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Page 1: Physio Psych Unit 1

Physio Psych Unit 1

Practice Questions

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1. Who coined the term ‘neuropsychology’ and conducted early animal experiments intended to localize a memory trace or ‘engram’?

a) Sperryb) Lashleyc) Hebbd) Pinele) Korsakoff

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2. What term is commonly used as a synonym for biopsychology?

a) psychopsychologyb) psychophysiologyc) behavioral endocrinologyd) behavioral neurosciencee) behavioural pharmacology

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3. A cut in which of the following planes would separate the brain into a top (dorsal) and bottom (ventral) part?

a) Coronalb) Frontalc) Horizontald) Sagittale) Midsagittal

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4. Which type of glial cells cover the outer surfaces of blood vessels and form a physical matrix to hold neural circuits together?

a) astrocytesb) Schwann cellsc) Oligodendrocytesd) Microgliae) Microsites

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5. Comparison…Gray matter is to white matter as:

a) soma is to myelinated fiberb) dendrite is to somac) golgi complex is to ribosomed) vesicle is to microtubulee) synapse is to bouton

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6. Comparison…In general, presynaptic is to postsynaptic


a) axon is to dendriteb) dendrite is to axonc) terminal bouton is to dendritic spined) dendritic spine is to terminal boutone) none of the abovef) both A and C

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7. Cell bodies of multipolar motor neurons are located in the spinal _____________ matter and project to the __________ via the ___________ root.

a) white; brain; dorsalb) gray; brain; ventralc) white; muscle; ventrald) gray; muscle; dorsale) gray; muscle; ventral

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8. Which brain structure has a dual affiliation with cortex and limbic system?

a) amygdalab) fornixc) massa intermediad) globus palliduse) putamen nucleusf) hippocampus

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9. What is the series of connections between brain structures that form basal ganglia loops.

a) cortico-striato-pallidal-thalamo-cortical

b) cortico-pallido-striatal-thalamo-cortical

c) striato-cortical-pallido-thalamicd) striato-pallidal-cortico-thalamice) nigro-striato-thalamo-cortical

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10. Which structure is NOT part of the tegmentum?

a) superior colliculusb) red nucleusc) substantia nigrad) periaqueductal graye) none of the above

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11. Which of the following thalamic nuclei relays auditory information?

a) lateral geniculate nucleusb) medial geniculate nucleusc) ventral geniculate nucleusd) posterior geniculate nucleuse) dorsal nucleus

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12. The _____________ fissure borders the temporal and frontal cortices.

a) medialb) lateralc) longitudinal d) central e) posterior

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13. Combining divisions of neuroscience and biopsychology, the study of how the interaction between the nervous system and endocrine system influences behavior may be called _____________ .

a) Psychoendocrinologyb) Neuroendocrinologyc) Biopsychoendocrinologyd) Psychoneuroendocrinology

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14. The study by Whitleson showed Einstein’s brain had __________.

a) larger parietal lobesb) a confluence of fissuresc) a knob in the motor cortex d) Both a and be) All of the above

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15. The year 1949 is notable because _______________.

a) Hebb’s book was publishedb) Egas Moniz won the nobel prizec) Lashley localized an engramd) Both a and be) All of the above

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16. Cutting the brain like a salami (90 degrees to the long axis) gives a _____________ section which does not show the _________axis.

a) Horizontal; anterior-posteriorb) Sagittal; dorsal-ventralc) Coronal; anterior-posterior d) Cross-section; rostral-caudale) Frontal; medial-lateral

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17. Sensory information enters the spinal cord through the _____________ route and motor information projects from the _________ horn.

a) Dorsal, ventralb) Medial, lateralc) Dorsomedial, ventrolaterald) Anterior; posteriore) Rostral; caudal

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18. Which structure is part of both the limbic system and basal ganglia.

a) hippocampusb) fornixc) amygdalad) septume) Cingulate cortex

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19. The deepest fissure is the __________________.

a) longitudinalb) lateralc) Sylvian d) central e) posterior

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20. _____________ uses different methods and approaches to make stronger scientific conclusions.

a) Scientific inferenceb) Law of parsimonyc) Converging inferenced) Converging operationse) Scientific operations

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Answers1) B2) D3) C4) A5) A6) F7) E8) F9) A10) A

11) B12) B13) D14) D15) D16) C17) A18) C19) A20) D

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