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  • Ellen kiewlakportfolio

  • Ellen kiewlak132 kerr hall525 s center strexburg id 83460



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  • Table of contentsBussiness cardletterheadmontageFlierlogosBrochureEvent Adimagingweb page

  • web pageDescription: A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I created this web page using only TextWrangler. After I inserted my image, I attached the pre-made CSS document to my HTML. Then, I used compli-mentary colors from my logo to choose the background, and font colors for the headers. I found these colors by using the eyedropper tool under inspect element. I also changed my fonts. I used padding around the logo and text so that they would not be too close to the edge of the web page.

    Programs/Tools Used: TextWrangler & Photoshop

    Message: Its a explanation of the design process for my logo Miss Ellen Photography

    Audience: Anyone interested in design or photography.

    Top Thing Learned: The hardest thing for me was getting the header the exact size that I wanted it.

    Color scheme and color hex(s): Pink header 2 color:#E8144D. Header col-or:#8FFFFF.

    Title Font Families & Category: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    Copy Font Families & Category: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

    Changes made to the CSS: I rounded the corners, centered my logo, changed the fonts, changed the colors, and added my website link.

  • Bussiness cardDescription: A bussiness card for a YouTube channel.

    Date: 7/17/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

    Objectives:Design consistent layouts for a bussiness card and letterhead.Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I used photoshop to create the pattern in the background, and then I used basic text box and shape tools in InDesign to complete the bussiness card. It is a pretty simple layout but I like the modern feel.

  • LetterheadDescription: A bussiness letterhead for a YouTube channel.

    Date: 7/17/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

    Objectives:Design consistent layouts for a bussiness card and letterhead.Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I used photoshop to create the pattern in the background, and then I used basic text box and shape tools in InDesign to complete the letterhead. It is a pretty simple layout but I like the modern feel.

  • MontageDescription: A inspirational montage.

    Date: 5/31/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Photoshop and a scanner.

    Objectives:Learn to manage Photoshop layers.Learn to blend images together using masks.Use filters.Apply appropriate typograpy.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):After I found the images, I used masking with photoshop to combine the images. After that, I scanned a document with the writing of the quote, and used the divide layer adjustment to add it to the image.

  • FlierDescription: Black and white promotional flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.

    Date: 5/1/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe InDesign.

    Objectives:Apply design principles and use appropiate typography.Incorporate appropiate InDesign skills to improve basic flier layouts.Create a project folder to keep links intact.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):First, I brainstormed and drafted some different design options. I chose my favorite and began working in Adobe InDesign. I added the inviting photo of the two laughing girls to add warmth to the flier. I then created the shapes under the photograph to add dimension and contrast to the flier. While mak-ing sure I left enough white space, I branded the flier by incorporating the company logo in the upper right hand corner, and aligning it with the rest of the graphics. I then incorporated all the required given information, after proofreading it.

  • LogosDescription: 3 logos variations for the same company.

    Date: 6/7/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Illustator.

    Objectives:Create a variety of logos for a company of personal images.Use the basic tools of Illustrator.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):After choosing my layout, I started messing around with fonts in Adobe Illustrator. The hardest part was creating the globe. One I got the logo how I liked it, I tried using different color combinations and alignments.

  • brochureDescription: A portrait tri fold brochure.

    Date: 7/12/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Illustator and Photoshop.

    Objectives:Setup and align, a two sided document.Learn how to wrap text.Use paragraph styles in InDesign.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I set up the layout in Adobe InDesign. I split my layout into three sections. I created my layout as I had drafted on paper, and adjusted to my liking.

  • Event AdDescription: A color event ad flier for a museum opening created using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.

    Date: 5/17/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Microsoft WordScanner

    Objectives:Find, scan, and import a high quality image.Create a full-bleed design.Use textboxes for layout in Word.Insert and edit images in Word.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I scanned this images of Steve Jobs, and then brought it into Microsoft word and used it as my background. After darkening the images to create more contrast, I added the name of event and information to the page. To match the Apple theme, I chose a very simplistic yet bold font. To add a pop of color, I changed grand opening and heres how to a bright blue color, to frame the title of the event. Programs used: Microsoft word, Image Capture (scanner), and Preview (to change from PDF to JPEG).

  • ImagingDescription: A personally taken photography edited in Photoshop.

    Date: 5/20/15

    Course/ Instructor: Brother JudkinsComm130 Section 7

    Programs/ tools: Adobe Photoshop.Camera.

    Objectives:Learn basic photography skills.Use camera to take a digital image.Size and crop the image.Adjust image darkness, contrast, hue, and saturation levels.Use saturation tool to isolate a piece of the image.

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):Foreground in focus. After setting up this shot, I went into the spot metering mode and focused on the subjects face, since it is in the background. After I made sure I had all the settings I wanted, I focused on her face and took the image. In photoshop I exaggerated the focus effect, by adding a slight lens blur to the subjects hand. This brings more attention to her face. And as with all the images, I completed some basic adjustments.

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