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Page 1: Policy Process and Policy Analysis

Policy Process and Policy Analysis

Prof. Heru Subiyantoro, Ph.D.Sekretaris Ditjen. Perimbangan Keuangan – Departemen Keuangan

E-mail: [email protected]@gmail.com

Handouts kuliahProgram Pasca Sarjana

Magister Perencanaan & Kebijakan PublikFakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Indonesia

Jakarta, Juni 2008

Page 2: Policy Process and Policy Analysis


Birkland, Thomas A. (2001): An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making

Lester, James P. and Joseph Steward Jr. (2000, 2nd. Ed): Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach

Weimer, David L. and Aidan R Vining (2005, 4th.ed): Policy Analysis: Concept and Practice

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Table 2.1 Policy Analysis in Perspective

Paradigms Major Objective “Client” Common Style Time Constraints General Weakness

Academic Social Science Research

Construct theories for understanding society

“Truth,” as defined by the disciplines, other scholars

Rigorous methods for constructing and testing theories; usually retrospective

Rarely external time constraints

Often irrelevant to information needs of decision makers

Policy Research

Predict impacts of changes in variables that can be altered by public policy

Actors in the policy arena; the related disciplines

Application of formal methodology to policy-relevant questions; prediction of consequences

Sometimes deadline pressure, perhaps mitigated by issue recurrence

Difficulty in translating findings into govermnent action

, Classical Planning

Defining and achieving desirable future state of society

“Public interest,” as professionally defined

Established rules and professional norms; specification of goals and objectives

Little immediate time pressure because deals with long-term future

Wishful thinking in plans when political processes ignored

Public Administration

Efficient execution of programs established by political processes

“Public interest,” as embodied in mandated program

Managerial and legal

Time pressure tied to routine decision making such as budget cycles

Exclusion of alternatives external to program

Journalism Focusing public attention on societal problems

General public Descriptive Strong deadline pressure strike while issue is topical

Lack of analytical depth and balance

Policy Analysis

Systematic comparison and evaluation of alternatives available to public actors for solving social problems

Specific person or institution as decision maker

Synthesis of existing research and theory to predict consequences of alternative policies

Strong deadline pressure— completion of analysis usually tied to specific decision

Myopia resulting from client orientation and time pressure

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Table 3.1 Three Views on the Appropriate Role of the Policy Analyst

Fundamental Values

Analytical Integrity

Responsibility to Clients

Adherence to One’s Conception of Good

Objective Technician

Let analysis speak for itself. Primary focus should be predicting consequences of alternative policies,

Clients are necessary evils; their political fortunes should be secondary considerations. Keep distance from clients; select institutional clients whenever possible.

Relevant values should be identified, but trade- offs among them should be left to clients. Objective advice promotes good in the long run.

Client’s Advocate

Analysis rarely produces definitive conclusions, Take advantage of ambiguity to advance clients’ positions.

Clients provide analysts with legitimacy. Loyalty should be given in return for access to privileged information and to political processes.

Select clients with compatible value systems; use long-term relationships to change clients’ conceptions of good.

Issue Advocate

Analysis rarely produces definitive conclusions, Emphasize ambiguity and exclude values when analysis does not support advocacy,

Clients provide an opportunity for advocacy. Select them opportunistically; change clients to further personal policy agenda.

Analysis should be an instrument for progress toward one’s conception o the good society.

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Figure 31 Alternative Responses to Value Conflicts

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The Nature of Public PolicyLester, James P.(2000, 2nd Edition): Public Policy: an evolunitonary approach

• Every day, national and local newspaper carry stories that raise important public policies

• As society becomes increasingly interdependent and mobile (due to changes in transportation and communication), people will need to be even more knowledgeable about public policy issues

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What is Public Policy and Policy Analysis?

• Public Policy:– Thomas R. Dye: “what government do, why they do it, and

what difference it makes”– Harold Lasswell: “a projected program of goals, values, and

practices”– David Easton: “the impact of government activity”– Austin Ranney: “a selected line of action or a declaration of

intent”– James Anderson: “a purposive course of action followed by

an actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern”

– The special characteristic of public policy: it is formulated, implemented, and evaluated by authorities in a political system

– Public policies are always subject to change on the basis of new (or better) information about their effects

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What is Public Policy and Policy Analysis?

• Policy Analysis:– Thomas R. Dye: the description and explanation of

the causes and consequences of government activity (the primary concern are explanation and prescription)

– Grover Starling: an interdisciplinary effort to facilitate the reaching of sound policy decision

– Garry Brewer and Peter DeLeon: an attempt to provide suggestion to decision makers

– Clearly, the difference of opinion exists about the purposes of policy analysis, ranging from scientific to the practical

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What is Policy Cycle?

• Public Policymaking is often viewed as a “conveyor belt”, in which issues are first recognized:– A problem– Alternative courses of action are considered– Evaluated– Changed– Terminated

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Stage 1: Agenda Setting

Stage 2: Policy Formulation

Stage 3: Policy Implementation

Stage 4: Policy Evaluation

Stage 5: Policy Change

Stage 6: Policy Termination

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Approaches to Policy Analysis

1. The process approach (e.g. agenda setting, policy implementation)

2. The substantive approach (e.g. environmental policy)3. The logical-positivist approach (behavioral approach or

scientific approach)4. The econometric approach (public choice approach or

the political economic approach)5. The phenomenological (or naturalistic or post-positivist

approach)6. The participatory approach7. The normative or prescriptive approach8. The ideological approach9. The historical approach

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Dubnick and Bardes’s Approaches to Policy AnalysisType of Policy

AnalystPublic Policy

ProblemMotivation Approach Relevant Training

1. Scientist Theoretic Search for theory, regularities, “truth”

Scientific method, objectivity, pure analytics

Basic research methods, canon of social science research

2. Professional Design Improvement of Policy and Policymaking

Utilization of knowledge, strategic

Strategic; benefit-cost analysis; queuing, simulation, decision analysis

3. Political Value maximization

Advocacy of policy positions

Rhetoric Gathering “useful” evidence; “effective” presentation

4. Administrative Application Effective and efficient policy implementation

Strategic, managerial

Strategic; same as professional with stress on those talents useful in implementation

5. Personal Contention Concern for policy impact on life

Mixed Use of many models and techniques from other approaches; less sophisticated

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On Becoming a Better Policy Scientist(Y. Dror; “On Becoming a Better Policy Scientist,” Policy Study Review 4 (August 1984), pp. 13-21)

1. Gain historical and comparative perspective2. Know policymaking realities3. Study your own society in depth4. Take up grand and diverse policy issues5. Move into metapolicymaking6. Build up an appropriate philosophy of

knowledge and action7. Broaden one’s methodology and experience8. Multiply your disciplinary bases9. Be careful about professional ethics

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On Becoming a Better Policy Scientist(Y. Dror; “On Becoming a Better Policy Scientist,” Policy Study Review 4 (August 1984), pp. 13-21)

1. Gain historical and comparative perspective2. Know policymaking realities3. Study your own society in depth4. Take up grand and diverse policy issues5. Move into metapolicymaking6. Build up an appropriate philosophy of

knowledge and action7. Broaden one’s methodology and experience8. Multiply your disciplinary bases9. Be careful about professional ethics

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Model Administrasi Kebijakan Publik Heru Subiyantoro

Indicator Kebijakan (Policy)

Tujuan Antara (Intermediate Goals)

Tujuan Akhir (Final Goals)

APBN Neraca moneter Neraca perdagangan Debt outstanding



Demand side (financial sector):

FiskalMoneterTradeDebt management

Supply side (real sector):SDASDMPertanahanDistribusidlsb.


Trilogi Pembangunan:Pemerataan

Sifatnya kualitatifPertumbuhan

Lihat pertumbuhan PDB, PDRB


perkembangan inflasi (IHK)

Masyarakat Adil dan Makmur (lihat pernyataan dalam UUD 1945; GBHN; Repelita dlsb.)

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