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Guide to Planning and Resource Allocation

Developed, reviewed and adopted by the:Management Leadership Council – March, 2007

Planning & Budget Committee – March, 2007Faculty Senate – May, 2007




The Cerritos College planning and resource allocation process has beendeveloped collaboratively between the Executive Council, Management

Leadership Council, and Faculty Senate. It represents a college-wide effort tofurther unify the planning and resource allocation process as well as to developand document a transparent, uniform practice of planning, assessment,resource allocation, goal implementation, and self-evaluation.

The planning and resource allocation process is driven by Strategic Planpriorities, which signify the partnership between the college-wide community

and the Board of Trustees. As currently conceptualized, strategic planning atCerritos College is a six-year cycle, designed to coincide with the accreditationcycle. Although progress toward strategic plan goals is measured annually and

the unit planning and resource allocation process occurs on an annual basis, anin-depth, mid-term evaluation of goal advancement is scheduled every thirdyear.

Planning and resource allocation is an annual activity at Cerritos College. Thisguide outlines the overall process of planning and resource allocation, presentsa timeline of scheduled activities, and contains the documents required to

develop a unit or other plan as well as request resources. This guide should beviewed as a living document and may be updated to meet future needs.




The planning cycle at Cerritos College is represented visually in Figure 1. Theupper circle, labeled Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation, begins with

the development and adoption of the college Strategic Plan (stage A). Oncethe Strategic Plan has been adopted the college moves to stage B, GoalImplementation. In this stage, two to three priorities identified in the StrategicPlan are selected as focus areas for the next one to three years. After the

college-wide priorities are identified, the annual planning process begins withstage C, Unit or Other Plan development. This stage includes the developmentof unit plans and other plans that might involve collaborations between multiple

units [(e.g., the Cerritos College Enrollment Management Plan 2007-2010 (to beadopted)]. After the unit and other plans have been developed, the collegeproceeds to the resource allocation process.

All members of the campus community are members of the unit with which theyare affiliated or to where they report. A unit is defined as an entity that canexpend funds. A unit is associated with a division that, in turn, is associated with

an area. Table 1 illustrates how the Math Department, for purposes of planningand resource allocation, is a unit in the Science, Engineering and Math Division,which is a division in the Academic Affairs area. The terms used in the planning

and resource allocation process provide common definitions and are not meantto be used in place of the ways that units refer to or identify themselves. Rather,the terms are useful to identify steps of and online forms used in the process

[e.g., Online Unit Planning Form and Online Capital Outlay Request Form(discussed in section III, Developing the Unit Plan, and section IV, Requests forCapital Outlay)].

Table 1. Examples of Units, Divisions, and Areas

in the Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation Process

Unit Division Area

Math Science, Engineering & Math Academic Affairs

Foster and Kinship Care Health Occupations Academic Affairs

Publications Information Technology Business Services

Payroll Fiscal Services Business Services

Operations Facilities Business Services

Career Center Career and Assessment Services Student Services

Campus Police Campus Police Student Services


After stage B, Goal Implementation, where two to three priorities identified in theStrategic Plan are selected as focus areas for the next one to three years, theannual planning process begins with stage C, Unit or Other Plan development

(discussed in depth in Section III, Developing the Unit Plan). As described inSection III, the Unit or Other Plan articulates a program’s description,characteristics, strategic directions, goals, and resource needs. The Unit orOther Plan is based on findings from a unit’s Program Review (i.e., assessment)

and is updated annually.

Within the unit, Unit Representatives, often a department chair or unit manager,

have leadership or management responsibilities in their unit. Divisions Managers,who are most often deans and directors, have administrative responsibility for adivision or offices. Finally, Area Administrators include the following: the

President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of BusinessServices, Vice President of Student Services, and Director of Human Resources.

Once the Unit or Other Plan is developed, the resource allocation process,

shown visually in Figure 1, begins with the identification of Unit and Other PlanGoals (step 1), which are part of the Unit or Other Plan (see Section III,Developing the Unit Plan). Upon identifying unit goals, the resources needed to

achieve those goals are also identified. Resources needed to achieve goalsinclude (1) capital, (2) facilities, and (3) personnel. After resource needs havebeen identified, units prioritize their resource needs and submit requests for

capital outlay to fund those resource needs (step 2).1

The next several steps in the resource allocation process reinforce the

importance of dialogue in decision-making processes at Cerritos College. Aftersubmitting prioritized resource needs or requests, a division manager will meetwith his or her departments to prioritize resource needs for all units within thedivision. For example, an instructional dean may meet with all of his or her

reporting units to prioritize the resource requests for the entire division (step 3).Step 4 indicates that after a division manager’s reporting units, in collaborationwith the division manager, have prioritized their resource requests for the

division, they are forwarded to the Area Administrator. The Area Administratorsmeet with their division managers and engage in a dialogue regarding areapriorities. In conjunction with division managers, Area Administrators establish

the priorities for their areas.

1 If additional non-capital resources that are above and beyond a unit’s current budget allocation are

required to execute a Unit Plan, the unit will submit a request for other resources. Other resources are

defined as expenditures for (1) non-faculty personnel, (2) supplies, and (3) other services.


Figure 1. Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation Process at Cerritos College

The list of resource needs or requests from area prioritization are reviewed andstudied by the Planning and Budget Committee (step 5). As part of the reviewand study, the Planning and Budget Committee will consider resource requests

in the context of (1) themes or trends from Program Review (submitted by theProgram Review Committee) and (2) priorities and goals of the Strategic Plan.This step checks the process of unit, division, and area prioritization of resource

requests. The review and study of the list of resource requests from areaprioritization in the Planning and Budget Committee is forward with comments tothe Executive Council (step 6) for prioritization of college-wide resource requests.

The college-wide prioritization process represents an effort to identify and fundcollege-wide exigencies and strategic plan priorities. As such, it is a complexprocess developed with the understanding that it is possible that not every unit

will have its most urgent priorities funded in a given year. For example, in agiven year, the available funding and the college-wide priorities may


necessitate that only capital priorities are funded or only strategic plan prioritiesare funded, etc.2 Once college-wide priorities are established, they are taken

back to units, divisions, and the Planning and Budget Committee by the AreaAdministrator (step 7). This activity ensures that the individual departments andunits as well as divisions and the Planning and Budget Committee are aware of

and understand the college-wide needs, funded and unfunded, as well as thefunding priorities for a given year.

The Planning and Budget Committee (step 8), then receives the college-wide

priorities from the Executive Council. As a shared governance committee, therole of the Planning and Budget Committee is to review the college-widepriorities, ask questions about them, and provide advice and counsel to the

Executive Council regarding the priorities for a given year.

After hearing the feedback from the Planning and Budget Committee, the

Executive Council may choose to revise the college-wide priorities (step 9) andresubmit revisions to the Planning and Budget Committee (step 10). If norevisions are made, the resource allocation process proceeds to step 11, thePresident, for final approval, and then moves to step 12, the college budget

development process, and concludes with the Board of Trustees adopting thecollege budget (step 13).

2 Capital priorities and strategic plan priorities may not be mutually exclusive.

Figure 2. Resource Allocation Process at Cerritos College


Additionally, each unit should engage in a continuous cycle of planning,implementation, and evaluation. Individual units will develop unit plans,implement goals, and then assess progress toward goals with an evaluation

component. Within all divisions, evaluation is accomplished, in part, by way ofprogram review (discussed in detail in Section III, Developing the Unit Plan). Thisphilosophy is represented visually in Figure 1 by the small circle to the right of theUnit or Other Plan stage.

Once the resource allocation process has concluded, the cycle of strategicplanning continues with the implementation of Unit or Other Plans (stage D).

Progress toward strategic plan goals is evaluated by units, divisions, and AreaAdministrators as well as the Planning and Budget Committee or StrategicPlanning Committee and the Board of Trustees (stage E). Strategic plan goals

are then refined, revised, or redesigned accordingly (stage F). In these finalthree stages of the planning and resource allocation process (stages D throughF), an analysis of findings from Program Review in a particular year may yieldthemes that could inform the implementation, evaluation, and revision of the

college’s strategic plan goals. Thus, themes or trends that emerge from ananalysis of Program Review by the Program Review Committee for a given yearmay be used to inform these stages of the strategic planning and resource

allocation process.

The Cerritos College planning and resource allocation process is continuous.

The model is evidence of how the planning and resource allocation processesare integrated and transparent and how progress toward unit or other plangoals informs future strategic planning and resource allocation activities (see

Appendix A, Unit Planning and Resource Allocation/Annual Timeline).




The development of the Unit Plan commences once stage B, GoalImplementation, of the Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation cycle has

ended. That is, once the Goal Implementation stage has concluded and two tothree priorities have been identified for the next one to three years, the annualplanning process begins with stage C, Unit or Other Plan development. Thisstage includes the development of Unit Plans and Other Plans.

The Unit Plan will be an annually updated plan formed after a unit hasundergone program review. The Unit Plan articulates a program’s description,

characteristics, strategic directions, objectives, and outcomes. The Unit or OtherPlan is based on findings from a unit’s Program Review and is updated annually.Program review is the process by which program, departments, or units conduct

an assessment or evaluation of their quality and effectiveness. Like in theinstructional program review process, which occurs on a six year cycle, units willundergo a program review at least once every six years. Findings of theprogram review (or assessment) process will be used to inform the Unit Plan.

Figure 3 shows the unit planning process over six years.

With the exception of instructional program review, which is under the purview

of the Faculty Senate, Area Administrators (i.e., the President, Vice President ofAcademic Affairs, Vice President of Business Services, Vice President of StudentServices, and the Director of Human Resources) will oversee the program review

process for their administrative area. Area Administrators will meet with divisionmanagers and set a schedule for units to conduct a program review.

From the findings of the unit’s program review, the unit will complete a Unit Planannually. In this way, results and findings from program review will be used todraft and/or update the Unit Plan for the succeeding six years (or until the unitconducts an assessment or program review again). In some cases, only one

component of the Unit Plan may need to be updated from year to year. Inother cases, a unit may need to update multiple components of the Unit Planon an annual basis, if changes in the unit have been observed and impact the



The Unit Plan has six components (see Table 1, Components and Tasks of the Unit

Plan). The Mission Statement (component 1) asks a unit to state its mission. Thenext component is the Overarching Outcomes (component 2), which consists ofidentifying the unit’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) or Support Services

Outcomes (SSOs).3 The third component—Characteristics, Performance, andTrends (component 3)—is a description of the unit and can include data that aunit collected during the program review process. In this component, units will

also assess their performance of their Overarching Outcomes (i.e., SLOs or SSOs).Next, the Unit Plan asks units to identify their key Opportunities and Challenges(component 4). Finally, units report on their 3-5 Year Strategic Goals

3 WASC requires all accredited institutions to develop and assess learning outcomes, referred to here as

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for instructional units and Support Services Outcomes (SSOs) for

noninstructional units.

Figure 3. Unit Planning Process Over Six Years at Cerritos College


(component 5) and the units’ Objectives (component 6) to achieve the 3-5 YearStrategic Goals.

Table 2. Components and Tasks of the Unit Plan

Number Component Task

1 Mission Statement State the unit’s mission

2 Overarching Outcomes Identify the unit’s SLOs or SSOs

3 Characteristics, Performance, and Trends Describe and assess the unit and data

4 Opportunities and Challenges Identify unit’s opportunities & challenges

5 3-5 Year Strategic Goals Identify 3-5 year strategic goals for the unit

6 Objectives Identify unit’s objectives & implementation

As a key stage (stage C) in the Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation

cycle, the Unit Plan or Other Plans will be developed and submitted online on anannual basis. The unit planning process can be seen visually in Figure 2. Per theUnit Planning and Resource Allocation Annual Timeline (Appendix A), each

September the unit representative or responsible party for other plans (e.g., theCo-Chairs of the Enrollment Management Steering Committee for the CerritosCollege Enrollment Management Plan 2007-2010) will utilize the Online Unit Plan

Form to submit the Unit Plan or Other Plan online. The Online Unit Plan Form is tobe developed.

At the conclusion of this stage (stage C, Unit or Other Plan), the Strategic

Planning and Resource Allocation cycle moves to the resource allocationprocess.




After developing a unit plan, an individual unit will identify the resourcesrequired to execute the plan. If the resources required to execute the plan

include capital expenditures, defined as tangible items with a cost of more than$500 and a life expectancy greater than three years (excluding computers), anthe Online Capital Outlay Request Form (Appendix B) will be submitted.

On the Online Capital Outlay Request Form, unit members or representatives willidentify their unit, division, and administrative area—Academic Affairs, BusinessServices, Student Services, Human Resources, and the President’s Office. Each

unit will identify its request with a title and provide the name, extension, and e-mail address of its division manager. Additionally, the requestor will identifywhether the request is eligible for funds other than the general fund such as

instructional equipment funds, VTEA, other grants and contracts, andcategorical programs.

Requestors should indicate how their request corresponds to strategic plan

priorities. As well, the goal numbers of the strategic plan priorities should beidentified. Finally, the requestor should categorize the request as CodeCompliance, Accreditation, Strategic Planning, Facility Preservation,

Replacement of Obsolete Equipment, and/or a Growth or New Program Areapriority (see Appendix B, Online Capital Outlay Request Form).

A brief description of the purpose or rationale for the request should beprovided as well as a description of anticipated consequences if the request isnot approved. The requestor should also supply information related to all of the

costs associated with the request. This includes the actual product and itsdescription, and any related costs such as electrical, or facilitiesaccommodations for the request.

All requests for capital outlay submitted through the Online Capital OutlayRequest Form will follow the steps articulated in Figure 4, Capital Outlay RequestSteps. The first and second steps in the capital outlay request process consist of

presenting a draft capital outlay request timeline to the ManagementLeadership Council and the Planning and Budget Committee, respectively.Once these two steps have taken place, a notice to process to Unit

Representatives, Unit Managers, and Area Administrators occurs in step 3. Instep 4, units submit their prioritized requests online.


The process to prioritize the capital outlay requests submitted by units occurs inStep 5 (prioritization by division) and step 6 (prioritization by area). In step 7, theprioritized list of capital outlay requests from the five areas are reviewed and

studied by the Planning and Budget Committee. As part of the review andstudy, the Planning and Budget Committee will consider capital outlay requestsin the context of (1) themes or trends from Program Review (submitted by the

Program Review Committee) and (2) priorities and goals of the Strategic Plan.Step 7 represents a check on the process of unit, division, and area prioritizationof capital outlay requests. After step 7, the prioritized list of capital outlay

requests from area prioritization goes to the Executive Council with commentsfrom the review and study in Planning and Budget (step 7) for college-wideprioritization (step 8).

Once submitted requests have been prioritized through these steps, AreaAdministrators give feedback to and receive feedback from units, divisions, and

Figure 4. Capital Outlay Request Steps at Cerritos College


the Planning and Budget Committee on the college-wide prioritized requests(step 9). After the Area Administers has given and received feedback, the

college-wide prioritized requests go to the Planning and Budget Committee forreview, questions, and advisory feedback (step 10). Feedback from thePlanning and Budget Committee is brought to the Executive Council (step 11). If

additional changes occur in Executive Council from feedback received fromthe Planning and Budget Committee, the changes go back to the Planning andBudget Committee (step 12), after which the approved requests are submittedto the Purchasing Department (step 13).




If additional non-capital resources that are above and beyond a unit’s currentbudget allocation are required to execute a Unit Plan, the unit will submit a

request for other resources. Other resources are defined as expenditures for (1)non-faculty personnel, (2) supplies, and (3) other services. The additional non-capital resources may be for one-time use or for on-going needs.

To request additional funds for other resources, units will complete and submitone of two paper-based forms, depending on the type of other resource: (1)Request Form for Personnel or (2) Request Form for Supplies and Services. On

the form, an individual unit will identify the name of its unit, division, andadministrative area on the form. Units will identify a request with a title andprovide the name, extension, and e-mail address of its division manager.

Requestors should indicate in the request narrative whether the request meetsone-time or on-going needs. Requestors should note if the request is eligible forfunds other than the general fund such as other grants and contracts orcategorical programs.

Requestors should indicate how their request corresponds to strategic planpriorities by identifying goal numbers of the strategic plan priorities. A brief

description of the purpose or rationale for the request should be provided and adescription of anticipated consequences if the request is not approved. Finally,requests should have information related to all of the costs associated with the

request. Both the Request Form for Personnel and Request Form for Supplies andServices are to be developed.


Figure 1. Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation Process at Cerritos College


Figure 2. Resource Allocation Process at Cerritos College


Figure 3. Unit Planning Process Over Six Years at Cerritos College


Figure 4. Capital Outlay Request Steps at Cerritos College




September For units that are scheduled to undergo program review (at least once

every six years), program review4 (assessment) process commences; units

develop, design, and execute an assessment of the unit

January Program review (assessment) validation process commences

March Individual units begin development of unit plans

May Program review (assessment) validation report shared with unit members

and others

August Strategic focus areas identified

September Individual units review, revise, and submit a unit plan online and prioritize

unit resource needs; college-wide units (e.g. enrollment management)

submit unit plan online

October Division managers meet with unit representatives to prioritize

division resource needs

November Area Administrators meet with division managers to prioritize area

resource needs; Planning and Budget Committee reviews, studies, and

comments on capital outlay requests from area prioritization

December 5 Executive Council prioritizes college-wide resource needs

February Communication of budget assumptions and prioritized college-wide

resource needs from Area Administrators to units, divisions, and Planning

and Budget Committee

March Initial presentation of college-wide priorities presented to Planning and

Budget Committee

May Final review of preliminary budget, including tentative identification of

prioritized college-wide resource needs to be funded

August Open Planning and Budget Committee meeting to review final draft of

annual adopted budget

September Approve adopted budget and allocate resources to individual units and


4 Because instructional program review is under the authority of the Faculty Senate and has a timeline set

by the Faculty Senate and/or Program Review Committee, program review in this timeline refers to non-

instructional units.5 The Executive Council prioritizes college-wide resources needs with the exception of full-time faculty

positions, which will be completed through a parallel process by Academic Affairs and Student Services.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3







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