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Download - PORPHYRINS-2013

  • Porphyrins

    Synthesis and breakdown of heme

  • Physiological regulation of heme synthesis

    Substrate availability: iron (II) must be available for ferrochelatase.

    Feedback regulation: heme is a feedback inhibitor of ALA synthase.

    Subcellular localization: ALA synthase is in the mitochondria, where the

    substrate, succinyl CoA, is produced. ALA synthase is synthesized in the

    cytoplasm, and is transported into the mitochondria (like many other

    mitochondrial proteins). Its transport across the mitochondrial membrane

    may be regulated.

    In erythropoietic cells, heme synthesis is coordinated with globin

    synthesis. If heme is available, globin synthesis proceeds.

    Effects of drugs and steroids: Remember, certain drugs and steroids

    can increase heme synthesis via increased production of the rate-limiting

    enzyme, ALA SYNTHASE.

  • Hemoglobin structure

  • HEMOGLOBIN Myoglobin:


  • Differences in hemoglobin a myoglobin saturation by oxygen:

  • 2,3-BPG

    In addition to hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide, a very important allosteric effector

    is 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG). It is a small, organic molecule that is

    synthesized in red blood cells from 1,3-BPG, an intermediate in glycolysis. This

    "costs" the red blood cell 1 ATP that it would have gained from converting 1,3-BPG

    to 3-phosphoglycerate, but 2,3-BPG has a major and critical effect on the affinity of

    hemoglobin for oxygen.

    BPG affects oxygen binding affinity by binding in a small cavity at the center axis of

    deoxygenated hemoglobin. In oxygenated hemoglobin, this cavity is too small to

    effectively accommodate 2,3-BPG. When bound, 2,3-BPG stabilizes the

    deoxygenated conformation of hemoglobin, greatly diminishing the binding of

    oxygen and facilitating oxygen unloading to actively respiring tissues. At high

    altitude, when the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere is lower and hence

    oxygen is harder to deliver to the tissues, the synthesis of 2,3-BPG is upregulated

    significantly. It takes about 24 hours for 2,3-BPG levels to rise, and over longer

    periods of time, the levels continue to increase. This is why athletes can train at

    high altitudes to temporarily increase their aeorbic capacity.

  • Metabolism of heme, formation and

    excretion of bilirubin

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