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1. Which way is the boat sailing – to the right or to the left?

2. What is the flower in the groom’s suit jacket called?

3. True or false?

There are two male police officers.

4. True or false?The baby has got brown eyes.

5. What can the teacher use to erase things on the whiteboard?

6. What colour is the shirt?

7. True or false?

The man holding the mobile phone is miserable.

8. What colour is the sand on the beach?

9. True or false?

The bed is empty.

10. The outside of an orange is called the … .

11. Is the torch switched on?

12. How many boats are on the river?

13. The back of the foot is called the … .

14. What is the woman who is wearing the blouse carrying?

15. Who is asleep in the bed?

16. True or false?

• The laptop’s screen is thin.

17. Name four things in the bedroom.

18. True or false?

The cat is looking to the left.

19. What is the bride wearing around her neck?

20. Which way is the teapot pointing?

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