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Page 1: Plant Physiology Chapter I to v and More


Plant Cell

Despite their great diversity in form and size, all plants carry out similar physiological processes. All plant tissues, organs, and whole organisms show a growth polarity, being derived from axial or radial polarity of cell division of meristems.

Plant Life: Unifying Principles

Though there is distinct diversity among plants in size and forms but all Plants convert solar energy to chemical energy; use growth instead of motility to obtain resources; have vascular systems; have rigid structures; and have mechanisms to avoid desiccation.

Overview of Plant Structure

All plants carry out fundamentally similar processes and have a common body plan.

Two categories of seed plants:

Gymnosperms (Gk. ‘naked seed’): Less advanced type.

Angiosperms (Gk. ‘vessel seed’): More advanced type of seed plant

Because of their rigid cell walls, which are cemented with each other by a middle lamella, plant development depends solely on patterns of cell division and cell enlargement.

Two types of cell walls:

Primary cell wall: Thin; characteristic of young and growing cells

Secondary cell wall: Thicker and stronger than primary cell wall; deposited when most cell enlargement has ended; lignin is its major component; adjoining simple pits in two adjacent cell walls give rise pit-pairs

Nearly all mitosis and cytokinesis occurs in meristems.

Apical meristem: The most active meristems; located at the stem and the root tip; at the node, axillary buds contain the apical meristems for branch shoots; lateral roots arise from the pericycle.

Cell differentiation occurs only after the completion of cell elongation process.


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Dermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue are three major tissue systems present in all plant organs.

Plant Cell Organelles

Three categories of cell organelles:

The endomembrane system- Endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, golgi apparatus, vacuole, endosomes and plasma membrane.

Independently dividing organelles derived from the endomembrane system- Oil bodies, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes

Independently dividing, semiautonomous organelles- Plastids and mitochondria.

In addition to cell walls and plasma membrane plant cells contain compartments derived from the endomembrane system.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria are not derived from the endomembrane system.

The endomembrane system plays a central role in secretory processes, membrane recycling, and the cell cycle.

The composition and fluid-mosaic structure of the plasma membrane permits regulation of transport into and out of the cell.

Proteins make up about half of the membrane’s mass but the composition of the lipid components and the properties of the proteins vary from membrane to membrane.

Phospholipids: Amphipathic; composed of a hydrophilic head group (serine/choline/glycerol/inositol), glycerol and two (14-24 Carbon long) hydrophobic fatty acid tails.

Glycosylglycerides: Substituted membrane component of plastids for phospholipids. The difference is the head group; encompasses galactose/digalactose/sulfated galactose, without a phosphate group as its polar head.

The double bonds of the unsaturated fatty acids create a kink in the chain thereby promoting membrane fluidity. Thus plants can produce a higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid at cold temperatures.


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Proteins: Three types of proteins are associated with the lipid bilayer:

Integral proteins: Embedded in the lipid bilayer; one part interacts with outer side of the cell, middle part interacts with the hydrophobic core of the membrane and a third part interacts with cytosol; serve as ion channels.

Peripheral proteins: Bound to the membrane surface by noncovalent bonds thus can be dissociated from the membrane with high-salt solutions and/or chaotropic agents. They are involved in interactions between the plasma membrane and components of the cytoskeleton.

Anchored proteins: Covalently attached to the lipid molecules of the membrane surface.

The Endomembrane System

The endomembrane system conveys both membrane and cargo proteins to diverse organelles.

The specialized membranes of the nuclear envelope are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a component of the endomembrane system.

Octagonally arranged nucleoporin proteins in the nuclear membrane forms nuclear pores which connects the nucleoplasm with the cytoplasm.

The nucleus is the site of storage, replication, and transcription of the chromatin, as well as being the site for the synthesis of ribosomes.

The nucleus contains the majority of the genetic material. It stores and replicates the chromosomes, composed of chromatin (a DNA-protein complex)

To be packaged within the small nucleus, segment of linear double helix of DNA are coiled twice around a solid cylinder of eight histone protein molecules, forming a nucleosome. DNA and histones, together with other proteins that bind to the DNA, are called chromatin.

During mitosis, the chromatin condenses, first by coiling tightly into a 30-nm chromatin fiber, with six nucleosomes per turn, followed by further folding and packing processes that depend on interactions between proteins and nucleic acids.

Two types of chromatin are distinguishable, based on their degree of condensation; heterochromatin (highly compact and transcriptionally inactive form of chromatin; accounting for about 10% of the DNA) and euchromatin (dispersed and transcriptionally active form). Only 10% of the euchromatin is transcriptionally active at any given time.


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Most of the heterochromatin is concentrated along the periphery of the nuclear membrane and is associated with regions of the chromosome containing few genes, such as telomeres and centromeres.

The chromosomes reside in specific regions of the nucleoplasm.

During the cell cycle chromatin undergoes dynamic structural changes. Heterochromatic regions can be converted to euchormatic regions, and vice versa, by the addition or removal of functional groups on the histone proteins. Such global changes in the genome can give rise to stable changes in the DNA sequences are referred to as epigenetic regulation.

Nucleolus is a densely granular region encompassed by nucleus its number may vary from cell to cell though a typical cell contain only one. It is the site of ribosome synthesis.

The nucleolus includes portions of one or more chromosomes where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes are clustered to form a nucleolar organizer region.

The nucleolus assembles the proteins and rRNA of the ribosome into a large and a small subunit, each exiting the nucleus separately through the nuclear pores. They unite in the cytoplasm to form a complete ribosome. Assembled ribosomes are protein-synthesizing machines.

Transcription, Synthesis of an RNA polymer bearing a base sequence that is complementary to a specific gene, gives rise to a pre-mRNA which after splicing processed as mature mRNA to be decoded to protein (translation).

The ER is a system of membrane-bound tubules that form a complex and dynamic structure.

The rough ER (RER) is involved in synthesis of proteins that enter the lumen of the ER. Actually, the membrane bound ribosomes gives the rough appearance of RER. The smooth ER is the site of lipid biosynthesis.

The ER provides the membrane and internal cargo for the other compartments of the endomembrane system.

The ER and plastids are able to add new membrane directly through lipid and protein synthesis. For other organelles, however, the addition of new membrane occurs primarily through the process of fusion with other membranes.

As membranes are fluid, new membrane constituents can be transferred to the existing membrane even if the new membrane subsequently separates from the existing membrane by fission.


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Early in translation, as they are being synthesized with the signal peptide sequence at amino-terminal end of the chain, a signal recognition particle (SRP) made up of protein and RNA binds both to this hydrophobic leader and to the ribosome, interrupting translation.

Secretory proteins enter the lumen of the RER (cotranslational insertion). From the RER, vesicles transport these proteins to the Golgi, where they are sequentially modified and concentrated in a cis-to-trans direction.

Secretory vesicles bud from the Golgi move along cytoskeletal filaments to eventually fuse with the plasma membrane, secreting their protein cargo. Each of these transport steps requires specialized proteins to ensure that the cargo is sent to the proper location and is able to fuse with the target membrane. (For animation click here1)

Glycoproteins and polysaccharides destined for secretion are processed in the Golgi apparatus.

During endocytosis, membrane is removed from the plasma membrane by formation of small clathrin-coated vesicles.

The vacuolar membrane, the tonoplast, contains proteins and lipids that are synthesized initially in the ER.

Endocytosis from the plasma membrane provides membrane recycling.

Independently Dividing Organelles Derived from the Endomembrane System

Oil bodies grow and proliferate independently of the endomembrane system.

Microbodies, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes, surrounded by a single membrane play specialized metabolic roles in leaves and seeds like β-oxidation of fatty acids and the metabolism of glyoxylate.

Peroxisomes develop directly from glyoxysomes at least in greening cotyledons.

Independently Dividing, Semiautonomous Organelles

Mitochondria and chloroplasts each have an inner and an outer membrane.

Mitochondria, capable of fission and fusion, are the cellular sites of respiration. The inner membrane contains a proton-pumping ATP-synthase.

1 http://bit.ly/eKf8Ti


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Chloroplast membranes contain chlorophyll and its associated proteins and are the sites of photosynthesis. Third membrane system inside chloroplast is thylakoids which encompasses proteins and pigments that function in the in photochemical events of photosynthesis.

Plastids may contain high concentrations of pigments or starch. Plastids with high concentrations of caretenoid pigments, rather than chlorophyll, are called chromoplasts. They are responsible for the yellow, orange, or red colors of many fruits, flowers and autumn leaves.

The most important type of leucoplast (nonpigmented plastid) is the amyloplast, a starch storing plastid which is abundant in the storage tissues of shoots and roots, and in seeds. Specialized amyloplasts in the root cap also serve as gravity sensors which gives geotropic nature to the root.

Proplastids, contained by meristem cells, pass through distinct developmental stages to form specialized plastids.

In angiosperms and some gymnosperms, chloroplast development from proplastids is triggered by light. Upon illumination, enzymes are formed inside the proplastid or imported from cytosol; light absorbing pigments are produced; and membranes proliferate rapidly, giving rise to stroma lamellae and grana stacks.

Usually seeds germinate in the soil in the dark, thus their proplastids mature into chloroplasts only when the young shoot is exposed to light. If, instead, germinated seedlings are kept in the dark, the proplastids differentiate into etioplasts, which contain prolamellar bodies (semicrystalline tubular arrays of membrane). Instead of chlorophyll, etioplasts contain a pale yellow-green precursor pigment, protochlorophyllide.

Within minutes after exposure to light, an etioplast differentiates, converting the prolamellar body into thylakoids and stroma lamellae, and protochlorophyllide into chlorophyll. During extended periods of darkness, mature chloroplasts can revert to etioplasts. Likewise, under different environmental conditions, they can be converted to chromoplasts, as in autumn leaves and ripening fruit.

In plastids and mitochondria, DNA replication and fission are regulated independently of nuclear division but they need nuclear-encoded proteins to divide. They can also increase in size without dividing in order to meet energy or photosynthetic demand.


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The Plant Cytoskeleton A three-dimensional network of microtubules and microfilaments organizes the


Microtubules and microfilaments can assemble and disassemble. Both of them are polarized, i.e., two ends are different.

Actin binding proteins (ABPs) in microfilaments and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in microtubules determine the stability of their structure. A subset of these ABPs and MAPs stabilize microfilaments and microtubules, respectively, and prevent their depolymerization.

Microtubules are dynamically unstable and its catastrophic depolymerization is much more rapid than the rate of polymerization.

Once polymerized, microtubules can migrate laterally around the cell periphery in the cortical cytoplasm by “treadmilling”. During this process, tubulin heterodimers are added to the growing plus end at the same rate as tubulin is being lost from the minus end. This is why the microtubule appears to move through the cytoplasm, although, in fact, it is not actually moving.

Molecular motors associated with components of the cytoskeleton move organelles throughout the cytoplasm.

During cytoplasmic streaming, interaction of the F-actin with myosin provides for independent movement of organelles, including chloroplasts.

Cytoplasmic streaming may be regulated either developmentally (e.g. migration of the nucleus to the site where tip growth occurs during root hair formation in root epidermal cells) or environmentally (e.g. repositioning of leaf chloroplasts which either maximizes or reduces exposure to light). But it is mediated by motor proteins in both cases.

Cell Cycle Regulation[ For video tutorials click here2 or here3 or here4 or here5 (humorous) and for interactive animation click here6 or here7]

The cell cycle, during which cells replicate their DNA and reproduce themselves, consists of four phases.


2 http://bit.ly/i60rWV 3 http://bit.ly/faYhFh 4 http://bit.ly/eUduxW 5 http://bit.ly/gvuXCe 6 http://bit.ly/dI1wpT 7 http://bit.ly/gFXhn3


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G1 phase: Newly formed daughter cell has not yet replicated its DNA; assembly of pre-replication complex at the origin of replication along chromatin. If there is a large central vacuole, it is divided into two by a coalescence of cytoplasmic transvascular strands which contain the nucleus.

S phase: DNA is replicated

G2 phase: Cell with replicated DNA has not yet proceeded to mitosis; prepares for mitosis.

M phase/Mitosis: Cell divides into two and the plane of cell division bisects the enlarged vacuole; chromosome starts condensing; chromatids are held together by a protein, ‘cohesins’ at the centromeric region. An active enzyme, ‘separase’ must cleave cohesins to separate chromatids.

Prophase: Initiation of spindle formation; nuclear envelope remains intact; disappearance of nucleolus.

Metaphase: Reorganization and re-assimilation of the nuclear envelope into the ER; alignment of chromosomes at metaphase plate; attachment of spindle microtubule to the kinetochore of centromere.

Anaphase: Shorteinig of kinetochore microtubule; sliding of polar microtubules to increase spindle size; pulling of separated chromatids toward poles

Telophase: reformation of nuclear envelope; appearance of phragmoplast which organizes the region of the cytoplasm where cytokinesis takes place.

Cytokinesis: complete decondensing of chromosomes; establishment of cell plate, a precursor of the cross-wall that will separate the two daughter cells; presence of KNOLLE, a protein of SNARE family, which is involved in vesicle fusion and dynamin, which is involved in vesicle formation. Trapping of ER tubules in plasmalemma-lined membrane channels spanning the plate, thus connecting the two daughter cells.

G1 and G2 phases are the checkpoints in plant cell. Thus at these phases plant cells can leave the cell division cycle giving rise to endoreduplication.

Cell cycle is regulated by cyclins and cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdks).

Successful mitosis and cytokinesis require the participation of both microtubules and the endomembrane system.


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Tubular extensions of the plasma membrane traverse the cell wall and connect the cytoplasm of clonally derived cells, allowing water and small molecules to move between cells without crossing a membrane (called symplastic transport). Cytoplasms of interconnected cells form a continuum referred to as the symplast.

Primary and secondary plasmodesmata help to maintain tissue developmental gradients. Primary plasmodesmata form cytoplasmic connections between clonally derived cells while secondary ones form cytoplasmic connections between non-clonally related cells.

Plays important role in nutrition as well as in developmental signaling.

~~End of Chapter I~~


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Genome Organization and Gene Expression

Genotype, epigenetic modifications, and environmental interactions determine the phenotype of a plant. To understand thoroughly a plant’s physiology requires understanding how genotype is translated into phenotype. Plant cells contain three genomes: the nuclear genome, and two smaller genomes in the chloroplasts and mitochondria.

Nuclear Genome Organization

The major protein components of the chromatin are histones, around which the DNA is wound.

Heterochromatin (often highly repetitive DNA sequences) is transcriptionally less active than euchromatin. It includes the centromeres, several so-called knobs and the regions immediately adjacent to the telomeres, known as the subtelomeric regions.

Heterochromatic structures often consist of highly repetitive DNA sequences, or tandem repeats: blocks of nucleotide motifs of about 150-180 bp that are repeated over and over.

A second class of repeats is the dispersed repeats. One type of dispersed repeat is known as simple sequence repeats (SSR) or microsatellites which consist of sequence motifs as short as two nucleotides that are repeated hundreds or even thousands of times. Another dominant group of dispersed repeats found in heterochromatin is the jumping genes or transposons.

Centromeres are constrictions of the chromosomes where sister chromatids adhere to each other and where spindle fibers attach during cell division. The attachment of fibers to the centromere is mediated by the kinetochore, a protein complex surrounding the centromere.

Centromere consists of highly repetitive DNA regions and inactive transposable elements.

Transposons or transposable elements are mobile DNA sequences within the nuclear genome. Some can insert themselves in location within the genome. Thus they are also known as jumping genes.

Transposons are of two classes: 1. retransposons, and 2. DNA transposons.


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Retrotransposons make an RNA copy of themselves, which is when everse-transcribed into DNA before it is inserted elsewhere in the genome. Thus it multiplies within the genome using copy-and-paste mechanism.

DNA transposons move from one position to another using a cut-and-paste mechanism catalyzed by an enzyme, transposase, which is encoded within the transposons sequence. Thus, in most cases total transposons copy number remains the same in this case.

Transposition into a gene can result in mutations.

Positions of transposons Mutation

Within a gene Gene may be inactivated

Upstream and close to a gene i) Disruption of gene’s normal regulatory elements, preventing transcription

ii) Increment of gene transcription as transposons often carry promoters.

Active transposons can significantly damage their host, though a low level of mutagenesis could be advantageous to a species which could bring about the novel variation necessary to enable the species to adapt to a changing environment. In contrast, if transposition rate is high, resulting in individuals with many mutations, at least some of those mutations are likely to be deleterious and to decrease the overall fitness of the species. But most mobile elements are inactivated by epigenetic modifications, such as methylation.

Methylation of DNA and methylation and acetylation of histones play a role in determining whether chromatin is hetero- or euchromatic.

Many plant species are polyploid, either due to exact genome duplication (autopolyploidy) or due to hybridization of two species followed by genome duplication (allopolyploidy)

Phenotypic and physiological responses to polyploidy are often unpredictable.

Polyploids have multiple complete genomes; this altered genomic balance can phenotypically distinguish polyploids, especially allopolyploids, from their parents, and may result in reproductive isolation and speciation. Polyploidy is therefore an important evolutionary mechanism.


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Plant Cytoplasmic Genomes: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Cytoplasmic genomes are probably the evolutionary remnants of the genomes of

bacterial cells that were engulfed by another cell.

In both organelles many genes required for proper chloroplast or mitochondrial function are no longer encoded in the organellar genome itself but over evolutionary time have been transferred to the nucleus of modern plants.

Organellar genomes are complex in structure as the DNA molecules can be highly branched resembling a bush and they usually consist of multiple copies of the genome on the same DNA molecule.

Organellar genetics do not obey Mendelian laws but usually show uniparental inheritance and vegetative segregation or sorting out.

Transcriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression Gene activity is regulated on several levels: transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and


For protein-coding genes, RNA Polymerase II binds to the promoter region upstream to a gene, and requires general transcription factors and other regulatory proteins to initiate gene transcription.

Proximal promoter sequences (the core promoter for gene) extends abput 100 bp upstream of the transcription initiation site. It includes TATA box (at about 25-35 bp upstream), CAAT box (at about 80 bp upstream) and GC box (at about 100 bp upstream).

Distal regulatory sequences, usually located within 1000 bp upstream of the transcription initiation site, bind either with activators (positively acting transcription factors) or with repressors (negatively acting transcription factors) and exert its influence on transcription.

Besides, enhancers (distantly located, may be tens of thousands of base pairs away, either upstream or downstream from the promoter) also regulates the transcription.

Transcription is initiated when RNA polymerase gets phosphorylated. It then separates from the ignition complex and proceeds along the antisense, or complementary strand of DNA in 3’ to 5’ direction.

Epigenetic modifications, such as methylation of DNA and methylation and acetylation of histone proteins, help determine gene activity.[Please click here8 to view animated video of RNAi]

8 http://bit.ly/eS7QIM


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Posttranscriptional Regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression

RNA-binding proteins may either stabilize mRNA or promote its degradation by binding to the cis-elements (certain sequence within the mRNA molecule)

The RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, which involves several types of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), is posttranscriptional response that leads to the silencing of specific transcription.

RNAi pathway is a set of cellular reactions to the presence of dsRNA molecules. Either the presence of microRNAs (miRNAs) or short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or foreign RNAs can trigger this pathway.

The dsRNAs are chopped up into small 21- to 24- nucleotide RNAs by Dicer (an Rnase-III), which along with other essential elements (TRBP, Argonaute and Dicer itself) forms a RNA-induced Silencing Complex (RISC). Then unwinding and exclusion of sense strand occurs. The single-stranded antisense strand guides RISC to mRNA that has complementary sequence, which results in the enconucleolytic cleavage of the target mRNA by Argonaute thereby bringing about the silencing of gene that is dependent on the product of the cleaved mRNA.

The miRNAs and siRNAs are different in certain points-

miRNAs are longer than siRNAs.

siRNAs are the pure antisense strand that is fully complement to the target mRNA while miRNAs are partially complement.

siRNAi brings about the complete silencing and degradation of target mRNA but miRNAi doesn’t lead to mRNA degradation but reduces its translation.

siRNAs can enter into the nucleus and help to keep heterochromatin transcriptionally inactive, or act as a molecular immune system against viruses while miRNAs can’t.

Foreign dsRNAs also enters to the same stepwise pathways as above either as siRNAs or miRNAs.


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Posttranslational regulation of Nuclear Gene Expression

Proteins tagged with a small polypeptide called ubiquitin are targeted for destruction by the proteasome.

Ubiquitination (addition of one or many molecules of ubiquitin to a protein), is initiated when the ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) catalyzes the ATP-dependent adenylylation of C terminus of ubiquitin. It is, then, transferred to a cysteine residue on a second enzyme, the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2). Finally, the ubiquitin is transferred to a lysine residue of a protein bound enzyme, a ubiquitin ligase (E3). The ubiquitinated protein is then targeted to the proteasome for degradation.

Tools for Studying Gene Function

Complementation (pin pointing the gene responsible for particular phenotype via comparison between the mutant and wild types); X-ray or ultraviolet ray irradiation and chemotherapy; and transposons tagging (crossing a desired plant with a plant carrying active transposons and screening their offspring for mutant phenotypes caused by random insertion of the known transposon in new locations) are some methods of mutagenesis and mutant analysis.

Once the gene of interest has been identified, next step is to know the temporal (when it is expressed?) and spatial (where it is expressed?) nature of gene. Tools developed for transcriptional analysis of single genes include Northern blotting, reverse transcription PCR, and in situ hybridization.

Microarray or gene-chip technology utilizes known genomic sequences for high-throughput analysis of gene expression or genotypes. It is used to identify the temporally expressed gene/s of a particular tissue.

Reporter gene fusions contain part of a gene of interest (e.g., the promoter) fused to a reporter gene that encodes a protein that can be readily detected when expressed. Such constructs can be used to monitor the time and place a particular gene is active.

Agrobacterium can transform plant cells when targeted genes are transferred as part of a plasmid called the tumor-inducing (Ti-) plasmid. To use it as a biotechnical tool, the strain should have a modified Ti plasmid. The virulence genes are removed from T-DNA, and a gene of interest is inserted in their place.


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Genetic Modification of Crop Plants

Some major differences between GMOs and conventionally bred varieties of crops:

In contrast to classical selective breeding, bioengineering allows the transfer of a specific gene or genes from any organism (horizontal gene transfer) that cannot be crossed successfully.

Gene transfer into GMOs occurs in the laboratory and does not require crossbreeding. It is time efficient as well.

GMOs may carry gene constructs that are the product of splicing a variety of genetic components together to produce gene with altogether new functions (e.g., reporter gene construct).

Artificially transferred genes can confer resistance to herbicides (e.g., Roundup Ready Soybean resistant to glyphosate), plant pests (e.g., Bt crops resistant to pests like stem borer of maize), or provide enhanced nutrition (e.g., Golden Rice which is fortified with vitamin A).

GMOs are Controversial

Allergens introduced from another species; possible production of herbicide resistant weeds due to unwanted cross-pollination of resistant crop to nearby wild species; possible development of resistance to Bt toxin are some common wariness of the opponents of the GMOs but they are being addressed by the proponents and research is ongoing to monitor the effects of the new technologies on human health and the environment.

Another reason behind the reluctance GMO-use is due to the patent hoarding by the GMO-companies which brings the fear that farmers may lose their control over their production as they have to buy the seed from GMO-companies almost every season, buy the specific pesticide of their company, and sometimes buy specific nutrition mixture from them too.

~~End of Chapter II~~


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Transport and Translocation of Water and solutes

Chapter III

Water and Plant Cells

Chapter IV

Water Balance of Plants

Chapter V

Mineral Nutrition

Chapter VI

Solute Transport


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Chapter III

Water and Plant Cell

Terrestrial life exposes plants to water loss and the threat of dehydration. To prevent desiccation, water must be absorbed by the roots and transported through the plant body.

Water in Plant Life

Cell walls allow plant cells to build up large internal hydrostatic pressures (turgor pressure). Turgor pressure is essential for many plant processes.

Water limits both agricultural and natural ecosystem productivity.

About 97 percent of the water absorbed by roots is carried through the plant and is lost by transpiration from the leaf surfaces.

The uptake of CO2 is coupled to the loss of water through a common diffusional pathway but the exchange of CO2 and water is unfavorable as up to 400 water molecules are lost for every CO2 molecule gained. It is mainly because of the larger driving gradient for water loss from leaves than that for CO2 uptake.

The structure and Properties of Water[For animation please click here9]

The polarity and tetrahedral shape of water molecules permit them to form hydrogen bonds that give water its unusual physical properties:

It is an excellent solvent. Hydrogen bonding between water and macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids reduces interactions between macromolecules, thus helping to draw them into solution.

It has a high specific heat capacity (the heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a set amount). This is important for plants as it helps buffer temperature fluctuations.

It has an unusually high latent heat of vaporization (the energy needed to separate molecules from the liquid phase and move them into the gas phase- a process that occurs during transpiration). The high latent heat of vaporization of water serves to moderate the temperature of transpiring leaves, which would otherwise increase due to the input of radiant energy from the sun.

9 http://bit.ly/dLu3MP


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It has a high tensile strength (the maximum force per unit area that a continuous column of water can withstand before breaking). Water can resist pressures more negative than -20 MPa which is high enough to meet the demands encountered for water movement in plants.

Cohesion (property/tendency of being attracted to the molecule of own type), adhesion (property/tendency of being attracted to the solid phase such as a cell wall or glass surface), and surface tension (the tension/force exerted by the hydrogen bonding of water molecules with each other at water-air interface) give rise to capillarity (the property of upward movement of water in capillary tube/pore in response to the net force, the interaction effect of gravitational force (downward acting) and surface tension (upward acting)).

The strong cohesive forces between water molecules allow a considerable tension to exist in an uninterrupted water column in a wettable capillary or tube such as a xylem vessel which is important for the continuous movement of water from the root through the plant to the surrounding atmosphere during transpiration.

Diffusion and Osmosis[For video learning click here10]

The random thermal motion of the molecules or ions results in diffusion. Diffusion leads to the net movement of substance from a region of higher concentration to an adjacent region of lower concentration of that substance. It is spontaneous process, thus no energy input is required.

Diffusion is directly proportional to the concentration gradient (Δcs/Δx)ᅳ that is, to

the difference in the concentration of substance s (Δcs) between two points separated by a very small distance Δx. As given by Flick’s first law:


Js = -Ds

ΔxWhere, Js = Flux density, the amount of substance s crossing a unit cross-sectional

area per unit time [unit = mol m-2 s-1]Ds= Diffusion coefficient, a proportionality constant that measures how

easily substance s moves through a particular medium. The negative sigh indicates that the flux moves down a concentration gradient.

Δcs= The difference in the concentration of substance s.Δx =The distance between two points of different concentrations of

substance s.Above equation accounts only for movement in response to a concentration gradient, and not for movement in response to other forces (e.g., pressure, electric fields etc.).

The diffusion coefficient is characteristics of the substance (larger molecules have

10 http://bit.ly/hOmGoa


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smaller diffusion coefficients) and depends on both the medium (diffusion in air is typically 10,000 times faster than diffusion in a liquid) and the temperature (substances diffuse faster at higher temperatures).

Diffusion is important as small length scales. The average time for a substance to diffuse a given distance increases as the square of that distance, i.e., .the average time needed for a particle to diffuse a distance L grows as L2/Ds.

As the diffusion coefficient for glucose in water is about 10 -9 m2 s-1, the average time required for a glucose molecule to diffuse across a cell with a diameter of 50 μm is 2.5 s. However, the average time needed for the same glucose molecule to diffuse a distance of 1m in water is approximately 32 years. Thus diffusion in solutions can be effective within cellular dimensions but is far too slow to be effective over long distances.

Diffusion is involved in many plant processes, such as gas exchange and the movement of nutrients toward root surfaces.

[To view descriptive animation about How Diffusion Works click here11]

Osmosis is the net movement of water across a selectively permeable barrier (e.g., cell membrane) and is driven by the sum of water’s concentration gradient and the pressure gradient. As the movement of solute is obscured by the cell membrane, the equilibrium in the concentration gradient in- and out-side of cell membrane is brought about by the movement of solvent (water) across it.

In osmosis, as the movement of solute or macromolecules is obscured by the membrane, the equilibrium on the both (in- and out-) side of membrane is brought by the movement of solvent or water instead from the region of lower concentration gradient to the higher one.

Plant cell become turgid (swollen and hard) when they are put in dilute solutions (endosmosis). When they take up water by osmosis they start to swell, but the cell wall prevents them from bursting giving rise to turgidity. Turgidity is very important to plants because this is what make the green parts of the plant stand up into the sunlight. But when plant cells are placed in higher concentration solution (let’s say concentrated sugar solutions), they lose water by osmosis (exosmosis) and they become flaccid (exact opposite of turgid).

[For descriptive animation about How Osmosis Works click here12]

Water PotentialFor animated explanation click here13

11 http://bit.ly/hzInhZ 12 http://bit.ly/gKqi36 13 http://bit.ly/e41pa9


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Chemical potential is a relative quantity which represents the difference between the potential of a substance in a given state and the potential of the same substance in a standard state. Water’s chemical potential measures the free energy of water in a given state.

Water potential (Ψw) is the potential energy of water per unit volume relative to pure water in reference conditions. Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis, gravity, mechanical pressure, or matrix effects such as surface tension. It is typically expressed in potential energy per unit volume (J mol-1).

Concentration, pressure, and gravity contribute to water potential (Ψw) in plants. Thus the water potential of solutions may be dissected into individual components, usually written as following sum:

Ψw = Ψs + Ψp + Ψg

Ψs, the solute potential (osmotic potential), represents solutes’ dilution of water and the reduction of the free energy of water.

Ψp, is the hydrostatic pressure of the solution. Positive pressure (turgor pressure) raises the water potential; negative pressure reduces it.

The gravitational potential (Ψg) is generally omitted when calculating cell water potential as the differences in this component among neighboring cells are negligible compared to the differences in the osmotic potential and the hydrostatic pressure.. Thus, Ψw = Ψs + Ψp.

Cell growth, photosynthesis, and crop productivity are all strongly influenced by water potential and its components.

Another one is the matric potential (Ψm). It is a component of water potential due to the adhesion of water molecules to nondissolved structures of the system, i.e. the matrix, such as plasma membranes or soil particles.


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The magnitude of matrix potential depends on the distances between solid particles—the width of the menisci (the curve in the upper surface of a standing body of liquid, produced in response to the surface of the container or another object)━and the chemical composition of the solid matrix. In many cases, matrix potential can be quite large and comparable to the other components of water potential

Water Potential of Plant Cells

Plant cells typically have water potentials ≤0 MPa. A negative value indicates that the free energy of water within the cell is less than that of pure water at ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, and equal height.

As the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell changes, water will enter or leave the cell via osmosis according to the water potential gradient.

When a flaccid cell is placed in a solution that has a water potential greater (less negative) than the cell’s water potential, water will move from the solution into cell (from high to low water potential).

As water enters, the cell wall resists being stretched, increasing the turgor (Ψp) of the cell.

At equilibrium (Ψw (cell) = Ψw (solution); ΔΨw = 0), the cell Ψp has increased sufficiently to raise the cell Ψw of the solution, and net water movement ceases.

Water can also leave the cell by osmosis. When a turgid plant cell is placed in a sucrose solution that has a water potential more negative than the water potential of the cell, water will move from the turgid cell to the solution.

If a cell is squeezed, its Ψp is raised as is cell Ψw resulting in a ΔΨw such that water flows out of the cell. This process of squeezing of the cell out of the cell wall due to exosmosis is called plasmolysis.

[Please click here14 to view animated video (after webpage is opened, click in the address bar and hit ENTER button)]

Water potential and its components vary with growth conditions and location within the plant. Ψw values depend on the growing conditions and the type of plant, Ψs

values also depend on growing condition, the type of plant and type of tissue within a plant. Likewise, Ψp depends on the value of Ψs inside the cells.

14 http://bit.ly/fQMHkQ


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t½ =

Cell Wall and Membrane Properties Cell walls provide plant cells with a substantial degree of volume homeostasis15

relative to the large changes in water potential that they experience everyday as a consequence of the transpirational water losses associated with photosynthesis.

Cell wall elasticity relates turgor pressure and cell volume, while the water permeability of the plasma and tonoplast membranes determine how fast cells exchange water with their surroundings.

Because plant cells have fairly rigid walls, small changes of plant cell volume cause large changes in turgor pressure.

The rate at which cells gain or lose water is influenced by cell membrane hydraulic conductivity16.

For a cell that experiences a change in the water potential of its surroundings, the movement of water across the cell membrane will decrease with time as the internal and external water potentials converge. The rate approaches zero in an exponential manner. The time it takes for the rate to decline by half- its half-time, or t ½ - is given by the following equation:

0.693 V (A)(Lp) Ԑ- Ψs

Where, V = Volume of the cellA = Surface area of the cellLp= Hydraulic conductivity of the cell membrane

Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that form water-selective channels across the membrane. It only changes the rate of water transfer not the direction and driving force for water movement.

Plant Water Status During drought, photosynthesis and growth are inhibited, while ABA and solute

accumulation increase leading to cell expansion. In many plants reductions in water supply inhibit shoot growth and leaf expansion but stimulate root elongation.

During drought, plants must use energy to maintain turgor pressure by accumulating solutes, as well as to support root and vascular growth.

A positive turgor pressure (Ψp) is important for several reasons. First, growth of plant cells requires turgor pressure to stretch the cell walls. The second reason is that turgor pressure increases the mechanical rigidity of cells and tissues.

Stretch-activated signaling molecules in the plasma membrane may permit plant cells to sense changes in their water status via changes in volume.

~~End of Chapter III~~

15 Homeostasis: The property of a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition16 Hydraulic conductivity: It describes how readily water can move across a membrane


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Ψp =Where,

T = surface tension of water (7.28 x 10-8 MPa m)

r = the radius of curvature of the air-water interface


Water Balance of Plants

There is an inherent conflict between a plant’s need for CO2 uptake and its need to conserve water, resulting from water being lost through the same pores that let CO2 in. To manage this conflict, plants have evolved adaptations to control water loss from leaves, and to replace the water that is lost.

Water in the Soil The water content and rate of movement in soils depends on soil type and structure,

which influence the pressure gradient in the soil and its hydraulic conductivity.

As water is pulled into the spaces between soil particles by capillarity, the smaller channels become filled first.

In soil, water may exist as a surface film on soil particles, or it may partially or completely fill the spaces between particles.

The spaces between particles are so large in sandy soil that water tends to drain from them and remain only on the particle surfaces and in the interstices between particles. But in clay soil, the channels are so small that much water is retained against the force of gravity. This is why clay soil might retain about 40% and sandy soils only about 15% water by volume few days after a soaking rainfall.

Like the water potential of plant cells, soil water potential has three components: osmotic potential (Ψs); hydrostatic pressure (Ψp); and gravitational potential (Ψg).

Ψs of soil water is generally negligible because, except in saline soils, solute concentrations are low; a typical value might be -0.02MPa.

Ψp is very close to zero. As soil dries out, Ψp decreases and can become quite negative. As the water content of the soil decreases, the water recedes into the interstices between soil particles, forming air-water surfaces whose curvature represents the balance between the tendency to minimize the surface area of the air-water interface (surface tension) and the attraction of the water for the soil particles (adhesion).

Water under a curved surface develops a negative pressure that may estimated by the following formula:

-2T (4.1) r


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As soil dries out, the value of Ψp in soil water can become quite negative, due to the increasing curvature of air-water surfaces in pores of successively smaller diameter.

Ψg is the energy in a raised object, such as a rock resting at the top of the hill, which will be released due to the gravitational pull of the Earth on the object. It is proportional to elevation: higher at higher elevations, and vice versa. In soil water, Ψg

plays an important role in drainage.

As the water-filled pore spaces in the soil are interconnected, water moves down the pressure gradient to the root surface by bulk flow17 through these channels.

The intimate contact between root hairs and soil particles greatly increases the surface area for water absorption.

The rate of water flow in soils depends on two factors:

The size of the pressure gradient through the soil,

The soil hydraulic conductivity18. It is proportional to the soil water content.

Water Absorption by Roots

[For interactive video, please click here19]

For effective water absorption, intimate contact between the surface of the root and the soil is essential. The contact provides the surface area needed for water uptake and is maximized by the growth of the root and of root hairs20 into the soil.

Water uptake is mostly confined to regions near root tips. More mature regions of the root often have outer layer of protective tissue, called exodermis or hypodermis, that contains hydrophobic materials in its walls and is relatively impermeable to water.

The intimate contact between the soil and the root surface is easily ruptured when the soil is disturbed. Thus newly transplanted seedlings and plants need to be protected from water loss for the first few days after transplantation so that new root growth into the soil reestablishes soil-root contact, and the plant can better withstand water stress.

17 Bulk flow: The concerted movement of molecules in a bulk/group in response to the pressure gradient.18 Hydraulic conductivity: A measure of the ease with which water moves through the soil, which varies with soil type and its water content.19 http://bit.ly/ghHh8H20 Root hairs: Filamentous outgrowths of root epidermal cells.


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In the root, water may move via the apoplast21, the symplast22, or the transmembrane pathway23. But water moves wherever the gradients and resistances direct it not according to a single chosen path.

Water movement through the apoplast is obstructed by the Casparian strip24 in the endodermis.

The endodermis becomes suberized in the nongrowing part of the root behind the root tip, at about the same time that the first protoxylem25 elements mature.

The casparian strip breaks the continuity of the apoplast pathway, forcing water and solutes to pass through the plasma membrane in order to cross the endodermis. This is why the permeability of roots to water depends strongly on the presence of aquaporins26

Decreased rates of respiration, in response to low temperature or anaerobic conditions, can lead to increases in intracellular pH. This increase in cytoplasmic pH alters the conductance of aquaporins in root cells, resulting in roots that are markedly less permeable to water.

When transpiration is low, the continued transport of solutes into the xylem fluid leads to a decrease in Ψs and decrease in Ψw, providing the force for water absorption and a positive Ψp, which yields a positive hydrostatic pressure in the xylem. This phenomenon is called root pressure.

Root pressure occurs when soil water potentials are high and transpiration rates are low. Plants that develop root pressure exhibit guttation27.

Positive xylem pressure causes exudation of xylem sap through specialized pores called hydathodes that are associated with vein endings at the leaf margin. The “dewdrops” that can be seen on the tips of grass leaves in the morning are actually guttation droplets exuded from hydathodes.

The existence of positive pressures within the xylem at night can help to dissolve previously formed gas bubbles, and thus play a role in reversing the deleterious

21 Apoplast: The continuous system of cell walls intercellular air spaces, and the lumens of nonliving cells (e.g., xylem conduits and fibers).22 Symplast: The entire network of cell cytoplasm interconnected by plasmodesmata.23 Transmembrane pathway: The route by which water enters a cell on one side, exits the cell on the other side, enters the next in the series, and so on.24 Casparian strip: A band within the radial cell walls of the endodermis that is impregnated with the waxlike, hydrophobic substance suberin.25 Protoxylem: The primary xylem tissue that is formed in the expanding region of roots (and shoots) before the roots (or shoots) has completed the elongation process.26 Aquaporins: The integral membrane proteins that form water-selective channels across the membrane. Such channels facilitate water movement across the membrane.27 Guttation: An exudation of liquid from the leaves due to root pressure.


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effects of cavitation.

Water Transport through the Xylem[For interactive video explanation click here28 (after webpage is opened, click in the cursor to the address bar and hit ENTER button)]

Xylem conduits, which can be either single-celled tracheids29 or multicellular vessels30, provide a low-resistance pathway for the transport of water.

Elongated, spindle-shaped tracheids and stacked vessel elements have pits in lateral walls.

The pits of the tracheid are located opposite of adjoining tracheid, forming pit pairs. It constitutes a low-resistance path for water movement between tracheids as pit membrane31 is water-permeable.

Pit membranes in tracheids of conifers have a central thickening, called a torus (plural tori) surrounded by a porous, and relatively flexible regions known as the margo.

The torus acts like a valve- when it is centered in the pit cavity, the pit remains open; when it is lodged in the circular or oval wall thickenings bordering the pit, the pit is closed. This lodging of torus effectively prevents gas bubbles from spreading into neighboring tracheids.[For pictorial description, click here32 or here33]

Vessel elements tend to be shorter and wider than tracheids and have perforated end walls that form a perforation plate at each end of the cell. Like tracheids, vessel elements have pits on their lateral walls. Unlike tracheids, the perforated end walls allow vessel elements to be stacked end to end to form a much longer conduit called a vessel.

28 http://bit.ly/hevTBl 29 Tracheids are present in both angiosperms and gymnosperms as well as in ferns and other group of vascular plants.30 Vessels are found in angiosperms, a small group of gymnosperms called the Gnetales, and some ferns.31 Pit membrane: The water-permeable layer between pit pairs, consisting of two primary walls and a middle lamella.32 http://bit.ly/haj6aH 33 http://bit.ly/fDABBQ


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Vessel ranges from few centimeters in length to many meters. The vessel elements found at the extreme ends of a vessel lack perforations in their end walls and are connected to neighboring vessels via pits.

Pressure-driven bulk flow moves water long distances through the xylem. As long as viscosity34 changes are negligible, bulk flow is independent of solute concentration gradients.

Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille has given a relation between the parameters of the volume flow rate as follows-

πr 4 Δ Ψ p (4.2) 8η Δx

If we consider bulk flow through a tube, the rate fo flow depends on the radius (r) of the tube, the viscosity (η) of the liquid, and the pressure gradient (ΔΨp/ Δx) that drives the flow. Volume flow rate is expressed in m3s-1. (Note: This equation does not take into account the fact that xylem conduits are of finite length and water has to cross many pit membranes)

According to the equation, the pressure-driven bulk flow is extremely sensitive to the radius of the tube. If the radius is doubled, the volume flow rate increases by a factor of 16 (=24).

Vessel elements up to 500 µm in diameter, nearly an order of magnitude greater than the largest tracheids, occur in the stems of climbing species. These large-diameter vessels permit vines to transport water long distances despite the slenderness of their stems.

Water movement through the xylem requires a smaller pressure gradient than movement through living cells. ( For mathematical explanation click here35)

Water pressure difference of roughly 2 MPa, from the base to the top branches, is needed to carry water up the trees of about 100m height.

The ascent of water through the xylem is due to negative pressure that develops at the surface of the cell walls in the leaf. This mechanism is called the cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent as it requires the cohesive properties of water to sustain large tensions in the xylem water columns. [for video tutorial on ascent of sap, click here36]

As water adheres to the cellulose microfibrils and other hydrophilic components of

34 Viscosity: A measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being deformed by either shear stress or tensile stress.35 http://bit.ly/dLTNrt 36 http://bit.ly/hB7zXN


Volume flow rate (Jv) =

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the cell wall, as water evaporates from cells within the leaf, the surface of the remaining water is drawn into the interstices of the cell wall, where it forms curved air surfaces. Because of the high surface tension of water, the curvature of these interfaces induces a tension, or negative pressure, in the water. As the water is removed from the wall, the curvature of these air-water interfaces increases and the pressure of the water becomes more negative. (See Equation 4.1) [For descriptive picture click here37]

There are some controversies regarding cohesion-tension theory. The main one is the question of whether water columns in the xylem can sustain the large tensions (negative pressures) necessary to pull water up tall trees. [Please click here38 to know more about the controversies]

Water transport by xylem faces physical challenges:

The water under tension transmits an inward force to the walls of the xylem. If the cell walls were weak or pliant, they would collapse under this tension. The secondary wall thickenings and lignifications or tracheids and vessels are adaptations that offset this tendency to collapse.

Water under such tension is in a physically metastable state39 because despite the possibility of its existing in a lower energy state-the vapor phase- it is in fact liquid. This situation occurs because of the following reasons

The cohesion and adhesion of water make the free-energy barrier for the liquid-to-vapor phase change very high.

The structure of the xylem minimizes the presence of nucleation sites40 [Click here41 or here42 to view video/s about metastable state and nucleation]

37 http://bit.ly/fkssqa 38 http://bit.ly/hiruoD 39 Physically metastable state: A state of delicate equilibrium which is susceptible to fall into lower-energy states with only slight interaction. It is a transition state of either vapor and liquid phases, or liquid and solid phases. {Water is stable as a liquid until its hydrostatic pressure exceeds its saturated vapor pressure. When these two pressures of liquid water become equal, water will undergo a phase change. This is why water can be boiled either at higher temperature by increasing the saturated vapor pressure, or at room temperature (or even lower) by placing it in vacuum chamber to decrease its hydrostatic pressure.}40 Nucleation sites: The sites that lower the energy barrier separating the liquid from the vapor phase.41 http://bit.ly/icso36 42 http://bit.ly/gmIGOn


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The most important nucleation sites are gas bubbles. In some cases they expand until the entire conduit is filled. But it is due to the pit membranes, the sufficient size of gas bubbles can’t enter into the xylem. However, when exposed to air on one side- due to injury, leaf abscission, or the existence of a neighboring gas-filled conduit- pit membranes can serve as sites of entry for air. The phenomenon is called air seeding.

The freezing of the xylem tissues also cause the formation of bubbles in the xylem. The phenomenon of bubble expansion is known as cavitation and the resulting gas-filled void is referred to as an embolism. Cavitation breaks the continuity of the water column and prevents the transport of water under tension. If not repaired, it would be disastrous to the plant as it ultimately causes the dehydration and death of the leaves and other organs.

Plants have developed mechanisms to overcome the consequences of xylem cavitation- Particular tracheids or vessel conduits of finite length is resistant to water flow

due to cavitation but water can detour around the embolized conduit by traveling through neighboring, water-filled conduits.

At night, when transpiration is low, xylem Ψp increases, and water vapor and gases may simply dissolve back into the solution of the xylem.

The positive pressures (e.g., root pressure), developed in some plants, shrink bubbles and cause the gases to dissolve.

Many plants have secondary growth in which new xylem forms each year. The production of new xylem conduits allows plants to replace losses in water transport capacity due to cavitation.

Water Movement from the Leaf to the Atmosphere[Click here43 or here44 to view video tutorial on transpiration and for interactive video click here45 or here 22]

Water is pulled from the xylem into the cell walls of leaf mesophyll before evaporating into the leaf’s air spaces. The waxy cuticle which covers the leaf surface is an effective barrier to water movement. Thus almost all of the water is lost by diffusion of water vapor through tiny stomatal pores.

43 http://bit.ly/hXT0Du 44 http://bit.ly/fFDSzG 45 http://bit.ly/g2t97W


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In most herbaceous species, stomata are present on both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf, usually more abundant on the lower surface. In many tree species, stomata are located only on the lower surface of the leaf.

The hydraulic resistance of leaves is large and dynamic.

Leaves with closely spaced veins tend to have lower hydraulic resistance and higher rates of photosynthesis.

Likewise, leaves of plants growing in shaded conditions exhibit greater resistance to water flow than leaves of plants grown in higher light.

Leaf hydraulic resistance also typically increases with leaf age.

The cavitation of xylem conduits in leaf veins or, the physical collapse of xylem conduits under tension also lead to the increases hydraulic resistance of leaf.

Transpiration depends on the difference in water vapor concentration (cwv(leaf) – cwv(air)) between the leaf air spaces and the external air, and on the diffusional resistance of this pathway, which consists of leaf stomatal resistance and boundary layer resistance. The difference in water vapor concentration is markedly influenced by leaf temperature.

Diffusional resistance of the transpiration pathway consists of following components-

Leaf stomatal resistance (rs)- The resistance associated with diffusion through the stomatal pore.

Leaf boundary layer resistance (rb)- The resistance due to the layer of unstirred air next to the leaf surface through which water vapor must diffuse to reach the turbulent air of the atmosphere.

Opening and closing of the stomatal pore is accomplished and controlled by guard cells46.

The guard cells, subsidiary cells47, and stomatal pore are collectively called the stomatal complex.

46 Guard cell: A pair of specialized epidermal cells which surround the stomatal pore and regulate its opening and closing.47 Subsidiary cells: Specialized epidermal cells that flank the guard cells and work with the guard cells in the control of stomatal apertures.


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A distinctive feature of guard cells is the specialized structure of their walls. Portions of these walls are substantially thickened and may be up to 5 µm across, in contrast to the 1 to 2 µm typical of epidermal cells. In kidney shaped guard cells (a characteristic feature of the guard cells of dicots and nongrass monocots), a differential thickening pattern result in very thick inner and outer (lateral) walls, a thin dorsal wall (the wall in contact with epidermal cells), and somewhat thickened ventral (pore) wall. The portions of the wall that face the atmosphere extend into well-developed ledges, which form the pore proper.

Guard cells have cellulose microfibrils fanning out radially from the pore. The inner wall, facing the pore, is much thicker than the outer wall. Thus, as a guard cell increases in volume, the weaker outer wall bows outward, causing the pore to open.

If leaves kept in the dark are illuminated, the light stimulates guard cells triggering a series of responses like uptake of ions and biosynthesis of organic molecules in the guard cells (thereby decreasing osmotic potential) absorption of water (thereby increasing turgor pressure) opening of the stomatal opening (due to the differential thickening of guard cell walls).[To know more about the mechanism of stomatal opening and closure please click here48 or here49 or here50 or here51 for video learning]

The effectiveness of plants in limiting water loss while allowing CO2 uptake is given by the transpiration ratio52.

The higher transpiration ratio results from following 3 factors:

The concentration gradient driving water loss is about 50 times larger than that driving the influx of CO2.

CO2 diffuses about 1.6 times more slowly through air than water does.

CO2 must cross the plasma membrane, the cytoplasm, and the chloroplast envelope before it is assimilated in the chloroplast.

48 http://bit.ly/hTjKsX 49 http://bit.ly/fJu2zK 50 http://bit.ly/eSgbrs 51 http://bit.ly/hrSETT 52 Transpiration ratio: The amount of water transpired by the plant divided by the amount of carbon dioxide assimilated by photosynthesis.


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Overview: The Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Physical forces, without the involvement of any metabolic pump, drive the

movement of water from soil, to plant, to atmosphere, with the sun being the ultimate source for the energy.

The key element in the transport of water from the soil to the leaves is the generation of negative pressures within the xylem due to the capillary forces within the cell walls of transpiring leaves.

~~End of Chapter IV~~


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Mineral Nutrition

Plants are autotrophic organisms capable of using the energy from sunlight to synthesize all their components from carbon dioxide, water, and mineral elements. The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients is called mineral nutrition. Although mineral nutrients continually cycle through all organisms, they enter the biosphere predominantly through the root systems of plants. After being absorbed by the roots, the mineral elements are translocated to the various parts of the plant, where they are utilized in numerous biological functions. Yields of most crop plants increase linearly with the amount of fertilizer they absorb. Crop plants, however, typically use less than half of the fertilizer applied to the soils around them. The remaining minerals may leach into surface waters or groundwater, become attached to soil particle or contribute to air pollution.

Essential Nutrients, Deficiencies, and Plant Disorders

Studies of plant nutrition have shown that specific mineral elements are essential for plant life. Here, essential element refers to an intrinsic component in the structure or metabolism of plant or whose absence causes severe abnormalities in plant growth, development, or reproduction.

Macronutrients Micronutrients

Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Phosphorus (P), Sulfur (S), Silicon (Si)

Chlorine (Cl), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Manganese (Mg), Sodium (Na), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Molybdenum (Mo)

These elements are classified as macronutrients or micronutrients, depending on the relative amounts found in plant tissue.

[For detail classification table, please click here53]

53 http://bit.ly/eTW2ZV


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The essential elements can be classified according to their biochemical role alnd physiological function suggested by Mengel and Kirkby as follows-

Group Mineral nutrients Function

Group 1 N, SPlants assimilate these nutrients and create organic compounds after bonding covalently with carbon

Group 2 P, Si, B This group is important in energy storage reactions or maintaining structural integrity. They are often present in plant tissues as phosphate, borate, and silicate esters.

Group 3 K, Ca, Mg, Cl, Mn, Na This element group is present in plant tissue as either free ions dissolved in the plant water or ions electrostatically bound to substances such as the pectic acids present in the plant cell wall. They play role as enzyme cofactors and in the regulation of osmotic potentials.

Group 4 Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo This group comprises of metal elements and has important roles in reactions involving electron transfer.


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[For detail classification table, please click here54, but we have to note that this classification is somewhat arbitrary as many elements serve several functional roles.]

Plants may also contain nonessential elements such as aluminum, selenium, and cobalt. Though aluminum may stimulate growth of many plants, cobalt enhances nitrogen fixation in legumes, and selenium has no known functionality, they are still present in plant tissues but in relatively small amounts.

Certain visual symptoms are diagnostic for deficiencies in specific nutrients in higher plants. Nutritional disorders occur because nutrients have key roles within plant. They serve as components of organic compounds, in energy storage, in plant structures, as enzyme cofactors, and in electron transfer reactions.

54 http://bit.ly/f4RDun


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Mineral nutrition can be studied through the use of solution culture, which allows the characterization of specific nutrient requirements. They are- hydroponics55, nutrient film growth system56, aeroponics57, and ebb and flow system58. Plant is restricted with all but one element to demonstrate that it is essential.

Judicious nutrient solutions can sustain rapid plant growth. Modified Hoagland solution is a modern formulation for a nutrient solution which contains all the known mineral elements needed for rapid plant growth. [For Composition of a modified Hoagland nutrient solution for growing plants click here59]

A major problem with nutrient solutions is maintaining the availability of iron. When supplied as an inorganic salt, iron can precipitate thereby being physically unavailable to the plant. To overcome this situation, iron is added with citric acid or tartaric acid. These compounds are called chelators as they form soluble complexes with cations. These cheated cations remain physically available to plants.

For assessing the effect of the deficiency of a particular nutrient on a particular plant, hydroponics is preferred over soil culture. Diagnosis of soil-grown plants can be more complex, mainly due to following reasons-

o Deficiencies of several elements may occur simultaneously in different plant


o Deficiencies or excessive amounts of one element may induce deficiencies or

excessive accumulations of another.

o Some virus-induced plant diseases may produce symptoms similar to those of

nutrient deficiencies.

Nutrient deficiency symptoms in a plant are the expression of metabolic disorders resulting from the insufficient supply of an essential element.

An important clue in relating an acute deficiency symptom to a particular essential element is the extent to which an element can be recycled from older to younger leaves. Some elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can readily move from leaf to leaf; others, such as boron, iron, and calcium, are relatively immobile in most plant species. Thus deficiency symptom of essential mobile element first appear in older leaves while that of essential immobile element in younger ones.

55 Hydroponics: A technique of growing plants with their roots immersed in a nutrient solution without soil.56 Nutrient film growth system: A form of hydroponics in which plant roots lie on the surface of a trough, and nutrient solutions flow in a thin layer along the trough over the roots. 57 Aeroponics: A technique of growing plants with their roots suspended in air while being sprayed continuously. It requires higher level of nutrients than hydroponics to sustain rapid plant growth.58 Ebb and flow system: A type of solution culture in which the nutrient solution periodically rises to immerse plant roots and then recedes, exposing the roots to a moist atmosphere. It also needs higher level of nutrients.59 http://bit.ly/ihT7J7


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Some specific deficiency symptoms and functional roles of the mineral essential elements are briefly enlisted hereunder:

o Nitrogen


Serves as a constituent of many plant cell components, including amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Deficiency symptoms-

Chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves), especially in the older leaves near the base of the plant. Under severe condition, these leaves become completely yellow (or tan) and fall off the plant.

Plants may have markedly slender and often woody stems.

Purple coloration in leaves, petioles, and stems of plants of some species such as tomato and certain varieties of corn.

o Sulfur


Sulfur is found in amino acids (cystine, cysteine, and methionine).

It is a constituent of several coenzymes and vitamins, such as coenzyme A, S-adenosylmethionine, biotin, vitamin B1, and pantothenic acid, which are essential for metabolism.

Deficiency symptoms-

Many of the symptoms of sulfur deficiency are similar to those of nitrogen deficiency, including chlorosis, stunting of growth, and anthocyanin accumulation. It is due to the fact that both sulfur and nitrogen are the constituents of proteins.

Chlorosis caused by sulfur deficiency, however, generally arises initially in mature and young leaves, rather than in old leaves as in nitrogen deficiency, because sulfur is not easily remobilized to the younger leaves in most species. Nonetheless, in many plant species, sulfur chlorosis may occur simultaneously in all leaves, or even initially in older leaves.

o Phosphorus


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It is an integral component of important compounds of plant cells, including the sugar-phosphate intermediates of respiration and photosynthesis as well as the phospholipids that make up plant membranes.

It is also a component of nucleotides used in plant energy metabolism (such as ATP) and in DNA and RNA.

Deficiency symptoms-

Stunted growth in young plants and a dark green coloration of the leaves, which may be malformed and contain small spots of dead tissue called necrotic spots.

As in nitrogen deficiency, some species may produce excess anthocyanins, giving the leaves a slight purple coloration. Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include the production of slender (but not woody) stems and the death of older leaves.

Maturation of the plant may also be delayed.

o Silicon


Only members of the family Equisetaceae require silicon to complete their life cycle.

Many other species accumulate substantial amounts of silicon within their tissues and show enhanced growth fertility, and stress resistance when supplied with adequate amounts of silicon.

It is deposited primarily in the endoplasmic reticulum, cell walls, and intercellular spaces as hydrated, amorphous silica.

It forms complexes with polyphenols and thus serves as an alternative to lignin in the reinforcement of cell walls.

Deficiency symptoms-

Plants become susceptible to lodging (toppling down) and fungal infection.

Plants may become susceptible to metal toxicities.


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o Boron


It plays roles in cell elongation, nucleic acid synthesis, hormone responses, membrane function, and cell cycle regulation.

Deficiency symptoms-

Symptoms may vary with plant species and age.

Black necrosis of young leaves and terminal buds. The necrosis of the young leaves occurs primarily at the base of the leaf blade.

Stems may be unusually stiff and brittle.

Apical dominance may also be lost, causing the plant to become highly branched; however, the terminal apices of branches soon become necrotic because of inhibition of cell division.

Fruits, fleshy roots, and tubers may exhibit necrosis or abnormalities related to the breakdown of internal tissues.

o Potassium


Plays an important role in regulation of the osmotic potential of plant cells.

Activates many enzymes involved in respiration and photosynthesis.

Deficiency symptoms-

Mottled or marginal chlorosis, which develops into necrosis primarily at the leaf tips, at the margins, and between veins.

The symptoms appear initially on the more mature leaves toward the base of the plant as potassium can be mobilized to the younger leaves.

The leaves may also curl and crinkle.


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The stems may be slender and weak, with abnormally short intermodal regions.

The maize root may have an increased susceptibility to root-rotting fungi present in the soil, this susceptibility, together with effects on the stem, results in lodging of plants.

o Calcium


Used in the synthesis of new cell walls, particularly the middle lamellae that separate newly divided cells.

Used in the mitotic spindle during cell division.

Required for the normal functioning of plant membranes.

It has been implicated as a second messenger for various plant responses to both environmental and hormonal signals thereby influences the regulation of many cellular processes ranging from transcription control and cell survival to release of chemical signals.

Deficiency symptoms-

Necrosis of young meristematic region such as the tips of roots or young leaves, where cell division and cell wall formation are most rapid. (Necrosis in slowly growing plants may be preceded by a general chlorosis and downward hooking of young leaves.)

Young leaves may also appear deformed.

The root system may appear brownish, short, and highly branched.

If the meristematic regions of the plant die prematurely, severe stunting may result.

o Magnesium


Plays specific role in the activation of enzymes involved in respiration, photosynthesis, and the synthesis of DNA and RNA.


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It is also a part of the ring structure of the chlorophyll molecule.

Deficiency symptoms-

Chlorosis between the leaf veins, occurring first in older leaves because of the mobility of this cation.

In severe cases, the leaves may become yellow or white.

Prevalence of premature leaf abscission.

o Chlorine


It is required for the water-splitting reaction of photosynthesis through which oxygen is produced.

It may be required for cell division in both leaves and roots.

Deficiency symptoms-

Chloride ions are highly soluble and are generally available in soils as seawater is swept into the air by wind and delivered to soil when it rains.

Wilting of the leaf tips followed by general leaf chlorosis and necrosis.

Reduced growth of leaves. Eventually, the leaves may take on a “bronzing”.

Roots may appear stunted and thickened near the root tips.

o Manganese


It activates several enzymes in plant cells, particularly, cecarboxylases and dehydrogenases involved in the citric acid cycle.

Plays role in photosynthetic reaction through which oxygen (O2) is produced from water.

Deficiency symptoms-


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Intervenous chlorosis associated with the development of small necrotic spots. This chlorosis may occur on younger or older leaves, depending on plant species and growth rate.

o Sodium


Most species of C4 plants and CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) plants require sodium ions as it plays vital role for regenerating phosphoenolpyruvate, the substrate for the first carboxylation in the C4 and CAM pathways.

It stimulates growth through enhanced cell expansion, and it can partly substitute for potassium as an osmotically active solute.

Deficiency symptoms-

Plants exhibit chlorosis and necrosis, or even fail to form flowers.

o Iron


Plays role as a component of enzymes involved in the electron transport system (ETS).

It is required for the synthesis of some of the chlorophyll-protein complexes in the chloroplast.

Deficiency symptoms-

Plants may exhibit intervenous chlorosis. But, unlike magnesium, these symptoms appear initially on younger leaves as iron cannot be readily mobilized from older leaves.

In severe cases, the veins may also become chlorotic, causing the whole leaf to turn white.

o Zinc


Zinc is required by many enzymes for their activity.


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It is also required for chlorophyll biosynthesis in some plants.

Deficiency symptoms-

Reduced growth of internodes, resulting in rosette habit of growth in which the leaves form a circular cluster radiating at or close to the ground.

The leaves may also be small and distorted, with leaf margins having a puckered appearance.

In some species, older leaves may become intervenously chlorotic and then develop white necrotic spots.

o Copper


Like iron, it is associated with enzymes involved in redox reactions of ETS.

Deficiency symptoms-

The production of dark green leaves, which may contain necrotic spots. The necrotic spots appear first at the tips of young leaves and then extend toward the leaf base along the margins.

The leaves may also be twisted and malformed.

Under extreme conditions, leaves may abscise prematurely.

o Nickel


Urease is the only known nickel-containing enzyme in higher plants.

Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms also require nickel (Ni+

through Ni4+) for the enzyme that reprocesses some of the hydrogen uptake hydrogenase).

Deficiency symptoms-

Plants accumulate urea in their leaves and consequently show leaf tip necrosis.


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o Molybdenum


Molybdenum ions (Mo4+ through Mo6+) are components of several enzymes, including nitrate reductase and nitrogenase.

Nitrate reductase catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrate during its assimilation by the plant cell.

Nitrogenase converts nitrogen gas to ammonia in nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.

Deficiency symptoms-

Plant shows general chlorosis between veins and necrosis of older leaves.

In some plants, such as cauliflower or broccoli, the leaves may not become necrotic, but instead may appear twisted and subsequently die (whiptail disease).

Flower formation may be prevented, or the flowers may abscise prematurely.

It may bring about a nitrogen deficiency if the nitrogen source is primarily nitrate or if the plant depends on symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

[For detailed information regarding mineral deficiencies please click here60 (and zoom in to the page thus opened) and here61]

Soil and plant tissue analysis can provide information on the nutritional status of the plant-soil system and can suggest corrective actions to avoid deficiencies or toxicities.

Soil analysis gives an idea about the levels of nutrients potentially available to the plant roots from the soil while the actual need of a particular mineral nutrient to the plant is determined by plant tissue analysis.

When crop plants are grown under modern high-production conditions, substantial amounts of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium, are removed by plants from the soil.

Treating Nutritional Deficiencies

60 http://bit.ly/hK1N9861 http://bit.ly/ggoQBA


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To prevent the development of deficiencies, nutrients can be added back to the soil in the form of fertilizers.

Fertilizers that provide nutrients in inorganic forms are called chemical fertilizers; those that derive from plant or animal residues are considered organic fertilizers. In both cases, plants absorb the nutrients primarily as inorganic ions.

Most fertilizers are applied to the soil, but some sprayed on leaves. Nutrient uptake by leaves is most effective when the nutrient solution remains on the leaf as a thin film.

Soil, Roots, and Microbes

The soil is a complex substrate─physically, chemically, and biologically. The size of soil particles and the cation exchange capacity of the soil determine the extent to which a soil provides a reservoir for water and nutrients.

The anion exchange capacity of most agricultural soils is small compared with the cation exchange capacity.

Soil pH also has a large influence on the availability of mineral elements to plants. Major factors that lower soil pH are the decomposition of organic matter and the amount of rainfall. [Click here62 to view the influence of pH on nutrient availability]

If mineral elements, especially sodium or heavy metals, are present in excess in the soil, plant growth may be adversely affected. Certain plants are able to tolerate excess mineral elements, and a few species-for example, halophytes in the case of sodium-may thrive under these extreme conditions.

To obtain nutrients from the soil, plants develop extensive root systems. Their proliferation, however, depends on the availability of water and minerals in the immediate microenvironment surrounding the root, the rhizosphere.

If the rhizosphere is poor in nutrient or dry, root growth is slow. As rhizosphere conditions improve, root growth increases.

Roots have a relatively simple structure with radial symmetry and few differentiated cell types.

Roots systems differ in form but are based on common structures. Monocots have fibrous root system while dicots have tap root system but development of the root system in both monocots and dicots depends on the activity of the root apical meristem and the production of lateral root meristems.

Different areas of the root absorb different mineral ions. E.g. Calcium absorption in barley is restricted to the apical region; iron may be taken up either at the apical

62 http://bit.ly/g97bsR


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region as in barley, or over the entire root surface, as in corn. In several species, root hairs are the most active in phosphate absorption.

The high rates of nutrient absorption in the apical root zones result from the strong demand for nutrients in these tissues and the relatively high nutrient availability in the soil surrounding them.

Roots continually deplete the nutrients from the immediate soil around them, and such a simple structure may permit rapid growth into fresh soil.

Plant roots often form associations with mycorrhizal fungi.

The fine hyphae of mycorrhizae extend the reach of roots into the surrounding soil and facilitate the acquisition of mineral elements, particularly those like phosphorous that are relatively immobile in the soil. [For animated explanation, please click here63]

In return, plants provide carbohydrates to the mycorrhizae. Plants tend to suppress mycorrhizal associations under conditions of high nutrient availability.

Ectotrophic mycorrhizal fungi typically form a thick sheath, or mantle, or mycelium around roots, and some of the mycelium penetrates between the cortical cells. The cortical cells themselves are not penetrated by the fungal hyphae, but instead are surrounded by a network of hyphae called the Hartig net. The fungal mycelium also extends into the soil, away from the compact mantle, where it forms individual hyphae or strands containing fruiting bodies.

Unlike the ectotrophic mycorrhizal fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi do not produce a compact mantle of fungal mycelium around the root. Instead, the hyphae grow in a less dense arrangement, both within the root itself and extending outward from the surrounding soil.

Nutrients move from mycorrhizal fungi to root cells.

Mycorrhizal associations in well-fertilized soils may shift from symbiotic relationships to parasitic ones in that the fungus still obtains carbohydrates from the host plant but the host plant no longer benefits from improved nutrient uptake efficiency.

~~End of Chapter V~~

63 http://bit.ly/hpFb1l


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CHAPTER VISolute Transport

The biologically regulated movement of molecules and ions from one location to another is known as transport. Plants exchange solutes with their environment and among their tissues and organs. Both local and long-distance transport processes in plants are controlled largely by cellular membranes.

Passive and Active Transport

Movement of solutes across membranes down their free-energy gradient is facilitated by passive transport mechanisms.

Movement of solutes against their free-energy gradient is known as active transport and requires energy input.

The chemical potential for any solute is defined as the sum of the concentration, electric, and hydrostatic potentials (and the chemical potential uynder standard conditions).

Chemical potential for a given solute, j (µj)= Chemical potential of j under standard conditions (µj

*) + Concentration activity component (RT ln Cj) + Electric-potential component (zjFE) + Hydrostatic-pressure component (ṼjP)

Taking sucrose diffusion across a cell membrane as an example-

Chemical potential of sucrose solution inside the cell (µsi) = Chemical potential of

sucrose solution under standard conditions (µs*) + Concentration component

(RT ln Csi)

Chemical potential of sucrose outside the cell (µso) = µs

* + RT ln Cs



Difference in the chemical potential ( Δµs) = µsi + µs


or, Δµs = (µs* + RT ln Cs

i) + (µs* + RT ln Cs


= RT ( ln Cis ln Co


=RT ln (Cis/Co


Hence the driving force (Δµs) for solute diffusion is related to the magnitude of the concentration gradient (Ci



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If the solute carries an electric charge, its electrical component should be considered as well. Suppose a membrane is permeable to K+, for inward K+ diffusion-

Δµk = µki + µk



Δµs = ( RT ln [K+]i + zFEi) - (RT ln [K+]o

+ zFEo)

As the electrostatic charge of K+ is +1, z = +1, and

Δµk = RT ln{ [K+]i [K+]o} + F(Ei-Eo)

The magnitude and sign of this expression will indicate the driving force and direction for K+ diffusion across the membrane. A similar expression can be written for Cl -

(but remember that for Cl-, z=-1)

The equation implies that ions can be driven passively against their concentration gradients if an appropriate voltage (electric field) is applied between the two compartments. Because of its importance in biological transport of any charged molecule, µ is often called electrochemical potential, and Δµ is the difference in electrochemical potential between two compartments.

Transport of Ions across Membrane Barriers

The extent to which a membrane permits or restricts the movement of a substance is a property known as membrane permeability.

A potential that develops as a result of diffusion is called diffusion potential. It is generally observed in case of K+ and Cl- diffusion in biological systems as K+ will diffuse out of the cell faster than Cl-, causing the cell to develop a negative electric charge with respect to the extracellular medium.

The existence of membrane potential implies that the distribution of charges across the membrane is uneven; however, the actual number of unbalanced ions is negligible in chemical terms.

Permeability depends on the chemical properties to the particular solute, on the chemical properties of the particular solute, on the lipid composition of the membrane, and particularly on the membrane proteins that facilitate the transport of specific substances.

Ehen the distribution of any solute across a membrane reaches equilibrium, the passive flux, J (i.e., the amount of solute crossing a unit area of membrane per unit time), is the same in the two directions─outside to inside and inside to outside:

Jo→i = Ji→o


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Fluxes are related to Δµ; thus at equilibrium, the electrochemical potentials will be the same:

µjo = µj


and for any given ion (the ion is symbolized here by the subscript j),

µj* + RT ln Cj

o + zjFEo = µj* + RT ln Cj

i + zjFEi

By rearranging above equation, we obtain the difference in electrical potential between the two compartments at equilibrium (Eo - Ei):

Eo - Ei = (RT/zjF) [ln (Cjo/Cj


This electric potential difference is known as the Nernst potential (ΔEj) for that ion,

ΔEj = Ei - Eo


ΔEj = (RT/zjF) [ln (Cjo/Cj



ΔEj = (2.3RT/zjF) [log (Cjo/Cj


This relationship states that equilibrium, the difference in concentration of an ion between two compartments is balanced by the voltage difference between the compartments. The Nernst equation can be further simplified for a univalent cation at 25oC:

ΔEj = 59mV [log (Cjo/Cj


Note that a tenfold difference in concentration corresponds to a Nernst potential of 59mV (Co/Ci = 10/1; log10 = 1). It means a membrane potential of 59 mV would maintain a tenfold concentration gradient of an ion whose movement across the membrane is driven by passive diffusion.

In simple words, Nernst equation describes the distribution of each permeant ionic species across a membrane that would occur at equilibrium.

The Nernst equation distinguishes between active and passive transport.

Transport of H+ across the plant cell membrane by H+-ATPases is a major determinant of the membrane potential. For example, the outward transport of H+ can create an electrical driving force for the passive diffusion of K+ into the cell.



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