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  • 7/31/2019 Pollution Analysis Through GIS and RS


    An investigation of Spatial Patterns of Urban Air

    Pollution and Source Recognition through GIS and

    Remote Sensing in Lahore

    Tasawar Iqbal

    Dissertation Submitted In part fulfilment

    of the requirement for the award of the degree of Masters inApplied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing

    School of Environment and Life Sciences

    University of Salford

    Greater Manchester

    November, 2011

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]




    I, Tasawar Iqbal, hereby declare that the following dissertation is entirely my own

    work and has not been submitted, in whole or in part, for any award to any other

    academic institution.



  • 7/31/2019 Pollution Analysis Through GIS and RS


    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]




    With pleasure, I acknowledge this research work to my supervisor Professor Mark Danson

    for his energetic and valuable guidance in the completion of this dissertation. His scientific

    passion, ever willing, determined assistance and amiable appreciations of my limitations

    enabled me to bring these pages to the light of the day. I will remain grateful to him for his

    valuable guidance and intellectual competence. My thanks and appreciations are for Dr.

    Richard Armitage who taught me different tools and analysis techniques before this research

    during my studies.

    I will remain thankful to Miss Isma Younes and Miss Ibtisam Butt, Lecturers in University of

    Punjab, for their help and guidance in data collection. They encouraged me for research and

    learn problem solving techniques. I extend my indebtednesses for my friends Mr. Nasir

    Ashraf and Mr. Abdul Jabbar, for their assistance in data collection and heartfelt cooperation

    in this research.

    I can never forget my parents and siblings at this occasion for their kind and never ending

    assistance in this piece of research work. It was difficult to complete this work without theirfinancial support and moral assistance.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]




    Air pollution in urban Lahore was significantly increased in last two decades because of

    unplanned infrastructure and rapid urbanisation. Pollution data of 22 sites in Lahore was

    collected for the year of 2007 from Punjab EPA while satellite images were used to analyse

    the spatial distribution of pollutants through GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. ArcGIS

    and Erdas Imagine were used for the analysis of pollution source identification, spatial

    distribution of pollutants in relation to land-use and epidemiological extent of pollutants from

    source. Image classification, proximity, intersection and interpolation techniques, were used

    to obtain results. Correlation between land-use density and concentration of NOx, SO2, CO,

    O3 and PM10 was calculated. From results, it was concluded that all pollutants except O3 areproduced from traffic because correlation was significant for the concentration of pollutants

    with only road density. The values of correlation were highest within 200-250 meters

    distance from main roads that indicates high risk of vulnerability within this distance.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Chapter 1


    1.1. IntroductionAtmosphere is one of the most important elements of nature on the earth that supports life. A

    person can live for days without eating and drinking but cannot survive for minutes without

    breathing. Significance of atmosphere is from the fact that an average person breaths 14 to 18

    kg of air daily (Fenger, 1999). Atmosphere is a mixture of different gases and all of them are

    in a specific proportion. Gases are dynamic and any change in the proportion of gases can

    disturb the natural environment. A significant increase in the harmful gases and chemicals

    was observed after industrial revolution. Increased traffic emission, industrial waste and

    urbanisation have added many harmful gases and chemicals in air that contaminated the

    urban environment in the form of atmospheric pollution (Omer, 2009).

    Longhurst (1989) classified air quality as very good, good, poor and very poor. Poor or

    very poor air quality is a result of air pollution. Atmospheric or air pollution is defined as,

    the contamination of air through chemicals and other materials resulting in the degradation

    of air quality (Gupta, 2010).

    European Union 1996 Council Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

    (IPPC) has defined air pollution as the direct or indirect introduction as a result of human

    activity, of substances, vibrations, heat or noise into the air, water or land which may be

    harmful to human health or the quality of the environment, result in damage to material

    property, or impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the environment

    (IPPC, 1996).

    Potential health and non health issues are related with pollution in all over the world.

    Different diseases such as irritation to eyes, nose and throat, respiratory infections, allergy,

    asthma and lungs cancer are observed in urban areas because of air pollution (EPA, 2010).

    Burning of fossil fuel, industrial discharge, plastic and organic compounds combustion,

    incomplete combustion of synthetic material and some others are major sources of air

    pollution (Emberson, 2009). Sources of pollution may be point or mobile sources, and both of

    them relate to specific geographic location. Point sources are industries, houses, landfills and

    incineration sites whereas mobile sources are automobiles (cars, buses, trucks, aircrafts and

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    motorcycles). With the increasing trends in urbanisation, number of industries and transport

    increased. As a result, pollution levels suddenly rose but its monitoring and management is

    slow. Monitoring of pollution and its sources is necessary for the management of air quality

    and implementation of anti pollution laws. The process of monitoring helps to identify

    pollution patterns, nature and concentration of pollutants and their harmful effects (Arsalan,

    2002). Pollution monitoring and modelling is encouraged on regional, national and global

    scales. With the development in technology, ordinary techniques of monitoring are being

    replaced by advanced tools. According to Matejicek, et al., (2005) pollution mapping and its

    spatial analysis provide a better understanding of pollution patterns in monitoring and

    visualization than ordinary surveys and measurements.

    In the present times, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with remote sensing data andground surveys is used for monitoring, mapping and spatial analysis of air pollution

    (Matejicek, 2005). Remote sensing and ground surveys provide accurate, timely and spatial

    information for the processing and analysis of data in GIS environment.

    1.2. The ProblemAir pollution is a threat to life and well being of man. Almost, all major cities of developing

    countries are facing this problem. With the development of urban land and increasing of

    traffic, concentration of pollution has increased. Lahore, Karachi, Kolkata, Mumbai,

    Chinghai, Beijing and many other cities are under great threat of pollution.

    In the previous decade, a considerable amount of pollutants has increased in Lahore urban

    area because of unplanned urbanization and transportation. Automobiles, industries and

    incineration sites are major contributors of toxic gases and particulate matter in the air of

    Lahore that contaminate urban atmosphere (Ali and Athar, 2010). According to various

    surveys of Punjab EPA, pollution levels in Lahore have either crossed safe limits or have

    reached the threshold values (Punjab EPA, 2009). Potential health and non-health issues are

    related with pollution and asthma, cancer and irritation are observed in Lahore (MoE, 2009).

    Pollution source identification, monitoring, its spatial analysis and visualisation of pollutants

    in Lahore, are still under developing stage. People living closer to major roads, industrial

    units and in dense settlements are more vulnerable to health issues.

    Although some organisations such as, WHO, EPA, PCSIR, SUPARCO and different

    researchers (Ali and Athar, 2010; Stone, et al., 2010; Schneidemesser, et al., 2010) have

    worked on air pollutions patterns, problems and impacts on local population but some

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    important aspects are not well addressed. Spatial patterns of air pollutants on micro scale,

    spatio-temporal trends, spatial based source contribution to pollution, meteorological

    parametric relation with pollutants and epidemiological indicators related with pollution on

    geographical basis are not clearly defined.

    In the situation of poor monitoring and management of air pollution, improvements through

    latest technologies such as, GIS and remote sensing are required. Capabilities of these fast

    growing technologies should be tested in environmental and urban management studies.

    1.3. Aims and Objectives of ResearchThe research is based on the pollution analysis for the city of Lahore. Pollution is produced

    from point and mobile sources therefore spatial element is important in the study of source

    and exposure modelling. Aims of research can be expressed as,

    To perform spatial analysis of pollution concentration for pattern recognition andpredict pollution level at unsampled locations

    Identify the source of pollution in urban Lahore on the base of hypothesis thatpollution is related with land use and land cover

    Calculate density of settlements, roads and other land cover classes from satelliteimage to construct a relation between pollutants and land cover classes

    Analyse the exposure of pollution from source and calculation of area and settlementsunder the threat of maximum pollution

    Research is undertaken through GIS and remote sensing techniques and their capabilities are

    tested therefore objectives of this research are,

    Creation of pollution maps and graphs in GIS and remote sensing environment Analyse capabilities and tools of remote sensing and GIS in environmental and urban

    management studies

    Usefulness of specific tools of both subjects in classification, area calculation, spatialmapping, interpolation and exposure modelling

    Address the strength and command of both technologies for monitoring, managementand problem solving of pollution and urban land

    1.4. Research PatternResearch is conducted for the partial fulfilment of the degree of masters in the University ofSalford. It is based on the study of spatial based pollution monitoring, source identification

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    and recognition of its effective extent. Dissertation is based on five chapters, references and

    appendices. First chapter is introduction of dissertation; second chapter is literature review

    that relates the study with other researches. Third chapter explains the whole analysis

    performed during research whereas, fourth chapter presents results gained from methods and

    discussions are included in it. The last chapter is conclusion of dissertation that ends with

    some recommendations.

    1.5. Significance of the StudyAir quality is proving detrimental to human health in many parts of Lahore. These trends are

    likely to continue. According to World Health Organisation, air pollution is a threat to the

    health and well being of man in the whole world (WHO, 2009).

    In the present research, the purpose of pollution monitoring and sampling is not only to

    present data, but to provide necessary information to planners, policy makers and scientific

    researchers in the process of decision making for the management and improvement of

    environment. In the formation of scientific basis, strategy development, setting goals and

    objectives, achieving targets and enhancing administration, study of spatial monitoring,

    geographical basis of source and spatial based epidemiological analysis play a key role.

    Lahore is one of the badly polluted cities of Pakistan. Monitoring is done on government,

    private and research based but spatial based analysis and relation of pollutants with

    geographical location of source are ignored. Spatial based study is not only helpful in

    visualisation but also in source identification, land cover relation with pollution and to build a

    relation of concentration with population density.

    Use of remote sensing and GIS in the study of urban pollution can help in spatial based

    analysis. Tools of these technologies provide spatial based pattern recognition, geographical

    based source identification, calculating number of population effected by pollution and

    determine spatio-temporal trends. The present research will try to investigate all these topics

    through GIS and remote sensing capabilities.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Chapter 2


    2.1. IntroductionAtmosphere is a dynamic and complex mixture of gases that are essential to support the

    ecosystem on the earth. Atmosphere is composed of 78% of Nitrogen (N), 21% of Oxygen

    (O2), 0.94% of Argon (Ar), 0.002% of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and little amount of many trace

    gases (Prather, 1994). Increasing human population on the earth and reduced plants or forests

    have disturbed the natural balance of these gases. With rapid urbanisation and

    industrialisation, addition of toxic material, chemicals and trace gases in atmosphere is

    contaminating the air quality and degrading the environment with a threat to life. These are

    released from the burning of fossil fuel, solid waste, organic compounds and some natural

    sources such as volcanism. Pei-Chena, et al., (2011); Smith & Mehta, (2003); Hajat, et al.,

    (2002) and many other environmentalists have indicated diseases or deaths of living

    organisms and degradation of natural environment from toxic pollutants. Pollution is caused

    by the release of toxins from homes or domestic incineration while major sources are

    industrial waste and automobile emission (Ostro, 2004).

    Pollution is a global issue because it does not have political and geographic boundaries

    (Srebotnjak, 2007), but urban areas in all over the world are more affected than rural areas

    from this noxious (WHO, 2011). Visible effects of pollution were observed in the incident of

    London smog 1952 (Williams, 2004) and today all major cities of developing world are

    facing such problems. Great threat of pollution is from unplanned development, automobile

    exhaust and burning of fossil fuel.

    Monitoring and management of pollution are necessary because of its severe effects for life.

    Remote sensing and GIS play an important role in this context. The role of these technologies

    is discussed in this chapter and contribution of other researcher in the study of pollution, GIS,

    remote sensing and functions of these technologies in pollution analysis is described in detail.

    2.2. Pollution SourcesPollution is released from different sources but it varies with geographical location and time.

    There are some natural sources of pollution as volcanoes and wind dust but Weng and Yang,

    (2006) believe that rapid urbanisation, burning of fossil fuel, indoor and outdoor incineration

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    and automobile exhaust are the major contributors of pollution in metropolitans. Major man

    made sources of pollution are following (US EPA, 2011),

    a) Fossil Fuel Burning: Petroleum and its products, coal and natural gas are largely usedin industries, automobiles and many other energy production sectors. These are major

    contributor of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), Nitrogen

    Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Oxides (SOx), smoke and particulate matter (PM). Natural gas is less

    pollutant than oil and coal.

    b) Incineration of solid waste: Urban houses produce solid waste that requires properrecycling and management. Developing countries are still on the way to manage solid waste

    where it is burned in open air. Burning of solid waste produces a heavy amount of SO2, NOx,

    Soot, Smoke, CO, PM and many other harmful pollutants.c) Indoor pollution: House hold pollution is another major contributor of pollutants.House hold smoke, pollution from burning of fossil fuel in homes, use of synthetic chemicals,

    smoke from cigarettes and such other sources cause of domestic or indoor pollution.

    d) Dust: Developing countries have a major problem of dust around roads in urban area.Hot and dry climate helps in the production of heavy amount of dust and improper

    management along road sides causes a huge amount of dust and particles in air.

    2.3. Major Pollutants and their EffectsSeverity of pollution depends on the nature of pollutants and degree of their emission.

    Pollutants are such chemicals that are at wrong place with wrong concentration in atmosphere

    that adversely affect the physical or biological system (Emberson, 2009). According to

    USEPA, (1985) NO2, O3, SO2, Lead (Pb) and Particulate Matter (PM) are criteria air

    pollutants, while Acrylic Acid, Benzyl Chloride, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform,

    Hydrogen Sulphide, Phosphorus and Nickel compounds etc. are hazardous pollutants

    (USEPA, 2002). Criteria pollutants have more concentration in air. As pollutants are found in

    all stats of matter therefore World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified them as,

    Suspended Particulate Matter, gaseous pollutants (SOx, NOx, CO, O3, organic compounds

    etc.), odour and heat (WHO, 2000). Major pollutants analysed in present study are discussed


    2.3.1. Particulate Matter (PM)Particulate Matter (PM) or suspended particulate matter (SPM) is a general term for solidparticles and liquid droplets as a combination in atmosphere (Vassilakos, et al., 2005). It is a

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    mixture of different particles such as, total suspended particles (TSP), PM10, PM2.5, coal fly

    ash, diesel exhaust, compounds of nitrate, sulphate and ammonium, mineral and metal dust,

    carbon black, oil smoke and such other particulates (Roosli, et al., 2000; Hueglin, et al.,

    2005). PM10 is coarse particulate matter with diameter 2.5-10m (WHO, 2000). Asthma and

    some respiratory issues are related with PM10 in Pakistan, especially Karachi and Lahore are

    more polluted cities where motor vehicles, industry, power plants, roadside dust and wind-

    blown dust cause of MP10 (Yousufzai, et al., 2001; Stone, et al., 2010). Zhang, et al., (2008)

    showed that 24 hour springtime average concentration of PM10 in Lahore is 460g/m3.

    2.3.2. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)SO2 is a water soluble and reactive gas that may react with other compounds to produce

    oxides of sulphur, sulphuric acid and sulphates (Hameed, 1991). Combustion of poor quality

    fuel in industry and other sectors, excess use of fossil fuel, poor mining methods and forest

    fire are major contributors of SO2 (Cohn, et al., 2004). In Pakistan, thermal power stations,

    industries and transport are major sources of SO2 but agriculture and domestic sectors are

    also playing a little role (Arsalan, 2002). Wellburn, (1994) explained that SO2 causes

    destruction to plants, Porter, et al., (2002) gave identification of asthma, irritation to eyes,

    acidification in air and discussed the respiratory problems, Wong, et al., (2002) gave

    evidence of chronic diseases and Busech & Posfai, (1999) indicated eye problems, vomiting,abdominal pain and sore of throat from SO2. The region of Pakistan, India and China is

    highly polluted with high concentration of SO2 (Emberson, 2009).

    2.3.3. Ozone (O3)Ozone (O3) is a compound of oxygen which densely lies in the stratosphere (15-45 km above

    earth surface) where it absorbs the ultraviolet radiations of sun and protects life. In the

    modern industrialised world the concentration of ozone is increasing near the earth surface

    because of excess burning of fossil fuels, plastic and synthetic material, incineration of

    organic compounds, solid waste and combustion of diesel at very high temperature (Ali &

    Athar, 2010). Its concentration near the earth surface not only traps the reflected heat from

    the earth but also causes of different health issues when inhaled. Health effects of ozone on

    humans are relating with eye, nose and throat irritation, throat dryness and pain, cough, chest

    tightness, malaise and nausea (Arsalan, 2002). According to Valacchi and Bocci, (2000), long

    term daily exposure to O3 is more than its 1-hour peak concentration in atmosphere because

    long term effects relate to respiratory, eye and skin infection. Lawson, et al., (2001) claims

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    that plants plasma or cell membrane is injured and chlorophyll in leaves decreases by surplus

    of O3 while sensitive cells in leaves and roots are also damaged (Wellburn, 1994). A study on

    rice crops around Lahore in 1996 shows that 27 percent yield of rice crop was reduced

    because of high concentration of O3 in surface atmosphere (Naim, 1996). Different researches

    in Los Angeles (Kilburn, et al., 1992), Denmark (Emberson, 2009), Karachi (Arsalan, 2002)

    and other parts of the world have given the indication of global warming by surface O3.

    2.3.4. Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)Major oxides of Nitrogen are Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Nitrous Oxide (NO) that

    contaminate the quality of air. These oxides are emitted from transport and industrial

    emission and play a major role in the formation of photochemical smog while coal is

    considered as major contributor of NOx in atmosphere (USEPA, 1996). Interaction of NO2,

    SO2 and water vapour forms acid rain while long term and short term human health effects of

    NOx are observed in some cities (Al Koas, 2010).

    According to USEPA (2000), respiratory disease, asthma and allergy are cause by NOx while

    plant tissues are damaged.

    2.3.5. Carbon Monoxide (CO)CO is a colourless, odourless, non-irritating and sneaky without poison which is formed whencarbon in fuel is not completely burned (Arsalan, 2002). In other words, it is produced when

    quantity of fuel is high but temperature of combustion is relatively low and oxidation process

    becomes slow (Schwela & Zali, 1999). It is a by product of vehicle exhaust. CO affects the

    blood cells of body. The threat of heart failure and even mortality is observed from CO

    effects on body (Wong, 2002). Wellburn, (1994) indicated headache, irritation, vomiting,

    nausea, weakness and even death from the severe effects of CO. Some studies show that

    Karachi and Lahore have high levels of CO where most of the CO is emitted from vehicular

    exhaust (Qureshi, 1996).

    2.4. Pollution EffectsPollution has many adverse effects on life and infrastructure because it results as smog, acid

    rain, greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. NASA, (2010) has reported many health and

    non-health effects of pollution. Short-term health effects are irritation to the eyes, nose and

    throat, upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia, headaches, nausea,

    allergic reactions, asthma and emphysema aggravation while long-term health effects are

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    chronic respiratory disease, lung and other cancers, heart disease, damage to the brain,

    nerves, liver or kidneys and lungs damage of children. Non-health effects are nuisance-

    smoke, odour, grit and dust, eutrophication, haze and smog, effects on wildlife, ozone

    depletion, crop and forest damage, global climate change, building damage and

    discolouration and economic costs such as fuel inefficiency. Zhang, et al., (2008) claims thatannually 1.2 million people die because of urban air pollution whereas, heart ailments, cancer

    and diabetes become common.

    According to some reports of World Health Organisation, many people die because of direct

    effects of air pollution in the world and different diseases are produced from this noxious.,

    WHO (2010) published a map of deaths caused by air pollution in 2004 as shown in figure-

    2.1. Eastern Europe, UK, Russia, China, USA and Canada have most deaths whereasPakistan also observed 150 to 250 deaths per million people in a year (WHO, 2010).

    Figure-2.1: Map showing deaths from air pollution in 2004 in shaded colours for each country

    (WHO, 2010)

    There are some standards for clean air and threshold limits of pollutants. Guidelines given byWHO (2009) and USEPA (2009) for ambient air quality are shown in table-2.1.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Pollutants USEPA standards WHO guidelines

    SO2 (ppb) 140 (24 h) 7.518 (24 h)

    NO2 (ppb) 53 (annual mean) 20.94 (annual mean)

    CO (ppm) 9 (8 h) -PM10 (g/m) 150 (24 h) 50 (24 h)

    O3 (ppb) 80 (8 h) 50 (8 h)

    Table-2.1: Guidelines for ambient air quality (Ali & Athar, 2010)

    2.4.1. Spatial DimensionsPollution is a global issue but its concentration is more in industrial states, urban areas of

    developing countries and unmanaged transportation zones. According to Srebotnjak (2007)

    and Wood & Dow (2011) developing countries of Asia are observing comparatively more

    pollution in cities and industrial zones than developed nations. Cohen, et al., (2004) has

    explained the amount of PM10 in major cities of the world as shown in figure-2.2. Western

    Europe and North America lies between concentrations of 30-60g/m3, while East Asia and

    South Asia bear highest level of PM10 between 100-254g/m3. The amount of NOx, SO2, O3,

    CH4 and other pollutants is also highest in urban regions of East and South Asia because of

    dry climate, rapid industrialisation, urbanisation, unplanned transportation and burning of low

    quality coal, diesel and other fuels (Emberson, 2009).

    Figure-2.2: World map showing estimated annual average concentration of PM10 in different urban

    regions, East Asia and South Asia have highest concentration (Cohen, et al., 2004)

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    There is rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and development in China, India, Pakistan and

    other countries of the region. Sometimes cities are covered with a layer of pollutants. People

    of Beijing, Chinghai, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Karachi and Lahore experience huge

    concentration of pollutants and are at more vulnerability. Asthma, nausea and diseases of

    lungs, heart, skin, throat, eyes and ear are observed in these cities (Gupta, 2010; Weng &

    Yang, 2006; Arsalan, 2002). Pakistan is a developing country that lies in South Asia and its

    major urban centers have high concentration of PM10 and other pollutants with arid or semi

    arid climate. Automobile and industrial exhaust, crop residual burning, wood burning,

    household pollution and incineration of solid waste have become common because of less

    effective environmental laws and lake of public awareness (Arsalan, 2002). Karachi, Lahore,

    Rawalpindi and Faisalabad are most polluted cities with high concentration of PM10, CO,

    SO2, NO2, NOx, O3, CH4, Pb, smoke, soot and roadside dust (Zhang, et al., 2008).

    2.5. Pollution in LahoreLahore is located in the industrial hub of Pakistan at boarder, near the Indian industrial zone

    (Rattigan, et al., 2002). Small and heavy industries are located within and around the city

    while and industrial estate named as Sundar Industrial Estate has been established close to

    urban area. There is a huge transport network with heavy and light traffic in the city of about

    10 million people. Moreover, the urban area produces a huge amount of solid waste that is

    allowed for incineration. In the presence of all these pollution sources, environmental

    management and anti pollution laws are not applied for citizens and stockholders. Therefore,

    Lahore is considered as the second polluted city of Pakistan after Karachi (Ali & Athar,


    Monitoring system for pollution and public awareness are weak that leads to environmental

    and health issues. Major contributors of pollution are heavy traffic and two stroke rickshaws.

    In previous five years some steps from government and environment department were taken

    to combat air pollution, in which introduction of CNG engines for all traffic and Green

    Scheme Rickshaws are most important. In 2011, Pakistan is at the top in having highest

    number of CNG transport and CNG stations (MoE, 2011). But major development in this

    sector is because of increasing oil prices.

    Although the development is rapid in Pakistan countries but still there are deficiencies in

    monitoring pollution and vulnerability data. In Pakistan, Pak EPA, Ministry of Environment,

    educational departments and some individual collect pollution data but there is a running

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    debate in establishing pollution guidelines (Ali & Athar, 2010). Punjab EPA collects

    pollution data and publishes its report every year but monitoring sites are not many that can

    cover the whole city. From 2008, only 3 major stations are permanently fixed that are not

    enough to observe the pollution level for the whole city (Punjab EPA, 2011). Sometimes

    these stations become inefficient because of energy shortage. On the other hand, health data

    regarding pollution attacks, asthma and other pollution related diseases is also not available

    for the whole urban area (MoE, 2011). In this situation it is not easy to analyse spatial

    patterns of pollution, exposure modelling and vulnerability assessment in Lahore. With

    pollution monitoring problems, some challenges of air pollution management in Pakistan are

    (Punjab EPA, 2011),

    Less research on pollution

    Lack of emission inventory and database Lack of spatial based pattern analysis of pollutants Lake of up-to-date emission standards Problems in the enforcement of environmental standards Lack of incentives to check the rate of pollution Poverty, illiteracy or less public awareness Insecurity Inadequate technical expertise

    2.6. Pollution Monitoring and ModellingMonitoring of pollution is important to calculate its concentration for spatial distribution and

    vulnerability analysis. Monitoring also helps to identify sources of pollution and rate of

    change in the concentration level. Mostly, concentration of pollutants is measured by

    different chemicals and instruments but analysis is performed through statistical and

    graphical methods. These do not explain spatial distribution for the whole urban area and

    construction of relationship with land use is difficult. GIS and remote sensing are intelligent

    and smart technologies to perform spatial analysis. They can define the relation of pollution

    with land use and identify source.

    2.6.1. Remote SensingRemote sensing is the sensing of the earth surface from space by making use of the properties

    of the electromagnetic waves emitted, reflected or diffracted by sensed objects, for the

    purpose of improving natural resource management, land use and the protection of the

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    environment (UN, 1986). It is the science of acquiring information about any object on the

    earth or in atmosphere without any physical contact with the object under observation

    (Elachi, 1987; Skidmore, 2002).

    Remote sensing instruments provide the information of the earth in the form of images,

    graphs and other formats that are processed in remote sensing software. Organisations use

    remote sensing data for not only defence purpose but also for meteorological, communication

    and environmental purposes. Meteorological data such as, humidity, temperature, wind speed

    and direction, atmospheric pressure and clouds state, give the condition and prediction of

    weather (Voogt and Oke, 2003), whereas, environmental data provides the amount of

    pollutants in atmosphere, surface temperature, cyclonic movement, flood condition and

    hazard prediction and consequences (Zhang and Guindon, 2006). Images of satellites givetemporal changes on the earth and one can investigate land-use changes, trends and their

    relation with environment.

    Remote sensing devices provide information for different applications of mapping, spatial

    distribution and concentration of air pollutants. Optical satellites and radar such as, Landsat,

    SPOT, Radarsat, TerrSAR-X and Quick Bird provide mapping of earth features to relate

    them with pollution levels and spatial distribution of pollutants (Mather, 2004). However,

    ground surveys or in-situ data are compulsory to verify and improve accuracy of satellite data(Guindon, et al., 2004).

    Remote sensing data and ground surveys are analysed in GIS for management, decision

    making and solving problems of the real world (Fagbeja, 2008). Landsat MSS (Multi-

    Spectral scanner), TM (Thematic Mapper) and TM+ (Thematic Mapper plus) and Quickbird

    images are commonly used for land-use/land-cover classification to observe the change

    detection and related analysis in GIS (Bhatta, 2009). Image classification can help to

    calculate the area of land-use/land-cover for the purpose of pollution sampling and source

    identification (Ahmad, et al., 2010). Moreover, density of settlements, roads and and land

    covers help to calculate the proportion of sources for urban pollution. Classification

    Classification is a useful technique that identifies land-use and land-cover classes on the

    image. Training areas from each class are selected and software divides the whole image

    according to information stored in these areas (Li & Yeh (2004)). Information is based on

    spectral, spatial and radiometric properties of land classes (Mather, 2004).

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    Image classification technique is important for the identification of land cover classes to

    relate them with pollution concentration. Mostly it is used to calculate urban growth and rate

    of land cover change (Bhatta, 2009). Spatial and temporal based classification is helpful to

    analyse the change in land cover and its relation with changing concentration of pollutants.

    Two types of classification techniques are important, supervised and unsupervised.

    Unsupervised technique is used when land cover classes are not known but supervised

    classification is used if classes are known (Mather, 2004). Before classification, pre-

    processing steps such as geometric correction, atmospheric correction and enhancement, are

    used to reduce flaws and deficiencies in image (Wang, el al., 2008).

    Classification identifies the density of settlements, vegetation, water, free land and other

    classes that helps to relate concentration of pollution with the densities of classes. This typeof analysis is helpful to identify the source of pollution and exposure modelling.

    2.6.2. Geographical Information Systems (GIS)Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is concerned with the description, explanation and

    prediction of patterns and processes of spatial scales (Longley, et al., 2005). It is considered

    as a computer based tool or technique (Stevens, et al., 2006), science, as well as disciplines

    (Goodchild, 2010) and applied problem solving technology (Longley, et al., 2005).

    Department of Environment (DoE) London, (1987) and Environmental Systems Research

    Institute (ESRI), (2011) has defined it as GIS is a computer based system for capturing,

    storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analysing and displaying of data which is

    spatially referenced to the Earth. Mapping is an old art but accurate geographic mapping in

    digital form, spatial analysis and problem solving techniques are introduced by GIS

    (Goodchild, 2010).

    GIS has provided the answer of what, where and when (Goodchild, 1997), while it can

    investigate basic questions of location, condition, trend, routing, pattern and modelling

    (Rhind, 1990). GIS is used in different fields for decision making and problem solving

    because of its spatial analysis techniques. It is not only used for natural resource management

    but also for urban planning, environmental and transportation modelling and disaster

    management whereas, meteorological data analysis and pollution mapping require spatial

    analysis techniques of GIS (Weng & Yang, 2006).

    In environmental studies, pollution is a focussing research while modelling and prediction of

    air quality is important in the management of environment (Fenger, 1999). Urban areas

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    remain more polluted because of transportation, industrialisation and urbanisation. GIS

    provides the structure of urban environment, air quality information and spatial distribution

    of pollutants (Kang, et al., 2009). Mapping techniques, spatial analysis, prediction models

    and trends in pollution through graphs, charts and diagrams, transport network, traffic

    emissions and air quality models in GIS environment provide better understanding and

    analysis than ordinary surveys (Fedra et al., 1999).

    2.6.3. Integration of GIS and Remote SensingStudy of atmosphere and pollution is widely carried out by ground surveys or in-situ

    measurements. Dispersion models of pollutants, assessment of air quality, analysing

    pollutants, tropospheric ozone increment and stratospheric ozone depletion are also carried

    out by in-situ measurements and mathematical models (Fagbeja, 2008). But the use of GIS

    and remote sensing in this field has revolutionised it through different analysis and mapping

    techniques (Zhang and Guindon, 2006). Remote sensing provides temporal information about

    atmospheric particles and pollutants, weather and heat data, land-use, vegetation,

    infrastructure, pollution sources and demographic data (Dadvand, 2011; Weng & Yang,

    2006). GIS uses remote sensing data as database and performs different analysis, modelling,

    mapping and visualisation to represent spatial variations, trends and spatio-temporal

    modelling (Sohrabinia & khorshiddoust, 2007).

    GIS helps to locate emission sources and predict pollutant concentration on geographic scales

    (Gupta, 2010). Nichol, et al., (2010), used MODIS satellite images to produce three

    dimension (3d) air quality data for urban area and created a model for the prediction of

    Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) in GIS environment. Arsalan, (2002) used GIS techniques

    for the sampling of pollution data with land-use type. He explained that in GIS, concentration

    of pollutants can be related with the density of roads, settlements, industries, vegetation and

    open space measured by remote sensing techniques. Tavoosi, et al., (2009) used satellite

    images of Tehran to classify land-covers, analysed their relation with pollution sources and

    calculated concentration of pollutants by relating with land classes in GIS. Spatial and

    temporal variations in pollution with land-use change were also analysed.

    2.6.4. Spatial Analysis and ModellingAlmost 80% of the worlds data is spatially based and GIS is a sophisticated tool to handle

    spatial analysis of environmental, demographic and political data (Worrall, 1991). Analysis is

    possible in many software and tools but GIS adds location or spatial character to the analysis.

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    GIS is a supporting tool for wide range of spatial problems that require coupling of

    simulation models with GIS (Goodchild, 1993), spatial data visualisation (Dadvand, 2011),

    spatial decision support system (Demers, 2009) and policy or decision making programmes

    (Goodchild, 1997).

    Matejicek (2005) explained that spatial interpolation, raster algebra and case oriented analysis

    in GIS are useful analysis for pollution study. Moreover, he presented a spatial model through

    GIS to present pollutants of flat urban area in Czech Republic.

    2.6.5. GIS Techniques and ToolsMapping, analysis and visualisation of data on spatial or geographic scale make GIS better

    than ordinary surveys and statistical measurements (Arsalan, 2002). A variety of statistical

    methods, mathematical techniques and graphical representation of data are available in GIS

    software packages. Interpolation, point pattern analysis, overlay, proximity and 3d analysis

    are valuable tools of GIS used by many researchers in the study of pollution (Banja, et al.,

    2010; Nichol, et al., 2010; Arsalan, 2002; Horalek, et al., 2005).

    Jerrett, (2001) applied spatial statistical tools of GIS to relate the particulate air pollution with

    socioeconomic status of people in Canada. Exposure modelling showed that people of lower

    socioeconomic status are more likely to be at risk than people of higher socioeconomic status.

    Spatial analytical techniques of GIS help to study health issues related to pollution and it is

    extensively used in disease mapping, epidemiological inquiries, health services analyses and

    planning, environmental health and justice analyses, exposure modelling, risk assessments,

    disease diffusion and clustering studies (Bowman, 2000; Maantay, 2007). Interpolation

    Interpolation is a technique that withholds the data of particular point and predicts condition

    at neighbouring area of the point on spatial scale (Horalek, et al., 2005). It holds the idea thatspatially distributed objects are spatially correlated and is mostly used when limited data sets

    are available for a large area as values of neighbouring cells in a raster grid are predicted

    (ArcGIS Help, 2011). This method is commonly used to model geographic point data relating

    to pollution, rainfall, chemical concentration, elevation and noise level.

    Zhang, (2006) calculated the concentration of pollutants in urban soil of Ireland on spatial

    scale by using interpolation, Horalek, et al., (2005) applied it to predict concentration of PM10

    and O3 over Europe and Arsalan, (2002) used interpolation in Karachi, Pakistan to investigate

    the concentration of criteria pollutants.

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    Issue with interpolation is that neighbouring area would contain much high or very low

    concentration but interpolation predicts on the base of values given for the point. Common

    methods for interpolation used in GIS are, inverse distance weighted (IDW), kriging, spline,

    natural neighbour and trend (ArcGIS Help, 2011).

    Kriging is an advanced geostatistical technique that can generate estimated surface from a set

    of points. The z-value (concentration of pollutant) gives estimation of surface on spatial scale

    and resultant low value indicates high degree of confidence (ArcGIS Help, 2011). A circular,

    spherical or semivariogram shape for ordinary or universal model are used in kriging

    (ArcGIS Help, 2011). If points are coincident then kriging may produce surface of

    unexpected values therefore points should be well separated and sampling is necessary. It is

    mostly used in pollution sampling and health science (www.esri.com). Li & Revesz, (2004)have explained kriging, IDW and other types of interpolation to produce the surface of

    unsampled points.

    Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) produces an estimated surface by averaging the values of

    scattered point data for the neighbour cell of each point (ArcGIS Help, 2011). The point

    represents as a center for neighbouring values. IDW is a weighted distance average that

    cannot become higher than highest value and lower than lowest value and does not well

    locate two consecutive extreme vales if extreme values are not sampled (Watson and Philip,1985). Moreover, it only produces best results when points are densely located. According to

    Li and Revesz, (2004) IDW and kriging are useful tools for spatial as well as temporal

    modelling of pollution and other geographic point data. Proximity Analysis

    Proximity gives the nearness of pollution concentration to land classes. It is not only helpful

    to identify the source but also for effects of pollution on nearest population (Arsalan, 2002).

    Proximity is based on the idea that whats near what (ArcGIS Help, 2011) and defines a

    relation of closeness between different features. Different techniques of proximity are used in

    ArcGIS but buffering is most advanced and widely used method.

    Buffering is a useful technique for proximity analysis used to delineate protected zones

    around features or to show areas of influence (Jerret, et al., 2005). Buffer area around the

    point, line or polygon is defined by the user and value of object or theme is considered as

    same for the whole buffer area. It is helpful to make relationship between pollutants and land

    features within the buffer zone.

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    2.7. HypothesisAir pollution and its spatial patterns are related to geographical distribution of land covers

    and closer population to sources of pollution is at more risk.

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    Chapter 3


    3.1. IntroductionThe study of pollution monitoring, source recognition and risk analysis is of great importance

    for environmentalists, urban planners and health agencies. Monitoring and spatial analysis are

    helpful to measure severity of pollution to establish pollution standards and manage its

    sources. Spatial analysis is valuable that helps to identify source and high concentration of

    pollutants on geographical basis. This chapter explains the analysis of pollution through GIS

    and remote sensing tools in urban Lahore. Punjab EPA is playing its role in the collection of

    pollution data in Lahore that helps for baseline studies. Traffic is not fully planned in Lahore

    that is a major contributor of pollution but indoor and industrial pollution is also a great threat

    for the environment of the city.

    Remote sensing provides timely updated land-use and land-cover data to observe the density

    of settlements, roads, vegetation, free land, water bodies and other features. Whereas, GIS

    can analyse the relation of pollution with these land features to identify sources of pollution.

    It also indicates the area under more threat of pollution by spatial analysis techniques. Image

    classification, proximity analysis and interpolation are applied in this chapter. Statistical

    techniques are also applied to create a relation between concentration of pollutants and type

    of land covers.

    3.2. The Study AreaThe study area was conducted as urban Lahore, the capital city of Punjab province in

    Pakistan as shown in figure-3.1. Total area of urban Lahore is about 480 km2


    approximately 10 million population (Schneidemesser, et al., 2010). It is the 2nd largest city

    of Pakistan situated at the height of 702 feet from sea level. With hot and arid climate, the

    annual rainfall of Lahore during last decade remained in the range of 333 to 1232 mm (PMD,

    2010). Mean monthly temperature of the city varies from 10.9 C to 34.2 C while annual

    average temperature remains within 23 C to 26 C; similarly relative humidity varies from

    17% to 70% which increases during July to September with a range of 60-70% (PMD, 2010).

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    Figure-3.1: The study area, Lahore showing major roads and points of pollution observation (P&D

    Department, 2011; Punjab EPA, 2011)

    Lahore is located in the northeast of Pakistan near Indian boarder which is the industrial hub

    of Pakistan and India having high concentration of pollution (Rattigan, et al., 2002; Ghauri, et

    al., 2007). Winds from all sides bring some concentration of pollutants in the city but the

    major sources are local industry and transport (Waheed, et al., 2006). Transport accounts for

    more than 65% of pollution in Lahore, as the length of major roads is 365 km and the

    registered vehicles were 1.4 million in 2009 (Ali & Athar, 2010). Buses, heavy vehicles and

    two stroke rickshaws are major contributors of traffic pollution because of their poor engines

    using low quality fuel. Road infrastructure of Lahore is shown in figure-3.2. Motorway,

    major roads, secondary roads, streets and footway is given in different colours. There is Ravi

    River in the west and a canal passes from the middle of the city.

    A number of environmental agencies such as, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

    Ministry of Environment and Worldwide Fund (WWF) are working in the city to prevent the

    degradation of environment whereas, some laws and rules have been implemented for heavytraffic and rickshaws but pollution is yet not controlled because of rapid urbanisation and

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    poor traffic management (Stone, et al., 2010). Like other cities of developing countries,

    population, road length and vehicles are increasing in Lahore urban area. According to

    Punjab EPA (2007), pollution level in the city was 63.6 i.e. higher than international and EPA

    standards. Pollution models and spatial analysis are helpful for the study of pollution sources,

    spatio-temporal variations in pollutants over the city and their epidemiological exposure.

    Spatial patterns of pollution, its source and exposure analysis in Lahore city are analysed by

    using data collected in May 2007.

    Figure-3.2: Road infrastructure of urban Lahore (P&D Department, 2011)

    Detailed methodological framework is given in figure-3.3 that shows the whole procedures

    used in current research.

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    Figure-3.3: Thematic diagram of methods used in the research

    3.3. Data SetsData is most important because all type of analysis and research depend on it. Data collection

    techniques and database is not fully standardized in Pakistan like many other developing

    countries. There is a need to formulate pollution standards as well. Data collected in this

    research is also not according to the measures of developed countries but still satisfactory for

    spatial and landscape analysis because of EPA data collection techniques. Most of the data in

    this research was used from secondary sources. Different sets of secondary data were

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    collected from government and semi-government sources. Following data sets are used in the


    i. Pollution data of Lahore for May 2007 with meteorological parameters and observedconcentration of pollutants at most busy and affected sites was collected from Punjab

    EPA Lahore. 22 busy and most popular sites of Lahore were observed by placing the

    instruments on road sides near crossings and 2-3 meters away from the road corner.

    Data of 7 points out of 22 were taken from Department of Environment, Islamia

    University, Bahawalpur collected by Ali and Athar (2010) as EPA did not cover the

    whole urban area. The observations of Ali and Athar were according to EPA

    standards and their paper about pollution is published in Springer. Most of the points

    such as, Railway Station, Town Hall, Charring Cross, Chuburgi Chowk, Chowk

    Yateem Khana and Kalma chowk are in highly dense area with heavy transport on

    major roads. Thokar Niaz Beg and Yadgar Chowk bear heavy burden of transport

    emission and industrial waste whereas, Chungi Amarsadhu, Harbanspura and GT

    Road have heavy traffic but some small industries are near them. Some points such as

    park near airport, Wapda Town and Shah di Khoi are in less dense and vegetative or

    green area.

    Instruments and methods used by Punjab EPA and Ali & Athar to calculate pollutant

    concentration are discussed below (Punjab EPA, 2011).

    The concentration of sulphur dioxide (SO2) was calculated in glass impingers throughsodium tetrachloro mercurate absorption solution using APM 410 and 415 Sampler

    (2001 Model, Manufactured by VBU Ltd., India). The samples for 24 hour

    observations were transferred in laboratory in a cold box having eutectic cold packs

    with a maintained temperature of 5C. Colorimetric method was used for the analysis

    of samples. Samples and analysis was according to USEPA Method: 40 CFR 50.

    Ozone (O3) was collected through ozone analyser based on USEPA DesignatedMethod: EQOA-0880-047 in Thermo Environmental Instrument, Model 48-C, USA.

    The samples were collected on the base of 24 hours observations.

    Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) were collected in glass impingers using triethanolamineabsorption solution through APM 410 and 415 Sampler (Model 2001 of VBU Ltd.,

    India). Transportation of samples and analysis were same as for SO2 but related with

    NIOSH Method CAS 10102-43-9.

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    The concentration of PM10 was calculated on a fiber glass filter by using high volumesampler with size-selective inlet PM10 sampler (Model TE 6070, 2004 Trish

    Instruments USA). The samples were stored in vacuum desiccators to transfer in

    laboratory. 24 hours observed samples were analysed according to USEPA Method:

    40 CFR 50.

    The concentration of CO was collected through Automated Analyzer based on gasfilter correlation technique with data logging facility i.e. Thermo environmental

    Instrument, Model 48-C USA. 24 hours observations were calculated on the base of

    USEPA designated method: RFCA-0981-054.

    Meteorological parameters such as, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and wind

    direction were calculated by Davis Vantage Pro-2, USA. Instruments were installed at 2 to 3meters distance form road corner and 2 meters above ground level.

    ii. Lahore road network data was taken from Urban Unit, Planning and DevelopmentDepartment, Lahore. Roads are classified as, motorway, primary or major roads,

    secondary roads, streets and footways. Classified road network data is important

    because motorway and primary roads bear a heavy burden of major transport,

    rickshaws and heavy vehicles. These are considered as major contributors of

    pollutants in the urban atmosphere.

    iii. Landsat ETM+ image of 2003 was used for land-cover classification to calculatedensity of settlements, water, green areas and open spaces in proximity to observation

    points. Landsat ETM+ image has 15m resolution in panchromatic band that was

    downloaded from USGS website (earthexplore.usgs.gov). Landsat images are

    commonly used for land cover classification to calculate the distribution of land

    covers and changes over time (Bhatta, 2005). All Landsat images after 2003 have

    missing scan lines because of instrumental errors therefore image of 2007 requires

    high techniques and complex methods of image processing to remove gaps (Dadvand,

    2011). To avoid these issues and complex methods, image of 2003 was used.

    QuickBird image of 2008 was used for digitising major roads in vector format to

    calculate the density of roads in proximity with observation sites. QuickBird image

    was taken from SUPARCO Lahore as it has high resolution of 0.6m that is helpful for

    the digitization of road area.

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    iv. Weather data for May, 2007 was collected from Pakistan Meteorological Department(PMD), Lahore to compare with observed meteorological parameters by EPA and Ali

    & Athar (2010).


    Analysis of Data RelationshipArcGIS 10 and Erdas Imagine 9.2 were used for the whole analysis in this research.

    Microsoft Excel was used to compare the relationship between different data sets and weather

    parameters. Data for pollution and weather, was arranged in excel according to geographic

    location in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection zone 43 and WGS 1984 datum.

    ArcGIS can perform analysis on dataset which is geographically referenced to a projection

    system. The excel file was converted into shape file (.shp) in ArcView to perform analysis in

    GIS environment. Arranged data of excel or shape file for May 2007 is given in table-1. It

    shows concentration of 5 pollutants, NOx, CO, SO2, O3 and PM10 and wind speed, wind

    direction, temperature and relative humidity (RH) at 22 different points for 24 hours mean

    observations. Concentration of NOx, SO2 and O3 is given in parts per billion (ppb) while CO

    is in parts per million (ppm) and PM10 in micro gram per cubic meters (g/m) whereas, wind

    speed is measured in meter per seconds (m/s), temperature in degree Celsius (C) and relative

    humidity in percentage (%).

    The issue with data is that each point was observed on different day and date. In this case, itis possible that pollution level at one location can transfer to the other location because of

    weather parameters. To observe these issues analysis of weather and pollutants is important.

    An analysis and comparison of data relationship is helpful to test the validity of data. Weather

    data collected from meteorology department is compared with the climatic parameters used in

    this report. Relation between pollutants and meteorological parameters is useful because wind

    speed, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity affect the pollution level observed at

    different time periods. Wind direction can disperse pollutants and cause of reduction at one

    place but increase at another. PM10 and some other pollutants increase with the increase in

    temperature, temperature at night is supportable for pollutants to become stable, whereas

    increased amount of humidity and rainfall helps to decrease the concentration of pollutants

    (Matejicek, 2005). To observe the effects of meteorological parameters on pollutants

    correlation was tested. No relation between weather parameters and pollutants suggests that

    pollution level is not affected by temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed and

    direction. Moreover, GIS techniques such as, interpolation of temperature, can determine the

    variations. Wind direction map can help to investigate the movement of pollutants in a

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    particular direction. Yanosky, et al., (2008) believes that at normal atmospheric pressure less

    than 3m/s wind speed is considered as stagnant air that does not affect the pollution level of

    particular point within 24 hours.

    No. ID (Points) Date X Y WindSpeed


    WindDirection Temp(C) RH(%) NOx(ppb) CO(ppm) SO2(ppb) O

    3(ppb) PM10(g/m)

    1 Town Hall 02/05/2007 434045.5 3492935.8 1.5 NW 32 35.26 63.6 2.3 18.7 16 462

    2 Yadgar Chowk 03/05/2007 434266.6 3495099.4 2.6 SW 33.3 37.2 78.7 7.1 48.4 32 1019.4

    3 Railway station 04/05/2007 437321 3493294 2.1 NW 33 41.3 76.9 8.2 52.3 36.2 908

    4 Shad Bagh 05/05/2007 436769.9 3496560 2 NW 32.2 40.3 56.7 5.1 29.3 21.3 572

    5 Ravi Road


    06/05/2007 433384.7 3496944 2.3 NE 29.8 40 76.5 6.2 39.6 28.2 914

    6 Bund Road


    07/05/2007 443702.3 3495002 1.8 SW 33 44.5 42.5 4.7 32.5 17.9 926.2

    7 Mughalpura


    08/05/2007 441228.4 3492091 2.1 SW 32.6 39.6 56.4 3.5 22.7 17.1 569

    8 Harbanspura 09/05/2007 446315.5 3493224 2.5 NE 32 36.4 32 3.4 15.3 17 620.7

    9 Chungi Amar


    12/05/2007 438591.3 3479516.6 1.6 NW 32 47.2 54.6 5.7 23.1 20.5 867.3

    10 Kalma Chowk 13/05/2007 436471 3485676 1.4 NW 32.7 44.7 48.6 7.2 24.8 21.7 641

    11 Muslim Chowk 14/05/2007 435940.5 3487430.5 1.5 NW 33 47.3 34.2 5.6 20.6 18.5 519

    12 Mochipura


    15/05/2007 434660.6 3481396.2 2.2 NW 31.8 51 20.3 2.1 38.2 44.7 502

    13 Multan Chungi 19/05/2007 430126.9 3484775.6 2.7 SW 32.3 46.1 27.9 3.1 19.7 51.8 804.6

    14 Charring Cross 22/05/2007 435897.3 3491797.9 1.9 NW 31.9 39.7 46.2 2.3 23.9 20 434.6

    15 Chuburji Chowk 21/05/2007 434023.7 3491211 1.1 NW 32.5 45.4 53 6.6 22 19.3 766

    16 Chowk Yateem


    20/05/2007 432339 3488798.6 1.9 SW 33.1 43 68.5 6.2 39.7 48.2 831

    17 Shah Di Khoi 18/05/2007 432849.1 3483807 2.4 NW 31.6 38.6 16.3 2.7 11 14.3 281.6

    18 Mall Road


    10/05/2007 438220.3 3490107.2 1.8 SW 30.7 39 47 3.2 17.4 21 306

    19 Park View Near


    24/05/2007 441548 3484731 2.4 SW 33 38.4 38.1 2 10 18.7 268.7

    20 Airport Access 23/05/2007 443113.3 3489904.9 2 SW 32.4 41.3 43.2 2.1 10.4 20.2 578

    21 Thokar Niaz


    17/05/2007 427978 3482008 2.3 NW 32 39.6 81 7.9 50.2 64.5 974.8

    22 Abu Bakar


    16/05/2007 430094.4 3477614 2.1 SE 33.2 38.7 34.3 1.8 24.3 38 307

    Table-3.1: Observation sites (Points) and observed pollutants with meteorological parameters for 22 sites

    Correlation was analysed between pollutants as it shows the relationship between pollutants

    whether they are directly related, inversely or not making any relation. Relation between

    pollutants also gives indication of similar source. A positive relation between pollutants can

    help to formulate the hypothesis that the source of these pollutants is the same.

    3.5. Image Processing and ClassificationErdas Imagine is useful software to study the properties of images and apply different

    operations on image. Images have some flaws and errors in their raw form that require some

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    pre-processing steps (Mather, 2004). Landsat ETM+ image of 2003 was downloaded from

    Earth Explorer website to observe the land use and land cover in Lahore urban area because

    Landsat data is freely available and is commonly used for land use classification (Bhatta,

    2005). There are some missing scan lines in the images of Landsat after 2003 that cause in

    the missing of data and require complex image processing techniques. To avoid these

    complex issues the image of 2003 was used for classification purpose. Enhancement

    techniques are used for noise reduction and diminish atmospheric influence on image.

    Histogram match and equalization increase the radiometric and visual properties of image

    that helps to select algorithms for classification of land uses (Foody, 2002). Information

    about the image is given in table-3.2.

    Table-3.2: Metadata for Landsat ETM+ image of 2003 used for classification


    Supervised classification with maximum likelihood parametric rule using probability surface

    method was applied (Bhatta, 2005). Supervised classification is performed on the basis of

    known land use features, which automatically separate the clusters of same class using

    statistical or radiometric, spectral and spatial properties (Bay, 2011). Different training areas

    from each category were selected containing more than 10 pixels in each training area. For

    the first time 10 classes were created then 11 but both were not satisfactory because accuracy

    was low. Then image was classified in 9 classes from which 4 classes were assigned to

    settlements as, dense settlement, less dense settlement, sparse settlement and new

    constructions. Classes are given in figure-3 where name of class, its colour and other

    properties are given. Settlements are more important because proximity of settlements to

    observation points gives the idea of pollution sources and their exposures. Moreover, a

    comparison of settlement and road density at different points can help to investigate the

    Data Set Attribute Attribute Value

    File Format GeoTIFF

    Platform Landsat

    Sensor ETM+

    Datum WGS84

    Units Meters

    Acquisition Date 2003/01/28

    UTM Zone 43

    Pixel Resolution 15 m

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    causes of difference in pollution level, such as density of roads and settlements is directly

    proportional to the concentration of pollution.

    3.5.1. Accuracy AssessmentClassification is more useful if its accuracy is high and Kappa Coefficient is commonly used

    for this purpose (Foody, 2002). To calculate Kappa, an error matrix is constructed on the base

    of observations from classified image reference to the original image. Settlement classes were

    merged in 1 class, 2nd

    class was of free land and all other classes were kept in 3rd

    class and 30

    points from each class were selected to compare with classes of original image. Points were

    well separated and most of them were selected from the edges of classes. Points from actual

    and observed classes were plotted in matrix and Kappa was measured by the following



    n = number of observed points

    k = number of cells in matrix diagonal

    q = last cell in the diagonal

    Good agreement of accuracy is considered when the value of Kappa lies between 0.60 and

    0.80 while very good agreement is for values between 0.80 and 1.00 (Foody, 2011).

    Issue with classification is that it produces salt and pepper effect with isolated pixels because

    of local variations. Classification is affected by sensors low sensing efficiency and

    sometimes by choosing very large image area (Foody, 2002). Moreover, 100% accuracy of

    classification is not possible because some pixels at the boundaries of land features are

    misclassified having common properties of surrounding features.

    3.6. Spatial AnalysisArcView has become useful software for data handling, spatial analysis, pattern study and

    exposure modelling and visualisation of all types of geographical data. Spatial statistics,interpolation, overlay and proximity are commonly used in the study of pollution patterns and

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    exposure modelling (www.esri.com). Some analysis techniques were used in the study of

    pollution as discussed below,

    3.6.1. Proximity and Correlation AnalysisBuffering tool creates buffer polygons of specified distance around the input data feature

    (ArGIS help, 2011). Offsets produced by buffers around the specific point, line or polygon

    can help in proximity analysis. As traffic is major contributor of pollution in Lahore therefore

    analysis of roads and their proximity to settlements are important. To analyse the proximity

    and exposure from road pollution, 200 meters buffers of major roads were constructed. 150-

    200 m from a main road is the distance within which concentrations of primary vehicle

    traffic pollutants are raised above ambient background levels (Venn et al., 2001; Maantay,

    2007). Most of studies explain that respiratory exposures to traffic related emission are within

    150-200 m distance (Nitta et al., 1993; Wilkinson et al., 1999).

    All observation points are along major roads and most of them are close to the dense

    settlements therefore buffering around observation points can help to determine the proximity

    of roads and settlements from observation points. Buffers around the observation points were

    created as 100m, 150m, 200m, 250m, 300m, 350m, 400m, 450m and 500m buffers are more

    important in the study of relationship between pollution and roads or settlements (Jerret, et

    al., 2005; Zhu, et al., 2002). The density of roads and settlements within these buffers were

    calculated from the classified image of Lahore (Rose, et al., 2009). Classified image can be

    converted into raster and vector form in ArcGIS to calculate the area of settlements. Figure-

    3.3 shows the process of buffer analysis and area calculation for settlements and other

    features from classified Landsat ETM+ image.

    Density of roads was measured from digitized road area on QuickBird image. Before the

    calculation of settlement density, road area was subtracted from settlement area of classified

    image because during classification roads were included in settlements class. High density of

    roads and settlements within the buffer area indicate more concentration of pollutants and the

    type of their source. Density for settlements and roads is defined as the proportion of class

    area from a unit area and mathematically can be expressed as (Rose, et al., 2009),

    Density = Class Area/ Total Area of Buffer X 1000

    The process of measuring road density in each buffer is shown in figure-3.4. Major roads are

    digitized on high resolution image as given in figure-3.5 and their area is calculated from

    attribute table using selection tool as shown in Table-3.3.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Figure-3.4: Buffer analysis and calculation of settlement, vegetation and other land feature area

    Figure-3.5: Digitization of road area and calculation of road density from high resolution image

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Table-3.3: Calculation of Major Road area from attribute table

    Relation between concentration of pollutants and density of land classes was calculated

    through regression and correlation analysis. These relations investigate that whether a change

    in one variable is related to the change of other variable. Correlation is mostly used to check

    the statistical significance of relation between two variables while regression describes the

    relation precisely by means of an equation that have predictive value (Price, 2011). In the

    present analysis the value of regression is represented by R2

    whereas, r is used to show the

    coefficient of correlation. Regression plots a straight line along the distribution of points

    showing relation between concentration of pollutants and density of classes (roads andsettlements). It is important to test the significance of relation and is mostly used as

    coefficient of significance for statistical significance at 95% confidence level (Deacon, 2011).

    In each buffer area regression between road density and concentration of pollutants, and

    settlement density and concentration of pollutants is determined and their statistical

    significance is also tested through coefficient of correlation.

    3.6.2. InterpolationSpatial interpolation is a statistical technique in GIS that helps to estimate the value of

    variables at unsampled places (Li & Revesz, 2004). Kriging and IDW are common

    interpolation methods used in ArcView to model the unpredicted values of pollutants over an

    urban area. Ordinary method of kriging with spherical semivariogram model is used in the

    research to interpolate the raster surface of pollutants (ArcGIS Help, 2011). Spherical

    semivariogram model interpolates the surface in a spherical shape but the shape is changed

    automatically if the concentration of pollutants is greatly different at well separated points.

    For values of small difference, kriging does not produce best surface and IDW suites best to

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    interpolate such narrow valued variable (Watson and Philip, 1985). IDW produces the raster

    surface on the base of extent of similarity or degree of smoothing in the values of

    observations (www.esri.com).

    In the present study, interpolation only gives the visual representation of pollutants over the

    surface of Lahore. Interpolated surface is formed according the mean values or weightage of

    each point and degree of smoothing therefore it does not predict the exact concentration. But

    it is a better technique than ordinary statistical measurements and much quicker than surveys

    to save time and money. Moreover, it is difficult to measure each crossing and every point in

    a large area, and interpolation is useful technique for this purpose. IDW and kriging are

    limited by methodological restrictions that require assumptions regarding the form of the

    distance weighting function and by the often sparse spatial distribution of air monitoringsites, which allows interpolation to capture only large scale spatial gradients over most of the

    domain (Yanosky, et al., 2008). But analysis in present research provided satisfactory results.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Chapter 4

    Results and Discussion

    4.1. IntroductionThe present study has investigated pollution sources, its spatial patterns and exposure

    modelling in urban Lahore. Although the research was timely short with miner limitations in

    data but analysis has proved that highly dense roads with heavy transport have more

    concentration of pollution than less road density. Major roads are most polluted spots and

    settlements along these busy roads are at more vulnerable. According to results, concentration

    level of pollutants is not making good relation with settlement density but it decreases ingreen spaces. Most of dense settlements are also closer to the denser roads such as Town Hall

    and Yadgar Chowk. Remote sensing and GIS techniques have provided methodology of

    spatial analysis and interpolated the urban environment to predict pollution concentration in

    the whole city. From 22 observation sites, the concentration of NOx, SO2, CO, O3 and PM10 is

    predicted for the whole urban Lahore through ArcGIS and Erdas Imagine. Old Lahore region

    near Yadgar Chowk, Railway Station, Ravi Road Interchange and Town Hall, is at more risk

    of pollution whereas, Thokar Niaz Beg is more polluted because of traffic junction and

    industrial area. Airport area, Wapda Town, Mall Road Canal Crossing and Shah di Khoi have

    less concentration of pollution because of sparse settlements, presence of vegetation and less

    traffic. Proximity and regression analysis have proved that major cause of pollution in urban

    land is heavy traffic because points with high road density are more polluted than lower road

    density. Proximity analysis model is meaningful for all pollutants except ozone (O3). But it is

    possible that the sources of O3 are not traffic and indoor because during 2007 and 2008 most

    of cars and buses were converted on CNG (compressed natural gas) (Punjab EPA, 2008).

    4.2. Relation between PollutantsAnalysis of temperature, wind speed and direction and humidity can help to understand that

    whether pollutants are disturbed by these parameters or not. Main source of pollution in

    Lahore is urban transport. Heavy transport and rickshaws produce a considerable

    concentration of pollutants in the city. Settlements are also responsible for indoor pollution

    therefore highly dense settlements with roads are observing more pollution. Pollutants

    observed at different places make a positive relation with each other and indicate that their

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    source is same. Oxides of Nitrogen and CO are linearly correlated with each other with the

    value of R2=0.58 as shown in Figure-4.1. Correlation is a statistical technique that can show

    whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related (Briggs, et al., 1997). Correlation

    between PM10 and CO, SO2 and NOx and PM10 and SO2 is given in Figure-4.2, 4.3 and 4.4

    respectively. The value of r is significant at 95% confidence level and all relations show

    strong and positive relationship and indicate towards the same source of pollution.

    Figure-4.1: A positive linear relation between CO and NOx

    Figure-4.2: Linear relationship between PM10 and CO

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Figure-4.3: Strong positive relation between SO2 and NOx

    Figure-4.4: Linear relationship between PM10 and SO2

    4.3. Weather Parametric AnalysisPollution data was collected in different days that may be affected by weather. To check the

    effects of weather on the concentration of pollutants, analysis of weather parameters is useful.

    Observation points with North West wind direction are compared with points of south

    western wind and there is not any significance difference in pollution concentration produced

    by wind. In figure-4.5 points with North western wind are selected whereas points with south

    western wind are highlighted in figure-4.6. Comparison of these two figures shows that wind

    direction is not affecting the concentration of pollutants as no specific wind direction has

    highest or lowest pollution concentration at observation points.

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Figure-4.5: Observation points with north western wind direction and concentration of pollutants

    Figure-4.6: Observation points with south western wind direction and concentration of pollutants

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    Tasawar Iqbal ID: @00253100 [email protected]



    Statistical analysis of wind direction for different points is also analysed to observe its effects

    on concentration level. Graphical comparison helps to understand difference in pollution

    concentration at observation points having different wind directions. Concentration of NOx,

    SO2 and O3 is compared at points of

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