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Page 1: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

PIN (http://mrunal.org/category/pin) / 1 year Ago /31 Comments (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-26-international-presidents-prime-minsiters-summits-bodies-ukraine-crisis.html#comments)

1. Prologue to six part Article series

2. PIN: Heads of States

3. Chief Guest in 26th January Republic Day Parade

4. India’s Ranks (2013)

5. International Summits

6. National Summits

7. Ukraine crisis

8. International Organizations

9. International places in news

Prologue to six part Article series

Total six parts covering December 2013 to 8 June 2014- nearly six months that is the usual

time span for current affairs most competitive exams below UPSC Civil service exam.

1. [PIN-2014] Part 1/6: National- Official Posts, Committees, Stamps-2014, Defense, Telengana

& more (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-16-national-official-posts-commissions-


2. [PIN-2014] Part 2/6: International- Presidents, Prime ministers, Summits, bodies & Ukraine

Crisis (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-26-international-presidents-prime-


3. [PIN-2014] Part 3/6: Sports, Mascots, Athletes, Awards, FIFA-2014, Sochi-2014, Grand Slams,

Hockey, Kabbadi, Cricket & more (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-36-sports-


4. [PIN-2014] Part 4/6: Economic Regulators, Banking Sector CMDs, RBI monetary policy, RBI

Committees, Business GK CEOs (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-46-economic-

[PIN-2014] Part 2/6: International- Presidents, Prime ministers,Summits, bodies & Ukraine Crisis

English: SP Bakshi(http://www.flipkart.com/objective-general-



Mrunal (http://mrunal.org/)

Page 2: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal


5. [PIN-2014] Part 5/6: Books, Authors, Movies awards & Beauty Pageants



6. [PIN-2014] Part 6/6: Diaspora, Civilian awards & Dead in News, Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas,

Padma 2014, Able Prize & more (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/pin-2014-part-66-diaspora-


Persons in News: Heads of States

Every month some new pm/President gets elected somewhere. given the bad cost benefit, I’ve

only listed important ones and ignored many chillar parties for example Chile new President

Michelle Bachelet, because Chile is not in news otherwise.


President Hamid Karzai served two consecutive term hence can no longer

contest election.

Right now Presidential race between Abdullah Abdullah and Asraf Ghani.

Parliament called shoora.


PM Tony Abbott. capital Canberra (not Perth or Sydney)

1 member of south Asian descent to be member of Parliament – Lisa

Maria Singh (awardee Pravasi Bhartiya Samman 2014)


President Abdul Hamid

PM Sheikh Hasina (Awami league).

Opposition Khalida Zia (nationalist party)

Parliament called Jatiya parliament.


King Jigme Wangchuck

PM Tshering Tobgay

parliament called Tasongadu


President XI Jinping

Premier (PM) Li keqiang

ADIZ: Air defence idenfication zone aove East China sea.

Foreign minister Wang Yi met Modi in June 2013.


Page 3: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Cuba President Raul Castro (not Fidel Castro)

EgyptPresident Abdel Fattah El sisi (Ex-Army general)

PM Ibrahim mehliv


President Epeli Nailaukitau (Fiji has largest Indian diaspora in Asia Pacific)

Former president of Indian origin Mahindra Chaudhary (1999-2000)

Ram Krishna Mission of Fiji has been awarded Pravasi Bharatiya Samman


FrancePresident Francis Hollande; PM Manuel Valls. Anne Hidalg-first female mayorof Paris


President Joachim Gauck

Chancellor Angela Markel

Lok Sabha: Bundestag

Iran President Hussan Rouhani, Accepts peaceful nuclear technology use

Iraq PM Nur Al Maliki


President Reuven Rivlin (hardliner, he is against creation of Palestine.)

PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Ex israli PM Ehud Olmert jailed for corruption.

parliament called Knesset

Italy Youngest PM Matteorenzi

Japan Emperor Akihito, PM Shinzo Abe. Parliament called DIET.

Jordan Joined non-permanent member of UNSC in Dec 2013. King Abdulla. CapitalAmman

Kazakstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev; PM Karim Massimov


Officially joined Eurozone. 18th Member of Euzozone. PM: Straujuma.Parliament: Saeima. Capital Riga.Donot confuse EU vs Eurozone. EU(european union) has 28 members as of now. Croatia became the 28thmember of EU in july 2013.

PM Tammam Salam. Capital Beirut. Country In news because Hezbulla from

Page 4: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Lebanon Lebanon participating in Syrian civil war.

Libya PM Abdulla al Thani- he quits after family attacked. Capital Tripoli.

Lithuania President Dalia Grybushaite (Iron lady). Only person to win twice.

Malaysia PM Najib Razak

MaldivesPresident Abdulla Yameen – after defeating Moh. Nasheed in run off vote.Parliament : Majilis


Capital Majuro.

President: Christopher Loeak

Parliament called Nitijela

In news because they filled a case in ICJ against nuclear power

Mauritius President Rajkeshwar Purryag. PM Navin Ramgoolam

Myanmar President Thein SeinOpposition leader Aung su kyi

NepalPresident Ram Baran Yadav. PM Sushil koiralaParliament : RahstriyaPanchayat

NigeriaPresident Goodluck Jonathan. in news because an extremist group BokoHaram kidnapped schoolgirls to get their prisoners released. Capital: Abuja


Kim Jong- un got 100% votes. Held high level talks with south korea at Panmun jom. Jang Song Thaek: he was Kim’s uncle, but Kim got him killed for“gaddari”.

PakistanPresident Mamnoon Hussain and PM Nawaz Sharif both belong to PML-Nparty. Parliament called “Majlis-e-shoora”.Abul Basit: Paki Ambassador toIndia

Palestine Unity govt. under Moh. Abbas (Fatah) and Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas)

Papua NewGuinea

First Indian origin to be member of Parliament – Sasindran Muthuvel

Pravasi Bharatiya samman 2014

PhilippinesPrez Beningo Aquino. New law to legalize birth control methods Until nowbirth control was prohibited due to opposition from Christians

Jacob Zuma wins Presidential election. (Party African national congress).

Page 5: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

S.Africa Capital: Johannesburg.Indian origin – Ela Gandhi – Pravasi Bharatiya Samman2014


President female Park Park Geun-hye. PM Chung Hong won resigned afterFerry sinking incident which killed 300+people


Salva Kiir Mayardit

SpainKing Juan Carlos abdicated throne for his son. PM Rajoy. Capital Madrid.Parliament

Syria President Bashar al assad – ready for election under international pressure


acting Prime Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan after  court

removed Prime Minister Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra for power abuse

Later General Prayuth stages a military coup and detained Ms. Yingluck

and her family.


President Abdulla Gul

PM Recep Tayyip Erdogen. In news because arbitrarily bans twitter,

facebook etc.

Soma coal mine explosion killed 280+


Signed a law under husband can be jailed for 10 years for infecting wife

with HIV (and vice versa) + mandatory HIV testing for pregnant women.

Capital Kampala.

PM/President not important.


President Petro Poroshenko, Chocolate businessman

PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk

parliament : RADA

Capital: Kiev

Uruguay Legalized marijuana trade. Capital Montevideo. PM/President not important.

VaticanPope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) became TIME person of the year for 2013. Hereplaced Pope Benedict XVI.

Page 6: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro (and NOT Hugo Chavez- He is dead)

Vietnam President Truong Tan SangPM Nguyen Tan Dung


David Cameron. Queen Elizabeth ruled for 62 years.

Recently David said Sikhs can head UK army and judiciary.

UK  parliament honored Tagore in 2014

Operation Trojan horse: to prevent spread of extremism in schools.

Banned sale of non-native aquatic plants to prevent entry of invasive species.

Scotland referendum to be held in September 2014.


President Barak Hussain Obama ; VP Joe Biden both democrat party

Jeb Bush (Republican) He is yyounger brother of George Bush, he may fight next Presidential

election (perhaps) against Hillary Clinton (democrate).

Secretary of State John Kerry (not Hillary Clinton)

Speaker of house of representatives: John Boehner (not Nancy Pelosi)

Nancy Powell was first women US Ambassador to India. She was made to resign in May 2014

because she was close to Congis and Obama knew Modi will become next PM.


powells-resignation/article5859696.ece) in other words, her “boore din” had started even

before election result!

Peter Haas: US Cousul general in India, opened new trade office in Ahmedabad in June 2014.

FBI: James Comey

CIA: John O. Brennan

Sergeant Bow Bergdahl: American soldier captured by Talibans in 2009. Obama freed some

Taliban prisoners to secure Bow’s release.

Chief Guest in 26th January Republic Day Parade

2013- King of Bhutan, Jigme Wangchuck

2014- Japanese PM, Shinzo Abe

Page 7: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

India’s Ranks (2013)

Doing Business (world bank) 134. Singapore tops

Gender Gap (WEF) 101, even Bangladesh, SriLanka and China better.

Global hunger index 63rd. Even Paki and Bangla better

Global Slavery Index India first rank! China 2nd, Paki 3rd

Human Capital index(WEF) 78.

Human development index (UNDP) 136.

Standard and Poors BBB minus rating

Standard Chartersby 2030, India will be third largest economy after USand China

Transparency International’scorruption perception index

India 94th. Even Pakistan better!

Cleanest = NZ and Denmark. Most bogus:

Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia

*WEF= World Economic Forum.

Ukraine crisis

For non-UPSC exams, this topic is pretty much irrelevant. Even for the interviews, you don’t

need to know more than just basic geography and power angles. Crux of the matter is= Ukraine

crisis happened because Russia wants to control (Crimea+ Black sea) & counter NATO/US

influence in this region.

Page 9: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Black sea=>

Straight of Bosporus =>

Mediterranean Sea =>

Strait of Gibraltar => Atlantic Ocean

Suez Canal => Red Sea => Gulf of Aden => Arabian ocean.

Thus IF Russia controls Crimea, it can control Black sea. Result?

1. Russia can ship its products to major economics of the world

2. Russia can fight against invading NATO armies and counter USA’s “missile shield”.

Timeline of Ukraine Crisis


Both Ukraine+ Crimea were part of erstwhile USSR.


Ukraine held referendum to declare independence from USSR, also takes awayCrimea. This was one of the major reasons for the fall of USSR.


Ukraine and European Union (EU) sign free trade agreement and political

association. Putin doesn’t like it, not one bit.

There was chance of Ukraine joining EU. But then agreements could not be

ratified because PM Yulia imprisoned, protests and political instability.


Russia offered $15 billion and Cheap gas supply to Ukraine (to counter EU


November 2013: Ukraine President Yanukovich refused to EU FTA deal and

favoured Russian deal=> Juntaa already angry with economic slowdown,

corruption=> protests => Brutal supression => crisis worsen.

Feb 2014

More protests. President Yanukovich leaves his country like Dawood Ibraim

and hides in Pakistan Russia.

Speaker was made interim President. (Putin blames Obama for installing

this puppet regime).

this new government removed Russian as “second official language”.


Page 10: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Russian President Putin becomes active to protect the Russian speaking

junta in the Crimea. He sends military to the border. (But ordered them not

to cross the border OR shoot at anyone).


Crimean parliament held junta’s referendum.

92% Junta votes to join Russia.

Crimean parliament passes resolution to secede from Ukraine to Russia.

Putin passes law to include Crimea in Russia. His excuse: in past Kosovo also

separated from Serbia in the same manner, but at that time USA did not


April-MayAfter this, other parts of Eastern Ukraine also started similar movements to joinRussia.

June 2014Chocolate businessman Petro Poroshenko becomes the new President ofUkraine.

G8 suspended Russia. Obama wants world powers to boycott Russia, just like Iran. BUT….

1. BRICS nations refused to join US-EU backed sanction against Russia

2. Japan also refused to cancel investment plans in Russia

3. India also not going to back any US sanction against Russia.

4. Russia has world’s largest energy resources, therefore, energy-hungry China also silent.

Beyond this, day to day ball by ball commentary keep coming in newspaper. But like I said

earlier, no need to do PhD on this topic, for non-UPSC exams.

International Summits

17th NAM Venezuela 2015


2014 chair of ASEAN – Myanmar

Theme “Moving forward in unity to a peaceful and prosperous


Nay Pyi Tao, Myanmar

March 2014, 3 summitrd

Page 11: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

BIMSTEC “Partnership for Harmony and Prosperity”

MoU was sign to establish permanent secretariat

BRICS Fortaleza, Brazil- 2014; Ufa, Russia 2015

CHOGMCommonwealth heads of government  22nd meeting in Colombo, SriLanka (Nov 2013)

ending sexualviolence in conflict

to find practical solution on how to end sexual violence during

wars, help victims and punish the criminals.

first summit @London June 2014

organizer: Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and British foreign

Secretary William Hague

G-202013: St.Petersburg, Russia (8 )

2014: Brisbane, Australia 9

G-7 summit

40 Brussels, Belgium (EU HQ)

June 2014

1 time EU hosted G7 summit

Earlier scheduled to be hosted in Sochi, Russia

But after Ukraine issue, Russia withdrawn from membership G8 -

> G7 + hosted in Brussels


On Syrian crisis. Geneva in Switzerland.

Geneva Agreement is different- between USA and Iran on Iranian

Nuclear program

IBSA  2013, DelhiMilitary cooperation- joint military exercise “IBSAMAR”

SAARC Kathmandu, NepalNov 2014, 18

UNFCC 2013: COP 19 in Warsaw Poland.2014: COP 20 in Lima, Peru


Ministerial conference After every 2 years

Bali in 2013 – “Bali Package” Trade Facilitation agreement signed

Yemen to become 140 WTO member in June 2014







Page 12: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

National Summits

1st International summit on HIV AIDS New Delhi

28th Suryakund international artisan Fair Faridabad Harayana

Asia Gas partnership Summit Delhi, Dec 2013.

National Science Congress 101th session was held in Jammu on Feb 2014

PETROTECH 2014 Noida, International oil & gas summit

Rann Utsav Cultural festival of Katch dist Gujarat

Suryakumbh Solar cooking initiative in Mumbai

TECNOTEX 2014 International summit on clothes , Mumbai

International Organizations

without their structure or mandate for GS2 hahaha

in CDS, CAPF, they sometimes ask “match the pairs” question from this topic.

African development bank Donald kaberukaHQ Abidjan, Ivory coast

African Union B.N.AmadiHQ Addis Ababa

ASEAN Le Luong MinhHQ Jakarta, Indonesia

Asian development bank President Takehiko NakaoHQ Manila, Philippines

IMF Christine LagardeHQ Washington


Head of European commission –Jose Emanuel


HQ Brussels, Belgium

European Central Bank – Frankfurt, Germany

FAO DG- Jose Graziano de silvaHQ Rome, Italy

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Formal PM of

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NATO Norway)

OECD Sec-gen Jose Angel GurriaHQ Paris, France

ICC (International CriminalCourt) HQ Hague, Netherland

ICJ (International Court ofJustice) HQ Hague, Netherland

PCA (permanent court ofArbitration) HQ Hague, Netherland

IUCN (International UnionForConservation of Nature)

President Zhang XinshengFormer Ashok Khosla

IAEA DG Yukiya AmanoHQ Vienna, Austria

ILO DG Guy RyderHQ Geneva, Switzerland

UN General Assembly

President John Ashe, visited India, raised

Italian marine issue.

Secretary Gen. Ban Ki moon

HQ New York

UN declared 2014 as International year of

family farming.

ITU Sec-gen Hamadoun ToureHQ Geneva, Switzerland

UNHRC Navi PillaiHQ Geneva, Switzerland

UNFCC Christina FigueresHQ Bonn, Germany

UNCTRAL Chairperson Hrvoje SikiricHQ New York

OPCW (Organization forPrevention ofChemicalWeapons)

DG Ahmet UzumcuHQ Hague, NetherlandOPCWwon Nobel prize 2013

US federal Reserve JENETYELLN

WHO DG Dr. Margaret ChanHQ Geneva, Switzerland

WIPODG Francis Gurry, re-elected for 2 termHQGeneva, Switzerland

World bank DG Jim Yong KimHQ Washington


Page 14: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

WTO DG Roberto AzevedoHQ Geneva, Switzerland

WWF (world wild fund forNature) CEO Carter RobertsHQ Gland, Vaud, Switzerland

FAOFood and Agri. organization. HQ Rome. JoséGraziano da Silva

International Maritime organization HQ London. Sec General Koji Sekimizu

International places in news

Barbary lionsExtinct. In Atlas mountain range from Morroco to Tunisia. Indian lions havegenetic linkages with them.


Iran earthquake in april

Herat In Afghanistan. Terrorists attacked Indian consulate before Modi oath.


Karachi. Biggest terrorist attack in June 2014.

Latvia Officially joined Eurozone. 18th Member

Malta Next CHOGM summit in 2015

Mauratia Ancient Microcontinent. Its evidence found in W.Indian ocean.

Mosul2nd largest city in Iraq after Bagdad. The Sunni militants took control overthis city while Iraqi army ran away.

Mount Fuji,Japan

World Heritage status under UNESCO. In Honhu Island

Peshawar World’s largest reservoir of Polio (WHO statement)

Popocatépetl volcano



First airline to charge passengers based on their weight

SerbiaAgreed to cede some areas to its former province Kosovo.Under EU accord.Serbia-Capital Belgrade. Kosovo-Capital Pristina-Uses Euro as Currency.

Page 15: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Shanghai Started visa-free transit scheme with Beijing.


China Launched its first carbon trading scheme here


China earthquake of ritchers scale-7.

suma Turkey coal mine. explosion killed 280+

Titanosaur Biggest dinosaurs, found in Argentina.

West Qurna-2 One of the largest oilfield in Iraq. Russian company started exploration.

XishaDisputed islands in South China sea. China is offering tourists rides whileVietnam opposes.

Sevastopol port city  in Crimea, Russia wanted to control Blacksea via this port city,hence the Ukrain crisis.

For more current affairs, visit Mrunal.org/Current (http://Mrunal.org/current)

Any updates, corrections please do post in the comments but with reference except wikipedia

Inputs from Mr. Chandradeo and Ms. Rajtanil

Tags: PIN-2014 (http://mrunal.org/tag/pin-2014), Rajtanil(http://mrunal.org/tag/rajtanil)

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CAT/IIM MBA Entrance

ACIO Intel Officer

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Lakhan JadejaThank You Sirji

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 5 4 8 # R E S P O N D )

suniThank u so much sir…..it is really very helpful for my bank exams…thanks once again..

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 6 1 2 # R E S P O N D )

poonammauritius president Rajkeshwar Purryag not Kailash Purryag

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S -P R I M E - M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 1 4 9 # R E S P O N D )

saurabh awasthi

Page 18: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

check it once again……..its rajkeshwar purryag only ….

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 7 2 7 # R E S P O N D )


R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 8 9 4 # R E S P O N D )

Ajinkya GuptaHi,Latvia is in news because it became the 18th member of “EuroZone” andnot “EU”.EU (european union) has 28 members as of now. Croatia became the28th member of EU in july 2013.


R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 9 1 8 # R E S P O N D )

Master ChiefMrunal sir, a correction.

Page 19: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Latvia has already been in EU since 2004. It just had an agreement to useEuro as its currency. It became 18th country to use Euro currency.

EU has 28 members. Croatia is 28th member, joined in 2013.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S -P R I M E - M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 0 8 1 # R E S P O N D )

Master ChiefA new update: Lithuania to become 19th country to adopt Euro ascurrency from 1 January 2015. It will become the 19th member ofthe euro zone out of 28 countries in the European Union, and thelast of the Baltic states to join.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 6 9 4 3 # R E S P O N D )

Geena jacobSir,this is very useful.But as far as SBI PO is concerned, they wil befocusing on banking and financing sector only.. this is what I analyzedfrom SBI PO 2013. can u add some more information on that too?

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 0 5 8 # R E S P O N D )

Suraj NirmaleYou are God gifted to us sir……!!!!

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 0 6 5 # R E S P O N D )


Page 20: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal


R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 4 8 0 # R E S P O N D )

nishlativa is the 18th country to join euro zone and not 18th country to joineu

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 7 9 5 6 # R E S P O N D )

Rajivwto members are 140 or 159 ??http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm(http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm)

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 8 1 2 0 # R E S P O N D )

GauddyEurozone 19 members, Lithuania joined as last baltic country to joineurozone

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 8 2 8 1 # R E S P O N D )

Mrunal (http://mrunal.org)

Page 21: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Mrunal (http://mrunal.org)Latvia information has been corrected. thanks all for your input

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 8 4 5 7 # R E S P O N D )

uCraneOne of the biggest reasons Russia attacked was because Ukraine has nonuclear weapons. It handed over its nuclear warheads to Russia someyears back. Since 1945, no country with nuclear weapons has beenattacked by a country.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 8 6 1 5 # R E S P O N D )

sureshjangir01wto members are 159 at present.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 9 7 7 5 # R E S P O N D )

devendra singhthanq sir for explaining ukrainian crisis in such a lucid manner…..as noone else can!!!!

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 0 9 7 8 7 # R E S P O N D )

ShaashiCorrection:Global Slavery Index is a weighted measure of three variables:Estimated prevalence of modern slavery in each country (accounting for

Page 22: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

95% of the total)A measure of the level of human trafficking to and from each country(accounts for 2.5%)A measure of the level of child and early marriage in each country(accounts for 2.5%)

India has the largest estimated number of people enslaved followed byChina & Pakistan which is mentioned by Mrunal Sir.But, when we look overall India stands at 4th position followed byMauritiana, Haiti & Pakistan. Conclusion- We are not that bad! Please refer: http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/country/india/(http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/country/india/)

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 1 0 5 8 0 # R E S P O N D )

sonu vermaits really good job mrunal sir. its very much helpfull…thank you verymuch for your coordination to the students. thank you very much.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 1 1 4 0 1 # R E S P O N D )

SabarinathSouth Africa capital is pretoria. Other capitals r Johannesburg n CapeTown. But main is pretoria.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 1 4 8 2 7 # R E S P O N D )


Page 23: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

Thankyou Mrunal for the right guidance and immense motivation toUPSC dreamers! Can you please suggest me how to handle thecomprehension part, i find it too boring and time consuming ! Thanks inadvance !

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 1 6 2 0 5 # R E S P O N D )

ajeetgood info

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 2 0 7 5 1 # R E S P O N D )

pramod upadhyaySir pls provide any special material for uppsc

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 2 0 7 5 3 # R E S P O N D )

pramod upadhyaySir pls provide any special material for uppsc especialy agriculturerelated

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 2 6 1 8 4 # R E S P O N D )

Arvind kumarIndia’s rank in hdi list is not 136 but 135 .and total number of wto member country are 160 after yemen joined inbali,indonesia ministerial conference.

Page 24: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 5 1 3 # R E S P O N D )

ankurSir you are doing a tremendous job everyone can read your articles .Now you are my best teacher .. Appreciated !!

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 4 9 0 5 5 # R E S P O N D )

MuraliGreat Job…This is a web site which i feel I must browse every time andthen and do so regularly.

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 5 0 7 8 0 # R E S P O N D )

RohiniPlease do alert me the updates of your website

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 7 4 1 7 7 # R E S P O N D )

sai pathkalamrunal sir.., u r the most remembered person for every civil aspirants..thank u sir..

R E P L Y ( H T T P : / / M R U N A L . O R G / 2 0 1 4 / 0 6 / P I N - 2 0 1 4 - P A R T - 2 6 - I N T E R N A T I O N A L - P R E S I D E N T S - P R I M E -M I N S I T E R S - S U M M I T S - B O D I E S - U K R A I N E - C R I S I S . H T M L ? R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 8 5 6 2 8 # R E S P O N D )

sunil kumarone of the best site

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VENUS { @Rahul I am thinking to join SAPIENS test series. Have not got good reviews about evolution test series. No idea about sapiens either. Still I... } – [Download] UPSC Prelims 2015Question Paper 1 & 2... (http://mrunal.org/2015/08/download-upsc-prelims-2015-csat-question-paper.html/comment-page-19#comment-361553)

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VacanciesEntire List shifted to bottom. Scroll down




UPSC Prelim..Came

APFC/EPFO..not yet

Mega Jobs

21-Oct: Haryana Patwari (http://www.onlinehssc.in)

13-Oct: Airport Authority-ATC (http://www.aai.aero/employment_news/Revised-Notification-


06-Oct: Haryana SSC (http://hssc.gov.in/advertisements.htm)

06-Oct: Haryana SSC (http://hssc.gov.in/advertisements.htm)

03-Oct: CISF (http://www.cisf.gov.in/)

01-Oct: BPCL Mgmt Trainee (http://www.gate.iisc.ernet.in/)

21-Sep: Haryana PG Teachers (GrB)



21-Sep: Haryana TGT Teachers (GrC)



21-Sep: Haryana Teacher (http://www.onlinehssc.in/)

21-Sep: TGT English Haryana (http://hssc.gov.in/advertisements.htm)

20-Sep: Andaman Constables (http://db.and.nic.in/vacancy/UploadedFiles/869.pdf)

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15-Sep: Airport Fire Asst. (http://www.aai.aero/employment_news/JAFS_NER_170815.PDF)

15-Sep: Jharkhand Civil Service (http://www.onlinejpsc.com/)

15-Sep: Loksabha Hindi Assistant (

12-Sep: Navy SSC (http://nausena-bharti.nic.in/forthcomingOfficer.php)


15-Sep: Madhyanchal Gramin Bank (http://www.mgbank.co.in/career.php)

15-Sep: Punjab Gramin Bank (http://www.pgbho.com/Recruitments.html)

15-Sep: Kerala Gramin (http://www.keralagbank.com/careers/job_openings/)

15-Sep: Puduvai Grama Bank (http://www.puduvaibharathiargramabank.in:81/career.php)

09-Sep: Malwa Gramin Bank (http://www.malwagraminbank.com/)

01-Sep: IBPS Clerk (http://ibps.in/career_pdf/Detailed_Advt_CWE_Clerks_V.pdf)

IT Jobs

30-Sep: Kochi Metro (http://kochimetro.org/careers/index.php)

25-Sep: UPSC IT (http://upscdaf.nic.in/DAF/recruitment/login.php)

23-Sep: Delhi Metro (http://eapplynew.com/DMRCAdvt2015/Pages/Index.aspx)

21-Sep: RITES ltd (http://rites.com/vacancy/)

17-Sep: TNPL Units (http://www.tnpl.com/Careers.aspx)

14-Sep: Garden Reach Shipbuilder (http://jobapply.in/grse2015/)


30-Oct: Central Mechanical Engg. (http://www.cmeri.res.in/oth/job.html)

15-Oct: HAL (PWD) (http://www.hal-india.com/)

15-Oct: Bihar Agro (http://bausabour.ac.in/Job_Vacancy.aspx)

12-Oct: Uttarakhand infra (http://www.usidcl.gov.in/)

09-Oct: Airport Authority (http://www.aai.aero/employment_news/Revised-Notification-


01-Oct: Cabinet Secretariat Officer (http://www.gate.iisc.ernet.in/)

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01-Oct: GAIL (http://www.gailonline.com/final_site/current_opening.html)

01-Oct: Mazagon dock (http://www.mazagondock.gov.in/newsite2010/career_executives.htm)

30-Sep: Central Scientific Instrument (http://career.csio.res.in/LandingPage.aspx)

29-Sep: National Buildings (http://www.nbccindia.com/nbccindia/nroot/njsp/Career.jsp)

28-Sep: Petroleum inst. (http://www.iip.res.in/career.php)

28-Sep: Telangana PSC (http://tspsc.gov.in/noti.jsp)

27-Sep: Engineers India (http://recruitment.eil.co.in/)

24-Sep: BIS (http://www.bis.org.in/index.asp)

23-Sep: Delhi Metro Civil (http://eapplynew.com/DMRCAdvt2015/Pages/Index.aspx)

21-Sep: National Projects (http://npcc.gov.in/CurrentOpening.aspx)

20-Sep: ONGC


16-Sep: Power Grid



14-Sep: Garden Reach Shipbuilder (http://jobapply.in/grse2015/)

12-Sep: Physics PRL (http://www.prl.res.in/website_english15/opp/job.php)

15-Sep: NIIST (http://www.niist.res.in/english/category/careers/permanent-positions )

11-Sep: Kerala Electronics (http://swg.keltron.org/Resume/index.php)

11-Sep: Central Electrical (http://www.cecri.res.in/jobs/advt.htm)

09-Sep: SAIL Bhilai Trainee (http://sailcareers.com/bhilai)


23-Nov: Haryana SSC (http://www.onlinehssc.in/)

15-Sep: NIIST (http://www.niist.res.in/english/category/careers/permanent-positions )

09-Sep: GMCH Chandigarh (http://gmch.gov.in/jobs.aspx)


31-Jul: Haryana Paramedics


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29-Sep: National Buildings (http://www.nbccindia.com/nbccindia/nroot/njsp/Career.jsp)

28-Sep: FCI Aravali Gypsum (http://fagmil.nic.in/index.php/en/services/careers)

23-Sep: BEML Ltd (http://bemlindia.com/Job_KP_S_03_2015.php)

23-Nov: Haryana SSC (http://www.onlinehssc.in/)

21-Sep: Railways PH (http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/view_section.jsp?


20-Sep: ONGC


17-Sep: Mangalore Refinery (http://mrpl.co.in/careers)

11-Sep: EESL (http://www.eeslindia.org/User_Panel/CareersView.aspx)

10-Sep: Delhi Pharma (http://dipsar.ac.in/news/2015082714463385.pdf)

07-Sep: Power Finance Corp. (http://www.pfcindia.com/Career_View.aspx)

29-Aug: Chhattisgarh Samvad (http://cg.nic.in/samvad/)


04-Oct: IIT Bhubaneswar (http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/faculty-openings.php)

01-Oct: NIT Surathkal (http://www.nitk.ac.in/news-announcments-tenders/special-


30-Sep: Pt. Ravishankar Univ. (http://www.prsu.ac.in:8010/Univ_Req.aspx)

30-Sep: KGMU Lucknow (http://kgmu.org/job-opportunities.php)

30-Sep: BHU Varanasi (http://www.bhu.ac.in/racbhu/)

29-Sep: JNU Delhi (http://www.jnu.ac.in/Career/)

28-Sep: Saurashtra Univ.


25-Sep: Guru Gobind univ. (http://ipu.ac.in/establish/advrecruitment/advteach060511.pdf)

22-Sep: SCTIMST Kerala (http://www.sctimst.ac.in/Recruitment/Online%20Recruitment%20-


21-Sep: Uttarakhand Open Univ. (http://www.uou.ac.in/announcement/2015/08/9062)

18-Sep: Wildlife Dehradun (http://www.wii.gov.in/)

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16-Sep: Rajasthan Central (http://www.curaj.ac.in/Default.aspx?PageId=75)

15-Sep: BPS Women's Medical (http://bpsgmckhanpur.ac.in/recruitment.aspx)

15-Sep: Defence Tech (

14-Sep: AIIMS Jodhpur (http://www.aiimsjodhpur.edu.in/index.php?vr=facultyrecruitment)

10-Sep: Delhi Pharma (http://dipsar.ac.in/news/2015082714463385.pdf)

09-Sep: NIPER A'bad (www.nipergn.ac.in/announcements.htm)


29-Sep: Jharkhand Constable (http://www.jssc.in/)

24-Sep: Bihar Prison Warden (http://csbc.bih.nic.in/)

18-Sep: Bihar Police (Female) (http://csbc.bih.nic.in/)

10-Sep: ITBP (http://itbpolice.nic.in/itbpwebsite/index.html)


11-Sep: UPSSSC Account (http://upsssc.gov.in/)


20-Oct: Bihar Agro (http://bausabour.ac.in/Job_Vacancy.aspx)

15-Oct: HAL (PWD) (http://www.hal-india.com/)

12-Oct: Uttarakhand infra (http://www.usidcl.gov.in/)

10-Oct: Chemical Tech


01-Oct: NIT Surathkal (http://www.nitk.ac.in/news-announcments-tenders/special-


30-Sep: KGMU Lucknow (http://kgmu.org/job-opportunities.php)

30-Sep: PHYSICAL LAB (http://nplindia.org/careers)

30-Sep: BHU Varanasi (http://www.bhu.ac.in/racbhu/)

30-Sep: Central Railway PWD (http://www.rrccr.com/Modules/Home/Home.aspx)

30-Sep: Pt. Ravishankar Univ. (http://www.prsu.ac.in:8010/Univ_Req.aspx)

28-Sep: FCI Aravali Gypsum (http://fagmil.nic.in/index.php/en/services/careers)

Page 33: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal

28-Sep: NCR Railways Sports (

27-Sep: Engineers India (http://recruitment.eil.co.in/)

25-Sep: SAIL (

25-Sep: Guru Gobind univ. (http://ipu.ac.in/establish/advrecruitment/advteach060511.pdf)

24-Sep: ISRO Driver (http://isro.gov.in/recruitment-of-light-vehicle-drivers-lvd-heavy-vehicle-


23-Sep: BEML Ltd (http://bemlindia.com/Job_KP_S_03_2015.php)

22-Sep: SCTIMST Kerala (http://www.sctimst.ac.in/Recruitment/Online%20Recruitment%20-


21-Sep: RITES ltd (http://rites.com/vacancy/)

21-Sep: SSC Eastern Regional (http://www.sscer.org)

21-Sep: National Projects (http://www.npcc.gov.in/writereaddata/others/GMF.pdf)

21-Sep: MP HC Stenographer (http://www.mponline.gov.in/portal/)

20-Sep: National Mental Health (http://nimhans.ac.in/nimhans-invites-applications-following-


20-Sep: Company Secy. Inst. (http://www.icsi.edu/career/)

18-Sep: TNPL Trichy plant (http://www.tnpl.com/Careers.aspx)

18-Sep: NIRD&PR Hyderabad (http://nird.org.in/jobvacancy.aspx)

17-Sep: Bharat Petroleum (http://bpclcareers.com/careers-bpcl.aspx)

17-Sep: GAIL India (http://www.gailonline.com/final_site/current_opening.html)

16-Sep: NTPC-SAIL Power (http://jobapply.in/nspcl/)

15-Sep: HMT (http://www.hmtindia.com/pdf/MBX_ER_25082015.pdf)

15-Sep: BPS Women's Medical (http://bpsgmckhanpur.ac.in/recruitment.aspx)

15-Sep: HPCL (http://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/careeropportunities)

14-Sep: Bharat Coal (

11-Sep: Mangalore Refinery (http://mrpl.co.in/careers)

11-Sep: EESL (http://www.eeslindia.org/User_Panel/CareersView.aspx)

11-Sep: Kerala Electronics (http://swg.keltron.org/Resume/index.php)

11-Sep: RSRTC (http://rsrtc.rajasthan.gov.in/index.php/recruitment)

11-Sep: Central Electrical (http://www.cecri.res.in/jobs/advt.htm)

10-Sep: UPSC (http://upsc.gov.in/recruitment/advt/2015/Advt.11-2015.pdf)

09-Sep: Chhattisgarh PSC (http://psc.cg.gov.in/htm/OA_SO2015.html)

09-Sep: SAIL Medical (

09-Sep: NIPER A'bad (www.nipergn.ac.in/announcements.htm)

08-Sep: National Seeds (http://indiaseeds.com/current-career.html)

Page 34: [PIN-2014] Part 2_6_ International- Presidents, Prime Ministers, Summits, Bodies & Ukraine Crisis - Mrunal










The work of Mrunal (http://mrunal.org/) is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0License (http://creativecommons.org/l icenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en_US).Permissions beyond the scope of this l icense

may be available at Mrunal.org/contact (http://mrunal.org/contact).


1. Online Form Part-I stops few days before deadline, so don't wait till last date. Dont forget

reg.id & roll no.Note'em in Google Drive (https://www.google.com/drive/)

2. I usually update vacancies every Monday.Purple link= newly added,Blue= existing.Last

updated Sept 07, at 9:21 PM

08-Sep: National Electronics (http://www.nielit.gov.in/recruitments.aspx)


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