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PODS:Interpreting Spatial and Temporal

Environmental Information

Edoardo (Edo) Biagioni

University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

The Challenge

• Endangered plants grow in few locations

• Hawai'i has steep weather gradients: the weather is different in nearby locations

• A single weather station doesn’t help, so

• Have many sensors (PODS)

• Make them unobtrusive: rock or log

• Resulting in lots of data

Sample Terrain

What’s a POD, anyway?

Inside a “Rock”




wind (bend)

Computer& Radio


Internal: voltage

Data Collection

• Wind, Rain, Temperature, Light, Moisture

• At each pod

• Every 5 minutes to 1 hour, for years

• Images at some of the pods

• Networking challenge: getting the data back without discharging the batteries

• How to make sense of all this data?

Spatial Patterns

• Wet and dry areas have different plants

• Cold and warm areas have different plants

• Where is the boundary? The boundary will be different for different plant species

• Does cloud cover matter?

• Does wind matter? Pollinators, herbivores

Temporal Patterns

• Is this a warm summer? Winter?

• Is it a warm summer everywhere, or just in some places?

• Does it rain more when it is warmer?

• What events cause flowering?

• How long does it take the plant to recover after an herbivore passes?

Endangered: Silene Hawaiiensis

Who needs the Information?

• Scientists (botanists)

• High-School Students

• Virtual Tourists

What use is the Information?

• Study the plants, prevent decline

• Determine what is essential for the plant’s survival: e.g., how will global warming affect it?

• Locate alternative areas

• Watch what happens, instead of trying to reconstruct what happened

• Capture rare phenomena

How is the data communicated?

• Graphs, maps, tables

• Tables unwieldy for large numbers of PODS

• Graphs need many different scales

• Maps can help intuitive understanding

• Ultimately, need to find useful patterns

Picture of weather data, from web

• http://weather.yahoo.com/graphics/satellite/east_usa.html

Simple Map


Blue: rain

Big Blue: recent rain

Cyan: cool, dry

Red: warm, dry

Graphs vs. Maps

• Graphs• Good for recognition

of temporal patterns• Can summarize a lot

of data very concisely• Mostly for

homogeneous data

• Maps• Good for recognition

of spatial patterns• Can summarize a lot

of data very concisely• Good for

heterogeneous data


• Data Mining: search data for patterns, try to match to plant distribution

• Machine Learning: try to predict new data. If prediction is wrong, something unpredicted (unpredictable!) is happening

• Better maps, incorporating lots of data including images, but in a way that supports intuitive analysis

Better Map

Not (yet) automated on the web…

Blue: rain

Red: temperature

Yellow: sunlight

Plant population

Where to go from here

• Plant “surveillance”: being there, remotely

• Data Collection is only the essential first step

• Data Analysis must be supported by appropriate tools

• Find out what really matters in the life of an endangered plant

Acknowledgements and Links

• Co-Principal Investigators: Kim Bridges, Brian Chee

• Students: Shu Chen, Michael Lurvey, Dan Morton, Bryan Norman, and many more

• http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/pods/ pictures, data

• http://www.ics.hawaii.edu/~esb/pods/ these slides, the paper

[email protected]

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