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  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    placemaking the definition ;d e s i g ni n g a b u i l d i ng o r ar e a t o m a k e i t m o r e a t t r a c t i v e t o a n d

    c o m p at i b l e w i t h t h e pe o pl e w h o us e it .www.paro e.aporee.orgsuatu proses perancangan untuk membuat sebuah bangunan/gedung

    atau area/ruang lebih menar ik/atraktif dan c ocok dengan

    orang/manusia yang meng gunakan/menikmatinya .

    Placemaki ng is the art of creating public place s of the soul, that uplift and hel us c onnect to each other.

    placemakingPlacemaking is a dynamic human function: it is an act of

    liberation, of staking claim , and of beautification; it is true

    human empowermen t.

    Placemaking is making a Public Space a Living Space.

    "Placemaking" is an overarching idea and a hands on tool f or improving a neighborhood, city, orregion. It has the potential to be one of the most transformative ideas of this century.Metropolitan Planning Council, Chicago, IL

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    Case, situation &

    what is the place making edge today?questions

    what does it take to make mixed use benefits outweigh risks? what strategies do successful place making developers use? what lessons do past place making projects offer? how can public transit investment create value for place making? how can place making principles add value to single use properties?


    the logical structure of heuristic reasoning processto encourage


  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    uniquenessQuality of






  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    Concept of situation"involvement in circumstances" or "activeconcern with sets of natural, cultural or human


    Heritage & HistoryDarling Harbour ( 1826, taken from south walesGovernors name,Ralph darling ) is one of the

    'Merlau-Ponty, 1962entertainment destinations. Its journey from

    derelict docklands to sparkling internationalplayground' has been described as 'a miracle of

    'the precinct has won numerous constructionindustry and tourism awards.

    temp a t tujuan d i d unia untuk b ersena ng-sena ng d a n me nc a ri hib uran

    d a ri se kia n b a nya k te mp a t tujua n .

    Terbentuk da ri temp at be rlab uh kapa l yang terabaikan menjadi playground bertaraf internasional yang bersinar dan d iseb ut seb a a kea a ib an d ar

    why it becomes a placemaking?

    placemaking in DARLING HARBOUR

    kelahiran kemb ali ma syara kat . Leb ih d ari 10 thn a rea terseb ut tela h memenangkan p eng ha rga an ber en s untuk industr konstruks da n

    . . .




    Human/local needsenvironmental

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    cultural ; original inhabitants of the area aroundSydney since pre 1788 steady use this place as seaproduces transaction

    natural and environmental ; reflected as awaterfront city

    human/local needs ; need place to fulfill their (local) basic needs; food (fish), work (fisherman) and to spend their leisure time

    learn how to act in certain kinds of

    circumstances, mallin, 1979.

    by specific design responds, such as the prescription and

    a path . . .

    man pu at on o t e compos t ona qua t es o somebuilding/landscape elements in response to a perceivedproblem and its surrounding or auxiliary conditions.

    Wor s

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    O r c a r d r o a d

    Before 18 century 18 century 19 century

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation




    attractionactivities Quality of space


  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    Potsdamer Platz was a famed Berlin cultural centre

    Sony center in Berlin

    before the Second World War. It was severelybombed during the war because it was near Hitler'sbunker. The area became a no man's land duringthe cold war. After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, in1989, it was re developed with the aim of recovering its pre war cultural role. All traces of thehot and cold wars were to be expunged.

    http://www.gardenvisit.com/garden/sony_center_am_potsdamer_platz sony_platz

    The Berlin Wall

    Potsdammer area

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    The Sony Platz section of the Potsdamer Platz re development was designedas a mixed use project with space for office, retail, entertainment,residential, and hospitality uses. The central space is a 4,000 square metretented garden. Neatly clipped hedges lead the eye to an underground level.Covered walks lead out from the central space, operating like allees in abaroque park. They link to the historic Tiergarten and and to other newspaces in the Potsdammer area. The Sony Centre is at the same time publicand private, bounded and unbound, sheltered but not enclosed.

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    PLACE MAKING DESIGNThe essence of place making is the creation of economically vibrant, aesthetically attractive, lively and engaging, pedestrian friendly places. Increasingly, another factor is coming into playsustainabilityleading to an increased focus on infill,mixed use, walkable, and transit served development projects as critical components for building healthy and enduringcommun es. owever, e ver ng ese v en s con nues o e u o c a enges or o eve opers an pu c o c a s.Place making offers developers, public officials, and consumers unbeatable opportunities to collaboratively create thriving,profitable, sustainable environments to live, work, and play. Great place making requires bold vision, entrepreneurialbusiness models, and long term commitment from private and public sector players. Optimizing these opportunities canchallenge even the most inventive professionals.

    solution concepts

    .The best public space often have nodes of activity (withpavement/street cafes or markets), complemented quiet zones for

    rest and people watching.place

    to : visibility enabling people to have views across spaces, while

    giving them a choices of areas to sit or linger in relation to

    orientation facing sunny and well sheltered spots with seatingprovide the most popular spaces for lingering

    facilities for sitting and stopping at activity nodes and crossing

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    2. Uses in and around the spaces encourage street performers

    auditoria or theatres accommodate markets, carnivals or parades

    . u n versat tydesigning versatile spaces that enable differentpeople to enjoy different activity in the same

    spaces as far as possible

    4. Routes through space : enable people to passdirectly from A to B(urban design compendium, llewelyn davies)

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    Designing cities/spaces created for people

    es gn ng rom sma sca e


    Promote eo les health and ha iness

    helping communities make better public spaces

    ma es p aces t at ave meaning to peop e

    The Community Is The Expert

    difference size composition between space/place and surrounding area



  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    work framequest onlogical structure

    learn how to act

    solution concepts

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation



    owe, e er . es gn n ng. am r ge, : e ress.

    Merleau Ponty,Maurice (1962). Phenomenology of Perception

    (translated by Collin Smith). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

    Mallin, Samuel B. (1979). Merleau Ponty's Philosophy.

    Urban Design Compendium, Llewelyn Davies

    Place Making ; The Business of Creating Thriving , Mix used Development

    www.parole.aporee.org, diakses hari minggu, 18 Oktober 2009. jam 08.35 WIB

    www.darlingharbour.com, diakses hari minggu, 18 Oktober 2009. jam 08.35 WIB

  • 8/14/2019 Place Making Final Presentation


    see you next time . . .

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