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Pirámide Digital Corporate Presentation

HPO High Performance Organizations

Products Suite

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Exclusive presentation

“Solutions” to optimize revenue and profitability of your business


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Agenda Pirámide Digital

Mission Vision Values Products & Services

Results Generating Actions Top Level Management Consulting Top Level Training Partnerships

Experience Customers Personal Pirámide Digital Today! Market niche

Questions and Answers

Estimated time: 60 minutos

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Pirámide Digital Founded by 2.002 Dedicated to providing effective effective

solutionssolutions for advising, consulting, training, technology, outsourcing and management services at top leveltop level for telecommunications and utilities industries.

Solid growth over time World class products / services

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Mission“Provide to the telecommunications and utilities industries, the most effective management tools to optimize top top managementmanagement knowledge and skills to achieve predicted results, through high quality solutions with leading edge technology and highly trained professional staff”.

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“"To be and be seen as the leader in the telecommunications and  utilities, in consulting, training, technology and outsourcing services to top level top level managersmanagers“.

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Responsability Customer Driven Service Culture Commitment Constancy Respect for human dignity Teamwork Communication Business Ethics Confidence in the word ResultsResults

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Results Generation Methodology

Operation /




Sales,Bookkeeping, Personal

Permanence and growthStocks $

Profit $


Down Approac


Pirámide DigitalMarket niche

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Best Business Practices



ISO 27000ISO 27000

ISO 38500ISO 38500


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Results Generating Actions

Top Level Management Consulting

Top Level Training


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Results Generating Actions

Strategy, Management and Operation of telecommunications companies and utilities Bundling / packaging Convergence - Triple / Quad / n-play

Business and Communication Plan Revenue Assurance and Fraud Control

Outsourcing and efficiency of channels: Sales Logistics Distribution Installation Repair Billing Collection

Outsourcing and efficiency for Customer Loyalty

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Top Level Management Consulting






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Leveraging using e-tom Enhanced Telecomunication Operations Map




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Leveraging using e-tom Enhanced Telecomunication Operations Map




Total Coverage

Total Coverage

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Leveraging using e-tom Enhanced Telecomunication Operations Map


Down Approac







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Top Level Management Consulting

STRATEGYBUSINESS VALUATION AND SALE $GrowthInternational Public OfferingSharing in capital marketsAttracting investorsBusiness and Investment PlansVirtual Network OperatorsConvergence

MANAGEMENTPROFIT GENERATION $Operation Business Performance IndicatorsKey Performance IndicatorsCustomer Relationship ManagementRetention ManagementValue Added ServicesRevenue AssuranceFraud control, detection & prevention

OPERATION / ADMINISTRATIONStrategy, Processes, PeopleMarketingSales, Retention, LoyaltyContact Centers ManagementWorld Class Customer ServicesBusiness and Operation Support SystemsIT Architecture

Few consultants, many results …Few consultants, many results …




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Top Level Management Consulting Top Level Management Consulting Testimonial …

Piramide Digital had contributed to develop and implement an strategy oriented to increase profit, with high impact in short term.

Navega - Guatemala

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Top Level Training Top Level Training (Face 2 Face, Online)(Face 2 Face, Online)

Business Simulation Model for Telecom Convergent Industry ©

Customer Relationship Management ©

Telecom Experience (140 themes) ©

Managers Development

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Top Level TrainingTop Level TrainingBusiness Simulation Model for Telecom Convergent Industry ©

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Pirámide Digital. Simulación de Negocios © …

Top Level TrainingTop Level TrainingBusiness Simulation Model for Telecom Convergent Industry ©

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Top Level TrainingTop Level TrainingTestimonial …

Piramide Digital had delivered 30 training programs about Business Simulation Models ©, using real information of our organization, and

simulating effciently present year, as well as future scenarios.Petroecuador - Ecuador

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Top Level TrainingTop Level TrainingTestimonial …

- 553 ejecutiv

os capacitados

- Indice de satis

facción de 96/100

- 553 top level executives trained in Management ©.- Customer satisfaction level 96/100 in public sector

Petroecuador - Ecuador

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Top Level TrainingTop Level Training

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

Strategies to implement CRM World Class Customer solutions Contact Centers management Retention management Certifying Contact Centers Sales management Marketing management Revenue Assurance IP Entrepreneurship

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Business Support Management

Operation Support Management

Provisioning Management

Customer Relationship Management

Operations Management

Mediation Management

Networks Management

Prevention & Detection Fraud Management

Business Intelligence Management

Top Level TrainingTop Level TrainingTelecommunications & Utilities

Financial Management

Entrepreneurship Resource Planning Management

Business Simulation Model for Telecom Convergent Industry Business Simulation Model for Telecom Convergent Industry ©©

Revenue Assurance Management

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Team Commitment Leadership Results Generation Methodology Negotiation Organizational & Personal Improvement Core Business High Performance Organizations Live learning for top executives

Time effective Administration

Top Level TrainingTop Level Training

Managers Development

Focus Results Management

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Tailored to the needs of the

company and management



ManagementManagement ExperienceExperience



Not satisfied 



Executive report


Results oriented

management methodology

Top Level Training MethodologyTop Level Training Methodology

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Open Systems. Telecom y Utilities Business & Operation Support Systems. BOSS Mediation & Provisioning CRM Business Intelligence Fraud management

Parquesoft IT Consultancy service

Customers Business strategy support People Processes

Optima IT Critical processes

Tunning Performance Optimization IT multiplatform integration

Innova Systems Documentation management

ASI Consultant IT Consultancy services

Caribbean International University Management training Online training PhD, Masters, Bachellor, Executive programs tailored made

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Field experienceField experience

Fixed phone lines. Results:

Operation, generating profits for USD 80M Business plan development Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Launching & Operation Network recovering management for 100K customers Implementation of BOSS Business & Operation Support Systems Sales, retention and loyalty management IT Updating from Fortran 77 to Oracle Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM

Mobile phones Results:

Purchase, operation, valuation and sale of the company. Generating value $ 600M / 3 years Churn reduction from 10% to 2,5%. Profit of USD 80M Fraud management from USD 400.000 to USD 4 per month. Billing error reduction from 30/100 to 7/10.000. Profit ot USD 2M per month Churn reduction in unstable economies avoiding bankruptcy

Public phones Results:

Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM Revenue assurance and fraud management strategy. Profit of USD 2M

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Field experienceField experience

Data Transmision Results:

Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM BOSS Business & Operation Support Systems definition to leveraging business. Profit of USD 7M

Internet Service Provider Results:

Business and investment plan Launching and operation ISO Certification Operation to achieve break even point Profit of USD 3.5M Stocks management

TV Cable / Air Results:

Reduction of billing error level from 30% to 7/10.000 Convergence

Results: Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM Operation

Value added services Results:

Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM Operation

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Field experienceField experience

Data Transmision Obtained results:

Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM BOSS Business & Operation Support Systems definition to leveraging business. Profit of USD 7M

Internet Service Provider Obtained results:

Business and investment plan Launching and operation ISO Certification Operation to achieve break even point Profit of USD 3.5M Stocks management

TV Cable / Air Obtained results:

Reduction of billing error level from 30% to 7/10.000 Convergence

Obtained results: Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM Operation

Value added services Obtained results:

Commercial Strategy Top-Down. Operation strategy definition, using e-TOM Operation

SIEMENS. Convincing technology

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Customer´s - Telecom


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International Working Experience

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Pablo G Páez PhD

PhD Business & Management. AIU. USA Top level executive. CEO. Co-founder / Co-owner of Pirámide Digital Twenty years of international work experience in over

thirty countries in: mobile operators, fixed service, Internet service provider, TV cable / air, data transmission, beepers, technology companies, and Customers services as well as contact centers. Had been Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operation Officer, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technological Officer y Customer Services Officer in Telecom Industry.

Focused on measurable objectives, level of service in the industry and achieving results.

Ten postgraduate degrees in management, customer service, telecommunications, information and communication technologies in Sweden, Netherlands, USA, Korea, India and Brasil.

Able to provide technical support required to implement strategies to increase and maximize revenue and profitability in business.

Ability to change the organizational culture and motivation of the human factor. Working experience in Management Information Systems, Managerial Control,

Customer Relationship Management, Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management, High Performance Organizations & Strategic Business Planning and Quality Certification Processes (ISO & COPC).


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2005 Customer Services Director. México

1988-1998 Telecom & IT Consultant. Washington, DC. USA

2004 Chief Operations Officer. USA y Jamaica

2003 - CEO. Ecuador

2003 Chief Sales & Marketing Officer. Ecuador

2002 Chief Information Officer. Ecuador

2001 Chief Sales, Marketing and Customer Services Officer. Venezuela

1998-2000 Chief Information Officer. Ecuador



Pablo G Páez PhD

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MBA. Technologies of Information & Communication MBA. Management Information Systems MBA. Business plan MBA. Business Simulation Models ©.


MBA. Entrepreneurship MBA. Business plan MBA. Business Simulation Models ©.

MBA. Lidership MBA. Lidership and Innovation MBA. Competitivity MBA. Business Simulation Models

MBA. Management Information Systems

MBA. How tu run succesfully a Telecom Company MBA. Business Simulation Models © MBA. Telecom Networks

Pablo G Páez PhD Lecturer

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MBA. Electronic EntrepreneurMonterrey Nuevo León. México


Entreprenur Development Institute. Electronic Entrepreneur.

Ahmedabad, India

Entreprenur Development Institute. Electronic Entrepreneur.

Islamabad, Pakistan

MBA. ManagementCurazao, Antillas Holandesas

Pablo G Páez PhD

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Pablo G Páez PhD

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Creators of 23.000 web pages Management PortalManagement Portal

Award of “Best Management Portal 2004 “ Kingston, Jamaica

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10 business partners Top Level Management

Consulting 134 Management Training

Courses Working experience of 30

countries More than 10.000 managers

trained More than 150 organizations

had request our services

Pirámide Digital Today !


Management Training Center. QuitoMiami – USA Office

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Pirámide DigitalOur path


Pirámide DigitalVALUE



Management Training Open Courses

Top Level 

Management Consulting

Management Training In-Company


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Questions and Answers

Thank you …

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