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  1. 1. Natasha Wardman My magazine is called Pure.This magazine is a fashionand beauty magazine targeted for teenagers around theNorth East
  2. 2. Self FinancedHigh quality journalism Positive relationshipClean type of magazineTarget Audience 16 - 25
  3. 3. My Target AudienceWomen aged 16 25 in the local area.Socioeconomics C1 B1.College Students, Uni Students. Tribe, mainstreamers.
  4. 4. Because Im doing a fashion magazine, I will have alot of competition.The age gap, some older women may not like the younger style, vice versa. My target audience are either still in college or uni,therefore they might not have the commitment to buy this magazine each month.
  5. 5. Ive chosen the design the same as Glamour magazine,because this is designed for the late teen early adult age rangefor women. Ive made the features in my magazine relate more towards the age range by doing little quirky pages such as 10 things not to do and having pages full of editorial fashion. By making it only 1, I think this will draw the audience inmore to be more committed to buying it each month since its not a heavy price just for a magazine
  6. 6. Fashion and Beauty..
  7. 7. Ive looked at fellow fashion magazines that are outon sale today, such as..GlamourVOGUE CosmopolitanThese are the three most popular fashion magazines on sale today.However the one I looked into the most was Glamour magazine as itsuited to my target audience more.
  8. 8. Reasons for choosing Glamour..- They always have someone young that theaudience can relate to on the front cover.- The presentation of the magazine itself isalways bold and bright, making it eyecatching.- Inside its filled with everything you needand would want to know about fashion,beauty, health, life stories etc.- Its a very successful magazine for theyounger audience.
  9. 9. As you can see mymock up coverpage as a lot ofsimilarity towards Glamourmagazine.Although its onlya mock up, it stillneeds work doingtowards it, butyou can see theidea that I tryingto portray.
  10. 10. Too much Goodwhite space. imagery.Could putTheeffects onquotationthe imagesis a goodand makeidea,the all the makes itsame colour standbackground out.The boxMake the at the endheaders of wherebold andand howstand out much themore.clothesare.
  11. 11. Again this is toomuch white spacefor thebackground as ittakes focus of thearticle itself.The title of thearticle is laid outmuch better, as ellas the quote.
  12. 12. Clear writing, nothingto fancy as fashion magazines stick to the Bold and bright,Youngerplain writing to makemaking it stand model, thean impact.out. Same style asaudience canGlamour magazine.relate to.
  13. 13. CateringGraphic Designers60 Layout Artist100Travel Expenditure 20030Sub Editor 150 Photographer Studio Hire(Studio Shoot) Lighting, Rooms 900400 PhotographerCrane (Location Shoot)450 500 Models Camera Hire310 200JournalistHair & Makeup700 540
  14. 14. Photographer 900. Journalist 700. Printing Costs -7,02.40Total Cost of the magazine - 5,242.40
  15. 15. Total Income from advertisingslots. 14800Net Profit - 9,557.60
  16. 16. Distribute in places that my target audience will usually be found, placessuch as ..College,Independent shops, hairdressers and makeup counters,cafes and services.
  17. 17. Thank-you..

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