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Portraiture_facial analysis

Wolfgang Hastert

What is a normal face?

Always smiling

Normal is a matter of race

What kind of portrait do we want?

• exact, idealized, correct portrayal?• We have sophisticated choices:• Lighting, lenses, styling, make-up,

backgrounds• We can “correct” with lighting or we can

design/ vary with lighting

Facial forms are skeletal

Pay attention

• Give attention to neck, neck attire• Shape of nose dictates pose• Eyes are door to soul- key to “inner portrait”• Eyes have 3 parts: lids, iris (pupil), sclera (white)

Eyes need catchlight

More facial details

• Lips, make-up correction• Hair shapes faces• Styling supports• Glasses• Head tilt and rotation play role

The lens is important

Study light

Light dynamics:1 Highlights and shadows2 Intensity3 Direction of light4 Color bias

Highlights and shadows

• Specular or diffuse light/ Light Dynamic Edge

Hero/ historical portrait

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