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  • 8/14/2019 Plaintiff's Pre-Motion Ltr to Judge Karas - REDACTED (00153714)


    07 17 2013 WED 11:41 FAX 2127635001 ECBA LLP IlJ002/005

    EMERY CELLI BRINCKERHOFF &ABADYLLPR1(' IAftD n. Tn ::I'J)I,)NEANDRP.W (1, Ct-.u,I, JR, 12\'l)7bMMOJ\ . ' l ' \ Ol 'U. V.... A:rr-L MA,'nmw I), 't\CSIMILE,ION Hl l'I $. ,\RAlIY 1 1 Pr,/\1. \,21P'" "I-tk>i\ (212) 7635UO IliARI.::>. WM

  • 8/14/2019 Plaintiff's Pre-Motion Ltr to Judge Karas - REDACTED (00153714)


    07/17/2013 WED 11:41 FAX 2127635001 ECBA LLP

    Y CELLI BRINCKERHOFP ABA:DY LUPage 2OvJJJil l . . , gnll : . t lLl

  • 8/14/2019 Plaintiff's Pre-Motion Ltr to Judge Karas - REDACTED (00153714)


    07 17 2013 WE 11:41 FAX 2127635001 ECBA LLP

    EMERY CELl. BRINCKP.RHOf.r & AnADY 1.l.PPage 3)'Vimess .and its alleged Tltle Vl compllnnce officer, never "discussed anti-Semith; harassment orbullying in any of the Pii1e Bush schools with Boyle) Peters, Winter, llopmayel\ Fistlh andSteinberg. 7 (C 46). . T l literally htmdj'eds 6ftop-Ieve.l.meetirigs iil thedistrict; not oneadministrator'''cverraisc(d] the issue 'of anti-Semitio harassment conduct or bullying in PineHush schools'.' (C 122-23); Carb()nc'swrittcnj66 descriptIon doesn't even include ':'Titlc"Vlcompliance'," (C 148-49.). The district had no policy..ot training:tccllllnng securilyto.repoitr111ti-Scniitic or olher 1'Ilclsl graffiti to aunlinislmLion (C 56), no wiittenpolicy or.guideline' or .prucedure ti.hi):ut what to do iftacist; iinti':'Semi.lic or ..schoorqc57),').mill() Ild.oc;UI.1Wntatk'm.wllen um;l vhere anti-Semitic graffiti i 'i found" (C 65:-(6) .Administrators were "not trained torepolt disciplil1e'" 'to Carbone at oj1(C136, 151); Defore 2012, eachers were.noteven:required to.:do:cumentincidcnt[sl at the.school"( C 177), or report either or;'raeist or antiScmilie?' 'conducttp. 15.3:..:54). theY'did'reportan incide11t, they could (and sometimes did) omit theanti-Stnl1ilic mtLure uf the incident (d 162-69.); Th.eie..is.no. mon{tQI:lng.o{"mLi-Semitic

    witnessed by staffandteacners (C 154). There is no Uistricl policy .91; tntjning to fill"the "bias-relnted" 'box on: disciplinary forms (C191':'?8) .. De.felldnnts Lo -repDrt even of " li"H\de' fUll oflhe speaker.1lIlolOC;llIst victim.

    Case 7:12-cv-02303-KMK-PED Document 42 Filed 07/17/13 Page 3 of 4

  • 8/14/2019 Plaintiff's Pre-Motion Ltr to Judge Karas - REDACTED (00153714)


    07 17 2013 WED 11:42 F X 2127635001 ECBA LLP


    . .All cuunsel ofreconl via email)

    he Clerk of the CourtS respectfully requestedto docket this letterSo Ordered

    Case 7:12-cv-02303-KMK-PED Document 42 Filed 07/17/13 Page 4 of 4

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