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  • The 3 Steps of Oral Presentation ProcessPlan your PresentationAnalyze: Study purpose, lay out schedule & profile audience.Investigate: Gather needed info through formal & informal Research methodsAdapt: adapt to occasion & audience then establish a good relationship with your audience

    Write Your PresentationOrganize: Define main idea, limit the scope, choose approach, prepare outline & decide on styleCompose: Compose according to intro body conclusion Q/A

    Complete Your PresentationReviseProduceProofread

  • 5 tips for Making Presentation Around the WorldSpeak slowly & DistinctlyRepeat key wordsAim for clarityCommunicate with body languageSupport oral msg with visual aids

  • 5 Ways to Get Attention & Keep ItUse humorTell a StoryPass around a sampleAsk a questionState a startling Statistis

  • Mastering the Art of DeliveryMemorizingReadingSpeaking from NotesImpromptu Speaking:If u r called to speak unexpectedly take a moment to think through what ull say.Speak on ur groundPractice indeed makes perfect

  • Overcoming AnxietyTwo ways to overcome anxiety:

    Feeling More ConfidentPrepare more material than necessaryRehearseThink positivelyVisualize your successTake a few deep breathsBe comfortableDont panicKeep goingAppearing More ConfidentDont rush on opening: walk slowly stand straight speak only when u find attentive faceUse eye-contact, posture, gesture

  • Preparing to SpeakIn addition to know the material & practicing delivery do the following:1st, know ur location, ensure u will get everything ull need 2nd, make sure u r prepare to address the audience of other cultureIf necessary use interpreter3rd, locate light switches, flip chart, set microphone properly

  • Handling QuestionsFocus on the QuestionerPay attention to body language, facial expression to help determine what the person really meansNod head to acknowledge the questionThen repeat it aloud to conform ur understanding & to ensure entire audience has heard itIf the question is vague ask for clarificationThen give simple and direct answer

  • Handling QuestionsRespond AppropriatelyBe sure to answer the Q u r askedDont sidestep it, ignore it, or laugh it offDont say more than you need to If the answer takes too much timetell him Im sorry it will need too much time but Ill really appreciate if u meet me after presentationIf u do not know answer..say SorryRemember u dont need to answer all the question u r asked for

  • Handling QuestionsMaintain ControlControl the Q/A session by establishing some ground rules up front may be like setting the time limit or question limit per personSurvive the Hot SeatIf any question put u on a hot seat..be honest keep ur coollook @ the persondont show ur feelingAnswer the question n dont get into argument.If the answer is too complicated..answer simply & move on to next question

  • Handling QuestionsMotivate QuestionsIf ur audience r too timid u must plan some of ur ownConclude PresentationWhen allotted time is up, call a halt to the Q/A sessionPrepare the audience for the end by saying Our time is almost up..lets have some more questionAfter answering g the last question summarize the main idea, conclude with strong notes & thank people for their attentionConclude the way you openedby looking around the room & making ur eye contact Then gather ur notes & leave the podium shoulder straight head up

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