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Tulcán – Ecuador


Silvia Estrada Hernández


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Content1. TITLE PAGE.......................................................................................................................1

2. PERSONAL INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................3

3. DOSSIER............................................................................................................................3

3.1 TASKS.............................................................................................................................3

3.2 EXPOSITIONS.............................................................................................................14

4. PERSONAL RESOURCES............................................................................................20

5. CONCLUSIONS...............................................................................................................26

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The following work is intended to raise awareness about the contents applied

on the sixth level, which have been very important for learning and makes the

student has more knowledge updated in English.

Is so that all content that will detail later served to the formation of the student,

allowing the use of new vocabulary which has enabled the improvement of the


Finally, during this module, in addition to knowledge content also joins the staff,

such as teamwork, participation, communication and warmth of the people who

make up the sixth level.





Poverty in ÁfricaÁfrica is the continent most beautiful for the scenery, fauna, flora and exotic animals.Now, the African reality is dramatic. More 300 million people live with a dollar the day, 30 million children under suffer malnutrition and the 43% of

the population don´t access to clean water. Also Africa suffers the consequences of having the indices higher the AIDS infections.

Environmental ProblemsRefers to situations caused by activities, process where the people caused negative impacts on the environment, is the Ecuador case and an important problem is air pollution, caused by Caused by industrial emissions, transport, misuse of solid waste, fertilizers, cigarette consumption, between others.

Endangered species

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The Lince

Lince is a protected animal in the hunting for the extinction in the last years. Is an animal that live in forest and mountain areas. It feeds the rabbits, hares and birds.Many of the animals are endangered because the human the hunt for the skin or for economic purposes.

Racial discriminationRacial discrimination occurs daily and impedes the progress of millions of people worldwide. Racism and intolerance destroy lives and communities for various manifestations from depriving the people of the fundamental main of equality up promoting ethnic hatred that can caused serious problems in a country.


The Earth in the next 50 years


The Earth is a planet in the solar system that revolves around in the star and the third innermost orbit. (Wikipedia, 2013, párr. 1)

The continued degradation of the earth and the number growing the people that live en the poverty are some of the symptoms of the current pressure. (Earth future, 2013 párr. 1)

Topic development

The earth in the next 50 years, it will have water shortages, because nowadays the water is wasted. Also the animal species going to tend because we don´t acknowledge and many of these animals are disappearing.

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Other important factor is the deforestation, and by 2063, the earth wills great pollution of rivers and seas, therefore marine life will die.

In a few years, we will have problems because the air will be even more contaminated, will not be as fertile soil, the food scarce between others problems that harm our society.


By 2063, the earth will have food shortages. We will be suffering skin cancer caused by the sun rays. If present animal species tend to disappear in the its will disappear


BibliographyWikipedia. (2013). Earth. Recovered the April 18, 2013 the,


Earth future. (2013). Earth future. Recovered the April 18, 2013 the http://www.fao.org/docrep/004/X3810S/x3810s01.htm#a



The lottery is a game that can be public through tickets and sweepstakes or a table game that consisting in boards and cards.

Assumed that the name the lottery comes the Italian lotta, because sets a fight between the players, the lucky and the attendees: others suppose that is derived the German lot that means luck, because is what one want in the lottery and other games of chance. (Wikipedia, 2013, párr. 1-2)

If I won a lot of money, I would donate it to charity or I would a construct a foundation for disabled people, as also help to poor people have a home. Also, if I were millionaire, I would buy house in Ambuquí and I live with my family, because its place is very beautiful and the climb is excellent.

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If I had money more, I would travel another country for study in a university and I can specialize in business administration career and marketing.

Also, I would visit Egypt because it is a holy place and I would like to know where Jesus was born.

My greatest desire is to know many people around the world who are my friends and that friendship is way too.

In conclusion, the lottery should be used for cover basic needs of vulnerable sectors, build more foundations and improve the quality of life of people.


Wikipedia. (2013). The Lottery. Recovered the April 25, 2013 the, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loter%C3%ADa_(juego_de_azar)



In the present, problems exist related with

the teenagers, as their life changes quickly

to use drugs, stealing, smoking between

other things that harm society and

harmony where people live.

In the province Carchi, mainly in the

Tulcán city has been evident in the last

day’s serious problems in the institute Tulcán, for the teen suicide, and what

can we do, then, to conscious to teenagers?

To begin, the communication teenagers with yours parents, as the result will

exist greater confidence and they will have the support of their parents and feel

their safety.

Another solution would be to realize motivational talks, sexuality, among other

things, consequently she may have more knowledge to deal with a situation and

not make hasty decisions.

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In addition, other suggestions is that, she need psychological help, so that understand better the reality and understand that life has very interesting things by which to live.

In conclusion, each person have own integrity and drug problems, smoking, suicide affect a person, their family and society.



To begin, the technological advances are surprising because are increasing the research in developed countries due to that the people who have experience and they continue studying and given solutions to new problems.

Today, one of the important aspects considered is the increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface, known as global warming, due to increased cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, infectious diseases caused by pests and dehydration due to heat.

Ecuador is a country of great biodiversity of both flora and fauna, so the uniqueness of the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon rainforest, the Andes Mountains and the coast are home to a variety of natural species. The Ecuadorian flora varies according to the vegetation and climates in the country.

Natural gas is one of several important the energy sources not renewable that are a mixture of light gases found in oil reservoirs. The CO2 released into the atmosphere in gas combustion contributes decisively in the global warming. However, the environmental impact of natural gas is lower than other fossil fuels such as coal or petroleum.

África is the continent most beautiful for the scenery, fauna, flora and exotic animals. Now, the African reality is dramatic. More 300 million people live with a dollar the day for the feed to child and to they. 30 million children under suffer malnutrition and the 43% of the population don´t access to clean water. Also Africa suffers the consequences of having the indices higher the AIDS infections.

Refers to situations caused by activities, process where the people caused negative impacts on the environment, is the Ecuador case and an important problem is air pollution, caused by industrial emissions, transport, misuse of solid waste, fertilizers, cigarette consumption, between others.

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Ecuador has large reserves of oil and minerals, a very fertile land for all crops, also has different landscapes which are characteristics of each region, and with great gastronomy and customs makes that dozens the visitor’s returns to the country.

Water is essential for life. Without water living beings could not live, but we become aware of our environment and damaged the ecosystem with excessive logging without considering that deforestation causes a decrease in the water supply, not only locally, also nationally and with these fade all species that inhabit them, and in these we find the ancestral cultures and have learned to use the soil without damaging them.


MODAL VERBS My father has a car; he must have the driver

license. If you work in an office, you must start work

of 8 o clock. We have classes tomorrow; we must study

for the lessons. Maritza work in to factory, she have to clean

the different departments.

o David going to the party the saturday, he must be at midnight.

o Juan is the Mary’s father. He must go to Mary to the school to bring a

lunch.o In the company, works very early morning, so you must attend before 6.

If you be sick, you must visit the doctor. Tomorrow we will travel to Quito, and then you must drink a mariol. On the weekend Ana plays soccer, she must eat well for participate with

energy. Daniela is pregnant; she must visit the doctor periodically for your baby is

born healthy.

When you go to a hospital, you must not use the phone. On the streets, we must not litter because it´s contaminate the

environment. In numerical reasoning class, you don't need to use the calculator. If you go to a party, you don't drink alcohol.

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PROS CONS A communications medium Used to search for people. You identify with groups of your

interest. If you do not have MSN also a

good option to use the chat.

The facebook is addictive. Other people can see your

information. You can be a victim of hackeo

in the facebook.


Facebook is a social networking website. Also is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live near and far from their environment. Originally a site for students of Harvard University, but in the present, it is open to anyone who has an email account.

Have a facebook account has its advantages.First, you can use the facebook as a communications medium because you can interact with other people and it is used to search for people our country or others country. Second, it is very interesting. Where you can identify with groups of you interest for example football groups, blog and if you do not have MSN also is a good option is use the chat.

However, exist disadvantages the facebook. It is addictive because we enter our facebook profile at least once a day. In addition, other people can see your information and as result you can be a victim of hackeo tin the facebook.

In summary, the facebook can use the student with positive purposes and

academic that allows you to work, communicate with family and friends and accept applications for reliable people and not be victims of hackeo.

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1. Santiago paints my room in the afternoon. I have my room painted in the afternoon.

2. Salomé organizes the Susan’s birthday in the weekend. Susan has her birthday organized in the weekend.

3. Abel prepares the Silvia´s breakfast.Silvia has her breakfast prepared.

4. John washes my car in the morning.I have my car washed in the morning.

5. Mario is washing Juan’s car in the street. Juan is having his car washed in the street.

6. My mother is washing my clothes all days. I am having my clothes washed all days.

7. The seamstress is fixing Annabel’s clothes. Annabel is having her clothes fixed.

8. They are building the Diego´s house.Diego is having his house built.

9. She is repairing the Dayana´s cellular.Dayana is having her cellular repaired.

10. She was decorating my classroom in the afternoon. Helen was having her classroom decorated in the afternoon.

11. He was building Daniel’s house. Daniel was having his house built.

12. Sebastian copied the Paul´s English homework.Paul had his English homework copied.

13. They cleaned my desk yesterday.My desk had cleaned yesterday.

14. He cultivated my plants in the last week.

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My plants had cultivated en the last week.

15. Helen will prepare the party for my birthday. I will have my party prepared for my birthday.

16. George will cook our dinner tomorrow. We will have our lunch cooked tomorrow.

17. Analía will buy the Juan’s pants in the morning. Juan will have the pants bought in the morning.

18. He will build the Helen’s edifice in the next year. Helen will have her edifice built in the next year.

19. My mother has washed Anna's uniform.Anna has had her uniform washed.

20. Cristina has made Daniel’s sack in the last month. Daniel has had his sack made in the last month.

21. My sister repaired my cellular last night. I have had my cellular last night.

22. They decorated she´s room yesterday. She has had his room decorated yesterday.



1. I like to play basketball (Helen) Helen said, she liked to play basketball.

2. I cook the dinner in his house (Byron) Byron said, he cooked the dinner in his house.

3. I study the lesson of English (Madgalena)Madgalena said, she studied the lesson of English.

4. I like trained basketball three weeks ago (Sebastian) Sebastian said, he had trained basketball three week before.

5. I visited to my grandparents yesterday (Andrea)

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Andrea said, she had visited to her grandparents the previous day.

6. I bought fruits a week ago (Oswaldo) Oswaldo said, he had bought fruits a week before.

7. I built the house a month ago (Juan) Juan said, he built the house a month before.

8. I cleaned the room yesterday (Paul) Paul said, he cleaned the room the previous day.

9. I will work in the office tomorrow (Carmen) Carmen said, she would work in the office the next day.

10. I will visit Madrid in the next month (Dennis ) Dennis said, he would visit Madrid in the following month.

11. I will travel to Cali the next year (Dayana)Dayana said, she would travel to Cali the following year.

12. I will go to the Maná concert the next month ( Cristina) Cristina said, she would go to the Maná concert the following month.


Follow the zoo standards.The sign said to follow the zoo standards

Stay with your guideThe teacher said to stay with my guide

Participate in the competition The mom said to participate in the competition

Don´t eat into the classroomThe teacher said not to eat into the classroom

Don´t copy in the lesson The teacher said not to copy in the lesson

Don´t walk without safety equipmentEngineer said not to walk without safety equipmentQUESTIONS

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¿Can we run in the competition? (Blanca) Blanca asked if we are allowed to run in the competition

¿Do you allow eat inside the class? (Sara) Sara asked if eat is allow in the class.

¿How much does a passage cost? (Helen) Helen asked how much a passage cost.

¿When start the movie? (Santiago) Santiago asked when the movie start.

¿Can we sing in the night? (Bryan) Bryan asked if we are allowed to sing in the night.



There are people who are not afraid to break barriers and help others that need support and they know that it is worth continuing their ideals and to fulfill a life goal. Maria Teresa of Calcutta, who founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950

Born August 26, 1910 in Uskub, then part of the Ottoman Empire and now Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, who attended the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding his congregation in India and other countries.

In 1972, Mother Teresa received the Kennedy Foundation Award, and in 1979, the Nobel Peace Prize, whose endowment donated to the poor. In 1986 he received the visit of John Paul II in Nirmal Hidray or House of the Pure Heart, and founded in Calcutta, known as the House of Death.


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Too TwoAte EightFor FourSite CiteHear HereMale MeatOne WonRead RedSon Sun

Weak WeekHour Our



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Elizabeth Benavides Silvia Estrada Johanna Palma

The word "nanotechnology" is used extensively to define the science and techniques that apply to the nanoscale level; this is extremely small measures "nano" for working and manipulating atoms and their molecular structures. Briefly take us to the possibility of manufacturing materials and machines from the rearrangement of atoms and molecules. The development of this discipline comes from Richard Feynman proposed.

: Nanotechnology is the study, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation and application of materials, devices and functional systems through control of matter at the nanoscale, and exploitation of phenomena and properties of matter at the nanoscale.

When handling the matter so minuscule scale of atoms and molecules, shows completely new phenomena and properties. Thus, scientists use nanotechnology to create materials, devices and innovative and inexpensive systems with unique properties

We are interested, rather than its concept, which is potentially within the body of research and current applications whose purpose is to create new structures and products that would have a major impact on the industry, medicine (nanomedicine), etc.

This new structures with atomic precision such as carbon nanotubes, or small instruments inside the human body can usher in a new era, as noted Charles Vest (former president of MIT). Nanotechnology advances would star in this way the knowledge society with many developments with a major impact on your business and social instruments.

Nanoscience is linked largely from the 80s with Drexler and his contributions to the "molecular nanotechnology", ie the construction of nanomachines made of atoms and that are able to build other molecular components themselves. Since

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then Eric Drexler (Personal webpage), is considered one of the greatest visionaries on this topic. Already in 1986, in his book "Engines of creation" introduced the promises and perils of molecular manipulation. Currently chairs the Foresight Institute.

The father of "nanoscience" is considered Richard Feynman, Nobel Laureate in Physics, who in 1959 proposed to manufacture products based on a rearrangement of atoms and molecules. In 1959, the great physicist wrote an article analyzing how computers work with individual atoms could consume very little energy and get amazing speeds.

There is a large consensus that nanotechnology will lead to a second industrial revolution in the XXI century as announced a few years ago, Charles Vest (former president of MIT).

Involve numerous advances in many industries and new materials with extraordinary properties (develop stronger materials than steel but with only ten

percent weight), new applications with incredibly fast components or molecular sensors that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the dedlicadas parts of the human body such as the brain, among many other applications.

We can say that much progress in nanoscience will be among the great technological advances that will change the world.

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Elizabeth Benavides Silvia Estrada


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Silvia Estrada



. Msc. Iván Fuertes


Tulcán, August 2013

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1. Tem: Human Talent Management

2. Introduction

Today, the human talent is very important in a company, because they

depends the operations of the structure. The efficient and effective the

human talent, means that the people comply with the competitions required

to charge, and also they are provides the necessary mechanisms for

improved the performance and productivity in the institution.

3. Objectives

To analyze the management of human resources.

To justify bibliographically knowledge relating to human talent


To conclude about the human talent management.

4. Grammar Content

Past simple


Report speech


5. Communicative language in use

Philosophical foundations

- Theory X and Theory Y of McGregor

- Theory Z of William Ouchi

Scientific Basis

- Management

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- Human Resource- The Human Resource Management

6. Content description

6.1Philosophical foundations

6.1.1 Theory X and Theory Y of McGregor

Theory X

The man is motivated primarily by economic incentives.

Resistance to change

Lack of accountability (Chiavenato, 2011, p. 88)

Theory Y

People have basic motivation

Potential to develop

Are able to take responsibility (Chiavenato, 2011, p. 89)

6.1.2 Theory Z of William Ouchi

Theory Z

Participation of people and is based on human relations

Special conditions such as trust, teamwork, employment for life

Collective decision making

There is greater business productivity. (Samanay, 2010, p. 6)

6.2 Scientific Basis

6.2.1 Management

Management is the activities performed by managers within a company or

organization. They are responsible for getting an adequate level of efficiency

and productivity. (Introduction to management, 2013, p. 1)

Then the management can carried out with a team and will generate new

opportunities for human talent to better perform their work.

6.2.2 Human Resource

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Paredes, B (2012) said: "The management of human talent you are looking to

increase motivation, and encourage participation to generate changes in the

institution, achieving personal satisfaction and commitment to the institution" (p.


6.2.3 The Human Resource Management

The context of human talent management is comprised of individuals and

organizations. People spend much of their lives working in organizations which

depend on people to operate and succeed. (Chiavenato, 2009, p. 4)

6.2.4 Recruitment Process

Then, the recruitment is to inform people about a vacancy in any department, in

order to get a sufficient number of candidates, who meet the requirements for

the position and also enter the selection phase Recruitment techniques

o Ads in newspapers and magazines

o Contacts with schools, universities and associations

o Posters or advertisements in visible places

6.2.5 Staff Selection

Through the selection process, those applicants for the vacancy are those with

the best skills and abilities to perform that office efficiently and effectively for

good organizational performance.

6.2.6 Performance Evaluation.

Chiavenato, (2009) argued: "The performance evaluation is a systematic

assessment of how a person performs in a position and its potential for

development. Any evaluation is a process of stimulating or judge the value,

excellence and qualities of a person. "(p. 202)

6.2.7 Compensation.

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Money should be a motivator essential for higher productivity, as people for

given effort into their work and this just redistributes it, he feels satisfied and

also increases the sense of belonging.

6.2.8 Occupational Health.

"The occupational hygiene refers to the set of rules and procedures intended to

protect the physical and mental integrity of the worker, to protect it from the

health risks inherent in the tasks of the job and the physical environment is

made". (Chiavenato, 2009, p. 276)

However, the talent human faces situations more complex, where they become

competitive advantages for the companies, because they receive training and

motivation, as they increase their knowledge, abilities and skills that lead to

improved job performance.

Good management of human talent makes people feel like members of the

organization, they participate in organizational process and work for the change

and improvement, but also help you to know and appreciate the needs the of

users and meet their the expectations.

7. Conclusions

Human talent management, is a tem the actuality, where search the participate

the all the members the institution, but that they should have capacitation and

motivation for achieve objectives personal and professional.

8. Bibliography

Chiavenato, I. (2009). Human Talent Management (3era ed.) México: MC


Introduction to management. (2013). Introduction to management. Retrieved on

July 10, 2013 of http://personales.upv.es/igil/Gestion.PDF

Paredes , B. (2012). Design of a Model of Human Resource Management to

improve Job Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Vision of the

Andes "VisAndes" Ltd. of Canton Salcedo. Retrieved on July 11, 2013 of

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sequence = 1


Through the English module, the new vocabulary enriches our knowledge.

In preparing the final draft put into practice the grammar, an essential part of this module

New topics have led to further research topics allowing

The tutorials have been of great help to better understand the content

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