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  • Politics 2013 Patrick K. Lynch, CBET, CCE BMET, Engineer, Writer, Educator, Organizer, Activist, Chief Do-Gooder Global Medical Imaging (GMI) Charlotte, NC NCBA Septamber 12, 2013 1
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  • Who am I? 2 CBET, CCE, CPHIMS, CHTS-PW, fACCE 35 years in Biomed Managed large In-house, ISO and corporate Biomeds Active in certification of BMETs and CEs 1 st Pres of NCBA (North Carolina branch) - 1980 President, HTMA-SC Member of all Biomed Associations (honorary NC and KY) Board Member META and FMESA Advisor OH, KY, TN, UT, VA, NC Trainer Engineering World Health (Rwanda, Honduras) Trainer ACCE (Cuba) Chief Clinical Engineer - Heineman Medical Foundation (Guatemala) Currently, works for GMI is sales development, who sponsors my activities.
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  • There are some other vital departments (other than our customers) They are bigger, They are more powerful, They think that hospitals revolve solely around them, Their priorities are not ours, They do not understand the realities of HTM. 5
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  • Specific Departments Accounting Human Resources IT Materials Management 6
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  • Lets examine their Functions Activities View of the world Interactions with HTM And.... 7
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  • Lets develop strategies for succeeding by framing our needs in ways that further their goals. 8
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  • Accounting 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog10
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  • Definition The development and use of a system for recording and analyzing the financial transactions of a business or other organization. Wiktionary 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog11
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  • How they see the world... 12
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  • How they see the world... Add photo here 13
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  • Major Functions Payroll Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Budgeting Financial Statements 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog14
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  • Areas where Biomed may interact with Accounting Operating Budgeting Capital Budget Monthly explanation of budget deviations FTE numbers Overtime Distributed vs. Consolidated budget for equipment maintenance Ways to chargeback equipment costs 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog15
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  • 10 things every Accounting Director needs to know about Biomed 1. Monthly budgets can vary widely, especially is it only represents a small part of the hospital equipment. 2. We need to control outside service providers. In order to do that, we must control the dollars that are paid to them. 3. Biomed must have a unified budget which includes all maintenance coasts for all medical equipment, including laboratory and radiology and radiation therapy. 4. Training and travel can be as much as 5% of the total annual budget. 5. Training and Travel for Biomed is different than for everyone else in the hospital. 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog16
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  • 10 things every Accounting Director needs to know about Biomed 6. We are the least costly maintainers of medical equipment on the planet. 7. Overtime is the norm. For general Biomed, 10%. For Imaging engineers - 15%. 8. Biomed must be able to stop payment for capital purchases if we do not certify that the purchase order is not fulfilled to our definition. 9. We are 110% for the hospital. 10. Unlike most other departments, Biomed is ready, willing and able to go above and beyond it's core mission to help the hospital. 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog17
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  • Strategies Know your budget inside out Have emergency plans for additional ways to save the hospital money. Make friends with the person in acctg who services your department Discuss BEFOREHAND needs, strategies, etc. Carve out Biomed Training and Travel to be separate from the rest of the hospital. 2011 Patrick Lynch and GMI blog - http://gmi3.com/blog18
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  • Human Resources 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog19
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  • Definition Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Managementhelp.org 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog20
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  • How HR sees the world... 21
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  • How HR sees the world... 22
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  • 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog23
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  • Where Biomed may interface with HR Job Descriptions Pay Scales Recruiting of Staff Promotion of staff Annual Reviews Overtime 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog24
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  • 10 things every HR Director needs to know about Biomed 1. Our profession is made up of highly specialized people. There are few cookie-cutter people who are totally interchangeable. 2. Unique skills must be evaluated carefully. 3. The right person can save the hospital tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in excess of their salary. 4. Recruiting efforts by HR are almost useless. 5. Pay ranges are not very useful for highly unique people. 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog25
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  • 10 things every HR Director needs to know about Biomed 6. We sometimes have to go outside of the norm to retain highly valuable people. 7. Biomed staff are among the most loyal to the hospital of any employees. 8. Our jobs are 24 x 7, even though we are hourly employees. We don't mind being creative with hours, comp time and expenses. 9. Unlike most other departments, Biomed is ready, willing and able to go above and beyond it's core mission to help the hospital. 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog26
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  • Strategies Multi-tiered Job Descriptions and steps. Write very detailed job descriptions. Understand the review process and the relations to pay changes. 2011 PKL, GMI blog at http://gmi3.com/blog27
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  • Information Technology October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI28
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  • Definition Information Technology (I.T.) is the "technology" used for the study, understanding, planning, design, construction, testing, distribution, support and operations of software, computers and computer related systems that exist for the purpose of Data, Information and Knowledge processing ITAA October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI29
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  • Major functions EHR Business office Security VPN access for various companies Electronic Door access Passwords and logins HIPAA Billing Accounting Laboratory Information System Radiology Information System Patient Data PACS Connectivity with doctor's offices and homes Education Patient Staff October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI30
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  • How I.T. sees the world... 31
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  • How I.T. sees the world... 32
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  • Areas where Biomed may interact with IT Patient Care equipment that communicated across the hospital network Access to Internet Sites that Biomed needs but IT blocks Servers in IT that contain programs that Biomed maintains Software and hardware maintenance philosophies Desirabliity of Service Contracts October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI33
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  • 10 things every IT Director needs to know about Biomed 1. Our jobs are like the fire department - 24 hours a day instant response, lives are on the line. 2. Equipment uptime, safety, accuracy and reliability are our #1 priorities. 3. We know the operation and use of all medical devices. We participate in patient care. We train users to operate their equipment. 4. Security is unimportant to us. 5. We do not operate in a rigidly defined space. We do whatever is necessary to enable the treatment of patients. 6. We prefer to rely upon ourselves instead of vendors or manufacturers. October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI34
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  • 10 things every IT Director needs to know about Biomed 7. Hardware contracts are NOT a part of our norm. 8. We understand healthcare and patient care. 9. We are very comfortable in the patient care setting. 10. We want to work with you, but not on your terms. 11. We know a lot about technology. And we can comprehend more about IT issues than you think. 12. Unlike many other departments, Biomed is ready, willing and able to go above and beyond it's core mission to help the hospital. October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI35
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  • Strategies Educate Chief of IT about Biomed, how we are different, and how we are working toward the same goals. Develop an understanding of ITs mandates and business practices. Develop a close relationship with somebody in IT who can cut through the 'official' policies October 2010 Patrick Lynch and GMI36
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  • Materials Management October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI37
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  • Main job is The organizational functions responsible for the planning, sourcing, stocking and logistics activities of materials used in the internal and external fulfillment of demand. The Bridgefield Group October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI38
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  • Major Functions Buying the right items for all the operations of a hospital Medical Supplies Capital Equipment Food Cleaning Supplies Computers Security Maintenance items Pharmaceuticals Storeroom functions for day-in-day out items Receiving function Shipping Order placement Vendor Management Forcasting future needs Finacial management Strategic partnerships shortages unique products JIT inventory Vendor managed Inventories Delivery of supplies to users Inventory Control Ethics sharing of confidential information receiving perks or kickbacks remaining objective October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI39
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  • How MM sees the world... 40
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  • How MM sees the world... 41
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  • Areas which Biomed interfaces with Materials Management Sourcing of Parts Purchasing conditions for new Capital Equipment Receiving of new Capital Equipment Receiving of Parts Asset control of Capital Equipment Contracts October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI42
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  • 10 things every Materials Manager needs to know about Biomed 1. We have MANY JIT needs. 2. We have MANY one-off needs. 3. One-time, One-shot deals are not unusual. 4. There often isn't time to go through the "normal" channels to setup new vendors, or bid, or wait till tomorrow. 5. Just because we cut deals and sometimes buy from our friends doesn't mean that we are unethical, receiving payoffs or stealing from the hospital. 6. We must be a part of EVERY capital purchase. October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI43
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  • 10 things every Materials Manager needs to know about Biomed 7. Sign NO point-of-sale maintenance agreements. 8. Our terms and conditions must be a part of every capital purchase. 9. Biomed must sign off before final payments are made on any capital purchase. 10. The manufacturers are NOT friends of the hospital. 11. Unlike most other departments, Biomed is ready, willing and able to go above and beyond it's core mission to help the hospital. October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI44
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  • Strategies Read all Purchasing Policies Read all Capital Equipment Policies Negotiate modifications which will meet your needs and benefit the hospital Develop Ts&Cs regarding training, passwords, manuals, etc. Insert Out-Clauses on ALL Contracts. October 2010, Patrick Lynch and GMI45 Last Slide
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  • Take-Aways In every encounter, emphasize how biomed can support the organizational goals. Remember, Biomed isnt the biggest, the baddest, or the most powerful, so we have to be very CREATIVE when dealing with the other entities in the hospital. 46
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  • Download at www.HTMA-SC.org Watch TechNation and BiomedTalk Contribute to the BMET Wiki Visit Pat Lynchs blog at http://gmi3.com/blog [email protected] (704)941-0116 [email protected] Thank you 47

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