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Page 1: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Training Simulators

Project Summaries

submitted by student groups in

CS 440 - Introduction to

Software Engineering

at the

University of Illinois, Chicago

Fall 2018

John T. Bell, Instructor

Tanima Chatterjee, TA

Ashkan Rezaei, TA

Page 2: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Instructor's Notes

During the Fall 2018 semester the students enrolled in CS 440, Introduction to Software Engineering, at

the University of Illinois Chicago were asked to work together in groups on two different software

engineering projects, representing roughly the first and second halves of a complete project. The goal

was to give the students experience working in groups on a ( relatively ) large software engineering

project, for which they alone were responsible for the specification, design, implementation, and

validation of the project. Splitting the complete software engineering experience into two half-projects

allowed students to begin the implementation phase of the coding project early in the semester, thereby

allowing time for thorough testing and inspection of significant amounts of real code. As an added

benefit, students were faced with the realistic challenge of specifying and designing their new original

systems in sufficient detail that future students that they had never met would be able to implement their

visions, while simultaneously working to implement the vision created by former students.

For the coding project, their overall task was to implement and thoroughly test ( at least a working

prototype of ) an object-oriented software design that had been previously developed by former students.

This work represented the final two stages of a complete software engineering project, ( implementation

and testing ), and gave the students the perspective of completing a project that had been conceived and

initially planned by other software engineers. For this work, the students utilized agile development

methods, conducting four sprints ( two releases ) of development to yield two versions of a working

prototype, and one sprint of code testing and inspections.

For the development project, their task was to conceive an original software product, and to develop it

through the requirements, system design, and object design phases, using a more traditional waterfall

approach, for eventual implementation by other students in future semesters of CS 440. This work

represented the initial stages of a complete software engineering project, and gave the students the

perspective of developing a complete software specification and design to be eventually implemented by

other software engineers.

For Fall 2018, the development project was to develop “Training Simulators”, to be used in training

students to operate complicated equipment, or in hazardous or remote locations, or in other situations

where training in real-world environments is impractical. Common examples include driving or flying

simulators, medical simulators, military or police simulators, dangerous sports ( e.g. SCUBA, hang

gliding, parachuting ), or remote environments ( e.g. space-walks. ) In developing the initial project

descriptions, detailed system requirements, system and object designs and acceptance test plans for these

software products, students were asked to not limit themselves to what a small group could accomplish

in a few months, but rather to go ahead and plan a project as large as it needed to be to get the job done.

Major reports were due every few weeks, and at the end of the semester, students submitted a final

overall report of their project results.

Overall the students completed both their projects admirably, producing some very good working

prototypes for their coding projects and some very thorough software requirements, designs, and test

plans for their development projects. This document includes the two-page summaries of the

development projects submitted by each of the groups. Anyone interested in learning more about the

systems described here may either contact the course instructor or the students involved directly. In the

meantime, I only hope that the learning experience turns out to be at least as valuable as the finished

software designs.

John T. Bell

December 2018

Page 3: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1

Digital Medical Simulator Summary

The purpose of this project is to assist doctors with a robust system that can help them keep track

of medical records digitally that can be accessed in a quick manner. If a patient report is needed,

doctors all over the hospital can access it quickly through their digital device. Doctors can

customize pages to display information that is the most important for them to view.

Goal: The main goal of this project is to provide a tool to Health Care businesses that allows

them to track patient information and keep record. The diagnosis that is made by the patients’

doctor will allow other backgrounds who are in the team to watch simulations that can help them

prepare for the procedure.

Measurement: This approach would be compared to other practitioners who would be

assessing patients without an application that could access all the patient’s vital information on

one platform. The testing will be performed by University of Illinois Medical School Department

to collect data to assess the performance of the application. Doctors and residents will use it on

their electronic devices to assess the patients’ conditions before diagnosing them in person to be

updated of their condition and previous reports.

In the design phase, we want certain functionalities with high performance, accuracy to

work well with the application. Loading necessary data and avoid delays to have a smooth, good

transition interface. The overall application must have an efficient simulation and have quicker

response time. The final data extraction involves providing data access to another user.

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The UML class diagram gives the overall look

and layout of each classes that needs to be implemented to have the foundation of the project.

The application contains user responsibilities, this consists of a brief interview. The services

allow the user utilization for multiple devices like the cell phone. The user interface requires an

implementation of Java GUI functionalities either Swing or Fx or Unity for a more presentable

GUI. The goal of this is to be user friendly and have a wide variety of user population to take

advantage of it. Object Design prioritizes cost optimization before other design goals. We used

packages and the main difference between two terms, packages and subsystems is the matter of

nomenclature and the consistency of organization is something that needs to be prioritized. The

requirements for the systems are that the works with large amount of storages, the

representations of the virtual reality and its accuracy could be less than desirable. Some of the

basic system requirements to run the application are that it has to be Intel Core i5 or above,

Storage depending on how much database takes but starting recommendation is 1 TB, RAM is

8GB DDR4-2400. A server since we plan on having a lot of clients using the application.

Doctors will need additional space to practice the procedure according to their diagnosis. In

terms of installed systems, there needs to be an interface for the database system so the hospital

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could receive data. Medicine is constantly evolving so new procedures and new techniques are

constantly being worked upon and researched for better and more efficient treatments for the

patients. There are other factors like Cost, Risks, Data modifications, Waiting room and new

ideas for solutions.

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Safe Driving Simulator Final Report Group 2 - Carlos Aceves, David Sanchez, Kyle Aguilar, Allen Breyer

Project Description

Our Safe Driving Simulator is a desktop application that aims at creating a safer environment for young, inexperienced drivers. The simulator introduces the user to a variety of different scenarios that replicate real world experiences with the addition of goals and objectives given for the user to achieve.

In order to obtain a realistic experience, this simulator will need certain hardware parts like a steering wheel, pedals, and a VR headset. With these parts, users will have a better feel of driving without risk. Another component that will help create the experience for the user are applied physics. This includes tire friction, wind resistance, weather conditions, handling, etc.

The Safe Driving Simulator is mainly for young adolescents who are eager to learn how

to drive. This also appeals to families who have kids at this age as well as schools that provide driver’s education. Requirements

There are various requirements in order to have a successful release of the simulator. Most of these requirements revolve around the functionality making sure that the hardware can communicate with the software and reflect the changes appropriately. Examples include the sensitivity when turning or breaking and continuously changing the environment in the VR headset based on user inputs. There are also performance requirements such as start up and maintenance updates. To summarize, the simulator should have a quick start up and should go through updates every few months or so depending on the updates that have to be made.

There are also a lot of requirements that do not necessarily deal with the functionality of

the application itself. This includes following laws and regulations that are related to driving and creating driving simulators. These must be followed in order to have a proper release. There are also cultural requirements as well in that it should appeal to certain audiences. To summarize, when developing the application, developers should make it visually appealing while educational to users, clients, and customers. One other significant requirement is the release date. The application should be released prior to the end of the school year in preparation for the following year.

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Overall, there are a lot of requirements needed in order for the simulator to be a successful project. Tests will be ran to make sure the application is functioning as it should and developers should consider other requirements outside of its functionality as well. Design

When compiling the final project, the following class diagram below shows what the main components should be when it comes to developing this project:

We want the simulator to be accurate, reliable and easy to use. These different aspects of the simulator will help achieve all of this. In order to achieve this, the software has to be divided into three different subsystems that all connect to each other in some way. They are the database systems, the scenario, and the vehicle itself. Project Issues

Not all projects are perfect. Along the way there are going to be issues that should be addressed for future releases. As of right now the initial release will only be compatible with the most recent VR headset. Technology will evolve over time and so must the simulator. So our software should be compatible to future technologies. However at the same time, there are people who might not have access to these technologies at all. In future updates overall, future developers will need to find a way to make it more compatible for those who might not have all the resources and hardware available.

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Maciej Girek,

Manuel Adrianzen,

Alexander Simeonovski,

Anthony Madrigal

Virtual Store Trainer

The Virtual Store Trainer consists of two components. The first is a virtual reality

simulation that will let employees experience simulated customer interactions and

interact with their simulated store to familiarize themselves with store layout and

become more knowledgeable about products the store offers. The second component is

optional and will simulate the store and shopping experience for shoppers via an end

user app. There will be many training scenarios and quizzes to test how much the

employee remembers from what they just trained on. The key part of this training is

being able to integrate with real objects and simulations that will represent actual store

where trainees work.

The goal of the Virtual Store Trainer is to provide new way of learning and training

employees. We believe that textbooks are outdated, and we believe that simulations like

The Virtual Store Trainer will be able to take their place in the near future.

The Virtual Store Trainer will be brought to life by a headset and two controllers that the

users will hold in either hand. The headset will provide audio and video of the simulation

to the end user, and the controllers will allow the user to interact with the environment.

While this is the preferred method of implementation for the simulator, the design allows

the flexibility to implement simulations in a variety of ways. This includes through simple

images with textboxes and with videos.. A key design goal for the development of The

Virtual Store Trainer will be for all simulations to be as accurate as possible without

sacrificing the simulations entertainment value.

Another key design goal that must be considered throughout the development of The

Virtual Store Trainer simulation will be to effectively traverse the trade-off between

performance and flexibility. Due to the educational nature of The Virtual Store Trainer

simulation system, we believe flexibility to be more important of a goal than

performance. We believe this to be true because many educational institutions do not

have the financial wherewithal to afford high performance systems, and will likely have

to simply use The Virtual Store Trainer on whatever system they already have.

The development and completion of the training scenarios will consist of the following


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1. Managers give information on desired scenario to development team. This will

include the situation they want the scenario to simulate and the learning goals for

the scenario.

2. The development team develops a custom scenario using the information given

by the manager. The scenario will usually be implemented using virtual reality but

other implementations are possible.

3. The employee receives the scenario in their app and completes it. Employees

will be able to select from a variety of different areas in which they’ll be able to

train on different departments and learn how to provide great customer service.

4. The employee completes a post scenario assessment created by the

development team using the information given by the manager.

5. The assessment results become available to the manager in their app for their


The development of these simulations will originally be done solely by in-house

developers using training information provided by the managers and the reason for it is

because we want to have total control over the project as any integration of other

developers is a potential threat to a store that disclosed information with us.

The optional component of the Virtual Store Trainer will utilize the simulated store

created for employees in a way that will benefit customers of the company. The

development team will create an end user app that will be available to the general

public. This app will allow the user to “walk through” the store on their device in order to

learn the layout of the store. They will also be able to search for specific items sold in

the store and be shown where exactly in the store the item is located. They will then be

able to order the item online. We believe this optional addition to the Virtual Store

Trainer will reduce the number of negative interactions between employees and

customers as customers will not feel the need to ask as many questions if they are able

to find the information to use the app. This will increase morale among employees

working in the store as well as give them more time for their other responsibilities such

as maintaining the store.

In conclusion, we believe that The Virtual Store Trainer is going to be of incredible value

to the retail store system. If The Virtual Store Trainer is developed correctly, it will

eventually become a customer service standard and will work wonders to get the

employees to the next level.

Page 10: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Tactical Defense Trainer Final Summary Group 4: Ativ Aggarwal, Krishna Vamsi Chandu, Neil Champakara, Viet Nguyen

Project Overview

The “Tactical Defense Trainer” is a simulation system aimed at training users to be prepared during an active shooter scenario where the immediate security of the individual is compromised. The user is put through various scenarios where individual skills during panic situations are tested and the performance of the individual is evaluated. In these situations, the steps taken by people are extremely crucial and a small mistake can lead to catastrophic events. The aim of the project is to emulate the exact situation and pressure a person faces if such a situation should arise in real life and ultimately train an individual to be more aware and conscious during this situation.

The user is provided with a virtual reality headset which displays the simulation of the scenario of what is happening, including the position of the offender. The motion of the individual is monitored using motion tracking devices. Motion like speed, stance, positioning is all measured and taken into account when evaluating the performance. The shooter component in the simulation will possess an artificial intelligence attribute which allows it to make decisions dynamically based on the user’s movements. The aim of the shooter would always be to cause as much chaos as possible. This would allow the simulator to be comparable to the real life situations, and will make the user consider their decisions more thoroughly before trying to make a move.

The user is then given a feedback score and a report of how they performed in the situations they have been put through. A sample report would consist of video summaries of what the user did wrong, and suggestions of better alternatives of what should be done, wherever applicable. These summaries obtained from the simulators can be used by the defense academy personnel to physically and mentally train the user. Requirements

Since this project is intended to serve as a training tool for civilians and students,

and is used by defense academies, there are a few functional and nonfunctional requirements the system is expected to satisfy and deliver. Since the accuracy and precision of the tracked movements is extremely important for the simulator, the system

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should be able to track the real time movements of the user from the moment a simulation starts until the simulation ends, with no delay.

The simulator should provide the admins with the option to add/remove civilians from the simulations. It should also provide them with the option to add/remove aggressors, as well as change the intellect of the aggressors. Usability is the most important non functional requirement, since the project is intended to be used by users of all ages and therefore the simulator should be easy to use and should not require any prior experience or training on the user’s part.

The simulator is expected to be used in a very large scale by the public and

therefore maximum efficiency should be expected from the system. Testing is a very important step to ensure that the efficiency is not compromised. The testing plans lay out a very rigorous and thorough examination of the processing of the simulator. Numerous requirements have been covered in the test plan, and are believed to cover corner cases and also security flaws. The development team is expected to use the test plans as a rubric to evaluate the performance of the simulator. Design Goals:

To ensure perfect synchronization and maximum cohesion, four subsystems

within the simulator would be the most beneficial. The four subsystems are User, Admin, Sensors, and the Analyzer. Since each subsystem has its own functionality, the amount of work repeated is ensured to be a minimum and is therefore very efficient. Hardware is arguably the most vital part of the simulator and is completely present in the sensors subsystem, so there would be minimum interference between the hardware systems of the simulator. The software which communicates with results gathered from the hardware is the analyzer subsystem, which also ensures minimum coupling within the two subsystems. The users and administrators both are assumed to have minimum experience handling simulators for defense training and therefore the User Interface (UI) is expected to be very minimalistic and simple for both the users and the admins. Project Issues

This product is very new for its field, since there are no simulators which are widely used for training the public for such intense and sensitive situations. The budget is also estimated to be higher than expected because of the rigorous testing and the high quality hardware equipment the simulator requires to function to the maximum extent.

Page 12: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Mind Palace - Final Summary

Group 5 - Nancy Agrawal, Sasan Shafikhani, Alex Lopez, Iqra Memon

Mind Palace is a VR/AR training simulator focusing on four user groups - Public Speaking Trainees, Researchers, Students and Depression Patients. The goal of the project is to provide a configurable immersive environment that can be used to train the mind for overcoming public- speaking fear, perform better in timed exams, gather ideas and thoughts as well as learn to be happy.

The functional requirements of the product mainly relate to the operations of the four use-cases a potential product owner can possibly fall under, and all of the necessary steps taken towards them. This includes the ability for the program to install and configure one of four modules, each with their unique layouts, features, widgets and altogether purpose. The Public Speaking module requires the option to record and save audio for playback and subsequent analysis. This, as well as the Test-Taking module, require the program to keep track of time and enforce the control-flow (ie. freezes, alerts). Both modules must have an analysis and feedback section which returns to the user a curated report of their performance. The Mind Palace (Proper) module must allow the selection of several virtual panels which can be dragged or dropped via basic mouse-and-click operations, as well as store contents of text, image and powerpoint files (accompanied by any scribbles the user may write with a “pencil”).

In general, all four of the modules must have access to some sort of repository system that it can access at most points in the program’s lifetime, be they from a file system and/or database, which store all of the files and documents that have been manually uploaded by user. These include powerpoint slides, images, text files, videos, music, and multimedia files. The system should have the capability to connect the VR/AR simulator to a computer via a wired/ wireless connection and to use the different modules through that interface. For the entire system, in order to save settings and preferences properly, it must have a basic login and access section as well as register in the first place.

Outside of functional requirements, the product must strive to maintain versatility, performance, accessibility (ease) and security on all paths within its lifetime. This means that it requires a minimum internet speed of at least 25 mbps for its VR/AR headset inclusion. The system must allow the user to operate the app normally, even when uploading data to the database and file storage, which must total a minimum storage capacity of 4GB. The user’s privacy and security must be made a top priority, so anything related to a specific user, including test scores and notes, must only be viewable by the user’s authorization/login. The product also respects the user’s desire (or lack thereof) and asks permission before accessing other programs or collecting data. The general interface, once logged in, must be intuitive and user-friendly, with tooltips and helpers for first time users.

Testing the product covers its wide variety of characteristics and features, ranging from changing or initializing the module at the switch of a button to interacting with the panels while data is actively stored onto panes. These tests include:

● Program Changes Module Correctly - Program’s features, layout, appearance, and settings all are changed to accommodate the different modules that the user may select.

● Playback Matches Audio-Recording - Recording feature properly records voice without any noticeable difference in volume, frequency, and break-ups.

● Save Photos/Documents to Folder - Uploading documents for use in Mind Palace means sending copies of them directly into sorted folders for each document to be used later.

● Display List - Retrieve files from assigned folders and make sure they are of the right selection. ● Account for Packages Installed - Use list and loop through files installed to make sure all

appropriate files for every module have been installed without any leakage.

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Mind Palace - Final Summary

Group 5 - Nancy Agrawal, Sasan Shafikhani, Alex Lopez, Iqra Memon

● Module Feature Checklist - Features of installed module are all present, with every option being highlighted and functional.

● Panels are of Proper Number and Size - Check the properties of all virtual panels, when created, to make sure they match the preferences set by the user.

● Panels are Properly Arranged and Can be Moved - Panels must share same coordinates on screen as the functional default and can be moved without hassle.

● Panels Display Documents by Categorization - Every collection of documents must match their respective panel and be displayed accurately.

● Successful Connection - If there is no “Connection Not Found” error when establishing connection, display is opened with “Welcome” screen.

● Selected Environment Must Sync with Display - Each module has its own environment it must adhere to. For example, Public Speaking must have the “Crowd Display” activated.

● Environment Must follow settings configured by user - The environment display must reflect the user’s preferences and settings.

● Note Input Accepted - Scribblings must be applied to layer on top of displayed documents via panel. This is tested by determining the “filled” pixels of the input.

● Quality Test: Audio-Spacing - The evaluation program tests if the user-submitted speech by the speaker utilized proper spacing in allotted time.

● Quality Test: Volume/Tone - Recording software can accurately assess the measured magnitude of sound input.

● Quality Test: Proper Assessment - System can bring Quality Test variables together and properly assign a performance rating based on quality, along with a chart comparing to past performance. An audible, consistently-toned speech with few breaks, for example, should give a high rating.

The program’s design incorporates different subsystems of classes for the product, namely (but not restricted to) Module, which concerns the selection and initialization of different modules and “modes” of features; Asset/Data, which is contains classes tasked with the storage, retrieval and transport of data saved by the user; Evaluator and Report, which contain classes that are used by the system in interpreting user-collected data (from speech and test-answer input) and outputting a result toe the user; and Speech, which handles audio software which receives from transmitted data (via microphone). The system is designed with the MVC architecture in mind and makes sure that the user if in constant view of the altering data regardless of what processes are running at any point in time, barring login and registration.

Note: Software module (right) is contained within the package diagram (left).

Page 14: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

Workplace Training Simulator Final Summary

By: Group 6 Members: Lola Akintoye, Antwan Love, Charlotte Norman, Sahil Patel

The purpose of this project is to implement a workplace behavior training

simulator. Currently, most workplace environments already have systems in place through their Human Resources department. However, those implementations only typically address issues that are within legal boundaries, but do not care to deal with the unique culture of each workplace where marginalized groups might still feel unsafe.

Our hope for this project is to provide a better solution that not only helps

employees feel comfortable at work, but also increases a company’s efficiency by at least 25% and decreases the number of complaints to HR by 25%. By catering towards inclusion in the workplace climate to make everyone feel heard and respected, a company can function better as a whole.

The training simulator first introduces the user with the company and the whole training session. Then they are shown lectures based on various topics. After that their skills and knowledge is tested through various questions.

Additionally, the program is to be implemented in such a way that the user is

presented with situational questions dealing with subjects such as sexual harassment and racial bias that require their own unique input and then see the result of their answer acted out in a simulated video much like a “choose your own adventure” video game.

With the answers collected, the program can help the Human Resources

department which areas the user might need to work on. Finally, evaluation results are presented to the user.

Since the application will be designed keeping the company’s requirements in

mind, the client of the product will be the company. The simulator will be used by the company employees in their training process. So they will be the primary users of this product.

Finally, using this training simulator, employees’ various skills like problem

solving skills, business awareness, team coordination, time management can be improved and this will overall benefit in the growth of the company.

The system requires two users at the minimum to be operating the application. While the primary users will be employees, at least one user has to a Human Resources Director or similar management title. Management will typically have administrative rights in regards to updates and monitoring. Some of the product use cases include the employee and HR representative being able to both register and log in to the system. Furthermore, workplace scenarios will be simulated to which an

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employee would answer questions. The Human Resources Director would review the employee results one the simulation is complete. The database will serve primarily to store login information as well as employee answers.

There were not many safety concerns to consider, but as a program that mentions concerns about things such as sexual harassment and discrimination, it is important to warn users of the content being shown so as to prevent any situation that cause the user to unnecessarily relive past trauma. With this in mind, users will be notified of their rights as well as resources which can help them navigate social environments and confrontations.

User safety is very important. There will be trigger warnings in regards to how

simulations will operate. Furthermore, passwords are encrypted, and users at every level do not have access to view passwords. However, a user can make a request to reset their own password, to which the system would prompt them to answer required security questions. The purpose of this application is strictly for training purposes and is not meant to be used for anything other than simulating workplace scenarios. Two-factor authentication would be required for users for security purposes.

The program should be designed to have such functions that any person can understand and use regardless of age. The dashboard menu in the program will have a very simple list of activities with a very straightforward program style. For future releases, there will be implementation for the hearing impaired.

Different releases have to be made as per requirement and planning. Maintenance releases should be made once every month. In case of faults and bugs, critical releases should be made as early as possible. When operating systems get updated, compatibility releases should be made within one week of the update. Overall, we expect the application to be compatible with iOS and android devices. There is intention to create a windows and macOS version of the application.

It is necessary that the product is made accessible only on systems in company premises and personal information of all users remain secure. There is an expectation that servers will be provided as well as accredited security to protect the systems. Furthermore, the application should be accessible for any employee to use it. The application will provide a simplistic display for easy navigation.

Overall, we wish for our product to be utilized to create a safer work environment

for employees. We understand that employees outnumber human resources departments and management, and wish to provide a tool to assist with training. We expect a trial release in the near future!

Page 16: Photo Management Project Summariesi440/groupFiles_Fall2018/Final...Mohammad Abdul Salam, Arsh Badriyah, Aiswarya Baiju, Mirza Baig GROUP 1 Digital Medical Simulator Summary The purpose

LASIK Learner - Description Summary Group 7 - Hibah Alam, Sarah Ather, Gregorio Barbosa, Sahara Yousuf

Lasik Learner is a mobile application that will help ophthalmology students learn how to

perform LASIK surgery successfully. The application will have an information section, in which

they can learn about the lasik surgical process, a quiz section, in which they can take a quiz

based on what they learned from the information section and finally, a 3D simulation section, in

which they can take part in a simulation of the lasik surgical procedure. Students will be able to

log in with their school IDs and will need to be added to a class by their instructor, who will also

log in with their instructor IDs. The students will be able to view their progress as they progress

through the application. The instructors will also be able to view their students’ progress and

decide whether or not they can allow the students to pass the class. The information page will

contain all the updated information on the lasik surgical procedure and will allow the student to

pick up from where they left off every time they re-enter the application. The students will be

able to take the quiz once they have completed the information section, that will consist of

multiple choice questions chosen by the instructor. The questions will get more difficult as the

student progresses through the quiz. Once they have completed the quiz with satisfactory

progress they can go ahead and begin the 3d simulation. The 3d simulation will consist of a list

of tasks that the student needs to complete in a given amount of time, using a certain tool for

each task. The Lasik Learner application can also be optimized for Virtual Reality, so that the are

able to learn the lasik surgical procedure in a more immersive environment than they would be in

if they just relied on the graphics of their smartphones. The application will be optimized

overtime so that the students are always up to date with the developments in lasik eye treatment,

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therefore they can switch between different versions of the lasik surgical procedure. Although

many would prefer traditional teaching methods, Lasik Learner will ensure that what is being

taught to the students has been gathered by experienced ophthalmologists so that the students

using Lasik Learner will not miss any information that traditional teaching methods provided.

Extensive precautions will be made to prevent malpractice by ophthalmologists that use the

Lasik Learner app, so that they are not inexperienced and do not make any mistakes during a live

surgery. The app will need to be maintained constantly to prevent such mistakes from ever taking


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Police Training Simulator Project Summary Group 8: Brandon Frale, James Searing, Cole Barnes, Anas Aleid

Project Overview:

The purpose of this project is to give those in the law enforcement industry a chance to

get some experience in a controlled environment before being thrown into real world situations.

The first day at work might be a lot for them to take in all at once. This will help them ease into

things that they’ll have to think about daily. This project is a practical training simulator for a

variety of situations that law enforcement officers may find themselves in during an average day

of work. Law enforcement is the type of job where you never know what you’re going to

encounter. If officers can be exposed to critical situations in a controlled environment, they will

be better prepared to work in the real world. This project will include training scenarios for all

parts of the job. From paper work, to high stakes car chases, to negotiating with belligerent

rioting sports fans, to investigating the scene of a crime, officers who use this product will have a

chance to put their training to the test. Each training scenario will have several key points where

the officer’s decisions will influence the outcome. After each scenario completes, officers will

receive a scorecard highlighting their performance. Each officer’s use of the product will be

tracked over time and their superiors and other officials will be able to see department data.

Product Use Cases:

Starting out, the user should be able to sign in. The user will be greeted by a welcome

screen that allows them to log in. Logging in allows the simulator to associate the users

performance with a specific officer. From there, the user will select the “Sign in” button and

enter their given username, password, and badge number. The simulator then checks the database

to see if the given badge number exists, i.e. is approved for simulating. If the information entered

meets requirements, the user can move past the welcome screen. Following a successful sign in,

the user will be asked if they want to complete a short tutorial. NOTE: this tutorial is only meant

to prepare the user for interacting with VR environments. Upon selecting the tutorial, they will

find themselves still in the police station lobby. There will be a virtual guide in the form of a

veteran officer, “Sergeant Chip.” Chip will lead the user in a small variety of moving exercises to

make sure that the user is comfortable. Upon completion, the user can visit Sergeant Chip at any

time to get used to the environment again.

Upon first sign-in, a message will be displayed that tells the user that each scenario is

located in a different space in the station. At any time, the user can bring up a map that shows

them how to get to a specific scenario. After deciding which scenario, they will start with, they

can move to that space. To move in this simulator, we use the popular aim and teleport method.

The user holds down a button on their controller and aims in a direction. As they do so, they will

see a circle appear on the floor near them. As they move the controller, so will the circle move.

When they decide to let go, they will teleport to that location. Upon reaching the scenario space,

the user will be shown a brief interface that gives them some info regarding the scenario. EX:

scenario name, average length, priority, etc. The user can then decide to start the scenario or

move to a different one.

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Upon entering the simulation, instead of signing in, the user can choose to go to the

settings. From there, the user will be shown a list of general audio and visual settings, along with

a calibration test option. Upon selecting the calibration test option, the user will be asked to hold

the controller in a specific manner and stand in a circle shown on screen. These positions will be

generated by the simulation and represent the position in real life where the user will get the best

connection. To check on a user’s performance, supervisors will be given their own client to use.

Design Goals:

Simulations must be as realistic as possible

Minimize the input delay of peripherals as much as possible

Try to have 24/7 server uptime

Keep customers informed on upcoming updates

Be open to customer feedback

Try to have the product be compatible with any OS

Make the product as accessible as possible in terms of cost and usability

Project Issues:

The only Off-the-Shelf solution that we can think of at this point is the usability of VR

hardware created by other companies. Using hardware already created would save us a lot of

time and allow us to focus on creating the best software.

Effects on the current environment might influence the type of training police officers might

go through while being a cadet at a police academy. The curriculum might shift from one that

is more focused on talking through potential situations to one that is more focused on

working through those situations within the simulation.

Since we want the simulations to be as realistic as possible, it might be hard for old hardware

to be fast enough to run the program. There would probably be a lot of back and forth with

hardware manufacturers for the program to be as optimized as possible on the hardware.

Some users might find it hard to maintain immersion within the simulations. In this case, the

users will still be able to utilize simulations that don’t really need to be immersive or resort to

traditional training methods. Since we want the VR devices to scale with the room, we need

to have rooms big enough for the user to move around within the VR simulation without

bumping into things.

It might be hard creating realistic scenarios within the simulation. This is important because

we need to be able to mimic scenarios that happen in the real world such that the cadets will

be able to gain some sort of real world experience when inside the simulations. There will

need to be a lot of shadowing of police both out in the field and within police stations to get

familiar with the sort of environment we will need to be replicating within out simulations.

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CadaVR Final Report Summary Group 9 - Omar Al-Khatib, Joseph Campanotto, Syed Rahman, Amer Samad

Project Description CadaVR is VR-enabled surgery training and simulation software. CadaVR, along with a haptic-feedback device, allows the user to not only perform simulated surgeries in a rich environment, but also to create their own with a robustly featured software-development kit. This extends our target audience from hospitals and medical schools to academics and foreign governments. CadaVR simulations can range from a simple stitching operation to a complex brain surgery. CadaVR surgery simulations can be thought of as “scenarios” which the user must play through in a step-by-step manner to progress through the operation. The “scenarios as surgeries” paradigm is important to CadaVR. Any given scenario is clear and to-the-point. CadaVR further attempts to imitate real-life by adding a level of randomness to the scenarios that users play through. These random events, such as a tool not working properly or a vein being accidentally cut, extend CadaVR’s realism because things can in fact go wrong during surgeries. The scenario paradigm also allows users to “drop in” on a surgery at different stages of the scenario and repeat problematic stages for more focused practice. CadaVR is, of course, training software. Therefore, as users play through a scenario, CadaVR collects data about the user’s performance. This data can then be analyzed later by the surgeon or the surgeon’s trainers to help better understand what went wrong and what went right. A final major component of CadaVR is the software development kit. The software development kit enables new surgeries to be created and shared, for the purpose of experimentation or because CadaVR was lacking that particular surgery. Requirements Many of CadaVR’s requirements were discussed above. Below is a chart mapping out the different data end-points required for CadaVR. This provides a high level view of the some of the data end-points necessary for CadaVR to function.

CadaVR Data End-Points Chart

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Design Design goals for CadaVR center around realism. The environment that the simulations occur in, and the simulations themselves, most be as realistic as possible. This is especially important because improperly trained surgeons can seriously harm their patients. One design goal to this end is the minimization of frame rate lag. Simply put, the surgeon cannot be distracted or slowed down by any kind of frame rate lag as they play through a scenario. Another goal is the minimization of distractions during the scenario with respect to the heads-up-display and environment that surgeons operate in. This includes things like the display components indicating what the next step in the surgery is. A third is that haptic feedback must be made as realistic as possible. This in some part falls on the haptic feedback device the surgeon is using, but within CadaVR we can focus on making situations like sawing through a bone or cutting through flesh feel as realistic and unique as possible. As for the data that CadaVR collects, we tried to maximize the amount of it. Our belief is that, for the trainers, surgeons, and anyone else analyzing the data, more data is better. Finally, for the software development kit, we wanted to make it as easy to use as possible. The software development kit is not intended to be used by software developers but rather by academics in medicine and professionals in the medical field looking to create, modify, or experiment with surgeries. A class diagram implementing some of these design goals is provided below.

CadaVR Class Diagram

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Chef Training Simulator By Group 10 - Jose Rodriguez, Aaron Guevarra, Nazanin Azarhooshang, Jason Guo

Description This Chef Training Simulator will use software and hardware platforms to imitate a

restaurant environment the chef will be in while cooking a dish or making recipes. Since not a lot of people will have an opportunity to cook on a restaurant stove with an open fire, this simulator will give that realistic sensation. The product will allow interested chefs to learn how to cook as well as equipping the ability to monitor cooking conditions, have food preparation, safety precaution tutorial/demonstrations.

There will also be some special hardware to go with this cool cooking experience. There

will be an opportunity to connect 3 devices to the program. The first one will be a touchscreen device so the user doesn’t have to use a mouse and keyboard to “cook” on the computer. The user can instead use their finger to mix or chop food. A second option is to connect a Bluetooth handheld motion sensor controller. This is to imitate some actual live motion while cooking and having the program screen to see the current condition of the food. Some live actions will include doing the stirring, chopping, shaking motion and other ways to prepare food. In addition to the motion controls, a virtual reality headset can connect to the product. These will work with the motion controls as well.

Chef Training Simulator is not intended to replace existing culinary art programs or any

other similar entities but instead complement and work with them. It is intended to be an alternative for those who don’t have the resources to have a full fledged kitchen with disposable tools and ingredients (which all together can be very expensive) as well as a sandbox where anyone can just start cooking anything they want whether it’s for fun or learning purposes. Thus, the target audience of Chef Training Simulator is anyone that has any interest in cooking.

Requirements Chef Training Simulator is not a sensitive or demanding product because of the nature of

its task (cooking). As a result, a number of requirements are lax. As far as performance is concerned, Chef Training Simulator only needs to be faster than

the animations displayed to the user. This is because cooking occurs in real time which allows our product to easily mask computation time with the animations. Cooking for the most part is a slow activity, which gives our product a lot of time, making high performance unnecessary.

Security is also something that is not required much. Chef training Simulator doesn’t

handle extremely sensitive data like social security numbers or credit card information. However basic hashing and password management will be done on user credentials when logging in to an account.

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As far as how usable the product is, our product should absolutely be minimalistic and

intuitive. This means reducing the amount of time it takes for a user to find the object (such as an ingredient, utensil, or appliance) to less than 4 seconds. Cooking is not a complex maze and Chef Training Simulator also shouldn’t be one. Furthermore, a more complex design could intimidate users and cause them to make mistakes, especially if they’re cooking something that requires precise timing. By reducing complexity in our user interface, we reduce the possibility of the user making a mistake because of our design. Users should not be frustrated by the product design itself.


Chef Training Simulator will be implemented using a Model-View-Controller architecture. This design is natural for what our product attempts to do. In the diagram below we can see how the cooking subsystem is what “models” the virtual kitchen by communicating with the databases and by using user input. User input is is the “controller” of our virtual kitchen (and the product itself). The communication subsystem retrieves user input from the motion controls and/or the touch screen and sends it to the cooking subsystem (this will change the state of the virtual kitchen). This state is then sent to the presentation interface and then finally to the virtual reality headset and/or the touch screen, where the user can “view” the kitchen.

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A2 Technology:

The Future of Automated Anesthesiology

Written by Group #11: Nivetha Babu, Alexander Moreno, Nguyen Vu, and Linda Zhou

Project Brief Summary

Rising costs of healthcare is a concern for many in a country as developed and

industrialized as the United States. A major cost on any given medical bill for patients is the

delivery of anesthesia by highly paid anesthesia professionals. Our group plans to combat these

rising costs by training non-anesthesiologists how to use A2 Technology in order to provide a cost-effective and cost-saving medical device. The use of A2 Technology aims to shave the cost

burden of anesthesia for the average patient.

One of the main responsibilities of this product is to train users to administer anesthesia

like an anesthesiologist. The software will guide users in how to administer a wide variety of

anesthetics in surgical and non-surgical circumstances. The software will keep a record of type

and amount of anesthesia and patient condition throughout the procedure. Users will learn from

A2 Technologies how to examine patient, obtain medical history, and use a diagnostic test to

determine risk during the procedure.


Functional Requirements

The system will allow pre-screened, non-anesthesia professionals to navigate the

interface of A2 Technology software, including patient account creation, patient account removal,

saving patient medical reports and patient information, searching the hospital-wide patient

medical database, and looking up best anesthesia practices for corresponding surgical

procedures. The system will allow non-anesthesia professionals to access patient medical

records and operation information. The application will show the types and amounts of

anesthesia tailored to each patients’ medical operation, medical history, and other medical

information. The portal must display patient medical records and surgical progress reports for all

patients in operation. The portal is accessible for patients, as they will be able to check on their

medical records and doctors’ notes. The system also provides a list of medications suited to the

patient’s needs and generates a second-by-second documentation of the patient’s heart rate and

rhythm, breathing, blood pressure, body temperature, and fluid balance.

Data Requirements

A2 Technology will maintain a patient database containing information and

documentation of patient accounts, patient current and past medical history, patient medical

intake, etc. The system should document any operations and errors to logs within the database


Speed and Latency Requirements

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The software must be able to administer anesthetic with 10 seconds. Any user interface

interactions must have a maximum response time of no more than 2 seconds. Any connection to

a User database must have a maximum of 1000 ms response time when connected to a network.

Precision or Accuracy Requirements

To ensure patient safety, any calculations for dosage must be accurate to within 5 decimal


Capacity Requirements

The system database must be able to store data for up to a minimum of 50,000 trainees.

Security Requirements

No unauthorized hospital staff may log in to the A2 Technology software.

Look and Feel Requirements

A2 Technology shall have a very simple User Interface that shall make it easy

for a healthcare professional to learn to use the product within a few days of hands-on


Operational and Environmental Requirements

The application shall be cross-platform software.

Cultural and Political Requirements

The product shall be used by medical professionals worldwide. The application shall

follow all standards and policies of medical organizations which would be using it in the OR.

Test Plans

Unless we can predict the reactions of all patients to which A2 Technology software is

being operated on, then the human variable may be difficult to control. As a rule, human factors

testing should simulate or replicate real life, with safe interactions between device and patient.

The human clinical trials will thus be a simulated environment. With that said, conducting user

acceptance tests is crucial. The purpose of acceptance tests is to confirm that the system, in a

simulated environment, is read for operational use. End-users of the A2 Technology software will

be able to compare the system to its initial requirements.

Trainees using the A2 Technology software will be able to test the following


1) Trainee logs into software.

2) Trainee searches for patient in the database.

3) Trainee finds patient accounts.

4) Trainee follows instructions given by A2 Technology software, as operation commences.

5) Trainee logs out of software.

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User requirements will best be suitably met using a decorator design pattern because it

utilizes the daisy chain behavior. Requirements identified for each iteration will be delivered to

the team and tested. Exploratory design will play a large part of the design process as this

technology is unique to the market, and this type of tool is an endless learning experience. The

design environment will utilize the Apache Tomcat as the web server. The necessary and desired

environment will maintain a high level of security since the A2 Technology software is planned

to hold a database of all confidential patient medical records.

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Get Fit Right: Final Summary

Group 12: Edgar Martinez, Rameez Baig, Zakee Jabbar, Ahmed Khan

Product Description Get Fit Right is a product that consists of a fitness simulator where the main goal is to be a “virtual spotter”. This is done by notifying users when working out if they have an improper posture, and then provide them with recommendations based on various factors. The recommendations and feedback are a way to help the user avoid any unnecessary injuries and to provide a better, more right way of getting fit. The application will be supported on both Android and iOS across the various different version to ensure most people in the market will be able to use the application. The application will accomplish these tasks by maintaining the users workout log and associating the workouts performed to that particular user. All data, recommendations, feedback regarding the user’s workouts will be available to the user whenever they would like to see it. This way they can track their performance and improvement over a period of time and see real life change to their lifestyle. The application will allow the user to select a workout and will notify the user to place their phone in an optimal location to capture the user's workout and provide real time analysis using the user’s body data points. The application will perform the analysis by comparing the user’s captured data points with posture data points with that of the workout database, to see if the workout is being performed correctly. Based on that analysis the application will then notify the user through his/her screen whether or not they are performing that exercise correctly. Additionally, the user will be given articles and videos related to that exercise to provide more information. The overall purpose of this application is provide a holistic view on working out. Requirements The requirements for this product are very clear. There is a clear emphasis on accuracy and efficiency. The application needs to process the user’s request in real time as they cannot be sitting around the gym waiting for feedback as this also impacts other people in the gym. Accuracy needs to be of top priority as well since the feedback given to the user has to correct. If the feedback is incorrect, this may cause potential harm to the user and will inhibit further growth of the application as well as go against the main goal of the application which is to prevent injury. Users should be given accurate feedback on exercises in more than 95% of the time. This level of accuracy is only possible due to the medical experts that have provided the application with their expertise in the exercise realm.

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The application also needs to be very user friendly. The target audience has a vast range in ages, and level of knowledge on the subject matter. Words used in the application should be easily understood by anybody, and links should be provided for concepts that aren’t very obvious. 95% of the users should be able to follow the feedback given by the app. The application should also allow easy access to all data. The average user should be able to view their past workout data in less than five clicks. Additionally the user should be able to access all features of the application without any assistance in the first ten uses of the app. Design As there is currently no system design the application will implement a system where there are four major subsystems. The user subsystem handles user information like email, name, and password and allows the user to use all functionality of the application. Along with that there is an analysis subsystem which uses the camera and the workout data to analyze the user videos. The third subsystem is the user interface subsystem. This subsystem is used to handle user input and display all information to the user. The last subsystem in the exercise subsystem which uses the composite pattern to create the hierarchical structure of all the exercises. This allows the application to increase the reuse of code as much as possible, and have an organized way of adding new exercises when needed. The application will also follow Model View Controller architecture. This is necessary for this application as there is a lot of user involvement. With this architecture the control flow of the application can be monitored well. Multithreading can also be set up well with this architecture as we have many application functions going on at the same time. Project Concerns There a couple concerns at this time. Due to the application being computationally intensive it may be a struggle for it to run on older devices. It is one of our goals to reach as many users as possible, and the application would need to be very efficient to make sure it can be run on all devices. Another concern of this application is if the video recordings are enough for proper feedback. Getting all the relevant data from a video might not be possible. In order to tackle this special hardware might need to be developed to make sure the application can function for its intended purpose.

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X-Ray Training Simulator Final Summary Group 13: Urja Soni, Chance Potter, Kena Patel, Jolekha Begum


Our proposed project is designing a x-ray training simulator for the medical students where they will be able to practice taking x-ray of patients. This simulator will have virtual reality aspect to it so the students will be able learn how to correctly position patients for different types of x-rays without actually being exposed to the radiation from real world x-ray machines. Students will be first trained and later on, be tested on their knowledge before they actually go perform their duty in the real world. By doing this, we will be able to prepare students for all the kinds of situations they will be facing in real life and make sure that they will not be making any mistakes because being exposed to the radiation can cause other side effects to people’s bodies. Description:

The purpose of this simulator is to provide the users a real life feeling via VR, so they can get similar experience when they take the scans of different body parts of the virtual patients. The students will get to pick which module they want to work on, and finish the demo and take the test after each module. Once they have completed and passed each module tests, they will then take the final test which will require them to perform many different scans. Their results then will be compared to real scans which will be already stored in the system. Students will be required to pass those tests with a certain grade before they are allowed to go out in real world to perform those scans to avoid any mistakes or injuries that can occur to them or to the patients. These mistakes can be things such as overexposure to radiation, or taking incorrect pictures that lead to a misdiagnosis. The database will store all progress and any tests results the student might have taken so far. This will allow them to go back and practice at any time they want. Requirements:

Some of the important requirements that the system must have are: Functional : Virtual objects in this simulator should look close to what they would look in a real world. The application should allow the user to select which module they want to work on and/or whether they want to go through a module or take a practice test at a given time. Most importantly, The application should be able to store all the user’s data throughout the course, and the students should be able to retrieve that information when they want. Performance : The system should capture the movement and scans of the virtual patients immediately. Uploading the course progress or retrieving the information back from the server should not take more than few seconds. It is important to make sure that there should be minimal lag between user and load times. This is to increase the reality aspect and make the user feel like they are moving and positioning a real person. Usability: The system should provide a tutorial for new users, guide them through entire application, and show them how each features work so they can make the best use out

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of it. Our application is expected to be used in multiple companies; therefore, it should have an option for users to change the language. Reliability: The application should be available 24 hours a day for users, unless there is any maintenance. In case of maintenance, users should be warned in advance so they have enough time to save their data. In case if the application crashes, all work should automatically be stored on servers so users can start back from where they had left. Supportability: It is expected that there will be two different teams available for customer service 24/7, over the phone and via email for when people need assistance. Customers should be receiving help within a reasonable time. Test Plans:

Before the application is made available to the public, it has to be tested multiple times to make sure that all of its feature work properly after any given number of trials. The application must be taking accurate scans of virtual patients in different angles, it should correctly evaluate every scan tests, it should update the database frequently to have the most frequent data of the users, the VR feature should be tested to make sure that it does indeed give real life feeling, and the tests results do look like the actual scans, and the application should also be tested to see if the user is able to retrieve their old test score information even after they have successfully completed all the modules. The more features that will be extensively tested including user’s account creation, to ensure that the user is able to successfully create an account with their own information and identify verification will test whether the product is able to recognize a registered user. There would be tested as well to check if user information are safe and secure on the systems or not. Design:

The main components in the design of our application is the User, Server, and the Database.The client will handle things such as the UI, which includes the display and the user interactions. The server will handle the training process and the database will handle storing all the needed user information such as account information, scores, and training session information. Each user will have to create their own unique account, which consists of a username and password, so that the user will be able to login their accounts and track their individual progress. There also needs to be a admin account for professors so that the professors can give exams using our software. The admin account should also be able to view the scores and status of student accounts. Once the user is logged in, they are able to view the main menu in the application to select training options, pick which training module they want to work on first, and view their results from any training units. The system has the ability to store user data to the server so that user will be able to check his/her scores and visualize their progress. The application will also have a clean and simple graphical user interface so that the it can be used by users of all college-age levels.

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Final Report Summary

Group 14: Etienne Palmer-Campbell, Allan Velednitskiy, Pawel Pietron, Kevin Bell

Project Description:

The PC Builder Simulator is going to be an open license program/webapp for helping end

users to build their own custom desktop computer. The client is going to be businesses such as

online parts retailers that we will partner with to display their inventory through our program.

This will allow them to expand their market and promote their business to the end user, which is

people who are looking to plan a new computer and either need help knowing how or just want a

nice way to organize their ideas.

Use Cases:

● CASE_A: Research Module: In this use case, the Software provides the User with access to the Clients database. This will allow the user to browse the available parts based

on search queries and filters for their budget and performance needs.

● CASE_B: Planning and Analysis Module: Here is where the User will create a list of compatible parts for their PC. The program will run an analysis on the components,

and ensure that everything is compatible, safe, and meets the Users requirements.

● CASE_C: Assembly and Tutorial Module: User will be going through the actual

simulation process. They will have to go through tutorial that will be supplied within the

simulator. After simulation is complete user will have an option to order desired PC.


1. Scenario #1: A user with very little experience in building computers. He or she will be

guided throughout the entire process: research, plan, and build.

2. Scenario #2: A user that basically wants to check if his or her build is optimal. The user

already knows exactly what they want, they just want to use our software to check if their

build is optimal.

3. Scenario #3: A user that wants to check if his or her build is optimal, but they also need

help building the computer as well. Users who are aware of how the computer works, but

hasn’t had any previous hands on experience with building computers on their own.

Functional Requirements ● Database Communication - Effectively communicate with the Client database of PC

components, so that the User can browse this inventory and use it to put together their list

● Part List Compatibility - Software is able to successfully analyze the compatibility,

safety, and efficiency of a parts list.

● Build Comparison - Software must provide a utility to compare stats of parts lists

● Build Advice Module - software must effectively compile catered tutorials of

professional advice for a parts list

Design Goals:

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We want to design a user-interface that appeals to the client and satisfies our goal of

providing a database for the user to select compatible PC parts, and building a proper PC given

the parts that the user selected.

Final System Design:

Project Retrospective: More planning/ thought could have gone into how the software will manifest. We

transitioned often between the ideas of a downloadable program vs a webapp, and just recently

thought of physical kiosks. Having a more concrete idea of the foundation for the software from

early stages would have been helpful.

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Pharmacy Technician Training Simulator Summary

Group 15 – Rime Brika, Stephen Swick, Mounia Berrada, Hend Khalil

Project Overview The Pharmacy Technician Training Simulator will help incoming pharmacy technicians

be familiar with the responsibilities before they start their job. This training simulator will teach the trainee the basics of the job so they do not make mistakes on the job that can have negative side effects on the patients. The simulator would simulate a patient dropping off a prescription. The user will then have to greet the customer correctly and insert the prescription into the system. The simulation will also have questions about rules for filling prescription, and how to deal with customers. This simulation will allow the students to learn how medication look like and how they are dispensed. It will also have a short description of what each medication is for so that if a customer asks they will know how to answer. The simulation will lead the pharmacy tech from drop off to pick up, how to ring up customer and if it is a new medication to ask the pharmacist to consult with the patient. The simulation would model what an actual pharmacy is like by having multiple people in line for both pick up and drop off, and people calling in through the driveway. This will help the pharmacy technician understand the responsibilities that are tied to the job in high pressure situations, making the transition in all smoother.

The business that will use this software will be a pharmacy. The pharmacy will most likely have a high turnover for the pharmacy technician, hence the need for a simulator to automate the process. Once, the employee finishes the simulation, and passes any quizzes associated with the simulation they can begin a more thorough one on one training phase with the licensed pharmacist.

Pharmacies get swamped with clients picking up their medication. Especially in

metropolitan areas, pharmacies are in high demand. Pharmacy technicians assist the licensed pharmacist dispense prescriptions. The licensed pharmacist may be too busy to go over the basics with a new employee. However, without proper training a newly hired pharmacist technician won’t provide much support. Project Requirements

The system must have the ability to illustrate the different scenarios that the pharmacy technician may encounter when patients are dropping off and picking up their prescriptions. The system must also allow the user to greet each and every customer in a timely manner to make sure that the patient is satisfied. The system must allow the user to speak with the insurance companies, enter prescription information, look for the patient profile and verify that the correct profile is pulled up if there are people with the same names. These requirements will make sure that the user can do these tasks in a time efficient manner. The simulator must have quizzes before the user goes onto the next to module to make sure they understand that concept. These scores will be saved in a database that the adminstoriots will be able to access to monitor the users progress.

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To not ruin the immersion for the user, the simulation should minimize the amount of

lag/latency and any choppiness overall. The simulation should run at a steady 60 frames per second. Due to the limitation of the simulation being installed on the employee’s personal device, the developers should prepare for weaker machines. The simulation shouldn’t be graphically intensive, and should limit the number of assets per scene, so that this frame rate requirement may be achieved.

Project Design

The design goals that need to be optimized in this design is that it simulates a real pharmacy. The computer screen in the simulator should be similar to that screen that the trainee will see when they are on the job. The simulator should have accurate foot traffic, phone traffic, and drive through traffic so that the trainee will be comfortable with the amount of people that come to the pharmacy on average. The foot traffic should also change with the time because in a pharmacy at certain times it is busier than others.

This system is not replacing an existing system, this system is an extension of an existing system. We are adding onto the current training system, which currently involves online modules and no real hands on training, by having an intermediate stage. This intermediate stage will allow for a better transition into the hectic work of a pharmacy technician.

The approach that will satisfy the design goals and requirements of the simulator is a

Model-View-Controller (MVC) system architecture. The Model represents all the patient data, medicine daat, and pharmacy data. The View represents the user interface, in this case, is the pharmacy technician simulator along with all buttons that the user will click when doing the modules and lessons. The Controller will interpret the user inputs and provides the model data to the user interface of the simulator.

The user of the simulation will use their personal computer to open up the simulation.

They will use a mouse/keyboard to navigate through the information, the save state (in case of any crashes or to resume later) will be stored on their personal computer as well. The scores received from the exams will be stored on the pharmacy’s database from the simulation.

The current state of the simulation will need to be saved. If the user exits the simulation or their computer crashes they should be able to resume at the point they were previously at. This can be done using a memento design pattern and saving the state data into a text file onto the computer. When the user boots up the simulation again, the software will read from the text file to get their position in the simulation.

The boundary conditions of the simulator is when the system fails, before closing out the

software the system must save the current state. It must make sure to save a non corrupted state so that when the user boots in again it won’t just go back to a failing state. If the text file storing the save state has been modified the system should fail on start up and warn the user that their save state has been corrupted and they must restart the simulation to have a clean save state.

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First Aid Training Simulator Final Report Summary Group 16 - Muna Bist, Michael Hume, Cynthia Padron, Gregory Sobieszek


The first aid training simulator is a software that will provide training, such as first aid and other training which can be performed during medical emergencies. Since, first aid is crucial care that can enhance the positive outcome of an emergency situation, it is also very important to get proper training and be certified for it. Based on the services this platform will provide, such as interactive courses and certification, user and organization relations, and content of the training courses, it will have to integrate certification organization, course providers, organizations and the users together and keep the records in the respective databases. The individual product scenarios can be explained as course providers create the course content based on certification requirements. Employers review certifications and training requirements in order to build personalized user training plans for each user or all personnel. Users are able to register for an account on an individual basis or as part of an organization. Users are able to complete training by simply logging in and selecting a course from their training plan. Certifying organizations will receive a notification once the user has completed a training course and return a response on whether it was approved or not. Requirements

The first step to identify requirements was to come up with the use cases. Some of the listed use cases are Create Course Track, User Registration and Login, Add and Drop Curriculum, Review User Certification and so on. Some of the functional requirements based on the use case diagrams include registration verification, add/drop of the courses, user redundancy check, user course history, etc. The performance of the application will be tested based on how fast the user can login in, how long it will take for the application to be filled out and how long it takes the user to finish the application. Also the storage capacity of the application was described and the scientific notations and units should be the check for accuracy and precision requirements.

Furthermore, the application will be very easily accessible, reliable, and available for 24/7 all year around. Any kind of the failure to the systems like loss of internet connection and power outage will not have any impact on the databases and user progress in the training processes. In order to keep data safe, the application will have an encryption system to avoid hacking and accessing of information without permissions. To provide further security for the data among the users, the application will have a feature to provide access to certain people and access of data can be monitored by the administrative users. The application is being launched primarily in USA, the language being used will be English and all learning and training videos will be focused for them, user friendly, and easy to be used and understood.


The main design goal for the project is to complete the training courses designed for the clients to work properly and provide the accurate information when teaching the course. The priority of the system will be the speed of loading the application and provide accurate information about the training procedures. The system will be primarily based on the model-view-controller architectural design pattern. Thus, the system will be layered in different models such as the user model, training organizations, and employer organization. Therefore, the model-view-controller will be the best approach for this system.

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Class Diagram

The class diagram above consists of the different classes the application will have when

designed. The main activity of the application is based on the working of the class diagram and it will have the list of the activities that will depend on the access type one can have. Each activity for different kinds of the users will have their own user interface with various options for the users to do different activities. These include activities such as setting up the individual profile, training courses, and training certification. The user interface will vary based on the type of the user, for example an organization will have the most available activities compared to their employees. Conclusion

While there may be a lot of online training providers such as American Red Cross and National CPR foundation, this platform works as the combination of the different types of services they provide. In addition, this platform will also allow you to get training and certification upon the completion of the courses immediately, which not a lot of pre-existing online first aid training platforms do. The estimated cost for the production of this software application will be about $1.5 million and will approximately be completed in a 14 month period. Although the risk of presenting inaccurate information in the training courses still persists, the initial release of the product will most likely be correct and will depend on how regularly the system will be maintained and updated over the following years.

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Sniper Spotter Simulator Project Description Summary By group 17: Justin Donayre, Mark Chen, Tian Zhou, and Steve Stranczek

The intention of this project is to assist soldiers in the field, particularly sniper teams, to shoot their

target with precision and accuracy. In the field, there are many variables to account for when going

for a shot, whether it be wind, distance, or dealing with moving targets. The spotter will also have

to watch the snipers back as the sniper will almost always be looking through the scope. There can

also be situations where there are time constraints to take the shot which could make the difference

between saving a teammate, your squad, or yourself. This project is designed for spotters to make

quick calculations for the shooter to get their target. This will result in less casualties, quicker

missions, and possibly quicker wars.

The purpose of the project is to assist sniper spotters to make quick calculations for the shooter to

make a precise and accurate shot. The hopes of this project is to minimize casualties of war and

open new training pathways for soldiers.

The business of the product is military training simulation and the work addressed by this product

is the training and evaluation of sniper spotters. The US military currently employs a training

regimen that sniper recruits participate in. No virtual emulation of sniping is involved. Spotter

apprentices are paired with a sniper and perform real world exercises. This creates a bond between

the pair and builds teamwork. The work that needs to be investigated to be able to build the product

includes weather effects on visibility, wind physics on bullet trajectories, and in-field situations of

real sniper teams.

The users will put on a virtual headset or view a screen which can display varying degrees of

weather hazards. There will be visual and audio cues for the spotter to estimate wind, bullet drop,

distance, and so on. As there are a lot of variables that a sniper/sniper spotter needs to get right,

the pair will be evaluated on a point system with a pass/fail grade based on whether they

successfully executed certain tasks. For example, if the sniper was not able to hit within an area of

allowed variance, the team’s score would be penalized.

The simulator must fit certain requirements to meet regarding the emulation of realism. Both

physics and visuals had to meet a strict requirement on realism. Graphics and textures for the

simulation must be realistic that a sniper spotter deem relatable to the real world. Because the

simulation will have sniper spotters situated in one location, advantages can be taken to only show

necessary textures and save processing power of machines running the application.

In addition to the graphics emulating real life, so too do the physics in the simulation. More

specifically, the bullet in relation to natural forces. We also require specific weather patterns that

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must be realistic. One of the most important requirements as this is arguably the biggest indicator

for our product to be a good simulation. It must act as a point of reference for when a sniper spotter

adjusts sights for their designated sniper in real life. As this is a moving emulation of environments,

a high FPS is also needed. Obviously, we want what our Users seeing to not suddenly drop frames

and ruin the immersion.

As our primary client is the U.S. Military and thus part of the government, we have obligations to

fulfill to meet their standards. Some requirements handle Military lingo and there are several

requirements that perform a “Quality of Life” requirement that shows branch Users greeted and

associated with their branch.

The product will be used as follows: There is a database of Trainer Users and Trainee users, all of

whom have created an account through the app itself. The Trainer Users will have a bank of the

Trainee Users to assign to themselves. The Trainee Users from then use the application’s main

function of creating a simulation of spotting a sniper partner. After finishing a simulation, the data

from their performance will be uploaded to a database.

As just mentioned there will also be a database that the product will communicate with. It contains

User Information and User Performance Statistics/Evaluations. There are requirements that

necessitate Users-based data management as well as Database communication and its ability to be

modified from the System and not the Users (aside from account creation).

The project will ideally be implemented through the Unity engine and thus will utilize VRTK

(Virtual Reality Toolkit) for working with the VR Headset. Some of the variables that need to be

figured out include figuring out how many environments to simulate (only environments in current

conflicts or should we emulate as many types of environments as possible), choosing the absolute

lowest number of frames per second that will be allowed in the simulation to not break immersion,

and what hardware will be specifically required for computers to run this simulation.

The main system design will be essentially a repository. We have different variables being weather

effects, number of enemies, if enemies are stationary or moving, how dense the foliage is and so

on. All these effects will be written to simulation which acts as the repository. The User interface

subsystem will also go back to the repository. We will have input from mouse and keyboard data,

and it will have output going to the VR headset. It will also have input and output to the database

that is connected. The information about a user will go out after a simulation ends and will only

be accessible to that individual or their trainer. The data will also have to be stored locally if the

internet goes down which will be written to the database next time the computer is connected to


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Electronics Repair Simulator Project Summary Group 18: Michael Koutsostamatis, Austin Ek, Mika Cabudol, Garfie Chiu

Electronics Repair Simulator offers simulations of performing repairs on:

● Smartphones ● Laptops ● Desktops ● Tablets ● Appliances (such as TVs)


Electronics repair can be difficult to learn, and even more difficult to train for. Often times, IT environments have lengthy on-the-job training periods for new hires. This period not only costs money, but can be a waste if the employee is not fit for the position afterwards. Alternatively, an IT environment can train employees in classes. This is either done using leftover outdated parts that employees will rarely see on the job, or expensive new parts that make the training process extremely expensive.

Electronics Training Simulator solves these issues by offering a lifelike virtual environment for training IT technicians in the skills they need to work on real hardware. It also provides easy on-premises setup and deployment for assigning training and measuring progress within a company to new and experienced technicians.

Use Cases

Electronics Repair Simulator has two major actors: The technician and the administrator.

The technician:

● Performs simulations ● Repeats simulations if necessary ● Reports simulation results to the administrator

The administrator:

● Views simulation results from technicians ● Assigns simulations to technicians ● Creates configurations based on models and images ● Creates simulations based on configurations

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Usage Electronics Repair Simulator has compatibility with a standard desktop PC

environment as well as VR headset support. It runs on Windows 7, 8, and 10. It is compatible with the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Samsung GearVR platforms. The desktop usage is very similar to a desktop PC video game setup. The user controls the view in a 3D environment with a mouse, and can move around using the WASD keys on the keyboard. They can use various buttons on the keyboard to perform interactions with the device they are training with. These interactions will generally include anything a technician does when repairing a device, such as unscrewing a screw.

Administrators can use the client to perform management tasks in the environment. An administrator can add a new configuration for a new device. When a new configuration is added, an administrator can add it to a simulation (to simulate testing a specific part of the device, such as a battery replacement). The simulation can then be assigned to a technician to train with. When the technicians is done, the administrator can see their performance in the client. Requirements

In order to facilitate the IT environment, the project requires 3 servers: An account server, a configuration server, and a simulation server.

The account server runs an Active Directory (AD) database to manage users and allows for logging in and out of clients. This server will require a subsystem to perform tasks that extend the AD functionality, such as permissions based on simulations and configurations.

The configuration server stores a database on configurations. These configurations will be delivered over and HTTP or HTTPS connection. They include .stl files for parts of the devices, and a boot image to verify that the device functions properly.

The simulation server stores a database of simulations that include a configuration. One configuration can belong to many simulations, but one simulation can only include one configuration.

The client manages the simulation environment through a Unity 3D environment. While this engine is typically used for video games, it serves the purposes necessary for this project. The client retrieves simulations (and the included configurations) from the simulation server and loads them into the Unity 3D engine for a simulation. The client keeps a cache of simulations that it has used until the user deletes the simulation, the user clears the cache, or the user runs out of storage space.

Because of the client cache and the simulation and configuration repositories, this project requires persistent data and verification of that data.

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Piano Training Simulator Final Project Summary

Group 19 - Srinivas Lingutla, Shawn Cody, Tapus Patel, Ji Xiao Overview

The piano training simulator is targeted as an easy to use software/hardware combination that will train users of all skill levels beginner to expert. As one could probably guess, it is hard to find a piano just anywhere, and learning piano without an instructor is not easy. Nowadays, there are plenty of people, including professionals, who struggle playing certain elements of a song and need a way to hone their skills. This piano training simulator helps improve users’ skill by providing meaningful analysis of users’ techniques, live feedback, and providing customized training regimens. Use Cases

The main use cases our piano simulator should provide are the ability for a user to practice many different songs - thus fetching various music from an external music database as well as the ability to receive a score based off of their performance. It will also give the user a unique training regimen and/or specific instruction to improve playing ability once finishing an attempt at playing a song. The user should also be able to record and replay their sessions as a way to learn faster. They can receive a training schedule and will be able to change it to their liking from within the software. Requirements Functional : In order to satisfy the main use cases, our piano simulator project needs to accurately score a user’s performance of a song, register the piano keyboard input to corresponding notes, output sound just as a normal piano would, and provide a gui for the main interaction by the user. The training software must also work for multiple users. Data: The data requirements for our piano simulator project involve saving the sheet music data locally from a remote database to the computer, saving personal account information, and saving each song training session the user plays through. Security: Our piano simulator should uphold strict security in regards to user data. It should only be accessible to each user themselves or admins. The only information other users should be able to see are other users’ names. Data stored and used by the application like sheet music, training progress, user profile information should only be available to developers. Application data must be secured and backed up in case of loss, corruption, or theft. Any breach of the system or updates to information policies will require notifying all applicable users. Usability and Humanity: Our piano simulator should be accessible to a large audience so it should at the very least be accessible and easy to use by a 13 year old. A casual user should be able to remember core functionality. The product should satisfy customers by providing intuitive help, prevent users from making mistakes when they are trying to accomplish a certain goal like starting a training session, and it should provide the user a way to study and become familiar with the software/hardware system itself. It should allow the user to save piano hardware preferences, language type, and change other crucial settings. Look and Feel: The piano simulator training software as well as the hardware keyboard should be attractive to a majority of the audiences using it. It should follow proper ui/ux guidelines such as spacing, font, and accessibility. The piano hardware keyboard should be as similar as possible to a real piano. The training software should feel professional, but also remain simplistic.

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Test Planning

● Unit testing ● Usability testing ● Functional testing

○ Test functional requirements ○ May be scenario/use case based

● Acceptance Tests ● Features to be tested

○ Song session scoring / analysis ○ On Screen Keyboard Error Detection ○ Saving user’s progress into local database ○ Sheet music retrieval / usage

Design Design Goals:

1. Interaction between the keyboard and the training software should be as responsive as possible 2. The training software should be visually appealing 3. The training software should be fun to use 4. The instruction provided by the training software should be useful to the user 5. The sound output from the piano keyboard should sound appealing 6. Personal data should be as secure as possible

Subsystem Diagram:

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By – Dhaval Patel, Kruneet Patel, Charvi Virani, and Michael Gallagher


This development project is about creating a system software that will provide an innovative training

system for soccer players. The system creates an immersive experience that allows players to train in a

simulated environment.

The main motive behind the development this simulator is to provide a similar experience to what the

players would be facing while playing real soccer games. Also, this training simulation can be used to

analyse the overall aspects of past games played by a particular player or team. This helps them to avoid

those mistakes in future to avoid injury or increase their overall efficiency in actual live games. The

statistical reports generated by the system about their individual profiles will track the performance

measures of various aspects of their gameplay.

Training the right way before games is a very critical aspect for a sportsperson as it will help reduce

injuries and improve the overall efficiency of a player during the actual games.

A diagram showing our system design is attached at the end.


We have 2 main actors: (1)Player and (2)Coach.

The use case shows how the actors interact with the system and thus, help us define the requirements and other details of our system.

Various requirements are documented along with their ID# - Name, Description, Rationale, Fit Criterion

and Acceptance Tests.

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● There are 7 individual use-cases based on the product use case diagram

● There are 5 functional and 5 usability requirements.

● Performance Requirement: Includes ‘Watch Replay Feature’ and ‘Evaluation of Product Soccer

Training Simulator’.

● Maintainability and Supportability Requirement: Mainly ‘Through a help desk’ where the

call/issue would then be forwarded to the appropriate personnel. Also, the goal is for the

product to last indefinitely with proper maintenance.

● Security Requirement: A players data should not be visible to other players. Data should only be

visible to the player that is the subject of the data or the coach.

● Look and Feel Requirement: the system should have a professional look and feel

● Operational and Environmental Requirement: System operates in a closed field

● Cultural and Political Requirement: Being a sports training simulator, there are NO cultural and

political biases in the system.


To build the product we need to use both software and hardware components.

Hardware: The system consists of a 4-sided physical box that encloses an artificial pitch. Once activated,

the simulator fires in balls to a waiting player, who is then directed to settle and pass that ball into a

specific quadrant of the box, dribble around physical obstacles, shoot at virtual goalkeepers, etc. The

system relies on an LED wall and automated 'ball boy', using fully-customisable system software to

analyse performance and allow players to work on their skills.

Software: The actors for our system are the professional and beginner players, coaches, and teams from

different organizations. Each actor is an entity in the soccer training database system. We are collecting

real-time data of each player using hardware specified above (mostly sensors) when they are playing in

the 4-sided physical box that encloses an artificial soccer pitch. This real time data is useful for tracking

current skills and progress in improvement for players and coaches can make changes in training

schedules and methodology based on the effectiveness of a particular method for any skill. VR

technology can be incorporated to get view past plays and gain insights about the gameplay of each

player using data from in-stadium cameras and other tracking systems. This will create a VR replay of the

entire soccer match which can be seen using hardwares like Oculus, etc.


For testing purposes, both acceptance and unit tests, we will need users to act as testers from clients to fully evaluate the product. There is at least one acceptance for each requirement that the system must pass before the product is accepted by the client.

● There are 14 acceptance tests in total ● There are 36 requirements in total ● Each requirement has an acceptance test ● Many requirements have share a common acceptance test ● A table has been added which shows which requirement corresponds to a particular test. ● Each test has a unique id and a short description provided.

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Maria - The Medical Simulator

Group 22 - Harshil Patel, Harsiddh Patel, Brandon Haak, Shvetaben Shah

Maria is a medical simulator that will help medical students learn better to perform medical

procedure on real human bodies without the need of real bodies. This simulator will have inbuilt

functionality that will give feedback to students on how their performance is. The simulator will

have live sound streaming to interact with student just like how a real human would so that the

student can ask about the pain, symptoms etc.

Design Goals

Ease of Use:

Both the Maria doll and the associated software user interface must be simple and easy to

use. The feedback provided by the Maria doll must be clear and audible. The UI must display

important information about the procedure, the status of the Maria doll and the progress of the

current simulation in a way that is clear and easy to read and understand.


The connections between the Maria doll, the client running the associated software, and

the database must remain stable and reliable. The database must be kept up to date and backed up

to avoid data loss. The UI software client must show accurate information and respond to user’s

inputs with little to no lag. Each of these are necessary in order for instructors and students to

create, perform, and monitor simulations and in order for those simulations to provide sufficient

testing for training purposes.


Database must be partitioned in order to ensure that backup data is kept in the event of a

hardware malfunction. It is important that this system in its entirety be flexible to handle hardware

malfunctions when they occur. Different hardware components must be interchangeable and an

arbitrary Maria doll must be able to connect to any arbitrary machine running the UI software

client and in a few simple steps work the same as it does when hooked up to another machine.


Each of the connected components within the system must be able to transfer data quickly

and securely in order to aide in simulating a real world procedure. Each piece of hardware used

must be supplied a sufficient amount of energy in order to perform its actions. Both the Maria dolls

and the software must be designed efficiently to avoid large spikes of energy use. There must also

be a safe shutoff feature in the event of a power failure.

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User Interface:

Migration to the New Product

Maria should run independent and should not be dependent on third party products to run.

The individual component of Maria should work individually without creating any issues. Every

time there is a new feature, or an update is available, the system should work as it was before

without any new issues to it. Maria will be available to use for users while another module will

be updating. So, the old system should not have any problems while updating the newer version

of the software.

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Emergency Flight Simulator Group 23 - Marquise Howard, Moin Vahora, Arturo Urquiza, Daniel Monarrez

The Emergency Flight Simulator is intended to offer an opportunity for pilots to get

experiencing managing their reactions during an emergency situation while at the helm of some aircraft. Due to the variety of adverse conditions that can arise while an aircraft is in the air, it's important for pilots to be prepared for those stressful situations, for the safety of passengers and the people on the ground. The simulator will contain a visual component in the form of a large encompassing monitor, as well as other components meant to mimic a real life scenario, including heat, water and wind among other things.

Airline Companies as well as flight schools will use our product for their designated use.

In the case of flight schools, student keys can be bought for each individual student. If an airline company wishes to purchase our product, they can have product keys as an option for pilots who wish to join in on exercise trainings that the airline would provide for them as an option. With various scenarios that our product will provide, the pilot can choose which aspect of training they wish to refresh on.This project will be funded and developed in house, meaning that the developing organization’s marketing team will act as client. The marketing team will be selling the emergency flight simulator as a service to Airline Companies and accredited flight schools, in hopes to sign multi-year lasting contracts with these entities so as to assure a steady revenue stream for the company moving forward. They hope to develop and ensure long lasting business relationships with these companies to assure the future and stability of the company.

Entities we do business with are expected to provide their own hardware/cockpit setups for use. This is done to ensure the the customer gets the most precise scenarios (for instance, large airliners might opt to have a much larger and intricate hardware setup than flight schools to simulate flying jumbo passenger jets). Maintenance workers will be tasked with integrating the provided hardware with our simulator software. This means maintenance workers must map all hardware controls to to the correct actions in the simulator. Process can take many days, so maintenance workers are expected to travel and stay extended periods of time.

For the purpose of defining the requirements of Emergency Flight Simulator an initial gathering of information has been compiled. Due to the nature of the project, speed and latency are of the utmost importance. Our Emergency Plane Landing simulator must mimic a real life scenario, meaning the latency and speed need to be as minimized as possible, with next to no delay between the user input and the simulator action. As for the speed of our simulation, we must make sure that our simulation can run on a range of hardware specs. Large airline companies can afford very expensive hardware for the simulator, and we as a company must make sure that our simulation can be scaled to given hardware (as long as the minimum hardware requirements are meant). This way we do not have to choose between catering to either the airlines or the flight schools, and instead we can market our product to both.

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Only Engineers and Traveling Admins have access to the raw data stored in a machine,

users other than this will be blocked from reading the raw data to prevent theft/deletion. The system will connect to the internet once a day to push any stored raw data to an off-location server. This server will then hold an entire copy of our dataset, which only we should be able to access. Traveling Admins must go around to collect and replace the simulator hard drives every few months, These drives will be stored in a warehouse as hard copies of our data as a backup. If a Traveling Admin can not make it to the simulator, the customer may choose to send in and replace the drive themselves, or request an Engineer copy the data over an internet connection and wipe the drive.

Raw data, scores, and logs must be encrypted before being stored on the system. For the

scores and logs to be decrypted, an Instructor (or above) must request the system for the files using their access rights. Raw data cannot be decrypted locally on the system, and may only be decrypted by Engineers (or above). This way having our raw data stolen from a local system will not cause any privacy issues, as the data cannot be decrypted without the key. Scores and logs should be identified by a unique user ID, as opposed to a name. This way if someone gets their hands on simulation logs/scores, they do not know the name of the user as their unique ID will be there instead. This protects the privacy of the users, who might not want their failure scores/logs to be identifiable to them other than by Instructors. Professional and realistic design above all else. We are trying to market this product to commercial airlines, flight schools, and eventually make our way into the public sector (government contracts). To do this, our product must appeal to them style wise and be as professional and realistic as possible. We must be aware at all times that this is NOT going to be a video game or marketed as one, and this must be reflected on our final product

As with any simulator with the purpose of improving an individual’s performance, there

will be a metric applied by analyzing the result of each trial and a score will be provided as to several different important points. Included in these metrics are reaction time, correct response, and physiological state (heart rate). Given the results of this assessment, clients will be able to see whether or not their pilots are ready to handle high intensity emergency situations. At that point the clients can decide whether users who score low on the simulator, can improve their abilities by practicing on one of the dedicated skill portions, aimed at improving the specific abilities where they most lacked during the assessment There is much apparent overlap between this product, and the product provided by many competitors. It is necessary to ensure that the entirety of our product deviate sufficiently from alternative offerings in the market. Special attention must be paid to: range of features, system design, branding and logos. Faltering in any of these aspects can result is serious accusations of copyright infringement that will severely cripple the health of this organization

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DRIVING SIMULATOR Group 24: Rupal Jadav, Kashyap Trivedi, Chirag Patel, Konrad Kurzynowski

For our development group project we are working on a DMV Driving Simulator. Just like any other driving simulator, ours will have a display, seat, speakers, pedals, gear shifter, and steering wheel. The Practice Simulation mode will log awarded and deducted points based on driver performance so that the driver can then review their score and see what they did wrong. The Test Simulation will simply state PASS or FAIL at the end of the driving test, but also save the driver’s score and their sequence of events printed to a file that can be later evaluated by the driver to see what they did wrong.


The Simulator will be fully compatible with every country where the majority of the population travels by motor vehicle. Upon login, the user will be asked to select their Country before proceeding. This will be done so that the correct seating orientation (left or right side of car), road signs, and road rules can be enforced during the simulation. After having selected the country, the user will be able to select a “Documents” icon in the main menu which will present appropriate country specific information regarding road signs and road rules. In addition, the user will be able to view the product manual and become more familiar with the equipment in case they have never driven a car before.

During the simulation phase, the user will see a running points log at the bottom left of their screen. This points log will award or deduct points based on driver performance (Ex. +25/25 <timestamp> safely merged with highway traffic). At the end of the simulation, the user will be able to view the entire points log to see what parts of the simulation they excelled at and which parts they still have to improve upon.

Every effort towards ergonomics will be taken when selecting input gear (steering wheel, brakes, gear shift) and designing the layout of the inputs. This is to mimic a driving environment as close as possible to add to the realism and immersiveness of the simulation. The simulation will even accept a whole range of wheel-chairs to accommodate persons with disabilities.

System Design:

The software architecture of DMV driving simulator contains various modules that the user shall interact with simulator interface which is connected with audio device and driver console. The interface shall further connect to main simulator which gets data from map and sensors which further get data from database stored in cloud based server.

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Following is the architectural diagram of DMV simulator:

Following is the final system design

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Architectural Planning Simulator

Group 25: Srinath Karimpuzha, Deepika Tripathi, Chirag Soni, Harsh Jain

Project Overview: The project “Architectural Planning Simulator” aims at creating a

training model for an upcoming architect/town planner to master the art of strategic &

efficient architectural planning by visualizing every new structure they add. The system

takes a pre-assessment quiz and assigns an initial XP Score to the user based on their

assessment results. Going forward, he is assigned personalized assignments based on

their XP Score. These assignments are problem statements with details of existing

structures/components/work schedule of a city [or a smaller or a bigger area] and details

of a new structure/component/work schedule that needs to be added. The system provides

the capability of visualizing a 3D working model of the existing city and allows the user

to add/edit structure through Augmented/Virtual reality. The system then acts as a virtual

trainer to provide metrics of how well the new structure was planned by the trainee. After

each assignment the users receives feedback of his progress and his XP score is updated.


o Client: A design software development company like Autodesk or Adobe.

o Customer: Customer could be any design or architecture firm or even

government organizations like city planning department.

o Hands-On User: Designers, architects, planners or analysts who play an active

role in designing cities, railways, roads, buildings, airports, amusement parks, etc.

o Maintenance user: A admin and support staff from the software development

company to maintain and update the assignments periodically as per the changes

in the real world by pulling additional data from external sources (can be

outsourced too).


The system can be divided into following main modules:

● Create a plan for the trainee: This use case covers user’s profile creation and level

setup based on pre-assessment exam results. It also covers assigning a new task

according to his level which should have following details:

o Details of the Existing plan

o Difficulty level based on XP scores

o Details of the new structure/component/work schedule to be added

o Import existing details: This use case covers importing details of the existing

plan in the assignment. These details may include:

▪ Existing structures [e.g. Railway tracks]

▪ Existing components [e.g. trains]

▪ Existing work schedule [e.g. running schedule of every train]

▪ Existing topological data [e.g. mountains, rivers]

▪ Existing population distribution [e.g. 100persons/square mile]

▪ Existing climate information [e.g. windy city]

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Based on the difficulty level of the assignment, the existing structures can be

customized [dragged and dropped] by the trainee or just visualized as a 3D

working simulation using AR/VR.

● Add new structure/component/components and submit plan: This use case covers

creating and adding the new structure/component/work schedule as mentioned in the

problem statement to the existing model by visualizing the new plan on 3D simulated

working model.

● Generate and analyze reports: Based on the submitted new plan, system will act as

a virtual supervisor and provide feedbacks including: efficiency, benefits, mistakes,

feasibility and better ways of same structure planning.

Data Requirements: System will have an internal database with table containing

assignments based on an existing area. These assignments are created by architectural

experts with 3 parts: existing structures, new structure to be added and difficulty level.


Sub System Decomposition Diagram

The entire design is divided into 3 sub-systems: User Management, Evaluation and Assignment


Figure 1: Subsystem Decomposition

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Summary of Final Report (Telum Ex Machina) By: Sakshi Maheshwari, Anusha Pai, Alessandra Laudando, Chandler Bachman


The goal of this project is to train Xbox gamers to compete against human-like players. As a result, this will allow human players to have a more life-like training experience because they will be able to play against a variety of different playing techniques instead of playing a general "computer" with the same style of gaming.

The program will have two phases: Learning and Playing. The learning phase is where

the system learns from actual players using Artificial Intelligence to create "ghost" players, and the playing phase is for the human players to play against the "ghost" player. Specifically, this will be done by storing the model generated by the machine learning software in a database, and distributing it to many other players. These players are ones that want to improve, and right now have the problem of finding others to play that are around their skill level, or much better. This would be distributed through a selection of different players models, or ‘ghosts’. The model will be generated from the Artificial Intelligence that is being trained with the inputs from a professional player being analyzed along with his opponent’s moves and basic information about the game. This will allow lots of training data to essentially be developed with little to no effort on the part of the player, since it all happens in the background. The more the user plays the video game, the more the Artificial Intelligence is able to predict the moves it will take in a given scenario. Requirements

In terms of requirements, this app will be developed for the Xbox app store. In the learning phase the player will play the game as normal, while the AI will inspect the player and try to predict their next move. When the AI can correctly predict their next move 95% of the time, then the AI is ready for the playing phase where it can use the generated data to play against a human player as a mimicked “ghost player.” In the playing phase, the player plays against a ghost player generated by the AI. In this phase, the system must use the data generated from the learning phase to play against the human player. This will allow players to train against others without the inconvenience of having to see if the other player is online.

Of the functional requirements, the app must launch when the user clicks its

corresponding icon in the Xbox dashboard. The main homepage requires that the user is able to view the list of available video games, and click on a game to get further details. The system also must allow the user to start a game through the game details page if they have that game purchased (either downloaded or physically in the console disc drive). Other functional requirements include the speed of the app at guessing inputs as well as a fast load response, accurate guessing, the capacity to serve many users at once. One interesting one is the idea of a local failsafe, which will prevent data loss when the server loses data by keeping it locally as well, available to upload at any time. The recording and processing of inputs has to have a rock solid uptime. Security is a major part of the app. We hold a lot of personal user data, and so don’t want to lose any recorded inputs or model data. Everything is encrypted and stored locally, so the

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server can’t be hacked to leak these details. We also don’t store any metadata on the times or location played, and only use anonymous analytics to keep the privacy of the user intact. The Usability and Humanity requirements along with the Style requirements are vital for the product so that the app will be easy to use for all ages 18+ as well as be visually pleasing. The general requirement for the style includes a black background with white text. Icons, images, and bigger text will have a pixelated font and the overall look of the app is to be an arcade old school style, to catch the attention of gamers. These requirements will be tested through an experiment to see if at least 85% users are interested in the app in the first 5 minutes of usage.

In addition to the look of the product, the product has additional requirements that state

that the app must create a means for the users to choose a language, make their account anonymous and conform the to Americans of Disability act. Operation and environmental requirements are important as the product must be able to work on the last 4 version of Xbox that has a gaming console. The product is only available to download from the Xbox app store and the player can only start the game only if they have purchased the game. In terms of legal requirements. approval from lawyers confirms that the product abides to general laws, including the Fair Information Practice which states that a users personal information is kept private. Designs

The design goal is accuracy of predicted inputs. Above all else, accuracy will allow for a better experience since any wrong input will detach us from the stated goal of mimicking players. Specifically, the product should be 95% accurate, in terms of reliability, it should have a 99.999% uptime recording inputs with only 6 seconds of downtime per week. With speed, the product should be capable of keeping with the player inputs within a minimum of 200 APM. In addition to these design goals, the system architecture should be of a client-server relationship as you can see on the right hand side. Client-Server relationship will be used to move data between the many clients. Other architectures would allow for this data transfer, only when both systems are online at the same time. This would lead to players in different timezones never being able to sync their data without much difficulty. Almost all of the information on the server is public information, so security on the server is not as important; however, since the client will be storing a lot of the private user data, security is vital here. Therefore, the client should be as secure as possible.

The objects cannot be designed at this point. It depends on the specifics of the platform being used, both on the client and server side.

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Group 27 Final Document Summary

Kayla Condrella, Zaynab Almoujahed, Sergio Rodriguez

This projects main goal is to create a training simulator to train prospective conductor.

This will help them to safely and efficiently start a career in public transportation rail road

system sector. The simulator focuses on mid-range cities that are inflating in population due to

the rise of migration to city centers. These cities welcome the population growth and need ways

to transport the masses of people commuting to different locations in the city limits. This attracts

more company which cause a spike in the economy and with it the interest in building a reliable

transportation railway.

This software will be built to offer a world class training simulator that models an exact

replica of the city’s preferred train manufacturer’s train cab. The point of this is so that one the

trainee has finished the training they can easily transition into driving the real train car

immediately. Giving the trainee real application experience/training prior to stepping foot into a

real train cab will lead to more cautious, experienced, focused conductors allowing them to make

for an efficient and safe rail transportation system. The main motivator behind this software is to

reduce the large number of accidents that occured between 2015-2018 alone. Safety, experience,

efficiency emphasis will be the main selling point of this product.

The functional requirements of this software define boundaries in what the system will be

able to handle. This allows us to inform customers to know what the limitation of this product.

Finite details within these requirements makes sure that all aspects of the systems limitations are

noticed. These requirements help to not make potential false promises with things that cannot be

achieved by the system. Everyone at all times will be on the same page about what this software

can do and handle.

Data requirements allow customers to understand what pieces of information are

necessary to organize the system. This information can include stuff about the users and status of

progress within the simulation. The data requirements are important because when the system is

shut off the data is not stored on local machines rather on a secure server. Allowing customers

the ease of mind that their information is stored and it is safe and secure.

This speaks to the integrity of the simulator. When looking at the integrity of the

production the simulation has to ensure that the database cannot become corrupted or changed

unjustly. This will make sure that people are not just being passed in the modules without

actually passing them. This could put people lives in danger if the people that unjustly passed

then get a job based off this simulation certification because they will have not met the actual

requirements need to operate the train in that situation correctly. The simulation could also then

become invalidates and cause people to lose trust and faith in its ability to teach individuals to

operate a train with this software. All of this could then lead to the simulations failure and

eventually causing it to be shut down.

The vision for the design of this system was to bring complex back end infrastructure

together with high quality hardware materials together to create an immersive experience that is

easy for the primary users of the product to dive in and start learning. Getting used to the system

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should ideally take a few minutes from the very beginning. The purpose for such an intuitive

system is to omit any technical bumps so that the user can primarily focus on what is most

important which is learning the trade of train conducting.

When the user steps into the train cab cab the environment should match expectations of

what is normally seen in pictures. They are guided through initial setup and given a brief tour of

the start up procedures by the moderator who will be monitoring their progress. The user is then

instructed to put on a VR headset to get acclimated to the virtual environment. The system is

being prepared with the expectation that most new trainees are going to be introduced to this

technology for the first time so to get them ready for the actual simulator they will go through an

introduction session to feel comfortable in a virtual environment. The purpose for this is also to

introduce the intertwining of the hardware environment and software environment. Once the

trainee feels comfortable and with the moderators consent the trainee is ready to start.

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Better Driver: Final Summary

Patryk Toczko, Filip Serwinski, Ryan Trokey

Better Driver is a virtual reality driving simulator used to teach people how to become better drivers in a low stakes environment. This software is especially useful for people learning how to drive in order to get their license for the first time or people who want to brush up on their driving skills in an environment that it is safe to practice in. In addition to practical driving skills, Better Driver will teach people the rules of the road and things to look out for while on the road. The goal of Better Driver is to create better drivers so that it is overall safer to drive. The main audience intended for this system are high school drivers, in their driver's education classes.

Better Driver would require a work environment such as schools or an operating business location to run classes. It would also need the equipment to simulate driving scenarios including visual projections and physical car like items (steering wheel, gear shifter, seatbelt, etc.). The first functional requirement is an initial 'menu' like user interface for settings and configuration. This leads to the system communicating with servers and databases to fetch the correct information to be simulated. An open connection would be needed along with the ability to obtain accurate and efficient speeds to simulate a realistic driving scenario. The creation of classes to recreate all real word objects implemented in the simulation will be required, including classes for artificial intelligence drivers that the user will encounter throughout the experience. The system will need to collect data on the driver and produce reports and analysis.

The major test plans needed to implement a successful system lie within the ability to apply a stable connection and fast upload and download speeds. The system will be tested on having a reliable updating system, and a reliable database and database recovery method in case of failure or crashing of the system. Also, the ability to have accurate and effective artificial intelligence drivers to combat the user experience. Finally, the ability to incorporate weather into the system to accurately affect driving conditions. There are more test scenarios but these are the main focuses.

The main system design relies and a class based system, and connection to servers and databases to run the said system with affective speeds and efficiency. The classes created will reflect all real word objects that are encountered when driving in real life, and anything that will affect the driving and learning experience of driving. Types of areas, weather, vehicles, roads, pedestrians, and street signs/lights are the main focus here. Included in this are the artificial intelligence drivers that will be created to interact with the user in order to portray a real life driving experience with different types of drivers. This type of information and the graphics and content of the 'real world' that is virtually simulated will be uploaded from an open connection to servers and databases.

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Simple class diagram design

Basic idea of a sequence diagram that our system will follow

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Construction Emporium- Full Report Summary Group 29: Brennan Pohl, Eric Lo, Chinmay Nautiyal

Construction Emporium is a 3D visualisation software which allows for the user to

interact with a simulated machine/tool. This software is designed to help the user be better able to perform their job on the construction site. This entails performing a task correctly and safely. With the current situation there is significant resource expenditure with respect to the resources that need to be allocated for the training process; training machinery and experts must be assigned for such a task. This is where this software fits in, which allows users to train with a variety of tools and machines.

This product will server a variety of clients, customers, and hands-on users. The main client for this product is the developers themselves. They will develop and sell the product out to its customers, the construction industry, as well as regular consumers. The product will have specific features and services that are offered only to the businesses that wish to train workers in heavy machinery, such as technicians for specialized hardware or software. While a more basic simulator is offered to the general public. Training instructors, trainees, and the general public are the hands-on users. The construction industry is the primary customer and so will participate in the development process of this product. They will be used for their expertise to create a accurate model of the industries training processes and standards.

The fundamental requirements for the product are that the simulation represents the equipment in a realistic manner. Additionally, the product must record the user’s progress on different modules, to track their progress and how they perform on those modules. To provide a human element to the training process, the product allows a trainer to intervene and assign different modules according to their performance. The simulation must follow realistic physics, and must represent the machines in a way that closely mimics real life.

The system design includes numerous classes for user, trainer, trainee, equipment, data, hardware, tasks, courses, UI widgets, windows etc. The product uses a client-server architecture to distribute the content generation from the storing and loading process. The client can focus on rendering and recording the user interactions within the 3D simulation, while the server stores and loads system data for the user. The client will also communicate with the server to send and retrieve data, fetch the requested information for the user, and establish a communication connection with subsystems.

The product includes the following primary subsystems - User, PersistentData, Course,

Equipment, Components, Hardware, Communication. The User subsystem contains all the information with regards to the User and the functionality the User has. User data will be cached

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onto the Database as well store locally onto the User’s machine and PersistantData is such cached data from the user along with data regarding the levels, equipment, and companies. Equipment subsystem contains all data related to equipments, classes, and functionality. Hardware subclasses had all hardware that is used along with the product, and the functionality of each hardware component. Communication is the subclass that communicates between the hardware and logs via the message class.

Some additional design considerations are the generation and maintenance of persistence

data. A number of classes implement methods to save and load data. Some data detailing the state of the user environment is stored locally as well as on the server. Data is encrypted and decrypted, when saving and loading from the server/local machine. Additionally, the product makes sure, with the implementation of access controls, that only a user with certain access permission can access a subsystem. For instance, only a trainer has access to the Trainee’s progress on a module, besides the trainee.

The project addressed most of the problems that needed to be solved by the test-cases.

Possible problems include having the product contain information updated to the industry and companies’ standard. Another potential problem is hardware being improved; therefore, the hardware provides additional features. For this product, hardware and features will be improved for VR, thus the product will implement the use of these features. These features, however, will not be required to use the product, and the user can choose to use these features via settings. Over time, more simulations are created by individuals, so the servers must be able to handle the increase load, while providing efficient and fast access to the simulations. Because the product is working with companies, the development process will take a considerable amount of time for features with company involvement.

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