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Page 1: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Planet Scale Software Updates

Christos Gkantsidis

Thomas Karagiannis

Pablo Rodriguez

Milan Vojnović


Page 2: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Patches Patches (program snippets) upgrade existing software with the

intention to: Fix security vulnerabilities Update drivers Distribute new virus definitions Release new functionality

Patches are crucial to maintain high level of protection, since they offer updated service and applications


Page 3: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Problems with Dissemination of software updates Large scale and fast dissemination of software updates to

millions of Internet users During certain period of times, patch distribution can account for

a large fraction of the traffic on servers and across Internet Growing popularity of software update requires us to know more

about: Process of creating and releasing pathes Traffic characteristics ofpatch distribution Potential of alternative distribution strategies_

Page 4: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Motivation and Contribution Goal: Find general principles and properties that can be used as

guidelines to design better architect fast and cost effective planet scale patch dissemination

Contributions: Clustering patches into groups improves effectiveness of system Approximately 80% of IPs appear during the first day of a patch

release Percentage of machines that are always online is approximately

20% Computers using update service seem to be highly updated Using an existing cache decreases workload on servers by 25%

to 35%, while full cache by ISP would result in almost %70 P2P can considerably reduce the load on the server and P2P

locality can reduce inter-ISP traffic while disseminating patches

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Introduction System and Data Description Characteristics of Patches User Characterization Patch Dissemination Strategies Conclusion

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Windows Update System System Description:

Update servers: Query for new updates Distribution servers: Download updates


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Traffic on Update and Distribution servers

Number of update queries and corresponding downloads over three days

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Dataset Characteristics

Some definitions: Knowledge Base: Set of patches to fix a vulnerability Service packs: large collection of knowledge bases



Page 9: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Characteristics of Patches

Two ways to update a file:

Replacing actual file: Download and install the files that arerequired to be updated

Using a Patch file: Patch file(delta) decribes difference between the existing

version in the user computer and the newest version

More efficient to send patches instead of file itself XP SP2 Mean File size=73.2 KB, while Mean Patch Size=32.9 KB

Page 10: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Characteristics of Patches

Designing efficient mechanisms requires: Number and size of files affected Frequency of update release Relation between the individual patches

Problem: User machine can have a large set of configuration states

due to patching at different times

Solution: Examine relationships between updates for individual files

and cluster the ones which are updated together

Page 11: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Clustering of Files Used traces of requests for Windows XP SP2 distribution and full

history of updates in XP source tree (Data Set-II and Set-IV)

To quantify set of files that are clustered together, compute cosine correlation between any pair of files i and j using:

Assumed that files are correlated if >0.9









ji ,

Page 12: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Clustering of Files Dataset has requests for 2029 files 26 non-overlapping groups identified for 2003 files The 5 largest groups account for 1877 files and responsible for

95% of the requests


Group size distribution for File Clustering Number of requests satisfied by publishing an increasing number of groups for File Clustering

Page 13: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Clustering of patches Repeated same analysis with patch dataset For 3379 patches, identified 125 groups for 3188 patches Analysis indicates that:

Decreasing clustering efficiency Increasing complexity of system


Group size distribution for Patch Clustering Number of requests satisfied by publishing an increasing number of groups for File Clustering

Page 14: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

User Characterization

Traffic Properties Extract arrival patterns of update queries Queries arrive from two types of machines:

Always online machines(AOM): Have an automatic update service that periodically queries for updates

Non-AOM: Go ON and OFF and stay offline for a period greater than pre-specified query interval

Page 15: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Distinct IPs over time Examined aggregate volume of user queries with respect to

distinct IPs using Set-I Approximately 80% of observed IPs appear within the first day Number of fresh IPs within a day decreases abruptly with

number of days since initial observation day


Rate of distinct IPs observed over three days(Peaks are due to the local time differences)

Page 16: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Time-of-day effects Europe exhibits the largest query arrival rates at the beginning

and at the end of the day, due to inititial observation time Peak of North America is within interval 13:00 to 16:00 hours


Fraction of distinct IPs per continent observed within the first day versus time

Page 17: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Uniformity and burstiness of queries For 50% of the ASes that account for more than 90% of distinct

IP population, uniformity of query arrival is not obtained Burstiness is in many cases larger if the AS-aggregate query

rates are uniform in time


Number of queries for two European ISPs in the same country over time. Two geographically collocated ISPs results in dissimilar query arrival pattern within the day because of different

profiles of subscribers. (ResidentialISP1 vs. CorporateISP2)

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Estimated Always on-line Machines Important since they can be instantaneously patched using an

ideal push patching system Approximately 20% of the population is always online thus could

be patched immediately.


Estimated percentage of distinct IPs classified as AOM per country versus the total number of distinct IPs per country

Page 19: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Frequency of computer updates How up-to-date computers are kept around the world US and Japan users(90%) keep their machines highly updated Percentage in China or France is 50-70%


Distribution of the number of requests for different delta sizes across different countries

Page 20: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Frequency of computer updates 90% of the population is highly updated. Importance of automatic patching schemes:

During SP2 distribution, the number of users that were updated with most recent updates is less than 5%, with 22% of users updating from SP1 versions and 60% from XP RTM versions


Requests per delta included in SP2

Page 21: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Patch Dissemination Strategies Alternative update delivery strategies:

Caching Peer-to-Peer Peer-to-Peer with locality

To evaluate the alternative strategies, assumed that hosts are partioned into groups called subnets

Effects of alternative policies in reducing: Server load Inter-subnet traffic


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Caching-Web Caching Currently deployed web caches are used for update

dissemination Load reduction at the server(α):

Experimental results:


1 1S

: Fraction of updates needed in subnets covered by caches

: Mean number of updates per subnet over subnets that deploy caches


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Caching-Full Deployment Goal:An ideal caching deployment (μ=1)

If every subnet has a cache, the server needs to serve at most as many copies of an update as the number of subnets

Using the dataset Set-II (manual downloads), For file distribution

S=4.18 α= 76% For delta distribution

S=3.01 α= 67%


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Peer-to-Peer P2P is attactive to disseminate update Advantages:

Self scalable Capacity increases with number of users Copes well with flash-crowds

Challenges: Average patch size is small Potentially large set of patches Multiple versions per patch Secure and Timely patch delivery Protecting user privacy

Only if a large number of peers target the same version of the same patch at the same time, then significant savings for content provider and end-users

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Peer-to-Peer with Locality Augment peer matching algorithm to give

preference to “local” connections Experiments:

Estimate amount of data downloaded from remote subnets and amount of data uploaded to other subnets

performed trace-driven simulations to estimate the workload reduction

Findings: Locality decreases the amount of data uploaded per subnet

by a factor that decreases exponentially with the mean number of active users per subnet

With locality, the ratio of uploads to downloads per subnet increases as a function of the size of the subnet

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Comparison of Strategies

Aggregate server load for the distribution of one patch with (i) client-server; (ii) caching; (iii) p2p with upload time equal to download time; (iv) p2p with upload time twice as download time and (v) p2p with uploaded data as much as downloaded(full).

Page 27: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Conclusion Characterized a large commercial update service(WU)

Patch distribution systems Use a near-push functionality Have distinct traffic patterns Require minimun delivery time

Automatic software updating is one of the prominent architectures

To reduce complexity, patches can be clustered into groups

Evaluated applicability of caching and P2P to disseminate patches

P2P have great potential for fast and effective patch delivery

Page 28: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Comments Pros

Includes a good motivation, experiments, practical usage for companies, theory and math…

Emphasizing how important having a good dataset is Well organized

The ideas are summarized before getting deeper into the details

Figures explain most of the written stuff

Cons Some of the formulas given were too abstract Too many references to technical report Except appendix, no difference between paper and

technical report

Page 29: Planet Scale Software Updates Christos Gkantsidis Thomas Karagiannis Pablo Rodriguez Milan Vojnović SIGCOMM 2006.

Happy End! Thank you for your patience!

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