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Page 1: Polar Bear Tracks Dec 2011 - Holiday Edition

Polar Bear Tracks E D I T I O N


SEP 11

Drawing by SPC Michael Stone of A/4-31












F O R T D R U M, N Y

4th Battalion , 31st Infantry


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17 DEC — 2 JAN—Holiday Block Leave

6 JAN — Contest of Champions IV & FRG Con-

cessions @ Magrath Gym @ 1000


FEB — 22nd Annual Polar Bear Dip



September 2011

Tracy Shannon D-Co FRG Co-LDR

October 2011

Anna Harris HHC Key Caller

November 2011

Jessica Sabo B-Co Key Caller

December 2011

Charla Huff A-Co FRG LDR

November 2011

Angie Smith D-Co FRG LDR

Volunteers in the Spotlight

4-31 Volunteer of the Month

Date to Remember

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Headhunters and Headhunter families, it’s been another

great quarter of training for HHC, which included two Brigade

training events and a number of Soldier moves in the Company.

We said goodbye to our Company Executive Officer, CPT Dean,

replacing him with CPT Beaver. We also gained 1SG Montgom-

ery, formerly the D Co. First Sergeant. SFC Garber was selected

for Master Sergeant and will soon leave the Scout Platoon for a

First Sergeant job. Finally, PFC Thomas came back after success-

fully completing Ranger School. These Soldiers will be critical to

the unit success as we prepare for another winter of training here at

Fort Drum.

January and February will be spent focusing on rifle and machine gun marksmanship in-

cluding firing from vehicles. This training will pave the way for a successful rotation to the

Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in Fort Polk, LA. JRTC has the added benefit of giv-

ing us the whole month of March away from the freezing cold of Fort Drum. Our most impor-

tant task as we prepare for JRTC will be to ensure our Headhunter families are well taken care

of as their Soldiers leave for a month of intense training. With our strong FRG and the great

Soldiers and families I have met throughout the formation, I have no doubt JRTC will be a huge

success for the Headhunters and the Polar Bears.

HHC Commander Robert A. Parsons

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―HHC Medics‖

Last quarter proved to be beneficial to the Polar Medics of 4-31

Infantry in the areas of accomplishment and training. The Medics

distinguished themselves early on in the quarter through their par-

ticipation in the Brigade Best Medic Competition. Although pitted

against 15 other teams, the Medics were able to take 1st and 5th

place amongst their competitors; displaying their superior compe-

tence and expertise on the battlefield. Shortly thereafter, the week-

long Commando Field Training Exercise allowed the Medics to

further demonstrate their support capabilities with the line compa-

nies as well as in a Role I Battalion Aid Station (BAS), while also

bolstering their technical skills under the thorough tutelage of the

Battalion Physician’s Assistant (PA). Later on in the quarter, a se-

lect number of the Medical Platoon were able to broaden their

knowledge base and physical toughness through their attendance of

the Rough Terrain Evacuation Course at the Army’s Mountain

Warfare School in Jericho, Vermont. As this was progressing, the

leadership of the Platoon was able to develop, in reference to task

organization and administrative preparation through their participa-

tion in Low Density Medical Occupational Specialty (MOS), train-

ing which occupied an entire week. On a final note, the end of the

year will conclude with the EMT-I

certification of 5 Medics, as well as

the graduation of 2 Medics from the

Pashto Language course. The up-

coming year appears to be even

brighter from a training aspect as well

as from the home-front, particularly

with the arrival of newborns in the

Pellett and Scott families.

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―HHC Scouts‖

Over the last quarter the Reconnaissance Platoon has been

hard at work. We have conducted numerous complex LFXs, honed

our Land Navigation and Reconnaissance Skills and supported the

Companies during the Brigade FTX. Additionally, we have spent time learning the capabilities of the

Jieddo keyhole kits; a new reconnaissance kit with state of the art thermal optics, laser range finders and

high tech cameras capable of sending digital pictures over radios. Additionally, we have spent a great

deal of time developing our Sniper Section. We sent three Soldiers to the High Angle Marksmanship

Course in Jericho, VT where they learned how to shoot accurately down from the top of mountains. Go-

ing forward the Reconnaissance Platoon plans on working more closely with the Line Companies so that

our capabilities are fully understood, allowing us to be utilized properly during our upcoming deploy-

ment. Lastly, there are three new additions to the Scout family; SST Woods, SPC Farrington and PVT

Scott all welcomed new children to the world.

SGT Tripple providing isolation of the objective during Squad LFX

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SSG Milne leading one of his

Teams during a CQB LFX

SSG Bearor observing rounds, while

SGT Tripple fires the M107 Barrett

50 Caliber Sniper Rifle.

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Battalion Mortarmen conducting night LFX on OP5 19 Sep

This quarter has found the mortarmen focused on the

technical aspects of their MOS. During this time we attended train-

ing on the new GPS guided 120mm mortar. This improved round

allows mortar crews to accurately place rounds within 10 meters of

the target. Additionally, crews have trained on the Mortar Fire

Control System (MFCS), a digital mortar system that drastically

increases the probability of first round fires for effect. The Mortar

Platoon also conducted a Mortar Live Fire in September and crew

served and small arms training in August and October. 2012 has the Mortarmen continuing training on the elec-

tronic and digital capabilities of our systems and further integrating our training and efforts with Battalion Fires as

we prepare for future deployments.

4-31 IN BN Mortars

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December Birthdays

Ann Marie Wallace Amber Daugherty

Heather Crino Tina Forrester

Jennifer Beilby Lakota Miller

Jacki Beaver Amy Walton

Michaela Johnson Ingrid Tripple

Megan Johnston Lauralyn Rolland

Alyssa Brown

December Anniversaries

The Little Family The Horton Family

The Matthews Family The Huddleston Family

The Graham Family The Thomas Family

The Rolland Family The James Family

The Minnick Family The Braun Family

The Daugherty Family The Crino Family

The Fernandez Family The Workman Family

The Herbert Family

Ladies T-Shirt Fundraiser

T-shirts will have:

Front— 4-31 HHC

Back— Lady Headhunters w/ symbol

Can order in any color. $12.00 per T-shirt

Contact Danielle to order—[email protected]

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Are you an A-CO Family

member or spouse, who has

not yet connected with us,

and would like to stay in-


Join our email distro:

[email protected]

& Connect with us on

Facebook at:


Search for A.CO Immortals.


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Since August, the Soldiers of Alpha Company have participated and showed

great distinction in several large scale training events. Whether it be live fire training in

a mock city, air assault operations, or acting as the Brigade quick reaction force, in

each of these training missions and the subsequent evaluations, the soldiers of Alpha

Company demonstrated the tenacity and determination that epitomizes an Infantry Ri-

fle Company.

The first of these events that Alpha Company conducted was training for op-

erations in an urban environment. This event consisted of soldiers learning how to en-

ter and clear rooms and move as part of an element through an urban environment, and

utilize different assets such as Military Working Dogs. These few days of intensive

training culminated in a live fire exercise which tested Soldiers’ ability to conduct all

of their newly acquired skills in a simulated combat environment while using live am-


The second major event the Company endeavored upon was a Company de-

ployment to Fort Hood, Texas. The mission at Fort Hood was to support a deploying

Combat Aviation Brigade which was shortly set to deploy to Iraq. The Company ac-

complished this by each platoon conducting upwards of five day and night air assault

missions. These operations focused on conducting a mission based on movement to

and from an objective with either the UH-60 Blackhawk or CH-47 Chinook helicop-

ters. The culmination of this deployment was a Company raid on a four story mock

hotel in order to retrieve a high value target. Throughout this deployment, for which

Alpha Company was selected above the rest of the Rifle Companies in the Battalion;

soldiers of Alpha Company performed to a standard that exceeded the expectations of

the Combat Aviation Brigade it supported.

The final major training event that Alpha Company participated in was the 2nd Brigade

Combat Team Field Training Exercise. During this 36 hour event, Alpha Company was

given the role as the Brigade Quick Reaction Force. As the Quick Reaction Force, the

Company was given an impromptu raid in order to locate and detain two high valued

individuals in a local mock town. The company was extremely successful in its task to

locate both of the High Valued Individuals and detain one; especially considering this

task was completed at night and under poor weather conditions. This again displayed

the strength and drive to succeed that is represented in every Alpha Company Soldier.

A Co. 4-31 IN Immortals.

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Alpha Company conducts Air Assault Operations at Fort Hood, Texas.

A. Co conducting Urban Environment training

and learning how to utilize the military work-

A. Co conducting a ruck march.

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With the year of 2011 behind us, the Bravo Company Blackhawks

can look back on a busy, yet prolific training cycle. A cycle which seemed

to be summed up in only five words- Training, Training, and more Train-


When it came time to prepare for military room clearing techniques, possi-

bly the most important aspects of Military Operations in Urban Terrain

(MOUT), the Blackhawks asked themselves: ―How can we replicate the real

life stress of MOUT, with the complications that come to troops who are as tired and exhausted as we have be-

come accustomed to in combat?‖ The answer was simple, and the Blackhawks successfully and safely began a

fast-paced live-fire MOUT training exercise, and continued this fast pace for the next 24 hours without rest,

ensuring that every Blackhawk was not only efficient at his tasks, but also able to do so with little energy and

zero sleep.

Blackhawk Grenadiers said goodbye to their decades old M203 Grenade Launchers, and said hello to

the new M320 by taking advantage of its mounted/dismounted abilities in every opportunity which has pre-

sented itself. One such opportunity was the Squad Live Fire range where grenadiers, riflemen and the leadership

alike sharpened the skills which every Blackhawk knows, but none can feel satisfied. This was followed by GI

Jane Day II which once again allowed all Lady Blackhawks the opportunity to experience a day in life of their

Soldier and walk a mile in his shoes… or should we say a ruck a mile in his boots? If you missed it then don’t

despair, we’ll look forward to seeing you when we do it again…

Possibly the highest note of the training cycle came during 2nd Brigade’s Field Training Exercise (FTX)

when the Blackhawks once again shone brighter than all others. They did this by by not only completing all

tasks asked of them to include, but not limited to; the perfection of inner and outer cordons of village, the

proper reactions to enemy contact on all fronts, and the successful building clearings which accomplished the

company’s mission and the Battalion’s intent. Not only did they accomplish this, but they did it faster than any

other company in the Battalion. The Blackhawks had always claimed they were the best, and the FTX was gave

them the opportunity to prove it.

Now that the holiday months are here, the Blackhawks can look forward to some well deserved time-

off, and have been encouraged to spend it visiting family and friends, both here at Fort Drum and all around the

United States. The Blackhawk have spent countless hours in training over the past year and while it is expected

of them to continue to strive for perfection, it has not been lost on us that such endeavors would be impossible

without the support that comes from all members of the Blackhawk Family… a family that extends from every

Blackhawk Soldier to each one of their family and friends whose support makes his service possible. To them

we say enjoy the holidays and the time you have with your Blackhawk, you have both definitely earned it.

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Families and Friends of Charlie Company 4-31 IN,

We want to say how thrilled we are to serve as the new

command team for Charlie Company. We have been eagerly

awaiting this opportunity for the past several years, and we are

excited about getting to know you, and preparing with you for C

Company’s deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation En-

during Freedom.

First some background on us: Jason is from Pennsylvania,

and graduated from West Point in 2004 (so, yes, he is one of

“those people…”). He has served in the Army for 7 years in Korea, Alaska, and here at FT

Drum, NY. He has been a rifle and mortar Platoon Leader and has served in various staff posi-

tions to include Operations and Civil Affairs. He took command of Charlie Company on 02 De-

cember 2011. Cathy grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, has a Masters in biology from the University

of Cincinnati and has been teaching at Onondoga Community College in Syracuse. We have

been married for 2 years and do not yet have any kids (although we do have a dog). Our inter-

ests include cooking, hiking, cycling, and generally being out of doors (and Cathy has picked up

a new hobby of knitting). We have found northern New York to be a wonderful place to get out

and experience new and different forms of recreation.

What we expect from the company:

C Co Mission: C/4-31 IN trains for full spectrum operations, focusing on counterinsurgency

operations (COIN), in order to deploy for overseas contingency operations. O/O, Charlie Co

deploys and conducts operations in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF).

Commander’s Intent: The purpose of our training is to produce trained Squads and proficient

Platoons capable of executing any mission throughout the full spectrum of operations when and

where directed.

Endstate: Fit and lethal Squads and Platoons, proficient in day and night operations, and capa-

ble of teaching tactical operations to partnered forces. COIST capable of employing both lethal

and non-lethal assets against selected targets. Company CP capable of Command and Con-

trol of the Company fight while maintaining situational awareness of the Battalion battle space.

Family Team prepared and capable of supporting the deployed force.

We feel privileged to be Charlie Company's new command team. We look

forward to meeting all of you.

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Throughout the summer and fall Delta Company has been very busy with field training. We started out the summer after coming out of block leave by focusing on individual Soldier skills such as zeroing and qualifying with our M4 and M16 rifles. We were also able to conduct a stress shoot utilizing those weapons along with shotguns and M9 pistols. This was a great opportunity for us to learn how to transition between weapon systems and use two weapons that we do not get the chance to fire very often. Soon after that our Senior NCOs attended a week-long course given by the Army Marksmanship Unit out of Fort Benning, GA where they learned Close Quarters Marksmanship and room clearing techniques. The following week they taught the skills and

lessons learned to the entire company with a culminating event of each squad conducting a live fire room clearing in a shoot-house. That same week, we were issued the Army’s new grenade launcher the M320 which replaced the decades old M203. Select soldiers from each platoon were given the chance to take these out and become familiar with firing techniques of this new weapon system and give their feedback to the com-pany and battalion in order to determine the best way to utilize that system. Shortly thereafter, over twenty drivers were given the chance to become certified on the MRAP and M-ATV, the mine resistant vehicles we will be using in combat. These trucks are much larger than the HMMVWs that are normally driven. The drivers spent one day in the classroom and a full day and night trying their skills at Fort Drum’s Advanced Driver’s Course, taking their vehicles over different types of terrain both on and off-road in daylight and under night vision devices. The following week, after the company received the Army’s new .50 caliber rifle, the M2A1, gunners were able to zero them and fire them from the MRAP and M-ATVs used the previous week in our Crew Gunnery. During this week driver’s skills were tested on off-road terrain while gunners on the M2A1 and MK-19 Grenade Launchers engaged multiple enemy targets at distances up to 600 meters at day and night. Truck Commanders were able to try their hand at standard gunnery commands and trained as realistic as possible as though they were in combat. PFCs Washek and Gillis of 4

th and 1


platoon were the top gunners in the company on the .50 cal and MK19 respectively. After Crew Gunnery we moved to the CACTF and participated in the Brigade Field Training Exercise. This counterinsurgency-focused operation started with a Brigade-level operation order to the company commander and ended with an execution with the whole company, a platoon from B Com-pany 4-31, and numerous attachments from support units across 10th Mountain Division. The execu-tion of the mission was a great learning opportunity for all members of the company and resulted in Delta being recognized as the only company in the brigade to complete the mission with that many per-sonnel on the ground. Once we recovered from the Brigade FTX, 4-31 IN moved into Red Cycle for the month of No-vember where we participated in numerous details needed by the Brigade and Division including the Division level change-of-command, welcoming Major General Milley as the new 10th Mountain Division Commander and wishing MG Terry goodbye.

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Our FRG has been active as ever through the countless vol-unteer hours given each month. For December, Mrs. Angie Smith was the 4-31 IN Volunteer of the Month for her extraordinary efforts in supporting Polar Bear families. We also must tell Thersa Reichel and Tracy Shannon goodbye, as they will be leaving us at the end of the year. The upcoming year holds great excitement for the company and the battalion as we have close quarters marksmanship training and heavy weapons qualification in January and a battalion level gunnery exercise in February in which Delta Company will lead the way. We will soon be receiving the new Improvised Targeting Acqui-sition System (ITAS) and will be focusing on training this new system

in March, culminating in a live TOW shoot for the first time in over a year. As we bring 2011 to an end, we welcome new Soldiers and children to our formation. Staff Sergeants Kernan and Keesler have become two new section sergeants and Sergeant Kain came to 1


Platoon as a new squad leader. Captain Pickett left Delta to attend the Captains Career Course and was replaced with 1LT Boyer. 1LT Minghella of 3

rd Platoon became a Troop Executive Officer in 1/89

Cav and 2LT Graham took over for him.

We also had several births within the company. Staff Sergeant Keesler and Sergeant Martin became proud fathers of baby boys while PFC Sarcos and his wife have a baby girl.

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October 1st, 2011 - January 1st, 2012.

Commander: CPT David S. Ferstl

First Sergeant: 1SG Shawn Dorty

This fall was an exceedingly busy time for Fox Company in our mission of supporting the Polar Bears. It con-

sisted of: a typically ambitious 4-31IN training schedule, the tail end of Alpha Companies training exercise at

Fort Hood (which included 8x personnel from Fox), the Brigade Field training exercise, Logistics Academy,

Commando Summit, and Red Cycle Taskings. And we also had a problem that is not altogether a bad thing,

which is a lot of time off of work. Soldiers had extra time with their families this fall with Halloween off (three

day weekend), and having two, four day weekends in November for Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. So,

while everybody enjoys the time off, it means you have more things to do, and less time to do it in while at


In this newsletter you will be updated on big events in Our Soldiers lives during this timeframe, and gain some

insight into the type of training that we have been conducting over the last couple of months.


Emmanuel D. Shar: Son of Odell Bestman (Mother), and PFC Morris Shar (Father). DOB: 8NOV11 weigh-

ing in at 7.5lbs.

Cristiano Michael Hopping: Son to SPC Eric Hopping. DOB: 15OCT weighing in at 8lbs

Fox Couples who celebrated Wedding Anniversaries during the 1st Fiscal Quarter of 2012:

SGT Hall, Raleigh & Heather Hall: 28NOV11

SGT Planck, Kent & Sheila Planck: 11OCT09

SGT Combs, Dion & Sherice Combs: 9NOV07

PVT Brumley & Nicolas Brumley: 5OCT03

SPC Clark, Kendrick & Amanda Clark: 4OCT10

SSG Froisland, Dwana & Adam Froisland: 2NOV09

SSG Hernandez, Michael & Shirley Johanna: 27OCT10

New Wives /Newly Weds: 1SG Shawn Dorty & Ally Dorty: 2SEP11

PFC Roberts & Carol Montelongo-Roberts: 16NOV11

PVT Jackson & Heather Richard-Jackson: 22NOV11

PFC Taylor, Kody & Erica Marie Taylor: 18NOV11

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October: FOX FRG participated in food sales/fundraising at the BDE Haunted Hotel.

November: Fox Company had a bowling night at the ―The Pines‖ lanes on-post.

15DEC11: FRG Potluck/meeting F CO Motor pool

6JAN11: Contest of Champions IV (Mixed Martial Arts) – Fundraising (Chicken Wings)

Thousand Island Winery Fundraiser currently selling Fox bottles (see picture). Call or visit their web-

site to order: 315-482-9306 / www.thousandislandswinery.com

Fox ―In Action‖

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Training: Distribution Platoon

Brigade Field Training Exercise (BDE FTX): From 17OCT2011 to 22OCT2011

the Distribution Platoon of Foxtrot Company deployed to Range 24/Training Area

14C in support of 4-31 IN BN’s deployment and STX Lanes. During the week

prior to the exercise, Distro PLT meticulously planned and prepared by conducting

user level maintenance and dispatching all vehicles deploying to the FTX, con-

ducted rock drills, and rehearsed Tactical Convoy Operations. Deployment was

divided into three vehicle serials with a total of 13x M1078s, 2x M1083A1s, For-

ward Water Point Supply System (FAWPSS), 3x Load Handling Systems (LHSs),

2x M1076s, 2x M1084s, 7x M1082s, 5x M1097s, and 2x HEMTT Fuelers. In the initial push out to Range 24, we

transported F Company, B Company, C Company, and detachments from HHC. During the BDE FTX, Distro

PLT transported all types of blank ammunition and explosives and participated in the STX Lanes for A,B,C, and

D Company supporting them with Drivers, TCs, and LMTVs. Fox Forward Support Company coordinated daily

Fuel and Water resupply with A Company, 210th BSB to support the fuel necessities for 4-31 and the DFAC sec-


Logistics Academy: From 28NOV2011 to 02DEC2011 The Distribution Platoon instructed Soldiers of

4-31IN BN on Sling-Load Operations, and Ammunition Handling procedures. Soldiers were taught how to prop-

erly sling load a 3KW generator with a 5K Cargo Net as a single point load, a 10KW generator with 10K Sling

Set as a single point load, and an M3 Flatrack Crop with a 25K Sling Set as a dual-point load. Team Leaders and

above were given instruction on the Ammunition issue and turn-in process in order to broaden knowledge on Fort

Drum Ammunition Handling Procedures.

Maintenance Platoon


Fox Maintenance Platoon had 26 soldiers participate in the Division COC. BN also received 90x new

M320 (grenade launchers) which were all fired in September at Range 23 and 35D. Fox Maintenance BN Armors

SPC Jung, SPC Lowery, and SPC O’Bryan all provided field maintenance at the ranges for all companies during

the shoot. Also accompanying the companies to the field, all Maintenance Support Teams (MSTs) were located

on –site at the range to provide field maintenance support to rolling stock. Staying on site throughout the duration

of the range, the MSTs were also able to qualify with their M320s. Fox Maintenance qualified 6x soldiers on the

M320 while providing field maintenance support to the their assigned companies. Also during September Fox

Maintenance PLL Section provided VSAT and SAMS box field set-up training IOT prepare for BDE LFX in Oc-

tober. Fox Maintenance also participated in a Fox Co .50 cal Convoy range where 3x soldiers qualified on the .50


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Fox Maintenance Platoon Sergeant SSG Strawder conducted Snow Blower and

Snow Thrower training class to all soldiers in the BN in preparation for the Ft. Drum

winter. Fox Maintenance also conducted a Comet Team lead training for all 4-31

Company XOs to learn the proper procedures to conduct SAMS and Property Book

Scrub in preparation for the Comet Team Inspection. Fox Maintenance was in-

volved in a Comet Team Inspection to prepare for a November FORSCOM Inspec-

tion. Again the PLL clerks performed superbly in ensuring all paperwork and

SAMS boxes were correct.

During the BDE LFX Fox Maintenance deployed with all equipment including newly fielded Forward Repair

System (FRS), and Electronic Shop. With this new equipment FOX Maintenance was able to sustain the BN dur-

ing training operations. Also the Fox C&E Shop was able to complete A Co. NVD services while in the field

showing ability to conduct repair operations while training. Due to the PLL Section’s training in September the

VSAT and SAMS box daily FTP went well with no problems, being among the first to have all systems opera-



Fox Maintenance Platoon also participated in BDE led low density training, which included: SAM’s 1E

training, MSD Troubleshooting, Vehicle Battery Services, Power Generation Electrical Troubleshooting, Weld-

ing/Cutting, VSAT OPS, BFT/NVG/ Radios/ ASIP, M120/ M224/M2/240B/M249 Armor training. Fox Mainte-

nance conducted the 5988E class for the BDE Low Density Training event.

Fox Maintenance was also inspected by FORSCOM for the BN maintenance program. Again, due to the mechan-

ics high work ethic and the support given by the company operators all services were on-time as well as exceed-

ing the standard.

Fox Maintenance celebrated Thanksgiving as a PLT on 22 November by frying 1 turkey in the bay and bringing

in a baked turkey. All NCOs brought sides and desert IOT have a Thanksgiving meal as a PLT.

Starting on 28 November through 2 December Fox Maintenance participated in Logistics Academy conducting

classes on Generator Training, Wheel Change and MATV Recovery Operations. The purpose of the Training was

to provide knowledge at the operator level for the Battalion.


Fox Maintenance also conducted a PT test on 10 November where 28 out of 28 soldiers passed.

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Scheduled Services Complete

Since September 1st Fox Maintenance Completed over 240 unscheduled services on

rolling stock, 71 scheduled services on rolling stock, over 400 scheduled and un-

scheduled service on armament equipment, and over 52 pieces of C&E equipment.

This high level of services scheduled and unscheduled was due the wheel mechanics,

Fox Co. Armors, and Fox Co. C&E dedication and high work ethic. Without their

dedication and determination to perform the BN would not be able to maintain a

97% readiness rate on all equipment.

Fox Maintenance has completed all BN NVD Services, starting the last company in B Co on 29 NOV. Fox Main-

tenance completed 5 out of 6 Companies annual WPN services, with C Co. scheduled for completion in Decem-


Recovery Operations

Fox Maintenance conducted 2x recovery operations in October. Fox Maintenance Recovery Team recov-

ered an LMTV from training area wash rack and the BN Field Kitchen trailer from BDE LFX. All equipment re-

turned to 4-31 MP and is now FMC.

Top Fox Performers

During training week 5 of October PFC James Sheppard was ―student of the week‖ in his Dari foreign

language class. This title is earned by having the highest total test scores for the week. In December the follow-

ing NCOs were promoted. SSG Daniel Delrosario was promoted to Sergeant First Class (SFC), CPL Cory Bab-

cock was promoted to Sergeant (SGT), and SPC Dion Combs was promoted to Sergeant (SGT). Congratulations,

to the Fox Company Leaders who stepped it up this month, and got a well earned promotion/pay raise.

Who is leaving?

SGT Daniel Kim who was a stand-in Supply Ser-

geant/Clerk and a 92Y Quartermaster ninja had

received orders to transfer to Korea (PCS) and left

us in December. SSG Michael Hernandez is

leaving in January 2012 to PCS with his wife to

Fort Bragg, North Carolina. SSG Hernandez will

be assigned to 3BCT of the 82nd Airborne Division

following his Airborne Training at Fort Benning,


Training: Logistics Academy (pictures above) - November

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Hello, 4-31 IN BN Soldiers, NCOs, Officers, and family members.

As you all know, the Holidays are here again; be it if you are going

on leave across the world to visit your loved ones or just staying back

in the New York area to celebrate tradition family holiday events like

eating a Christmas meal as a family, going to the movies as a married

couple without children, or just waiting for the New Year to be

brought in by watching the ball drop. There are many of traditional

events to attend such as Fort Drum Worship Services, Community

events, and holiday events on post. I just want everyone to know that

it is a good thing to always have a New Year’s resolution. I am not

encouraging you to drink as much beer as possible until you pass out,

but have a resolution that may help your career, your spiritual walk,

or even your family relations. The good news is that we will have a

new Battalion Chaplain that is reporting mid-December. He is com-

ing from Germany and I feel that he will be a great addition to the

―Polar Bear‖ Team. I ask that you as families and Soldiers in the unit

welcome him with open arms and come to him with Chaplain related situations. I, as an NCO, will always be here to

answer your questions and help resource as a Battalion Chaplain Assistant. I do know that the Battalion Commander

and Command Sergeant Major wish that everyone will use their sense and remain safe throughout the Holidays, but

they know that things happen and not everyone remembers to think. I, as a Noncommissioned Officer, ask all of you

to try to do the right thing, even when no one is looking or paying attention to you specifically. The holidays are sad

and depressing times for some people, but it shouldn’t be because 9 times out of 10, there is a Mountain Buddy there

to help see you through these times and help lift you up when needed. I am one of those Mountain Buddies and

Leaders that am here when you need someone to help you through those difficult times. Please also know that we

have a Married Couples Retreat coming up in January that thirty couples are going to learn how to better their mar-

riages and their communication and relations within their families. In closing, remember that the Unit Ministry

Team is here to guide and/or direct you to do the right thing.

Yours truly,

SSG Johnathan Howington

4-31 Chaplain Assistant NCO

The Holidays are Here Again!

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