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Pitch!The genre which I am doing is horror.

This is my pitch which I am creating to help me understand more about the genre of horror and also start thinking about different ideas for my film trailer. This will help me when I am creating my film trailer as I will be able to look back at this and look at the

different ideas and research which I have on here to help me.

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Research..Horror is a film genre seeking to create a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. Horror films often feature scenes that startle the viewer. Horror may overlap with the fantasy, supernatural, and thriller genres.

Horror films often deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Prevalent elements include ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, demons, vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals, and serial killers. Conversely, movies about the supernatural are not necessarily always horrific.

There are many different types of horror films, some of them are; revenge, suicide, envy, good vs. evil, religion, possession and murder.

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Plot Idea’s..One of the plot idea’s which I have thought about doing is possession. I think this could be hard to do though but I think that it would be good if all the elements were there to make it successful. I am going to research more about possession horror films and see what most of them include and how they are made.

Another plot idea which I thought of was where a killer was stalking a family for years but then when the family find out they move out of the house they were in and try and cover their tracks so the stalker cannot find them. This aggravates the stalker though and he eventually finds the family 6 months later and he is that annoyed and what they did that he decides to kill them all.

The final plot idea which I thought of was a family moving into a new house by a lake not knowing that the house and land is haunted. As they are living there weird thins keep happening to them and there is a girl living in the bottom of the lake who was put there by her mother who was a witch. The family have to find a way to free the girl from the lake and her mother to stop them from being haunted.

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Soundtrack Idea’s..I think that the music or sounds add a lot to a good horror film as they create the atmosphere and drama. Also the music/sounds let you know that something is about to happen before it happens.

The music which I would want in my film trailer would have to add the effect straight away as film trailers are only short so they would need to grab the viewers attention and make them want to watch on and find out what happens next.

I would be able to make my sounds or music on garage band so they would be made especially for what is going on in that scene at the specific time. I would also be able to crate some of the sounds using different objects on camera.

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Location..I have given a lot of thought into what kind of locations I would want to lose in my film trailer. I have a few ideas about where I want it to be filmed but here are two which I think would work well and be a good location.

• Isolated area which has a house that has been abandoned for years, a lake, dark roads and a history of people being killed there. I think this location would be achievable as my grandma and granddad live on a farm and have all of those different aspects on their farm. It is also very rural.

• Another good location would be an old building which you could decorate to make it look like an insane asylum. I think this would make into a good story as it adds a lot of effect to what kind of characters you could have.

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Typical Direction..When doing my research about different horror film trailers and also watching different film trailers they use different conventions and techniques to get the effect that they need to keep the viewers engaged and making them want to go to the cinema and watch the film. They also need to make the audience feel the sense of fear and be scared as that’s how the characters would be so then the viewer can relate to the characters within the film.

Cinematography which I would use in my film trailer would be close ups of the bad guy and of the venerable character to show the emotion an fear on there face. Low angles to make the bad guy look more powerful and to show that they are in control of the situation. Pan movements to show the emotion of the bad guy then the bad guy. A birds eye view shot to show everything on screen and the danger.

Editing transitions which I would use are jump cuts to add effect from one scene to another and also dissolves and fades. I would also use a montage so different clips can be shown at the same time. I would use Slow cutting towards the beginning of the trailer and then when the danger is getting more intense I would use fast cutting to add to the effect that something bad is about to happen.

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How I will link it to my Ancillary tasks..

My trailer would link to my film poster and magazine by using the same characters and costumes . Also the same make-up on the characters to link all three together. The same colours would also be used throughout the three different tasks as then it keeps all of the three together and does not separate them. Any fonts that were used within the trailer I would use on the front cover and magazine and it brings continuity. I would try and use similar shot types and angles between the magazine and film poster.

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What need’s to be done and achieved..

I need to complete more research about conventions within a horror film, this will help me when I come to creating my film trailer. I also need to do some more research about mise-en-scene within a horror film as that is my main job within the group. This will include looking at settings, costumes, make-up and then when filming the positioning of the characters and making sure that their facial expressions are right for what is going on within the scene. I will also have to do lighting and colour so will need to do some more research on that as well.

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