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Page 1: Plant Hormones and the Endocrine System

Plant Hormones and the Endocrine SystemChapters 39 and 45 (in brief)Campbell • Reece

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Cell Communication in Plants

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Response2 main types of responses:

Increased or decreased transcription of mRNA to make enzymes

Activation of existing enzymes

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Plant Hormones AKA Plant Growth Regulator Almost all aspects of plant growth and

development are under hormonal control to some degree

A single hormone may regulate many different processes

Multiple hormones may influence a single process

Response depends mostly on the amount of a hormone compared with other hormones

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Plant TropismsGrowth response toward or

away from stimuliPhototropism – response to

lightGravitropism – response to

gravityThigmotropism – response

to touch

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Hormones in Animals A molecule that is secreted into the

extracellular fluid, circulates in the blood or hemolymph, and communicates regulatory messages throughout the body

Hormones elicit a specific response from its target cells, but cells lacking the receptor for that hormone are unaffected

Endocrine system – regulates reproduction, development, energy metabolism, growth, and behavior

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Types of Signaling Molecules Hormones – secreted by endocrine cells

or glands Travel via blood or hemolymph throughout

body Local regulators – reach target cells

solely by diffusion Paracrine signaling – target cells lie near

secreting cell Autocrine signaling – target cell is itself

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Types of Signaling Molecules Neurotransmitters – cross synapses Neurohormones – specialized neurons

secrete molecules into the bloodstream to reach target cells

Pheromones – chemicals that are released into the external environment

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Chemical Classes of Hormones

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Cellular Response Pathways Water-soluble hormones travel freely

through the bloodstream, bind to cell-surface signal receptors Change molecules in the cytoplasm OR

regulate gene transcription Lipid-soluble hormones travel in the

bloodstream bound to transport proteins, diffuse across the membrane, bind to an intracellular signal receptor Regulates gene transcription

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Multiple Effects of Hormones Many hormones

create more than one type of response in the body

The type of response depends on the molecules that receive or produce the response

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Negative Feedback

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Positive Feedback

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