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This image was a choice of many for my fashion spread as I believe the low angle from out of focus grass looks very professional as the main subject of the model is in focus entirely. However, the idea of a fashion spread is to sell the clothing and I do not believe this image does that as the tops logo is covered by the arm, the angle of the image doesn’t show much of jeans and the shoes barely fit in the image therefore it wouldn’t be appropriate for a fashion spread and would be more suited to a main image on a cover.

Page 2: Pic nic selection

This angle of this image is much more appropriate as the jeans are shown much more and the logo on the top is not covered, however, unfortunately, the trainers are not in focus and consequently the whole image does not look as good. Also, I was trying to represent a night time summer theme, and I do not believe this image does that very well due to very dark background.

Page 3: Pic nic selection

This photo was an option for my fashion spread as believe the lighting fits fairly well as I used the ISO settings to ensure the shot looked as summery as possible, the model is entirely in focus and the trainers and top are very clear to see, however, the jeans are not and as previously mentioned the whole point of fashion spreads are to show the clothing and I do not believe this understand is shown via this image.

Page 4: Pic nic selection

Of all the images, I believe the angle on this image is the most appropriate and looks the best when considering the purpose of the fashion spread. All the clothing of which the model is wearing is shown perfectly, with the top, jeans and trainers all being in focus, however, the expectation of which this does not meet is the idea of the image representing summer. As previously mentioned, I intended for this to be a night summer theme, therefore it was supposed to be dark, however, this image is simply too dark and consequently does not represent the theme of summer what so ever.

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This is the only image of which I took that was landscape, and this is one of the many reasons that I chose this image to be the fashion spread photograph. I believe a landscape shot suits the genre and the shot of which I wanted to achieve better as it is hard to represent summer when it is dark, therefore a landscape shot can purely focus on the mise en scene that I placed instead of the background. In order to represent summer, I made the ISO as high as possible and will up the brightness when putting this on Photoshop, however other than that, the clothing is shown very well and the theme is represent via the clothing and mise en scene.

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