+ All Categories
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
PLAN 1 | 2,527 Square Feet | Up to 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths
Optional Bedroom 4
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
O pt
. F ire
pl ac
O pt
. S lid
er O
pt . S
lid er
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 1B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
3 3
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
Optional Bedroom 4
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
O pt
. F ire
pl ac
O pt
. S lid
er O
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lid er
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 1B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
3 3
Optional Bedroom 4
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet Doors
O pt
. F ire
pl ac
O pt
. S lid
er O
pt . S
lid er
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 1B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
3 3
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
PLAN 2 | 2,910 Square Feet | Up to 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths
O pt. Slider
Optional Shower at Bath 2
Optional Shower at Master Bath
Optional Multi-Gen Suite The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 2C Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
Opt. Cab
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
O pt. Slider
Optional Shower at Bath 2
Optional Shower at Master Bath
Optional Multi-Gen Suite The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 2C Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
Opt. Cab
O pt. Slider
Optional Shower at Bath 2
Optional Shower at Master Bath
Optional Multi-Gen Suite The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 2C Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
Opt. Cab
O pt. Slider
Optional Shower at Bath 2
Optional Shower at Master Bath
Optional Multi-Gen Suite The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 2C Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
Opt. Cab
O pt. Slider
Optional Shower at Bath 2
Optional Shower at Master Bath
Optional Multi-Gen Suite The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 2C Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18 Revised: 1-23-18
Opt. Cab
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
PLAN 3 | 3,493 Square Feet | Up to 6 Bedrooms, 5 Baths
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
68 8
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
pt . F
ire pl
ac e
Walk-In Closet
Optional Shower at Bath 2 at Bedroom 5
Optional Extended California Room
Opt. Rail
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 3B Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Door
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
PLAN 4 | 3,381 Square Feet | Up to 6 Bedrooms, 4 Baths
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
7 7
All information, including prices, plans, options, features and terms, is subject to change without notice. All listings of square footage are estimates only. Square footage estimates may include space that is not useable for residential purposes. Size, number of utility closets and locations of windows, front entries and doors vary per elevation and homesite location. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. The availability of certain options is subject to construction status and schedule. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. Hardscape, landscape, upgraded features and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. All imagery is representational and does not depict specific building or future amenity details. Views vary per homesite location and no view is promised. Models or persons in photos do not reflect ethnic preferences and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, familial status, handicap or national origin. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. Offers to sell real property may only be made and accepted at the sales center for individual New Home communities. Copyright © 2018 The New Home Company Inc. All rights reserved. TNHC Realty and Construction Inc. BRE License #01870227. February 2018.
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks
Optional Bedroom 5/Bath 4
Optional DiningOptional Extended California Room
Optional Shower at Bath 3
Optional Stacking Washer & Dryer at 2nd Floor
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center MeetOpt. Slider
Opt. Stacking Sliders or Opt. Center Meet
Optional Covered Balcony Only Available In Conjunction With Either Optional Extended California Room Or Optional Dining
The New Home Company Canyon View Plan 4A Original: 12-5-17 Revised: 1-22-18
Opt. Sinks

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