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Plugin set

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Point Effects (Andrew's Vector Plugins Vol 19)

Plugin set contains plugins for manipulation of points, either distortion or creating new paths from old.

Installation of Plugins

Please place the GX19_Bloater.aip, GX19_CornerPoint.aip, GX19_PieSlice.aip, and GX19_Split.aip files in the c:\programfiles\adobe\illustrator CS\plug-ins folder [pc Illustrator ® CS] or c:\program files\adobe\illustrator 10\plug-ins [pc illustrator10] or CS2

For the mac, please place the GX19_Bloater, GX19_CornerPoint, GX19_PieSlice, and GX19_Split files inHD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator CS:plug-ins [mac Illustrator ®CS] or HD:Applications:Adobe Illustrator 10:plug-ins [macIllustrator 10] or CS2

Initial Use of plugins

Please access via the filters menu of Illustrator ® via the <AVP Paths> menu. The plugins all work on paths or a path, theywill not work on images (as the plugins manipulate points)

Applications support

macOSX .2 .3 98 ME NT XP Ilustrator ®10 CS CS2


Please contact me on [email protected].

Other plugins are available on the site http://www.graphicxtras.com Upgrades are generally available, either as free updatesor inexpensive updates/upgrades. Please store the reference serial number or details of order


The plugins are copyright of 1999-2005, Abneil Software Ltd (Andrew Buckle). This product was released by Abneil Softwareltd (UK based company)


Illustrator and Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe. We have no connection whatsoever with Adobe.Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.


Plugin to distort paths or a path about a particular center.

Bloat Dialog

'Distortion type options': Type of path distortion to apply

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'Bloat distortion warp options': Type of warping to apply such as an angular warp or line warping

'Radius': Radius of the distortion effect

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'Factor': Factor applied / strength of distortion

'Jitter': Random jitter applied to the points / distortion

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Center Dialog

'Distortion center options': Center of distortion, use supplied or document center or edge

'Center': Use supplied center (requires dropdown to be set to user defined center)

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'Interpolate / original': Interpolate between original shape (points) and new shape (points), as well as direction points

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Repeats Dialog

'Repeat applies': Number of applies of the bloat effect

'Repeats scaling': Reduction or increase in apply

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Settings Dialog

'Fixed direction points': Do not move the direction points

'Direction points follow center': Direction points based on the supplied center

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'Warp [R]': Paths are additional warped by a random envelope

'Settings [R]': The settings for the distortion are randomized

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'Points [R]': Points are bloated or modified or not, randomly

'Reverse': The direction of the point bloat is reversed

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Plugin to manipulate points

Points Dialog

'Out direction': The point's out direction point direction is modified by this percentage

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'In direction': The in point's direction point is modified by this percentage (if the path is a rectangle etc, you will see nomodification as the in and out are 0, really only works with well rounded path)

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'Shift anchor': The anchor points are shifted by the supplied amount. Not much use if all points are modified but you can setthe points apply pattern to something like 1-1 and alternate paths will be shifted, leaving the others behind in the originalposition

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Apply Dialog

'Apply pattern': By default, all points are modified. By changing the apply pattern, some points can be skipped, others can bemodified. 1-1 will modify alternate points

'Link options': In and Out etc are linked in different ways, sounds full, but can be used to create some really odd andinteresting patterns

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'Interpolate': Interpolate between original and calculated

Settings Dialog

'Maths [R]': The calculations are randomized

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'Points [R]': The points are modified or not, randomly. Great for creating some truly weird path effects

'Settings [R]': The settings are randomized

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'Warp [R]': The path is warped by a random envelope and envelope settings

'Anchor center': The anchor points are placed at the center of the path

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'Even-odd': How the path overlaps is modified


Plugin to split a path into pie slices or fragments

Slices Dialog

'Slices set': The plugin can be used to create a single set of slices from a path, but the plugin can also be used to create sixsets of sliced paths from the selected path. Most of the settings depend on the current slice set

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'Slice type options': Type of slicing to apply, by default, a basic slice to the middle of the path but the slicing can also beapplied just horizontally or vertically and randomly

'Approach': The approach percentage to the center of the path for the 'final point' of the slice

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Size Dialog

'Slice angle': The slice is rotated by this angle (in degrees). useful for creating different path patterns from the same path.

'Scale': The slice path is scaled, can result in some very unusual paths

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'Shift': The slices are shifted

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'Shift options': Type of shift applied

Center Dialog

'Slice center options': The center can be a user defined center or the center of the path or document, etc

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'Center': User defined center (depends on the user defined option being set). Useful for creating zoom effects

'Center variant options': An additional variation in the center position such as accumulated on a slice by slice basis

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'Center variant': Variant value, depends on the option setting above.

Points Dialog

'Dividepoint': The first part of the slice (the plugin works based on the point to point around a path and creates the slicebased on two points and then filling in the third and final point based on the approach and center value). The divide pointworks out the midpoint for the line to the center.

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'Threshold gap': Some paths have 100s of points and sometimes the distance between the points is very small. Use thethreshold setting to remove very small slices from the slice generation

'Point flow': The plugin works by creating a slice based on adjacent points (by default, 1). Set the slice point flow to 2 and theadjacent point will be skipped and the adjacent point to that will be used in the slice

'Point to point options': A variety of slice applies to create many different path designs

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Settings Dialog

'Delete original [after OK]': The plugin by default deletes the original path but you might wish to keep the path as abackground or design element. During the preview (if ON), the path is still displayed. It is only deleted after you click the OK(the plugin needs to work on the active path during the preview as well as finally processing the path after the OK)

'Fill [R]': Fills the slices with a random color

'Swatches [R]': Fills the slices with a swatch color randomly selected from the swatches palette. This supersedes the fillsetting. If you want to fill the slices with blues, fill the swatches palette with blues.

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'Opacity [R]': Slices are filled with different opacities

Warp [R]': The paths are warped by random envelopes and random settings

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Path split plugin / sketch effect plugin. The plugin really requires the path to have a stroke width before use.

Jitter dialog

'Jitter': Shifts the split points by a random distance, vertical or horizontal.

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'Direction jitter': The direction points are jittered, this creates distorted split paths

'Radial': Radial displacement applied

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Apply dialog

'Splits generated': Number of path stroke splits to apply. By default, the path is split once but repeated splits can create a farsketchier effect

'Apply pattern': The path points are used in the split or not, to create gaps in the path split

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'Width': An additional random amount added to the path width

Size Dialog

'Resize': The path split paths are scaled

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'Angle': The split paths are rotated.

Factors Dialog

''Jitter factor': Jitter applied varied from split to split.

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'Width factor': Width factor applied to modify the width setting from split to split. More useful if multiple splits set

'Radial factor': The radial factor applied split by split

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Settings Dialog

'Opacity [R]': The opacity of the split path fragments are randomized

'Blend [R]': The split path's blend modes are randomized

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'No fill for split fragments': Forces the split paths to have no fill

'Stroke [R]': The fragments are set to different stroke color

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'Resize[R]': The fragments are randomly scaled

'Angle[R]': The fragments are randomly rotated between 0 and current angle setting

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'Radial [R]': Random radial displacement, to create a variety of radial path distances (also useful for desert sun effects)

'Delete original [after OK]': Delete the original path (by default, ON). The path is visible during the preview but will deleted onOK. The path can be kept (if set to OFF) as a background or as a useful design element

'Place split above': Place the split paths above the previously created paths

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'Close split paths': Close the split paths

'Warp [R]': Warp the split paths using random envelopes and random envelope settings

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