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Pierre Dupont Doctor of Podiatric Medicine |

Chiropodist | Foot Specialist Talks About Two Common

Foot Deformities

Pierre Dupont Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist explains that repetitive excessive compressive forces derived to the big toe joint may lead to a specific osteoarthritic condition named «Hallux Limitus» which means stiff big toe joint. As the deeper aspects of the joint surfaces start to wear away, excessive bone depositions, either called “bone spurs” or osteophytes, are progressively growing on the top of the affected articulation and limiting its range of motion.

If one suffers from hyperpronation or repetitive ankle bone dislocation, the big toe joint may be put under excessive compression at each step. While this joint problem can develop at any age, it is most common between the ages of 30-60. People suffering from this problem often change the way they walk which can lead to further stress on other body parts such as knees, hips and low back. Once this condition is diagnosed through X-rays, it can be treated with specific external orthotic devices or with internal HyProCure stents.

Soft laser therapy and switching to stiff heel to toes-soled shoes with a rocker that take the pressure off the big toe will also help the to reduce pain and inflammation. In the cases when the conservative options are not enough, Pierre Dupont D.P.M. | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist mentions that a joint cleaning and reshaping procedure may be the next option.

Pierre Dupont Doctor of Podiatric Medicine | Chiropodist | Foot Specialist has an extensive background when it comes to understanding and treating foot joints disorders. One of the common foot problems faced by many people is the progressive bunion deformity. A bunion is an abnormal, bony bump that progressively grows at the inside aspect of the big toe joint as the big toe is simultaneously deviating against the lesser toes.

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