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Page 1: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


Database and Information ServiceDatabase and Information Service

July 27, 2006

Jitka DeylAgriculture andAgri-Food Canada

Agriculture etAgroalimentaire Canada

Page 2: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

What is POOL ?What is POOL ?

Pedigree Of Oat Lines relational database in Microsoft Access database of pedigrees and background

information of oat lines and cultivars tool for breeders to find both the ancestry

and descendants of oat lines publicly accessible database with user

friendly web interface

Page 3: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

entities in POOL are “virtual” (this is where it differs from a gene bank)

the most complete collection of oat pedigree data and nomenclature in the world

Page 4: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

Where is POOL?Where is POOL? Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6


A Curated Internet Database of Oat Pedigrees, N. Tinker and J. Deyl, Crop Sci. 45: 2269–2272

Page 5: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


Page 6: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

From where?From where?

cultivar registrations in North America, Australia, and Europe

breeders notes from different breeding programs

oat tests conducted in Americas agricultural research & breeding institutions university breeding programs


Page 7: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


Crop Science, USA Agronomy Journal, USA Canadian Journal of Plant Science Genome, Canada Oat Newsletter, Americas Plant Varieties Journal, Australia Theoretical and Applied Genetic (TAG),

International Journal of Plant Breeding Research

Page 8: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

Nordic Gene Bank, Sweden European Avena Database, Germany National Genetic Resources Program (NGRP),

USA AAFC Plant Gene Resources (PGRC), Canada BBSRC Small Grain Cereal Collections, UK Plant Genetic Resources Documentation

(EVIGEZ), Czech Republic N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry

(VIR), Russia


Page 9: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


Material for an International Oat Register (B.R. Baum) oat identification and classification publications (T.R. Stanton, F. A. Coffman) proceedings from International Oat Conferences “Quaker Oat Bible” old (1916) and new publications related to oat breeding

Page 10: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

Visit POOLVisit POOLhttp://avena.agr.gc.ca/

Page 11: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.
Page 12: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.
Page 13: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.
Page 14: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

Oat Pedigree Databasehttp://avena.agr.gc.ca/

Page 15: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.
Page 16: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

POOL in numbersPOOL in numbers

DATABASE STATISTICS (as of July 10, 2006)

Names and synonyms           43,683

Unique entries           17,962

Sources of information 642

Locations where the germplasm was created     752

Countries where the germplasm was created 79

Oldest variety listed - mid 18th century       Dutch

Latest varieties listed - spring 2006  Canmore, Canoë, Gaspé, Jordan,

Lachute, Lois, Navaro, Rozmar, Shadow, Sutton

Page 17: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.

WEB TRAFFIC ANALYSIS FOR 2006  January February March April May June AVERAGE

Total hits 40,408 45,422 39,024 50,808 42,476 42,114 43,375

Total visits 318 239 226 225 188 185 230

Total page views 2,301 3,492 1,808 1,366 995 986 1,825

Average visits per week 72 62 56 54 44 45 56

Average visits per day 10 9 8 8 6 6 8

Average pages viewed per day

74 129 65 47 33 34 64

Average pages viewed per visit

7 15 8 6 5 5 8

Total new visitors 79 67 58 44 39 36 54

Total repeat visitors 32 34 33 42 36 32 35

Average visits per visitor 4 3 3 3 4 3 3

Visitor repeat rate [%] 39.5 41.5 41.8 55.3 52.9 52.5 47

Average length of visit [minutes] 9.5 12.0 6.5 4.5 4.5 6.2 7

Total megabytes transferred 50 110 108 59 72 91 82

Page 18: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


completion of genebanks data retrieval(cultivar coverage from many data sources, but comprehensive coverage based on alphabetical order from A to D from main world oat genebanks and Material for an International Oat Register)

financing since July 1, 2006

Page 19: POOL Database and Information Service July 27, 2006 Jitka Deyl Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada.


Bruce Roskens

Grant Morrison

Art McElroy

Nick Tinker

Oat breeding team from Ottawa

Agriculture andAgri-Food Canada

Agriculture etAgroalimentaire Canada

All breeders and researchers willing to share their knowledge and their breeding results with the POOL

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