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Pinterest for Business

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

Page 2: Pinterest for business webinar workbook

What we’ll cover

• Quick intro on Pinterest

• Numbers and Statistics

• Case Studies

• Quick Set-up

• Tips on how to use it for your business

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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What is Pinterest?

• Visual photo/video sharing network founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and launched in March 2010 (beta) with 5000 users. As of August 2012 it has 25 million users a month

• Series of virtual pinboards

• Feed of images/videos where people can repin or like

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

• In the UK Pinterest has seen a 786% increase in the last year growing from 901,761 visits in September 2011 to 7,985,316 in September 2012.

• Meanwhile in the US Pinterest has seen a 15-fold increase to 139m visits in September 2012 compared to 9.2m in the same period last year

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• Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, and on more items than any of the other top 5 social media sites. (Source: comScore)

• Pinterest users are 79% women (Source: Pingdom) So if your target client is female you need to be there! However the number is starting to balance out across the sexes, with the female user base being 92% not long ago.

• Pinterest pins which include prices receive 36% more likes than those which do not. (Source: Shopify)

• The number of daily Pinterest users has increased by 145% since January 2012. (Source: Shopify)-

• Pinterest generates over 4x as much revenue per click (attributable to first touch) as Twitter and 27% more revenue per click than Facebook. (Source: Converto)

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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• 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest. (Source: BlogHer)

• 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from Pinterest. (BlogHer)

• Pinterest attracts 1,090 visitors per minute. (Source: Soci@l Jumpstart)

• Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3x as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in its history. (Source: RJ Metrics)

• Pinterest drives sales directly from its website — of people with Pinterest accounts, 21% have purchased an item after seeing it on Pinterest. (Sources: comScore and Nielsen)

• Pinterest generated more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. (Source: Shareaholic)

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Case Study: Popcosmo

• Kim Gordon and her daughter Chloe started Popcosmo.com in October 2011. Popcosmo is a teen fashion, beauty and lifestyle resource

• Chloe also created a Pinterest board and started

pinning vibrant/cool images to it. The pins generated visibility and click through traffic for Popcosmo. One pin: Chloe's picture mash-up showing teens how to easily fake a French manicure -sent more than 10,000 unique visitors to the site in one month.

• Popcosmo now has more than 120,000 page views

per month of which Pinterest is a big generator

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Case Study: Petplan

• Petplan is a pet insurance company. They were looking for a way to visually showcase their expertise and put across their brand personality.

• They began creating boards with compelling images from

their popular pet health magazine, fetch!. Over time, they expanded into specific educational content such as the “Health Tips” and “Breed All About It” boards.

• Within a few months, Pinterest became Petplan’s second-

highest source of social network referral traffic, generating 69% more page views and 97% greater time on-site than Twitter, and rivalling the performance of Facebook

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Case Study: AllRecipes.com

• Allrecipes is the #1 place for recipes, cooking tips, and how-to food videos—all rated and reviewed by millions of home cooks

• Allrecipes wanted to make sure they were the first place to go for anyone planning a meal. They added the Pin It button on each recipe page after noticing a big surge in referral traffic from people on Pinterest

• Within three months, more than 50,000 recipes were pinned resulting in 139 million Pinterest impressions, and clicks on Allrecipes’ Pinterest content increased more than 900%

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Quick Set-up

• Go to www.pinterest.com or http://business.pinterest.com/

• Complete the simple sign up form

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Tips for Pinterest for Business

• Keep your audience in mind when you are developing your business or brand’s presence on Pinterest. People that are referred to your site from your Pinterest board are 10% more likely to buy and will spend 10% more. So you need to make your products/services look great. Pinterest is visual- make sure you images stack up!

• Have a range of boards that appeal to your target audience. Fill them up. People are less likely to follow a board that only has one or 2 pins on

• Name your boards carefully- use keywords in the title. You can get some great Google juice from your boards. You may not rank very highly for your website for a search term like “vintage wedding dresses” but you could rank highly with your Pinterest board

• Not sure if your business fits in with the lifestyle type pins? Be creative. Use boards to show your personality. A company I know came up with brand values and had a board for each: Integrity, creativity, Feminine etc. She then pinned images that fit into each

• Add the pin it button to your website. Whether you have actual product images people can pin or blog post with images

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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• If you have a blog make sure you include images in each post. This will then enable you to pin your blog posts to pinterest and for others to do the same

• It’s a sharing site so don’t just pin your own images. Search for pins/boards/users that interest you and your target audience and repin them

• Write a description for each of your boards- with keywords!

• Use the profile section to tell people who you are and link to your site.

• If you are selling products add the price to your pins. Going back to the stats this had a big impact of the number of people who purchased

• Add the “pin it” button to your browser. You can do this via set up or in settings. So when you are browsing the web and you come across something pinworthy you can do it at a click of the button and it will automatically link back to that page

• Research your ideal client and what they are pinning. It can give you a greater insight into your target audience

• Interact- follow people, repin, comment using @tagging. Repeat!

• Be careful of falling into a “pinterest hole”! Talking from first hand experience it can get addictive, so set yourself a time limit each day for Pinterest.

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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• Just like Facebook and Twitter, there are better times for posting than others. Experiment with different hours and see what yields the most likes, comments and repins

• Check out the images on the site’s “Popular” page to see what types of images are trending

• Think about watermarking your images or adding your logo over it

• Make sure that what you are pinning goes back to a link!

• Verify your account- help pinners to see you more trustworthy. It also allows you to display your full website URL on your Pinterest account

• Make use of pinning videos- using the “pin it” button on your browser means you can do it with a couple of clicks

• If you have an office and a team make a company board an post images of your team/office/team days etc

• If you have a WordPress website or blog, get a plug-in to display most recent pins on your pages (like My Pinterest Badge)

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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• Can you use boards as part of your business process?- e.g interior designer, web designer etc

• Check if your products are being pinned. Type in your address bar http://pinterest.com/source/yourURL

• Create content- people are using pinterest as a bookmark for tutorials, blog posts, how-tos etc for them to read later

• Run contests- add a viral board or ask people to pin images from your catalogue to enter them into a draw to win it

• Get your products listed in the gift section of Pinterest

• Have vouchers set up exclusively for Pinterest

• Link your account with Twitter and Facebook so you can cross post

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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Thank you!

Jess Green Digital Diva www.digitaldivaweb.com

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