students to share ideas and insights and expand their ways of thinking and problem solving. Diversity will be embraced and my students will be encouraged to learn from one another. The more smoothly a classroom runs, the greater the potential for positive learning and growth experiences. By sharing classroom jobs, responsibilities, rules and procedures, the classroom becomes a community. Using real life examples helps the students to link learning with their personal lives and creates meaning for them. They develop a deeper understanding as they see math, science, reading and writing in their everyday lives and the world around them. When I was in school, this connection was not made for me, and many students asked the same question, “When will we ever need this?” Using problem solving creates that connection for the students. In her book, Writing Essentials , (2005) Regie Routman says, “Students will only feel the “need” to learn something if they see the task as significant.” Students are exposed to a wealth of information and it is my goal as a teacher to help them sift through that information and transform it into meaningful knowledge. It is exciting for me to be a part of a more holistic way of educating children. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Teaching is a journey and inspiring young minds is the destination! Every great teacher I ever had shared excitement and enthusiasm, and it is my goal to do the same for my students. My teaching tool box will continue to expand as I grow as a teacher. I will continue to learn new things and add to my tool box, and be willing to let go of the things that don't work. My education will not cease when I am a teacher. On the contrary, I will continue to read, take workshops and work on my own personal development. As with everything I have done in my life, I will actively search for the answers and knowledge to bring my students the very best teacher I can be. I will have high expectations for my students and I hold myself to the same standard. ~Suzanne Gentile References: Chopra, D. (2010, February 10). Nvc wiki Retrieved fromhttp://en.nvcwiki.com/index.php/Quotes Emerson, RW. http://conal.net/quotes.htm Routman, R. (2005). Writing essentials: Raising expectations and results while simplifying teaching. Portsmouth: Heineman.

Philosophy: Personal/Honest (Continued)

Page 15: Philosophy of Education EDU 242. Flagler College Education Department The Flagler College Education Department is committed to providing learning experiences.

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