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  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


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    1. Ribeira The river bank, or Ribeira, is a fne area to wander or relax. The more popular area o the Ribeira isalong the river bank between São Fran is o !hur h and the "onte #om $uis %. &owever, there are...


    o '( Reviews

    o )* "hotos

    +. Fo do #ouro- fne hal da/ trip is to make /our wa/ to Fo do #ouro, the posh se tion o town ad0a ent to the-tlanti ean. %n this area, there are bea hes, as well as walkwa/s and piers that get /ou rightup...


    o 2 Reviews

    o +) "hotos

    '. "onte #om $uis This massive iron bridge is the one /ou3re most likel/ to ross on the wa/ to 4ila 5ova de 6aia andba k. The bridge was designed b/ a protege o 6ustav 7i8el, so i the iron work looks a bit...


    o '1 Reviews

    o (* "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    9. Se !athedral"orto3s !athedral, or S:, is proudl/ hailed b/ it/ residents rom the dawn3s earl/ light to thetwilight3s last gleaming ;and no doubt at night, too Reviews

    o (9 "hotos

    (. %gre0a de Sao Fran is o This hur h is an absolute ?@ust see?. So ri h, in its gilded interiors, that pi ture is orbidden. %s a6othi hur h rom the 19th entur/, but its great attra tion is the baro=ue de oration rom...

    moreo 19 Reviews

    o '1 "hotos

    ). 7sta ao de Sao AentoSao Aento railwa/ station is one o the most uni=ue railwa/ stations in the world be ause o thehuge amount o erami teils /ou have at the station walls. The walls are de orated with motives



    o 1* Reviews

    o '> "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    B. Torre dos !lerigos Torre dos !l:rigos is part o the epon/mous hur h ;%gre0a dos !l:rigos< and was built in the mid1*th entur/. Chile the hur h spire is pi tures=ue rom below, /ou do well in limbing up its ++(...


    o 1) Reviews

    o ++ "hotos

    *. -venida dos -liados The entral s=uare o "orto is the pla e where ever/thing so iall/ relevant happens. #ominated b/town hall, it is a ver/ harmonious s=uare ;the/ all it -liados avenue< that no one an miss,...


    o B Reviews

    o 1+ "hotos

    2. "alD io da Aolsa The "alD io da Aolsa, or Sto k 7x hange "ala e, is a stunning building on the wa/ rom the it/

    enter to the river bank. Auilt b/ the power ul !ommer ial -sso iation o "orto in the 12th !entur/,the...


    o 1> Reviews

    o 11 "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    1>. @osteiro $e a do Aalio%n the han el, on the le t had side is the tomb o Father !hristopher !erna he ;1()2

  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    1'. 4ila 5ova de 6aia7arlier this /ear we spent an en0o/able ) da/s in the 6aia #istri t o porto. Ce rented anapartment right next to the !able !ar Station. %t had the most antasti views over the river in all...


    o B Reviews

    o 11 "hotos

    19. Aoavistan e upon a time, ootball was dominated in "ortugal b/ the two national teamsG Sporting, whose

    s/mbol is a lion, and Aenf a represented b/ an eagle. The two best regional teams, F.!. "ortoand...

    moreo ' Reviews

    o 9 "hotos

    1(. @useu de -rte !ontemporanea de Serralves$ike mu h o "orto during Hul/ the modern art museum was under blood/ onstru tion, so therewas onl/ one exhibition on the da/ % arrived. The/ gave me a dis ount, but it was disappointing allthe...


    o + Reviews

    o ( "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    1). %gre0a do !armo This looks like one big hur h, but look losel/, -ppearan es an be de eptiveI Separating the +

    hur hes is a house, onl/ about a metre wide. ;probabl/ the narrowest house in "ortugal< Thiswas...


    o + Reviews

    o * "hotos

    1B. !apela das -lmas!apela #as -lmas is one o the prettiest hur hes in "orto even i it3s nothing more than a little

    hapel reall/. %t has the exterior almost ompletel/ overd in blue and white tiles rom the 1*th...

    moreo 9 Reviews

    o B "hotos

    1*. !hur h o ur $ad/ o !on eption This parish in "orto was established b/ the Aishop -ntonio Aarbosa $eao on -pril 1>, 12+B.@embers o that "arish originall/ lived in !onstitution Street o "orto. The frst stone o the new

    hur h...


    o ( Reviews

    o +( "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    12. "onte da -rrabida The "onte da -rrDbida, at the time o its onstru tion held the world re ord or on rete bridges,due to it having a a +B>m span, and a single ar h whi h rea hes (+m in height. %ts designer wasa...


    o ' Reviews

    o ' "hotos

    +>. !hur h o Sao @artinho de !edo eita- ording to lo al traditions the @onaster/ was ounded in this pla e in ) entur/ -.#. Thought tobe built around ((2-# under the orders o a Suebi Jing when he onverted to !hristianit/. Two...

    moreo + Reviews

    o 1> "hotos

    +1. !astelo de Kuei0o The !heese !astle was being looked a ter b/ a gru8 ex ommando who must have been in his B>s,but tough as nails a ter fghting in -ngola and @o ambi=ue, among other pla es. &e ordered me upthe...


    o + Reviews

    o + "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    ++. %gre0a #e Santa !lara This lovel/ hur h is onsidered to be one o "ortos most important examples o porto s hool owood arvers. %t has had man/ hanges in its li e. Founded in the frst hal o the 1(th entur/ ithas...


    o ' Reviews

    o ' "hotos

    +'. !r/stal "ala ao%nitiall/ the onstru tion o the building o the "ala e destined it the a omplishment o industrial,agri ultural and artisti expositions. The building, inaugurated the ' o September o 1*)1 or...

    moreo + Reviews

    o + "hotos

    +9. %gre0a da Trindade This beauti ul hur h is lo ated right behind the it/ hall on the other side o a prett/ pla a. Thearea north rom here be omes de idedl/ downmarket with houses a lot less prett/ than south.



    o + Reviews

    o + "hotos


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    +(. Torre @edievalo + Reviews

    o + "hotos

    "orto &otels+BB &otels in "orto+ Reviews

    -sk a Kuestion6ot a =uestion about "ortoL 6et an answer rom our $o ation lo als and re=uent travelers

    +). S 5i olau hur hAurnt in 1B(* and rebuilt our /ears later, this small hur h lose to St Fran is o, mixes5eo lassi al and Aaro=ue st/les. Cith Ro o o de oration it has a...



  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    '1. 5ational @useum o Soares dos Reis@useum is situated in the !arran as "ala e built in the end o P4%%% entur/. %t was ounded in 1*''during the "ortuguese ivil war o 1*+> 1*'9 between...


    '+. "orto !it/ &all."orto !it/ &all is obe o the most dominant buildings in "orto and is a lassi al building rom theearl/ +>th entur/.%t is sitting on top o the -lliados...


    ''. The statue o 4imara "eres.Chen /ou arrive to the athedral o "orto /ou will see a statue o gu/ sitting on a horse dressedlike a knight.That is 4imara "eres who re on=ured "orto rom...


    '9. "orto Q @aia#a/ 1 @aia %nstall the amil/ in a ni e hotel. "ass b/ the @aia Cel ome !enter to get somein ormation. 4isit the @aia oo and ride the touristi train.... more


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    '(. !astelo de Santa @aria da Feria The astle has a website httpG www. asteloda eira. om whi h is onl/ in "ortuguese, but onfrmsthat the astle is open top the publi ex ept losed on...


    '). Take the tram to the seasideCe3d planned to visit the oast b/ tram a ter reading about this on 4T. The trams weren3t runningon the Sunda/, so @onda/ we headed o8 to fnd the tram stop...


    'B. !it/ o Aridges"orto is a town o bridges man/ and ama ing ones. The frst attempt to onne t the two shores wasdone in 1*>) with a bridge made with +> boats onne ted to...


    '*. !hur hes There are man/ beauti ul hur hes ever/where /ou go in "orto. -nd the truth is that /ou an fndhere a sort o st/les that % fnd parti ularl/ di ult to get...



  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    '2. ) bridges ruiseCe3d planned to visit the wine aves, then do a boat trip, but de ided we needed to eat frst, andde ided to eat in 6aia. n our wa/ we were approa hed b/ a...


    9>. @a0esti !a e This a e was established in 12+1, and still remains mu h as it was in those times.The @a0esti wasthe pla e or artists, revolutionaries,mer hants and...


    91. @er ado do Aolhao This old market is worth a visit, whether to 0ust stroll around,en0o/ing the atmosphere, or to sto kup on resh ruit and veg, heeses, sausages et .-long the...


    9+. 4isit port wine avesne o the A7ST things to do in "orto is visit port wine aves. These are all lo ated a ross the

    #ouro River in 4ila 5ova de 6aia. From the Ribeira /ou an walk... more


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    9'. "rime examples o a ule0os% 0ust love a ule0os erami hand painted tiles. Two o the best pla es to see a ule0os in "orto arethe loisters o the Se ;!athedral< and the Sao Aento...


    99. Fran is an @onument !hur h There is a legend that this hur h was ounded b/ St. Fran is himsel , but it is not given mu h

    redibilit/. &owever, the hur h does date to the 1'th !entur/...


    9(. Calk over the #ouroI- great wa/ to while awa/ a ew hours, whilst en0o/ing resh air and taking in the lovel/ views,lands ape, and ar hite ture o the preserved Corld &eritage...


    9). The "ortuguese Flag The "ortuguese Uag is although seemingl/ simple ver/ omplex with ever/ olor and detail somerepresentation o the ountr/3s histor/ and ulture. Vou an3t... more


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    9B. "ra a da $iberdade The "la a o $ibert/ has a ver/ regal statue o #om "edro %4, who was one o "ortugal3s ormerkings. This pi gives /ou another view o the "la a and is an...


    9*. "ra a da $iberdade at 5ight"la a o $ibert/ is the spe ta ular enter o the it/ with histori old buildings that are reminis ento the elegan e o "rague or "aris. This is the heart o ...


    92. Wni=ue #oors in the Ribiera-s /ou walk through the Ribiera stop and he k out some o the doors. The kno kers are ommonl/a metal hand and their are even old brass letter slots marked...


    (>. %ngre0a dos !ongregados The inside o this hur h, %ngre0a dos !ongregados, is /our run o the mill !atholi !athedral, butthe outside is defnitel/ worth a look. The a ade is...



  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    Vila Nova de Gaia

    Vila Nova de Gaia, just across the river from Porto, is known for its diverse natural landscape, in particular closeto the river and seafront. If you begin to e plore, one can find many pictures!ue green areas, ranging fromwoods, meadows and fields, to beautiful gardens with impressive, stately manor houses. "any are protectedareas with some belonging to nature reserves.

    Vila Nova de Gaia is also known for its e tensive coastline, with large sandy beaches, some with famous coastalsand dunes. #he beach landscape is particularly unspoiled and boasts $%kms of coastline with the largestnumber of &lue 'lag beaches in Portugal. #here has also been considerable investment in creating a woodenwalkway that runs the full stretch of Gaia(s coastline, providing a sea view along the entire route.

    "adalena, )avadores, *algueiros and "iramar are all e amples of e cellent beaches in Gaia, ideal for providingthe family with some stress+free fun.

    #he beaches often have esplanades and protected green spaces and are the ideal spot for some beache ercise, with a late afternoon run, long walk or bicycle ride.

    Gaia has built a new "arina where you will find a variety of lu ury boats. #he path from the marina to thebeaches provides a good walk, passing by the nature reserve of the ouro estuary, a protected area where youcan do some bird watching or contemplate the magnificent, natural scenery. Visit the adjacent pictures!ue fishingvillage of -furada with its narrow cross streets and traditional caf s and fish restaurants.

    In Vila Nova de Gaia, we recommend the following beaches/

    • )avadores

    • *algueiros

    • "adalena


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    • "iramar


    Praia da )u0, Praia do "olhe, and Praia de Gondar m are all e amples of beaches in 'o0, situated on the -venida &rasil, on the mouth of the 1iver ouro. #hese beaches can be considered to be in town, as 'o0 is asophisticated part of Porto and a sought after residential area. #he beaches are smaller than those in Gaia,however are ideal for enjoying a beautiful sunset, cocktail or ice cream, on one of the many trendy esplanadeswhich characteri0e this beach area.

    In 'o0, you will be able to promenade up and down with the locals, or take a bike ride, with the beach andseaside for scenery.

    'or our younger customers, we recommend a visit to *ea )ife, Porto(s oceanarium. 2ith 34 a!uariums and morethan %544 marine creatures, the little ones are bound to enjoy the entertainment6

    #he 'o0 beaches are lined with attractive and sophisticated shops together with some of the town(s bestrestaurants and bars, offering delicious fresh fish and other local delights. 'o0 has an old part and a new part andwherever you go e ploring, you are sure to enjoy the different areas and some of the things you see along theway.

    In 'o0, we recommend the following beach/

    • Praia da )u0


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info



    "atosinhos beaches are for a younger, sportier crowd, set within the conte t of a typical fishing area of Porto, butalso an upcoming residential area.

    #he beaches are lined with caf s and sun terraces and you will find several beach sports to hand from volleyballto surfing, not to forget fishing.

    #here(s also an area with beach huts and it(s common on these beaches to use parasols7 in fact, the "atosinhosbeaches can get !uite busy in the summer. #hey offer several pastimes such as surf school and bars and caf s.#he beaches begin at 8dif9cio #ransparente, in front of Par!ue da :idade ;Porto(s natural and very large city


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


    )e=a da Palmeira

    )e=a da Palmeira offers sandy beaches and good infrastructure.

    #he sea is known to be !uite choppy in )e=a, although perfect if you wish to try your skills at bodyboard andsurfing.

    #he >piscinas das mar s? or >#idal? swimming pools are another of )e=a(s attractions and are right ne t to thebeach promenade. #he pools are filled with salt water and were designed by the famous Portuguese architect @lvaro *i0a Vieira. #hey fit harmoniously into the surrounding, rocky landscape where you will be mesmeri0ed bythe breaking waves.

    )e=a da Palmeira provides a good stretch of caf s, terraces, esplanades and shops where you can find lightmeals and drinks during the day7 and karaoke and live music at night. Perfect for enjoying a cocktail or havingdinner on a warm summer(s night.

    In )e=a da Palmeira, we recommend using the following beach/

    • )e=a da Palmeira


  • 8/18/2019 Porto Tourist Info


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