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    Its its amazing to have this movement, just gets me more excited about now, about the future

    says Iraq war veteran Sergeant Juan Arredondo. One of the first recipients of the bionic hand

    with movements controlled by the brain (i-LIMB), he compares the innovation to the bionics in the

    films Star Wars and Terminator, what with its ability to deal with moving and stationary objects

    with comparable ease. These smart prosthetics have become a divine intervention for numerous

    victims of amputation, and plastics has enabled these devices in becoming a feasible option for the

    common man. Sundeep Nadkarni discovers that for giving a new lease of life to people who have

    lost hope without a limb, the word is not only prosthetics but also plastics. Read on


    Modern Plastics & Polymers April 200942




    April 2009 Modern Plastics & Polymers 43

    in an excerpt from his book

    Wings of Fire, the ace scientist

    and past President of India

    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, quotes

    the following incident as one of the

    four milestones of his illustrious

    career. In his own words, One day anorthopaedic surgeon from the Nizam

    Institute of Medical Sciences visited my

    laboratory. He lifted the material and

    found it so light that he took me to his

    hospital and showed me his patients.

    There were these little girls and boys

    with heavy metallic calipers weighing

    over 3 kg each, dragging their feet

    around. He asked me to remove the

    pain of his patients. In three weeks,

    we made these floor reaction orthosis

    300 gm calipers and took them to theorthopaedic centre. The children did

    not believe their eyes. From dragging

    around a 3 kg load on their legs, they

    could now move around! Their parents

    had tears in their eyes. That was my

    fourth bliss!

    Plastics redefine prostheticsThis dream of not needing to carry

    the burden of 3 kg metal prosthetics was

    realised with the use of plastics. Polymeric

    applications have redefined flexibilities

    in prosthetic movements. Material

    manufacturers are on an innovation spree,

    due to the supreme heights reached

    by the prosthetics industry in enabling

    unimaginable limb replacements.

    A number of companies and

    research laboratories have successfully

    employed degradable & non-

    degradable structure-controlled,

    dendritic macromolecules to

    function as a scaffold to support

    in-growth of human tissue culture

    cells like osteocytes, chondrocytes, or

    hepatocytes. This holds promise for

    the eventual development of artificial

    human organs without the need for

    harvesting cadaver or living donor

    organs, mentions Miguel Linares,

    director - Medical Engineering and

    Design, Linares Medical Devices.

    The company is developing a large

    number of plastic-metal, plastic-

    ceramic, and plastic-mineral alloy

    compounds to improve upon the

    materials currently used for medical

    applications. Our proprietary materials

    are being blended to optimise their

    functional lifespan, with an emphasis

    on durability. The high fidelity imitationof nature is a perfect example of the

    superiority of plastics over metals for

    orthopaedic applications, Linares adds.

    The company specialises in the

    development of polymers for the

    prosthetic & orthopaedic market,

    and presently has over 50 patents

    emphasising the use of plastics in

    these applications.

    Plastics and polymers are widely

    used in the fabrication of prosthetics

    or artificial limbs and orthotic

    supports. The technique of moulding

    a lightweight, load-bearing artificial

    limb comprises the steps providing

    a number of carbon-fibre sheets.

    The prosthetic limb socket can be

    designed by taking a negative cast

    and then moulding a positive cast of a

    patients residual limb, known as stump.

    Thermoplastics are moulded over the

    positive cast to form a socket, which is

    worn over the stump. Another method

    of fabricating a socket is the lamination

    process in which a blend of resins,

    accelerators and catalysts have wide


    The socket fabrication is a

    significant aspect because the entire

    fitment of the artificial limb depends

    on how the socket has been fabricated.

    For giving the artificial limb a cosmetic

    appearance, it is necessary to provide

    it with a covering of polyurethane

    foam that is shaped to give a natural

    appearance similar to a real limb.

    Polyethylene foam is also widely

    used as it is suitable for skin contact,

    does not absorb perspiration, does

    not support the growth of micro-

    organisms, is tough with a soft-feel,odourless and has increased resilience.

    The combination of being lightweight

    and having excellent shock dissipation

    makes it a good padding material for

    body protection between the rigid

    plastics and the skin. These are easy-

    to-fabricate, economical and improve

    the performance of the prosthetic &

    Miguel Linaresdirector - Medical Engineering and Design, Linares Medical Devices

    Blending plastics with ceramics or metals at

    the molecular level allows the best properties

    of both substances to be retained. Novel

    plastics have been developed resulting in

    materials with lightweight and elasticity,

    combined with strength and durability.



    orthotic devices, states Dr V J S Vohra,

    co-founder and director, Nevedac

    Prosthetic Centre. Dr Vohra is also

    the honorary prosthetic advisor to

    Governments of Punjab, Haryana,

    Chandigarh, and Himachal Pradesh.

    Biocompatible and mechanicalproperties

    Plastics score more than any

    conventional materials in terms

    of performance, economics and

    compatibility. The favourable

    characteristics of plastics in healthcare

    include flexibility, ductility, toughness

    and lightweightedness. These materials

    are inert, non-toxic and biocompatible,

    and hence can come in contact with

    blood, tissue, etc. Transparency of

    the materials is vital to monitor flow

    through the tube visually as well as

    electronically. Flexibility in design,

    forming & jointing, ease-of-sterilisation,

    and low costs are other features

    that work in favour of polymers in

    prosthetic devices.

    A range of screws and pins made

    from re-absorbable polymers has

    been recently launched to replace

    metal screws and pins in orthopaedic

    & trauma applications in order to

    avoid the traditional requirement for

    explantation. A device based on the

    development of a monobloc polymer

    material is under development. Actinglike a shock absorber, this material has

    a flexible central part and rigid, upper

    & lower outer parts. The product a

    prosthesis for inter-vertebral discs is

    manufactured from biocompatible

    polymers and has greater compression

    and torsional-tensile strength.

    Currently, using the results of a similar

    technology, intra-ocular lenses are also

    being produced, states D L Pandya,

    CEO, Medical Plastics Data Service.

    Material selection is driven by

    performance potential and ease of

    processing. With a broad range of

    medical-grade resins available, there are

    greater possibilities for medical OEMs to

    choose from. OEMs must apply the right

    material to a device design to enhance

    human interaction while reducing the

    development cycle and minimising

    scrap or production interruptions.

    Test data helps confirm the

    attributes necessary to deliver the

    appropriate level of design flexibility,

    strength, clarity, and chemical

    resistance, which are key attributes

    for devices with maximum integrity.

    Comparing data makes materialselection simpler. Material properties

    are also matched to application

    performance, secondary operations,

    and regulatory guidelines. In the

    case of a product redesign that leads

    to material conversion, companies

    should seek out materials compatible

    with their existing sterilisation and

    validation processes to contain costs

    and expedite processing, feels Mark

    J Costa, executive vice president

    - Polymers Business Group, EastmanChemical Company.

    Down to the boneOne of the chief advantages

    associated with the use of plastic-

    based orthopaedic prosthetics and

    implantable hardware is the possibility

    to precisely match the strength,

    hardness, and elasticity of plastics with

    that of the bone. This is dramatically

    different from the case where metal

    is in direct contact with the bone. The

    ability of plastics to mimic the native

    bone is important for the long-term

    health of the native bone that is in

    direct contact with the prosthesis or

    implanted hardware.

    Normal bone is a living tissue,

    which is capable of remodelling

    and rebuilding itself continuously

    in response to the conditions it

    Dr V J S Vohraco-founder and director, Nevedac Prosthetic Centre

    Manufacturers of basic resins produce different

    polymers to meet the needs of prosthetic

    patients. Manufacturing basic resins requires the

    plastic to be heated to a molten state twice, once

    to make the resin and a second time to blend in

    the additives that affect its final characteristics.


    Modern Plastics & Polymers April 200944

    Courtesy: DuPont



    is experiencing. Just like muscles

    become stronger when subjected

    to weightlifting, bones, too, become

    denser, larger, and stronger in response

    to the stress of increased loads. The

    opposite occurs when bones are

    not stressed, ie, they become lessdense, thinner, and weaker when

    not experiencing loads. The same

    effect occurs in the long thighbone

    following a hip replacement. There is

    a loss of 10-45 per cent of bone mass

    in the bone surrounding the implant

    during the first few years after total

    hip replacement. This is because the

    titanium implant cemented in the

    centre of the femur is much harder

    and stronger than the surrounding

    bone. As the titanium rod is hardand strong, the surrounding bone no

    longer has to work hard to support the

    patients weight, and thus is unloaded.

    The removal of stress from the bone

    by an implant is known as stress

    shielding, and leads to bone thinning

    & weakness, and eventually the bone

    surrounding the titanium implant

    breaks down, says Linares.

    Replacing natureBy matching the strength and

    hardness of the implant with that of

    the natural bone, the loads should

    be evenly distributed between the

    implant and host-bone. Plastic-

    based orthopaedic hardware has an

    advantage the host-bone and the

    implant can be adjusted so it matches

    that of the bone. Linares Medical

    Devices has developed a method of

    transitioning so that the articulating

    surface can be made softer and more

    elastic to mimic cartilage, while the

    bone segment can be made with the

    same hardness as the natural bone.

    This helps in creating a longer lasting

    and better performing product and

    improving patients satisfaction.

    Currently, there are only a select

    few plastics that have been approved

    by the FDA for permanent human

    implantation. Because of the limited

    choices for FDA-approved plastics,

    the Linares Medical Devices team has

    developed an entirely new class of

    materials. These materials are blends,

    or alloys, of FDA-approved plastics &

    metals, or FDA-approved plastics and

    ceramics. Individually, all these materials

    have been approved and successfullyimplanted in humans for many years,

    and hence its biocompatibility issues

    have been addressed. What is new

    and completely revolutionary, is

    the Linares Medical Devices

    proprietary method of combining

    these substances in a way that

    greatly enhances their biomechanical

    usefulness, feels Linares.

    According to him, blending

    plastics with ceramics or metals at

    the molecular level allows the best

    properties of both substances to

    be retained, while the undesirable

    properties are minimised. Linares has

    developed novel plastics resulting

    in materials with lightweight and

    elasticity, combined with strength and

    durability normally found in metals

    and ceramics. One major advantage

    inherent to the use of plastic-based

    hardware for orthopaedic surgery

    applications is that it is radiolucent.

    It does not interfere with radiological

    imaging technologies like CT, X-rays,

    or MRIs, which is extremely important

    to better follow-up and evaluate the

    patients after surgery, he adds.

    Brawn with brainsSince decades now, scientists have

    been working towards developing a

    technique for interpreting brain activity

    to motor output. In other words, this

    D L PandyaCEO, Medical Plastics Data Service

    Polymers, when combined with nano-

    materials offer a range of polymer

    compounds, composites & semi-finished partswith amazing functional properties, including

    electrical & thermal conductivity, mechanical

    properties and opto-electronic properties.

    April 2009 Modern Plastics & Polymers 45





    enables in deciphering the electric

    patterns of the brain and converting

    them into coherent thoughts. The

    majority of motor functions in our

    body are driven by electrical currents

    originating in the brain motor cortex

    and conducted through the spinalcord and peripheral nerves to the

    muscles, where the electrical impulse

    is converted into motion by the

    contraction & retraction of

    specific muscles.

    For example, when the arm is bent

    at the elbow joint, the bicep muscles

    contract and the triceps relax. This

    seemingly simple movement is the

    result of the cumulative activity of

    numerous brain cells in the area of the

    cortex in charge of arm movement. The

    neurons, following a cognitive decision

    to bend the arm, generate an electric

    impulse through the peripheral nerves,

    causing the correct muscles to contract

    or relax. Microprocessor technology

    with a computer interface allows the

    prosthetist and the patient to fine-tune

    the adjustments to achieve maximum

    performance of the artificial arm. The

    i-LIMB Hand, a recent development, is

    controlled by a unique, highly intuitivecontrol system that uses a traditional

    two-input myoelectric (muscle signal)

    to open and close the hands life-like

    fingers. The modular construction of

    i-LIMB means that each individually

    powered finger can be quickly

    removed by simply removing one

    screw. This means that a prosthetist

    can easily swap out fingers that require

    servicing and patients can return to

    their everyday lives after a short clinic

    visit, states Dr Vohra.

    Essentially until now, people using

    the prosthetics have controlled one

    motor at a time and had to think

    carefully about what motor they

    wanted to control and how to move it

    instead of just thinking about moving

    it and being able to do it. However, a

    new technique called targeted muscle

    reinnervation, involves taking the

    nerves that remain after an arm is

    amputated and connecting them toanother muscle in the body, often in

    the chest. Electrodes are placed over

    the chest muscles, acting as antennae.

    When the person wants to move the

    arm, the brain sends signals that first

    contract the chest muscles, which send

    an electrical signal to the prosthetic

    arm, instructing it to move. This process

    requires no more conscious effort

    than it would for a person who has a

    natural arm. The Touch Bionics i-LIMB

    was developed using leading-edgemechanical engineering techniques

    and is manufactured using high-

    strength plastics. The result was a

    next-generation prosthetic device

    that is lightweight, robust and highly

    appealing to both patients and

    healthcare professionals.

    Myoelectric controls utilise the

    electrical signal generated by the

    muscles in the remaining portion of the

    patients limb. This signal is picked up by

    electrodes that sit on the surface of the

    skin. Existing users of basic myoelectric

    prosthetic hands are able to quickly

    adapt to the system and can master the

    new functionality of the device within

    minutes. For new patients, i-LIMB Hand

    offers a prosthetic solution that has

    never before been available, claims

    Dr Vohra.

    The nano effect in prostheticsThe use of both synthetic as well

    as natural materials in medical and

    pharmaceutical applications has been

    successful due to the availability of a

    wide variety of user-specific materials

    at affordable prices. However, the

    integration of nanotechnology into this

    application has resulted in possibilities

    beyond the conventional.

    Polymers the wonder material

    of the century when combined

    with nano-materials offer a range

    Mark J CostaEVP - Polymers Business Group, Eastman Chemical Company

    Material properties are also matched to

    application performance, secondary operations,

    and regulatory guidelines. Companies should

    seek out materials compatible with their

    existing sterilisation & validation processes to

    contain costs and expedite processing.


    Modern Plastics & Polymers April 200946



    of nanotechnology-based polymer

    compounds, composites and semi-

    finished parts with amazing functional

    properties including electrical

    conductivity, thermal conductivity,

    mechanical properties and opto-

    electronic properties for variousunique application opportunities in the

    medical device sector. The electrically

    conducting compounds made from

    carbon nanotubes or fibres have tiny

    nano-structures about 80,000 times

    smaller in diameter than a human

    hair. These materials smart Nano

    conductors in a polymer matrix can

    be intelligently used as smart-sensors

    or commonly known as electrodes

    for bio-potential detection. Most

    common applications are for brainwave detection, cardio measurements,

    and muscle movement detection in a

    human body, states Pandya.

    What prothetists seek?Thermoplastics over the past several

    years have increased in popularity in

    both orthotic as well as prosthetic

    applications. Clarity, flexibility, rigidity,

    faster processing times, localised

    adjustment by the use of heat, inert

    material and surface quality are just

    a few of the benefits associated with

    thermoplastics. Thermoplastics, like

    any other type of technology, are

    subject to lack of understanding

    and failures do occur. This process

    quite often discourages the user and

    brands the material or process as an

    unacceptable method of fabrication.

    Through education and detailed study,

    thermoplastics & resins have become

    one of the most valuable technologies

    available to prosthetists and orthotists.

    Handling the plastic sheets is critical

    for the success of the finished device. The

    manufacturers of basic resins produce

    different types of polymers to meet the

    needs of prosthetic and orthotic patients.

    Manufacturing the basic resin requires

    the plastic to be heated to a molten

    state twice, once to make the resin and

    a second time to blend in the additives

    that affect its final characteristics. The

    rigidity, strength and resistance to fatigue

    allow polypropylene to be typically used

    in lower extremity prosthetic applications

    like above-knee sockets and below-knee

    sockets. The typical shrinkage of these

    devices is around 1.5-2 per cent. Co-

    polymers have less rigidity and can beprocessed at slightly lower temperatures.

    These qualities allow copolymers to be

    spot modified more easily. Co-polymers

    are more commonly used in orthotics,

    but are now also gaining acceptance for

    above-knee and below-knee sockets,

    explains Dr Vohra.

    Linear low-density polyethylene finds

    applications in all areas of traditional

    polyethylene usages. It has better tensile

    & puncture resistance, impact and tear

    properties making linear low-density

    polyethylene a good choice for above-

    knee and below-knee socket liners,

    thereby improving prosthetic fitment to

    a great extent, which further increases

    the comfort level for the patients using

    the prosthetic and orthotic devices. The

    stress relieving process occurs during

    the extrusion process, and there are

    several methods of accomplishing stress

    relieving. Stress relieving has no effect

    on the quality of the part produced in

    the orthotic & prosthetic (O&P) industry

    for several reasons. First, the stress

    relieving process occurs under the

    minimum forming temperature. In the

    O&P industry, the plastic is heated above

    this temperature, which allows the plastic

    to flow freely and relieve its internal

    stresses. Stress may be reintroduced intothe plastic during the forming process.

    Second, it is not apparent that there are

    any chemical additives added to the

    plastic to change the molecular structure

    so as to relieve stress. It is possible that

    some of the commercial methods for

    stress relieving could be adapted to

    relieve stress in formed parts, which

    would allow for a more reliable finished

    part, mentions Dr Vohra.

    Realising dreams for a bettertomorrow

    Arms have become a particular

    focus in the prosthetics industry, as

    science has long had success with

    prosthetic legs. Recent developments

    on this front include more flexible

    and sensitive skin & arm designs,

    and wireless devices implanted in

    prosthetic arms to allow more natural

    movement. In recent experiments,

    researchers have also used sensors

    implanted in the brain to enable

    monkeys control a mechanical arm, and

    a paralysed man to move a cursor on a

    computer screen.

    Some of these methods, if

    perfected and approved by regulatory

    agencies, may eventually become

    more viable for amputees. Polymers

    are bound to drive these initiatives

    forward, particularly in making this

    sophisticated equipment economically

    feasible for the common man. While

    the reinnervation technique does not

    require regulatory approval because

    it is done using surgery and existing

    devices, it has limitations, which even

    its creators acknowledge - including

    the fact that it is not feasible for every

    patient and is expensive. However,

    there is a possibility of these negatives

    getting completely eradicated with the

    advent of advanced technologies in the

    world of medical plastics.

    Modern Plastics & Polymers April 200948


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