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Portrait of the Portrait of the South Transdanubian South Transdanubian

Region Region from the aspect of the from the aspect of the

WaterTourWaterTour project project

Gusztáv CsomorProject Manager

South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency

WaterTour – I. International meetingGreifswald, 03 November 2004.

The South The South Transdanubian RegionTransdanubian Region

• 14 169 km2

• 984 000 inhabitants• 70 inhabitant/km2 • counties: Baranya,

Somogy, Tolna• Main cities: Pécs,

Kaposvár, Szekszárd• 654 settlements –

(50% with less than 500 inhabitants)

GeographyGeography of of SouthSouth TransdanubiaTransdanubia

• Varied configuration of territory – mountains, hills, plains, bordered by lakes and rivers

• Continental climate with mild winters – 600-800 mm precipitation, sub-Mediterranean influence

• Diverse nature according to geographical features – forests cover 23% of territory, habitat of many protected plant and animal species, 3% of territory protected by National Parks

Economy of Economy of South South TransdanubiaTransdanubia

• 4 850 EUR GDP / head (43% of EU 25)• Low value added of production• Poor value of FDI• Industry 32% of GDP - Few large industrial

companies, under-developed manufacturing• Agriculture 8% of GDP – good potentials, 61% of

territory cultivated, crops and viticulture• Services 60% of GDP – growing importance,

tourism 3% of GDP• Disadvantageous accessibility (transport

infrastructure)• High ratio of depressed sub-regions

Tourism ofTourism ofSouth South TransdanubiaTransdanubia

• Good potentials with diverse natural and cultural attractions

• Tourist activities extremely concentrated on few areas:– Resorts of Lake Balaton– City of Pécs with UNESCO World Heritage area– Harkány spa and neighbourhood

• High seasonality• Few high-quality accommodation facilities• Potentials in tourism product development:

– Wellness, thermal– Cultural– Wine and rural– Hunting– Eco-tourism with cycling, horse riding, angling– Water tourism

Water tourism ofWater tourism ofSouth South TransdanubiaTransdanubia

WaterTour project part focuses on River Dráva

• Territorial focus is needed for the project

• River Dráva has specific characteristics and potentials

• Area needs assistance on regional development

• Gained results and experiences can be transferred to the other areas

Water tourism areas:Lake Balaton – mass tourismDanube, Sió and Dráva Rivers – less developed

Features of River DrávaFeatures of River Dráva

• Border river (with Croatia – 160 km)

• Socio-economically depressed, peripheral area

• Virtually uncontrolled runway, unspoilt nature

• Part of the Danube-Dráva National Park

• Activities on river determined by National Park and border guard authorities– Restrictions on visiting:

– Periodical – from 1st June till 31st October

– Territorial – designated landing/resting sites

– Number of visitors 1200 – 2000 / year (paddling)

• Type of water tourism:– Paddling– Small motor-boat

Strengths and weaknesses Strengths and weaknesses of of DrávaDráva River water River water

tourismtourism STRENGTHS

• Specific characteristics and potentials for tourism development

• Relatively unspoiled nature

• Rich wildlife• Rich local culture• Potentials for linking

tourism elements:– Sites for eco-tourism– Local culture, traditions– Angling– Cycling, horse riding, – Hunting– Wine routes– Wellness tourism


• Restrictions on activities along the river

• Difficulties of co-operation with Croatian side

• Difficulties of accessibility

• Few, low quality services at landing-stages

• Few existing complex tourism packages

• Few quality accommodations

• Low level of co-operation among stakeholders

• Scattered, poor quality marketing tools

• No integrated tourism management

ObjectivesObjectives of Hungarian of Hungarian part of WaterTpart of WaterTourour project project

Balance of developing attractive, quality based water tourism and preserving the natural treasures of the River Dráva

• Establish and maintain co-operation among regional stakeholders on– Tourism product development– Quality service development– Co-ordination of marketing activities

• Gaining international experience and know-how on water tourism development and management

• Establish co-operations among tourism organisations of international partners

Initial activities within Initial activities within WaterTWaterTourour project project

• Developing time and activity plan for 2004• Contacting regional partners• Press release on project• Project opening - I. Regional meeting• Definition of group of stakeholders to be

involved in project development• Collecting

– Existing analysing documents on Dráva tourism– Existing marketing tools, materials

• Contracting auditor • report on preparation phase

Contacts on Contacts on Hungarian project partnerHungarian project partner

South Transdanubian Regional Development


Gusztáv CsomorProject Manager

H-7621 Pécs, Tímár u. 23.

Phone: +36 72 513 734 Fax: +36 72 513 768

e-mail: [email protected]

web: www.ddrft.hu

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