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Page 1: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Pictures of Local Health Departments:

Findings from the 2005 National Profile

of Local Health Departments Study

December 8, 2006

Carolyn Leep, NACCHO

Page 2: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study

Collaboration with CDC Fourth in the Profile series• Prior studies in 1989, 1992-3, and 1996-7

Census design – includes all LHDs in U.S. First National Profile to be conducted

as Web-based survey Source of all data in this presentation

Page 3: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.


Page 4: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

LHDs Included in the 2005 National Profile Study (by State and Type of Governance)

Page 5: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Type of Jurisdiction

Page 6: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

LHD Jurisdictions (by Size of Population Served)

I enlarged the size of the graphic a bit. Can you make the lettering on the axis & legend bolder?
Page 7: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.


Page 8: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Total Annual LHD Expenditures

Page 9: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

LHD Annual Expenditures by Population Served

Page 10: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Median Annual Per Capita LHD Expenditures (by State)

Page 11: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Total LHD Revenues from Various Sources

Page 12: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Mean Percentage of LHD Revenues from Selected Sources (by Type of Governance)

Page 13: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Median Per Capita LHD Revenues: Federal Pass-Through Sources (by State)

Page 14: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Emergency Preparedness

Page 15: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

CDC Preparedness Funding Received by LHDs

The beige wedge looks a little strange on this one because it is so large. Could you substitute another color (maybe the medium tan color)?
Page 16: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

LHD Emergency Preparedness

Preparedness activities Functions strengthened

Drills or exercises 92% Communication systems 94%

Written emergency plan 90% Information systems 88%

Staff training 87% PH surveillance 86%

Reviewed legal authorities 65% Legal basis for PH actions 63%

Participated in PH emergency 37% Relationships with other agencies 63%

Page 17: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.


Page 18: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

FTEs Employed by LHDs

Page 19: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

LHDs with Employees in Selected Occupations

Page 20: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Typical Staffing Patterns for LHDs Serving Jurisdictions of Various Population Sizes

The lettering on this figure is just too small. I know that you didn't make this figure, but it there any way that you could get a larger type size? Maybe make the grid wider so that you can fit the occupations on a single line?? The population categories at the top are also hard to read. I really like this figure -- it conveys a lot of information -- but am afraid that it will be annoying to people b/c they can't read it.
Page 21: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Activities & Services

Page 22: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Activities and Services Most Frequently Provided by LHDs

Page 23: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

The percentage of LHDs providing clinical services has decreased greatly over the past decade.

51% of LHDs have completed a community health assessment in the last three years

Over 90% of LHDs partner with schools, emergency responders, media, physicians, and community organizations

70% of LHDs have a Web site

Other Facts about LHDs

Page 24: Pictures of Local Health Departments: Findings from the 2005 National Profile of Local Health Departments Study December 8, 2006 Carolyn Leep, NACCHO.

Carolyn Leep

Senior AnalystNational Association of County & City

Health Officials

[email protected]

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