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Ube Roll Cake


3/4 cups cake flour, sifted5 eggs, separated2/3 cup sugar2/3 cup ube haleya1/8 tsp salt1 tsp pandan essence25 drops purple and 10 drops blue food coloring (up to you to come up with the color you want)

Instructions:Line a 15 Inch x 10 inch jelly roll pan with parchment paper. To make it stick to the pan, rub some shortening onto the pan before placing the parchment paper.

Pre-heat oven to 375 deg F. Beat yolks and sugar for about 3 minutes until creamy light yellow in color. Add ube, pandan essence and beat until well blended. Add food coloring to desired color intensity. Add flour and blend well. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry (about 2 minutes or so). Fold into the batter in 3 parts. Transfer to pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes or as soon as top springs back on light tapping of your finger or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.

While baking, prepare a clean flour sack (not towel). Sprinkle a generous amount of confectioner's sugar so cake does not stick to the towel. As soon as cake is done, transfer to towel, peel off wax paper, then roll with the towel starting on the short end. Let cool completely before frosting.

Ube-Cream Cheese Filling

Before you start baking, separate the eggs while they are cold. Best to whipe whites when they are room temp. Also, take out your cream cheese and butter to soften at room temp before you beat to make the filling.

Ingredients:8-oz cream cheese, softened 1 stick butter, softened1-2 cups confectioner's sugar1/2 cup ube haleya1 tsp pandan essence (clear-colored)10-15 (or more) drops of purple coloring [optional - you might like the contrast of colors]

Method:Very easy. Blend well all ingredients. Add food coloring as desired, then beat some more. Use as filling for your ube roll (can also be used as frosting, but this is very sticky if you will wrap in cling wrap and put in the fridge. Better to use buttercream frosting for the purpose as it does not cling to plastic after refrigeration).

Ube Haleya/Halaya/Jaleya - the Basics

Ingredients:2 (16-oz grated ube, uncooked - I used Lucia brand)(food coloring is optional if your ube is pale)

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1/2 stick (1/4 cup) butter (or 1 stick if you want)1 can (14-oz) condensed milk1 can (12-oz) evap milk1& 1/2 cups sugar (depends on your taste)Optional: 4 oz cream cheese, room temp (makes it yummier!)

Method:Puree the grated ube. On low heat, melt the butter, add ube, condensed, and evap milk. Stir constantly (may have to add a little water from time to time to make sure it gets cooked and remain unburnt). Add sugar according to your taste. Cook until sticky/gooey to your desired consistency. Remove from heat and add the cream cheese, stir until melted in.

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Ube RollsThis one's for more experienced bakers.

Serves 10  Prep Time 30 minutes  Bake Time 10 to 12 minutes

For the ube sponge2 1/2 cups cake flour2 teaspoons baking powder1/3 cup corn oil8 egg yolks2/3 cup water1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 1/2 teaspoons ube oil2 teaspoons ube flavor1/2 cup sugar8 egg whites1 1/3 cup sugar

For the Swiss buttercream4 egg whites1 cup refined sugar1 3/4 cup unsalted butter

For the filling and topping1 small bottle macapunoube sponge crumbscherries

To make the ube sponge1  Preheat the oven to 325ºF. Grease and line a 21- by 13-inch jellyroll pan.

2  Sift cake flour and baking powder together. Combine all liquid ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir to incorporate.

3  Add the sifted dry ingredients and 1/2 cup sugar, then whip at low speed for 1 minute, scraping down the sides of the bowl.

4  Whip for 5 more minutes on medium speed of the mixer or with a whisk until the batter is very smooth and fluffy. Set aside.

5  Whip the egg whites to soft peak and gradually add 1 1/3 cups of sugar. Whip to stiff peaks. This is called a meringue.

6  Gently fold in the meringue into the reserved batter until well incorporated. Divide batter into prepared pans approximately 3/4 full.

7  Bake for approximately 30 minutes, depending on the size of the molds. The cake should spring back when pressed slightly in the center.

To make the Swiss buttercream

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1  Prepare large pan with water and heat it to barely simmering point.

2  Combine sugar and egg whites in a bowl stirring until the sugar is dissolved.

3  Place on the barely simmering hot water bath, whipping constantly until the temperature reaches 60ºC. Use a candy thermometer to check temperature. If you don’t have one, water should be kept at a steady simmer.

4  Transfer onto a mixing bowl and whip with a whisk or using a mixer until stiff peaks. Use a wooden spoon to beat until cold, gradually adding butter and beating in medium speed until smooth and creamy.

5  To assemble, spread buttercream and macapuno on ube rolls and roll tight. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Coat with ube crumbs and buttercream. Decorate by piping with more buttercream and topping with cherries.

Flavoring tip:  You can substitute other flavors for the sponge to make another kind of cake. The buttercream recipe is the meringue-based kind, which has more stability compared to other buttercream varieties. Ube oil is available in baking supply stores; simply omit if not in stock.

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Ube Macapuno Cake Recipe

Some important notes before we begin:

1. Chiffon cakes are usually baked in tube pans because the inner tube is needed to provide support for the center of the delicate batter as it rises. In this recipe, however, we will be using regular (not nonstick) round baking pans. Without the inner tube support, your chiffon cakes will shrink a bit around the center as it cools. This is very normal. You can use a 10" tube pan if you are more comfortable doing so, but you may have to decorate the cake differently.

2. If you are located outside the Philippines, ingredients such as the grated purple yam (frozen), ube flavouring (McCormick), and macapuno are all available in Filipino/Asian stores. If you can get hold of fresh purple yam rather than the frozen one, then much better.

3. The frosting I am using is not the traditional whipped cream frosting that perhaps just uses whipping cream and powdered/icing sugar . This one has cream cheese. I prefer this variation, not only because of its great taste but also because it is very stable. Feel free to use your own whipped cream frosting recipe.

4.  I usually bake the cakes a day before I actually need them.  After they have completely cooled down, I wrap the cakes well in cling wrap, then keep them in the fridge overnight.  This process makes the cakes firmer and easier to work with the following day.

Ube Macapuno Cake

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For the chiffon cake:

{A}2 1/4 cups cake flour3 teaspoons baking powder3/4 cup sugar1 teaspoon salt

{B}7 egg yolks (from large eggs)1/2 cup vegetable/canola oil1/2 cup milk1/2 cup (about 100g) grated ube (purple yam)1 teaspoon ube flavouring1/2 teaspoon violet food powder or violet gel paste

{C}7 egg whites1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

{D}3/4 cup sugar

For the frosting:

2 cups whipping or thickened cream1 250g package of cream cheese1/2 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract1 12 oz jar of macapuno (preserved coconut sport)



1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Prepare two 9" round, 2 1/2" high pans by lining bottoms with baking paper. Do not grease.

2. In a large bowl, sift together {A} and combine well. Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand just until smooth and well blended.

3. In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy. Gradually add in {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into flour mixture until very well combined. Divide batter equally into prepared pans.

4. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes

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out clean. Invert pans into wire rack immediately and cool completely.

5. Carefully run a thin knife around sides of pans to release cakes. Using a serrated knife, half each cake horizontally. Set aside one of the top halves for use later.


Combine the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. Fit the mixer with the whisk attachment and mix on medium speed until smooth. While the mixture is still whipping, slowly pour in the heavy cream. Continue whipping until the cream can hold a stiff peak.

To assemble:

1. Drain some of the syrup from the macapuno. I do this for fear that the cake will absorb the syrup and get soggy and also to prevent the cake from becoming too sweet.

2. Place one of the cake layers (bottom half of one of the cakes), cut side up on your serving plate or cake board. Spread and level some whipped cream onto the cake layer until it is about 1/4" thick. Scatter half of the macapuno on top of the whipped cream.

3. Place second cake layer, cut side down on top of bottom cake layer. Spread whipped cream and remaining macapuno on top of second layer in the same manner as above.

4. Top the cake with the third layer (cut side down). Spread frosting to cover top and sides of cake. (You don't have to put a lot, just enough for the cake crumbs to stick to it). Remember to leave some frosting for your borders.

5. Crumble the last cake half. (You actually only need to crumble about 3/4 of this cake piece. My suggestion is to leave the quarter for you to snack on!). If you do this with a food processor, you will get very fine crumbs which will look really neat on the cake. You can, however, crumble it by hand. Gently stick the crumbs to the cake top and sides until it is fully covered.

6. Using the remaining frosting, pipe out big rosettes around the cake's top edge.


Cake flour

Many have asked me if cake flour can be replaced with plain or all-purpose flour.  In the book 'Baking' by James Peterson, the recipe for chiffon cake suggests the use of either 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour or 2 1/4 cups cake flour.  The author seems to even prefer all-purpose flour over cake flour because he says that all-purpose flour gives the chiffon cake a much deeper flavour. 

I baked an ube cake using 1 3/4 cups plain flour last Easter and it turned out very, very light and soft.  I do love super soft cakes.  However, because it seemed so delicate, I had to be extra careful in handling it.  Also, I observed that the cake had the tendency to sink a little bit more than usual.  (Remember, I do not use a tube pan for this cake, only a regular round pan.  The cake always sinks just a little bit).  In terms of taste though, the cake was as delicious as ever.

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For the cake above,  I tried something else.  I used a combination of plain flour and cornstarch.  The usual substitution for cake flour is this - for every cup of plain flour, replace two tablespoons with cornstarch.  In essence, this means 1 cup of cake flour equals 7/8 cup plain flour plus 1/8 cup cornstarch.

For the chiffon cake recipe, 2 1/4 cups cake flour translates to: 1 3/4 cup + 3 1/3 Tablespoons plain flour PLUS

1/4 cup + 1/2 Tablespoon cornstarch

The result?  I could hardly tell the difference from the cakes that used cake flour. Cakes with cake flour do have a finer crumb but personally, I don't think it even matters because the cake with the plain flour and cornstarch is still as soft, with great texture and taste.  I'm pretty sure no one else will even notice or care.

My recommendation then is to go with the plain flour/cornstarch combination if you cannot find cake flour.  Both ingredients are easy to find and will come out much cheaper than cake flour (at least here in Australia!).

Other ingredients

Milk.  Someone had told me before that the cake batter prior to folding in the eggwhites was too thick and hard to mix.  For this problem, a little bit more milk would do the trick.  I've tried increasing it from 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup and it was fine.

Ube.  As much as possible, use only fresh grated ube, frozen grated ube or powdered ube for this cake.  A reader had commented once that she used the bottled jam and her cake turned out great just the same.  If you have no other option, then I would just suggest you find a good quality brand.  Some brands taste nothing like ube. They look purple but taste like crap. Also, you  might want to lessen the sugar a bit as the jam is already sweet.  Experiment if you must.

Ube flavouring.  If you cannot find this, just omit it altogether or use vanilla extract to replace.  You might want to increase the violet gel paste by a bit to achieve the vibrant purple colour as the use of ube flavouring does add to the overall colour.

Whipped cream frosting

Some found the whipped cream frosting too soft for piping.  While the recipe generally worked for me, this same thing has happened to me a few times too, prompting me to change the method with which I made my frosting.

Firstly, be sure your whipping cream as well as your mixing bowl and beaters are all well chilled.  And the cream cheese shouldn't be too soft.  In this other method, you will be beating the cream cheese and the whipping cream separately.

In a small bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Set aside.

In your chilled bowl and using clean beaters, beat the whipping cream, sugar and vanilla until the mixture is stiff.  Gently fold in the cream cheese then beat again at high speed for a few seconds or just until everything is well combined.  Be careful not to overbeat.

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Your frosting should be firm and perfect for piping those rosettes.

Ube Macapuno Cake

Ingredients (Ube Cake)

2 1/2 cups cake flour (If you dont have cake flour you can use normal flour but in 1 cup of flour you discard 2 tbsp of flour and replace it with 2 tbsp of cornstarch)3 tsp baking powder1 tsp salt1 cup ube (purple yam), cooked and finely grated3/4 cup milk1/2 cup maple syrup1/2 cup oil1 tsp vanilla extract7 eggs (yolks and whites separated)1 tsp cream of tartar1 1/4 cup white sugarred food colouringblue food colouring

Ingredients (Whipped Cream Filling)

300ml cream1 tsp vanilla extract2 tbsp confectioners’ sugar

Ingredients (Others)

2 jars macapuno (young coconut sport)candied cherries


1. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt, set this aside.2. In a large bowl place grated ube, milk, maple syrup, egg yolks, oil and vanilla, mix well.3. Slowly add the flour mixture to the ube mixture until it forms a smooth batter.4. In a mixing bowl beat egg whites with cream of tartar until it forms stiff peaks. Gradually add sugar while mixing; also add the food colouring by alternating red and blue to achieve a deep purple colour.5. Fold half of the egg white mixture into the batter then once evenly mixed add the remaining egg white mixture.6. Grease four 9 in pans then pour in the batter divided equally, bake in a 165C preheated for 30-35 minutes (you can use a toothpick to pierce the middle part to test if it’s fully cooked when it comes out dry)7. Remove pans from oven then let it cool for at least 2 hours.8. Remove from the pan then set aside.9. Get 1 cake then crumble it using a food processor or by hand, set this aside.10. Prepare 2 large aluminium bowls, place a dozen ice cubes in the first bowl then stack the other aluminium bowl on top. Add the cream on the top bowl and whip the cream until slightly thick, add vanilla and sugar until peaks form. Do not over-beat, otherwise it will become lumpy. Set aside11. Place 1 cake on cake stand then spread cream on top; add half of the first macapuno jar contents.12. Layer 1 cake on top then spread cream on top then, add the remaining contents of the first macapuno jar.13. Layer the remaining cake on top then spread the remaining cream on the sides of the cake. Press crumbled ube cake on the sides and letting it cling on the cream.

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14. Pour the second jar of macapuno on top of the cake then decorate with candied cherries. Chill for at least 3 hours before serving.

Ube Macapuno Roll With Cream Cheese Icing

1c.sifted cake flour1/2t. baking soda1/2t.salt5large eggs1c.sugar1c.thawed mashed ube(found in the frozen section)1/2t.cinnamon1/2t.nutmegpurple/violet food color

1-8 oz softened cream cheese (room temperature)1c. powdered sugar plus more for dusting and rolling the cake1t.vanilla extract1/2 jar of macapuno, ube food color

for the cake:1.adjust oven rack in the middle and haet oven to 3502.grease 18x13 baking sheet and line it w/greased and floured wax paper or parchment3.mix flour,salt,spices,baking soda in a bowl4. beat eggs  and granulated until pale yellow and thick about 6-8 minutes5.add the thawed mashed ube mix on low speed until incorporated6.fold the flour mixture add the violet food color(if using powdered one dissolve i t in a small amount of water before adding,I used the wilton paste)7.spread the batter evenly and bake for 15 minutes or until cake is firm and springs back to touched8.flour a clean kitchen towel with powdered sugar, turn the cake upsidedown to the towel and loosen the 4 corners of the cake with a butter knife.9.gently peel off the paper  attached to the cake and discard,roll the cake gently and cool completely about an hour.

frosting:1.mix softened cream cheese  with powdered sugar add  vanilla  until smooth in texture(dont add the food coloring  yet)2.gently unroll the cake and spread the white cream cheese icing about 1/3 of the icing  then the macapuno roll it back gently  leaving the  kitchen towel behind.3.trim the edges by cutting a slice of both ends, add the violet food coloring into the icing and ice the cake4.run a fork very gently on top to resemble a log and chill before cutting.

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Ube Macapuno Cake Roll


* 2 1/2 cups cake flour* 3 teaspoons baking powder* 1 teaspoon salt* 1 cup ube (purple yam), cooked and finely grated* 3/4 cup milk* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract* 1/2 cup corn syrup* 7 egg yolks, lightly beaten* 1/2 cup vegetable oil* 7 egg whites* 1 teaspoon cream of tartar* 1 cup white sugar* 6 drops red food color* 6 drops blue food coloring* 1 (12 ounce) jar macapuno (coconut preserves)* * 1 cup evaporated milk, chilled* 3/4 cup white sugar* 1 cup butter, softened* 1 drop violet food coloring

* add to recipe box Add to Recipe BoxMy folders:* add to shopping list Add to Shopping List* Customize Recipe* add a personal note Add a Personal Note


1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Line bottoms of 3 - 9 inch pans with parchment paper, but do not grease. Mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.2. Place grated ube in a large bowl. Mix together 3/4 cup milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla; gradually blend into ube until smooth. Blend in corn syrup, egg yolks, and oil. Beat in flour mixture until smooth; set aside.3. In a large glass or metal mixing bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy. Gradually add sugar, then red and blue food coloring, continuing to beat until stiff peaks form. Fold 1/3 of the whites into the batter, then quickly fold in remaining whites until no streaks remain. Pour batter into prepared pans.4. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the center of cake bounces back when lightly tapped. Invert pans on a wire rack and let cool upside down. When cool, run a knife around the edges to loosen cake from pans. Fill

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between layers with coconut preserves, then frost top and sides with butter icing.5. To make Butter Icing: Combine evaporated milk and 3/4 cup sugar. set aside. Cream butter until light and fluffy; gradually add sugar mixture, and continue beating to desired spreading consistency. Add food color, one drop at a time until desired tint is achieved.


The recipe can be made into a two-layer 9-inch round cake or a roll

*Use Nescafe Coffee granules


For the Cake:

6 large egg yolks, at room temperature 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon coffee/espresso granules [Nescafe instant coffee recommended] 1 teaspoon cocoa powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon water ½ cup canola oil 1 cup cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 6 egg whites, at room temperature 1 teaspoon cream of tartar

For the Mocha Buttercream

1 cup sugar 4 large egg whites, at room temperature 3 sticks (12 ounces) unsalted butter, soft, at room temperature 1 teaspoon coffee/espresso granules 1 teaspoon cocoa powder 5 teaspoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 5 teaspoons amaretto

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: hand mixer or stand mixer, 2 9”x2” cake pans, 2 baking sheets, parchment paper cake comb (optional, for decoration); OR a 10.5”x15.5”x1” jelly roll pan if making a roll


1.    For the Cake: Preheat oven to 375°F with racks in the upper middle and lower middle positions. Spray two 9”x2” round cake pans with baking spray, and line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.

2.    Whisk together egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl (or bowl of a stand mixer) over low, then medium speed, until creamy and light yellow in color.

3.    Dissolve espresso or coffee granules and cocoa powder in water and vanilla in a small bowl, getting rid of lumps while stirring. Pour into the egg-sugar mixture, along with canola oil, and beat until well combined.

4.    Remove large bowl from stand mixer (if using one) and sift cake flour and baking powder over it. Stir with a wooden spoon until well blended, scraping the sides of the bowl once.

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5.    Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar into stiff peaks in a medium bowl, and fold into the mocha batter, a dollop or two first to liquefy the thick batter, and then in thirds.

6.    Divide the batter between two cake pans and place each pan on a baking sheet. Bake on two racks for 20 to 25 minutes, rotating the pans and exchanging the pans between racks halfway through. The cake is done when the tops become golden brown and the cake tester comes out clean when inserted in the middle.

7.    Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then carefully turn over on the wire rack, right side up. Cool completely before icing.

8.    For the Buttercream: Whisk sugar and egg whites for 3 to 5 minutes in a medium heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water (water should not touch the bottom of the bowl), until meringue is hot to the touch. The sugar granules will be dissolved and you will be left with a fluffy marshmallow cream-like froth.

9.    Remove bowl from heat and beat for 5 minutes with a hand mixer set to medium speed, or pour into a bowl of a stand mixer with a whisk attachment to mix.

10.  Add half of the butter and beat with a hand mixer (or paddle attachment for stand mixer) until smooth before adding the next half to combine. Scrape the sides of the bowl with a spatula and give it a quick stir. Beat again on medium-high for another 6 to 10 minutes to thicken.

11.  Dissolve cocoa and espresso/coffee granules in water, vanilla extract, and amaretto in a small bowl. Pour into the buttercream and beat for 2 minutes, scraping the sides at least once.

12.  To Assemble the Cake: Dot 3 3”-wide parchment paper strips with buttercream. Use the icing to stick the 3 strips into a triangle on a plate or cake stand. Dot the center bottom of the cake with icing, and place cake on top of the strips. These will keep your plate clean while frosting the cake.

13.  Spoon about ½ cup of frosting on top and spread it evenly with a flat metal spatula. Place the second layer of cake and spread a thin layer of icing over the entire cake and let it stand for 15 minutes. Spread a thicker layer of frosting over the side, working from the bottom up to the top. Frost the top by placing a mound of icing and spreading it to the side. You can decorate the cake with the remaining frosting as you wish.


1.    To decorate: You can use a cake comb to create ridges on the side of the cake. The traditional Goldilocks mocha roll and cake are decorated using a cake comb. I added finely grated chocolate at the top.

2.    To make a mocha roll: From Step 6 onwards — Pour batter into a 10.5”x15.5”x1” jelly roll pan (sprayed with cooking spray and lined with a sheet of wax paper, and another coat of cooking spray) and bake for 12 to 15 minutes with the rack on upper middle position, rotating the pan halfway through. What I usually do is bake for 6 minutes and rotate and add minutes as needed to let it bake thoroughly. It is done when the top is golden brown and cake tester will come out clean. Lay flat a dry kitchen/tea towel that’s slightly larger than the pan and dust with a thin layer of powdered sugar. Remove cake from the oven and turn pan over onto the towel. Carefully peel the wax paper and scooping the towel from underneath, slowly roll the towel and cake together. Cool on a wire rack with the seam side down. After about an hour, unroll and remove the towel, spread a generous layer of mocha buttercream. Depending on your preference, you can put as much as half on it. Re-roll the cake and frost the outside and sides. OR you can use the other half of the ici ng to fill another roll. [Instructions to make the butter cream is the same.]

* initially add a drop of the almond extract, mix, then taste. Just add more according to taste.

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Mocha Roll


Cake:1 tsp. instant coffee1 tsp. hot water6 egg whites6 egg yolks3/4 cup sugar3/4 cup flour1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mocha Buttercream Filling & Frosting:1/2 cup butter or a stick1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar1 tsp. coffee (dissolve granules in a drop of hot water)1/4 cup cream or evaporated milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees or 180 celsius

Cake:Line a large jelly roll pan with parchment paper or grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour.

Dissolve coffee granules with hot water, from the tap is fine.In a bowl, beat egg whites on high for about 3 minutes, until they are stiff.In another large bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar.Beat on high for 3 minutes.Then add flour and stir.Fold in the egg whites and carefully blend all the ingredients.(I use a spatula)Finally, add the vanilla and dissolved coffee granules.Gently mix all the ingredients together.Then pour into pan and spread the mixture evenly.Bake for 15 minutes.

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Filling/Frosting: (You can start the filling while the cake is baking or cooling off)

Dissolve granules in a drop of hot waterand then stir into the cream.With an electric mixer, cream the butter.Then add sugar and continue mixing.With the mixture running, slowly add the coffeeand cream mixture, tablespoon by tablespoon.Otherwise, it may curdle and you will have to startall over again.

When the cake is done, run a knife along the edges to loosen it up from the pan.(You will have to invert the cake onto a clean kitchen towel,so have that ready on your counter.)

Place the towel over the pan.To ensure a good catch, I also place my cooling rack on top of of the towel.

Then hold the pan on the short end and flip it over.Remove pan and then peel off the parchment paper.

Starting with the long side, begin to roll the cake up.

Let the cake sit in this position for at least 20 minutes or until completely cool.

When ready, carefully unroll the cake. Don’t worry about cracks, you can cover it up with the frosting.

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Then spread a thin layer of cream in the middle and sides of the cake.

When it is all covered with cream, roll it up again and cut the ends off.

With the seam of the cake facing downwards, use the rest of the frosting to cover the cake.

Before serving, refrigerate cake for 30 minutes to let the frosting firm up.You can run a fork along the cake to add some fancy ridges.Leftover slices can be refrigerated or kept in the freezer for up to a month.

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Pandan Chiffon Cake

Before I start, may I please request for one of my readers to please send me some more of pandan paste (as in the slide show below) or the canned pandan extract (that I used in buco pandan salad)? I would gladly pay for them (just could not find them here). My previous supply was sent by a co-blogger, stel of babyrambutan.net, and my present pandan and buco-pandan extracts were sent to me by Deb from California. Thanks to them, but I do not feel like requesting from them again. Dyahe....

The pandan chiffon cake recipe I have below is courtesy of my online friend Helen in Australia. I made it for the first time last Friday to bring to my friend Fe's birthday celebration last Saturday.

Helen cuts the sugar and coconut milk in half per her preference. I used the exact amounts stated in the procedure and still found the cake a bit less sweet than I had anticipated, although the sweet frosting made up for it. Fe, however, is like Helen in that she always cuts her sugars in half whenever she makes cakes, rolls, or kakanin. It is a matter of preference, so feel free to experiment with yours.

The pandan butter-coco-cream frosting was something I made up basing on some online recipes I found.

Ingredients:-Batter-2 cups cake flour1 tbsp baking powder1 cup sugar or to taste1/3 cup oil6 egg yolks1 cup coconut milk1 tsp pandan extract (I used paste)

-Meringue-6 egg whites1 tsp lemon (or vinegar)1/2 cup sugar

-Pandan Butter-Coco-Cream Frosting-1/2 cup (1 stick) butter1/2 cup coconut milk1 tsp buco pandan extract (McCormick)2-4 cups confectioner's sugar (depends on how sweet you want it)

Instructions:Sift dry ingredients together (up to 3 times, ideally). Mix well.Make a well at the center then add oil, yolks, coconut milk and pandan paste. Mix well.Beat egg whites with vinegar until soft peak forms. Add sugar slowly while beating, beat until stiff but still glossy (do not overbeat).Add a little of the meringue to batter mixture and blend well, before slowly folding in the rest of the batter into the beaten whites.Pour into an UNGREASED bundt pan or angel food cake pan (no grease apparently helps keep the volume fluffed up by helping the cake cling onto the walls).Bake at 350 deg F for 45-50 minutes.After baking, invert onto a wire rack WITHOUT REMOVING THE PAN. Let the cake COOL COMPLETELY before easing it out of the pan. You may use spatula to let the cake loose. (Again, these apparently help keep the chiffon cottony fluffy.)

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Note: The emphasis I made in the procedures were tips I read about AFTER I made the cake. My chiffon cake was quite dense but still of satiny texture, and maybe I should have read more on those tips to maximize its volume and make it lighter.

For the icing, heat up the coconut milk on medium, stirring constantly until creamy. Let cool.Cream the softened butter with 2 cups confectioner's sugar and pandan flavor, and add the coconut milk gradually. Taste if you like the sweetness already. If not, add some more sugar to taste. If it becomes to thick, you can thin to your desired spreading consistency by adding a little (about 1 tbsp increments) of regular milk or cream (if you have run out of heated coconut milk).

Let cake cool completely before spreading the pandan icing/frosting.

*If you cannot find Pandan paste, you can use the fresh or frozen leaves you find at Asian stores(in the Frozen aisle for frozen kind typically from the Thai products section). Thaw(if frozen) and Wash the leaves thoroughly with cold water. Use 6-10 leaves depends how strong the Pandan flavor you wish. Chop the leaves and add to the 1 cup coconut milk using for the cake. Process in a blender then sieve(using a fine strainer, separate any lumps). Press with spoon to extract more flavor from the strained pandan. Viola, you have pandan flavored milk. I prefer this process because i know i am getting the most out of the Pandan and the flavor seems to be more authentic. This yields a lighter green cake but no artificial color whatsoever.

*white vinegar or cider vinegar can be used

*Tweaks: Some adjustments: I reduced BP to 2 tsp (bec I don't like the aftertaste), and reduced sugar in batter to 3/4 C plus 1 Tbsp (bec I dont like it too sweet).

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Buko Pandan Cake

Pandan is used widely in Southeast Asian cooking, and this confection would be a great ending to any Pinoy meal.

Makes 2 6-inch cakes or 1 9-inch cake  Prep Time 15 minutes  Baking Time 20 to 25 minutes for a 9-inch cake

1 cup cake flour3/4 cup sugar, divided1 teaspoon baking powder1/4 teaspoon salt1/3 cup corn oil4 eggs, separated1/3 cup water1 teaspoon pandan extract1/4 teaspoon green food coloring1/4 cup milk1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar (for egg whites)

For the filling and icing1 1/2 cups whipping cream1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar1 tablespoon buko flavor extract (optional)1 teaspoon pandan extract1/8 teaspoon green food coloring1/4 cup macapuno strips

1  Preheat oven to 350ºF. Line 2 (6-inch) round baking pans or 1 (9-inch) round pan; set aside.

2  In a medium bowl, sift together cake flour, 1/4 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt.

3  In a separate bowl, whisk together corn oil, egg yolks, water, pandan

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extract, green food coloring, and milk. Add this to the cake flour mixture, mixing until combined and smooth.

4  In an electric mixer, whip egg whites and cream of tartar on medium speed until frothy. Increase speed to medium high and gradually add remaining 1/2 cup sugar, whipping until glossy and stiff.

5  Gradually fold in the whipped egg whites to the batter; blend well. 

6  Divide batter evenly into prepared pans and bake for 20 to 25 minutes (25 to 30 minutes if baking a 9-inch cake) or until top springs back when touched. Do not prick cakes.

7  Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

8  Make the icing: In an electric mixer, whip cream on medium-high speed. Gradually add sugar. Add the extracts and food coloring. Whip until stiff peaks form.

9  Assemble the cake: Trim off tops of the cake to smoothen cake layer. (Reserve cake tops to make cake crumbs.) Place cake tops in a food processor and process until crumbs form. Set aside.

10  Slice cake in half horizontally to make 2 cake layers. Place one cake layer on a plate or cake stand. Place about 1 cup whipped cream filling over the cake then spread evenly using an offset spatula. Add a layer of macapuno strips then top with the other cake layer. 

11  Ice the cake all over with the whipped cream filling.    

12  Dust top and sides of cake with cake crumbs. Decorate with icing piped in the shape of rosettes or shells.

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 (recipe suitable for two 9" by 2 1/2" round pans, or one 10" by 3" round pan)

{A}2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour3 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt3/4 cup white sugar

{B}1/2 cup corn/canola oil7 egg yolks, from extra large eggs, at room temperature2/3 cup water, coconut juice or coconut milk (your choice)1 teaspoon pandan paste **

{C}7 eggwhites1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

{D}3/4 cup white sugar

**You can replace this with 1 teaspoon clear pandan extract plus 1/2 teaspoon green gel paste

Procedure:1.  Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.  Line bottom of baking pan/s with parchment paper. Do not grease.2.  In a large bowl, combine {A} well.  Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand until smooth and well blended.3.  In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy.  Gradually add in the sugar in {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed.  Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into egg

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yolk mixture.  Pour batter into baking pan.  If using two 9" pans, divide the batter equally.4.  Bake for about 55 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched.  Invert pan into wire rack immediately and cool completely.5. To release cake from, carefully run a think knife around sides of pan, then invert.  For easier handling, wrap your cake very well in cling film, then refrigerate overnight before frosting.


 (Recipe suitable for an 8” round, 3” high pan)

Add a bit of coffee dissolved in a little boiling water to make your frosting mocha flavoured as well

{A}1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour1 ½ teaspoons baking powder½ teaspoon salt6 tablespoons white sugar for egg yolks{B}¼ cup corn/canola oil4 egg yolks, from extra large eggs, at room temperature6 tablespoons water*2 teaspoons coffee powder*½ teaspoon vanilla extract{C}4 egg whites¼ teaspoon cream of tartar {D}6 tablespoons white sugar for egg whites*dissolve the coffee in a little boiling water, then top up to have a total of 6 tablespoons of water/coffee mixture.

Procedure:1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.2. In a large bowl, combine {A} well. Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand until

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smooth and well blended.3. In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy. Gradually add in the sugar {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk mixture. Pour batter into an ungreased 8” round, 3” high pan.4. Bake for about 55 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Invert pan into wire rack immediately and cool completely.5. To release cake from pan, carefully run a thin knife around sides of pan and invert cake onto a cake board.  6. Cut cake in half horizontally.  Fill and frost with buttercream and decorate as desired.

SWISS MERINGUE BUTTERCREAM (adapted from Shelly Kaldunski's Cupcakes book)

3 egg whites¾ cup sugarPinch of salt1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature, cut into small pieces1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a large, clean heatproof bowl, combine the eggwhites and sugar. Set the bowl over (but not touching) simmering water in a saucepan and heat the mixture, whisking constantly, until the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture is very warm to the touch (about 160 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer), about 2 minutes. Remove the bowl from the saucepan. 

Using an electric mixer on high speed, beat the eggwhite mixture until it is fluffy, cooled to room temperature, and holds stiff peaks (the mixture should not look dry), about 6 minutes.

With the mixer on medium-low speed, add the salt and the butter, a few pieces at a time, beating well after each addition. If the frosting appears to separate or is very liquid after all the butter has been added, continue to beat on high speed until it is smooth and creamy, 3-5 minutes more. Add vanilla extract and beat until combined, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.


*As for the icing, just follow the swiss meringue buttercream recipe above but replace the vanilla extract with 1 tablespoon coffee powder dissolved in a little hot water.

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VANILLA CHIFFON CAKE (recipe suitable for an 8” round, 3” high pan)

{A}1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour1 ½ teaspoons baking powder½ teaspoon salt6 tablespoons white sugar

{B}¼ cup corn/canola oil

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4 egg yolks, from extra large eggs, at room temperature1/3 cup water½ teaspoon vanilla extract1/4 teaspoon lemon extract

{C}4 eggwhites¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

{D}6 tablespoons white sugar

Procedure:1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.2. In a large bowl, combine {A} well. Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand until smooth and well blended.3. In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy. Gradually add in the sugar {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk mixture. Pour batter into an ungreased 8” round, 3” high pan.4. Bake for about 55 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Invert pan into wire rack immediately and cool completely.5. To release cake from pan, carefully run a thin knife around sides of pan and invert cake onto a large serving plate.

**Tip: For easier handling, wrap your cake very well in cling film, then refrigerate overnight before frosting.

CARAMEL ICING (enough to frost and fill 8” round cake)

3 eggyolks (set aside eggwhites for the Swiss Meringue buttercream)1 cup sugar, divided1 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons full cream milk, divided (can also use evaporated milk)3 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 cup boiling water3 tablespoons butter1 teaspoon vanilla extract (I use 1/8 teaspoon maple oil flavour)

Combine egg yolks, 1/4 cup of the sugar, ½ cup of the full cream milk and 3 tablespoons cornstarch in a small bowl/jug. Mix well, then set aside.

In a heavy saucepan, over low to medium heat, caramelize (melt) the remaining 3/4 cup sugar. When sugar is completely melted and a golden brown colour, add boiling water. Bring back to a boil, making sure all the caramel is incorporated into the water. Carefully add in 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons full cream milk. Heat mixture just until it starts to boil. Pour a little of the caramel/milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture to temper the eggs. Mix until smooth. Pour this back into the remaining caramel/milk mixture in the saucepan. Mix until icing reaches a thick and spreadable consistency. Off the fire, add in butter and vanilla extract. Strain mixture, if necessary.

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Let the icing cool down then spread it all over the cake surface.

SWISS MERINGUE BUTTERCREAM - One recipe is more than enough. Use the eggwhites that you set aside from the caramel icing.

To decorate: Cut your cake horizontally in half. Invert top layer onto your cake board. Spread a thin layer of caramel icing over your cake half, then top with other cake layer, cut side down. Spread the rest of the caramel icing over the cake. Pipe out buttercream borders and decorate with buttercream roses/flowers as desired.

Updated version:

CARAMEL ICING (enough to frost and fill an 8" round cake)

2 eggyolks1/2 cup white sugar, divided1 1/2 cups evaporated milk (one 375 ml can), divided1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch1/4 cup boiling water1/4 cup butter, cubed1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Whisk the eggyolks with 1/8 cup (or 2 tablespoons) of the sugar in a small bowl/jug.  Add in 1/4 cup of the evaporated milk and cornstarch.  Mix well, then set aside.

In a heavy saucepan, over low to medium heat, caramelize the remaining (3/8 cup) sugar. When sugar is completely melted and a golden brown colour, add boiling water.  Bring back to a boil, making sure all the caramel is incorporated into the water.  Carefully add in the rest of the evaporated milk (1 1/4 cups).  Heat ;mixture just until it starts to boil.  Without turning off the heat, pour a little of the caramel/milk mixture into the eggyolk mixture to temper the eggs.  Mix until smooth.  Pour this back into the remaining caramel/milk mixture in the saucepan.  Mix until icing reaches a thick consistency.  Off the fire, add in butter and vanilla extract. Let cool just a little bit, whisking once in while.  The mixture will thicken more.  Pour onto cake while still warm.

NOTE:  This icing is pourable.  Let it flow smoothly over the top and sides of the cake.  Put strips of baking paper under your cake to catch the drips.


1 cup cake flour = 7/8 cup plain flour + 1/8 cup cornstarch1 cup = 16 tablespoons

Using these information, 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour can be replaced with:

7/8 cup plus 1 3/4 tablespoons plain flour PLUS1/8 cup plus 1/4 tablespoon cornstarch

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MANGO AND CREAM CAKE(recipe suitable for two 9" by 2 1/2" round pans, or one 10" by 3" round pan)

Chiffon Cake:{A}2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour3 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt3/4 cup white sugar

{B}1/2 cup corn/canola oil7 egg yolks, from extra large eggs, at room temperature2/3 cup water **1 teaspoon vanilla extract1/2 teaspoon lemon or orange extract

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{C}7 eggwhites1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

{D}3/4 cup white sugar

**In my earlier attempts at making this cake, I used mango nectar/juice (instead of water ) to give flavour to the cake, but found the resulting cake colour unappealing to me.  So I just ditched it and put the mango goodness to work on the frosting instead.  Much better, I would definitely say.

Procedure:1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Line bottom of baking pans with parchment paper. Do not grease pans.2. In a large bowl, combine {A} well. Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand until smooth and well blended.3. In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy. Gradually add in the sugar {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk mixture. Pour batter into baking pans.  If using two 9" pans, divide the batter equally.4. Bake for about 55 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Invert pan into wire rack immediately and cool completely.5. To release cake from pan, carefully run a thin knife around sides of pan, then invert. For easier handling, wrap your cake very well in cling film, then refrigerate overnight before frosting.

Mango Whipped Cream Frosting:2 cups whipping or thickened cream, very cold1 250g bar of cream cheese, softened (but not too much!)1/2 cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extractabout 3 medium-sized mangoes (more if you love mangoes!)

*Make sure your mixing bowl and beaters for the whipped cream are all well chilled to achieve better volume.

Puree mango meat of one mango.  Set aside.

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In a small bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Set aside.

In your chilled bowl and using clean beaters, beat the whipping cream, sugar and vanilla until the mixture is at soft peaks stage. Beat the mixture until stiff. Gently fold in the cream cheese then beat again at high speed for a few seconds or just until everything is well combined.  Be careful not to overbeat.  Carefully fold in the mango puree.

To assemble:

Cut up the rest of your mangoes into small cubes or thin slices (whichever you prefer) to use for the filling and for garnishing.

Place one cake layer on your cake board, top side up. Use some of the frosting to fill the cake.  Scatter the mango cubes/slices all over the filling.  Place the top cake layer over the bottom layer, bottom side up.  Frost the cake with the remaining whipped cream frosting, decorate as desired and garnish with more mango cubes/slices.

PS. You can substitute the mangoes with peaches and have a Peaches and Cream cake instead!  Just as yummy!


Ingredients for the cake:2 pandan leaves1 c. water1 c. plain flour2 tbsps. corn flour

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1/2 tsp. salt3/4 c. of sugar1/4 c. oil4 eggs, separated1/4 tsp. cream of tartar


Wash the pandan leaves and snip into 1/2" widths. Place in a saucepan, add the water and simmer for 15 minutes to make pandan essence. Strain and leave to cool. 

Preheat the oven to 350° F/180° C. Line two 9" baking pans with baking paper. Sift the flour, corn flour, salt, 6 tbsps. of sugar and baking powder together into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the center. Add in the egg yolks, oil and 6 tbsps. of the pandan essence. You may add a few drops of green and yellow food colouring to the mixture to make the cake a pale green colour. With a wooden spoon, start mixing from the middle of the bowl and slowly incorporate the wet ingredients into the dry until all mixed. Do not overmix. 

Beat the egg whites and cream of tartar together with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Continue beating while adding the rest of the sugar gradually until the mixture is stiff but not dry. With a big metal spoon, add a dollop of the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk mixture and blend to slacken the mixture. Fold this mixture into the egg whites until thoroughly blended. 

Divide the mixture equally between the two prepared pans. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or when a cake tester comes out clean. Invert into cooling racks until completely cooled. Take out of the pans. Prepare the frosting as the cake cools.

Frosting ingredients:

1 bottle of macapuno strings in syrup, drain and reserve syrup3 egg whites3/4 cup sugar3 tbsps. water1/4 c. reserved macapuno syrup

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1/4 tsp. cream of tartar1 c. (1 block butter), cut into cubes


Mix the sugar, water, macapuno syrup and cream of tartar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil while stirring to dissolve the sugar. Simmer on low heat without stirring, until thick and syrupy. Keep the heat on low. The syrup must stay white. 

While the syrup is simmering, whisk the egg whites until stiff. When, the syrup is ready, pour while hot in a slow steady stream onto the egg whites while continuously beating until the mixture is thick and glossy. 

Add the butter cubes, one at a time, incorporating well at each addition. Beat until light and fluffy. Colour 1/2 c. of frosting green for decoration.

To assemble the cake :

Place 1 cake layer on a cake plate. Save 1/2 c. of the macapuno strings for the cake topping. Spread the rest on the first cake layer. Spread some icing on top of it, then cover with the second cake layer. Frost the top and sides with the rest of the white frosting. Mound the reserved macapuno strings in the middle of the cake. Pat it gently to spread it without disturbing the frosting. Pipe the green icing into your desired pattern around themacapuno. 

Delta Mocha Chiffon Cake Yield: Makes 1 (9-inch) layer cake

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3/4 cup boiling water

1/2 cup cocoa

1 teaspoon instant coffee granules

1 3/4 cups cake flour

1 3/4 cups sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

8 large eggs, separated

1/2 cup vegetable oil

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

Chocolate-Coffee Buttercream Filling

Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Garnish: chocolate-covered coffee beans


Stir together first 3 ingredients until blended; cool.

Combine flour and next 3 ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add cocoa mixture, egg yolks, oil, and vanilla; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth.

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar at high speed with an electric mixer until foamy. Fold into batter. Pour batter into 4 greased and floured 9-inch round cakepans.

Bake, 2 layers at a time, at 325° for 17 to 20 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove from pans, and cool on wire racks covered with plastic wrap or wax paper to prevent layers from adhering to racks.

Spread about 1/2 cup Chocolate-Coffee Buttercream Filling between layers. Frost with Chocolate Fudge Frosting. Garnish, if desired. Store in refrigerator.

Chocolate-Coffee Buttercream Filling Yield: 1 3/4 cups


2/3 cup butter, softened

2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1 tablespoon cocoa

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1/2 cup whipping cream

2 teaspoons instant coffee granules

2 teaspoons coffee liqueur*


Beat first 3 ingredients at medium speed with an electric mixer until fluffy.

Microwave whipping cream at MEDIUM (50% power) until warm (do not boil). Stir together warm cream and coffee granules until dissolved; cool. Add whipping cream mixture and liqueur to butter mixture, beating until smooth.

*Note: 1 teaspoon vanilla extract may be substituted for liqueur.

Delta Mocha Chiffon Cake      


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add note



3/4 cup boiling water 1/2 cup cocoa 1 tsp instant coffee granules 1 3/4 cup cake flour 1 3/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 8 large eggs, separated 1/2 cup vegetable oil 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar chocolate coffee butter cream filling chocolate fudge frosting



stir together first 3 ingredients until blended, cool


combine flour and next 3 ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add cocoa mixture, egg yolks, oil, and vanilla; beat at

medium speed with an electric mixer


beat egg whites and cream of tartar at high speed with an electric mixer until foamy. Fold into batter. Pour batter into

4 greased and floured 9 inch round cake pans


Bake 2 layers at a time, at 325 for 17 to 20 minutes or until wooden pick comes out clean. Cool layers in pans on

wire racks for 10 min. Remove from pans, and cook on wire racks covered with plastic wrap or wax paper to prevent

layers from adhering to racks.


Spread about 1/2 cup on chocolate butter cream filling between layers.


Chocolate butter cream filling


2/3 cup butter, softened


2 1/2 cups powdered sugar


1 tablespoon cocoa


1/2 cup whipping cream


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2 teaspoons instant coffee


2 teaspoons coffee liqueur


Beat first 3 ingredients at medium speed with and electric mixer until fluffy


Microwave whipping cream at medium power until warm not boiling. Stir together warm cram and coffee granules

until dissolved. cool. Add whipping cream mixture and liqueur to butter mixture, beating until smooth.


Chocolate fudge frosting


1 cup butter softened


1/3 cup cocoa


6 cups powdered sugar


1/3 cup milk


Beat butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Add remaining ingredients, beating until smooth,



2 cups cake flour

1tbsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

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1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1tbsp brandy

3/4 cup milk

1 cup boiled, mashed and strained Cebu ube (if available or you can use powdered ube)

1/2 cup light corn syrup

7 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup eggwhites

1/2 cup corn oil

1 tsp cream of tartar

few drops of violet food color (optional)


1 cup lukewarm water

1 medium coconut, grated

1 kilo boiled and mashed ube

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup whole milk

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup condensed milk


1 cup butter

1/2 cup powdered sugar

3/4 cup whole milk

2 drops violet food color



1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Prepare four 9-inch round layer pans.

2. SIFT flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a bowl. Set aside.

3. MIX together vanilla, brandy, milk and ube until smooth. Add syrup, egg yolks and corn oil. Stir until thoroughly blended. ADD this mixture to the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth.

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4. Meanwhile, BEAT eggwhites with cream of tartar until soft peak stage; add 1/2 cup sugar gradually, beating well until stiff peaks form but not dry.

5. FOLD IN the ube mixture gently into the beaten eggwhites, until well blended. Add a drop or two of violet food color, if desired. Blend well.

6. Pour batter into prepared pans; bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until the inserted cake tester or toothpick comes out clean.

7. Invert cakes on wire racks to cool.


1. ADD the lukewarm water to the grated coconut and squeeze out the milk. Set aside.

2. COMBINE the remaining 7 ingredients; mix well and pass through a sieve.

3. Let coconut milk boil in a heavy sauce pan; add ube mixture. Continue cooking over low heat until thick (about 2 to 2.5 hours). Let cool.


1. CREAM 1 cup slightly softened butter until soft and fluffy. Add powdered sugar alternately with milk and beat continuously until smooth. Blend in food color.

2. Place one layer of cake on cake platter. Spread some ube filling.

3. TOP with the second cake layer; spread more ube filling. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the cake layer.

4. Frost the cake with the Ube frosting and pipe out pretty borders.

Pandan chiffon cake with coconut glaze

Note: Pandan leaves and essence can generally be found at Thai and select Southeast Asian markets. This recipe calls for a 10-inch angel food cake pan (preferably a pan with a removable insert).

8 pandan leaves, chopped

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1/2 cup water

2 cups (8 ounces) cake flour

1 1/2 cups sugar, divided

2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

3/4 teaspoon salt

7 eggs separated, plus 2 egg whites

1/2 cup vegetable oil

3/4 cup coconut milk, divided

1/4 teaspoon pandan essence, more to taste

3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

2 cups powdered sugar, sifted

1/4 cup toasted coconut flakes, for garnish

1. Heat the oven to 325 degrees.

2. Make the pandan juice: Combine the chopped leaves with the water in a blender and puree. Strain the juice into a bowl. You should have almost one-half cup. Measure one-fourth cup to use in the cake; the rest of the juice can be stored, covered and refrigerated for up to 1 week (use the remaining juice to flavor rice or coconut dishes).

3. In a large bowl, sift together the cake flour, 11/4 cups sugar, baking powder and salt. Whisk the dry ingredients well to make sure they are thoroughly combined. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients.

4. In a small bowl, beat the egg yolks. Pour the egg yolks into the well, along with the vegetable oil, one-half cup coconut milk, one-fourth cup pandan juice and pandan essence. Beat the wet ingredients into the dry until completely smooth.

5. In the bowl of a stand mixer or in a large bowl using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. With the mixer running, slowly rain in the remaining one-fourth cup sugar. Continue to beat the whites until stiff peaks form when the beater is lifted.

6. Fold the beaten whites into the rest of the batter: Gently spoon one-third of the beaten egg whites into the large bowl with the batter. Slowly and carefully fold the whites into the batter using a spatula or whisk until mixed. Add another third of the beaten whites to the bowl and gently fold into the batter. Be very gentle as you fold in the whites as you do not want to deflate them; the whites lighten the batter and are largely responsible for the cake's ability to rise as it bakes. Gently fold in the remaining third of the whites.

7. Spoon or gently pour the batter into a 10-inch ungreased angel food cake pan. Place the pan in the oven and bake until the cake is puffed (it should rise over the top of the pan by 2 to 3 inches, but will deflate a little as it cools), lightly browned on top, and a toothpick or cake tester inserted comes out clean, 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes.

8. While the cake is baking, make the glaze: In a medium bowl, whisk together the remaining one-fourth cup coconut milk with the sifted powdered sugar until thoroughly combined. Cover and set

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aside until the cake is cooled before glazing.

9. Remove from heat and invert the pan over a wine or soda bottle. Set the pan aside in a quiet place until cooled completely, 1 to 2 hours.

10. Loosen the sides with a thin knife or metal spatula and tap it gently to remove the cake (if using a two-piece pan, loosen the outside of the pan to remove, then gently work the knife or spatula along the top of the insert and inside to remove the cake).

11. Drizzle the coconut glaze over the top of the cake, then sprinkle over the toasted coconut before serving.

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Leche Flan (Filipino Crème Caramel) Custard Mixture

Betty Q's Basic Chiffon Cake


*  For a rectangle baking pan (22cm x 32cm) – 1 cup sugar

*  For a round aluminium pan (22cm across/6cm depth) – 1/2 cup sugar


Preheat oven at 180C.

IMPORTANT: I’ve used the round aluminium pan and only used 1/2 of the Leche Flan

Recipe and Betty Q’s Basic Chiffon Cake.  You’ll have extra cake batter for a large

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mamon tin.  If you are using the rectangle baking pan, whole quantity for both  recipes

and 2x large mamon tins of extra cake batter.


1.  In medium-low heat, slowly melt the Toffee-sugar in

the baking pan, gently shaking it once in a while to

distribute the heat.




2.    When the sugar is halfway melted, stir with a spoon

till all the sugar granules are melted.  Set aside and let

it cool.  Don’t be alarm if you hear cracking noises from

your harden toffee, it’s normal.


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Top Left & Right: Pour the Custard mixture over the cooled harden toffee .  On top of

the Custard Mixture, gently pour in the Cake mixture leaving approximately 2.5cm

clearance on top of the round tin.

Bottom Left & Right:    Smooth the surface of the cake batter on the round tin.    For

the extra batter, sprinkle some water on the mamon tin and fill it up 3/4 capacity. 

Smooth the top surface to eliminate as much bubbles.

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Top Left & Right: Prepare your water bath.  The tray have to be bigger than your

baking pan.  Use something to raise the bottom of your baking pan, so that it is not in

contact with the tray.  Place your baking pan on top of the rack and pour hot water till

it is touching the bottom of the baking pan.

Bottom Left & Right:    Carefully place the tray inside the oven, if you can carry the

weight.  Another alternative is put the water bath first inside the oven, followed with

the baking pan.  I just place the extra mamon tin/s inside the oven where there is

enough space for it.  Bake for 45-60 minutes until the top turns into a nice golden

colour or alternatively prick with a bamboo skewer in the middle of the cake, if it comes

out clean, it means it is cooked.  Once done, remove the baking pan & mamon tin/s from

the oven and let them cool down.

~  Using a small knife, carefully run it along the the edge of the cake to loosen it from

the baking pan.  Place a large serving plate on top of the baking pan and flip it over,

making sure that you’re holding them tightly together.  Refrigerate before serving, cut

into individual wedges.

~  To extract your mamon, gently separate the frill edges first from the sides of the tins

and with a paring knife slowly detach the lower side parts till you can completely

remove the mamon with your fingers.

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LECHE FLAN (Filipino Crème Caramel) *fresh milk version


Toffee -   1/8 cup white sugar on each llaneras

Custard :

12 egg yolks (chicken)

1 can condensed milk (395g)

600ml fresh milk or you can use the UHT milk

2 tspn vanilla extract

3-4 small llaneras

aluminium foil

rubber bands





1.  In medium-low heat, slowly melt the

sugar in each llanera. 




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2.  Using a pair of tongs gently tip each

llaneras side to side to evenly distribute

the heat, this action will make the melting

of the sugar much faster into liquid form. 

Never leave the llaneras unattended on the

stovetop as sugar has the tendency to burn




3.  Once the sugar turns into a light pale

gold colour smooth flowing liquid, remove

from the stovetop and set aside to cool

down completely.  Don’t be alarm if you

hear cracking noises from your harden

toffee, it’s normal.




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Top Left & Right: Combine all the Leche Flan Custard ingredients and whisk till well

combined.  Don’t whisk too hard to prevent air bubbles in the mixture.  Strain the

Custard mixture in a fine metal sieve to get rid of solid egg yolk bits.

Bottom Left & Right:  Pour the Custard mixture over the cooled harden toffee leaving

an 1cm clearance on top.

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-  Cut your aluminium foil into rectangles that will completely cover the llaneras sides. 

Place a rectangle foil over the top of a llanera and gently mold it to the shape of the

llanera, secure with a thick rubber band.  Do this to the rest of llaneras you have filled


Top Left & Right: Bring to boil the water in your steamer base and lower the heat into

medium (simmering stage).  Place all your covered llaneras on your steamer pan gently

to avoid disturbing the contents inside.  Place your steamer pan over your steamer base

and cover with lid.  Steam for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Remove the

steamer pan from the stove and set it aside to cool down. 

Bottom Left & Right:  Remove foil cover and then using a paring knife, guide it

around the edges of the Leche Flan to separate it from the llanera’s walls.  Place a plate

over the top of the llanera and tightly gripping them both, flip it upside down (do the

flipping quickly).  Slowly lift the llanera….if the Leche Flan is still stuck…give it a bit of

a jiggle and it will easily slide out.

-  You can store your cooled Leche Flan Llaneras inside your fridge.  Unmould the

Leche Flans that you require just before serving.  Leche Flan is served chilled.


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My suggestion for avoiding burnt Leche Flan topping is don’t let your toffee gets

too dark when you melt your sugar.

Avoiding air bubbles during whisking contributes to a much better looking Leche

Flan and this goes also with the simmering water instead of full blast boiling

water while steaming Leche Flan,  I find there are less air pockets.

You can also cook Leche Flan in a Bain Marie (water bath *hot water) inside your

oven for the same length as steaming at 180C.  Use a rack on you water bath, so

that the Leche Flan aluminium moulds are not directly in contact with the bottom

of the water tray.  Direct contact of the Leche Flan aluminium moulds with the

bottom of the tray, heats up the syrup too quickly (like melting the sugar for the

caramel/toffee), because there’s no water between them to cushion the heat.

= can also use maple syrup

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2 1/4 cup sifted cake flour (*sift before measuring)

3/4 cup sugar

1 tspn salt

3 tspn baking powder

7 egg yolks

1/2 cup vegetable oil

3/4 cup water (take out 1 tbspn less)

1 tspn vanilla extract



7 egg whites, room temperature

pinch of salt

1 tspn cream tartar

3/4 cup sugar


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Top Left & Right: Sift  cake flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together into your

mixing bowl.

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Bottom Left & Right:    Add in your vegetable oil, water, vanilla extract and egg yolks

and beat till well combine and the batter becomes smooth.  Strain the batter through a

fine metal sieve to remove lumps.


Top Left & Right: In a clean glass or metal bowl, whip eggwhites, salt and cream of

tartar, until it looks like frothy shaving cream.

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Bottom Left & Right:    Gradually add in your sugar and continue whipping until it

becomes just like smooth icing.  When you lift your beater it will leave a peak with

curled end, this is a good indication you have got the right consistency.

Top Left & Right: Add meringue in 3 additions to the batter by folding gently.  Keep

folding until you have an even cake batter and no visible streaks.

Bottom Left & Right:    If your making mamon, sprinkle some water on the mamon tin

and fill it up 3/4 capacity.  Smooth the top surface to eliminate as much bubbles.

~  Bake in 180C for approximately 50-55 minutes, depends on how large your baking

tins….small one have shorter cooking time and larger ones have longer cooking time.  I

tend to check after 35 minutes and see if the top has turned into nice golden colour and

once the middle part springs back after I’ve put a slight dent with my finger…that

means it is cooked and you have to remove it out of the oven.  If you’re just doing this

recipe as a chiffon cake or individual mamons, you have to invert the tins on a cooling

rack after taking them out of the oven till they’re completely cooled down.

~  To remove the mamons out of their tins, I gently separate the frill edges first from

the sides of the tins and with a paring knife slowly detach the lower side parts till I can

completely remove the mamon with my fingers.

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This recipe is just right for a 9x13 pan, here in Brisbane, Australia the closest

baking pan was this Anolon.

You can use a large chiffon baking tin, mamon molds or ensaymada molds.


Anonymous said...

Do I need to grease the pan first before sprinkling it with water? Thanks?

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ No need to grease the pan...The chiffon cake needs to attach itself

to the side of the baking tins to get volume, if you grease the tins it will collapse

and won't get fluffy.

Anonymous said...

With regards to the round pan that you used, what size and how deep is it? Thank


cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ For the round aluminium pan (22cm across/6cm depth) and only

use 1/2 of this basic chiffon recipe. If you add the leche flan topping, you will also

have some chiffon mixture for a extra large mamon tin.

Anonymous said...

I'm planning to use this chiffon recipe to make a different cake frosted by

buttercream. If I bake this chiffon cake in round pans (not mamon pans) about 9 x

2" do I also sprinkle it with water before putting the batter in? Thank you.

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ Might as well sprinkle some water, just in case=) The only thing

you have to remember not to overfill because you have to put the pan upside

down once the chiffon cake is cooked on the wire rack. Make sure your pan is not

non stick because the chiffon have to have sides to grip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great recipe, am making it for my mother in laws bday as she is

lactose intolerant... Just curious... If I was to make this ube or pandan flavor, how

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would I go about it...? I'm in Sydney so if u know of any flavor products I could

buy in Australia to make it? Thanks a lot! - Mae

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ If you're going to try this with ube or pandan flavour, look for the

sticky kind not the watery kind...add the chosen flavour to the batter mixture well

before folding the batter with the meringue mixture. When it comes to pandan

flavour, I use the sticky kind which I find in Asian Stores here in Brisbane, small

plastic cylinderical bottles, they are stronger in taste and smell=) Here's a link of

a picture of the bottle:



Anonymous said...

Hi! First of all I am a fan of yours! :) i'm in Australia too, Sydney to be exact, but i

can't find cake flour here. Can you recommend a store or do you have alternative

for cake flour. Thanks a million! :)

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ you can use plain flour but take off 2 tablespoons out of it per

cup....use U.S measuring cups and spoons as the Australian tbpn equals to 4 tspns

while the U.S tbpn equals to 3 tspns. You can buy cake flour from Coles or

Woolworths(they sell it in boxes)...even in large Chinese grocery (they sell it in

plastic packaging), go to their flour section..if they have it, it will be next to their

potato starch, etc.=)

Anonymous said...

this looks like a good mamon recipe. will try to make it with my daughter. do you

have the mocha roll/cake recipe that you mentioned made famous by Betty Q?

would appreciate it if you'll also share it. thanks. more power to you.

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ I'll ask Betty Q first if I can post the recipe here and then I will

make a Mocha roll/cake step by step...haven't done it yet but I've printed the

recipe =)

Anonymous said...

Hello Cusinera, pwede kaya itong gamitin mamon recipe as :PIANONO , tapos

spreadan nalang ng yema filling?

Page 55: PNoy Cakes

cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ siguro =) I haven't personally tasted Pianono or baka I've eaten

one when I was younger but I don't know the name. Maybe you can use this

Mamon recipe as it calls for sponge cake or if you want to try Oggi's Pianono, ito

iyong link: http://oggi-icandothat.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/pianono-pionono-pio-


Anonymous said...

thanks for the info bout the chiffon cake especially that no need of greasing the

pan or not using the non stick pan.. thats why i dont make successful chiffon

cakes as i always grease the pan.. 

i will try to make the mamon one of these days...

can i use frozen ube or ube yam in a bottle for ube flavpur for the mamon?


cusinera said...

Anonymous~ if you use frozen ube or ube yam to flavour your mamon, it may not

rise as both forms of ube are too heavy...use flavour essence or paste to add to

your batter before mixing it with your meringue =)Thanks for reading the useful

tips on the comment area!

Anonymous said...

if i use 8x3 round pan, do i need to bake it with the same degrees (180 degrees C)

and time (50-55)? and is it true that i should bake at the center of the oven...


cusinera said...

@Anonymous~ This is what I do when I have a different pan size compare to the

one indicated in the recipe, if its smaller...it will cook faster, I usually start

checking if the cake is done halfway the cooking time to avoid overbaking it, if not

done yet..I usually give it a 5-10 minutes further baking then recheck again, redo

the 5 minutes if still not completely cooked yet. Sorry my method is not really

scientific or mathematically correct but it works for me =)

Yes, bake at the centre of the oven...always fantastic result. I've tried saving time

by cooking 2 pans at the same time, I always burns one of them and the other

takes longer to bake.

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Nana Ming's Classic Custard Cake

Ingredients:For the caramel:1 cup sugar1/4 c water

For the custard:3 egg yolks1 can condensed milk1 can evaporated milk

For the cake5 egg yolks2 1/4 c cake flour3/4 c sugar1 tbsp baking powder3/4 c of water with any flavoring, mocha or orange juice (I used vanilla)

For the meringue8 egg whites1/2 tsp cream of tartar1/2 c sugar

Procedure:Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a heavy sauce pan, combine sugar  and water. Do not stir.  On medium heat, caramelize sugar  until it turns golden brown.  Immediately pour it over a 9 inch baking pan. Set aside.

For the custard: Mix all ingredient together.  Stir lightly using a whisk.  Strain and pour it over to the caramelized pan. Set aside.

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For the cake:Sift together all the dry ingredients.  Beat the eggs and gradually add the dry ingredients and the flavored water.  Set aside.

For the meringue:  Using a stand mixer , beat the eggs whites until fluffy and add cream of tartar and continue to beat until soft peaks begin to form.  Gradually add sugar and continue beating until it becomes stiff.

Fold the cake mixture into meringue mixture, until it is well blended.  Make sure to eliminate any bubbles in the process.

Slowly pour into the pan.  Bake in a baine marie for about an hour or until firm.  Let it cool.  Run a knife around the pan and turn it upside down.

Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes

(Make : 16 Cupcakes     | Preparation: 10 minutes  | Cooking: 25 minutes)

Ingredients:6 Egg Yolks40g Caster Sugar70ml Corn Oil100ml Fresh Milk 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 140g Cake Flour6 Egg Whites50g Caster Sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (Degrees Celsius) and whisk egg yolks and sugar till pale in colour. (I used a hand beater and it takes about 5 minutes)2. Next whisk in corn oil and half the amount of fresh milk and vanilla extract till well mixed.3. Slowly add in sifted flour and remaining fresh milk, stir using the hand whisk till combined. Set aside.4. Set the speed of electric beater to low and beat egg whites until foamy. Divide the sugar into 3 batches and add in slowly while beating the whites at medium speed until it reaches soft peak form. (a soft peak is reached when the beaters are pulled out of the whites and the peaks that form droop)5. Scoop 1/3 of the egg whites and use a hand whisk to mix it evenly into egg yolk batter.7. Next fold in balance whites in two batches with spatula till well combined.8. Scoop batter into arrange paper liners to slightly more than 3/4 cup full and bake in preheated oven (middle rack) for about 20 – 25 minutes (depending on the size).9. When done, remove from the baking tray and cool it on rack before making the custard fillings (for your information the cake will shrunk a bit after being remove from the oven).

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Ingredients For Custard:

120ml Whipping Cream20g Caster Sugar2 Teaspoon Instant Custard Powder1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Method:-1. Prepare some ice water in a basin, place mixing box which contain the whipping cream and sugar in it.2. Beat the cream on medium low speed until soft peak, add in vanilla extract and custard powder.3. Continue to beat for a few more seconds till firm and well combined.4. Scoop custard cream into piping bag and pipe the cream into the cool cupcakes. When done, dust with some icing sugar and decorate with some seasonal fresh fruit if you desire.5. Keep it in the keep for about an hour or so before consume so that the custard will firm up by then and the cake will taste more flavour some.

*And if you don’t like the “egg smell“, you can always add in some vanilla extract or vanilla sugar to make it more fragrant to taste. Other than the “plain” version I have also made another “Chocolate Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes” shown above upon my boy’s request which I would share the recipe on next post.

Source: http://azcuisine.net/archives/category/chiffon-cake

Pandan Chocolate Zebra Chiffon Cake


5 egg yolks 1/4 cup castor sugar 1/4 cup coconut milk 1/4 cup pandan juice (blend 12 pandan leaves and soak it in about 6 tablespoons of

water for 2 hours or longer, preferably a whole day. refer to Angel’s for specific instructions)

2 tsp pandan paste 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/8 tsp salt 1 cup cake flour 1 tsp baking powder 5 egg whites 1/2 cup castor sugar 1/2 tsp cream of tartar 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder


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1. Beat egg yolks and sugar in until pale in colour and sugar has been completely dissolved.

2. Mix in pandan juice, paste, vegetable oil, and salt.3. Sift in cake flour and baking powder, fold until combined.4. Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites till frothy, adding a third of the sugar and

all of the cream of tartar in.5. Continue to beat and gradually add the remaining sugar, beating until stiff peaks

form.6. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue to egg yolk mixture, fold till just incorporated. Repeat

the same for the remaining meringue.7. Divide the batter into half and mix in cocoa powder with one half.8. Add 1 tablespoon of each batter on the same spot, piling them up on top of one

another, until they are both used up. Using 20cm angel cake pan, bang it on tabletop twice to release air bubbles. (I only had a 26cm one which resulted in a shorter and wider chiffon)

9. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for about 40 mins.10. Invert the cake immediately once taken out from the oven. Cool completely before

removing from mould.

Home-made Pandan Essence

Cut Pandan leaves (screwpine) into small pieces with scissors. 

Put them into blender and add as little water as possible, just to allow the machine to puree

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the pandan leaves. If you are blending a lot of pandan leaves, add them bit-by-bit, same to the water amount.

Once done, sieve the mixture over a fine strainer and squeeze the pandan pulp to extract the juice as much as you can. 

Store the juice in a clean container, let it sit in the fridge for at least one day. 

You will notice the pandan juice will be separated into two parts. The green concentrated bottom is the pandan essence. This is the part which gives your bake the lovely green hue and intense pandan frangrance. As it is very precious, so use it with pandan juice (the clear light green part) to make up of the amount needed (usually 1-2 tbsp of pandan essence is good enough for an 8” pandan cake). Of course if you have plenty to spare, use it liberally as you like.

Jessie's Creation: Light & Moist Banana Chiffon

Additional note: i bake this using a 21cm tube pan, it rose beautifully too and texture remains moist.

Ingredients:6 Yolks40g Sugar60ml Corn Oil200g Banana Puree (mashed)120g Cake Flour

7 Whites40g Sugar

Method:1. Preheat oven to 175°C2. Prepare paper cups3. In a bowl, manually whisk yolks with sugar till pale in colour4. Add Oil and whisk till combined5. Add in banana puree6. Sieve in cake flour and mixed till well-combined7. In another mixing bowl, whisk whites will frothy8. Add sugar slowly to whites and whisk till medium peak9. Take 1/3 whites lightly fold into the yolks mixture10. Pour the yolks mixture to the balance of whites and fold gently. DO NOT deflate the whites.11. Pour batter into paper cups12. Top with a walnut on top of batter13. Baking tie about 20-25mins subject to size of paper cups.

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Dual Coffee Chiffon Cake

Ingredients: (for 7″ tube pan)

3 Large Egg Yolks

30g Caster Sugar

40ml Corn Oil/Vegetable Oil

2 1/2 Tablespoons of Instant Coffee

45ml Water

1 Tablespoon of Kahlua(coffee liquor)

80g Cake Flour

4 Large Egg Whites

50g Sugar

2 Tablespoon Almond Flakes, optional


~ I use the granulated coffee from Robert Timms.


1. Combine the instant coffee, water and kahlua together and mix well. Set aside.

2. Using a balloon whisk to beat the egg yolks with 30g sugar till well combined before adding the oil.

3. Next slowly whisk in the sieved flour and coffee mixture in alternate sequence into the egg mixture till no trace of

flour is found.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

5. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the 50g caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy.

6. Add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes about less than 5 minutes)

7. Use a balloon whisk to whisk in the stiff egg white into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st

addition to incorporate the whites into the yolk mixture till combined leaving no trace of whites.

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8. Next add in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.

9. Lastly lift up the bowl to height, pour the mixture into the tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to

get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

10. Scatter some almond flakes on top of the batter, bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or

when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean)

11. Remove it from the oven and invert the pan immediately to let it rest on top of a cup. Make sure it cool completely

before unmould.

12. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife(i use a small rubber saptula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

13. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

14. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee

Orange Chiffon Cake


4 Yolks80g Castor sugar80cc Corn Oil160g Cake flour1/4tsp salt160cc Fresh Orange Juice2/3tsp Orange zest2tbsp Cointreau (omitted)

7 whites60g Castor sugar

Method: (Simplify)

1. Preheat oven 175deg.2. Yolks + sugar, whisk till sugar dissolved.3. Add Corn oil + orange juice, orange zest and salt, stir till combine.4. Sieve in Cake flour, stir till combine.5. Beat whites, add sugar in 3 addition till just before stiff peak.6. Fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture gently.7. Fold remainder whites.8. Pour into 20cm chiffon tin.9. Baking time abt 50mins

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Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake  Ingredients:  250g Cream Cheese (softened)                                                      60g Butter (softened)120ml Fresh Milk1tbsp Lemon Juice (omitted)60g Plain Flour30g Corn flour6 Yolks (lightly beaten)

6 Whites1/4 tsp Cream of tartar120g Caster Sugar (*i used 100g)

Method:1. Preheat oven 160deg2. Grease and lined bottom of a 8" square baking tin.Wrap around the outside of baking tin with aluminium foil.3. Place the softened cream cheese, butter and fresh milk  in mixing bowl and stir over double-boiler until melt and mixture is thick and creamy. Remove it from double-boiler to cool.4. Upon cool, add in the 6 yolks gradually and mix until well combined.5. Sieve in the plain flour and corn flour to the batter and stir till mixed. Set aside.6. In another bowl, whip the egg whites in till foamy, add in cream of tartar, continue to whisk. Gradually add in the caster sugar, whisk till stiff and peak. Add one-third of whites into the cheese mixture and fold till incorporated. Continue with the balance.

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7. Pour the batter onto the prepared pans. Place it on top of a tray of water and bake in water bath for about one hour or until firm and golden brown.8. Turn off the oven. Leave cake in the oven and leave the oven door ajar to cool cake.

Feather Light Cheese Cake


(A) Low Fat Milk 250g      20g Butter

(B) 120g Cream Cheese

(C) 50g Flour

(D) 3 Yolks      1tsp Vanilla Essence

(E) 3 Whites      1/8 tsp Cream of tartar      60g Sugar      

Method:1. Preheat oven 160deg with a tray of water ( water bath)2. Line the bottom of 7" baking pan with paper.3. Cook (A) until boils.4. Cream (B) until smooth.5. Pour (A) into (B) and mix until well blended.6. Add (C) and mix until well combined. Place it over double-boiler. Mix until thickens. Remove.

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7. Add (D) and mix until well blended.8. Whip Whites in (E) until foamy.9. Add cream of tartar follow by sugar, whip until soft peak.10. Gently fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture until well-mixed11. Fold in the rest of whites12. Pour batter into baking pan. Place on top on water-bath13. Baking time about 1 hr 10 mins14. Leave cake in oven with oven switch off and leave door open ajar to cool15. Remove cake when cooled and best served chilled

Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Aspiring Bakers, Chiffon Cake, Sweet Potato(番薯)


Click this bar to view the full image.

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It’s tea time again! These few days I saw quite a

number of blogger friends posting similar chiffon cake recipes range from Purple Sweet Potato, Green Tea with Azuki

Bean, Spinach Chiffon, Pistachio & Raspberry and etc. And since I have some purple sweet potato paste leftover in the

fridge after making our favourite Mantou( 馒 头 ), I decided to use the it to make a chiffon cake.

Click this bar to view the full image.

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 As I have run of purple sweet potato, I have no

choice but to mix in some orange sweet potato cubes instead. So does this look savory to you with those “orange”

cubes popping out from the top of the chiffon cake. From far you might mistook it with either pumpkin or carrot cubes

too. With this bright orange cubes, it some how or rather makes me feel like baking a Carrot Chiffon Cake one of these

day.This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 510x363px.

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Here shows the cross-section of the Purple Sweet

Potato Chiffon Cake where you can see a better view of the orange sweet potato cubes popping out in between the

slices. And each slices of the cake has a lovely sweet potato taste and sweetness as well as a light aroma from the

coconut milk used.

Click this bar to view the full image.

 Here are some of the ingredients and steps for

making this Purple Sweet Potato Chiffon Cake.

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Ingredients: (for 7″ tube pan)

100g Cooked Purple Sweet Potato, finely mashed

1 1/2 Tablespoon Coconut Milk

20g Caster Sugar

3 Large Egg Yolks

50ml Corn Oil/Vegetable Oil

40ml Water

80g Cake Flour

4 Large Egg Whites

50g Caster Sugar

80g of Orange Sweet Potato Cubes


1. Wash and remove the skin of the purple sweet potato then cut it into cubes, steam for about 15 minutes or more

over medium heat till soften, mashed it with folks while hot.

2. Transfer the mashed sweet potato into a big mixing bowl, slowly whisk in the coconut milk till it form a paste.

3. Add in egg yolks, 20g sugar and give it a quick stir using a balloon whisk before adding oil and water in sequence

until everything is well combined.

4. Next slowly whisk in the sieved flour into the egg mixture till no trace of flour is found.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

6. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the 50g caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Add

in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the last 1/3

of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes about less than 5 minutes)

7. Use a balloon whisk to whisk in the stiff egg white into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st

addition to incorporate the whites into the yolk mixture till combined leaving no trace of whites.

8. Next add in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.

9. Lastly stir in 3/4 of the prepared sweet potato cubes into batter, lift up the bowl to height, pour the mixture into the

tube pan and tap the pan once or twice on a table top to get rid of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

10. Scatter the remaining sweet potato cubes on top of the batter, bake the cake in the preheated oven for about 30

minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out


11. Remove it from the oven and invert the pan immediately to let it rest on top of a cup. Make sure it cool completely

before unmould.

12. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife(i use a small rubber saptula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

13. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

14. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee


~ You can replace the coconut milk with fresh milk.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 510x209px.

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You can use either purple sweet potato or some

orange sweet potato for better colour effect. For a quick way to get your sweet potato soften you can try the method



80g Orange/Purple Sweet Potato Cubes

1 1/2 Tablespoon Water


1. Wash, remove the skin of the sweet potato and cut them into small cubes shown above.

2. Mix the sweet potato cubes with water together in a heatproof bowl.

3. Microwave the mixture on High for 2.5 minutes, pause and give it a quick stir every 1 minute till the cubes are


4. Remove from microwave and let it cool off before coating them lightly with some cake flour so that they would not

sink into the bottom of the batter.

Click this bar to view the full image.

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This Chiffon is great with its light, airy and spongy

texture together with some extra bits of sweet potato cubes to give some contrast effect. But there is one thing that I

still cannot figure out why my purple sweet potato chiffon cake is kind of “greyish” in colour instead of brighter purple

obtain from the mashed purple sweet potato  Guess that this outcome proof the reason of why I didn’t score well in

my chemistry during school days :p

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 510x363px.

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After making all these chiffon cakes shown using

this similar recipes which I often modify to suit the ingredients I begin to love this versatile recipe that can be trusted

without much setback. For some readers, chiffon cake might seen very hard to success due to the separate handling of

egg yolks and whites but I can assured you that this recipe definitely work well for all conditions. Perhaps if you are

keen you can always try out using a smaller tin like 17cm (7″) which requires about 3 – 4 eggs depending on the


If you have any good suggestions or interesting Chiffon Cake combination of ingredients do share with us so that we

can explore more on these new flavour too   And now I am submitting this post to “Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon

Cakes (Nov 2010)“, hosted by Small Small Baker at this link HERE.

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Banana Chiffon with walnuts & chocolate rice


(A)Yolk 80gcastor sugar 70gCorn oil 80ccMilk 80ccCake Flour 160g1/4tsp salt

(B) Banana 320g (without skin, mashed)lemon juice 2tsp (omitted) walnut 90g (chopped)rum 1tbsp (omitted)

(C) Whites 280gcastor sugar 40g

Method:1. Preheat oven 175deg.2. Sieve Cake flour & salt. Put aside.3. Manually whisk yolks + sugar till sugar dissolved & pale in colour.4. add corn oil & milk, stir to combine.5. add banana, stir to combine.5. add in sieved (flour + salt)6. lastly add in chopped walnuts & chocolate rice.7. Whisk whites till foamy, add sugar slowly. Beat till before it reaches stiff peak.8. Put 1/3 white mixture into yolk mixture and gently fold. Then pour it into the remainder whites mixture and continue gently fold till combine.9. Uses 20cm chiffon tin. Bake for about 50mins10. Turn chiffon tin upside down to cool.

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Coffee flavor Hokkaido Chiffon with coffee butter cream fillingIngredients:

(A)100g Yolks

     1/4 tsp of salt     40g Corn oil     40g Milk     50g Cake flour     1/4 tsp Baking Powder     1tbsp Instant coffee dissolved in 1tbsp hot water

 (B) 210g Whites      1/4 tsp Cream of tartar      100g Castor Sugar

Coffee Butter Cream filling:Butter 120gIcing Sugar 45gMilk 75g3tsp Instant coffee granules (dissolved with 1tbsp hot water)

Methods:1. Preheat oven at 175 degree.2. Whisk yolk with salt. Add in oil and milk and mix well.3. Sieve in flour and baking powder4. Add in coffee mixture5. Whisk whites with cream of tartar until foamy and then add in sugar, whisk until stiff.6. gently fold in 1/3 of whites into the mixture. Then fold in the remainder whites.7. Fill cups with batter8. Bake for about 15mins. Leave to cool.9. Prepare coffee butter cream.10. Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy and pale in colour

11. Add in milk 12. Add coffee mixture13. Poke a hole and pipe cream into chiffon.

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>Matcha & Chestnut Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Chiffon Cake


 It has being almost a year for chiffon cake baking since my last tried

on “Banana & Passion Fruit Chiffon Cake”. While preparing the ingredients I was still kind of worry and nervous

whether the texture of the chiffon cake will turn out with desire outcome.

Today’s combination idea came from my Matcha Madeleines. After using that new Matcha powder that I bought a few

weeks ago, I was delighted to try out another recipe using it. So in order to have something light and healthy I decided

to bake this Matcha & Chestnut Chiffon Cake.

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 As usual for a healthy version, I replace corn oil with olive oil and

water, less sugar to tone down the sweetness and add in some ready to eat pre-packed chestnut for that extra

texture. The chestnuts that I used over here are not those sweetened “Candied Chestnut” that is used for baking so

the taste is rather neutral.

Ingredients: (7″/18cm Mould)

100g of Ready To Eat Chestnut

3 Large Egg Yolks

40g Castor Sugar

50ml Olive Oil

50ml Water

80g Top Flour/Cake Flour

1.5 Teaspoons Matcha Powder

4 Large Egg Whites

30g Caster Sugar


1.Roughly cut/break the chestnuts into chunks and set aside.

2.Separate the egg yolk and white into two separate mixing bowls. (carefully do not leave any trace of egg yolk in the

egg whites mixture) then use a balloon whisk to whisk the egg yolk and castor sugar(add in 3 separate additions) till

thick and sticky.

3. Slowly drizzle in the oil while continue to whisk at the same time then follow by the water till the mixture is well


4. Add the sifted flour and matcha powder into the egg mixture and continue to whisk till the flour is fully incorporated

into the batter.

5. Next stir in the chestnuts(reserved some for toppings) using a spatula till combined.

6. Use a kitchen paper towel to wipe off the oil from the cup then grease the tube-pan lightly with the oil and set aside

for later use.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

8. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Then

add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

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last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes about less than 5 minutes)

9. Add the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st addition using the balloon

whisk to incorporate it into the yolk mixture till combine without trace of whites.

10. Next fold in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of whites and the mixture are well combined.

11. Before pouring the mixture to the greased pan, use a spatula to give a final stir to make sure there is no flour or

egg whites mixture at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

12. Lift up the bowl to height, then pour the mixture into the pan and tap the pan 2 – 3 times on a table top to get rid

of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

13. Scatter the reserved chestnut chunks on top of the batter, baked the cake in the preheated oven for about 30

minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out


14. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately and let it rest on top of a cup. Let it cool completely before


15. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife(i use a small rubber saptula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

16. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

17. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.


a) You can get the ready to eat chestnuts from most supermarket or grocery stores..

b) To test whether your beaten egg white is of stiff peak form, turn mixing bowl upside down, the white will remain

without falling.(refer to the photo above)

c) Preheat the oven half way through while whisking the egg whites so that the oven temperature will be ready and

not over heated when you have all the mixture done and ready to bake.

 The cake is infused with the natural green colour and aroma from

the matcha powder, which makes it a great afternoon, tea-snack that you can impressed your guest with. If you are

not a fan or Chestnuts, you can always replace it with some Japanese Sweet Potato, Azuki Bean or even chocolate

chips. I am sure there is something that will compromise everyone’s taste. 

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>Banana & Passion Fruit Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Baking With Fruits, Chiffon Cake


 Em… this should be the last Chiffon Cake recipe that I going to

post for the time being even though I still have a few on the list to try out :p Since my mum love the combination of

Passion Fruit with Banana, I decided to bake this for her over the weekend together with some of her favourite Banana

& Passion Fruit Jam.

 The cake is full or banana aroma while baking in the oven and the taste is

great! It has the combination of “Sweet” from the banana and “Sour as well as the crunch” from the passion fruit

juice and it’s seeds. We really love this combi especially when it is served together with the extra Banana & Passion

fruit Jam. As you can see from the photo, I even topped extra banana slices on top of the batter to give that extra


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80g Ripe Banana, mashed

1 Ripe Passion Fruit

Rind of 1 Lemon, optional

3 Large Egg Yolks

20g Caster Sugar

50ml Olive Oil

80g Top Flour/Cake Flour

8 Thin Slices of Banana, optional

4 Large Egg Whites

40g Caster Sugar


1. Mashed the ripe banana with a fork in a bowl then stir in the lemon rind, passion fruit juice and pulp. Mix well and

set aside.

2. Separate the egg yolks and white into two separate bowls. (carefully do not leave any trace of egg yolk in the egg

whites mixture)

3. Use a balloon whisk to whisk the egg yolks and 20g of caster sugar(add in 2 separate additions) till thick and sticky.

4. Slowly drizzle in the oil while continue to whisk at the same time till the mixture is well combined.

5. Add the sifted flour mixture into the egg mixture and continue to whisk till the flour is fully incorporated into the


6. Next stir in the banana mixture using the balloon whisk till combined.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

8. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Then

add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. 9. Add the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter in 3

separate additions, with the 1st addition using the balloon whisk to incorporate it into the yolk mixture till combine

without trace of whites.

10. Next fold in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of egg whites and the mixture are well combined.

11. Before pouring the mixture to the pan, use a spatula to give a final stir to make sure there is no flour or egg whites

mixture at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

12. Lift up the bowl to height, then pour the mixture into the pan and tap the pan 2 – 3 times on a table top to get rid

of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

13. Arrange the banana slices on top of the batter and baked the cake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or

when the surfaces turns golden brown. (I baked on the 2nd lower shelf of my built in oven using upper and lower heat

function. You can insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean)

14. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately and let it rest on top of a cup. Let it cool completely before

unmould.(refer to the picture below on how to invert the pan over a cup to cool down)

15. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small rubber spatula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

16. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

17. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.

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 This is a very refreshing tea-snack which is full of light lemon

fragrant, tint of sour from the passion fruit and crunch from it’s seeds. If you love banana cake, you should give this a

try. It’s definitely low fat version compare to the normal banana butter cake that we used to have :p 

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>Ham & Cheese Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Chiffon Cake


 This weekend task we experiment with Chiffon cake recipe again, but this time we

tried making a savoury one instead of the usual sweet chiffon cake. I have read aCheesy Chiffon Cake recipe

from Kitchen Corner and it really draws my attention as I love anything that comes with melted cheese in it. Grace,

who is the owner of Kitchen Corner has a wide collection of Chiffon Cake recipes that you might want to check it up if

you are keen in trying different version of chiffon cakes.

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 For today’s venture, we are making Ham & Cheese Chiffon Cake. As you

can see from the picture, our little baker is keen in joining the process too…… He helps me to prepare some of the

ingredients and whisking the egg yoke mixture while I prepare the weighing of some ingredients.

 Our little Rey still come out with his very own copy of the Ingredients List

which he helps mummy to keep track on the ingredients used and added. Although I want to try the cheesy chiffon

cake idea from Grace’s blog but I didn’t use her recipe, instead I stick to my Sweet Potato Chiffon Cake Recipe and

replace the ingredients with Ham and Shredded Mozella Cheese.


80g Shredded Mozella Cheese

2 Slices of Breakfast Ham, cut in small slices

3 Large Egg Yolks

30g Caster Sugar

50ml Olive Oil

40ml Water

80g Top Flour/Cake Flour

Pinch of Salt

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4 Large Egg Whites

30g Caster Sugar


1. Cut the ham into small bite size, then preheat the pan with some oil and pan-fry it for about 1 minute till fragrant,

removed and drained well on kitchen paper towel.

2. Separate the egg yolks and white into two separate bowls. (carefully do not leave any trace of egg yolk in the egg

whites mixture)

3. Use a balloon whisk to whisk the egg yolks and 30g of caster sugar(add in 3 separate additions) till thick and sticky.

4. Slowly drizzle in the oil while continue to whisk at the same time then follow by the water till the mixture is well


5. Add the sifted flour mixture into the egg mixture and continue to whisk till the flour is fully incorporated into the


6. Next stir in the cooked ham and shredded cheese using the whisk till combined.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

8. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Then

add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. 9. Add the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter in 3

separate additions, with the 1st addition using the balloon whisk to incorporate it into the yolk mixture till combine

without trace of whites.

10. Next fold in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the while, just fold till no trace of egg whites and the mixture are well combined.

11. Before pouring the mixture to the pan, use a spatula to give a final stir to make sure there is no flour or egg whites

mixture at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

12. Lift up the bowl to height, then pour the mixture into the pan and tap the pan 2 – 3 times on a table top to get rid

of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

13. Baked the cake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (I baked on

the 2nd lower shelf of my built in oven using upper and lower heat function. You can insert a skewer into the centre

and test if it comes out clean)

14. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately and let it rest on top of a cup. Let it cool completely before

unmould.(refer to the picture below on how to invert the pan over a cup to cool down)

15. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small rubber spatula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

16. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

17. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.


a) For this recipe, I didn’t greased the tin even though I used the same recipe and method from the Sweet potato and

Durian Chocolate Chiffon cake. I notice that the batter did claim up higher compare to the previous two and the outer

layout of the crust are brownish as well.

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 From the picture, you can see the texture of this savoury Chiffon Cake is kind

of different from the normal one. It has a lot of Air-Pocket in between which contain the melted cheese in it. To us, the

taste was great especially with the added of ham which make the overall of the cake more fragrant. So if you like Ham

& Cheese Bread, maybe you can consider on tying this out. 

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>Durian Chocolate Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Baking With Fruits, Chiffon Cake, chocolate, Durian Delicacy


 This is 2nd Chiffon Cake recipe that I experiment and tested. I used the

combination of Cocoa Powder + 70% Dark Chocolate + fresh DURIAN as main ingredients. So you can imagine

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having a bite on this slice of cake with such combination where you can actually smell and taste the baked durian in a

rich cocoa content. Since this is a chiffon cake, you will find the texture of the cake to be light, spongy and fluffy rather

than that greasy and dense compare to cake.

(you can click on the picture to enlarge it in order to read the notes) As while

sharing the chiffon cake recipe and ideas with some of my friends, they are quiet turn off in making even though they

are keen. They are having the phobia as what I used to have in the whisking of egg white to stiff peak and stir it into

the yolk mixture. We always have this ideas that, chiffon cake is very delicate to make because of the separation of

egg yolk and white mixture. It seems like we can’t go wrong in one of the steps or else the whole process will be ruin.

(you can click on the picture to enlarge it in order to read the notes) So in

order to build up their confident and as well share with readers whom are also interested in trying the recipe. I decided

to take pictures of each steps and write little notes on them so that they will have roughly and idea of how each

process look like.

Ingredients: (17cm / 7″ tin)

100g Fresh Durian Flesh, mashed

3 Large Egg Yolks

40g Caster Sugar

30g 70% Dark Chocolate, finely chopped

40ml Olive Oil

60ml Water

50g Top Flour/Cake Flour

30g Cocoa Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder

4 Large Egg Whites

30g Caster Sugar

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1.Removed the seeds from the durian flesh, weight it accordingly to the recipe then mashed it and set aside.

2. Separate the egg yolks and white into two separate bowls. (carefully do not leave any trace of egg yolk in the egg

whites mixture)

3. Use a balloon whisk to whisk the egg yolks and 40g of caster sugar(add in 3 separate additions) till thick and sticky.

4. Slowly drizzle in the oil while continue to whisk at the same time then follow by the water till the mixture is well

combined. (refer to the pictures above, the mixture will be thick and glossy after adding the oil)

5. Add the sifted flour mixture into the egg mixture and continue to whisk till the flour is fully incorporated into the


6. Next stir in the durian paste and chopped chocolate using the whisk till combined.

7. Use a kitchen paper towel to wipe off the oil from the cup then grease the tube-pan lightly with the oil and set aside

for later use.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

9. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Then

add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (you can refer to the above pictures on whisking the egg whites,

the whole process takes about less than 5 minutes)

10. Add the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st addition using the balloon

whisk to incorporate it into the yolk mixture till combine without trace of whites.

11. Next fold in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the whites, just fold till no trace of egg whites and the mixture are well combined.

12. Before pouring the mixture to the greased pan, use a spatula to give a final stir to make sure there is no flour or

egg whites mixture at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

13. Lift up the bowl to height, then pour the mixture into the pan and tap the pan 2 – 3 times on a table top to get rid

of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

14. Baked the cake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (I baked on

the 2nd lower shelf of my built in oven using upper and lower heat function. You can insert a skewer into the centre

and test if it comes out clean)

15. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately and let it rest on top of a cup. Let it cool completely before

unmould.(refer to the picture below on how to invert the pan over a cup to cool down)

16. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife (i use a small rubber spatula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

17. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

18. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.

 From the pictures you can realise and see the texture of the

Chiffon cake is actually quiet spongy, moist and full of extra goodness….. So are you more confident now to try out on

any of the Chiffon Cake recipe that you love. 

Page 86: PNoy Cakes

Related Post:

1) Rice With Durian

2) Baked Durian Cake

3) Durian Fried Rice 

4) Green Bean With Durian 

5) Thai Style Durian Sticky Rice

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>Sweet Potato & Sesame Chiffon CakePosted by: Admin  /  Category: Chiffon Cake, Sweet Potato(番薯)


 Recently while blog hopping around, I saw a few of my favour foodblogs will

into chiffon cake making. So I thought maybe I would also like to join in the fun of chiffon cake making. After much

selection I decided to settle on this Sweet Potato & Sesame Chiffon Cake rather than our usual local Pandan

Chiffon Cake.

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 Chiffon cake making was rather a challenge for me because this

is only my 2nd time I try making it after the 1st bake of Lemon Poppy Seeds Chiffon Cake some time ago in August

2008. Personally I love the taste and texture of chiffon cake but then the process and tales of making it put me on

hesitation. I am so scare that it doesn’t raise up nicely, the inner part is not properly cook while the outer layer is burnt

and etc. But after reading all the recent chiffon cakes posts, I am once again tempted to give a try on this recipe. The

recipe is rather easy to follow as long as you get the steps of whisking and folding the egg white in the correct


Ingredients: (7″/18cm Mould)

100g of Steam Sweet Potato Cubes

3 Large Egg Yolks

40g Brown Sugar

50ml Olive Oil

50ml Water

80g Top Flour/Cake Flour

1.5 Teaspoons Black Sesame Seeds, toasted

4 Large Egg Whites

30g Caster Sugar


1.Wash and brush the outer skin of the sweet potato then steam it over a rack for about 20 – 30 minutes depend on

the thickness. (the sweet potato is cooked through when the skewer or toothpick is able to pierce through without


2. Cut the cooked sweet potato into 0.5cm thickness slices then peel off the skin and cut into small cubes, set aside for

later use.

3. Separate the egg yolk and white into two separate mixing bowls. (carefully do not leave any trace of egg yolk in the

egg whites mixture) then use a balloon whisk to whisk the egg yolk and brown sugar(add in 3 separate additions) till

thick and sticky.

4. Slowly drizzle in the oil while continue to whisk at the same time then follow by the water till the mixture is well


5. Add the sifted flour into the egg mixture and continue to whisk till the flour is fully incorporated into the batter.

6. Next stir in the sweet potato cubes and sesame seeds using a spatula till combined.

7. Use a kitchen paper towel to wipe off the oil from the cup then grease the tube-pan lightly with the oil and set aside

for later use.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degree.

9. Beat egg whites and 1/3 of the caster sugar with an electric mixer until mixture becomes frothy and foamy. Then

add in another 1/3 of the sugar and continue to beat on medium speed until almost soft peaks form then add in the

last 1/3 of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. (the whole process takes about less than 5 minutes)

10. Add the beaten egg white into the egg yolk batter in 3 separate additions, with the 1st addition using the balloon

whisk to incorporate it into the yolk mixture till combine without trace of whites.

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11. Next fold in the 2nd and 3rd addition of whites using the balloon whisk in a gentle manner in order not to knock off

the air in the while, just fold till no trace of white and the mixture are well combined.

12. Before pouring the mixture to the greased pan, use a spatula to give a final stir to make sure there is no flour or

egg white mixture at the bottom of the mixing bowl.

13. Lift up the bowl to height, then pour the mixture into the pan and tap the pan 2 – 3 times on a table top to get rid

of any trapped air bubbles in the batter.

14. Baked the cake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or when the surfaces turns golden brown. (you can

insert a skewer into the centre and test if it comes out clean)

15. Remove from the oven and invert the pan immediately and let it rest on top of a cup. Let it cool completely before


16. To remove the cake from the pan, run a thin-bladed knife(i use a small rubber saptula) around the inside of the

pan and the center core.

17. Release the cake and run the knife/spatula along the base of the pan to remove the cake.

18. Cut into serving size and serve with a cup of tea or coffee.


a) I used the purple skin type of Japanese Sweet Potato rather then the local orange flesh type.

b) To test whether your beaten egg white is of stiff peak form, turn mixing bowl upside down, the white will remain

without falling.

c) Preheat the oven half way through while whisking the egg whites so that the oven temperature will be ready and

not over heated when you have all the mixture done and ready to bake.

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Baked Durian Cake

Ingredients:150g Butter150g(2/3 Cup) Caster Sugar3 Medium Eggs150g - 200g Of Fresh Durian Flesh, about 5-6 med seeds1 Tablespoon Fresh Milk150g(1 1/4 Cup) Self-Raising Flour, sifted

Methods:1. Line the base of an 7" Round or Square cake tin with greaseproof paper and brush the sides lightly with softened butter.2. Alternatively, you can used those ready-to-bake Paper/Aluminum rectangular cake tin.3. Scrap the flesh of the durian into a bowl and set aside for later use.4. Preheat the oven to 170 degree.5. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy(beating with an electric mixer, or by hand with a wooden spoon).6. Add in 1 egg at a time, beating well in between additions.7. Beat in durian then use a rubber spatula dn fold in half the sifted flour, being careful not to over-stir or beat the mixture.8. Fold in the milk and then the remaining flour.9. Pour the batter out into the prepared tin, hollowing it out slightly in middle to prevent it rising to a dome in the centre.10. Bake cake in the preheated oven for 40 - 45 minutes or until well risen and golden brown in colour.11. To test if the cake is done, insert an skewer in the centre of the cake and it should come out clean, without sticky batter adhering to it.12. When cooked, remove cake from the oven, allow it to sit in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out to cool on a wire tray.

Notes: For this durian cake, you can used those durian that is quite ripe.

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Aspiring Bakers Roundup 1

Dulce De Leche Chiffon Cake

Ingredients A:

8 egg yolks120 gram Dulce De Leche20 gram corn flour180 gram cake flour1 tsp baking powder½ tsp salt100 ml vegetable oil100 ml milk

Ingredients B:

8 egg white50 sugar1 tsp cream of tartar

1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degree F. Get ready a tube pan. Do not grease it. 2. Sieve cake flour, corn flour, salt and baking powder. Set it aside. Combined the milk and oil together. 3. In a mixing bowl mix the egg yolk and Dulce De Leche until well combined. Add in the milk and oil mixture. Mix well. Lastly add in the flour mixture. Mix until the mixture is smooth.4. In a mixer whisk all the ingredients B on high speed until soft peak. 5. Fold in the egg white into the egg yolk mixture in 3 batches. Fold until well combined.6. Pour the cake into an ungreased tube pan and bake for 45-50 minutes or until skewer comes out clean when tested.

================================================================================Strawberry Chiffon Cake

Ingredients for Egg yolk batter:200g fresh strawberries

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6 egg yolks60ml cornoil1 tbsp strawberry paste120g plain flour

Ingredients for Egg white batter:6 egg whites1/2 tsp cream of tartar100g caster sugar

Method:~To make egg yolk batter, blend the strawberries until puree. Combine with egg yolks, oil, sugar and strawberry paste in a mixing bowl. Fold in flour until forms batter.~ To make egg white foam, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until mixture forms soft peaks. Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.~ Gently fold beaten egg white foam into egg yolk batter until blended.~ Pour into ungreased 9" tube pan. Bake at preheated oven at 170'C for 35 minutes.~ Remove from oven, invert cake until completely cooled.

Source: http://reesekitchen.blogspot.com/2010/05/coffee-chiffon-cake.htmlCoffee Chiffon Cake

A recipe adapted from Kevin Chai - Chiffon Cake is Done, but i did some changes cause I don't have any Mocha Instant Coffee but just Nescafe. Anyway the coffee scent is not as strong as I expected, but the texture is super soft.

Egg Yolk Batter2 tbsp instant coffee powder60ml milk4 egg yolks40g caster sugar40ml cooking oil80g Self-raising flour1/2 tsp baking powder

Egg White Foam6 egg whites1/2 tsp cream of tartar80g caster sugar

Method~ Stir instant coffee powder with milk until melted. Combine with egg yolks, sugar and oil together.~ Fold in flour and set aside.~ Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until mixture is foamy. Add in sugar gradually and beat until stiff peak.~ Gently fold beaten egg white into egg yolk batter until blended. (Divide into 3 times)~ Pour into ungreased 8" mould and bake in a pre-heated oven for 35 mins or until cooked. ~ Invert cake to cool before removing.

========================================================================Coffee & Rum Chiffon

Recipe:1 tbsp coffee powder1 tsp rum30ml fresh milk2 egg yolks

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20g sugar20ml cornoil40g self-raising flour

3 egg whites1/4 tsp cream of tartar40g caster sugar

Method:~ Combine coffee powder, rum and milk together.~ Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a mixing bowl until bubble form and add in the oil and milk mixture. Mix well and leave aside.~ Beat egg withes with cream of tartar until mixture forms a soft peak.~ Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.~ Gently fold in beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter.~ Blend well and pour into a 6" tube pan.~ Bake at preheated oven at 170'C for 30 minutes.~ Remove from oven and invert cake immediately until completely cool.Double the portion if you want to make a bigger one.I've used a 7" tube pan and that's why my cake looks a little short...:pIf you are a coffee and rum lover, I'm sure you'll like this.\==================================================================================

Orange Cocoa Marble Chiffon

An Orange chiffon but played with some cocoa powder for the marble effect. The effect turns out quite nice and I'm satisfied with it. (not to mention about the texture and taste...its super soft!) This was actually inspired my Ann from Anncoo Journal's Orange Chocolate Cake. Hers turn out so beautiful and I was wishing mine turns out like hers before baking. Somehow, it was a big difference...;p

Again this recipe was adapted from Kevin Chai's (Chiffon cake is done) Orange Chiffon Cake. I just changed alittle here by adding the cocoa powder.

Here's my version....

Egg yolk batter:7 egg yolks40g sugar4 tbsps corn oil1 tbsp orange rind60ml orange juice110g self raising flour

** 2 tsp cocoa powder

Egg white foam:7 egg whites1/2 tsp cream of tartar120g sugar

Method:~ Beat egg yolks and sugar until blubbly, add in oil, orange juice, orange rind and mix well.~ Add in flour and mix well until forms a batter. Divide into 2 equal portions. Keep aside.~ Add in 2 tsps cocoa powder in one of the egg yolk batter, mix well and keep aside.

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~ Whisk egg white and cream of tartar until forms soft peak, add in sugar gradually and beat at high speed until stiff peak forms.~ Divide egg white foam into 2 portions and add into the egg yolks batter separately.~ Spoon into a 9" tube pan by sequence. Gently shake the pan alittle to even the top.~ Bake at 170'C for 40 minutes. Invert pan immediately and let cool before slicing.

As S was using a 23cm chiffon cake pan, we increased the recipe to 6 egg yolks and 7 egg whites instead.

Strawberry Chiffon CakeIngredients(A)4 egg yolks40g castor sugar1/4 tsp salt50g corn oil150g strawberry puree

(B)120g Cake flour1/2 tbsp Baking powder1/8 tsp Baking soda*Sifted

(C)5 egg whites40g castor sugar1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar


In a bowl, using hand whisk, whisk yolks and sugar till sugar dissolves.Add oil and salt, whisk and add strawberry puree. Stir well.Fold in sifted flour and mix well.In another bowl, using an electric mixer, beat till the whites are frothy. Add in Cream of Tartar and beat till soft peaks.Add in sugar gradually and beat till stiff peaks.Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture using a rubber spatula till incorporated.Pour the mixture to the remaining egg whites and fold in gently till incorporated.Pour the batter into a 21cm chiffon tube pan. Bang the pan on the table to get rid of bubbles.Bake at 170 deg.C for 15mins.Turn down the temperature to 160 deg.C and bake for another 30 mins.Reduce the temperature to 150 deg.C and bake for a further 5 to 10mins to brown the surface.Remove from the oven and invert the pan. Remove the cake from pan when it's completely cooled.

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Milo Chiffon CakeIngredients(A)4 egg yolks30g castor sugar1/4 tsp salt40g corn oil130g UHT milk3 tbsp Milo1/2 tbsp Cocoa powder

(B)120g Cake flour1/2 tbsp Baking powder*Sift 2x

(C)5 egg whites40g castor sugar (I use 30g)1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar (I substituted with 1 TBSP lemon juice instead)

MethodIn a bowl, using hand whisk, whisk yolks and sugar till sugar dissolves.Add oil and salt, whisk and add milk, Milo and Cocoa powder. Stir well.Fold in sifted flour and mix wellIn another bowl, using an electric mixer, beat till the whites are frothy. Add in Cream of Tartar and beat till soft peaks.Add in sugar gradually and beat till stiff peaks.Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture using a rubber spatula till incorporated.Pour the mixture to the remaining egg whites and fold in gently till incorporated.Pour the batter into a 21cm chiffon tube pan. Bang the pan on the table to get rid of bubbles.Oil a piece of aluminium foil and cover the pan loosely. Bake at 170 deg.C for 10mins.Turn down the temperature to 160 deg.C and bake for 10mins. Lift up the foil to check the surface of cake, bake for another 10mins.Insert a skewer to check if cake is done. Remove the foil and reduce the temperature to 150 deg.C and bake for a further 5 to 10mins to brown the surface.

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Remove from the oven and invert the pan. Remove the cake from pan when it's completely cooled.

Blueberry Chiffon Cake

Here's my version,4 egg yolks40g Sugar50g cornoil145g blueberry fillings2 tbsps Milk120g Plain flour1/2 tbsp Baking powder4 egg whites40g sugar1/2 tsp Cream of tartarMethod as the same as my Coffee Chiffon Cake.

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AspiringBlack Sesame Paste Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk15g sugar1/4tsp salt2tbsp veg. oil (I used the oil from the sesame paste.)30g black sesame paste60g soya bean milk/fresh milk75g cake flour (sift)

3 egg white1/4tsp cream of tartar60g sugar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Mix milk, oil and sesame paste together, set aside.3. Use a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk and sugar together.4. Add in the black sesame mixture and flour together.5. Whisk until well combined. 6. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.11.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.13.Remove from pan and serve.

================================================================================American Carrot Chiffon Cake

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Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010)

This is the first time i decided to join in a challenge and i find it's an interesting experience for me. Usually, i'll alway hid in a corner sliently every night searching blogs and source for new recipes to improve my baking skill . Hence, i'm sumitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010) http://smallsmallbaker.blogspot.com/2010/11/aspiring-bakers-1-chiffon-cakes-nov.html

Ingredients A (21cm chiffon tin)4 Egg yolks40ml Oil80ml Milk50g Castor sugar120g Carrot, Shredded60g Walnuts, choppedPinch of salt120g Plain Flour (i used 100g plain flour and 20g cornflour)1 tsp Baking Powder11/2 tsp Cinnamon powder

Ingredients B4 Egg Whites ** (5 Egg White if desired)50g Castor Sugar1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar

MethodsMix A until well blended.Whisk the egg whites in B until foamy. Then add in the sugar and cream of tartar. Continue whisking until stiff.Take 1/4 of the meringue and mix it into the egg yolk mixture from step (1) until combined. Add the remaining meringue and mix well.Pour the batter into the chiffon tin. Bake at 180C for 50 minutes and 10 minutes to brown the surface.Immediately invert it after taking out from the oven and let it cool.===========================================================================Grand Marnier Orange Chiffon Cake, modified from Kevin Chai's "Chiffon is Done".

Ingredients:(A)6 Egg yolks25g Caster sugar

(B)1/4 tsp Salt45g Cooking oil

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(C)1 Orange zest55g Fresh orange juice2 tsp Grand Marnier

(D)95g Self-raising flour

(E)6 Egg whites1/2 tsp Cream of tartar60g Caster sugar

Method:(1) Whisk ingredients (A) till light.(2) Add (B) into (1) and mix well.(3) Then add (C), mix well, followed by (D). Ensure that they are thoroughly mixed.(4) Whisk egg whites from ingredient (E) with cream of tartar till foamy then gradually add in sugar and whisk till soft peak.(5) Scoop a third of egg whites and into mixture (3) and fold them together.(6) Pour the mix in (5) into the remaining egg whites and fold them thoroughly and quickly.(7) Pour into a 9" tube pan.(8) Bake at 170C for 45mins or till cake is cooked through.(9) Remove from oven and invert the cake (still in the pan) onto a bottle and leave it to cool down completely.(10) Remove cake from tube pan and slice.=============================================================================Marbled Orange Chocolate Chiffon(adapted from Hearty Bakes at here & here with slight modifications)

Ingredients for Orange Chiffon Batter 2 yolks40g castor sugar40ml vegetable oil80g cake flour80ml freshly squeeze orange juicezest of 2 oranges

4 egg whites30g castor sugar

MethodWhisk yolks and sugar until sugar dissolved.Add oil, orange juice, orange zest and stir till combined.Sieve in cake flour and stir to combine.Using a electric beater, whisk egg whites and sugar until stiff peaks forms.Fold 1/3 egg whites into yolk mixture gently, followed by the remaining egg whites.Set aside. Preheat oven at 170°C.Ingredients for Chocolate Chiffon(A)30g semi-sweet chocolate (i used cadbury gold 70% cocoa)50ml oil

(B)2 egg yolks40g sugar

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(C)80ml water

(D)40g cake flour40g cocoa powder

(E)4 egg whites30g sugar

MethodDouble-boil (A), stir till combined and set aside to cool.Whisk (B) till pale in color, stir in chocolate mixture from step 1.Add (C) and whisk till combined.Sieve in (D)Whisk (E) till medium peaks.Fold in 1/3 egg whites into the egg/chocolate mixture gently, followed by the remaining egg whites.Set aside.Now prepare a 21cm tube pan, following the pictures below to create the marbled effect chiffon, baked in the preheated oven at 170°C for 50mins. Remove from oven once done and over turn the pan to cool the chiffon.

*Note to prevent the top of the chiffon over browning, cover the top of the tube pan with a piece of aluminum foil.=================================================================================Devilishly Delish Choco Chiffon Cake

Ingredients:(A) 60g Semi-sweet Chocolate Oil 100cc

(B) Yolk 80g Sugar 80g

(C) Water 160cc

(D) Cake Flour 80g ¼ tsp salt 80g Cocoa powder

(E) Whites 280g Sugar 60g

Must have Ganache glaze (topping only)75g Whipping cream40g Butter100g Quality dark chocolate (cubes)

Method:1. Double-boil (A), stir till mixed. Set aside to cool.2. Whisk (B) till pale in colour & stir in the chocolate mixture from step 1.3. Add (C), whisk till combined4. Sieve in (D)5. Whisk white till medium peak6. Fold in 1/3 white into the egg/chocolate mixture7. Fold in the rest of white gently. * the egg/chocolate mixture will be thick & creamy, hence fold in the white gently. Do not deflate the whites.

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8. Pour batter into 21cm chiffon tube pan. Bake at 170°C for about 50mins.9. Over-turn pan to cool cake10. Double-boil whipping cream + chocolate + butter. Stir till melt and well-blended11. Pour ganache glaze onto cooled cake12. Cool to set===================================================================Orange Chiffon CakeI bake chiffon cake very often and this is one of my favourite. I bake orange chiffon at least once a week.I love to bring this along whenever i visits my mother & parent-in-law for their teatime. It is light, soft and with a fresh zesty flavour. Goes well with a cup of English Breakfast Tea.

I tried various recipes but find this one so far the best. Cottony soft, refreshing & best of all, alnatural~


4 Yolks80g Castor sugar80cc Corn Oil160g Cake flour1/4tsp salt160cc Fresh Orange Juice2/3tsp Orange zest2tbsp Cointreau (omitted)

7 whites60g Castor sugar

Method: (Simplify)

1. Preheat oven 175deg.2. Yolks + sugar, whisk till sugar dissolved.3. Add Corn oil + orange juice, orange zest and salt, stir till combine.4. Sieve in Cake flour, stir till combine.5. Beat whites, add sugar in 3 addition till just before stiff peak.6. Fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture gently.7. Fold remainder whites.8. Pour into 20cm chiffon tin.9. Baking time abt 50mins===========================================================================Bitter Choc Chiffon with Choc-chips & Ganache


(A) Valrhona Bitter chocolate 100g (chopped) corn oil 10ml

(B) 3 yolks sugar 20g

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(C) water 40ml (D) Cake flour 60g Valrhona cocoa powder 10g baking powder 1/2tsp (E) 5 whites 40g sugar

(F) choc-chips 2 1/2tbsp

Choc Ganache:100g Whipping cream100g Valrhona Bitter Choc

Method:1. Sieve Cake flour with cocoa powder and baking powder. Put aside2. Preheat oven to 170deg C3. Double boil to melt (A). Stir till smooth4. In another bowl, whisk (B) till pale in colour5. Add in melted choc (A) mixture, add (C) stir till combine6. Add in (D), fold till mixture well-mixed. follow by adding in the choc-chips(F).7. In another bowl, whisk whites(E) till frothy, add sugar. Whisk till peak8. Fold gently 1/3 whites with chocolate mixture9. Fold the balance of whites10. Pour batter into 7" cake pan11. Baking time around 40mins12. Insert skewer to check if cake is done13. Overturn cake tin to cool cake14. Unmould cake15. Prepare choc ganache16. Double boil whip cream till boiling17. Add in choc cubes. Stir till choc melts18. Pour ganache onto top of cool chiffon19. Ready to serve!

Recipe reference & adapted from Chiffon Cake Book============================================================================ngredients for Dark Chocolate Chiffon Cake:Egg Yolk Mixture90g Valrohna chocolate(70%)150ml vegetable oil80g egg yolk100g caster sugar165ml milk (water should be fine)70g plain flour70g cake flour30g Valrohna cocoa powder

Egg White Mixture 255g egg white80g caster sugar1/4 tsp cream of tartar

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In a saucepan, heat up the vegetable oil at medium high heat, then add in the chocolate and stir till all the chocolate melts and well combined. Add in the sugar and stir till melted. Turn off the fire and let cool.In another large mixing bowl, add in the egg yolks and beat gently with the milk till combined. Then stir the chocolate mixture and mix well.Lastly, sift in the plain flour, cake flour and salt into the chocolate egg batter. Mix till no lumps and well combined. The mixture will be slightly thicken but till runny. Set aside till needed.Preheat the oven to 175C and prepare a 25cm tube pan.Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar till foamy. Then beat at medium high speed and gradually add in the caster sugar while beating the egg whites. Beat till the whites are stiff peaks. To check for "doneness", just make sure when you turn the whole bowl upside down, the whites stay put. :) Sounds a little scary, but it is the best way. ;)Gently fold in the whites in to the chocolate batter in 3 or 4 separate portions till all in folded in and no visible whites.Bake the cake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes till the tester comes out clean.Remove from oven and immediately cool the tube pan upside down with the correct support. Cool completely before removing from pan and slicing.=======================================================================

Source: Happy Flour Blog

Black Sesame Paste Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk15g sugar1/4tsp salt2tbsp veg. oil (I used the oil from the sesame paste.)30g black sesame paste60g soya bean milk/fresh milk75g cake flour (sift)

3 egg white1/4tsp cream of tartar60g sugar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Mix milk, oil and sesame paste together, set aside.3. Use a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk and sugar together.4. Add in the black sesame mixture and flour together.5. Whisk until well combined. 6. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.11.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.13.Remove from pan and serve.

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Source: http://happyflour.blogspot.com/2010/07/black-sesame-paste-chiffon-cake.html

Sweet Corn Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk20g sugar30g corn oil115g cream corn15g coconut powder70g cake flour few drop of yellow food colouring (optional)

3 egg white55g sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and coconut powder together, set aside.3. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk and sugar together.4. Add in oil, cream corn and colouring, whisk till combined.5. Add in flour and stir until batter is smooth. 6. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till medium stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.11.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 40mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.13.Remove cake.============================================================================Pandan Chiffon Cake

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Ingredients3 egg yolk20g sugar1 1/2tbsp veg. oil1/4tsp salt 20g pandan juice50g coconut milk 1/4tsp pandan paste 75g cake flour

3 egg white55g sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and set aside.3. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, sugar and salt together.4. Add in oil, pandan juice, pandan paste and coconut milk, whisk till combined.5. Add in flour and stir until batter is smooth. 6. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in two portions lightly until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan, smooth surface.11.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.13.Remove cake from pan and enjoy.==================================================================================Pineapple Upside Down Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk20g caster sugar1/4tsp salt3tbsp veg. oil100g pineapple puree (blended about 110g pineapple-canned)1/2tsp pineapple essence75g cake flour 3 egg white55g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

3pcs pineapple ring (canned)

Steps:1. Slice pineapple ring horizontally into 2pcs and pad dry.2. Arrange it at the base of tube pan. 3. Preheat oven to 175C.4. Sift flour and set aside.

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5. With a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk, salt and sugar together.6. Add oil, pineapple puree, essence and flour into the egg yolk batter.7. Whisk until well combined. 8. Use a cake mixer, whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.9. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.10.Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.11.Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions lightly until well combined.12.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan, smooth the surface.13.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.14.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.13.Remove cake from pan and serve.==============================================================================Pumpkin Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk25g caster sugar1/4tsp salt2tbsp veg. oil70g cooked pumpkin (mashed)60g thick coconut milk70g cake flour 3 egg white50g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and set aside.3. With a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk, salt and sugar together.4. Add oil, coconut milk, mashed pumpkin and flour into the egg yolk batter.5. Whisk until well combined. 6. Use a cake mixer, whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions lightly until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan, smooth the surface.11.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.13.Remove cake from pan and serve.==================================================================================Pandan Chiffon Cake (烫面)

After my first tried on (烫面) Tang Mian chiffon cake, I did some reading on the internet to learn more about it. Done with theory, now is practical time.

I used this recipe original from Forbidden Garden-烫面香兰戚风 to test out two experiments. First, I used 5 eggs yolks and 1/2 egg white for the Tang Mian batter and 4 1/2 egg whites for the meringue. The result didn't turn out as I expected. The cake is soft but slightly moist. :( After some reflection, I used the same recipe again but this time I made a twist on the steps. Hahaha...it turn out what I wanted. The texture of the chiffon cake is very light, soft and fluffy. :)

Following is the recipe which I had made some slight changes on the steps and I find that it is much easy to manage.

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Ingredients5 egg yolk70g coconut milk30g pandan juice 50g unsalted butter1/4tsp salt90g cake flour (sifted)

5 egg white1/3 cream of tartar85g caster sugar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Mix egg yolks and pandan juice together, set aside.3. Pour coconut milk, salt and butter in a sauce pan, boil over low fire till butter melted about 60-65C (when few bubbles started to appear on the surface).4. Remove from fire, add in flour and stir till it form a soft dough. 5. Slowly add in egg yolks mixture, whisk till smooth batter and set aside. 6. Use a cake mixer, whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter until combined. (By now, the egg yolk batter should be lukewarm.) 9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 23cm tube pan, smooth the surface.11.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 40-45mins.12.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.

Pandan juice: Blend 10-12 blades of pandan leaves with 100ml of water, squeeze out the liquid from the puree. Pour the pandan juice into a bottle, cover and chill in the fridge overnight for the residue to settle down. Discard the clear liquid, use the residue left at the bottom of the liquid. This concentrate part of pandan juice give cakes a nice and light fragrant of pandan leaf.============================================================================Berry Tea Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk15g caster sugar1/4tsp salt40g veg. oil3 'Liton' Cranberry Raspberry & Strawberry Tea Bag (about 5g)60g hot water75g cake flour 3 egg white65g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar40g dried cranberry (mix with some flour and sift away excess flour)

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and set aside.

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3. Cut the tea bags, pour tea leaf into a cup.4. Pour hot water into it and leave it aside to cool.5. With a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk, salt and sugar together.6. Add oil, tea together with the tea leaf residue and flour into the egg yolk batter.7. Whisk until well combined. 8. Use a cake mixer, whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.9. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.10.Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.11.Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions lightly until well combined.12. Lastly fold in the cranberry.13.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan, smooth the surface.14.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.15.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.16.Remove cake from pan and serve.==================================================================================Mango Yoghurt Chiffon Cake (Cooked Dough Method)

This 'Cooked Dough Method' for chiffon cake indeed produced a good result. The texture of the chiffon cake is soft. However I think my oven can't bake chiffon cake at low temperature as the crust maybe browned but once it cool the crust turned sticky and started to peel off. :( Recipe from Wen's Delight-Mango Yogurt Chiffon (Cooked Dough Method).

Mango Yogurt Chiffon (Cooked Dough Method)

Ingredients:Egg Yolk - 5 nosMango yogurt - 70gMango puree - 30gButter - 50gCake flour - 90gBaking powder - 1/4 tspFresh mango - 80g (cut into small cubes)

Egg white - 5 nosCastor Sugar - 70gCream of tar tar - 1/8 tsp

Method:Preheat oven at 170 deg C1. Cook yogurt, butter and mango puree together till butter melted, while is warmed add in sifted flour (flour & baking powder) and mix well.2. Follow by egg yolks, add in slowly and mix well, follow by mango cubes to mix well. Set aside.3. Whisk egg whites till foamy and add in sugar & cream of tar tar whisk till stiff.4. Add in 1/3 meringue into the cooked dough and fold well.5. Pour this mixture back to the balance meringue and fold well till the mixture is well mix.6. Pour into a 20cm chiffon mould, bake at 170 deg C for the 1st 10min, then use 150 deg C bake for 35 mins.7. Invert the cake to cool, unmould when completely cooled.(Tip: has to fold fast when the dough is still warmed - note that for mango, the dough will be quite watery as compared to the Pandan dough)

===================================================================================Apple Chiffon Cake

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #5 : Fruity March (March 2011), hosted by Bakericious.

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Ingredients3 egg yolk20g caster sugar1/4tsp salt40g veg. oil1 green apple (remove core and skin)(about 130g)30g apple juice 95g cake flour 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon3 egg white60g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and ground cinnamon together, set aside.3. Blend apple and apple juice together till puree . (I use ginger grater to grate the apple into the apple juice.) 4. With a hand whisk, whisk egg yolk, salt and sugar together.5. Add in the oil, apple puree and flour together.6. Whisk until well combined. 7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.8. Gradually add in sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue in two portions lightly until well combined.11.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan, smooth the surface.12.Place pan into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table top and leave it cool.14.Remove cake from pan and serve.=================================================================================Cinnamon Chips Nutty Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk15g caster sugar1/4tsp salt35g veg. oil55g milk 60g cake flour 20g ground hazelnut3 egg white60g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

50g chopped nutsadequate cinnamon chips

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and ground halzelnut together, set aside.3. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, salt and sugar together.

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4. Add in the oils, milk and flour together.5. Whisk until well combined. 6. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.7. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.8. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.9. Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly until well combined.10.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.11.Smooth the surface and sprinkle chopped nuts and cinnamon chips on it.12.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.14.Remove from pan and serve.==============================================================================Orange Peel Chiffon Cake

Recipe is from here. I added in some orange peel to give the chiffon cake a stronger citrus taste. I am submitting this chiffon cake to Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010) hosted by Small Small Baker .

Orange Chiffon Cake


Ingredients (A)3 egg yolk85g orange juice55g corn oil15g caster sugar1/2tsp grated orange rind1/2tsp orange essencefew drop of orange food colouringpinch of salt

Ingredients (B)110g cake flour1/8tsp baking powder

Ingredients (C)3 egg white1/4tsp cream tartar70g caster sugar

Steps:1.Preheat oven at 175C.2.Use a hand whisk and mix (A) together.3.Sift (B) and mix into (A).4.Stir till well combined and leave aside.5.Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.6.Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.7.Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.8.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly until well combined.9.Pour batter into a 17cm tube pan and give a sharp bang on the table top to release air bubbles. 10.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 30-35mins.11.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.

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12.Remove from pan and serve.===============================================================================Chcoclate Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk20g caster sugar40g veg oil1/4tsp salt60g chocolate milk2tbsp cocoa powder 60g cake flour

3 egg white65g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and set aside.3. Heat up the oil, remove from fire and stir in the cocoa powder.(This way the warm oil will bring out the aroma of the cocoa powder.)4. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, salt and sugar together.5. Add in cocoa oil mixture and milk, whisk till combined.6. Add in flour and stir until batter is smooth. 7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.8. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.11.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.12.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 35-40mins.13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.14.Remove from pan and serve.==============================================================================Gula Melaka Chiffon Cake

Adapted Recipe from 'Chiffon Cake is Done' by Kevin Chai.


Ingredients4 egg yolk3tbsp cooking oil1/8tsp salt95g cake flour1/4tsp baking powder95g gula melaka (chopped)65g thick coconut milk

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4 egg white1/4tsp cream of tartar30g caster sugar

Step:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Melt gula melaka and coconut milk together over low fire.3. Set aside to cool.4. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together.5. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, oil, gula melaka syrup and flour together.6. Whisk until well combined. 7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.8. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly until well combined.11.Pour batter into a 21cm tube pan.12.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 40-45mins.13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.14.Remove from pan and serve.===================================================================================Coffee Walnut Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk20g caster sugar45g corn oil1/4tsp salt50g hot milk2tbsp instant coffee powder 70g cake flour 1/8tsp baking powder 55g walnut (roasted and chopped)

3 egg white60g caster sugar1/4tsp cream of tartar

25g walnut (roasted and chop coarsely)

Steps:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Sift flour and baking powder together, set aside.3. Pour the hot milk into the coffee powder, mix until well combined and set aside to cool.4. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk and sugar together.5. Add in oil and milk, whisk till combined.6. Add in flour and stir until batter is smooth. 7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.8. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.11.Lastly fold in the 55g chopped walnut.12.Pour batter into a 20cm/21cm tube pan.13.Sprinkle the 25g coarsely chopped walnut on the surface.

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14.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 40-45mins.15.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.16.Remove from pan and serve.=======================================================================================Red Bean Paste Chiffon Cake


Ingredients3 egg yolk20g caster sugar2tbsp cooking oil1/8tsp salt75g cake flour65g red bean paste70g thick coconut milk

3 egg white1/4tsp cream of tartar60g caster sugar

Step:1. Preheat oven to 175C.2. Cook red bean paste and coconut milk together over low fire.3. Set aside to cool.4. Sift flour and salt together.5. Use a hand whisk mix egg yolk, sugar, oil, red bean mixture and flour together.6. Whisk until well combined. (If batter is too thick, add 1/2-1tbsp of water.) 7. Use a cake mixer and whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar till frothy.8. Gradually add in the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.9. Fold in 1/4 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture until combined.10.Then fold in the rest of the meringue lightly in 3 portions until well combined.11.Pour batter into a 20cm tube pan.12.Put into a preheated oven and bake for 40mins.13.Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cool.14.Remove from pan and serve.===================================================================================Aspiring Bakers: Honey Bee Sweets

Dark Chocolate Chiffon Cake

Ingredients for Dark Chocolate Chiffon Cake:Egg Yolk Mixture90g Valrohna chocolate(70%)150ml vegetable oil80g egg yolk100g caster sugar165ml milk (water should be fine)70g plain flour70g cake flour30g Valrohna cocoa powder

Egg White Mixture 255g egg white80g caster sugar

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1/4 tsp cream of tartar


In a saucepan, heat up the vegetable oil at medium high heat, then add in the chocolate and stir till all the chocolate melts and well combined. Add in the sugar and stir till melted. Turn off the fire and let cool.In another large mixing bowl, add in the egg yolks and beat gently with the milk till combined. Then stir the chocolate mixture and mix well.Lastly, sift in the plain flour, cake flour and salt into the chocolate egg batter. Mix till no lumps and well combined. The mixture will be slightly thicken but till runny. Set aside till needed.Preheat the oven to 175C and prepare a 25cm tube pan.Beat the egg whites with cream of tartar till foamy. Then beat at medium high speed and gradually add in the caster sugar while beating the egg whites. Beat till the whites are stiff peaks. To check for "doneness", just make sure when you turn the whole bowl upside down, the whites stay put. :) Sounds a little scary, but it is the best way. ;)Gently fold in the whites in to the chocolate batter in 3 or 4 separate portions till all in folded in and no visible whites.Bake the cake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes till the tester comes out clean.Remove from oven and immediately cool the tube pan upside down with the correct support. Cool completely before removing from pan and slicing.

Chocolate Banana ChiffonI have been itching to bake another chiffon cake lately but was procrastinating because of the choice of flavors to use. But when my MIL gave me half a bunch of ripe bananas over the weekend, it kind of solved the problem. :) That's because ever since I saw 茄子's post on 香蕉巧克力戚风 Chocolate Banana Chiffon, I told myself I should definitely try this out! Why? Well, firstly those tempting photos from 茄子's post is enough to convince me. Secondly...who doesn't like chocolate and banana combo? Here's my cake:

I have to say I have much success with this chiffon recipe, it was easy to prepare and it turned out tall, super soft and delicious! Thanks so much 茄子! But I did make some changes to the recipe, mainly to make a bigger cake and also to add more chocolate flavor to it. :) Who can say no to more chocolate? Here is my version:

Ingredients for Chocolate Banana Chiffon (fills a 21cm or 22cm tube pan):Egg yolk Mixture:5 egg yolks20g caster sugar50ml vegetable oil40ml fresh milk160g mashed ripe banana flesh90g superfine cake flour15g unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Valrohna)1/2 tsp baking powder

Egg White Mixture:6 egg whites70g caster sugar1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Method:In a mixing bowl over double boiler, beat the egg yolks and caster sugar from the egg yolk mixture together. Continue to whisk till mixture is slightly thicken and the sugar has completely melted.Add in vegetable oil and mix well. Then add in the mashed banana flesh and stir well again. Sift in the cake flour plus the cocoa powder and mix till everything is incorporated. Lastly add in the milk and mix till well combined.Preheat the oven to 170C.In another mixing bowl, add in the egg whites and cream of tartar and beat till foamy. Then gradually add in the caster sugar and beat at high speed till stiff peaks.Gently fold in the white to the yolk mixture in 3 separate portions, making sure there is no visible egg white.

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Pour the batter into the tube pan and bake in the preheated oven for 36 to 40 minutes.Remove from oven and quickly invert the cake to cool completely before removing from the tube pan.

Caramel Maple Chiffon Cakerecipe tried and tested by NEL, the batter bakerThis is my entry for Small Small Baker's Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010).

The feature ingredients for this cake are caramel tea and maple syrup. Both ingredients combined give this cake it's natural brown colouring.

I love the taste and aroma of caramel. So when Lipton came up with Caramel Flavoured Tea, I gave it a try. While the aroma was wonderful, the tea was too sweet for my liking. Oh dear, now what do I do with a whole box of caramel tea?

Small Small Baker's Aspiring Bakers event gave me an idea!Here's the recipe...

Caramel Maple Chiffon Cake

75ml caramel tea (brewed as thick as possible)4 eggs, separated100g flour1.5 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp baking soda80g sugar1 tbs maple syrup50ml oil

1 - Whisk egg whites till soft peaks form. Then gradually add about half the sugar and whisk till stiff peaks form.

2 - In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and remaining sugar till pale. Then add tea, maple syrup and oil and beat till well combined.

3 - Add flour and mix well.

4 - Gently fold in egg yolk mixture into egg whites with a balloon whisk.

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5 - Pour into an ungreased chiffon tin and bake at 160*C for 30 minutes. When done, remove from oven and invert the cake to cool.

Source: The Batter Baker.blogspot.com

Chiffon Cheesecake with Hershey's Syrup Swirls

Source: http://thebatterbaker.blogspot.com/2012/07/chiffon-cheesecake-with-hersheys-syrup.html?utm_source=BP_recent recipe tried and tested by NEL, the batter bakerIt's been a long time since I had chiffon cheesecake, better known as Japanese cheesecake to some. Many of you would already be familiar with this, so it needs no introduction.

For a little bit of fun, I added some Hershey's Syrup into some batter and marbled it on the top. While the visual effect was quite nice, I didn't quite taste enough Hershey's. More next time!!!

CHIFFON CHEESECAKE with Hershey's Syrup SwirlsMakes a 6x9" cake.

20g butter115g cream cheese45ml milk3 egg yolks1/2 tbs vanilla extract1/2 tbs lemon juice30g cake or plain flour10g corn flour3 egg whites1/4 tsp cream of tartar65g caster sugar60ml Hershey's syrup

Melt butter, cheese and milk over a water bath. (Or just stick it in the microwave in 10-second shots, stirring in between till you get a smooth mixture.)Set aside to cool.

Add egg yolks, vanilla extract and lemon juice and stir till well combined.Combine the flours, then sift it into the mixture and stir till well combined.

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In a clean mixing bowl, combine egg whites, cream of tartar and sugar.Whisk till soft peaks form.

Pour egg whites into cheese mixture and fold gently (preferably with a balloon whisk) till no whites streaks are visible.

Pour batter into a greased and lined baking tin, saving just about 1/2 cup (120ml) of batter. Add Hershey's syrup into the remaining batter and stir gently will well combined. Randomly dot the top with the Hershey's mixture, then use a chopstick to create swirls.

Bake at 160*C in a water bath for 45-50 min till a toothpick inserted comes out clean and the top has browned nicely.

Best to slice the cake when chilled so that there are less crumbs.

Fruit & Nut Pound Cake

Source: http://thebatterbaker.blogspot.com/2011/01/fruit-nut-pound-cake.htmlrecipe tried and tested by NEL, the batter bakerI remember the days when we bought frozen Sara Lee. And every time I pulled it out of the freezer, it was rock hard. Even after a few moments in the microwave to warm it up, it was still dry. And a tad too sweet for me.

So when I started baking, pound cake was one of the first few recipes I attempted. It looked easy enough, but as with all simple things, there is more to it than meets the eye...

My first few attempts were either too dry or too wet. But today, I think I've found a recipe that's worth sticking to. It had just the right amount of moisture, was dense yet not heavy, and with just the right amount of buttery taste without being overwhelming. The photo doesn't really do the cake justice. It's either the lighting, or just simply my lousy camera skills.

OK, enough yapping. Here's the recipe.

FRUIT & NUT POUND CAKEMakes a 9x5" loaf or 2 mini loaves.

227g butter200g sugar (up to 250g if you like it sweet)4 eggs1.5 tsp vanilla1.5 tsp water170g cake flour60g raisins, currants, or cranberries30g nuts (I used a mixture of pumpkin and sunflower seeds)

With your mixer on medium-high, whip butter till smooth and shiny. Gradually add sugar and beat till light and fluffy and almost white.

Stir together eggs, vanilla and water.With mixer running, add egg mixture in a thin stream, and mix till fully incorporated.

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Sift 1/3 of the flour over the batter.Fold in gently with a spatula. Repeat twice more. Finally, fold in fruit and nut till evenly distributed.

Scrape batter into pan. Smooth top.Bake at 160*C till skewer comes out clean, about 80 min for large loaf pan and 40 min for mini pans. When done, allow cake to cool in the pan for 5 min before unmoulding onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

Rice Cooker Sponge Cakerecipe tried and tested by NEL, the batter baker

Can you really bake a cake with a rice cooker?

I was skeptical when my mom said her rice cooker had a "BAKE" function. I googled "rice cooker cake recipe" and found that there was indeed such a thing! The rice cooker works like a steamer, so technically, it could work.

Curiosity got the better of me and I promptly searched my trusty BB for my favourite sponge cake recipe. Would it work in a rice cooker the way it works in a convection oven? I had to try...2 eggs50g sugar1 tsp condensed milk1 tsp vanilla extract (I tried maple syrup today)60g cake flour (or 50g plain flour + 10g cornflour)1 tsp baking powder25ml milk45ml oil1 - Whisk eggs till light and fluffy. Then gradually add sugar, condensed milk, and vanilla extract.2 - Sift flour and baking powder twice. 3 - Gently fold in flour mixture, alternating with milk and oil. 4 - Pour into greased rice cooker pan.5 - Press the BAKE or COOK function on the rice cooker. Sit back & relax.6 - The cake should be done when the timer goes off. (Mine took about half hour.) Remove and cool on a rack.

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Aspiring BakersHoliday Peppermint Chocolate Chiffon Cake

This is my November Challenge on Have the Cake Blog. I have all posted this recipe with Small Small Baker Blog.

Since November came rolling in, I have been thinking Holidays. I have made chiffon cakes before and they are usually moist and light and very easy to handle. The one rule of thumb is you have to keep in mind that the fillings should be light. This particular chiffon cake is not a dense cake and cannot really withstand heavy fillings.

This recipe for Chocolate Chiffon Cake is from reknown pastry chef, Bo Friberg who is my idol. I have been wanting to make this chocolate chiffon cake for sometime, so this is the perfect opportunity. Since the holidays are almost here, I decided to add peppermint extract to the batter and do a light textured peppermint frosting and chocolate peppermint ganache.

Recipe:Chocolate Chiffon Cake: adapted from Bo Friberg1 cup canola oil8 egg yolks1 cup room temperature water1 tsp. peppermint extract11 oz. cake flour3 oz. Hershey's Cocoa14 oz. granulated sugar4 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt8 egg whites

Grease the bottom of a tube pan, not the sides. This is very important. The cake batter needs to be able to grab onto the sides of the pan to lift.

Whip the egg yolks and oil together until combine, add water and peppermint extract, mix well.

Sift flour, one third of sugar, baking powder and the salt. Add to egg yolk mixture and mix on high speed for 1 minute, put to the side.

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Whip your egg whites until light and at soft peaks add slowly the remaining sugar. Continue to beat just until firm peaks begin to form. Do not over beat!

Slowly fold in egg whites to chocolate batter. Take your time folding until it is well incorporated. Do this with a light hand. You do not want to deflate the batter. Pour into prepared tube. I had to leave out about 3/4 cup of the batter. I was afraid it would overflow.

Bake at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes. Everyone's oven varies in temperature, do the toothpick test!Allow cake to cool completely. I ran a very thin paring knife around the cake pan to release the cake. Invert onto a serving plate.

Filling:1 stick room temperature soften unsalted butter1/2 cup heavy whipping cream cold4 cups powder sugar1/2 tsp. peppermint extract

Whip butter until light and fluffy, add cream and extract, continue to beat until fluffy and well incorporated. Add one cup at a time of powder sugar and continue to beat for several minutes until it is fluffy and white.

I cut cake into 4 layers and layered with peppermint frosting!

Peppermint Chocolate Ganache1/4 cup heavy cream1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips2 T. light corn syrup1/4 tsp. peppermint extract

Heat heavy cream in sauce pan, until very hot, add chips and beat with whisk until well incorporated, add corn syrup and extract, mix well.

Spoon ganache over cake and let drizzle down sides. I crushed some peppermint candies to add a festive look to the Cake.

Piped Frosting:1 stick soften butter3 to 4 cups of powder sugara few drops of more peppermint extractand milk if you need to thin out

Beat butter until creamy and light, add extract. Add one cup at a time of powder sugar. Add milk if need be. Pipe rosettes on top of cake with pastry bag and large star tip. Add a peppermint candy to each rosette.

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Green Tea Chiffon Cake

Here is the recipe (adapted from Okashi sweet treats made with love)

70g Plain flour10g Green tea powder5 Egg yolks20g Caster sugar70g Water60g Canola oil or corn oil

Meringue90g Caster sugar10g Corn flour5 Egg whites

Method: Preheat oven to 170C Sift flour and green tea powder together twice. Combine egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Add water and corn oil and blend together. Add flour and green tea powder mixture and mix until batter becomes sticky. Set aside. Make meringue ~ Combine sugar and corn flour. Beat egg whites until foamy. Add half the sugar and flour mixture and continue beating for a few minutes, then add remaining sugar and flour mixture and beat until egg whites are glossy, with stiff peaks. **Add one third of meringue to egg yolk mixture and fold in lightly, then add remaining meringue and fold to incorporate completely. **I've changed this method the other way round ~ Slowly pour all the egg mixture into the meringue at low speed then stop machine. Using a rubber spatula and fold the mixture well.

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Pour batter into an ungreased 20cm chiffon cake pan. Place in the oven and bake for 50 minutes then switch oven to lower grill for 5 minutes. When cake is done, remove from oven and turn the pan over. Leave cake to cool in pan. Once cake has cooled completely, carefully run a knife or sp

Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake

Ingredients : (for 20" chiffon cake pan)A:60g milk40g cream cheese25g butter

B:65g flour (sifted)

C:4 egg yolks

D:4 egg whites90g sugarpinch of salt1/8 tsp cream of tartar

Method1. Preheat oven 170˚C.2. Cook (A) over double-boiler until well blended and thickens. Remove from double-boiler and let it cool down.3. Add (C) into cooled down cheese mixture and mix until well combined.4. Fold in (B) and mix until smooth.5. Beat egg whites until frothy, add cream of tartar and beat till soft peaks. Add salt and sugar and beat till stiff peaks.6. Fold 1/2 of the egg whites into cheese mixture, gently with a rubber spatula until just blended.7. Pour cheese mixture (step 6) into the rest of egg whites, fold it gently with rubber spatula until blended.8. Put batter into a 9-inch chiffon cake pan, bang the pan on a hard surface to release the bubbles and bake for 35 - 40 minutes.9. When the cake is cooked, invert the cake to cool. Remove the cake from the cake pan when it is completely cool===================================================================================Japanese Dark Pearl Chocolate Chiffon Cake

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Chiffon cake is a cake that I am low in successful rate and I would like to have much more improvement so that I can bake a nice chiffon cake confidentally any time I like. So I decided to practise again and at the same time, I can submit this bake to Aspiring Bakers to give Small Small Baker some support again.

I first saw this Japanese dark pearl chocolate cake in Aunty Yochana's blog but this recipe went into my To Bake List was only after I saw it again at Honey Bee Sweets, her descriptions of the cake was tempting me so much then.

I expected to have some access batter to bake into cupcakes since the recipe stated for 23" to 25" chiffon cake pan and the size I using was 20". My heart sank when I pour the batter into my 20" chiffon cake pan and was filled just nicely. This means that I might have deflated the batter that's why yield lesser batter. I was disappointed but I popped the batter in the oven, thinking that even if the cake turn kuih alike texture, it will still taste nice.

To my surprise, the cake was rising high in the oven, I was a bit relief when seeing that. I was anxiously waiting for the cake to cool down, used big fan to blow on the cake to speed up the cooling process. Firstly I can't wait to see the cake after unmould, another reason was I need to catch the last daylight before sunset for photo taking. The top of the cake was a bit cracked but I was so delighted when seeing a nicely baked chiffon cake after unmould. The cake was almost perfectly baked and nicely unmoulded, the texture was so spongy that it will bounched back after I pressed hard. Horray! Finally another success on chiffon cake after banana chiffon.

Recipe adapted from here.

Ingredients :Cocoa Batter:150g chocolate - chopped90ml water100g corn oil25g cocoa powder65g cake flour1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda115 g egg yolks (I used 7 egg yolks)

Egg White Batter:225g egg white (I used 7 egg whites)100g castor sugar (I reduced to 90g)a pinch of salt1/8 tsp of cream of tartar

Method: 1. Melt chocolate and stir till smooth. Add in cornoil slowly, stirring all the time till smooth. Fold in the rest of the ingredients and stir till smooth.2. Whisk egg white with cream of tartar till frothy, then pour in sugar gradually and then add in the salt. whiks till a soft peak is formed.3. Fold egg white into the egg yolk mixture and then pour into a 23" to 25" round chiffon cake pan. (I used 20")4. Bake at 175C for about 45 mins or till cooked.5. Invert cake onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Remove cake from pan and serve.

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Verdict?The cake is soft, moist, rich and chocolaty, taste even more heavenly when I spread with nutella. Next time, I will coat this cake with chocolate ganache, definitely a keeper=======================================================================================.Oreo Chiffon Cake

When I saw this Oreo Chiffon Cake at Table for Two or More, I know I need to lay my fingers on it. Firstly cos I always wanna try baking chiffon cake again. Secondly is Oreo, one of my favourite baking ingredient (Wendy ever teased me that I should get sponsorship from Oreo heeheehee...). Especially when looking at Wendy's photos making me drooling, and of course also her comment on the cake.

Recipe adapted from Table for Two or More and Cherry Potato

Ingredients :(A)65gm oreo (half a regular tube), lightly pulverized together with cream

(B)5 egg yolks50gm sugar60gm milk60gm corn oil100gm cake flour, sifted

(C)5 egg whites½ tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp lemon/lime juice60gm sugar

Method :1. Preheat oven at 160/180C.2. Mix yolks and sugar together. Then put in the oil and milk. Then the sifted flour. Combine with a whisk until smooth. (Do not whisk or beat but just combine)3. Beat egg whites until frothy, put in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Put in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.4. Fold ¼ of egg whites into (2) and then another ¼ of egg whites.5. Pour egg yolk batter into the remaining egg whites and fold (no need to be too thorough).6. Put in pulverized oreos and fold until well combined.7. Pour into a clean ungreased tube pan (22 or 25cm will be fine) and bake for 45 minutes.8. Invert immediately upon removal from oven. Wait for it to cool down totally before removing cake from pan.

Verdict?I need to improve my folding skill, guess I over folded the batter again that caused the bottom part of the cake to become compact. However the upper part is soft and fluffy, indeed very nice.

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Oreo Chiffon Cake

(A)65gm oreo (half a regular tube), lightly pulverized together with cream

(B)5 egg yolks50gm sugar60gm milk60gm corn oil100gm cake flour, sifted

(C )5 egg whites½ tsp cream of tartar or 1 tsp lemon/lime juice60gm sugar

1. Preheat oven at 160/180C.2. Mix yolks and sugar together. Then put in the oil and milk. Then the sifted flour. Combine with a whisk until smooth. (Do not whisk or beat but just combine)3. Beat egg whites until frothy, put in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Put in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.4. Fold ¼ of egg whites into (2) and then another ¼ of egg whites.5. Pour egg yolk batter into the remaining egg whites and fold (no need to be too thorough).6. Put in pulverized oreos and fold until well combined.7. Pour into a clean ungreased tube pan (22 or 25cm will be fine) and bake for 45 minutes.8. Invert immediately upon removal from oven. Wait for it to cool down totally before removing cake from pan.===============================================================================Banana Chiffon Cake

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Actually I still have some baking queuing for my availability to post up the blog but I have to let this post jump queue cos I can't wait to share the success of my baking of chiffon cake.

I didn't intend to bake any chiffon cake soon due to the previous failed attempts. There were some riped bananas at home so I was thinking I should use them to bake something rather then wait till rotten. I didn't wanna bake any "heavier" banana cake as too many cakes recently, probably all of us will feel a bit too overwhelming. Thus chiffon cake is the best choice since it is so light and fluffy that you will not feel too much after consuming.

I flipped through all my chiffon cake recipes collection and decided to use the recipe from All That Matters. Reason being was I dun need to adjust the ingredients as her recipe is for 8" cake pan and also using lesser eggs compared to some recipes calling for 6 eggs for same cake pan size. And of course, I have confidence on her recipe too :).

As this was the last min decision to bake this cake, thus the eggs are still cold from fridge so I seperated it when still cold. While seperating the eggs, my dear daughter was calling me and as usual, she dun have much patience to wait. So while trying to attend to her, I accidentally dropped the last egg yolk into the egg whites. I was so panic, nearly wanna scream at dear daughter to stop disturbing me. Luckily I was able to scope the egg yolk from the egg whites without causing any damage phew.....

In order to speed up the eggs to room temperature, I put the egg bowls into another bowls filled with warm water. While transferring, I accidentally pour some water to the egg whites. Urgh!!! I nearly wanna give up baking the cake cos didn't know whether this will affect the result of egg whites. But as usual, I still tried my luck to proceed with the baking.

Most people have concerns on beating the egg whites to stiff stage but for me, I have no issue on that so far as I had done some research before embark on it so I aga aga know how is the egg whites should be when reaching stiff stage. And I always confirm it by over turning the mixing bowl. My main issue is folding of batter, my failure for cakes are always those cakes that are sensitive with folding. Recently I got the tips that using metal spoon is the best for folding so this time round, I used the metal spoon when folding the batter. I tried to minimise the folding as well, I still used rubber spatula to do the final folding cos I wanna ensure the batter is well mixed.

Well, I am not sure is it cos of the metal spoon or is it due to I had managed to shorten the folding process, the cake was baked successfully YEAH!!! No crack, nice browning, soft and fluffy for the entire cake. And according to Rei's mum, a good chiffon cake should spring back after cutting or pressing, moist but not wet, exactly what my banana chiffon is :). I am still not able to achieve perfect shape for the cake and the bottom of the cake cracked a bit due to I was not careful enough when unmould the cake, will be more careful next time. However, I am very very happy and excited, can't wait to bake my favourite pandan chiffon cake. Stay tune for my good news ok!

Ingredients : for 20" chiffon tube pan(A)4 egg yolks40g castor sugar1/4 tsp salt50g oil

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150g mashed bananas

(B)120g Cake flour1/2 tbsp Baking powder1/8 tsp Baking soda

*Sift 2x

(C)4 egg whites40g castor sugar1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar

Method :1. In a bowl, using hand whisk, whisk yolks and sugar till sugar dissolves.2. Add oil and salt, whisk and add mashed bananas. Stir well.3. Fold in sifted flour and mix well.4. Preheat the oven at 170C. (I set 160C for my oven as the temperature is higher)5. In another bowl, using an electric mixer, beat till the whites are frothy. Add in Cream of Tartar and beat till soft peaks.6. Add in sugar gradually and beat till stiff peaks.7. Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture using a rubber spatula (I used both metal spoon & rubber spatula) till incorporated.8. Pour the mixture to the remaining egg whites and fold in gently till incorporated.9. Pour the batter into chiffon tube pan. Bang the pan on the table to get rid of bubbles.10. Oil a piece of aluminium foil and cover the pan loosely. Bake at 170C for 40 mins. I removed the foil after baked for 30 mins to brown the surface.11. Insert a skewer to check if cake is done.12. Remove from the oven and invert the pan. Remove the cake from pan when it's completely cooled. The surface will feel abit wet but it will be dry after exposing to the air.===============================================================================

Adapted from TiffinBiru

I saw this cake long ago, but not from TiffinBiru. I forgot where I saw it before, but I remember the name being cocopandan cake, and it uses desicated coconut for the cake.

I had some fresh grated coconut, not exactly fresh, but frozen from the fresh coconut. I couldn’t finish the coconut, and I forgot what I used it for before this and it was kept frozen until the day before I made this. I planned for this cake cos I need to wait for the pandan juice to separate.So, when I see the juice is almost ready, I brought the frozen coconut from the freezer down to the fridge to thaw overnight. The next day, the juice is ready and the coconut thawed, I’m ready to make this.

I reduced the liquid used cos I used moist grated coconut and I increased the volume of the coconut used, cos this is not dry. You see when anything dry is reconstituted with liquid, it expands, so, I used more in volume for fresh coconut. If you want to use dessicated coconut, please use half cup of it and increase both pandan juice and evaporated milk to 125ml EACH.

If you cannot find fresh pandan juice, and would want to use pandan paste/flavouring, please do not use evaporated milk but substitute the combined amount (125+125) of evaporated milk and pandan juice with fresh milk (250ml).

Any butter cake I do, that uses the egg white separation method, always gives me a"holey" cake, but, it's softer than cakes made with creaming method.

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Cocopandan Cake

(A)200gm self raising flour, sifted100gm fresh grated coconut (about 1 cup)75ml concentrated pandan juice75ml full cream evaporated milk (Ideal brand)125gm butter100gm sugar2 egg yolks

(B)2 egg whites½ tsp cream of tartar50gm sugar

1. Preheat oven at 160/180C. Prepare 2 loaf pans (3X6) or one 7 inch square pan or 1 8 inch round pan. Line the base.2. Combine pandan juice and evaporated milk, set aside.3. Beat (B) until stiff enough to defy gravity when overturned, but still has droopy peaks. Set aside.4. With the same beaters, beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Put in egg yolks one after the other, beating well and scrape the bowl after each addition.5. Put in ½ of (2) and beat until well combined, it’ll only take a while. Put in half of the sifted flour and mix.6. Put in balance of (2) and mix. Put in balance of flour and mix.7. Put in grated coconut and mix.8. Put 1/3 of beaten egg whites into batter and FOLD.9. Put in another 1/3 and FOLD.10. FOLD in final batch of egg whites.11. Pour batter evenly onto prepared pans and bake for 40 minutes (loaf pans) or 50-60mins for single pans, or until skewer inserted comes out clean.

My 2 loaf pans gave me a 3 inch cake (the middle dome), so if you like higher cakes, just make one huge loaf.

I’m a coconut and pandan lover, and guess what? I super “not hate” this cake :)I love this cake more than my Pandan Butter Cake which was adapted from Aunty Yochana.But I think I'll definately put in more grated coconut the next time I make this, so that it'll be like what Tiffinbiru describes it as, a "coconut candy-like" cake. It's hard to get a bite on the coconut bits, or maybe I should've stuck to the dessicated coconut thingy.

Source: http://wendyinkk.blogspot.sg/2010/11/cocopandan-cake.html================================================================================Peanut, Chocolate Chiffon CakePosted by Vivian Pang=http://vivianpangkitchen.blogspot.com/2010/11/peanut-chocolate-chiffon-cake.html  


 (A)3 egg yolks15g sugar1/4 tsp salt


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80ml milk¾ cup roasted peanut½ tbsp sesame seeds45g cake flour1/2 tsp baking powder

 (C)40ml vegetable oil20g cocoa powder

 (D)3 egg whites45g sugar


Slightly heat up the oil, remove from heat and add in the cocoa powder. This will help on easy mixing for the next step. Keep aside.

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      Roughly grind the peanut in blender. Keep aside.

 Pour egg yolks and sugar in a bowl set over the saucepan of low simmering water (double boiler method). Whisk till tripled in volume and become thick and pale.

     Remove the yolk mixture off the heat.

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Add in milk, blended peanut and sesame, sifted flour and baking powder. Mix till smooth.




    Add in the cocoa mixture. Mix well.

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In another bowl, whisk the egg whites till frothy. Add sugar gradually and beat till stiff. Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture till well incorporated. Pour in the remaining egg whites and fold gently till well combined.  


    Pour into 20cm chiffon mould. Bake at 160C for 40-45 mins.


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 Immediately invert it after removal from oven. Leave to cool. When cake is cold, remove from mould.  

Notes: This cake doesn’t rise as high as the normal chiffon cake. Maybe due to the content of ground peanut. However it still meet the criteria of chiffon cake, moist and soft. It even pass the Chiffon Cake Test . The ground peanut give nutty bites into the chiffon. The cake definitely taste like peanut! My sons like it!

===============================================================================Vanilla Chiffon CakePosted by Vivian Pang at Monday, June 18, 2012

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We used to bake different flavour of chiffon cake. Have you try out simple vanilla chiffon cake? Instead of using vanilla extract this recipe use seeds from vanilla bean. Since I have vanilla bean in my counter I decide to bake this vanilla chiffon cake.  

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Before I go to recipe I like to talk about AlphaBakes which is hosted on alternate months by Rosfrom The More Than Occasional Baker and Caroline from Caroline Makes. This will be a monthly challenge where the aim is to bake with an ingredient that starts with the random alphabet letter chosen for that month. 

The June Challenge which is hosted by Ros from The More Than Occasional Baker is "V". Therefore I’m submitting this Vanilla Chiffon Cake for the event.

Adapted and slightly modified from Carol Ingredients:(A)5 yolks30g castor sugar60g vegetable oil90ml milk1 vanilla bean

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* can replace with 1tsp vanilla extract (B)120g cake flour (C)6 whites1/2 tbsp lemon juice(replace with 1tsp vinegar)60g castor sugar 

Methods:1. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod. Put the seeds and pod inside the milk. Cook the milk with low heat till boil. Discard the pod and leave to cool.

2. Pour egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. Whisk till sugar dissolves.

3. Add oil, vanilla infused milk into the bowl. Stir well.

4. Fold in sifted flour and mix till smooth.

5. In another bowl whisk the egg whites till frothy. Add vinegar then sugar gradually and beat till stiff.

6. Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the yolk mixture till well incorporate.

7. Pour the mixed batter into the remaining egg whites bowl. Fold gently till well combine.

8. Pour into 22cm chiffon mould. Bake at 160C for 45 minutes.

9. Once cooked remove from oven. Immediately invert and leave to cool. When cake is cold, remove from mould.

 This 5 yolks and 6 whites chiffon cake recipe yield very soft and fluffy texture. Why not you try and find out ? Happy baking!===================================================================================Nutmeg Chiffon Cake

Nutmeg Chiffon Cake top with Walnuts and Oats

Today is a happy day to bake a special chiffon cake because my 2.5 years old son won his first prize this morning. He and papa participated in the Dads' Ministry Father and Kids Bonding Event "Race On-Wheels Challenge", the prizes given not base on who win the race but overall father and kids performance. My son rided his bicycle by himself... he won for overall performance. He was the youngest participant.

Bottom of Nutmeg Chiffon Cake, some of the walnuts sank to the bottom. A Walnut fall off when I dislodged the cake. I crashed walnuts a bit, so Gabriel is able to eat it too.

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Recipe modified from penguin cake mixIngredients:500g cake mix7 eggs or 400g eggs100g water3 tbsp vegetable oil1/2 tbsp nutmeg powdercrashed walnuts and rolled oats

steps:1. preheat oven to 175C.2. mix eggs and water in mixing bowl with low speed for 2 mins.3. gradually stir in sift cake mix, nutmeg powder and oil. Mix in high speed for 10 mins.4. pour in baking mould and top with crashed walnuts and rolled oats.5. Bake for 50 mins.=====================================================================Mango Coconut ChiffonSource: http://cosybake.blogspot.com/2010/11/mango-coconut-chiffon.html


Yolk 3Sugar 70gVeg Oil 50mlWater 50mlDesiccated Coconut 4TbspCake Flour 80gEgg White 4Dried Mango 60gSmall amount of flour to coat the mango.


1. Coat the mango bits with flour.

2. Whisk egg yolks,1/3 of sugar together, add in oil and followed by water.

3. Add in coconut, then sift in the flour, and mix well.

4. Beat the eggs white till foamy then slowly add in the remaining sugar. Beat till stiff.

5. Add 1/3 portion of egg white to the flour batter, and blend them well. Add in the rest of the egg white, and fold in gently till well blended. Lastly add in the mango bits to the batter.

6 Pour the cake batter to a 17cm chiffon cake tin, and bake it for 30 minutes at 180'c.

7. When it's cooked, invert the cake and let it cool completely.

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Matcha Marble ChiffonSource: http://cosybake.blogspot.com/2011/02/matcha-marble-chiffon.html


Top Flour 90gBaking powder 2/3 tspCastor sugar 40gYolk 3Salad oil 40gWater 90ml

Egg white 4Castor sugar 40g

Matcha powder 1tbspWater 2tsp


1. Sift flour and baking powder and set aside.

2. Mix matcha powder with 2tsp of water to make a paste.

3.In a bowl, mix yolks , oil and water together. Add in sugar, followed by the flour. Mix to a thick batter.

4. Whip egg white till foamy and slowly add in sugar and whip together a stiff peak.

5. Mix 1/3 of white to the flour batter and blend well. Fold the rest of the egg white in and fold them gently till well blended.

6. Take 1/4 portion of the batter to mix with the matcha paste. Fill the chiffon tin with plain batter and in between layer filled with matcha batter. With a skewer, run through the tin to create the marble effect.

7. Bake the cake at 180ç for 10 minutes, and bring down to 160'c and bake for further 30 minutes.

8. Cool the cake with the tin inverted on a wire rack till it's completely cool before slicing.

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Almond Longan Chiffon CakeSource: http://needmorenoms.blogspot.com

Have been seeing Daring Bakers/Cooks off foodie websites like foodgawker.com, so am pretty excited to be submitting this post to Small Small Baker's Aspiring Bakers #1: Chiffon Cakes (Nov 2010)!

Baking chiffon really tests my patience. Have been lucky enough to have successful bakes when I first started out, until recently. I get funny shaped chiffons due them falling off the tin during cooling, they end up looking so funny that my mom and sister can't help but to laugh out loud when they see the odd looking chiffons. I'm going to call them my haha-chiffons, since they don't look tall and fluffy like good chiffons are, they serve the purpose of amusing people. Gonna consolidate a gallery of my haha-chiffons and baking bloopers when I find the time hurhur.

After a few consecutive fail chiffon bakes, finally got a proper one! Thankfully this one worked, else I'm going to be really demoralised. The usual light fluffy cottony texture wins hands down. Refreshing longan backed with an almond under-note. I have no problem distributing my calories, this one's pretty popular over here. On a side note, think I'll take a break from baking chiffons after this month, these cheeky temperamental bakes are a little too much for me to take.

Almond Longan Chiffon Cake (modified from Keiko Ishida's Okashi)

Ingredients:80g cake flour5 egg yolks20g caster sugar60g water60g canola oil1/2 tsp longan flavoring1 tsp pure almond extract

180g egg whites (about 5 eggs, mine was 195g)90g caster sugar10g corn flour

Method:1. Preheat oven to 160°C2. Sift flour twice3. Beat egg yolks and sugar until well mixed4. Add water, canola oil, longan flavoring and almond extract to the yolk mixture and blend well5. Add flour mixture to yolk mixture until the batter becomes sticky6. Combine sugar and corn flour in a separate bowl7. Beat egg whites until frothy and add half of the sugar mixture, and continue to beat8. Slowly add in the rest of the sugar mixture and beat until egg white stiff peaks and is glossy but not dry9. Add one third of the meringue into yolk mixture and fold in lightly10. Pour in rest of the meringue and fold until well combined11. Pour the batter into a 20-cm chiffon tin and bake for 40 mins12. Invert the chiffon tin on a wire rack and let it cool for 2h before releasing the cake for serving

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Milk Tea Chiffon CakeSource: http://needmorenoms.blogspot.comI like playing around with chiffon cakes flavoring as they are really versatile. Since I have been craving for milk tea (Ice cream milk tea!!!) recently, milk tea it shall be! :P

Just a bit of reminiscing. When I first started dating my boyfriend, our group of friends visited KOI often. So soon after, he was craving for milk tea frequently. So being the new-girlfriend who wanted to impress her new date, I started making home made milk tea for him. Experimented with various combination to achieve the KOI milky consistency. So he was happily gulping down buckets and buckets of milk tea to find his waistline expanding. My boyfriend has pretty high self awareness of his physique, so he went on a milk tea ban and that was the end of my milk tea adventure.

Despite having baked chiffons for a good number of times, success is still not guaranteed =/ My chiffon fell off from its mould when I inverted it LOL That explains cake's cool Nike-like Let's-Do-It symbol rooftop. Second time it happened. May have to try baking it slightly longer than my usual 40 mins so that it'll cling to the sides more.

And it is not as light and fluffy as the usual bakes. Grrrrr... The milk tea taste isn't apparent as well. I've already used 2 tea bags to infuse the tea leaves flavor but guess there is a better method somewhere out there. Booo. Thankfully the cake is still pretty good on its own. It tastes like.........................a flavorless chiffon cake. HAHAH I'll definitely revisit this with an improvised version soon.

Milk Tea Chiffon Cake (modified from Keiko Ishida's Okashi)

Ingredients:80g cake flour5 egg yolks20g caster sugar70g concentrated milk tea (Measured out from 2 infused ceylon tea bags into 200ml of water + 20g creamer)60g canola oil

5 egg whites (weighed mine to be 198g)90g caster sugar10g corn flour

Method:1. Preheat oven to 160°C2. Sift flour twice3. Beat egg yolks and sugar until well mixed4. Add milk tea and canola oil to the yolk mixture and blend well5. Add flour mixture to yolk mixture until the batter becomes sticky6. Combine sugar and corn flour in a separate bowl7. Beat egg whites until frothy and add half of the sugar mixture, and continue to beat8. Slowly add in the rest of the sugar mixture and beat until egg white stiff peaks and is glossy but not dry9. Add one third of the meringue into yolk mixture and fold in lightly10. Pour in rest of the meringue and fold until well combined11. Pour the batter into a 20-cm chiffon tin and bake for 40 mins12. Invert the chiffon tin on a wire rack and let it cool for 2h before releasing the cake for serving================================================================================

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Oolong Tea Chiffon Cake

Source: http://needmorenoms.blogspot.com

Adjusted the recipe to fit a 21cm pan. I've actually tried another Oolong Tea chiffon cake recipe before this one and it didn't turn out too well, so was kinda of discouraged. Fortunately, my chiffon cake didn't fall off the pan this time. The tea-ish taste is kinda lacking, but the cake carries a relatively higher water content than other chiffons that I've made, contributing to a moist yet fluffy texture.

Ingredients:3 (2) tbsp of loose leaf oolong tea, or 4 (3) tea bags), divided160ml (112ml) water4 (3) egg yolks100g (70g) sugar (I use superfine)65ml (45ml) vegetable oil1/2 (1/3) tsp salt140g (99g) cake flour

6 (4) egg whitesPinch of salt50g (35g) sugar (I use superfine)

Method:1. Preheat the oven to 160°C with the rack in the middle position.2. Using a mortar and pestle or an electric coffee grinder, grind 1 tbsp of the loose leaf tea until fine. Set aside. If you’re using tea bags, skip this step.3. Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of loose leaf tea or, if using, the 4 tea bags. Cover and let steep according to packaged instructions, about 5 minutes. Strain if using loose leaf tea. Let cool to room temperature. If necessary, add additional water to measure 160 ml.4. Whisk together the egg yolks, 100 g of the sugar, oil, salt, ground tea leaves and steeped tea in a large bowl.5. Add the flour and gently whisk just until smooth. Set aside.6. Beat the egg whites in another large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed. When the whites become frothy, add the salt. When the whites begin to increase in volume and lose their opaqueness, gradually add the remaining 50 g sugar. Beat until whites are stiff and glossy, but not dry.7. Fold ¼ of the whites into the egg yolk-tea mixture to loosen the batter, then gently fold in the remaining whites just until fully incorporated, being careful not to deflate.8. Pour batter into an ungreased 25-cm (I use 21cm) tube pan with removable bottom. Gently run a knife or spatula through the batter to break up any large air pockets – be sure to reach the bottom.9. Bake for 30-35 (29 for me) minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Let cool upside down – suspended over the neck of a wine bottle works best.10. Once the cake is completely cooked, remove it from the pan by running a knife around the sides and carefully pushing the bottom out. To release the tube portion from the cake, carefully run a knife between the cake and bottom of the pan.=================================================================================

Mocha Chiffon Cake

Source: http://needmorenoms.blogspot.comMocha Chiffon Cake (modified from Keiko Ishida's Okashi)makes 3 10cm chiffon

Ingredients:24g cake flour8g natural cocoa powder2 egg yolks

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8g caster sugar30g coffee, room temperature (3 tsp instant coffee for 1 cup)24g canola oil

2 egg whites36g caster sugar4g corn flour

Method:1. Preheat oven to 160°C2. Sift flour and cocoa powder twice3. Beat egg yolks and sugar until well mixed4. Add coffee and canola oil to the yolk mixture and blend well5. Add flour mixture to yolk mixture until the batter becomes sticky6. Combine sugar and corn flour in a separate bowl7. Beat egg whites until frothy and add half of the sugar mixture, and continue to beat8. Slowly add in the rest of the sugar mixture and beat until egg white stiff peaks and is glossy but not dry9. Add one third of the meringue into yolk mixture and fold in lightly10. Pour in rest of the meringue mixture and fold until well combined11. Pour the batter into chiffon tins and bake for 22 mins12. Invert the chiffon tin on a wire rack and let it cool for 2h before releasing the cake for serving

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DOUBLE ESPRESSO ROLL CAKE8 commentsLabels: Espresso Swiss Roll, Filipino mocha roll cake

Coffee flavored cake called Mocha cake is a favorite in the Philippines. It is sold at bakeshops as a round layer, sheet, or Swiss roll cakes and often served at birthday parties. These are chiffon, very soft, and spongy cakes unlike American-style jelly roll cakes. I love this not too sweet Filipino version that I adapted from this recipe, and for intense coffee flavor I used freshly brewed coffee plus espresso powder.

Double Espresso Roll Cake 1 cup sifted flour½ teaspoon salt½ cup sugar½ tablespoon baking powder1 tablespoon espresso powder ¼ cup light olive or grapeseed oil6 tablespoons hot brewed espresso coffee4 egg yolks4 egg whites¼ teaspoon cream of tartar¼ cup sugar Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a jelly roll pan with parchment paper.In a bowl of standing mixer, combine flour, salt, ½ cup sugar, baking powder, and espresso powder. Make a well in the center and pour in oil and hot coffee. With the paddle attachment, beat mixture on medium low for 3 minutes. Continue mixing, adding egg yolks one at a time, blending well after each addition, until thoroughly mixed. Transfer into another bowl and set aside.Wash the bowl very well and wipe dry, or use another bowl. Put in the egg whites and cream of tartar. Beat with wire whisk attachment at medium speed until frothy. Gradually add the ¼ cup sugar, beating until mixture is stiff and glossy. With rubber spatula, gently fold one fourth of beaten egg whites into batter, scraping bottom of bowl, until lightly blended. Gently fold the batter into the rest of the beaten egg white. Pour evenly into the prepared pan and smooth top with an offset spatula. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Turn the cake out on a towel lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Peel off the parchment paper. Starting from the narrow side, roll the still warm cake with the towel and leave on a wire rack to cool completely. Unroll the cake and transfer onto a parchment paper. Spread with a thin layer of Espresso Buttercream Frosting and reroll the cake, frost the outside of the roll. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before slicing. Keep leftover slices in the refrigerator or freezer.Espresso Buttercream Frosting2 large egg whites, at room temperature 1/8 teaspoon salt½ cup brewed espresso coffee11 tablespoons plus 1 tablespoon sugar12 tablespoons butter, cut into 1 tablespoon pieces and softened1 tablespoon espresso powder Put egg whites and salt in the bowl of a standing mixer with the wire whisk attachment.Stir together brewed coffee and 11 tablespoons sugar in a heavy saucepan until sugar is dissolved, then bring to a boil over moderate heat, without stirring, brushing any sugar crystals down side of pan with a pastry brush dipped in water.When syrup reaches a boil, start beating egg whites at medium-high speed until frothy, then gradually add remaining tablespoon sugar and espresso powder and beat at medium speed until whites just hold soft peaks. Do not beat again until sugar syrup is ready.Meanwhile, attach candy thermometer on the saucepan and continue boiling until syrup registers 238°F. Immediately remove from heat and with mixer at high speed, slowly pour hot syrup in a thin stream down side of bowl into whites, beating constantly. Beat, scraping down side of bowl with a rubber spatula, until meringue is cool to the touch, about 10

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minutes. It is important that meringue is properly cooled before proceeding. With mixer at medium speed, gradually add butter 1 piece at a time, beating well after each addition until incorporated. Continue beating until buttercream is smooth. Mixture may look curdled before all of the butter is added but will come back together by the time beating is finished.MATCHA ROLL CAKE19 commentsLabels: green tea, matcha, Swiss roll cake

I made this cake once before and I really like it. The green tea flavor is so subtle and the cake is not extremely sweet, is so soft and spongy, and with the clean taste of slightly sweetened heavy cream this cake is just so dreamy, mmmm. I will add more matcha next time or maybe food coloring to intensify the grassy green color.

Matcha Roll Cake¾ cup cake flour2 tablespoons matcha powder¾ teaspoon baking powder4 eggs, separated¾ cup sugar2 - 3 tablespoons milkfilling: beat 2 cups heavy cream until almost stiff, add 1 - 2 tablespoons sugarPre-heat oven to 400°F.Sift together flour, matcha, and baking powder 3 times, set aside.In a clean bowl, beat egg whites until stiff but not dry, set aside.In another bowl beat egg yolks until very light. Add sugar gradually and beat until light. Add flour mixture, stir on low speed. Add 2 tablespoons milk, continue stirring until mixed. Fold in beaten egg whites.Spread mixture on a parchment paper-lined jelly roll pan. Bake for 8 minutes.Trim edges. Using paper as guide, roll cake from short side, leave on a rack to cool completely. Unroll cake, spread the whipped cream. Re-roll cake, peeling paper as you roll. Refrigerate for 2 hours before slicing.Note: Jelly roll cake recipes usually say to transfer the cake on a towel sprinkled with powdered sugar. It is not really necessary and the powdered sugar will make the outside of the cake whitish and of course add to the sweetness. The paper is better because it will remove the brownish surface layer of the cake and the result is a cleaner, prettier cake.

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Bibingka Espesyal (Rice Cake)

Bibingka Batter

Ingredients:1 cup rice

1 cup water1/2 cup refined sugar2 tsp baking powder2 tbsp melted butter

3 eggs, beaten1 cup thick coconut milk

Utensils:mixing bowlwooden ladle

Procedure:1. Soak one cup of rice in one cup of water overnight.

2. Drain water from the soaked rice.

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 Produce rice flour by grinding the rice softened by soaking, in a rice grinder.

 If you don’t have a grinder, you can have the rice ground in the public market.

 Any stall selling galapong will have a rice grinder.3. Once the rice flour is ready, mix it with sugar.

4. Add baking powder, melted butter, beaten eggs and thick coconut milk to the rice flour mixture.

5. Mix the rice flour mixture thoroughly. This will serve as the bibingka batter.

B. Cooking Bibingka

Ingredients:bibingka batter4-5 salted eggs

1 packet white cheesegrated coconut


Utensils:mixing bowl

ladle or deep-cupped spoona pair of tongs

rice caked mold (hulmahan)stove

improvised basin for live coalsfirewood coalsbanana leaves

turner for frying or toastingmeasuring cup


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1. Put some coal in the improvised basin made of a piece of G.I. sheet or tin.

 Make the coals red hot. Set aside first.

2. Line the rice cake mold in a piece of banana leaf.3. Put one cup of rice batter into the mold.

4. Arrange a few pieces of the sliced salted eggs and sprinkle a little amount of white cheese on top of the

batter in the bibingka mold.5. Put the mold with batter over a stove with live coals and place the improvised tin basin with live, red hot coal over

the mold containing the rice cake batter. The rice cake should be cooked in this manner:

 with live coals under and over the mold containing it.6. Cook for 10 minutes or until the upper skin or the

batter turns golden brown.7. Once cooked remove bibingka from the stove and

transfer bibingka on a plate.8. Serve bibingka with grated coconut on the side.

This recipe makes 2-4 whole medium-sized bibingka or rice cake.

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Camote Suman

Ingredients:½ cup coconut milk

1 kg sweetpotato, grated1/3 cup young coconut, grated1 cup powdered pilit (malagkit)

¾ cup sugarbanana leaves

Procedure:1. Cook grated sweetpotato with coconut milk and sugar.

2. Remove from fire.3. Add young coconut and powdered pilit (malagkit).

 Mix well.4. Wrap in banana leaves.

5. Steam until cooked ( 10-15 mins ).

Ube Halaya

Ingredients:1 kilo ube yam root

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1 can (14 ounces) evaporated milk2 cans (12 ounces) condensed milk

1/2 cup butter or margarine1/2 teaspoon of vanilla (optional)

Cooking Instructions:1. On a pot, boil the unpeeled ube yam in water and

simmer for 30 minutes. Drain and let cool.

2. Peel and finely grate the ube yam.3. Heat a big wok in medium heat.

4. Melt butter or margarine, add the condensed milk and vanilla flavoring.

 Mix well.5. Add the 1 kilo grated ube yam.

6. Adjust the heat to low.7. Keep on mixing the ingredients for about 30 minutes or

until sticky and a bit dry (but still moist).8. Add the evaporated milk and continue to mix for

another 15 minutes.9. Let cool and place on a large platter.

10. Refrigerate before serving the halayang ube.

Cooking Tips:* You may spread additional butter or margarine on top of

the jam before serving.* For the sweet toothed, sprinkle a little sugar on top of

the jam after placing on the large platter.* Instead of manually grating the ube, you may cut it in

cubes and use a blender to powderize the ube.

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Ingredients:2 cups pinipig

1 cup coconut water1/2 cup sugar

1 1/2 cups butong (young coconut), grated

How to make baye-baye:1. Grind toasted pinipig.

 In a bowl, mix ground pinipig, coconut water and sugar. Blend well and add grated butong.

2. Divide into serving portions. Wrap each serving in banana leaves or wax paper.

 Chill before serving.

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Ingredients:4 pcs mature coconut, shredded1 pc young coconut, shredded1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds

4 cups water1 kg malagkit flour

banana leaves, wilted3/4 cup molasses

How to make Tupig:1. Extract coconut milk from mature coconut by adding

water and squeezing out gata or coconut milk.2. Strain and set aside.

 Add remaining ingredients to coconut milk. Mix well.

3. Pour 1/4 cup batter on wilted banana leaves, roll and seal ends.

4. Bake over live charcoal 15 to 20 minutes or until done.

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Suman Sa Moron

Ingredients:100 gms glutinous rice

200 gms Star Margarine200 gms ordinary rice

50 gms peanutsmilk from 3 pcs coconut1 tbsp Hershey’s syrup400 gms white sugar

banana leaves

Procedure:1. Mix glutinous rice with ordinary rice and boil with

coconut milk until mixture becomes fine.2. Add remaining ingredients, except banana leaves, and

boil until sticky.3. Wrap in banana leaves by serving portion.

4. Boil in pot until suman is cooked.

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Puto Bumbong

Ingredients:1 cup glutinous rice

2 tsp purple food color (ube)2 cups water



muslin clothsifter or strainer

2 pcs bamboo tube (bumbong)steamer for making puto

Procedure:1. Soak glutinous rice in water overnight.

2. Grind the soaked rice. (see bibingka how)3. Mix food color while the glutinous rice is being ground.

4. Wrap the ground glutinous rice on a piece of muslin cloth and place it in a strainer to drain excess liquid.

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 Another technique in draining excess liquid is by pressing a heavy object that has been placed over the muslin cloth.5. Once the ground rice has slightly dried, rub it against the screen of a strainer to produce coarse grained rice

flour.6. The rice flour for making puto bumbong is now ready to

cook. Fill each bamboo tube (bumbong) with just enough

glutinous rice and put them into the steamer. See to it that the steamer contains boiling water.

7. Steam rice flour in the bamboo tubes for 10 minutes.8. Once cooked, shake out the contents of each bamboo

tube or remove the cooked glutinous rice from the bumbong with the help of a knife.

9. Spread butter on the puto bumbong and place a small piece of panutsa (sugar cane sweets).

10. Add a small amount of grated coconut before serving.This recipe is good for 6-8 pieces of puto bumbong.

Cassava Cake


Page 154: PNoy Cakes

4 cups grated cassava2 cups coconut milk2 tbsp. melted butter

3 eggs2 cups sugar1 tbsp. salt

1/2 cup pure coconut creamGrated cheese

Directions:1. Beat eggs.

 Add sugar, butter and salt. Mix thoroughly.

2. Add the grated cassava and coconut milk.3. Mix well and place in a pan or bibingka mold lined with

banana leaf.4. Bake until almost done.

5. Brush with coconut cream.6. Sprinkle with grated cheese or strips of local cottage

cheese.7. Brown top under hot cover or oven broiler, or top with pure coconut milk with sugar to taste and brown under


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Maja Blanca

Ingredients:½-cup cornstarch½-cup white sugar

2-cups coconut milkcoconut cream from 1 grated coconut

ProcedureCoconut cream:

1. Extract coco cream and coconut milk from the grated coconut.

2. Place grated coconut in a muslin bag wrung out of warm water.

3. Twist the open end and squeeze out the coco cream without adding water.

4. Set aside for cooking Latik.

Coconut milk:1. Add three portions of warm water and squeeze the bag

of grated coconut with every addition of water.

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2. Cook coco cream in a frying pan over medium heat until oil and latik form.

3. The latik should have a delicate, golden yellow color and must not be burnt.

4. Transfer latik into a cool dish separate from oil or further heating will turn the latik to darker shade.

5. Blend cornstarch and sugar thoroughly in a 1-quart bowl and add ¼-cup of coco milk.

6. Boil the rest of the coco milk in a 2-quart saucepan.7. Add the cornstarch-sugar mixture, stirring with a wire

whisk until it boils.8. Hold for 2 minutes to attain a cooked flavor of the

starch.9. Pour while hot into two oiled cereal dishes.

 Cool completely.10. Cut into pie wedges.

 Garnish each piece with latik.11. Serve hot or chilled.


Ingredients:1/2 kilo glutinous rice flour

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1 grated mature coconut3 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon toasted sesame seedsPinch of Cinnamon (optional)

Procedure:1. Boil water.

2. Shape galapong into small disks.Drop one by one to the boiling water.

When it floats, it’s already cooked.3. Remove cooked palitaw with a slotted spoon to drain

the water and place on a bed of coconut (niyog). Cover both sides of the palitaw with coconut (niyog).

 Arrange on a platter or banana leaves.4. Mix sugar, toasted sesame seeds and cinnamon.

 Sprinkle over the palitaw.


Ingredients:1 cup rice flour

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2 cups brown sugar3 cups water

1 teaspoon lye waterfreshly grated coconut

Procedure:1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix

well. Pour into muffin cups, until half full. Steam in a large pan with a cover; the water should be 2 inches deep.

 Cook for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

 Add more water if needed until cooking is done.2. Remove from the muffin pans and serve with freshly

grated coconut.

Suman sa Lihiya

Ingredients:1 kilo malagkit na bigas (glutinous rice)

2 tsp lihiya (lye water)

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prepared banana leavesthin cotton strings

Condiments:grated coconutbrown sugar


Procedure:1. Cut or separate banana leaves into two sizes (all

approximates) – one 9 x 11-inch size and the other 5 x 5-inches.

2. Soak the glutinous rice in water for about 1-2 hours.3. Drain and mix in the lye water.

 It should turn yellowish (this would depend on the strength of the lye water), if not add more lye water a

little at a time until it turns yellowish. Mix well.

4. Put the big sized leaf lengthwise on a working surface – topside down.

 Then put the smaller one on top of it – topside up and aligned either same as the bigger piece or positioned with the one of the corners pointing to the narrow side of the

bigger piece.5. Place about 3 tablespoonfuls of the glutinous rice

mixture on the smaller piece of leaf.6. Grab the 2 long sides of the bigger piece and bring

them together. Fold or roll that side to enclose the rice (about 3 half-inch

folds). It is now long and narrow shaped.

7. Fold about the lower 1/4 of the parcel towards the center.

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8. While firmly holding the folded end of the parcel, put it upright and tap it on the table to pack in the rice and if

need be add more rice through the open end.9. Fold the top end towards the center.

 You should have a parcel about 5 x 2-inches in size.10. Make another one of roughly the same size.

11. Pair these two with the folded sides together.12. Using thin cotton strings, tie the two ends together

tightly.13. Place the assembled pieces in a big pot and add

enough water to cover the suman.14. Bring to boil and bring down heat to low and simmer

for about 1 1/2 hours.15. Serve warm or cold with grated coconut and sugar.

Cooking Latik:1. Add 2 Tbsp sugar and pinch of salt to a 400 ml can of

coconut milk in a wok or pan (preferably non-stick). Stir until sugar and salt is dissolved.

2. Bring to boil then lower heat and simmer until it renders oil and sediments (the latik) start to stick to the

bottom.3. At this point watch it very closely and stir it frequently (it burns easily) and fry the sediments until golden brown.

4. Remove from oil with slotted spoon. Serve with the suman.

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Suman sa Ibus

Ingredients:3 cups glutinous rice

3 tsp salt2 cups coconut milk

Procedure:1. Soak glutinous rice in water until grains are swollen.

 Wash rice and drain. Add salt and coconut milk.

2. Fill 2/3 of the palm tube containers. Close opening of the tube by pinning ends together with a

piece of bamboo pick (about 1/3 the size of a toothpick). Tie each suman with strips of buri.

3. Arrange in a deep kettle with water and cover container.

 Boil suman for two hours or until cooked.

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Ingredients:1 1/2 cups malagkit dough (galapong)

1/2 cup rice galapong2 1/2 cups white sugar

3 cups cooked ubi (mashed)4 cups thick coconut cream (from 2-3 coconuts)

2 cans (big) condensed milkfood coloring; violet & egg-yellow

Method:1. Blend all ingredients except mashed ubi and food


2. Divide into 3 parts:To one part – add mashed ubi.

 To heighten the color of the ubi, add a dash of violet food coloring. Mix well.

To 2nd part – add egg-yellow coloring. Mix well.

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To 3rd part – just plain white, nothing to add.

3. Grease a round baking pan. Line with banana leaves and grease the leaves.

 Then, pour in ubi mixture. Spread evenly.

 Steam for 30 minutes or more, until firm. Note: cover the baking pan with cheese cloth before


4. Pour 2nd layer on top of the cooked ubi. Cover again and steam for 30 minutes.

5. Lastly, pour in 3rd layer or the plain mixture. Again, steam for 30 minutes or until firm.

6. Sprinkle top with “latik”.

7. Cool before slicing.

8. Serve with “budbod” or toasted sweetened coconut.

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Ingredients:1 cup pilit/malagkit (glutinous rice)

4 cups rice flour, toasted until light brown2 cups sugar

1 cup coconut milk1-1/2 cups toasted shredded coconut

Anise seeds

Procedure:1. Boil the pilit/malagkit.

2. Place sugar, anise seeds and coconut milk in a saucepan; let boil until thick.

3. Add toasted shredded coconut and cook for 3 minutes.4. Add boiled pilit/malagkit, stir and cook until thick.5. Remove from fire and add 3 cups toasted rice flour.

6. Mix with a wooden spoon and pass through a cornmeal grinder.

7. Divide into 2 parts and roll (about 2-1/2-inch in diameter) using the rest of the rice flour for rolling.

8. Slice into 1/2-inch thick pieces.

Buchi de Leche

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Custard Filling:2/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup cornstarch1 tbsp. all-purpose flour

pinch salt100 g. langka(fresh or preserved), cut into cubes

1 cup Evaporated Milk3 pieces eggyolks, slightly beaten

1/4 cup butter1/2 tsp. vanilla

Dough:1/2 k. galapong

1/2 cup sesame seedscooking oil, for deep-frying

Instructions:1. Combine first six ingredients in a heavy saucepan.

 Cook stirring continuously over low fire. When thick, remove from fire and stir in eggyolks, butter

and vanilla. Cook for about 2 min. more.

 Cool then set aside in a chiller.

2. Knead galapong forming a cylinder and cut into 20 equal portions.

 Flatten into patties and put about 1 tbsp. of chilled filling in the center.

 Gather edges to the center, sealing well. Roll in sesame seeds and deep-fry in hot oil. Drain in paper towels and serve right away.

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Ingredients:2 kg glutinous rice

1 can condensed milk4 cups water

1 tbsp. vanilla extract1 cup brown sugar

banana leaves ( optional )grated coconut meat from 4 coconuts (reserve coco milk)

Procedure:1. Cook glutinous rice in water just like you do with plain

steamed rice.2. In saucepan, pour brown sugar, coconut milk,

condensed milk and vanilla extract.3. Mix, stir and let boil. Add cooked glutinous rice to

coconut milk mixture and cook until thick.4. Spread evenly on platter (or bilao) lined with banana

leaves.5. Slice and serve.

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Ingredients:1 1/2 cups grated cassava

1 cup sugar1 bundle of pandan leaves, boiled in 2 cups water until

reduced to one cup, and cooled [or canned pandan concentrate, or a few drops of pandan

essence in a cup of warm water]1/2 tsp lye water

Procedure:Mix the sugar and the pandan flavored water and mix until

sugar is dissolved. Mix in the cassava and then add the lye water drop by

drop mixing well as you do so. Pour into a mold or bowl that fits your bamboo steamer

until the mixture becomes translucent.

While still hot scoop out the cooked mixture (use ice cream scoop or a tablespoon the same size as the scoop)

and roll into grated coconut.

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Ingredients:1 pc white gabi (substitute cassava if available), cubed

1/2 cup sugar2 pcs yellow camote (sweet potatoes), cubed

1/2 tsp salt1 pc ubi (no substitute), cubed

4 tbsps landang or tapioca4 pcs ripe cardaba (or semi-ripe plantain), sliced

2 cups coconut milk1 cup coconut milk, diluted with water

Procedure:1) Cook gabi, camote, ubi, and cardabang saging (or

plantain bananas) in diluted coconut milk.2) Add sugar, salt, and landang (or tapioca).

3) Simmer until all ingredients are tender and mixture is thick.

4) Add 2 cups coconut milk. Cook in medium heat.

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5) Do not boil or liquid will curdle. Adjust amount of coconut milk to your available

ingredients.6) Serve hot.

Bibingkang Galapong

Ingredients:4 eggs, well beaten2 cups coconut milk

1 cup sugar1/4 cup melted margarine

2 cups rice flour

2 tablespoons baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup coco cream,1/4 cup sugar for topping

Procedure:1. Add sugar to beaten eggs.

2. Combine salt and flour; add to egg mixture.

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3. Add melted margarine, coconut milk, and baking powder.

4. Pour into banana leaf-lined mold.5. Bake in 375 degrees Fahrenheit oven.

6. When half-done, take it out from the oven and brush top with coconut cream and sugar and bake until golden crust

is formed.

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