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Page 1: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Physical Development

Carrie Simpson2014

[email protected]

Page 2: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

I can thoughtfully observe and evaluate students’ social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development based on basic theoretical frameworks and developmental expectations.

I am aware of the important balance between knowing what to expect (theories, norms, patterns, milestones, etc.) and the human variation that is normal in such a complex set of processes.

I can begin to identify and support students in cases when development is advanced or delayed. 

I can use my analyses of students’ growth and development to better support their academic learning, in-school relationships, participation and engagement, and emotional health and wellbeing.

Objectives/”I Can” Statements

Page 3: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

General Goals

Developmental framework Teaching practice Thoughtful observations, questioning,

and research

Page 4: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Many Factors Affect Growth & Development

HeredityRace/Ethnicity/CultureHealth/NutritionGenderEmotions and emotional climateSES

Page 5: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Infancy: Birth to 18-24 Months

Dramatic, rapid growthHalf our adult height (2 yrs.)4 times our birth weight (2 yrs.)

Page 6: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Brain Growth Spurt(3rd prenatal month until age 2 or 3)

At birth: 25% of adult brain weightAt 2 or 3 years: 75% of adult brain


Page 7: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Early & Middle Childhood: Approximately Age 2-11

Slow, steady growthGain 2-3 in./ 5-7 lbs. per yearGain muscle mass and strengthLose baby fat6 years - teeth!!

Page 8: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Adolescent Growth Spurt

2-3 years long2-4 in./ 10-15 lbs. per yearGirls begin 2-3 yrs. earlier

(age 10/11 vs. age 12/13)

Page 9: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

How does sensory processing affect school life and learning?

How does motor development affect school life and learning?

Page 10: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Motor development & sensory processing affect…

Comfort in bodySocial interactionsParticipation Self-esteemIdentity Energy levelAttention

Page 11: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Gross Motor Development: gaining control over the body’s large muscles for coordinated, effective movement

Children gain and refine skills as they grow physically larger and gain strength, speed, and coordination.

Page 12: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Over time children are…

Smoother and more graceful More efficient and precise Stronger and faster More agile More balanced More confident More adventurous Better able to estimate abilities

Page 13: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Fine Motor Development

Coordination of eyes and fingers to work accurately and quickly to create & construct

Requires core stability & gross motor control to move body, arms, and hands together smoothly

Page 14: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Graphomotor Development

Coordination of small muscles at the end of fingers to form letters while writing (rapid motor sequencing)

Requires core stability & gross motor control to move body, arm, and hand together smoothly

Page 15: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Sensory Integration

Definition: The involuntary process by which the brain assembles a picture of our environment at each moment using information from all our senses

Sensory seekingSensory avoidant

Page 16: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

How We Process…

1. Sensory Registration

2. Orientation to Stimuli

3. Interpretation

4. Organizing a Response

5. Execution of a Response

Page 17: Physical Development Carrie Simpson 2014 dubscorpio@gmail.com.

Supporting Children

Educated observationsThoughtful questionsEffective support plans

“In order to be treated fairly and equally, children have to be treated differently.”

(Melvin Konner, Childhood: A Multicultural View)

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