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M HKA PP : A serious pervasive museum experience

Tanguy Coenen iLab.o, IBBT-SMIT

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

M HKA PP : A Living lab project

Context : •  Apollon EC project on cross-border living labs •  Collaboration between IBBT, Virdual and MHKA •  Living lab user test movie


•  IBBT : •  Camille Reynders : design & development •  Tanguy Coenen : tech lead •  Bram Lievens : living lab overview •  Lien Mostemans : user test lead •  Kris Naessens : user test •  Karen Willens : user test •  Shirley Elprama : user test •  Koen Vervoort : panel management


•  Virdual •  Stéphane Gaultier : virtual space project management •  Ann Caroline Abel : virtual space development

•  MHKA : •  Leen Thielemans : content & concept devel lead •  Kristof Michiels : technological liaison •  Judith Willems : content & concept development


•  2 spaces : •  1 virtual space : 3D, implemented in Shiva, running on

iOS •  1 real space : the M HKA museum of Modern art in

Antwerp •  Serious game : using game mechanics to deliver

learning content •  Target audience : between 14 and 24 years •  Our goal : to motivate young museum visitors to learn

more about the works on display in the museum

Concept – in the virtual space

Concept : in the museum

A QR code had been applied to each work participating in the game

Concept – in the museum

QR codes can be used to : •  Assign a work to a frame •  Obtain more information on a work

Concept – in the museum

At all times, visitors van track the evolution of the game by viewing the personal expositions of other players

Lessons learned

•  Data collection : •  Observations during play •  Focus groups after play •  Log analysis

•  Various lessons learned, some examples : •  Using QR codes in a museum is a very appealing way

to provide content related to a work of art •  An application like M HKA PP can be intenresting to

attract young people to a museum

Future work

•  Creating MuseUs : a generic app that can be downloaded from App store and Android market and can be used in participating museums

•  Further testing in Paris and Manchester •  Integrate more with social media : Facebook and Twitter


[email protected]

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