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• Zoom– Alt zooms out– Notice status bar change

• Marquee

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Project 1a – Coin spotlight

• If there is a small triangle in the bottom right corner of a tool, then it expands into more detailed options

• Zoom in on the coin we want to spotlight (drag tool)• Use the elliptical Marquee to select the coin– Start at upper left corner– Now try using alt

• Select Inverse• Image Adjustments Curves (output 150)

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Project 1b – Beach Clean up Day

• Horizontal type tool (T)• Move tool• Swatches

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Project 1c – Tie Design

• Layers – tie designs layer• Brush (try soft round 65 pixel, then hard round

9 pixel)• Undo• History palette icon

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Project 2 - Tulips• Ctrl-alt-shift restores default settings• This is a scanned image. Let’s pretend we are editing this photo for use in a magazine. The final

product should be 2 x 3 inches• Resolution – the number of pixels that describe an image and establish its detail

– High - 300 ppi (pixels per inch) or higher– Low – 72 to 96 ppi

• Cropping tool– 2 in– 3 in– Drag box– Hover outside, rotate– Adjust by clicking and dragging corners– Press enter– Save as working

• Automatic Adjustments– Image Adjustments Auto Color– Image Adjustments Shadow/Highlight

• Drag until you think it looks nice– Save as auto

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Project 2 – Tulips continued• Window Histogram (or histogram tab)

– This represents the colors across the entire brightness range• Image Adjustments Levels

– Left triangle – shadows – Middle triangle – Midtones– Right triangle – Highlights– Drag the triangles and watch the effects– Suggested final levels – 25, 1.20, 197

• Another option is to use Image Adjustments Auto Contrast

• To remove a color cast: Image Adjustments Auto Color

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Project 2 – Tulips continued• Replacing colors in an image

– Using the rectangular marquee tool select the front left yellow tulip– Image Adjustments Replace Color– Three eyedropper tools

• Eyedropper tool• Add to sample eyedropper• Subtract from sample eyedropper

– Use the eyedropper tool, then the add eyedropper until the entire flower is highlighted in the mask

– Fuzziness – controls the degree to which related colors are included in the mask

– Change the Hue and Saturation until the tulip becomes red

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Project 2 – Tulips continued

• Adjusting lightness with the Dodge tool– The dodge tool lightens highlights and brings out details

• Let’s bring out the details of the sculpture in the image– Select the dodge tool from the toolbox (kind of looks like

a pin)– 27 pixel brush– Range Highlights– 15% exposure– Use vertical strokes to “polish” the sculpture

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Project 2 – Tulips continued• Adjusting saturation with the Sponge tool

– When you adjust the saturation of a color, you adjust its strength or purity– The sponge tool is hidden under the dodge tool– Select a large feathered brush (27 pixels)– Mode Saturate– Flow (sets intensity for saturation effect) 90%– Drag the sponge back and forth over the tulips and leaves

• Unsharp mask filter – usually one of the last things you do when retouching a photo – adjusts the contrast of the edge detail, gives the illusion of a more focused image– Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask– Suggested amount: 62%

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Project 3a

• Clone Stamp Tool– Choose soft round 75 – Hold in alt and click your target area– Make brush strokes over the torn area

• Spot Healing Brush Tool– Automatically samples from surrounding area– 30 pixel brush– Paint strokes

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Project 3b

• Healing and patch tools go beyond clone and spot healing – gives a more natural look– Simultaneously blends pixels from area to area– Remove the initials

• Zoom in• Healing tool (hidden under spot healing tool)

– Taking a snapshot– Patch – hidden under healing tool

• Source – area to be fixed• Destination – area used to do the fixing• Lasso a few of the bolt holes, then drag to an unblemished area

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Project 3c• Retouching on a separate layer

– This protects the original image– In addition, you can blend the original with the retouched version for a more natural look

• Create a duplicate layer – In the layer palette, hold down the alt key and drag the background layer to the new layer button– Name it “retouch”

• Select the healing brush tool (bandaid)– Suggested 12 pixel brush– Alt click on smooth area of forehead– Drag mouse over two long wrinkles– Continue correcting his forehead wrinkles and his eyebrow furrow

• Use the patch tool to correct his under eye wrinkles• In the layers palette, change the opacity to 65% (play with this slider)

– This creates a more natural look– Toggle the retouch layer on and off to see the difference

• To flatten the two layers into one, choose layer flatten image

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Project 4 – selection tools• It is possible to make selections based on size, shape, and color• There are four basic sets of selection tools

– Marquee– Lasso– Magic Wand– Pen

• The best selection tool to use often depends on the characteristic of that particular area, such as shape and color– Geometric Selections – Marquee– Freehand Selections – Lasso

• Lasso can trace a free-hand selection• Polygonal lasso sets anchor points in straight line segments• Magnetic lasso – combination; works best when a good contrast exists between the selection

area and its surroundings– Color based selections – Magic Wand

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Project 4• Using Magic Wand to select a colored area

– Tolerance option sets sensitivity– Using the magic wand, click the red part of the tomato – play

around with tolerance level– Hold down shift (plus sign appears) then click any unselected area

that you wish to be selected (this works to add to a selection with other selection tools as well)

• Moving a selection– Using the move tool, drag the tomato to the bottom left corner of

the cutting board– Select Deselect– Save (working)

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Project 4

• You can also select the background of an area• Select the rectangular marquee tool– Draw a rectangle around the lettuce– Let’s subtract the white area from the selection so that

only the lettuce remains– Select the magic wand (suggested tolerance 32)– Hold down alt (now the minus sign appears) and click

on the white area– Move the lettuce to the upper left corner of the cutting


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Project 4• Working with oval and circular selections

– Zoom in on the bowl of olives– Select the elliptical marquee tool– Try to select the olive bowl

• It’s ok if your selection isn’t perfect• DO NOT release the mouse at this point

– Still holding in the mouse, press the spacebar to re-position your selection

– Release the spacebar, but not the mouse, to continue with your select– Repeat this process (without ever letting go of the mouse) until your

selection is precise• Move the olives to the bottom right corner of the cutting board

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Project 4

• Selecting from a center point– Select the elliptical marquee tool– Hold in the alt key– Click in the center of the salad graphic and drag outward– You may use the spacebar like you did in the previous exercise

• Move the salad graphic to the left of the right upper corner of the cutting board

• With the graphic still selected, choose Image Adjustments Invert– The graphic is now effectively a color negative of itself

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Project 4• Moving and Duplicating Simultaneously

– With the move tool selected, hold down Alt– Continue holding down Alt and drag a duplicate of the graphic

so that it is near the upper right corner of the cutting board– Release (do not deselect)– Choose Edit Transform Scale– Hold down shift and drag the corner so that it becomes about

50% larger than the original– Press Enter

• Repeat these steps one more time making a larger salad graphic

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Project 4• Selecting with the lasso tools

– Starting at the lower left of the carrot, carefully trace the left edge of the carrot with the lasso tool

– Be very careful not to release the mouse– Hold in the alt key– Use the polygonal lasso to select the top edge of the carrot– With the mouse clicked, release the alt key to trace the right

edge of the carrot– Repeat the process until the entire carrot is selected

• Move the carrot between the tomato and olives• To rotate the carrot: Edit Transform Rotate

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Project 4• Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso Tool

– Zoom in on the pepper– Select the magnetic lasso tool– Starting at the lower left corner of the pepper, click once and then begin

tracing the pepper– Once you are finished, click once on the starting point to finish the selection– You could also double click somewhere to connect back to the starting point

• Zoom out• Move the pepper onto the cutting board• Cropping and erasing within a selection

– Select the crop tool– Drag around the desired area– Press enter

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Project 4• Making a Quick Selection

– Select the quick selection tool– Set brush diameter to 21– Position the pointer at the top of the carrot, click and drag down the carrot– Edit Copy– Edit paste– Name layer “Carrot”– Image Adjustments Hue/Saturation (suggested +5 Hue and +10 Saturation)

• Select the lettuce– Click “Refine Edges”

• Refine Edges allows you to soften, feather, expand, or increase the contrast of edges– Let’s create a soft edge for the shadow.

• Feather value – 7 pixels• Expand value – 5%

– To see the effects, hit the zoom option in the dialog box• Click the center black button at the bottom of the box• Adjust the Expand value again (I used 30%)

– Edit Copy– Edit Paste– Name the Layer “Lettuce”

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