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Classroom Resources

91 LINC 1-5

The Classroom Resources are compiled from the Resources for Developing and Teaching Topic sections on the topic pages. These materials are intended to assist instructors in locating and preparing classroom materials for the themes and topics developed in the curriculum guidelines. Some materials may not be appropriate for a specific LINC level, but are included either as resources for instructors or as materials that can be adapted for learners at specific levels. This list contains the following categories of materials:

þ Assessment and Evaluation ¨ Books 2 Brochures and Pamphlets

: CALL Resources ³ ESL Software & ESL Theory

O Listening Resources

� Pronunciation Resources

¸ Videos

Resources are arranged alphabetically by title. Some of the resources listed may no longer be in print, but are often still available at LINC centres and public libraries. Web site addresses were active at the time these guidelines were printed. However, URLs often change and web searches may be required to locate them again. Other sources of information and resources:

1. Centre AlphaPlus Centre 2040 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M4S 1Z9 1-800-788-1120; http://www.alphaplus.ca Services provided are:

• books, audio tapes, videotapes, educational software (CD-ROMs), and periodicals

• mini-collections that can be sent to remote, isolated, and underserved communities in Ontario

• a database of information about programs and organizations involved in adult literacy and immigrant language training in Ontario

• short bibliographies on selected topics called Quick-Lists

• an index to web resources

2. Settlement.org: http://www.settlement.org Information useful for settlement workers, immigrants, and refugees about starting a new life in Ontario:

• general introductions to topics of concern to newcomers and settlement workers

• on-line documents (e.g., LINC documents, Citizenship and Immigration publications)

• a database of organizations and contact information

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92 LINC Curriculum Guidelines

]] Assessment and Evaluation

Assessing Adult Learners Susan Ainslie and Alwena Lamping. UK: Centre for Information on Language Training and Research, 1995.

Benchmarks Competency Assessment Training: A Guide to Assigning Student Benchmarks 2000 Bettie Baer and Anne Jones. Mississauga, Ont.: Centre for Language Training and Assessment (CLTA), Peel District School Board, 2000. http://www.clba.com/manual

Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 Grazyna Pawlikowska-Smith. Ottawa, Ont.: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, 2000. http://www.language.ca/home.html

Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000: A Guide to Implementation Tara Holmes et al. Ottawa: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, 2001.

Language Testing in Practice L. Bachman and A. Palmer. UK: Oxford University Press, 1996.

New Ways of Classroom Assessment J. D. Brown. Alexandria, Va.: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc., 1998.

On Target! A Resource Book of Assessment Tasks Referenced to the Canadian Language Benchmarks (Stage One and Stage Two) C. Mitra. Calgary, Alta.: Bow Valley College, 1999.

¨̈ Books

A Beginning Look at Canada Anne-Marie Kaskens. Scarborough, Ont: Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon Canada, 1998.

A Canadian Conversation Book, Books One and Two Tina Kasloff Carver et al. Scarborough, Ont: Prentice Hall Canada, 1993.

A Conversation Book, Revised Third Edition, Books 1 and 2 Tina Kasloff Carver and Sandra Douglas Fotinos. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1998.

A Grab Bag of Canada, 2001 A Grab Bag of Health, Second Revised Edition, 1999 A Grab Bag of Telephone Activities, Second Revised Edition, 1999 A Grab Bag of Socializing, 2000 A Grab Bag of Work, 1998 Elizabeth Ganong and Dan Ingram. Toronto: Grab Bag Publishing.

A New Start – Canada Mary Selman and Linda Mrowicki. Markham, Ont: Pippin Publishing Ltd., 1984.

A Toolbox for ESL Tutors Marlene Pionteck. Toronto: Frontier College Press, 2000. http://www.frontiercollege.ca/english/public/online/Toolbox/cover.htm

A Writing Book: English in Everyday Life, A Teacher’s Resource Book, Second Edition Tina Kasloff Carver et al. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1998.

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¨̈ Books (cont.)

All Sides of the Issue Elizabeth Coelho et al. USA: Alta Book Center Publishers, 1998.

Amazing! Interviews and Conversations Susan Bates. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Canada, 1993.

Amazing 2! Canadian Newspaper Stories Susan Bates. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon Canada, 1997.

Basic Grammar in Action, An Integrated Course in English B. Foley and E. Neblett. USA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 2001.

Being Canadian: Language for Citizenship Judy Cameron and Tracey Derwing. Canada: Prentice Hall Regents, 1996.

Brainwaves Mike Tiittanen. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Business Communication Games A. Lloyd and A. Preier. Canada: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Canada Coast to Coast Joan Acosta. Toronto: Nelson Canada, 1995.

Canada From Eh to Zed, Book 1: Things, 1994; Book Two: Places, 1995; Book Three: People, 1995; Book Four: Events, 1996 D. DeRooco and J. Chabot. Canada: Full Blast Productions.

Canada Works - ESL Teacher's Resource Guide J. Bond and G. Nicholson. Toronto: Workplace Training and Services, Toronto District School Board, 2000. http://alphaplus.ca/lincdoc/pdfs/CanWorks.pdf

Canada Year Book Statistics Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce, published annually.

Canadian Concepts 1 to 6, Second Edition Lynda Berish and Sandra Thibaudeau. Scarborough, Ont: Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon Canada, 1997.

Canadian Crossroads 1 to 3 Irene Frankel. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Canadian Currents Patricia M. Singh and Patricia A. Morrison. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Canadian Global Almanac Toronto: Macmillan Canada, published annually.

Communicating In The Real World: Developing Communication Skills for Business and the Professions T. Wiley and H. Spruck Wrigley. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1987.

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Classroom Resources ¨̈ Books (cont.)

Culturally Speaking R. Genzel and M. Cumming. USA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1993.

Day by Day: English for Employment Communication Steven Molinsky and Bill Bliss. Canada: Prentice Hall Regents, 1993.

English Extra Grace Tanaka and Kay Ferrell. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.

English for Living and Working in Canada D. McArthur. Toronto: Act of Learning Productions, 1993.

Expressways, Levels 1 to 4, Second Edition Steven Molinsky and Bill Bliss. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1996.

Famous People with Connections to Canada Joyce T. Gillett. Etobicoke, Ont.: Elinor’s Enterprises, 2001.

Foundations Steven Molinsky and Bill Bliss. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1996.

Gateway to Canada Virginia L. Sauvé. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Getting It Together, Books One and Two Vera Teophil Naber. Canada: Prentice Hall Regents, 1995.

Going Places 1 and 2 Eric Burton and Lois Maharg. USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., 1995.

Grammar Connections 1 to 3 Lynda Berish et al. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Regents Canada, 1995.

Great Ideas L. Jones and V. Kimbrough. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

I Can Do the Job Very Well M. Brand and A. Gallaugher. Toronto: Toronto Board of Education, 1994.

Interactions II Judith Tanka. USA: McGraw Hill, 1990.

Interchange 1 to 3, and Intro Jack Richards et al. USA: Cambridge University Press, 1991 and 1994.

Let’s Celebrate C. Parry. Toronto, Ont.: Kids Kan Press Ltd., 1988.

Let’s Talk, 1 to 3 Leo Jones. UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Let’s talk, let’s listen V. T. Naber. Toronto: ITP Nelson, 1998.

Let’s Work Safely L. Mrowicki. USA: Linmore Publishers Inc., 1984.

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¨̈ Books (cont.)

LINC Classroom Activities, LINC 1 to LINC 4 Marg Armstrong et al. Edmonton, Alta.: Edmonton Catholic Schools Lifelong Learning, 2001.

LINC Parenting Program Sharon Brunson et al. Toronto: Toronto District School Board, 2000. http://alphaplus.ca/lincdoc/lincpar.htm

Longman ESL Literacy Student Book, Second Edition Y. Wong Nishio. USA: Longman Publishing Group, 1998.

More Picture Stories: Language and Problem-Posing Activities for Beginners F. Lignon and E. Tannenbaum. New York: Longman, 1992.

National Directory of Service Companies Mississauga, Ont.: Dun and Bradstreet Canada, published annually.

National Occupational Classifications, Career Handbook Human Resources Partnerships Directorate. Ottawa: Human Resources Development Canada, 2001. http://www.worklogic.com:81/noc

New Interchange 1 to 3, and Intro Jack Richards et al. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Newcomer’s Resource Directory Hull: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Public Affairs Branch, 1996.

Ontario Reader 1997 to 2001 Guenter Zuern, ed. Toronto, Ont.: Newcomer Communications, published biannually.

People Express Carol Lipszyc. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Picture Stories: Language and Literacy Activities for Beginners F. Lignon and E. Tannenbaum. New York: Longman, 1990.

Picture Stories for Beginning Communication S. Heyer. USA: Prentice Hall, 1989.

Read On Canada P. Sharples and J. Clark. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Regents, 1995.

Scott’s Directories Don Mills, Ont.: Scott’s Directories, published annually.

Side by Side 1 to 4, Third Edition Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss. USA: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Steps to Employment: ESL Manuals to Orient Newcomers to Employment in Ontario LCRT Consulting. Toronto: Steps to Employment Project Steering Committee, 2001. http://alphaplus.ca/lincdoc/steps.htm

Take Charge Lucia Pietrusiak Engkent. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon Canada, 1997.

Take Part, Second Edition L. Pietrusiak Engkent and K. Bardy. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Canada, 1992.

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Planning 96 LINC Curriculum Guidelines

Classroom Resources ¨̈ Books (cont.)

Thank You For Calling Kristine Copkov. Toronto: Toronto Board of Education, Continuing Education, 1995.

The Canadian Encyclopedia: Year 2000 Edition James H. Marsh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2000.

The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary Margot Gramer. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994.

The Canadian Labour Market On-Line October (Janet) Fostey. Windsor, Ont.: New Canadians’ Centre/YMCA, 2001.

The Chicken Smells Good William Pickett. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1984.

The ESL Tool Box Mary Ormiston et al. Saskatoon, Sask.: University Extension Press, University of Saskatchewan, 1994.

The New Grammar in Action 1 B. Foley and E. Neblett. USA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1998.

The Official Canadian Fax Directory Toronto: Queen West Publishing, 1996.

The Oxford Picture Dictionary, Canadian Edition N. Shapiro and J. Adelson-Goldstein. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1999.

The Pizza Tastes Great William Pickett. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1988.

Through the Looking Glass: A Workbook to Use with Canada Works J. Bond and G. Nicholson. Toronto: Workplace Training and Services, Toronto District School Board, 2000. http://wwwsettlementorg/downloads/Looking_Glass_Workbookpdf

Understanding Community Resources M. Brand et al. Toronto: Toronto Board of Education, Continuing Education Department, 1995.

Untangling the Web, A New Canadian’s Guide to Accessing the Internet October (Janet) Fostey. Windsor, Ont.: New Canadians’ Centre/YMCA, 2001.

What Color is Your Parachute? R. N. Bolles. USA: Ten Speed Press, updated annually.

When’s the Next Canadian Holiday? Donna Langevin. Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Resources for ESL, 1996.

Word by Word Picture Dictionary S. Molinsky and B. Bliss. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon Canada, 1997.

Words We Use Barbara Bowers and John Godfrey. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Canada, 1992.

Working Skills For Immigrant Women Florence Guy. Toronto, Ont.: Working Skills Centre of Ontario, 1990.

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22 Brochures and Pamphlets

A Look at Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2001. http://wwwcicgcca/english/citizen/look/look-00ehtml

A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada Citizenship and Immigration. Ottawa: Distribution Services, Communications Branch, CIC, 1997. Fax: (613) 954-2221 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomer/guide/new-toce.html

Bok Choy, Black Beans, Bananas…:A Newcomer’s Guide to Healthy Eating Lesley Glazer. Toronto: Access Alliance Multicultural Community Health, 2000. http://www.settlement.org/sys/library_detail.asp?PageID=HE&passed_lang=EN&doc_id=1002586

Canada Prospects Human Resources Development Canada. Ottawa: Canada Career Consortium, published annually. http://www.careerccc.org/canadaprospects

Canada: A Cultural Profile Peigi T. Rockwell. Toronto: AMNI Centre at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 2001. Fax: (416) 978-7072 http://cwr.uToronto.ca/cultural/english

Canada’s Food Guide Health Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services, 1992. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/nutrition/pube/foodguid/index.html

Canadian by Choice Liza Linklater. Ottawa: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 1994.

Canadian Human Rights Act: A Guide Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission, 1998. Ontario region office: 1-800-999-6899, Fax: (416) 973-6184 http://www.chrc-ccdp.ca (Publications)

Family Violence is Abuse Rasminder Dosanjh and Perminder Bharaj. Burnaby, B.C.: TESL Canada. Tel/Fax: (604) 298-0312

Government of Canada Services for You Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Canada, 2000. 1-800-O-Canada, 1-800-622-6232 http://www.infocan.gc.ca/national-guide/main_e.html

Helping You Bank, Managing Money Toronto: Canadian Bankers Association 1998. 1-800-263-0231, E-mail: [email protected] http://www.cba.ca/eng/Publications/pubs_index.htm

How Canadians Govern Themselves Senator E. Forsey. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, 2001. Public Information Office, House of Commons, 1-866-599-4999 http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/process/library/forsey/toc-e.htm

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98 LINC Curriculum Guidelines

22 Brochures and Pamphlets (cont.)

It’s Your Right J. Bell and M. Holt. Hull, Que.: The Aboriginal People’s & Human Rights Directorate, 1988. (819) 953-6112, Fax: (819)-994-5252, E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Transportation of Ontario publications Ready for Ontario’s Roads: Newcomer’s Guide to Graduated Licensing School Bus Safety – A Resource Guide School Bus Stopping Law Winter Driving The Driver’s Handbook Downsview, Ont.: Ministry of Transportation, Safety Policy Branch. (416) 235-3585 http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/pubs/index.html

Ontario Job Futures Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and Human Resources Development Canada, Ontario Region. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2000. http://www.on.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/english/lmi/eaid/ojf

Symbols of Canada Canadian Heritage. Ottawa: Canadian Government Publishing, Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1999.

Take Charge - Self-Help Series Human Resources Development Canada. Ottawa: Human Resources Development Canada. Fax: (819) 953-7260, E-mail: [email protected] http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca (type title in the search box)

Teaching Human Rights in Ontario Ontario Human Rights Commission. Toronto, Ont.: Publications Ontario, 1996. 1-800-387-9080, E mail: [email protected] http://www.ohrc.on.ca/english/index.shtml (Public Education)

The Tenant’s Survival Manual Toronto: Federation of Metro Tenants’ Association, 2001. (416) 921-9494, ext. 21, E-mail: [email protected]

This Land is Our Life: Our Daily Bread Yellowknife, NWT: Department of Renewable Resources, 1986.

Welcome to Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomer/welcome/index.html

:: CALL Resources

Computer Assisted Language Learning: A Software Guide for the LINC Classroom Sharon Rajabi and Pat Witol. Toronto: Toronto Catholic District School Board, 2000. http://alphaplus.ca/lincdoc/Software/TOC.htm

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:: CALL Resources (cont.) http://www.vancestevens.com/esl_home.htm A Web Resource for CALL Lab Managers and for Teachers and Learners of Languages Online Vance Stevens, Amideast, UAE/MLI Project, Washington, DC.

Byte into English, Bringing English and Computer Skills Together, Preliminary Skills, LINC 2, LINC 3 Pat Alexander. Edmonton, Alta.: Edmonton Catholic Schools Lifelong Learning, 2001.

http://collections.ic.gc.ca/orlac Computer Resources for ESL Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, 1998.

http://edvista.com/claire/call.html Computer-Assisted Language Learning Claire Bradin Siskin, Henderson Language Media Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn, 2001.

Internet for English Teaching M Warschauer, et al. USA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2000.

Keystrokes to Literacy: Using the Computer as a Learning Tool for Adult ESL Beginning ReadersAntonia Stone. USA: National Textbook Company, 1991.

Processing Words: Computer Supported Language Lessons for ESL Learners Mary Hall and George Stewart. Toronto, Ont.: M. Hall, 1996.

http://www.history-of-call.org The History of CALL Philippe Delocloque, University of Abertay, Scotland, 2000.

³³ ESL Software

Community Exploration Compass Learning, San Diego, Calif., 1995.

ELLIS-Intro, Middle Mastery, Senior Mastery, Master Pronunciation CALI, Inc. USA, 1998. http://ellis.com

English Express ACT Laboratory, Richmond, BC, 1995. http://www.nas.ca/English.htm

Explore Canada TVLT New Media Language Training, Ottawa, Ont., 1998.

Focus on Grammar Exceller Software Corp, USA. http://www.exceller.com

Pronunciation Power English Computerized Learning Inc, Edmonton, AB, 1996. http://www.englishlearning.com

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100 LINC Curriculum Guidelines

³³ ESL Software (cont.)

Tense Buster Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, Hong Kong, 1997. http://www.clarity.com.hk

Tell Me More Pro USA: Auralog Inc., 2001. http://www.auralog.com/us/tellmemore.html

The Rosetta Stone Language Library, English I and II Fairfield Language Technologies, USA, 1993–1996. http://www.rosettastone.com

Triple Play Plus Syracuse Language Systems, USA, 1992–96.

&& ESL Theory “Communicative Competence: A pedagogically motivated model with content specifications” Celce-Murcia, Dörnyei, and Thurrell. Issues in Applied Linguistics 6:5-35, 1997.

Communicative Competence Theory and Classroom Practice, Texts and Context in Second Language Learning S. Savignon. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 1997.

Issues and Options in Language Teaching H. Stern. UK: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Learner-Centredness as Language Education I. Tudor. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Second Language Acquisition Research and Language Teaching R. Ellis. UK: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Tasks and Language Learning: Integrating Theory and Practice G. Crookes and S. Gass, eds. UK: Multilingual Matters, 1993.

Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language M. Celce-Murcia. USA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1991.

The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development J. D. Brown. Boston, Mass.: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1995.

“Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing” M. Canale and M. Swain. Applied Linguistics, 1:1-47, 1980.

Voices and Visions: Issues, Challenges and Alternatives in Teaching Adult ESL V. Sauvé. Canada: Oxford University Press, 2000.

OO Listening Resources http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/bllisteningquiz.htm?once=true& About.com Listening Quizzes

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OO Listening Resources (cont.)

CLB Listening/Speaking Resource Lisa Petit and Valerie Unwin. Winnipeg, Man.: Committee for Assessment of Language in Manitoba, 1998.

http://www.iei.uiuc.edu/lcra Lingua Center Interactive Listening Comprehension Practice

http://www.esl-lab.com Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab

http://www.voanews.com/SpecialEnglish/index.cfm VOA Radio.com Special English

�� Pronunciation Resources

A Course in Phonetics, Fourth Edition Peter Ladefoged. USA: Harcourt Brace, 2001.

Accurate English: A Complete Course in Pronunciation Rebecca M Dauer. USA: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Clear Speech: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English Judy Gilbert. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Current Perspectives on Pronunciation Joan Morley. Washington, DC: TESOL, 1987.

Jazz Chants Carolyn Graham. USA: Oxford University Press, 1978.

Pronunciation Pairs A. Baker and S. Goldstein. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Sound Advantage: A Pronunciation Book Stacy A. Hagen and Patricia E. Grogan. USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1992.

Sounds Great: Intermediate Pronunciation and Speaking B. Beisbier. USA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1995.

http://www.soundsofenglish.org/index.html Sounds of English Sharon Widmayer and Holly Gray, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Teaching American English Pronunciation Peter Avery and Susan Ehrlich. UK: Oxford University Press, 1992

Teaching Pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages M. Celce-Murcia et al. USA: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

http://www.public.iastate.edu/~jlevis/SPRIS TESOL Speech/Pronunciation Interest Group

http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/ESL/Pronunciation The Internet TESL Journal’s List of Pronunciation Links

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102 LINC Curriculum Guidelines

¸̧ Videos

Are You Ready? Looking for Work in Canada London Language Training Council. London, Ont.: Kem Murch Productions, Inc., 1998. London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (519) 432-1133

Canada: A People’s History Canadian Broadcast Corporation. Toronto, Ont.: CBC Radio-Canada, 2001.

Canada 2: The Train Journey Anne Martin. Toronto: Morningstar Entertainment, 1994.

CBC News in Review Canadian Broadcast Corporation. Toronto, Ont.: CBC Educational Sales, issued 10 times a year from September to May.

Crosstalk British Broadcasting Corporation. UK: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1979.

Education in Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Ottawa: Ministry of Supplies and Services, 1995.

National Film Board of Canada Many titles are available at public libraries and some video stores. 1-800-267-7710, Fax: (514) 283-7564 http://www.nfb.ca

Across Generations, 1993 Deadly Deposits, 1996 Dinner for Two, 1987 George and Rosemary, 1992 Green Talk, 1962 My Financial Career, 1996 Neighbours, 1952 Netsilik Eskimo, 1987

Planes, Trains and Automania, 1996 Speaking of Canada, 1992 The Big Snit, 1985 The Blue Dog Safety Video, 1996 Every Dog's Guide to Complete Home Safety, 1991 Every Dog's Guide to the Playground, 1986 The Sweater, 1980

Looking for Work in Canada: Strategies for New Canadians: Part 1, The Preparation; Part 2, The Search; Part 3, The Interview Kathleen McLaughlin et al. London, Ont.: Kem Murch Production, 1994. http://alphaplus.ca/lincdoc/looking.htm

On Top of the World: Canada 1 Anne Martin. Toronto: Morningstar Entertainment, 1992.

Over Canada Gary McCartie. Toronto: Jim Pattison Group, 1999.

Working in Canada: A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Montreal: Stonehaven Productions, 1994.

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